Monday 25 July 2016

The Answer is Awareness and Balance, Not Love and Light!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before we get into this, I should point out that I figure myself of being of the light as well in a sense, basically, a person who is aware as opposed to a person who obviously isn't aware. There are numerous obvious differences between being aware and unaware, this isn't judgment because one is neither more worthy than another. Being aware is of the light, being unaware is of the dark, a consciousness that is unable or unwilling to perceive beyond a certain point.

Why is awareness and balance the answer to our chaotic existence and love and light are not? I recently gave a reply to a person who basically queried why the love in the world is not changing the world, the reply is as follow.

"My wife and I haven't watched TV for over eight years now, I do however miss the docs. TV was too one sided, there is no balance in the media these days, only in balance will we be at peace again. You can spread as much love in the world you like, if there is no balance within this love, love just won't work. It is obvious love isn't working, the world is getting worse.

Why does it seem that the darkness is swallowing up the light in the world? I was talking to a bloke in Sweden recently, his town was once of light, it's now turning dark. People from around the world are looking for the light, however, because they know no other way to exist, they swallow up the light instead of becoming the light.

The reason for this is simple, ignorance is not aware of how to become the light so it turns light into darkness where ever it goes. You can send out as much loving vibration you like out there, anyone in darkness is unable to receive it and in actuality, they often counter-react this light with darkness. Because they are unable to comprehend light, it's seen as a threat to them, this is quite understandable, try comprehending something that is virtually impossible to comprehend yourself!!

The answer is awareness and balance, not a one sided affair like love/light for instance, this scares the hell out of anyone who is conditioned to the dark and quite understandably so."

Light = awareness

Dark = unawareness (ignorance)

Love is ambiguous, it can be of pain, the dark and destructive as well and the light can be blinding to others not used to the light, the same can't be said of awareness and balance even though awareness denotes light.

Awareness on the other hand in conjunction with balance, is not blinding being that awareness is light, however, awareness on it's own is blinding to the unaware because again awareness is light. Balance basically takes away the glare from the light by defusing the light through being aware that the light, to the unaware, can be blinding and even frightening to them. It's wise to consider how unaware people will react to blinding light and a love they are unfamiliar with. Just because the aware are used to the light and love, doesn't mean that everyone is used to the light and love, in actuality, to the unaware, light and love can be very frightening, the last thing we need to do is generate even more fear in the unaware.

Balance gives awareness an awareness that a more balanced approach is needed. Awareness makes one aware of when a more balanced approach is needed, they certainly go hand in hand in a reality that is not all of light. Love and light work fine in a reality of light but it's obvious we are not in a reality of love and light.

The unaware are indeed attracted to the light but instead of taking on this light, they inadvertently destroy the light, how can any consciousness take on what it doesn't comprehend in the first place? How could we of the light expect them to?

Consider this, how many people of the light react to the dark with light? As soon as darkness appears in their life, they immediately react by counter-acting to this darkness with an intense light? Why? Fear of being of the dark, a darkness that threatens their light, now consider how people conditioned to the dark would react to the light, would they not also react with an intense darkness? Human consciousness as a whole is conditioned to the dark, this is all this consciousness, bar a few conscious souls, know. There is no balance within the light we are trying to influence human consciousness with, basically, we need to change the way we present ourselves if we truly want to make a difference.

It is said if a few of us live by the light, this light will eventually engulf human consciousness as a whole, in actuality,  the opposite is actually occurring because this light is way too much for a lot of people to comprehend and take on in such a reality. I have always advocated balance and that balance is the key.

Balance isn't just the key to a more harmonious existence, it's a key to many more doors than just harmony, a truer sense of love comes to mind and an awareness beyond most people's comprehension within this reality. Balance is basically made up of wisdom and awareness, awareness gives the awareness of balance and wisdom gives balance it's balance.

For only can the wise be truly balanced and for a very good reason too.

Balance also gives us a comprehension of a conscious state void of labels, however, because we exist within a reality primarily created by labels, labels are a necessity within such a reality, this doesn't mean we should primarily be of these created labels though. We have lost our balance and because of this, we have primarily become these created labels when in actuality we are this balance itself. Sure, these  labels are of us as well, we after all created them, but they are not who we are but of what we are at any given time, there is a difference. We are a consciousness primarily void of labels, this is who we are but we can become of what we have created at any given time. We have created these labels, this is what we have become, this doesn't mean this is who we are by no means.

Yes, love and light, dark and unawareness are but labels, labels that we have taken on as who we are when all the time who we truly are is simply of this balance void of any labels. Basically, a consciousness void of ego....Why be of the light when there is no darkness, this is a pure state of balance. Chasing the light also brings on the darkness!! 

One more thing to consider, how is an unaware and a probable egotistical consciousness going to react to another consciousness that puts itself above another lower form of consciousness? "I am of a higher consciousness or vibration". I think the rebuttal to this high mindedness is going to create the response this kind of high mindedness deserves. The truth is, we are this balance void of egoistic labels, I know this isn't very glamorous but this is who we truly are in my mind.....                        

Saturday 23 July 2016

Pure Balance Is Heaven But Labels Are Created

Written by Mathew Naismith

Balance; the pivoting point of two sides even when these two sides are not of equal value to each other, meaning, imbalanced to each other. The pivoting point or point between these two sides is still of balance, being that it's still between these two sides no matter how imbalanced these two sides are to each other. Old fashion scales are a good example of how balance still obtains it's balance even when the scale are tipped, this is who we are and yes, this is heaven. Balance being heaven, a non-created conscious state.

Balance and Labels: Now imagine both sides of the scale with numerous labels, in other words created states of consciousness, I call this a state of angels and demons or positives and negatives. Lets say, for example, we overfill one side of the scales with hate, a negative value, the other side would have to be filled with love, a positive value, to balance out this hate. This suggests that love is a made up conscious state. Yes I know, love isn't supposed to be the opposite to hate, then why are spiritually aware people using love to combat hate to start with. Also, love can cause excessive pain, the loss of a loved one or pet are good examples of how love can be very painful. A child being  molested by a loved one is a lot worse than being molested by an unloved one, parents and priests are good examples of this. The point is, love is also of pain but pure balance isn't.  

We seem to be trying to balance out one kind of pain with another kind of pain, shouldn't we actually be using a painless state of consciousness to balance out the pain within this reality? Well, we can't, what ever labels we use to balance out pain with, is also associated with pain, the answer is to desist is labelling.

The reason I have associated pure balance with heaven is simple, there is no pain what so ever within this pure balanced state of consciousness and reason for this lies in that there are no created consciousness's within this state. Pain is always associated with labels, there are no labels within this balanced state, for a consciousness that has always been in pain, this balance state is obviously going to seem like heaven but mistakenly perceived by many to be built upon love. Love has too much of an association with pain to be of this balanced heavenly state.

However, we must consider unconditional love, a love that has no labels to give love conditions. Indeed, labels are also of conditions, usually preconceived conditions, this perception is based on that we need a positive to balance out the negative, what I call a state of angels and demons. We could perceive and label that unconditional love is of this heavenly balance but why add a label to balance, why can't balance be just balance?  The answer to this question is obvious, we have to play out our angels and demons, basically, keep creating and recreating conscious states of existence instead of just being our truer selves in a balanced state.  Now imagine if we put no labels on either side of the scales, we would have pure balance. Imagine a pure state of harmony, could we correctly and accurately perceive this?  It would seem not, we often perceive this to be built upon love when this state is just pure balance void of any created labels.  


Suggestive Labelling: I don't think anyone could state that labels, of any kind, aren't suggestive, they imply a specific meaning. Labels are of course very suggestive and suggestions are of motion, a consciousness in motion as opposed to motionless. All labels are of suggestive motion but what would a reality be like without labels? Think of a reality without wars or conflict to start with, could we truly perceive such a reality? The answer is no, not if we are still hanging onto labels of any kind, so what labels are we talking about here?

Wrong and right, negative and positive, bad and good, love and hate, white and black, demons and angels are but a small example of suggestive labels that create a certain reality. Any label implies a particular motion, it's this motion that creates a particular reality. It's important to realise that no reality can be created through a consciousness being motionless, all realities are of a consciousness in motion. What this means is the less a consciousness is suggestive, the less motion it creates and the less turbulent a reality becomes, take away the labels, you take away motion and any associated turbulence created by motion. It's wise to be aware of this especially in such a turbulent time.

How many people and even souls would be willing to drop labelling period? Not many, we perceive that we need labels to communicate our thoughts to start with, this perception however is purely based on 3rd dimensional perspectives, up down, right left, back and forth, or, wrong and right, negative and positive, bad and good, love and hate, white and black, demons and angels. What these labels have done is replace our natural abilities to communicate void of any labelling what so ever, we are now purely conditioned to communicate through labelling, we know no other way, we therefore can't perceive any other way to exist.

How many people state they are egoless but quite often use these labels? An ego in control has to use labels to exist, a controlling ego can't possibly exist without labels of some kind, a good example this is, "I am positive", this is a suggestion but also suggests others are negative which further suggests judgment being made. You can't have a positive without a negative to relate the positive to!!

When we observe however, we are still labelling but we are not as critical within labelling, we are presently in judgement because a true observation doesn't create labels like previously motioned. For example, one might observe something being obviously destructive, this is a suggestive label without further labelling this obvious destructive occurrence negative or positive. Once we become further suggestive in labelling a positive or a negative, we create more motion which often creates further turmoil.


Don't get the wrong idea here, there is nothing wrong making further suggestive labels, it's just that this continuous labelling can create a turbulent reality. All consciousness's are supposed to be expressive of motion therefore suggestive labelling within a 3rd dimensional reality. The reason for this is simple, what is the opposite of motion? Motionless, both motion and motionlessness exist because of the other, basically, the yin needs the yang to exist, this means there is no wrong in labelling but we have forgotten how destructive motion can be without being balanced by motionlessness. Take away the spiritual aspect of our lives from materialism, all you are left with is an out of balanced reality hell bent on turbulence and self-destruction.

If we truly want to make a difference, we need to be aware of how labels define our perceptions. To bring true harmony to a reality, all we need to do is desist in labelling, we certainly don't need more labels to add to the scales, to our conscious existence. Often once the scales are overloaded, this is the point when the consciousness in question destroys it's own existence, this has occurred before as some of us would know.       

Thursday 21 July 2016

Being Aware - A More Placid Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's obvious to me that being aware gives me a more accepting disposition, this in turn gives me a more placid existence, this state however is only acquired if one is aware beyond certain conditionings set down in the following.

I have observed that many people are struggling with what is going on in the world at present, I have also observed that others who ignore and /or separate themselves from these adversities, seem content and placid, this is until they are themselves directly influenced by these adversities adversely.  

The following is but a guide to a more aware and accepting placid existence.

~ Condition yourself to all of  what is going on in human consciousness, even to the adversities, this will allow you to cope better with these adversities when they influence you. Staying ignorant or separate to these adversities actually makes you a lot more vulnerable than other people who are conditioned to these adversities. This however doesn't mean you allow these adversities to condition you to become these adversities, it means to only become aware of these adversities. You can be within these adversities without being of these adversities.

~  Now this is a big one, try not to judge what is wrong or right, good or bad, negative or positive, black or white, this also means not to judge what is judged to be positive because one will always create the other to the same extent. To also judge what is positive, means there has to be a negative to compare a positive to, wouldn't it be better if we didn't have a judged negative to begin with?

~ Observe instead of judging. A true observation will only observe a difference without the separation of judgment, for example, one will observe what is and isn't destructive without judging a positive or negative within this observation. Observation means to become aware of your environment where judgment means to stay ignorant to our environment. Observation also means to become aware of all perceptions without bias, however, judgment means to stay ignorant to any other perception but your own.

~ Now we come to love. Love naturally detracts from destructive tendencies, this is because once a consciousness truly loves, it is quite unable to destroy anything. A true sense of love is also of awareness, this is the main reason why this kind of love is unable to be destructive for only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy, a truly aware consciousness is unable to express destructive tendencies, however......

~ It's wise to be also aware that human consciousness is conditioned to abuse and misuse any trait that will seem to benefit it, religion, spirituality, politics, materialism, are good examples of this abuse and misuse, this abuse and misuse in turn will of course create extremes. Human consciousness is but one journey with infinite paths to follow, however to make things interesting, we also have a choice to evolve further from this human consciousness or not.  

~ Become aware that human consciousness is but one journey we are all on no matter what path we are following, however, be also aware that another consciousness that is evolving from human consciousness is developing. This means that some of us will evolve and some of us won't and one consciousness will become more constructive, the other more destructive and some people will be comfortable with what is going on in the world at present, some people won't, there are no wrong or rights with this.

~ Some of us are indeed splitting away from human consciousness, it's likened to human consciousness forking of into a different journey to human consciousness, however, don't get the idea that human consciousness isn't ascending, human consciousness is ascending but it's not evolving into another more aware consciousness. Human consciousness is ascending into a more destructive consciousness, it's wise not to judge this as not being an ascension because it's unbecoming in some way to us. Ascension isn't governed by how a consciousness thinks and expresses itself, an ascending consciousness only has to improve on itself, in anyway.

~ Indeed, the consciousness that is evolving from human consciousness, will once again entail infinite paths while this evolved consciousness is but once again one journey, one consciousness. These paths within this consciousness will be nothing like the paths that are followed in human consciousness's journey, they will be quite different because the journey (consciousness) will be different. One consciousness = journey, individual consciousness's = paths, one journey being taken by many consciousness's on different paths.

~ This new evolved consciousness will be very different to human consciousness, try to let go of this human consciousness, this human consciousness is ascending through technology and corruption but it's still a consciousness that will never be truly aware and passive, it's purely unable to for any length of time.

~ We don't just have a choice of paths to experience, we now have a different journey to choose to experience our paths through, it's indeed a lively time to exist as a 3rd dimensional consciousness.

~ One more thing, try not to judge each other, the journey you have chosen to follow, either it be spiritual or materialistic, is but a journey, one is not wrong or right over the other even though either side might have disdain for the other!! There are of course people who have not judged one journey being more worthy than the other, however, these people have observed that one is more destructive than the other, in the end, you must go with what you feel is the right journey for you to take. 


Friday 15 July 2016

In Conversation With A Volcano

Written by Mathew Naismith

You're probably thinking, "What is Mathew on about now in relation to talking to a volcano,  he couldn't be talking about actually having an intelligent conversation with a volcano, is he for real? He has to be delusional". In actuality, I perceive it being  the other way around, we are, in our so called awaken state, deluding ourselves to what is and isn't real. I do find it interesting that one of the definitions of delusion is of the following, "The act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas." I am within this post going to portray that it's our perceived awaken state that is creating illusionary ideas.

3rd Dimensional Intelligence: Yes, I did have a vision of having an intelligent conversation with a volcano and no, it wasn't the 3rd dimensional aspect of the volcano I was actually having a conversation with, it was the consciousness behind the volcano that I was in conversation with, a consciousness not limited and hindered by 3rd dimensional aspects.

First of all I will insert what prompted me to have this vision of talking to a volcano, the following was given to me to read from a very good friend of mine. I should warn you, the word God is used a number of times. The way I see this is that God isn't some biblical representation of this kind of consciousness, it's a consciousness that represents the purity and intelligence of our truer being. The word love is also used on a number of occasions. I think what love represents in this article, isn't the love that we perceive, it's a love that goes beyond the boundaries and limitations of 3rd dimensional perceptions, basically, a purer representation of love, ourselves.  

Look at how man measures intelligence, it's primarily based on 3rd dimensional perspectives void of any influence beyond these aspects. This basically gives us false perception of what is truly what, any perception not primarily based on 3rd dimensional aspects, is usually deemed as being unintelligent and even delusional. The aspects have to be within up down, back and forth, right and left, in other words limited to certain aspects/perspectives.

I see it like this, once a consciousness, collective or not, limits itself to certain perspectives/aspects, it becomes unintelligent, not more intelligent, and the more a consciousness limits itself to certain perspectives/aspects, the less intelligent it becomes. Basically, the consciousness of man is dumbing itself down, in other words its becoming less intelligent, not more. It's part of the false prophet age where people's consciousness become more fake, basically, unreal, an illusion brought about by a consciousness deluding itself that consciousness is limited.

How many people believe that our sleeping state is less real than our awaken state for example? Our sleeping state represents perceptions far beyond 3rd dimensional limitations, however, our sleeping state can become that influenced by 3rd dimensional perspectives, that this unconscious state can also become primarily conditioned to 3rd dimensional perspectives. Basically, we can become fake in our conscious and unconscious states, deluded in thinking to certain limited perspectives, remembering, delusion means to deceive through illusionary ideas and perceptions.

My sleeping state is far more representative of my truer self than my so called awaken state, conscious state, this is because there are no limitations within my dream state unless my sleeping state is influenced by my limited awaken conscious state.                  

Manifesting: What do we most often manifest and what predominantly influences our manifestations? 3rd dimensional perspectives and perceptions, we are most often unable to manifest in a very real state of being, meaning, our manifestations are limited to 3rd dimensional aspects and perspectives. What if I told you that if we were to manifest, absent of any influence from 3rd dimensional perspectives, that we would naturally manifest an existence way beyond our 3rd dimensional perceptions. What would be created is a 3rd dimensional reality but a reality based on perceptions beyond 3rd dimensioanl perspectives.

Human consciousness thinks of itself as being more intelligent than any other form on the planet, within this perception, it is unable to create anything but what perspectives it perceives. Is such a consciousness able to have an intelligent conversation with a volcano for instance? No, because it can't perceive that the consciousness behind a volcano is conscious to start with, it's certainly by no means intelligent especially compared to our own consciousness!!  There is no way that human consciousness, in it's present form,  could ever possibly imagine any other consciousness being more intelligent than itself, certainly not the consciousness behind a volcano for example. I should state this same consciousness is within everything to do with nature, Mother Earth/Gaia.....

Now, if we were to measure intelligence by the level of destruction and egotism, what level would human consciousness intelligence be at? It would be at the lower end of the scale, in actuality, it's hard to imagine any other consciousness of a lower level than human consciousness. We are indeed at the lower end of the scale, not the other way around, we in turn manifest at this level, creating a reality depicted by the level of human consciousness being expressed, of course it's going to be highly destructive and of course any other higher consciousness will in turn react to this destruction with the same.

Don't get the wrong idea here, there is no higher consciousness getting back at us, it's just that we are living within this higher consciousness thus naturally create and manifest what we express. We are indeed existing within a more aware, intelligent and wiser consciousness, it's just that we are asleep dreaming in 3rd dimensional aspects and perspectives. We are certainly not awake in our perceived awoken state and that our sleeping state is imaginary, there are too many limitations to our perceived awoken state to be real, it's indeed but a dream/imaginary.

If we communicated with this higher consciousness, and yes even reasoned with this consciousness, what we would create would be beyond our wildest imagination. Instead, we often manifest for material gain or a gain that is primarily based on 3rd dimensional aspects, the finite instead of the infinite. Try for one moment to imagine what we could create if we manifested using infinite consciousness instead of the usual finite consciousness. Imagine a reality void of deception that creates illusionary ideas and perceptions, magical comes to mind.

I should also state that there is no true higher consciousness, it's just that human consciousness perceives in this way, a consciousness of the perspective of levels, in other words limitations. We are all of this higher consciousness, it's just that we need to awaken to this........ 

Sunday 10 July 2016

The Age of False Prophets

Written by Mathew Naismith

It was predicted before the age of the false prophets, that human consciousness would enter into a period of false prophecies, this doesn't just mean prophets will be false, it means that this time period will be of falsities period. The controlling ego will lust after anything that sparkles and glows, anything that tantalises the egos five senses, this includes lusting after love, especially in reaction to a reality void of awareness and wisdom.

The universe itself is a creation and every consciousness within this universe is created. Materialism is a  creation as is love, both can be highly destructive especially when expressed to an extreme or in retaliation. Some people have lusted after materialism, others have lusted after a form of love, if it tantalises the ego, it has to be good, of course we know how destructive materialism and love can be. Now, is there anything tantalising for the ego in being in balance, considering there are no extremes within a true balanced state? You take away love and hate, negative and positive, bad and good, demons and angels, what within this balance is tantalising to a controlling ego? There is no sparkles or fussy glow to balance but this also means there is no falsities within a true form of balance either.

Balance isn't something you pursue either, it's a state of being or a state of consciousness especially void of extremes. It's also not a state that can be created for it's always existed, everything else not of balance is a creation which can be expressed to the extreme to create an age of false prophets. There are no boundaries to creation, it's infinite, however, what is created is finite like human consciousness. Human consciousness is primarily created from a creation, this limits human consciousness to what is created, this is why it's unable to perceive beyond what is created. How many people believe love isn't a creation? You see what I mean. God is often perceived as love when this creative source of  consciousness is pure and utter balance. This balance of course is bliss to a consciousness existing in a reality of chaos, bliss is often represented as love, so we perceive this creative source of  consciousness is love. This of course is quite understandable.

The age of false prophets is all about tantalising  the controlling ego, if it sparkles and glows, it can't be false, or so the ego tries to make out no matter what. The ego doesn't want you to realise that all the sparkles and fussy glow is a creation and that a true sense of balance is what we truly are. What the ego wouldn't  want to know is that all we are is this  balance? A controlling ego will influence a consciousness to anything but of being of balance for there is nothing to tantalise the ego within this balance.

Creations = love and hate, negative and positive, bad and good, demons and angels + all of what is created

Balance = God/creative source + void of all creations within itself

However, we exist in a created reality, this means our consciousness is created and will within itself create more creations to what ever extreme. While existing within this created reality, we will of course be expressive of these creations no matter what they are. No consciousness within this kind of existence can be primarily expressive of a true form of balance, we are meant to be expressive of what is created. We of course have a choice in how extreme we express these creations, the age of false prophets however denote extremes expressions of these creations. Do we now keep expressing these creations to the extreme or do we simply express some kind of balance again? This really depends on what we really want to create, or more precisely, need to create for a more blissful existence.

A true sense of bliss within a balanced consciousness,  isn't something that is hard to obtain for we have always been of this balance, what we haven't always been is of these creations, in actuality, it's a lot harder to create than it is to just be. However, because we are controlled by a controlling ego, the illusion of separation from being balanced is extreme, it's this extreme that is making it hard for us to realise we are of this balance no matter what creations we are expressive of.                               

Yes, the age of false prophets is making it more difficult for our consciousness to become aware of how a controlling ego tricks us into what tantalises the ego, we are more than ever being tricked into even more extreme creation in reaction/retaliation to our present chaotic existence. You see, one will naturally create the other, a chaotic existence has naturally created an extreme opposite, this extreme opposite will again in turn create yet another extreme opposite until both extreme become that extreme, that they will cancel out each other, destroy each other. This is how anything created works unless it's brought back into balance. Of course extreme creations are supposed to destroy each other in the end but this can be simply avoided.

In a pass life in ancient Egypt, which was confirmed, a few of us tried to reason with the people of that time in the same way, you can avoid an upcoming catastrophe if you adhere to the laws of consciousness, an extreme will naturally create another extreme. The powers at be of course didn't listen to us and of course Egypt suffered big time when it didn't have to. We where separated from each other and banished to outlying areas of Egypt.

I said to my wife this morning, "At least I'm not being banished this time", my wife stated," Haven't you been banned from other sites that didn't like what you were stating." I have also recently been attacked by so called loving people once again, not much has changed for me since my life in ancient Egypt. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!! What is supposed to be will be but you do indeed have a choice, that is all I am saying.......Balance is indeed the key to bliss.                    

Saturday 9 July 2016

The Neutral Ground - A True Sense of Bliss

Written By Mathew Naismith

Once again, this post isn't going to be for everyone, only for consciousness's that perceive and comprehend a consciousness of neutrality, a consciousness that exists of the understanding of being neutral to all things. This means a comprehension and an existence of neutrality over and above opposing forces like love and hate, good and bad, negative and positive. Yes I know, love isn't supposed to be the opposite to hate, why then is the hate in the world creating more love in the world? As usual, love is in reaction to hate, in other words, hate creates love as love creates hate, now imagine a neutral zone, a consciousness of neutrality instead of reaction!!

This is how consciousness works, one creates the other and yes, it's all but only a creation from a source, meaning, everything other than the source itself, is a creation, the universe is a prime example of this. What has then been created within this universe? Love and hate, good and bad, negative and positive, it's been created by and within one source. The universe has created a consciousness of opposing factions and every other consciousness within this consciousness, is influenced by these same opposing factions. So what does this mean? It means any consciousness created by this opposing factional consciousness, will be influenced by opposing factions, therefore, will keep on creating a never ending stream of opposing factions. Another good example of this is angels and demons, they themselves are created by the other, there is nothing neutral within this kind of existence, in other words, there is no true sense of balance.

This is why I have stated in previous posts that human consciousness is limited, it's limited by it's own created opposing factions. How many people are able to perceive the true sense of conscious neutrality? There is always demons and angels, good and bad, negative and positive. Don't get me wrong here, there is absolutely nothing wrong in existing like this, all I am always trying to portray is there is another way to exist/be void of any creation of these opposing factions.

The reason I am using the word faction is obvious, 'I'm good and your bad, I hate and you love, I am positive and you are negative, I am spiritual in essence and you are physical in essence", these are the factions we have put ourselves in. Basically, we put ourselves in    dissenting groups to separate ourselves from something else, in turn creating the opposite of what we have dissent for. It's basically a rollercoaster game, one action or energy flow is naturally creating the other and yes it's a natural process within a consciousness of biases, partialities and separatism. This is what human consciousness is made of but it's not who we truly are.

In actuality, we are and have always been neutral, it's that we, within a particular consciousness, become predominantly influenced by a consciousness of biases, partialities and separatism, in turn, what we create from such a consciousness is more of the same biases, partialities and separatism, the more influenced we are by this kind of consciousness, the more extremes we will naturally create.

Now imagine an existence totally void of these factions, a reality primarily built upon neutrality of all consciousness's, basically, a reality created from and influenced by a true sense of balance. We are basically talking about a reality of pure utter bliss here, however, don't be too hard on yourself, we are supposed to react and create biases, partialities and separatism, in other words opposing factions, this is the natural process of this kind of  consciousness, and yes, we are even supposed to create extreme factions from this. However, if we are really interested in finding bliss, you won't find it in an opposing faction, yes, within a life time you might but all opposing factions create a reaction and usually a counter-reaction. A true sense of love would not keep creating and recreating an opposing faction within and through it's own actions.

It's not easy finding neutral ground in a consciousness that is primarily of anything but of neutral perception, I am not myself of this neutral ground but I am aware of this neutral ground and what it takes to become of this neutral ground. Try taking away all opposing factions in your life, hate and love being two of them, it's not easy because we are wanting to be influenced by a consciousness of opposing factions. Basically, we are conditioned to opposing factions.

Imagine a reality of utter pure bliss, now how many of us would think that love would be a predominate influence within such a reality? It's not, because hate doesn't exist, in actuality, love and hate become as one as of everything does. Because we exist within a love/hate reality, to find true bliss, we perceive we need copious amounts of love. Love denotes bliss to us, this is quite a normal reaction for any consciousness influenced by the kind of consciousness we are influenced by. How many people don't want to imagine a reality void of hate? How many people want to imagine a reality void of love? It's not that we can't imagine such a thing, we just don't want to imagine such a thing, this is the truth of it....

Hating for some people is bliss to them, loving to other people is bliss to them, which one represents a true sense of bliss, and more importantly, to whom?

Because we are of one faction, our faction is right when in actuality neither faction represents a true sense of bliss as the other creates the opposite to itself and always will. A true sense of bliss isn't something that has to be created and created by love or hate. Love and hate are themselves created perceptions of consciousness, this means anything created from such a consciousness, is going to be just another created perception. A true sense of bliss is neutrality of all things, of all of consciousness. We might then perceive this bliss has to have created an opposite but it didn't, this bliss wasn't created, it's a state of neutrality with no opposites, only created conscious perceptions create an opposite, this bliss isn't perception, it's an actual state of just being.

To us within a destructive reality, this neutral ground is going to be perceived of being of utter love, it's utter bliss therefore has to be primarily created from love, this is a normal reaction to any consciousness experiencing opposing extremes. There is nothing wrong with this perception, however, try not to use this neutral ground as in opposition to what we are presently experiencing, all you will create and recreate is a counter-reaction, human history shows us this time and time again.

In saying all this, human consciousness will persist in perceiving one or the other, this is because human consciousness is limited to a perception of one or the other as it's unable, or more likely, unwilling to perceive in a more neutral way. If that is the way it's meant to be, so be it, however, if you are willing to go beyond the perceptions of human consciousness, you will find this neutral ground that is pure utter bliss. Yes, within a reality as we are presently experiencing, this can feel like a true sense of love, this too is a natural occurrence that we must be aware that we can misuse in counter-action.

Its' wise to stay balanced within one's emotions, for emotions are but a creation of our perceptions.....Mathew G  

In saying this, do I stay balanced, no as that too is my choice but I am aware of my choices, are you........?    

Thursday 7 July 2016

Earths Precious Resources

Written by Mathew Naismith

Being predominantly physically inclined, we might think I'm going to talk about mineral or other natural resources of the Earth but I'm not, I'm actually referring to conscious forms and souls expressing themselves physically. Basically, the  most precious resources existing on Earth at present is consciousness expressed in a physical way. Liken this to a wise mind expressing itself physically, wisdom is non-physical/immaterial/spiritual until expressed in a physical way. Is wisdom expressed in a physical way any less precious because it's expressed in a physical way? Also, being that everything was created from a consciousness, it's all precious, just because one kind of consciousness expresses itself in a destructive way, doesn't mean it's not precious and worthy. Human consciousness is still precious and worthy no matter how it expresses itself.

I know this is hard to perceive but perceive the Earth and human consciousness to a lucrative gold or diamond mine and then billion times this over and over again, this is how precious this Earth and everything thing on Earth is. Words are unable to express how precious Earth is at present, look at how many different souls are presently existing on Earth, the Earth is utterly glowing.

Now we might think that because human consciousness is as destructive as it is at present, it couldn't possibly be glowing but it is. We can't see this when we look upon or observe the whole Earth physically, because man is so physically inclined, all we perceive is a darkness overshadowing/destroying the Earth and everything on it. Now observe the Earth as a non-physical entity or a non-physical conscious energy source, it's utterly glowing because all that is occurring is that one source of energy is replacing another. We must remember here that you can't destroy energy, you can only transform energy, basically, Earth is going through an energy transformation. Yes I know, it's horrid what we are doing to the plants and animals upon the Earth and Earth itself, only a consciousness that is ignorant can destroy on this magnitude. Indeed, human consciousness at present is basically the most ignorant life force on Earth, this however doesn't take away from the massive energy glow that is being permeated from this life force. 

Is it wise to replace one energy life force with another more destructive life force?

I think the answer to this question is obvious, no matter how vibrantly glowing human consciousness is, any predominately destructive life force will in the end destroy itself. Liken this to a virus, once the virus destroys it's hosts, it basically destroys itself as it has nothing else to feed upon. Human consciousness at present is ferociously feeding upon it's host, Earth and it's life forms, in the end, there will be no host to feed upon.

However, like I said before, you can't destroy energy, you can only transform it, this will mean, if man doesn't destroy himself as well, that human consciousness will physically transform into something else. Like I said, the Earth is going through a massive energy transformation but we do still have a choice of what this transformation will create.

If we choose to continue in our ignorant ways, what will transform from this is something unnatural, a form of consciousness that is built upon through an unnatural process, basically, the creation of  an illusionary physical consciousness. It's basically going to be a world built upon lies and deception, a totally pseudo/fake consciousness, a world void of a true sense of awareness or wisdom. 

However, the alternative will create a consciousness far beyond our present comprehension, a consciousness of pure wisdom and awareness, basically, a world built upon by the truth, a non-illusionary world. This will create quite a different glow, a more sparkling vibrant glow instead of a dull weary glow. Don't get me wrong, human consciousness is glowing big time but the sparkling glow is diminishing. The more we replace a balanced neutral consciousness with a destructive consciousness, the duller and less vibrant the glow will become.

We are destroying something vary precious because we are not aware of how precious it is. Human consciousness can live within this precious resource without destroying or replacing this precious resource with another more destructive precious resource. No matter how destructive human consciousness becomes, it's still precious. What human consciousness needs to become aware of, is it doesn't need to destroy or replace other consciousness's with it's own consciousness to exist, even in large numbers. This of course will take human consciousness to transform into a more aware and wise consciousness, the alternative is anything but aware and wise. We indeed have alternatives, in the end, it's the collective human consciousness that will decide which journey to take......