Saturday 23 July 2016

Pure Balance Is Heaven But Labels Are Created

Written by Mathew Naismith

Balance; the pivoting point of two sides even when these two sides are not of equal value to each other, meaning, imbalanced to each other. The pivoting point or point between these two sides is still of balance, being that it's still between these two sides no matter how imbalanced these two sides are to each other. Old fashion scales are a good example of how balance still obtains it's balance even when the scale are tipped, this is who we are and yes, this is heaven. Balance being heaven, a non-created conscious state.

Balance and Labels: Now imagine both sides of the scale with numerous labels, in other words created states of consciousness, I call this a state of angels and demons or positives and negatives. Lets say, for example, we overfill one side of the scales with hate, a negative value, the other side would have to be filled with love, a positive value, to balance out this hate. This suggests that love is a made up conscious state. Yes I know, love isn't supposed to be the opposite to hate, then why are spiritually aware people using love to combat hate to start with. Also, love can cause excessive pain, the loss of a loved one or pet are good examples of how love can be very painful. A child being  molested by a loved one is a lot worse than being molested by an unloved one, parents and priests are good examples of this. The point is, love is also of pain but pure balance isn't.  

We seem to be trying to balance out one kind of pain with another kind of pain, shouldn't we actually be using a painless state of consciousness to balance out the pain within this reality? Well, we can't, what ever labels we use to balance out pain with, is also associated with pain, the answer is to desist is labelling.

The reason I have associated pure balance with heaven is simple, there is no pain what so ever within this pure balanced state of consciousness and reason for this lies in that there are no created consciousness's within this state. Pain is always associated with labels, there are no labels within this balanced state, for a consciousness that has always been in pain, this balance state is obviously going to seem like heaven but mistakenly perceived by many to be built upon love. Love has too much of an association with pain to be of this balanced heavenly state.

However, we must consider unconditional love, a love that has no labels to give love conditions. Indeed, labels are also of conditions, usually preconceived conditions, this perception is based on that we need a positive to balance out the negative, what I call a state of angels and demons. We could perceive and label that unconditional love is of this heavenly balance but why add a label to balance, why can't balance be just balance?  The answer to this question is obvious, we have to play out our angels and demons, basically, keep creating and recreating conscious states of existence instead of just being our truer selves in a balanced state.  Now imagine if we put no labels on either side of the scales, we would have pure balance. Imagine a pure state of harmony, could we correctly and accurately perceive this?  It would seem not, we often perceive this to be built upon love when this state is just pure balance void of any created labels.  


Suggestive Labelling: I don't think anyone could state that labels, of any kind, aren't suggestive, they imply a specific meaning. Labels are of course very suggestive and suggestions are of motion, a consciousness in motion as opposed to motionless. All labels are of suggestive motion but what would a reality be like without labels? Think of a reality without wars or conflict to start with, could we truly perceive such a reality? The answer is no, not if we are still hanging onto labels of any kind, so what labels are we talking about here?

Wrong and right, negative and positive, bad and good, love and hate, white and black, demons and angels are but a small example of suggestive labels that create a certain reality. Any label implies a particular motion, it's this motion that creates a particular reality. It's important to realise that no reality can be created through a consciousness being motionless, all realities are of a consciousness in motion. What this means is the less a consciousness is suggestive, the less motion it creates and the less turbulent a reality becomes, take away the labels, you take away motion and any associated turbulence created by motion. It's wise to be aware of this especially in such a turbulent time.

How many people and even souls would be willing to drop labelling period? Not many, we perceive that we need labels to communicate our thoughts to start with, this perception however is purely based on 3rd dimensional perspectives, up down, right left, back and forth, or, wrong and right, negative and positive, bad and good, love and hate, white and black, demons and angels. What these labels have done is replace our natural abilities to communicate void of any labelling what so ever, we are now purely conditioned to communicate through labelling, we know no other way, we therefore can't perceive any other way to exist.

How many people state they are egoless but quite often use these labels? An ego in control has to use labels to exist, a controlling ego can't possibly exist without labels of some kind, a good example this is, "I am positive", this is a suggestion but also suggests others are negative which further suggests judgment being made. You can't have a positive without a negative to relate the positive to!!

When we observe however, we are still labelling but we are not as critical within labelling, we are presently in judgement because a true observation doesn't create labels like previously motioned. For example, one might observe something being obviously destructive, this is a suggestive label without further labelling this obvious destructive occurrence negative or positive. Once we become further suggestive in labelling a positive or a negative, we create more motion which often creates further turmoil.


Don't get the wrong idea here, there is nothing wrong making further suggestive labels, it's just that this continuous labelling can create a turbulent reality. All consciousness's are supposed to be expressive of motion therefore suggestive labelling within a 3rd dimensional reality. The reason for this is simple, what is the opposite of motion? Motionless, both motion and motionlessness exist because of the other, basically, the yin needs the yang to exist, this means there is no wrong in labelling but we have forgotten how destructive motion can be without being balanced by motionlessness. Take away the spiritual aspect of our lives from materialism, all you are left with is an out of balanced reality hell bent on turbulence and self-destruction.

If we truly want to make a difference, we need to be aware of how labels define our perceptions. To bring true harmony to a reality, all we need to do is desist in labelling, we certainly don't need more labels to add to the scales, to our conscious existence. Often once the scales are overloaded, this is the point when the consciousness in question destroys it's own existence, this has occurred before as some of us would know.       

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