Showing posts with label judgement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label judgement. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Living from Inner Happiness

Written by Mathew Naismith

First of all I would like to say how sorry I am that Robin Williams took his own life, he made millions of people not just laugh but laugh at themselves, it’s a sad loss to us indeed.  We can speculate all we like in why such a man would have taken he’s own life but it all comes down to not being able to find inner happiness within oneself I feel.

I shouldn’t put Robin Williams above anybody else who has taken their own life but Mr Williams did bring joy to a lot of people’s lives. Many people take their own life for various reasons, there is a huge list of reasons but the main factor behind any of these reasons is one isn’t happy within one’s life when one takes one’s own life. What makes such a brilliantly funny man take his own life, what has made anyone who has taken their own life unhappy?  Relying mostly on external sources to make us happy. It would seem Mr Williams most probably wasn’t happy because of his last show was canned (cancelled); it looks like it certainly added to his unhappiness.  Making people laugh obviously made Mr Williams happy, you could see it within his performance; he exuded this happiness because he was making people happy.  As any great performer lives for he’s audience; this is what made him the happiest as it does of any great performer.

Another great comedy performer is Jerry Lewis, it’s funny to think he is still alive today and Mr Robin Williams is gone from us. It takes a huge amount of effort to be such performers like Mr Lewis and Mr Williams but it takes even more effort to stay happy when you are no longer making other people happy.  I tip my hat to these great performers no matter what happens.   

There is a problem in society, a problem we have created ourselves in needing external sources to make us happy when all the happiness we experience should come from within.  Many people who have taken their own lives relied on external sources to make them happy. This is a problem that doesn’t need to exist if we train ourselves to be happy through our inner selves. Does this mean we shouldn’t be happy when being entertained by great entertainers like Lewis and Williams as they are an external source of happiness?  Not at all but we shouldn’t wholly rely on these people to make us happy in the first place as they shouldn’t rely on their own happiness in making us happy.  

Why is inner happiness so much better than happiness found through external means?  Judgement, judgement of ourselves, happiness found through the inner self doesn’t incur this judgement as the inner self doesn’t pertain to judgment, this is why learning to be happy through the inner self is more reliable. Once we bring in judgment in our lives, we bring in a need for external sources to make us happy; this kind of happiness is certainly not reliable.

We shouldn’t however judge judgement as being negative in some way; it depends again on our inner selves of what judgment is pertaining too.  The outer self  lives by emotions, whatever makes us emotionally feeling good or bad, whatever  we have judged  as negative or positive. Many spiritually aware people will stay away from negative people because they have judged them so and if they have judged others being negative they must have also judged themselves of being positive.  This is the outer self not the inner self, so how would the inner self perceive negatives and positives?

Feelings without emotions, the inner self doesn’t rely on emotions to give it feelings, it relies on the inner self  itself thus giving us inner happiness through the inner self without emotions.  As soon as you bring in emotions you bring in judgment.  Many people have killed themselves through this kind of emotional judgment as their happiness no longer comes through their inner selves but from external sources.  Yes external sources can make us happy for a period of time but finding happiness this way is not reliable, as soon as we judge, we are relying on external sources to make us happy.

The inner self feels and it feels to a far greater extent than our outer emotional selves as our outer selves relies on our emotions to make us happy, the inner self doesn’t have emotions but feelings  which extend way past our acknowledgment.  Once we give judgement away, the inner happiness will fill the void of such judgment a hundred fold.

I hope the bellow link will help a few people in finding this inner happiness, it’s quite basic.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Ideological Principles and Dogmatism

Written by Mathew Naismith

Ideology just doesn’t refer to a belief system but any system of thought we take on from science to religion and principles refer to a code or value used in conjunction with an ideology.  What makes an ideology dogmatic? It’s all to do with the code not the ideology itself, many people, especially science minded people sadly enough, will look at the ideology itself being dogmatic instead of looking at the inflexibility of the code attached to such ideologies.  

Now the code itself refers to the program or a certain protocol which can be or not be dogmatic within a certain principle, no matter what ideological principle we take on, it’s totally influenced by this code.  What actually makes this code dogmatic, has it to do with the ideology itself or is it something else?

Dogmatism can and does exist in all ideological principles including science ideologies, many science minded people I have mentioned this too totally refuted such claims to the bitter end thus proving my point.  If anyone thinks their ideological principles are the be and end all, above all other principles, that is dogmatism.  Thinking that their principles can no way be dogmatic in any circumstance is a good indication of dogmatism however again it’s not the ideology that is being used that is dogmatic; it’s to do with the code used with such ideologies not the ideologies themselves.   

In a sense the code is a small program which influences another much larger program such as ideologies for instance; ideologies are just programs we have programmed our minds with which can be infected by a corrupted codes/virus which will make the reprogram/ideology  react quite differently, in this case it’s dogmatism, dogmatism is a virus in any ideology.

What creates such a code?  The belief or knowing that my ideology is more truthful and accurate than any other ideology, it’s the be and end all, in other words it’s our egotistical behaviour which makes up these codes to become dogmatic in the first place which influences such ideologies.

I posted the following interesting question to actual scientists, “If science today couldn’t prove that the earth is spherical that would have to mean the Earth isn’t spherical to a scientist even though it is?”  This was either not answered or it was answered in away without actually giving an answer too such a question.  The reason for this is it obviously points out flaws within certain science logics, the ego just didn’t want to know so the code attached to their science ideological principles clearly shows dogmatism and of course dogmatism refers to egotism.  You can’t be dogmatic without being egotistical as well, so what this is saying is codes, of any ideology, come from being egotistical. Like I have mentioned in recent past posts, egotism is a disease/virus that can influence us quite adversely giving us false impressions about our ideological principles.  

Now to a spiritually aware person all what I have written here is judgmental, I’m judging that ideologies themselves aren’t necessarily dogmatic  even though they seem to be, I’m judging that it’s the corrupted code or principle that can make an ideology seem dogmatic . I’m also judging that egotism is a disease/virus that corrupts our codes/principles. Also this judgment has to be bad in some way but how would anyone not into judgement judge that I am in judgment here unless they are in judgement themselves.

How would anyone know if anyone, including themselves, were in judgment unless they were in judgement themselves?  No one who is truly nonjudgmental can judge themselves or anyone else of being in judgement. If I was truly nonjudgmental myself I wouldn’t know if I was being judgmental or not because I wouldn’t judge so. 

Egotism, I have judged I’m not judgemental so I avoid judgment in myself as well as others when I can, how would any true nonjudgmental person judge when in or not in judgment?   This is egotism which leads to dogmatism which corrupts our ideological principals no matter what they are.  

Thursday 10 July 2014

Spirituality v Psychology/Science?

Written by Mathew Naismith

We can quite easily judge that spirituality is in opposition to the sciences, even though many of the ancient eastern religions also incorporated science within their religion to one extent or another,  so really spirituality should not be seen as in opposition to the science but it is by many today.  The strange thing is both spirituality and the sciences are about awareness so what’s the problem?

Because I am also into the sciences, like psychology for instance, this to a spiritually aware person seems contradictory for the main reason a psychologist uses the mind to think more not less plus a psychologist has to judge to evaluate. The psychology I am into is to do with analysis not the therapy side of psychology which is all about evaluating and judging, so doesn’t this clash with my spiritual perspectives?

If I was to sit there and judge that I am thinking too much then I would be thinking too much, we need to be careful in how we judge, is it wrong to be spiritually aware and have an interest in the sciences?  To a true spiritually aware person who believes one should not judge a wrong or right there could be no wrong in this even though I am thinking more while using psychology.  The point is it’s not how much we are thinking but how we are thinking!!

Scientist have proven, even under the most deepest meditative states, we still have brain activity but this activity is different to thinking scientifically, when we think scientifically we use the brain differently to being in a meditative state.  It all comes down to how we are using the brain not how much we are using the brain.  Being spiritually aware, am I going to judge thinking too much is wrong? If I did judge this wrong or negative in some way I would be a hypocrite so what is so wrong in thinking period and when do I judge when I am thinking too much?  Actually there is no such thing in thinking too much, especially to a spiritually aware person because they can’t judge accordingly.

The reason my science interests don’t always interfere with my spiritual interests is one, I don’t judge when I’m thinking too much and two, when I judge at times I don’t judge  a right or wrong, if I was to judge a right or wrong then I would  be judgmental  within my opinions which does happen at times.  Being in judgement is only an observation like when a spiritually aware person judges when they or someone else is thinking too much.  Being judgemental on the other hand would be like a spiritually aware person judging a right or wrong of thinking too much.  

To me it comes down to how we think not how much we think but of course to a science minded person they would judgmentally see the lack of thought as being so and so, in other words wrong or negative in some way however to a spiritually aware person thinking too much can be seen as negative or wrong in some way. To me it really doesn’t come down to how much we think but how we think but I suppose I could be wrong!!!!! 

Wednesday 9 July 2014

The Divine Feminine and Masculine

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is a strange topic for me to right up about, I’m not sure how accurate I’m going to be but I will do my best on what I know and remember about the divine feminine and masculine energies. I thought I would start by inserting a reply I gave to the second link displayed in this post.

I came across someone recently talking up the divine feminine but in the same breath talking down masculine energy. To me the divine feminine energy isn't about talking down anything including the masculine energy, it's nurturing/valuing not neglecting or mistreating in a bias manner and it's certainly not judgmental.

It is obvious that the masculine energy has been abused but it doesn't make the masculine bad in some way just misrepresented by our actions. Yes the masculine has to judge, how else would it know to protect, if a lion was about to attack a child, the masculine energy becomes instantly protective and aggressive.  This of course doesn't matter if one is male or female; actually because the female is maternal the female will probably be more aggressive in her protection especially concerning her own children.

I found the following links explained both the divine feminine and masculine energies quite well.

Extract: The Healthy Divine Feminine offers tenderness, wisdom, patience, nurturing, flexibility and fertility.  Feminine intuition is one of our most powerful tools for guidance, and we all have it. 

The Healthy Divine Masculine is fearless, courageous and loyal.  “He” is our guardian protector.  When in balance, the masculine protector does no harm.  His gentle strength brings harmony and peace to where there was conflict and separation.

Extract: While the Goddess and Divine Feminine movement has allowed for the gradual uprising and recognition of the beauty and sacred connection of the feminine (most often embodied by the female), all too often it is in its own denial of the beauty and benefits that the Spiritualised masculine energy can bring to the party.

I think what some of us are doing is confusing divine energies with Earthly energies, earthly energies aren’t divine energies, they are reprehensive of our physicality where’s the divine are more representative of our heavenly/celestial energies.  Some people call these heavenly/celestial energies our spiritual selves but to me all of what’s created by these heavenly/celestial energies is of the spiritual.

Divine energy is heavenly/celestial, everything other than this is earthly or of the physicality of ourselves, these energies are quite different. Earthly energies are noticeably of judgement; they have to be to exist in such a physical reality.  I have a view if you judge this reality of being judgemental or wrong /negative in some way you are only expressive of the Earthly feminine/masculine energies and not the divine feminine within. I might be wrong but the divine feminine energy can’t judge for in giving judgement one becomes aggressive, the divine energy isn’t aggressive.   The divine feminine energy to me is nurturing of all without judgement.

So what about the divine masculine, is it aggressive therefore judgemental like the Earthly masculine energies?  Just like the divine feminine, the divine masculine is somewhat different to the earthly masculine, the divine mescaline judges where’s the  earthly masculine can be judgemental. Again there is a big difference between judging and being judgmental, judging can be very constructive like saving a child from drowning or a lion attack or being creative in anyway however being judgemental is seeing a wrong and a right. I have a view, which might not be correct of course, that there is no wrong or rights in the divine. The universe was created through no wrong or rights in mind that is why not all planets are like Earth, if the universe was created through a judgmental view every planet, solar system and galaxies would be the same but it’s not.  

The divine judges what will be created but it’s not in judgement on how they will be created because there are no wrong or rights, Jupiter isn’t wrong just because it can’t sustain life as we know it, it’s just a creation with no wrong or rights attached. We are creations from the divine, are any of us wrong or right compared to each other?  The divine, either it be of the feminine or masculine energies, is not in judgement of a wrong or right but the earthly feminine and masculine energies can be, they don’t have to be though. It is obvious we have abused our masculine energies but is there a wrong or right in this? To the divine no but to the earthly yes, at the earthly level we are in judgment but again we don’t have to be, this isn’t mandatory just because we are living on an earthly plane.

The divine in all of us isn’t judgemental of a wrong or right, it judges what to create like conceiving children for instance, we judge to have children or not and when we will bring a child into the world but where not being judgemental in this. Being judgmental is like thinking all children are spoilt brats therefore are wrong so we won’t conceive children.  

I could be very wrong in this but I see the divine feminine and masculine energies being quite different to our earthly feminine and masculine energies, I think we really need to beware of this difference.  The divine does not judge a wrong or right, there are no wrong or rights in the divine energies but of course that is just my opinion. 

Monday 16 June 2014

The Expressive Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

Note: I think this post is important for a lot of people to read right through, if you are active on forum sites in particular, this post  just might help you to communicate with others a little better; it’s certainly worth a try anyway.

We can look at the ego and judged it being whatever we want to see it as, but of course to judge the ego to start with is to also be expressive of the ego, it’s like the ego is in judgement of the ego, what else could judge the ego being bad or good?  There is of course is nothing else but the ego!!

Recently I was on a sight, which I have been a member on for a number of years now; that certain people on this site kept saying wrong, this was wrong that was wrong. At one stage, any post or link supporting a post that these people disagreed with was deemed as wrong in any way they could think up. This is the clincher, if anyone mentioned that these people, who were clearly expressive of one of the most destructive ego traits, were making it personal, they denied it and clearly went on about how wrong it was to say that they were being personal.  In turn it wasn’t the people who were being expressive of the word wrong so much that had an ego issue but the people who were on the receiving end of this egotistical expression. What a funny turn around but what was even funnier was the expression of wrong was used while discussing a thread about honesty and dishonesty within spirituality. These people, who were obviously being expressive of one of the most destructive traits of the ego, turned everything around to suite themselves; honesty wasn’t a part of the discussion at all it would seem.  

I believe the ego can be positive and or negative within it’s expressions, it’s really not necessary if you agree with this or not at the moment.  Expressing a wrong in anyone, including yourself, is being expressive of one of the most destructive traits of the ego so in turn all it will do is destroy.  That is exactly what this expression did within this discussion about honesty and dishonesty.

One of the first posts posted, in reply to this thread about honesty and dishonesty within spirituality, was explicitly expressive of the destructive ego expression wrong but also the thread was deemed as being dishonest. Now this reply wasn’t deemed by the repliers of this thread to be personal.  

The ego is of the personal self, it’s not of the collective self, it is personal so any expression of the ego, either it be negative or positive, is obviously personal.  These people, who were so expressive of the destructive trait of the ego, were in total denial of making the conversation personal. We must remember here that the discussion was about honesty and dishonesty, why did these people express so much displeasure in discussing such a topic in the first place and why act so destructively?  

They were in total denial that they were being so expressive of such a destructive trait, in other words they were lying to themselves. This is a good enough reason for the negative destructive ego to go on the defensive, which it did, by expressing itself in the only defensive way it can by being even more expressive of the destructive negative ego. Their ego was in total disagreement with anything they saw as being wrong so they reacted accordingly to their ego trait.

At the same time I was having this discussion on this site, I was having another discussion on another site with another person, and we disagreed with each other’s view. At no time was the expression of wrong, or anything like it, ever expressed between the two of us , the discussion went along quite smoothly but why the difference? These two discussions were still expressive of the ego therefore personal however the big difference was one was being expressive of the negative ego and the other the positive ego. Even though the ego is personal, no matter what, the positive expressive trait of the ego wasn’t personal as such but the negative expressive trait of the ego obviously was.  When a discussion becomes truly personal, that is a good sign that the negative expressive trait of the ego is in control.

Now you could say I am in judgement here, which is of course judged by a lot of people as being bad in some way, ego judging the ego as being bad.  Because the ego can be expressive of either the negative or positive traits of the ego or both, judgment is also of this value, it can also be negative (destructive) or positive (constructive) or of course both.  This is of course because judgement is of the ego.  I might be wrong….whoops, not entirely right in being in judgment of others but at least I’ve been constructive of my expressions.  This is something we have very rarely practiced in human history, using the ego positively instead of negatively.  Why jump the gun and just judge the ego as just being bad when we haven’t experienced and lived in a world mostly influenced by the positive ego?  Before totally judging the ego as just bad, why not give the other side of the ego a chance to prove itself first!!  

Friday 14 March 2014

Embracing Fear

Written by Mathew Naismith

Embracing fear sounds ridiculous because it sounds like we are endorsing fear within ourselves instead of ridding ourselves of fear however that’s not actually the case. Evading or fearing to fear is actually more about endorsing fear than embracing fear, once we stop fearing to fear we are no longer influenced by fear itself. By evading fear, like fearing of being egotistically expressive for example, is still fearing because we are afraid of being seen as egotistical in any way especially if we are spiritually aware.  Spirituality brings forth a lot of fears and it’s how we handle these fears if these fears are going to continue to be unbecoming or not to us.

We are taught, through numerous spiritually oriented books and workshops, to expel our ego traits which of course fear is one of these traits, haven’t we just judged something being of the ego and isn’t judgment a part of these ego traits? You can see we are not getting anywhere by fearing these ego traits in any way in the first place, yes we are feeling better for expelling these traits but we still fear these traits consciously and/or subconsciously.  Any human trait we judge exemplifies the fear within us, judgement denotes fear however I should point out here that there is a difference between judgment & being aware.

I’m aware that judgement is brought on by us fearing, is this not judgement as well by judging judgment of being brought on by fearing? As soon as we categorise a human trait we have made judgment however by being just aware of these human traits without categorising these traits is only being aware without judgement.  It would seem that by linking judgement to fear is categorising judgment as being brought on by fearing!!  Because I don’t fear fearing or of expressing any part of the ego in any way I haven’t judged these ego traits of being bad or unbecoming in any way, I haven’t judged fear as being bad so it’s really not really categorising anything into something separate to something good for example.  Judgement comes about by separating and categorising fear as being just bad that can only give us bad feelings.  

Through some of these spiritually orientated books and workshops, we are trained to separate good from bad which is dictated by our feeling of good and bad, separating good feelings from bad feelings for starters is of judgement. The more we separate these ego traits and feelings the more of the ego we have become not less mainly because we are just as judgemental as ever.   Yes it’s hard not to separate human traits that give us good feeling from bad feelings, at this point we should ask ourselves why is this so hard not to do?  This is where fear comes into the equation again, we fear feeling bad that is why so many spiritually aware people are using spirituality to feel good.  Yes we are sick of feeling bad only because we haven’t faced our fears and yes we feel better when we feel good instead of bad however we are still fearing and separating one human trait form the other thus categorising them as being either bad or good which again brings us back to judgement brought on by fearing.  It’s a vicious circle that a lot of us have gotten ourselves in however there is a simple answer, embrace fear!!

Embracing any ego trait that we fear of expressing in any way will instantly diminish any bad feelings of these feared traits, we will also become a lot less judgemental only because we quite automatically stop categorising these traits as something opposite to other human traits.       

The following links are a good read on this topic.

Extract: If the bad news is that fear never goes away, the good news is that it gets easier to work through and walk through with practice. With that knowledge, you can stop trying to end fear and just get on with whatever you are scared to do or experience.

Extract: Today I’m going to ask you to be open to the idea of embracing fear.  I say embrace fear…embrace it lovingly, gratefully, joyfully…for when you embrace fear, you are disavowing it of its Power…you are dissolving it, bit by bit, until one day that big, impenetrable barrier of Fear no longer exists. In its place is the change that your heart has been longing for.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Spirituality-Uneasiness Within

Written by Mathew Naismith

A lot of spiritually aware & connected people are feeling an uneasiness, is it due to the way this reality is going or is it to do with our transition from one form of existing to another or is it both? I will endeavour to answer this question, let’s first however look at this reality, is there something wrong with it? Well no there can’t be because there is no true right or wrong when looking from timelessness into time, what is is the creation of time of what time has created, that’s all, however while living within time there is a wrong & right & that is what we judge by, time created judgement to judge anything of time by.  So there isn’t anything wrong or right about this reality unless we judge accordingly!!

Now let’s look at our transition from one form of existing to another, is this what’s causing us this uneasiness at times? This again comes back to time because there is no judgement within timelessness because time created judgment, not timelessness, so this transition from one form of existence to another can’t be blamed or judged to giving us this uneasiness we sometimes feel so it comes down to both.  Again it comes down to judging it as both which again is only of time. In timelessness there is no judgement so in fact nothing is really making us feel uneasy so what are we feeling? We are feeling the attachments to time even when we think we are of timelessness, these feelings are telling us we still have attachments to time. Having attachments to time isn’t judged either as being lowly or unbecoming in some way, it’s just of times creation remembering I believe time itself has always existed as explained in previous posts.

So the conclusion/theory is the reason we feel an uneasiness at times is because of all the above which is all of times creation, time has created our uneasiness for without time there would be nothing to feel uneasy about. How about if we just let go of our attachments to time, would this stop this feeling of uneasiness at times? It is obvious it would but do most of us really want or desire to do that?

Once we bring in desire or a wanting what does that pertain too? The ego of course so to desire to be of timelessness is of the ego, a wanting to be more aware is of the ego so no matter what we do in time it is of the ego. It is actually more egotistical to desire to be of timelessness than it is to be in a chaotic existence. If we looked at this in a human way what existence would you choose, one that is beneficial to us or one that isn’t beneficial to us. The ego will always choose what is going to be more beneficial which includes a desire to be of timelessness.  

This brings us back to the question, do most of us want to become detached from the attachments of time & the answer is no because it would seem most people are not truly egotistically driven even though they can be egotistical in time. Is this wanting to be of time driven by the ego because once we are truly of timelessness the ego no longer exists, the ego fears becoming null & void? We really should be asking is it more egotistical to be at one with all & all powerful than to be individually egotistical? The ego only looks at being more than what it is, it sees itself in timelessness as the be & end all even though it doesn’t exist, the ego still exists in the ego mind even once in timelessness because it’s the one. Yes in timelessness the ego doesn’t exist but the ego still thinks it does mainly because the ego can only reason to the extent of time. The ego is very restricted by it’s fixations to time however if one was of timelessness there is no such fixations.  The paradox is one can’t be one without time, when in timelessness there is no one but a oneness with all so one can’t be one within timelessness!! As soon as we see ourselves or become aware of being one or as individuals we are of the ego & as soon as we do this we are of the creation of time. Desiring to be at one with all is of the ego & the more we desire to escape from time the more egotistical we are; it’s one of the many traps of the ego I believe.   

Acceptance of what is which includes the acceptance of being non-accepting at times as well will alleviate a lot of this uneasiness remembering everything is of consciousness not just what we desire to be. This won’t alleviate all our uneasiness however, what is happening is a lot of us are picking up on what this reality is going to be like one day I believe not necessarily what it should be like. Many people are saying it should be like this that or the other, the emotions of time depicts what it’s going to be like so the more we think this reality should be like this that or the other the more we are creating an opposition which of course denotes conflicts.  This reality isn’t supposed to be a certain way but anyway the emotions of time make it. The awareness of our own immortality/timelessness will allow a creation of time to be created without conflict, our ignorance of timelessness has created within time what we have today which of course helps creates some of our uneasiness.

My best advice is just let it flow through you & try not to imagine or expect this reality or yourself to be a certain way, just go with the flow of things without opposition. In my last post I said the cover box of the jigsaw puzzle (bigger picture) is what the bigger picture should look like when not fragmented however one shouldn’t perceive what this bigger picture is until one can see it within it’s entirety otherwise it will stay fragmented. So is this saying we shouldn’t imagine fairies flying around us for example? We can imagine what we like within our own dimension because it is another dimension, what happens is we initiate dimensional link ups to other dimensions without interfering with this reality. While doing this we shouldn’t expect at any time this reality being one thing or another for the reason how many of us perceives a different reality to others? This is one reason this reality is fragmented I believe, we all have our own idea of what this reality should be like & this is where thinking in timelessness comes into it. There are no expectations or judgement within timelessness, what will be will be; it’s all accepted even when we are unaccepting.        

Saturday 11 January 2014

Immortal Free Will

Written by Mathew Naismith

This seems dumb, how can free will exist when we can’t seemingly choose the way we want to live?  When asking this question, are we talking about at the human level of understanding here or are we talking about the God within? When we seemingly have no choice in the way we want to live we are actually only understanding at the human level of understanding or probably more precisely at the mortal level of understanding. Thinking we are just mortal beings is of judgment  however as always I’m not saying judgement is bad or good it just gives us an illusion that we are only mortal beings. If we are truly aware of more than our mortal selves we would realise we have free will, this knowing within oneself is inevitable. 

What’s judgement got to do with making ourselves believe we are just mortal beings? We judge we are alive, we judge we are a physical entity & we judge that we are brainier than all other creatures, this is mortality we are talking about here not anything else beyond mortal being so actually judgment has given us fixations which of course includes our beliefs.  It is nearly impossible for some of us to think or became aware of anything else past these beliefs thus we have become fixated  so of course we are going to think we have no free will unless we enforce our own free will onto others, warring is a good example of this & religion at times is another.  What would happen if we all truly realised & truly believed we are not just mortal beings? I predict we would no longer force our own will onto others & yes it has everything to do with forcing our own free will onto others because we think we don’t have free will to start with.

Being immortal we have chosen freely to live lives as mortal beings thinking that we have no free will & to express any kind of free will we must enforce it, this is expressing our free will at the immortal level of understanding.  It all comes down to, we are actually living in the way we are because we can. This sounds dumb only because we have fixations on mortal life, we can't see past this reality & once again it comes down to why not live within these fixations!!  We must remember here to understand this we are immortal not mortal energy forms, we are actually expressing our free will but only known to our immortal selves because we can. 

This comes down to realising we are immortal & realising we can change things in the world if at the immortal level of understanding we willed it so. At the moment we can’t will it unless we enforce it at the mortal level of understanding however for real change to take effect we must become aware of our immortality which of course give us more awareness.  Any enforcement denotes judgement & fixations thus obscures any further awareness. I'm really thinking though that it would be a super human effort to reverse what we have done all these centuries & actually live within peace itself, why not? That can only be delivered by the God's /realised by the God within I believe.  If we are immortal why not choose, at the immortal level of our understanding, to amend our ways, what a monumental effort that would take & what a monumental ending to a seemingly calamitous existence.  We would indeed prove ourselves to be immortal & God like or of God if we could accomplish this but do we have the will??    

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Acceptance within it’s Totality

Written by Mathew Naismith

I get this so often with people questioning my concepts of acceptance when all of a sudden I become non-accepting of something; they see a flaw within my concepts which of course denotes a judgmental ego.  This isn’t saying judgment is negative, actually judgement can be quite constructive but the more the controlling ego is in control the more destructive judgment becomes I believe, that isn’t the case here, not to any great extent anyway however one must beware of the pitfalls of the controlling ego.

The following reply of mine was in reply to a young person who seemed rather lost; the reply following this was an indirect reply relating to me. My last reply explains to Risingtide the principles of acceptance within it’s totality to.

G'day LostGirl

Welcome to SB first of all.

Sorry for your loss but I'm afraid loss seems to be a part of life, it's quite natural so try first of all thinking of loss as natural.

If you don't mind me giving you advice on positive living, change your user name or log in under another name which denotes something more positive like bright star, gorgeous me, fabulous me or whatever as long as it's positive or at least not negative in some way. Everything vibrates & is accessible to other forms of vibration which also includes words believe it or not.

Puberty & growing up period can be easy on some tough on others mainly depending on the vibrational influences we have around us so look around you to what is causing you to feel uneasy remembering it could be multiple of things or it could be one thing. Most of all don’t feel you need to take control, spirituality is actually about releasing control not taking control.

I hope this helps in some way StarChild, (LostGirl).



The champion of 'Acceptance of all' argues that more positivity is necessary and more information is required
How is that acceptance?

G'day Risingtide

I sense a hint of bitterness from you Risingtide, I get this thrown at me quite often.

Acceptance is to accept all, correct, no matter what, that would also entail to accept not being accepting at times as well.[wink]

When we get into a pure oneness state we are accepting of all within it's totality it would seem but are we? Can we at this point accept being non-accepting again? Very unlikely at the human level also why would we want too when feeling so connected? 

Unless one is able to, at this pure oneness state, become accepting of being non-accepting again one will never be accepting within it's totality. This isn't easy to do at all because our human emotions tell us why we would want to change from this oneness state of being again while in the form we are currently in.

There is nothing to gain for us in our present form to become accepting within it's totality & in fact it's quite harrowing, which is all we need,  however the wisdom gained which will assist others is worth it.


PS Sorry if I have offended you in the past. 

It is funny that we all at times have judged other people’s concepts & beliefs to be wrong in some way mainly because we are just not understanding enough of any said concept/belief of others, is this wrong to judge like this? There are no wrong or rights within spirituality unless our emotions tell us so, this is our human self not our inner self as the inner self is very collective & far less emotionally volatile than our emotional human selves mainly because the inner self isn’t controlled by the controlling factors of the ego.

To be judged is accepted by the inner self as there are no wrongs however at the human level of understanding there is a wrong & right, we must decide what path we want to follow, the inner self’s path or the human self’s path or both. We should try to remember here that our inner selves are totally accepting within it’s totality otherwise we wouldn’t live different lives from life to life, we would just live our lives conductive only to our human emotional selves in our case.