Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts

Friday 17 June 2016

Putting Consciousness Into Perspective

Written by Mathew Naismith

Consciousness; the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. This interpretation refers more to the physical consciousness than non-physical. The non-physical interpretation would be something more like the following, " The mental (mind) action or process of acquiring awareness through comprehension, observation and all the senses".

The mental aspect is the same in the physical as it is of the non-physical, the only difference is, the physical existence needs a brain to process these mental actions and processes,  the non-physical doesn't need a brain, it works with the mind. Being aware that the brain is nothing without the mind, the minds actions and processes are non-physical until the brain expresses the minds actions and processes, this has given us the perception that the mind is also physical but it's not. Everything we create comes from a non-physical source of energy, the mind is a non-physical entity even though we use a physical form, the brain, to process the mind. Only through a physical form are we able to measure the mind and know of it's existence within a physical existence, this is quite different in a non-physical existence where there is no need to measure anything to know of it's existence, consciousness in a non-physical entity and is automatically aware of the minds existence.

Now we might also think that the mind dies with the brain when the physical self dies, once the physical brain is dead, so is the mind. Being that the mind isn't physical to start with until expressed through a physical brain, it's very unlikely that the mind dies with the brain. There are of course various science experiments that support this analogy. The mind existed before and after brains are formed, reincarnation is good example of this. Science once again has proven, to some extent, that reincarnation could possibly be a real phenomena. So it's obvious that the mind, therefore consciousness, exists as a non-physical entity, in actuality, consciousness, therefore the mind, is probably more of a non-physical entity than a physical one. Basically, consciousness is non-physical until it's expressed through a physical brain, however, not all that is expressed physically is expressed through a physical brain. This of course further refers that the mind doesn't need the brain to express itself in a physical way. 

It would seem that consciousness can exist without a physical form to process and inturn turn these processes into actions, physical form, in actuality, it's not the non-physical that is alien to consciousness, the mind, it's physical form that is alien to consciousness (the mind). This infers that consciousness natural state is non-physical, not physical as we perceive, this is the illusion that physical existence has given us I feel.

True Meaning of Old Texts: Our perception, within a physical existence, has given us the perception that the mind can't possibly exists without the brain, this of course is untrue. Many of the old texts are written by people that are aware of this, however, so that people of the perception that the mind is the brain perception, meaning, that these people are predominantly of the physical perception, these old texts had to be written so that the average person could comprehend what is being stated. This meant that the writer had to express himself in a physical way, everything written had to be put into a physical perspective.

A good example of this is God, God's and Goddesses and demons, devils and angels to name a few. We often put these entities into form because that is the only way we can comprehend and perceive their being, otherwise they couldn't exist for us. In actuality this is how these old text writers had to write, most of the times, they had to put a physical figure or representations to something that was and is of a non-physical consciousness entity. For example, is God a white bearded man in a white robe? No, but God's consciousness had to be presented like this so that the average person could comprehend what was being portrayed within these texts, we are also talking about a people who were  predominantly illiterate as well when these texts were written. Could you imagine telling people of God's consciousness as being just a consciousness and expect the populous to comprehend where you were coming from? It just wouldn't have happened so the old texts had to be written so that the average person could comprehend them, this meant that when it came to explaining consciousness,  these texts where encoded into symbols to hide the real meanings of the texts.

Devils and angels are the same, devils haven't got horns and angels haven't got wings, this is our perception of these kinds of consciousnesses so we can relate to them to acknowledge them. This kind of acknowledgment is needed in a consciousness that is predominantly of the mind of physical existence, meaning, the physical is acknowledge before the non-physical. Any consciousness that perceives the physical before the non-physical, needs physical acknowledgment, this means putting each consciousness, like God, angles and demons, into a physical representation for acknowledgment. Often old texts will present themselves inline with the physical when their own acknowledgment is of the non-physical.

So what is all this saying?

It's saying that there is only consciousness until consciousness is expressed or recreated into physical form. The devil is a representation of a conscious way of existing as is Jesus or Buddha for example. They are not a representation of a being or beings, they are a representation of a consciousness, a non-physical consciousness. Now not many of us can comprehend this or even want to comprehend this but some of us can, and yes, we are at that stage of human consciousness where a certain number of people are able to comprehend beyond physicality.

We can indeed create or summon a being or beings that look like devils and angels for example, within a physical existence, this is a good thing to occur though because it gives us a comprehension of something we might not otherwise become aware of.

We do indeed have a choice, either to live by a Jesus/Buddha consciousness or by a devils consciousness for example, remembering though, Jesus/Buddha consciousness is of awareness, wisdom and harmony where's the devils consciousness is of ignorance, folly disharmony, the choice is indeed ours to make. I know what kind of consciousness wisdom would choose to exist by......!!  

Sunday 5 June 2016

Moving Away from Our Created Divisions

Written by Mathew Naismith

When you divide anything, it becomes separate to the whole, a pie is a good example of this, now perceive the collective whole consciousness as a pie, the more it's separated, the more pieces we have. Every time we divide this pie, the smaller the pieces become, consciousness is the same. Now consider the content of each piece as we divide it, it too becomes smaller, now liken this content of the piece of pie to the amount of consciousness awareness. If we keep dividing consciousness itself up, this consciousness awareness becomes less and less due to the less content within each piece of consciousness. Human consciousness and it's perceptions is but one tiny piece of the pie.

Now how divided is this human consciousness? How many different ideologies, concepts, countries and classes of people do we have to name a few? Now how perceptive are these consciousnesses going to be on their own when they are divided from the whole human collective consciousness? Now consider how divided these divided human consciousnesses are compared to the whole collective consciousness? We couldn't be more divided and the more we label, the more divided we become from the collective consciousness, the whole pie. In actuality, in a whole collective consciousness point of view, labels don't exist, they can't for the main reason, their is no pieces of the pie to label, only one whole pie..... You can't even label this whole pie as a collective consciousness within a whole consciousness, we can only label this whole consciousness within a divided consciousness.

Appreciations of Labels: While I was talking to my wife about this topic this morning, I noticed a women's photo in the paper, I was instantly attracted, "what a dish". I then instantly realised how I was attracted to a labelled opposite to myself, I however didn't label my reaction to being one thing or another, it wasn't a negative or a positive reaction, it was just a reaction to a labelled opposite to myself. I then appreciated the appreciation  my labelling gave me, I actually appreciated being able to express more of consciousness even when it's divided, however, by further labelling our own labelling as being negative or positive in any sense, divides this pie up even more to the extent of becoming opposing opposites instead of just labelled opposites.

Opposites do not instantly mean opposing, it means we have a chance to express consciousness in every sense, of course labelling by opposing opposites also allow us to further more express, therefore experience, consciousness even more, this is when these divisions become noticeably destructive however. 

I appreciate my labelling but at the same time try to avoid labels that are opposing.....   

Opposing Divisions: Recently, I had lunch with some old work colleagues, one of my past work colleagues asked me if I was going to catch up with them next week, I said, "I will try", they then stated that try is a negative. The point is, is not stating or labelling a negative a negative to begin with? Within an undivided consciousness, there are no actual negatives as the perception of negatives denote an opposing division, there are no divisions within an undivided consciousness so negatives just don't exist within an undivided consciousness but they do within a divided consciousness.

Once we label (judge) what is negative, we do this through opposing divisions as opposed to a positive, meaning, once we label, we divide negative and positive as opposing, this is different to labelling a noticeable division between two opposites where there is no judged negative or positive. Opposing divisions will always give us negatives and positives, negatives and positives just don't exist within an undivided consciousness due to the fact that there is no conscious opposition to itself. When positives or negatives have no opposing opposites, what then makes a positive and a negative? However, opposites, without being opposing, exist within an undivided consciousness as there are no labels, it's these labels that give us opposing perceptions and perspectives, divisions.

Undivided Opposites: Now we might think an undivided consciousness doesn't have opposites within itself as it's undivided. Let's look at a pie here, is there not an outer and inner layer of the pie while the pie is still whole? Is there not an outer and inner layer of all consciousness? There are always opposites in everything without being opposing, opposing is only relevant and existing within a divided consciousness. Opposites do not automatically mean a division, yes, within a consciousness that divides there is but not in an undivided consciousness.

We have indeed created these divisions that have created a reality divided upon itself. The pie is perceived to be no longer whole, in actuality, the pie just doesn't exist for us any more even when all the content of the pie is still being experienced and expressed by us. It's strange experiencing a consciousness that no longer sees itself as part of the pie, consciousness itself as a whole. Human consciousness has divided itself so much that it can no longer see it's still the pie, consciousness as a whole. We don't have to stop in labelling opposites to realise we are the pie, just stop labelling opposing opposites, within this, labels will no longer play a major part in our existence as they do at present.

We too often think opposites has to be in opposition when the truth is very different, but only in an undivided consciousness is this different. The truth can only be found when consciousness is no longer perceived as being divided, the pie is whole no matter how divided it seems, there are no true opposing opposites, only opposites, the outer and inner layer of the pie but as a whole with no divisions!!                        

Thursday 19 May 2016

The Vastness of Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

If man's consciousness existed for a billion years, it would be like a grain of sand upon a beach compared to consciousness as a whole. This is how vast consciousness is and how small man's consciousness is no matter how long he's consciousness existed for......

Man's consciousness could exist for a trillion years and still be but a grain of sand on a beach compared to infinite consciousness. Put it this way, if we fell asleep for five seconds and awaken from this sleep, how significant would this five seconds be to an average persons life? It wouldn't be, this is a real depiction of man's consciousness as a whole, it's minute compared to our whole being, infinite consciousness itself.     

I will now share a couple of conversations I had with Eddie Lau and Meda Raveendra Reddy Foundation to hopefully get a better depiction of the vastness of consciousness itself.  

Delusions from our greed(pulling) and hatred(aversion/pushing) movement at once is the cause of our separations of inner and outer. They are actually one whole truth without boundary when we really see. Whatever we perceive from the outside are the reflections of ourselves when there is no movement at all. The separation/fragmentation begins the moment we moved mentally/physically. We are limitless when we are not.

My Reply:
Utterly so in my mind, boundaries are created when we exist by the finite as opposed to the infinite.

We might perceive that the infinite is more of motion than the finite but this isn't so, the infinite is motionless as it has no purpose to go from one point to another for all points are within the same such.

We often look at the infinite as being more of motion because it's seemingly infinite therefore always of motion, however, there is no actual space within the infinite for motion to exist I feel for there is no need of space and time within the infinite.

The strange thing is, the infinite is only infinite while consciousnesses is being expressed as motion in the finite, it's actually the finite that gives the infinite it's endless boundaries.

As you said, they are one whole truth without boundaries, boundaries are actually an illusion, however, without these boundaries, there is no infinite for the finite and the infinite are one of the same thing.

Boundaries and limitations define the infinite unless we are too caught up in the illusion. Strangely enough, illusions are necessary for us, that's why they exist but we need to be aware of this otherwise the infinite won't exist for us, this is often highly destructive.

An example of this is in the way we use energy, we use energy as a finite source which can be highly destructive. Using energy as a infinite source actually works in the opposite, it's highly constructive. We see energy as being created and destroyed in a reality of the finite, a starting and ending point or origin. An infinite reality sees energy as being always there, this means consciousness within such an infinite reality will only use an energy source that has no starting or ending point of origin, within this, there is no destruction.

Science know you can't destroy energy as energy itself is infinite, however, what energy creates isn't infinite, it's finite, of motion. All motion is of the finite where's all motionlessness is of the infinite.

Return Reply:
We are indeed the energy now transforming from a form to another ceaselessly. 

Our outer environment and its consciousness exists every where. But what we can perceive is only what is possible for our consciousness. What is un-consciousness? some thing we are not conscious of it. When we are aware of it, then it becomes part of our consciousness. So, it is our consciousness which I think you are referring to inner conciseness keep on expanding. to say it is infinite, I am not sure if it is the right word to use. May be it is expandable but always have its limits.

My Reply:
Meda Raveendra Reddy Foundation As I will explain in my next post, consciousness refers to motion, all motion is of this expansion, the finite, but is also of the infinite as in forever expanding.

Expansion actually infers finite and infinite for any consciousness to expand, it also needs limitations, boundaries. 

Is therefore motionlessness (timelessness) this un-conscious? 

I think this un-consciousness doesn't exist for it's not of any kind of energy, it can only exist within a consciousness which makes it a creation of consciousness to start with. So yes you are right, this ever expandable (infinite) consciousness has it's limitations. 

The yin can't exist without the yang, does this mean consciousness can't exist without the un-conscious as well? The yin can't exist without the yang for without the yin the yang has nothing to compare it's existence with. Consciously speaking, the un-conscious has to exist to prove that consciousnesses also exists!! A paradox as always but quite comprehensible.

Finite = time + consciousness + space + motion + limitations + energy

Infinite = timelessness + non-consciousness + no space + motionlessness + unlimited + energy

Time and space: It's understandable that time and space are of the finite, what's interesting is that there are numerous, and yes, infinite starting and ending points within time itself, therefore in reality, time is an expression of the infinite as well as the finite.

Non-consciousness: Now the question of an existence of a non-consciousness is questionable, for a non-consciousness to exist, this non-consciousness needs a consciousness to realise this non-consciousness exists in the first place, basically, the yin needs the yang to exist and visa-versa.

Is there a nothingness of non-consciousness? I believe so but it can't be put into words or explained in any sense for it's non-consciousness, to put it into words would be of consciousness, once you do this, you are no longer speaking of a non-consciousness. This non-consciousness is more of a feeling than anything, it's certainly not a knowing for to know denotes a consciousness.

Motion/Motionlessness: Motion is of time and space therefore is of the finite for motion depicts a starting and ending point. Motionlessness however is of no time or space therefore is of the infinite as there is no starting or ending point of existence, no life or death.

Limitation/Unlimited: Because there are starting and ending points in time, these starting and ending points limit a consciousness to the finite. An unlimited consciousness however  is infinite because there are no limitations to a consciousness that has no boundaries unlike a consciousness within time. A state of timelessness allows a consciousness to express itself beyond the boundaries of time void of starting an ending points.                     

Energy; refers to both the infinite and the finite for all expressions in time are due to the infinite. Look at it like this, a motion picture has various frames that make up a motion picture, basically each separate frame of the picture film make up a motion picture by putting each frame into motion in realities of the finite. The infinite doesn't work like this, it sees all of the motion picture film as one frame, a collective picture or one picture, not many. This one picture frame, even though it's motionless, is still a depiction of an energy source otherwise the frame of the picture film wouldn't and couldn't exist.

Finite = separate frames put into motion as one picture film in motion, this can only occur in time based realities.

Infinite = all the separate frames are in one frame which is motionless, there is no motion in the infinite so no motion occurs. This means timelessness is a depiction of one still picture frame while showing the whole collective picture film simultaneously. You can see why an infinite consciousness is so aware, it is aware of the whole picture all of the times.      

Now I've put non-consciousness with energy while stating that this non-consciousness isn't an energy source. The reason for this is to do with the only way to become aware of this non-consciousness, is through the infinite, a state of timelessness, this is the only state that you will become aware of this non-consciousness. The infinite still denotes a consciousness but only through this timeless, motionless consciousness. The infinite and non-consciousness are certainly closely interlinked.

Consciousness as a whole is certainly vast and quite incomprehensible at times because of it's massiveness, the strange thing is, this whole collective consciousness is actually quite minute/tiny for only in motion is anything massive and sizeable, this is because motion expands on this motionless consciousness through it's expressions. Anything of this motionless consciousness expressed, automatically becomes larger but only in time.     

I'm sorry if I haven't explained myself very well here, it's a very difficult topic to comprehend at the best of times.   

Saturday 16 January 2016

Spiritual Exemplifications

Written by Mathew Naismith

I've written the following in response to my recent interactions with other people, I'm actually going to conduct a talk on this matter through a group of like minded people I've recently interacted with.

It has come to mind, through recent interactions, that a basic understanding of terminology used within spirituality is needed. What a lot of us are aware of within these terminological expressions is too ambiguous and numerous, there seems to be  no basic conceptual comprehension. This of course makes communicating our own perceptions quite difficult for other people to understand, I do hope the following assists in this area.

Consciousness: An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation. Cognition is in reference to the process of perception and learning and reasoning. Cognition is mainly to do with  psychological processes, it's how the psyche processes what it becomes aware of . For example, if our perception is fixated to a certain ideological perspective, all we will become aware of is a cognitive state that is unaware of any other state to one degree or another.

The openness of our cognitive state (consciousness) determines what we will become aware of. Remembering our meditative states takes an open cognitive state of consciousness, our cognitive state is certainly important in spirituality even though we are supposed to think less and feel more.

You might find this interesting, once you deplete the thinking process, this thinking process is taken over by feelings and intuition. This is very much the same when we lose one of our five senses, the other senses become more in tune or heightened. Take away the thinking process of the mind, all our other senses become more in tune or heightened. Take away the controlling ego, what of our other senses will this bring to fruition?

It is well known that this universe was created from a consciousness, a cognitive state that isn't influenced by certain senses but all senses, this means everything is consciousness before it becomes a reflection of this consciousness. In our case, the reflection of consciousness has given this concussions form, the physical universe and everything within this universe, in other words everything is consciousness.    

Spirituality: Spirituality is to do with the spirit of all things, being that everything is created from the essence of consciousness itself, the essence being the spirit within all things. Now if spiritualty is determined by the spirit of all things, spiritualty actually refers to everything in existence, in other words spiritualty is in reference to everything. However, spirituality is more defined by the spirit within all things, a cognitive perception that is beyond material ownership, basically, a perception that perceives beyond a controlling ego, a perception that is aware of the spirit within all things without question.  

Spiritual Awareness: Again, it's an awareness beyond the conditioned  perception controlled by a controlling ego. Spiritual awareness allows one to disconnect with our physical senses and mind thus allowing us to become aware beyond these fixated senses.

Basically, spiritual awareness is about switching off our conditioned senses and turning on our other senses that are normally beyond these fixated senses comprehension. In this case, once we switch off the controlling factors of a controlling ego, our other hidden senses take over giving us a much more open perception and understanding of ourselves and our environment.         

When we lose one of our five senses, the other senses become more heightened (in tune), this gives us quite a different perception, spiritual awareness is no different......

Psychic/Sixth Sense: A person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception, the natural range being the natural behaviour of a controlled consciousness fixated to using the five senses above all other senses.  

Once again, psychic is in reference to a perception beyond normal human conditioning. This perception allows a consciousness to naturally utilise our other senses, these senses being relative to being psychic, in other words being psychic means one is utilising their other senses beyond the five senses, this is often called our sixth sense.

Conscious Changes: We all know that the 2012 conscious change didn't occur, it didn't just happen so we, while still being influenced and conditioned by the masculine, thought is didn't eventuate.

The masculine is all about power and control, this means once a change occurs under this influence, it will happen quite dramatically and often instantly.  

What we haven't considered is that the feminine isn't about control or power, so isn't it understandable that any change under this influence isn't going to forcedly and instantly and even noticeably occur? This is because the feminine is nurturing and very subtle in it's expressions, any change influenced by such a change, will gradually occur. In actuality, the change occurred right under our noses purely because it occurred in such a subtle way. Any change occurring in such a subtle way, is a very good indication of this 2012 conscious change occurring.  As for myself, the change was quite noticeable, this is the time I started blogging my channellings and perceptions that obviously go beyond normal human conditioning and reasoning.   

Note: Please don't take what I have stated here as being gospel or of absolute truth, it's only my own perceptions of what is.          

Monday 12 October 2015

A Reality of Chain Reactions

Written by Mathew Naismith

Chain Reaction: At first this seemed like a strange spiritual orientated topic for me to write about, what's chain reactions got to do with spiritual practices?  In actuality it has everything to do with the way we express ourselves as each expression causes some kind of reaction, as soon as we express ourselves, we cause a reaction. This however doesn't mean all our actions and reactions are going to cause a chain reaction, a continuation of an initial action or reaction.

The universe itself was created from a chain reaction of matter and anti-matter coming together, everything existing within this chain reaction is influenced by some sort of chain reaction. The sun was created from a chain reaction and like everything created from a chain reaction has an end of cycle, a temporal existence, this however doesn't mean the consciousness behind these chain reactions are temporal, in actuality this consciousness infinite.

Take Jesus and Buddha for instance, they caused a chain reaction and of course the initial source of this reaction always dies out, in this case, this was Jesus and Buddha who physically died when their cycle finished. The initial reaction within a chain reaction always has a start and end of cycle as does the chain reaction itself, however, the consciousness that created these chain reactions to begin with is infinite as consciousness itself isn't governed by cycles until this consciousness is expressed. In other words it's an expression of a consciousness that creates a chain reaction,  I think this universe is a prime example of this. Man himself creates through the same actions, materialism is a chain reaction and so are wars and conflicts, the reaction between black and white can create a chain reaction.

This is no different to how the universe was created, everything that exists within a chain reaction automatically reacts in the same way no matter how small or large the  reaction is that is being created. What's basically being said here is, you can't manifest for a change unless it's through a chain reaction within a reality created from a chain reaction, this means you can't just sit there and pray, chant or meditate for a change to occur unless this consciousness is expressed, once this consciousness is actually expressed, it naturally starts up a chain reaction.

Consciousness: Now the thing to consider here is the initial consciousness behind each chain reaction, at the moment, many people are talking about and expressing love on the net but how genuine is this love because if it's not genuine, it won't cause a significant chain reaction that will make a substantial long lasting difference. I've been on the bitter end of this love, it's sad as it's not as genuine as it seems at first, it's certainly not in the same league as Jesus or Buddha for example. In this case, it's not going to make much of a difference as these chain reactions only have a short cycle.

The hate in the world has created a huge long lasting chain reaction that has lasted thousands of years, why has it lasted so long?

A consciousness that is genuine, will create a chain reaction that will last and be predominantly influential over all other smaller less genuine chain reactions, the hate in the world has always been genuine, look at what we have done to each other in human history, this hate is genuine and so should be our love if we want it to become predominantly influential especially over hate.

One way to test if your love is genuine is put yourself into a situation that would usually make you feel anything but love towards others. If in this case you are unable to feel any sort of love towards these people, your love is most likely not genuine. Ostracising people is another indication of a non-genuine love, think on this, did Jesus or Buddha ostracise anyone?  I actually don't mind hanging around the people I refer to as unbecoming, they certainly test how genuine  my love is, did Buddha detest the egotistic self therefore ostracise and not face the egotistic self?  He confronted it face on, this is why people like this have caused a significant chain reaction, if we truly want to make a significant difference, we must do the same.

There are realities that are not influenced by chain reactions, yes, these realities are peacefully existing in utter bliss because within a reality not created from chain  reactions there is very little motion. For example, within these realities you don't have to express consciousness of love for love to exist, it's already exists, however, we are not presently existing in such a reality, our reality is purely based on chain reactions so for a significant change to take affect, this change needs to be expressed. The more genuine we are within our expressions, the more these changes will take affect.

Are there universes that weren't created through a chain reaction?

I believe there is, a  universe doesn't have to be of a planetary nature or even existing as something physical, a universe actually denotes a creation of a kind either it be planetary, physical or non-physical or what ever. The universe we are presently experiencing was created by a chain reaction, this means everything within this reality that exists will require a chain reaction to exist within this kind of reality, this isn't the same in realities not created by a chain reaction.  

To me, these universes and realities are alive, they were created by a consciousness for starters, this means each reality and universe has it's own influential persona or character in a sense. Take atheists for example, no form of God's consciousness exists for them, their reality is governed by a certain facade or perspective that doesn't include any form of God, this in turn creates quite a different reality compared to a devout Christian for example.

Personas: Now it might seem lame or ridiculous to say that realities and universes have personas very simular to humans, where did our personas actually come from? Certainly not out of thin air. I am aware that in other existences, not of this universe or reality, conscious forms have a totally different personas than we do within this reality/universe. Let's just look at our own solar system, no planet or orbiting planetary form has the same exact characteristics as other planetary forms, they all have their own personal characteristics which is influenced by the universes creation itself.

I would also say that beings in other galaxies would have a different character to ourselves, this is due to each galaxy and solar system being also influenced by a certain kind of persona or character. This persona then becomes a part of all  living things being created within such a reality.

To a lot of people who don't perceive that realities and universes are a living conscious form, this is going to be hard to except that solar systems, galaxies and universes, have a kind of persona or character that every living conscious thing created under these influences also enact out, this is inevitable. If it's not seen as being alive in some way, how can it have a persona or a character of it's own!! However, once we perceive that everything is alive in some way, as it's all created by a consciousness anyway, it's easy to see that the universe has it's own persona and that each galaxy and solar system and even planet has it's own derivative character.

When you take other universes into consideration here, it's easy to see that each universe/reality has it's own persona or character and that conscious forms created within these realities also take on a form of this character in some way.

The reality we are  presently experiencing has been brought about by a chain reaction, this gives this reality/universe it's own persona/character which then influences all conscious forms created within this particular persona/character. Basically what I am saying is, our personas are derivatives of  the universes/realities persona which then creates our own unique realities and personas based on chain reactions.        

Thursday 8 October 2015

Manifested Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Everything is an expression of consciousness either it be of thought or physical action, it's all a derivative of one source no matter how it's expressed. Within a three dimensional reality/consciousness, this consciousness is expressed in a physical way, this means most expressions are going to be expressed as a solid mass. I do believe this universe is a prime example of this, I also believe consciousness isn't expressed as mass in other dimensions as much as it is within this 3rd dimension.

Now the difference in the way consciousness is expressed, makes a huge difference in the way consciousness is used within a dimension or reality. In dimensions and realities that are less expressive of physical 3rd dimensional form, formless expressions of consciousness are more influential, this is going to be different within a dimension/reality that is mostly influenced by a 3rd dimensional mentality. This means physical expressions of consciousness are going to be more influential than non-physical expressions. When you think on this, how are we conditioned to think in a certain way? Most of what we are conditioned to comes from other 3rd dimensional physical means, this isn't the same within other less physical dimensions and realities.

Let's look at a person who has psychological issues, yes, these issues are usually brought on by physical influences and then most often expressed in a physical way , they however live within their own reality which isn't physical until expressed in a physical way. Their reality within their minds is expressed in a physical way but it hasn't as yet taken physical form until this kind of consciousness is expressed in this way. In actuality, they express a reality that isn't physical until expressed but even this expression is 3rd dimensional. Our dreams are the same, they are usually 3rd dimensional within there expressions even though they are not actually being physically expressed as a solid object.

Within a 3rd dimension, it's not easy not being expressive of consciousness in a 3rd dimensional way, this is due to our mentalities being conditioned to predominately express consciousness as a 3rd dimensional reality. This isn't the same in other dimensions and realities, in actuality it's quite the opposite at times, 3rd dimensional physical expressions just don't exist within certain dimensions and realities.

The point is, you can't expect a none physical conscious expression to be highly influential over and above conscious expressions expressed in solid form, especially within a 3rd dimension. We can sit here praying, chanting and mentally manifesting a better existence all we like, it's just not going to happen until such expressions are expressed in a physical way. Yes, in other non-physical dimensions and realities not predominately influenced by a 3rd dimensional mentality, this will work but it won't and never has worked to any degree within a dimension predominantly influenced by a 3rd dimensional mentality.

Let's put it this way, you have one hundred people trying to manifest a better existence through visualisation and on the other hand you have another thousand people trying to keep their manifestation alive in a much more physical way, which one is going to win out here? In actuality, which one has always won out, which one always comes out on top? You know why, because it's expressed in accordance with the 3rd dimension. You can't go into another dimension and express a form of consciousness at will, it just won't work unless you do it in accordance with the dimension you are in.

Now you would think mentally visualising and expressing these constructive visualisations would work, this is in accordance with the 3rd dimension because you are now being physically expressive.

What's happening is you also have many other people manifesting their own visualisations as well, this destructive reality is their visualisations, these visualisations are no less influential than people visualising a reality that is less destructive. What we need to remember is it's their reality not ours, we really have no right to force our own reality onto others, a reality they obviously don't want.

However, because we are also a part of this reality, we can in our own right be influential towards a more constructive reality, this is our right but don't expect miracles. Yes, one hundred people can and do make a difference but a thousand other people who desire the opposite make a much bigger impact!!

It's just the sign of the times, have we truly got the right to change the majority of people's (collective) manifestations? This is an interesting question, let's look at it this way, do religious people have a right to force their own conscious expressions onto everybody else?  Even today they obviously think they still do, do we really want to go down this path? To the aware, there is a need to change our destructive ways but to the unaware there isn't, which manifestation has more of a right over another within a 3rd dimension?  An aware consciousness will state no manifestation is over and above another manifestation, however, an unaware consciousness will always state my manifestation is over and above other manifestations. Can you see what we need to get away from if we really want to make a difference? 

What we really need to do is give people a choice, that is all we need to do in my mind otherwise we will only add to the chaos even more. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, atheism, agnosticism, new age spirituality, are choices until they become predominant above all other manifestations.

It is wise to be influential, it is unwise to be predominantly influential for there is no wisdom in one's own influence.....Mathew!!        

Wednesday 16 September 2015

The Wisdom Within Collective Thinking

Written by Mathew Naismith

I know there are a number of people who don't like me sharing other people's perspectives, I however find other people's perspectives and insights interesting, of course I'm going to share them. It takes the collective to wise up to itself, this also means sharing other people's perspectives and insights other than my own. No one singular consciousness can bring forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.

I received following interesting replies to my last post, I hope they give you as much insight as they gave me.  

Consciousness (mindfulness in the form of compassion non-violence, and loving kindness), Mother Earth, nature and the Ego state are all interrelated - unless we can master these understandings, then practice Consciousness, no human can evolve positively, peacefully and no human except Buddhist Monks will ever be able to understand what it feels like to  live in a higher state of consciousness! Have just published a book about Gaia's lack of Ego and how Gaia is in relation to mother Earth and you are quite right, Mother Earth is a living breathing entity! Blessings!

My Reply
Yes, Buddhist monks are to me  about pure balance which brings forth the wisdom to be able to exist in a chaotic world in peace. It's actually quite a beautiful state to exist in.

This came to mind recently, very few people will experience true wisdom, this however doesn't mean we can't live in balance with Gaia. We need to once again learn to listen to wisdom instead of egotism.

I'm going to insert your reply into one of my posts, could you give my readers of my blog some detail about your book and how to purchase it?

thank you Mathew! the book is called 'Darwin's Women of Mother Earth' by author Lucy Farmer - your readers can purchase it on Amazon or through my website link on selfhelpforhealing dot com..if google does not allow this message to be accepted and think it is a promotion they will erase it, however, if you go to my google page you will find my website details and all links to the book on that! The book is aimed at the feminine energies and the ancient connection with mother earth and goes into scientific but also intuitive details about the past and how humans lived without ego - If men and women are brave they can learn a great deal from this book about themselves, and to find the true path to peace, wisdom and living in balance with Gaia and the  true connection that all humans have been looking for - for thousands of years - A very intricate book, connecting, mind-science, nature, (mother Earth), feminine energies, genetics, neuroscience and mindfulness and how they are all interrelated. I would be very happy once your readers have read this book to give free discussions to your readers but you will have to contact me on my website for email details.  - many blessings Mathew!

Yours - Mine - Theirs  ,,, none of it matters in the end.

My Reply
True, it doesn't matter because no one possess's anything, including our thoughts. It's interesting how the ego dupes us to think in terms of possessions. 

I  get it. "Any extreme reactions to another motion we judge as evil isn't balance."   It is chaos.

My Reply
What we judge as evil loves it's opposites being expressed, especially to an extreme, this is wholly due to the love of conflicts. You can't have much of a conflict if a consciousness of evil intent doesn't have an opposite, the more extreme the opposite, the better the conflict.

Too many people give love in retaliation to a deemed evil or wrong, this is only feeding it and it love it. Consciousness's of evil intent don't like to be embraced in love, they want to be hated or judged as being wrong which most people do. It's wise to learn the true concepts of unconditional love.  


Collective Consciousness: I have attracted some interesting readers, I say interesting mainly because they are mostly open minded and yes even balanced within themselves in one sense or another, I'm actually quite privileged because I'm now apart , in my mind, of an exclusive group of people through my blog. These people are exclusive because they don't seem to judge one ideology being the be and end all, this is more important than some people might think. Again, it takes the collective to wise up to itself, no one singular consciousness can bring forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.

The collective consciousness is of course referring to collective ideologies, no one ideology has all the answers, this includes the ideologies that help us to find balance in life therefore wisdom. For an example of this, what opposite motion would wisdom alone create, in other words what is the opposite of wisdom?  Folly, foolishness which is usually brought about by being unaware. A true sense of balance and wisdom isn't just an expression of wisdom but a balance between all of what is, this is true wisdom in my mind. This is how I think the wise can live within a reality of foolishness and still stay collectively wise, they accept the foolishness as also being apart of themselves without becoming too involved, in other words the wise participate within this motion  but always remember to also observe.

Wisdom doesn't listen to egotism; this is the trick of wisdom, it instead observes egotism without having the desire to express egotism. You might presume this takes control  but it doesn't, wisdom isn't about taking control as Gaia isn't about taking control of the cycles Gaia presides over. The thing to wise up too, there is a huge difference between influencing something and controlling something!!

Most people are influenced by the ego to become controlling, this controlling action is then expressed as an extreme which denotes egotism, an expression that is highly expressive of control. What then happens when we are influenced by wisdom? Quite the opposite occurs, we actually express less control not more. This is due to the balance of what wisdom gives, after all wisdom is about balance to begin with. The ego doesn't have to influence us to become controlling, especially of Gaia (our environment), this seems  to only occur when a consciousness lakes wisdom, in other word lacks balance.  

Could you imagine if man's consciousness kept in balance with Gaia? It's hard to imagine but a heaven on Earth comes to mind.

Possessions: If you look back in human history, you will find a lot of the people of the ancient times knew they never truly possessed anything, this is due to anything created through motion is transitory, meaning it has a life span and isn't infinite. How can you truly posses anything that isn't infinite? It's mind boggling but we do in modern day times but why do we have the mentality of ownership/possession?

Control, the more controlling we become, the more we think we posses. Control is  fundamentally possessed by egotism for egotism creates control, this control in turn of course creates a sense of ownership. The people of ancient times and the people who still abide by these ancient principles today,  didn't and don't have this dilemma, they are free of such egotistical control. You could easily say they are true observers of folly.

Opposites Attracting Opposites: Do we truly want to keep attracting the opposite?  It would seem so. The more extreme we express one motion, like love or hate, the more the opposite we will create, this is called cause and effect, one action creating a possible opposite reaction. For example, "I'm going to keep my doors unlocked at night, I won't be dictated to by criminals", they then experience a home invasion.

Another example, "I will give love to an evil wrongful world",  how are the deemed evil, who only lust, going to react to this?  They are of course going to counteract this love with lust.

Both these examples are in retaliation and are a retaliative reaction against a deemed opposite, this of course creates the opposite effect.

Let's now look at both these examples again but with far less retaliative motion/reaction. " In my environment it isn't wise to leave my doors open, I will lock my doors".

 "I will give love and embrace a world that seems lost to itself". You are going to receive quite a different response to this from any deemed opposite, actually, you haven't judged an opposite to start with within this very subtle motion.

Any consciousness of deemed evil intent, will only thrive on an opposing reaction, they love conflicts and destruction, why keep feeding them what they want and need to keep on existing? 

The true concepts of unconditional love refers to embracing every part of consciousness no matter how it expresses itself, deeming one part of consciousness evil or wrong, and not embracing it in love, isn't an expression of unconditional love.

Yes, to express a true form of unconditional love takes balance, this means never allowing egotism  to control you to only see yourself in opposition, once you have an opposition, you have an immediate imbalance. This certainly isn't conductive to acquiring wisdom, you can certainly see why we haven't acquired wisdom in the modern age, egotism is too in control of us!!          

Saturday 12 September 2015

Choosing Your Own Reality

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is an awkward post to write, actually, I wasn't going to write it, it's going to be too ambiguous for a number of people, meaning, for anyone religiously following a certain ideology, my explanations are going to seem like a joke to them. This is all to do with explaining the different aspects of things like God, ego, soul, for example. In most ideologies, these things only have one meaning, one explanation, all other explanations are irrelevant and wrong, I will however hopefully show this isn't correct, all ideologies have their own truths which in turn creates a certain reality.

Which ideology speaks the utter truth: over and above all other realities, is Buddhism correct over and above Christianity or visa-versa? Is Islam correct over and above Buddhism or visa-versa? Who actually defines what ideology is more correct over and above all other ideologies? This is an important question to answer because the answer to this question isn't ambiguous at all, actually, the answer is quite unambiguous, meaning, the answer to this question is quite obvious.

At present we have religious extremists expressing themselves in a very extreme way, this is wholly do to these people believing their ideologies are the be and end all above all other ideologies. 

What is the driving force behind these extreme reactions, what makes them extreme within their ideology? 

Most people will just look at the ideology itself, in this case, this makes all the people who follow such ideologies, that can be expressed in an extreme way, extremists in some way. This analogy would also make all Christians extremist as well, especially when  considering the religious Dark Ages. Does the actions of Christian extremists in the Dark Ages infer that all Christians today are extremists?  Of course not. Extremism hasn't anything to do with the ideology itself, its to do with the implementation of such ideologies by certain people religiously following an ideology.

If we are religiously following an ideology of one kind, what human trait are we actually expressing to an extreme? Following any ideology religiously is defined as an extreme reaction going by dictionary definitions. The only human trait that can create extremism in any way is egotism as opposed to ego.

So the answer to the question, who actually defines what ideology is more correct is egotism, not the ideology itself. Yes, an ideology can be written in an egotistical way but it's the way a person reacts to this ideology that can cause it to become extreme. I don't know of too many ideologies that aren't written in an egotistical way, God definitely exists, God defiantly doesn't exist. You even have ideologies that state that all other ideologies that have a believe in God and/or soul, are beliefs brought about by delusions, in other words these ideologies are delusional, this is a quite a broad statement to make. This kind of statement says to me that such statement like this are highly influenced by egotism themselves. What other human trait, other than egotism, would state such a statement? 

I've seen people fixated to a certain ideology use science to explain why God and souls don't exist, however, I've also seen people following a different ideology use relevant science that explains that God and the soul do exist, which one again is more correct over another? Egotism will always state my ideology is more correct no matter what.

The point is, no ideology is perfectly correct, however, no ideology is incorrect either, the truth is defined in what reality we presently reside in. Does God defiantly exist? Most definitely but only in certain realities.

The Infinite Consciousness: There is supposed to be over 8 million realities within this one physical reality, only egotism can state, categorically, which one is more correct over and above all other ideologies. I do find it quite amusing that some ideologies state that all ego expressions are an illusion, but in stating so, have themselves not expressed a form of egotism!!

Consciousness itself is extremely diverse and infinite within it's expression, it ever changing as human history quite plainly shows, which ideology is always correct above all other ideologies?  Once again egotism will say my ideology is always correct but what does a consciousness, not influenced by egotism, actually say?  

All ideologies have merit within their own realities, if you want to create a certain reality for yourself,  follow a certain ideology as it's these ideologies that create a particular reality, in other words each ideology creates it's own reality. For example, Buddhism creates a certain reality as does Christianity, Islam and even materialism, is one reality more correct over and above another reality? Egotism once again will say it is within it's own ideology, it's own reality.

Consciousness itself isn't defined by egotism nor ego, it has not fixed to defined  boundaries, it's infinite within all it's expressions either it be of egotism, ego or a state of being egoless.

Materialism; expresses a state of egotism and creates relative realities according to the ideology being expressed.

Religions like Christianity; mostly expresses ego and  creates relative realities according to the ideology being expressed.

Religions like Buddhism; creates a state mostly void of the ego and creates relative realities according to the ideology being expressed. One might judge, "To express materialism is less worthy than to express Buddhism for example, one is more of a delusion than another". The only part of the humans self that will make this statement is egotism. 

Consciousness is that vast and infinite within it's expressions and non-expressions, there are no true delusion, the only delusion there is, is only knowing that we are only of one of these realities. We are not just egotism or ego nor egoless, we are all of what is.

In all, is it wrong to just choose one reality to exist by? I will answer this with another question, is it wrong in being physically human? Experiencing being human is experiencing one reality, this isn't wrong no matter what way we express ourselves, we can however express ourselves to the point of being highly destructive though, even this isn't wrong. When we look at our destructiveness only through this reality, destruction is wrong, however, this view changes when we realise we are all of what is, there is no right or wrong, just different expressions of consciousness that a wise collective consciousness would change to something more constructive I feel. 

It matters not what reality you choose to experience, what does matter is how destructive our fixation to a reality can become when expressed to an extreme.                           

Sunday 12 July 2015

Going Beyond the Souls Perceptions

Written by Mathew Naismith

The soul first of all represents the expressions of consciousness itself, however,  each soul only expresses a certain expressive function of consciousness, this is why consciousness itself is represented by individuals parts of itself interacting with itself. Physical worlds are a good example of this individuality, no form within these worlds are exactly alike as they all only represent a portion of what consciousness is as a whole.

The spirit on the other hand is representative of the spirit of consciousness itself, this means the spirit is a connection between the soul and this consciousness. You could look at it in this way, this spirit is like the silver cord that is attached between your body and soul when astral travelling, this silver cord basically represents the spirit of your humans self which keeps you connected to your soul. This is the same with consciousness itself and our soul, our souls have basically gone on an astral trip but our spirit, like the silver cord connecting us between our body and soul while astral travelling, keeps us attached to consciousness itself. As the silver cord in astral travelling represents our human spirit, so is the spirit between consciousness itself and the soul.

This basically means any connection, either it be between your human self and the soul OR the soul and consciousness itself,  represents the spirit either it be the human spirit or the spirit of consciousness itself. This means the silver cord that attaches us to our bodies, while astral travelling, is the human spirit and the connection between consciousness itself and the soul is the spirit of consciousness itself. Religion (spirituality) has always tried to stay aware of this connection between consciousness itself and the soul and the human self, I suppose that’s what’s spirituality is about, this connection in particular.

Consciousness itself = the spirit of consciousness + soul + human spirit + humans

              Consciousness        spirit of consciousness            soul             Human spirit            Human self 

The souls awareness and perception is governed by actual experiences of the said soul, in other words the more ways  a soul has been  expressive of consciousness itself, the more aware the soul will be of this consciousness. In turn, this awareness allows the soul to become more perceptive of consciousness as a whole as opposed to being only partially aware of this consciousness.     

The question is now, can we perceive beyond the soul? Would we really want (desire) to do this, why would we want to do this in the first place, really? Why not just allow the soul to go with the flow and express this consciousness as it’s obviously supposed too. 

Then why astral travel, it’s the same thing, which leads to the human self becoming more aware? The soul allows consciousness itself to become more aware of itself through it’s individual expressions of itself. This is because consciousness itself is unable to express itself without individualising itself, it’s aware of itself but it can’t express this awareness when whole. This is like the more humanly aware we become, the less expressive we are , this is mainly due to being aware of how the ego influences us to be as expressive as it is. We express anger and hurt less, however, you could say we express more love and understanding but love and understanding isn’t an actual expression if expressed without being influenced by the ego in anyway.

Only through the ego can we be so expressive of consciousness itself, anything else  not of the ego is a natural occurrence as there are no intentions, this means only through the ego can we express intentions. True love and understanding takes no intentions as this comes naturally through becoming aware, however, to become aware in the first place, you need to be expressive of consciousness in various ways at the soul and human level. The ego, and even egotism, is worthy because they are a part of the process to becoming aware and naturally loving and understanding. This also means intentions are also a part of the process of becoming aware especially at the soul level.

The soul obviously has an important part to play here, it allows consciousness itself to express itself in various ways, the point is, why are we now becoming more aware of perceiving beyond the souls perceptions if the soul is so important to consciousness itself?

I feel there are two reasons for this awareness, one, we are at a very destructive time in man’s history, we need, as opposed to desire,  to become more aware of who and what we are to save ourselves from ourselves. The second reason has to do with the natural process of things, we are at the stage of naturally becoming  aware of beyond  our human and souls perceptions. You could say this would mean we are no longer going to be able to be as expressive of consciousness itself but that’s not entirely true. Becoming more aware and perceiving beyond the souls perception is also a part of this consciousness’s expressions, it’s all a part of the process. Yes, once this process has run it’s course, we will no longer be a part of expressing this consciousness, we will no longer need a soul in other words, however!!

You actually at the soul level have a choice here to either go on being expressive of conscious or not, many people today who are aware of perceiving beyond the soul now have this choice.

How could such an aware soul go on expressing consciousness in various ways when the soul is already perceiving beyond the souls perceptions? At this point in the souls awareness, it’s also aware in how to become unaware through physical means again so it can go on being expressive of consciousness itself. It’s like continuing to serve consciousness (God) if you like, by sacrificing your oneness with consciousness, you are still serving consciousness through expressing consciousness itself in various ways.

Why continue to be so expressive of this consciousness, isn’t this consciousness already aware of it’s own consciousness as a whole without  this consciousness being continually being expressive of itself?

Buddha to me is a good example of consciousness itself (God). This consciousness is always being tempted, like Buddha was, until Buddha become enlightened to itself, this means all of what consciousness is, needs to be enlightened to itself through awareness and it’s expressions of this awareness. Everything being expressed is of this one consciousness, there are no other consciousness’s being expressed here. If this one consciousness is still expressing itself through egotism, this consciousness isn’t truly enlightened to itself through it’s expressions of itself.

This consciousness is aware and enlightened until it expresses itself through individual forms, it’s seemingly obviously unable to be expressive of it’s enlightened state through it’s individual expressions.

There however is something else to consider here, isn’t consciousness itself, by being so expressive of itself in various ways, becoming more aware of it’s own expressions through expressing itself in various ways?  Consciousness is basically expressing everything it’s aware it is, in other words every individual expression is an expression of consciousness’s awareness of itself.  If you are able to express your whole self, you are one with yourself. Basically, consciousness itself is showing how of oneness it truly is, it’s totally accepting all of what it is by the way it expresses itself, there is no judgment of what expressions are worthy or unworthy here.  As soon as you judge a worthy or an unworthy, are you one with yourself? 

People like Buddha, for example, realise what they are being tempted by is within them, it’s a part of them, however, the reason one is not tempted to express such temptations is due to being aware of all of what they are, not just what the controlling ego tells them what they are.

The soul is also not all of who we are, it’s but one of numerous expressions of consciousness itself, but collectively, all the souls make up a collective singular consciousness. 

We have always known it’s worth being aware beyond the human and souls perceptions because that is who we are as a whole.