Showing posts with label Oneness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oneness. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Enter the Dragon-A State of Oneness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Entering the dragon; is in reference to how the dragon becomes one with itself, the mind body and spirit act as one entity instead of separate entities, martial artists are a good example of this. This state however isn’t a state you can actually enter into, especially through intentions, you do however become aware of this oneness state, this is what entering the dragon is about, awareness of mind body and spirit.

Martial artists have intentions through vigorous training, this allows them to become aware of a state of oneness, you can also get to this state through meditation alone, however this isn’t a true state of oneness. A true state of oneness has no intentions, this is due to which intention do we use to reach and stay within this state. Intentions  are about separation, separating one intention from another when there is no separation, in other words you cannot enter into a true oneness state through separating one kind of consciousness from another, you can only be one within oneness itself. 

You can however become aware of this oneness which of course gives us feelings of this oneness, this is entering the dragon through mind body and spirit. By entering the dragon, we individually become one with ourselves but by doing so we observe ourselves being noticeably different from other states, our intentions of being one with ourselves, has caused us to become noticeably separated from other states, it is quite obvious why this isn’t a true state  of oneness.

A true oneness state: You cannot intentionally enter a true oneness state,  don’t even try, the more we try to enter this state, the further off this state becomes, this is due to ourselves already being in a state of oneness. The logical human mind has a problem with this, how can we be in a state of oneness at the same time being in a state of separation?  I will answer this with another question, how can we be in two quite different states while experiencing an OBE, an out of body experience? Within this state of awareness, we are aware of our physical and non-physical selves at the same exact time, how can you be aware of our physical form and our non-physical form at the same exact time?

Thus is obvious, human logics is noticeably flawed, this is due to logics having boundaries it can’t cross, anything that isn’t of this kind of reason can’t exist or be. A state of oneness doesn’t have these boundaries because there are no intentions of using any particular kind of reasoning, there is only one kind of reasoning, the expressions within this reasoning has no boundaries as the expression of consciousness are infinite. This actually means everything we could imagine is possible, this is why we can be aware of our physical and non-physical selves while experiencing an OBE. This means a  logical mind is a very simple mind, it is unable to reason beyond it’s own set boundaries because of the simple way a logical mind comprehends.

You might think science, for example, is complicated and needs a lot of understanding and knowledge to comprehend, this is true but for a very simple reason. Once you break down and separate everything within separate labels and slots, you have complicated something that was very simple in the first place, only a simple mind would do this. This is because this kind of mind  has to break everything down to comprehend it, this kind of mind can’t understand what it can’t comprehend, however, a spiritually aware person for example doesn’t have this problem, they can comprehend beyond any set boundaries especially beyond the many set boundaries of logical reasoning.  Being aware of a state of physical and non-physical being at the same time, is quite comprehensible to them as should being in a oneness state and a non-oneness state, this is because there are no set boundaries.

What are we actually portraying when we have no boundaries, knowing, consciousness is infinite within it’s own expressions?  Boundaries actually represent separation, when we have no boundaries, we are actually expressing a form of oneness as we are not separating one form of conscious expression from another as each expression just becomes an expression, not separate kinds of expressions.

This is difficult to comprehend, how can we not observe that each expression is different/separate from another, they are obviously different expressions of consciousness?

Let’s look at how a martial artist enters the dragon, they become one with mind body and spirit, the mind has become one with the spirit and body, in other words the body and the spirit are now of the mind not separate to the mind no matter how differently the martial artist expresses themselves, they are still functioning as one.

One mind: Let’s now look at the collective human race, not as individual minds expressing themselves separately, but of one mind, one collective, expressing itself as a martial artist does. Each and every expression is different as each and every martial arts move is different, just because each expressive move is different, does this make the martial artist no longer one with themselves?  No, of course not, so why do we look at ourselves, while looking at ourselves as one collective mind, as separate expressions of a different consciousness?  We are all conditioned to think primarily logical,  the logical mind tells us we are separate minds expressing themselves when we are really one mind, one consciousness,  expressing itself. We are  all like the martial artist but we just can’t comprehend this.

We really don’t realise we are always in a oneness state especially when we are expressive of consciousness, when we express ourselves, don’t the people around us react to such expressions by expressing themselves as well?  Just look at the human collective as one mind, when our own minds are traumatised, don’t they continually express themselves within the mind, the mind very rarely shuts up in this state, the human collective works exactly the same as our own individual minds. Look at the centuries of trauma we have caused ourselves as one mind, how expressive is this mind today?  It never shuts up with it’s various expressions which should show us the human race is perfectly working as one mind, yes it’s traumatised but it’s still working as one mind should in this circumstance.

Oneness isn’t a state we need to get into or try to acquire in anyway, it’s a state that already exists for us, all we need to do is become aware of this. To me, the way we are reacting reminds me of a single mind that is traumatised, one part of the mind is always in conflict with another part of the mind, such a traumatised mind will, at times, express itself  in a destructive way, this sometimes leads to a part of the mind deciding  to commit suicide.  We need to all be aware of this in my mind. 

Wednesday 10 June 2015


Written by Mathew Naismith

WOW (Wholly and Overly Wonderful), what can I say, the further I allow myself to open up to consciousness in an unbiased way,  the more magnificent this consciousness seems to be. Yes, I'm allowing my emotions to take flight but this is at this moment helping me to delve even deeper into the magnificence of consciousness. This is wholly due to emotions being a big part of consciousness, emotions are one of the main reasons we are so expressive of consciousness itself.

Emotion; allow us to experience consciousness in every way possible, emotions are one of the biggest reasons consciousness itself is so expressive, could you imagine how consciousness would express itself without emotions? It's actually inconceivable, how would any consciousness period express itself without emotions? Emotions are obviously one of the primary reasons why consciousness can express itself so much, just think how many emotions humans can express and this is just at the human scale of things.

How many different languages are there? This is how many different ways we can be emotionally expressive but all we are doing is talking about the various languages here, what about the cultures that go with such languages and the climate they are in. Everything influence us to be a little different in our expressions of consciousness, as individuals we are being expressive of conciseness, as a culture or a nationality we are being even more expressive, as a species even more so, now what about the collective as a whole. It's utterly infinite in how expressive we can be of consciousness, consciousness itself is certainly WOW within it's own expressions.

Take how the moon, and astrology period, influences us to express consciousness, this is over and above other influences like language, culture, the country and climate we live in and so on. Everything around us and everything we are, influences us to express consciousness in a slightly different way to others. Now take in consideration of DNA, no one's DNA is the same, all this isn't just a different expression of consciousness itself, this difference also influences us to express consciousness differently to other conscious forms and formless energy sources. 

Take living on a planet with more than one moon, how differently expressive would such conscious forms be to our own? Consciousness is infinite within it's own expression of itself, it has no boundaries or limits to how expressive it can be.

Oneness and illusions: An unbiased view isn't about judging certain consciousness states as being an illusion or not, wrong or right, it's about becoming aware of how expansive consciousness is within it's own expression of itself. To me, we are all an expression of consciousness no matter how infinite consciousness is expressive of it's own consciousness,  to us, all these numerous expressions of consciousness are an indication of a fragmented consciousness, a consciousness that has many different parts to itself. This of course to us seemingly has nothing to do with oneness.

What's actually being expressed, is it something other than consciousness? No, no matter how fragmented this consciousness seems within it's expressions of itself, it's still just an expression of consciousness. We could also say it's an expression of consciousness's, more than one consciousness which means a consciousness that is fragmented, not whole. This would be true but we are still only expressing a consciousness none the less.

We can express so many different kinds of emotions, they are certainly not all the same to us even though they are only an expression of a consciousness. Within our various ways of expressing emotions, we have created a reality of duality, this in turn influences us to be expressive of consciousness in numerous other ways, there seems to be  absolutely no oneness within such dualistic reality. Even though we are only expressive of a consciousness, each conciseness expresses itself differently, this seemingly has nothing to do with oneness.

Some people say that all physical realities are an illusion, others say all realities are an illusion and there are even people who say consciousness itself is an illusion, which perspective is correct here?  This is of course depends on what perspective we are looking from, in other words  in what direction are we perceiving what is and isn't an illusion? We of course are looking at what is and isn't an illusion through what is judged as an illusion in the first place. Look at this way, we are judging certain expressive forms of consciousness or consciousness period as an illusion, could we judged any part of consciousness being an illusion if we weren't expressing this consciousness in the first place?  We are relying on an illusionary expression to judge what is or isn't an illusion, we are doing the same with oneness, you can only truly judged what is and isn't oneness if you are in a true oneness state.

We can experience form and formlessness at the same moment, OBE's are a good example of this, we can also experience oneness and fragmentation at the same moment as we can be the observer observing our own interactions. We have deemed ourselves being only in a fragmented duality state of consciousness when at the same moment we are in a true oneness state. It all comes down to the illusion being the illusion itself, once you judge what is and isn't an  illusion, you have created the illusion when  illusions don't exist in the first place.

You could easily say that having illusions of illusion are an expression of an illusion, in other words thinking that physicality is all we are is an illusion. It is to us in our present perspective, however, in a more holistic perspective it's not, this is due to consciousness itself being expressive of it's whole self within it's entirety. In realities like this one, we are expressive of consciousness, in other realities they are also expressive of consciousness, when you look at all these expressions of this one consciousness as a whole, you become aware that each individual expression of this consciousness makes up a whole consciousness. This means no matter what we experience in any given reality, consciousness is whole because each expression makes consciousness itself whole.

Now look at what is and isn't an illusion and what is and isn't oneness?  As soon as you judged what is and isn't an illusion and oneness, you are being entrapped within your own illusions of illusions. No matter how you express consciousness, each singular expression makes up a whole consciousness. Could you imagine a true oneness consciousness judging one part of it's expressive self as an illusion, once it did this. it's no longer of this oneness, however, judging what is and isn't an illusion is also another expression of consciousness that gives this consciousness it's wholeness, it's oneness, go figure!! 

Ego: Yes, the ego is but an expression of consciousness, however this isn't saying that consciousness is controlled by the ego, this is saying expressing the ego is but another expression of consciousness. Most of us are expressive of the controlling factors of the ego, this means the ego controls us, this is but an expression of consciousness that we have chosen to express. Yes, all emotions are of the ego but not all emotions are controlled by the ego, the controlling factors of the ego change how we express this consciousness. This is why we need to be aware of what we judge as being wrong or right, positive or negative, after all, it's all but an expression of consciousness.

Now at any point should we control the ego to stop the ego being in control off us?

When we become too destructive, it's probably wise to become less controlled by the ego, in other words less expressive of the controlling factors of the ego, at this point we feel we need to take control of the ego instead of the ego taking control of us. We should consider here what control denotes, what expression of consciousness needs to always have control?  A controlling ego of course, by trying to take control of the ego is being expressive of the controlling ego. Try instead of letting go of control, trust me, most of us will have problems with this only because of the controlling factors of the ego. If you have to have control over anything, you are still expressive of a controlling ego, most of us are including myself at times, this is due to influencing factors within our environment as explained earlier on in this post.

One of the main influencing expressions of consciousness is a controlling ego in this reality, it's a part of this reality, the trick is when to completely let go of control all together. This is difficult to do because everything around us influences us, mainly to be controlling, we want to control instead of being controlled, the funny thing is, the more control we think we have, the less control we actually have, this is due to being controlled by a singular expression of consciousness like a controlling ego, we are still being controlled in this case.

Consciousness is certainly WOW (Wholly and Overly Wonderful) without a doubt but only when you become aware of what consciousness actually is. It's not this that and the other, no matter how we express it, it's still just consciousness.                       

Sunday 7 June 2015

Our Wondrous Collective Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Consciousness can be expressed in infinite ways, look at how differently expressive we are to each other and this is just in a physical reality, what about how different consciousness is beyond physical realities, it's seemingly insurmountable for us to perceive. This to me is due to physicality stopping us from perceiving beyond certain fixed boundaries,  in other words physicality has made it difficult to perceive past physical realities, this isn't done by accident though, there is a purpose to this as there is of everything of what consciousness is.

There are certain states of conscious awareness one can get into that shows everything we are and everything we are able to be expressive of,  this includes the infinite ways we can exist. In this state, we realise we are of everything of what consciousness is either it be expressive of motion or of motionless, either it be of physicality or of something else, this is a true state of oneness. This is all due to not separating motion from motionless, physicality from spirituality which is in reference to a non-physical form or a formless existence. Is true oneness separating one part of consciousness from the other?  No, true oneness is the realisation that everything of consciousness is just that, it's of one consciousness no matter how it's expressed.

A lot of us would like to think this oneness is a state of motionlessness, a total harmonious state of stillness, however, how can we  be in total oneness when we  exclude certain parts of how consciousness is expressed? Yes we can judge what is and what isn't an illusion, this allows us to judge what true oneness is or isn't. What we are not getting away from here is judgement, judging something an illusion is judging a wrong as opposed to a right way to exist when there is no true right or wrong way to exist in the first place. Yes, we can observe what's a wrong way to exist, this is usually a destructive chaotic existence as opposed to  harmonious constructive existence but what are we expressive of here when judging this so?  Physicality,  physicality refers to satisfaction of physical drives and appetites, it serves us to perceive what is and isn't an illusion and what is a true oneness state.

When you observe consciousness as a whole without judging a wrong or right, an illusion or a non-illusion, we get to see a different picture of what true oneness is, it's being in a state that is aware that consciousness as a whole, no matter how it's expressed, is still consciousness.

Let's now take a look at this physical reality, could we be expressive of consciousness in a physical way if we were in this true oneness state?  We should be aware here, that while in this oneness state, we are aware of all other ways to exist and all other ways we have existed.  Once consciousness is aware of all it is, being expressive of consciousness in a physical way would be impossible, in other words our unawareness of our whole existence has made it possible to be expressive of consciousness is such away. Now exclude consciousness itself being able to be expressive of itself in a physical way, you no longer have a true state of oneness once you exclude any part of expressing this consciousness in anyway.

What is actually being stated here is, consciousness can be expressive of motion in the same exact moment that it expresses motionless, this is because consciousness itself as a whole is not only influenced by physicality but by spirituality as well, a state of non-physical form or of total formlessness. Again this consciousness can be of form and or formlessness at the same exact moment, this is very difficult for us to perceive because we are predominantly influenced by physicality,  this means we are predominately influenced by satisfaction of physical drives and appetites.

What happens to us when we experience an OBE, are we not, at the same exact moment, expressive of physical and non-physical form?  When we remember an OBE, we are aware at the physical mind level and the spiritual mind level in that present moment.

We are all expressive of OBE's, in other words everyone experiences OBE's so why don't we remember them? Physicality, our physical minds are unable to remember such experiences because we are only fixated to our  satisfaction of physical drives and appetites in one way or another. This means we are unable to perceive being able to be in form and in a formless state in the same exact moment. When you look down at your own body (form) while experiencing an OBE, you are at that exact same moment expressive of form and of formlessness. OBE's to me quite clearly show that we can be expressive of form and formlessness at the same moment, this also shows that consciousness is only in a true oneness state when it's also expressive of all of what it is. This of course takes this consciousness to be expressive of motion and motionless states at the same exact present moment.

Becoming an observer also shows us that we can indeed participate and observe in the same present moment, observing your own participation is simular to OBE's, you can consciously observe your own consciousness being expressive of consciousness itself, this is how consciousness can be of form and of formlessness at the same exact present moment. Like OBE's, we are all observing our own expressions of consciousness in physical form, and like OBE's, most of us don't remember being an observer but we all are, we are all in total observing how expressive we are of consciousness in physical form, in other words everyone is observing their physical expressions of consciousness with absolutely no exceptions.

So why don't we all become aware of our own observations? This is simple, would we be as expressive of consciousness if we were aware of our own observations?  Our own awareness would influence the way we express such consciousness taking away any true oneness of this consciousness, we are, in our present awareness, a true expression of oneness. This is very hard for us to perceive as it's hard for us to perceive being in form and in a formless state at the same exact moment. 

It is quite obvious we are supposed to become aware, this too is but another expression of consciousness that makes consciousness itself of a true oneness state.                        

Thursday 28 May 2015

The Magnificence of Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

These are the kinds of posts I don't mind writing and not just because we judged them as being positive, what's most important to me is they bring different perspectives to the fore. The different perspective in this case is to do with the many various expressions of consciousness. Consciousness is infinite within it's expression, it is indeed by all rights magnificent within all of it's expressions. This post is no different in that it's one of numerous expressions that is neither right or wrong, it's but another expression of this consciousness which gives us a different perceptive of this consciousness, our own consciousness.

Different Expressions of Consciousness: In my last post I wrote about evil intent, this is but one of many expressions of this consciousness that many of us would judge as being one thing or another, in other words wrong or right, positive or negative. The controlling ego thrives on this kind of perspective that everything has to have a right and wrong, this is in accordance with our own expressions of consciousness, our own perspectives.

Recently same sex marriage have been on the agenda again, people can't help loving someone even of the same sex, has anyone in the world got the right to tell another person who and who they can't love?  This is a very good point, is it not also a good point when people can't help loving more than one person at a time, who has the right to tell anyone they can't love more than one partner at any given time. But all what's on the agenda is same sex marriage, this is one expression of consciousness excluding and even ignoring another expression of consciousness with the same dilemma, you are not allowed to marry who you want to love.

Again we are judging what is a right and wrong way to express this consciousness, this is brought about by only being accepting of our own expression of consciousness which mostly exclude any other expression of consciousness. This is usually in accordance with our ideologies, again, each ideology is but one of numerous expressions of consciousness, one isn't right or right, worthy or unworthy, they are just different expressions of the same consciousness.

Oneness: Now this is interesting, each expression of consciousness is an expressions of the same consciousness, the exact same consciousness no matter how different this consciousness is expressed. This is the oneness, to me it's not some halleluiah realm or state of consciousness above all other expressions of consciousness, this is due to no matter what we express, or even don't express, it's still consciousness, this oneness.

 Another good point to be aware of is, you might think that to have consciousness you need motion, consciousness is created by motion but not all of consciousness moves or vibrates. The funny thing is, the more aware you become, the less you react (move),  so the more aware you become the less you vibrate, this infers a true oneness state has no motion to it. When I say consciousness is created by motion, I mean it creates a consciousness that reacts to itself, all motion was created by consciousness but this motion of consciousness creates an endless stream of reactions, an infinite expressions of consciousness.

You might still think this oneness state has to have motion, it has to vibrate to exist, this is due to everything that exists has to vibrate but it's interesting what causes this vibration to start with. Observation, as soon as we observe, we cause a vibration through the act of observing, however, once we stop being the observer to interact with such vibrating (motion) consciousness, we create numerous expressions of this one consciousness from initially being the observer.

Non-interactive State: Now go the other way from an observing point of view, in other words instead of interacting from the observer point of view and becoming interactive with consciousness, go the other way, what do we have, what state of consciousness are we talking about, is it interactive or non-interactive?  It of course has to be non-interactive, this means consciousness can also be non-interactive from an observing point of view.

How do you observe non-interaction,  a consciousness that has no motion what so ever?

The point is you can't observe a non-interactive consciousness, this seems to infer that consciousness doesn't exist within this non-interactive states, only through observing interactive expressions of consciousness can consciousness exist. This isn't true however, to me this is due to a non-interactive state being of absolute awareness without being the observer. Think on this, why would an absolute aware consciousness want to observe itself when it's already totally aware without observing itself and in the process interacting with numerous expressions of itself? At this non-interactive state, observing itself has no purpose as it's already fully aware of itself.

This is what so magnificent about this one consciousness, it can be non-interactive, it can also be the observer and it can be interactive with it's numerous expressions of itself simultaneously in the very present, the magnificence of this consciousness is astounding. This magnificence is exemplified a thousand times when you consider we are talking about the same exact consciousness no matter how it expresses or doesn't express itself.   

Connection: I'm going to touch on a few more thing here. Now I said in my last post that by just laughing I dispelled what we deem as entities with evil intent, this sounds ridiculous until you realise how magnificently this consciousness works. Entities with deemed evil intent exist in a highly interactive expression of consciousness, this infers that such expressive states of consciousness are unaware especially in relation to a non-interactive state of consciousness. Everyone can at anytime connect to this non-interactive totally aware state of consciousness, this is due to the fact we are after all only talking about one consciousness here, there is no reason why you can't access/connect to your own consciousness unless you are unaware of how this one consciousness works, how your own consciousness works in other words.

I would also like to once again touch on the difference between observing the different expressions of  consciousness to judging different expressions of  consciousness. Voicing an observation relates to not judging a wrong or right, worthy or unworthy, however, judgement always refers to a wrong or right, worthy or unworthy, it's worth being aware of this.

I still to this day express numerous expressions of consciousness at any given time, this means I don't judge expressing egotistically controlled straits as any less or more worthy or wrong than an expression of consciousness not controlled by the ego. Is it wrong to be egotistically controlled than a non-egotistically controlled state?  A lot of people would say yes but all you are doing in this is being aware of one part of this one consciousness. Like with this one consciousness itself for which you are, you can be non-interactive, the observer or interactive simultaneously, once you realise this you can connect to any part of this consciousness at any given time within the present moment, the choice is yours. You can only do this if you don't judge what is right and what is wrong, once you judge a right and wrong way to express consciousness, you lose the connection.     

Saturday 28 February 2015

Are we that God?

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had quite a compelling feeling/sensation/insight recently that we could, if we wanted, can become much more enlightened about ourselves than Jesus or Buddha became for example, this of course takes the collective to accomplish this. To me Jesus or Buddha never reached their highest state of awareness, therefore enlightenment, mainly because the collective was disconnected from their true nature which what a lot of people call God, this oneness of the collective. 

God to me represents this oneness or wholeness of the collective, both of non-duality and duality as a whole, not as a separate state or entity.  

Now this might seem ludicrous to state that people like Jesus or Buddha were never, within its totality, aware or enlightened, think on this, could this oneness or God wholly exist as one singular being?  This of course is utterly impossible; it’s of course counterproductive to being of oneness, in this state God would invalidate oneness itself, non-duality. What does it take to be truly at one?  An a awareness far beyond the awareness/enlightenment of Jesus or Buddha.
This was quite a compelling feeling/sensation/insight that I had that obviously to me speaks of a certain amount of truth.

Now if what we call God, this oneness, became an individual, this would invalidate oneness, basically invalidating God in other words, would not the opposite also invalidate individualism? If everyone became aware within its totality, this would to me also invalidate individualism, duality in other words. However the odds of oneness (non-duality) or individualism (duality) ever being invalidated, is in my mind quite unlikely, why would something totally aware invalidate itself? The same goes for individualism, it’s unlikely all of consciousness will knowingly ever become one with itself; there will always be parts of conciseness that wills to stay ignorant of its oneness state, the strange thing is, we are never not of this oneness state, a state of God, only through duality can we perceive this.     

This is going to sound strange to a number of people, but I’m in awe of duality only because I am aware of my non-dualistic state, a state of oneness with God if you like, however, this would be somewhat different if I wasn’t aware, I would feel entrapped like a lot of people feel.  

So many people call this dualistic state of existence a prison but it’s not, not when you truly become aware and knowing of your state of non-dualism, a state of complete oneness.  I still to this day can be misled to think I’m imprisoned when I became too detached from my awareness of my true nature; this is a part of existing within a reality that is dualistic, a state that has more than one aspect to it. 

I’m one of the lucky ones; I nearly totally rely on my intuition and synchronicity to give me answers, this means when I become too disconnected, I am reminded of who I am quite automatically, I don’t have to have an intention or search for the answer when disconnected, it just comes to me, well……most of the times.

I also don’t read a lot; I rely a lot on my intuition and insights to give me answers so I’m not a bible reader, however, I knew I needed something to support my claims of all of us being of God, this oneness, so I inserted a couple of links below to try and support such claims.           

Extract: And so we find early in the history of Christianity the existence of a very mystical interpretation of the teachings of Christ whereby his message is not merely that he himself is God but that everyone else is God as well. 

Even the Old Testament refers to Gods. 

Don’t be fooled by duality, we are also very much a part of non-duality as well as is what we call God, this oneness within its totality.  

The following came to me while doing my ironing.

The Messiah will return, not as an individual but as a collective, it’s already happening!!

This return will make the collective aware of its non-dualistic state, its true state of oneness, the Messiah will no longer be representative of dualism but also of non-dualism, we will be whole again within all our senses.  Basically we will bring the messiah in all of us forth in plain view.    

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Non-Duality of Absolute Truth???

 Written by Mathew Naismith

It would seem I need to explain myself a little further in regards to non-duality not being of absolute truth; it’s not that non-duality isn’t of absolute truth; the point is, to have absolute truth you would need to have a sort of an opposite which we call duality. Within this thinking process we have lost being of non-duality, this is because as soon as we are aware of a non-duality and a duality state, we are thinking in duality.

How would you define a non-duality state if there wasn’t a duality state to begin with to compare a non-duality state with? If you were in a non-duality state of existence, you wouldn’t know that was a non-duality state. Let’s look at this a different way, if everyone was crazy in the world, what would then define being crazy? Everyone would be normal unless someone wasn’t crazy and then it’s these non-crazy people who would be deemed to be crazy, interesting isn’t it!! The point is, as soon as we define what is and isn’t of non-duality and absolute truth, we are only being expressive of duality; it’s a bit of a trick actually.

As soon as we defined two separate states, what are we expressing, duality or non-duality?  Actually being unaware of a non-duality state is being more of non-duality than defining two separate states; this is especially the case if we judge one state as being an illusion and the other state of absolute truth.  We have fooled ourselves, there is only one state of being and existing and it has nothing to do with judging what is and isn’t of non-duality, it’s pretty tricky isn’t it? As soon as we have judged one state being different to another, we are only being expressive of duality.

So what is this non-duality, are we going to continue to judge this non-duality as being of absolute truth, if we do we have no idea what non-duality actually stands for, it doesn’t stand for judging any other state as being less worthy than another state but that is exactly what we are doing more than ever.  

So what does non-duality stand for in my mind?

If we realise it or not, we are already in a state that we have judged as a non-duality state, we were never truly out of it.  Now how can this be when we are mainly expressive of duality?  As soon as you judge one state being less worthy or of less truth than another, you are being expressive of duality (within the non-duality state) not (separate from a non-duality state).

 It’s important here to note how I wrote what is in the brackets, within as opposed to separate and within the as opposed to separate from. The represents a single state but from represents a separate state from the.  Did duality come from non-duality or is duality a part of the non-duality state we are referring too? This depends on if we judge one state being any less worthy or less of the truth than another.  

How is duality a part of and not separate to non-duality?

This is interesting because if there not separate, one isn’t any more or less of absolute truth than the other because there is no other to begin with, in other words there is no two separate states of non-duality and duality, this is only the case if we are thinking and being of duality. This is the point in thinking we are only of duality, in what we have judged as a duality state. We are being expressive of duality, it’s within a non-duality state we are expressing duality, this is not separate from non-duality but being expressive of duality within what we deemed as being a non-duality state.  

Picture yourself in a total non-duality state; in this state can duality exist?

It’s obvious to us in duality that a duality state can’t exist within a non-duality state, once you have two or more separate states you have duality not non-duality, so how can duality be of and not separate to non-duality? As soon as we deem duality separate to non-duality, this actually makes non-duality an illusion not duality, we have two separate states, so duality has to exist within non-duality for non-duality to exist and not just be an illusion!!

So how can duality exist within non-duality without making non-duality an illusion?  

This is simple, stop separating one form the other by judging one being more of absolute truth than the other, what we have judged as being of duality is just as much of absolute truth than what we have judged as being of non-duality.  This sounds ridiculous doesn’t it, but it’s not for the main reason, we have obscured this absolute truth with thinking one is separate and less worthy than another, for example, judging non-duality being of absolute truth and duality being an illusion. You should be able to see by now how we have tricked ourselves.

We are existing in what we have judged and titled as being of non-duality, within this non-duality, which is of absolute truth, we have obscured this absolute truth with duality thinking instead of non-duality thinking.  What I’m actually saying here is that non-duality and duality are thinking processes; this means they take thought for them to exist, neither non-duality nor duality exist except within thought processes, in other words they need a thought process for either of them to exist.  To be in a true non-duality state, neither non-duality nor duality exists, they are both an illusion in a sense until we give either of them thought.

Thinking in non-duality is simple, stop thinking separation, think oneness in all and don’t judge one being more worthy or of absolute truth than another, non-duality is but a thinking process, think oneness.          

Note: Sorry but this is as simple as I can write this and no this didn’t take a lot of thinking by me, this just comes to me as I write. Yes I have to reread what is being written by me but, if I didn’t make this more understandable when it comes to me, no one including myself would understand what is being written.  I have to keep asking as I write is what I’m writing correct, sounds balmy but it’s true.       

Monday 7 October 2013

Our Perception Are not an illusion Including States of Oneness

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following reply of mine was in response to a reply I received on a post I titled Something to be aware of spiritually which I inserted on a site called IONS, I felt I needed to share this with you today.

G'day Ros

Thanks for responding Ros.

Most people seem to want a real reality, it's like they seem to want to perceive a starting & an end point or that we are oneness in our true state nothing else, nothing could be further from the truth. This is so human to want this it's not funny, it's all emotionally driven even when we are in certain deep states of consciousness it's still emotionally driven. Yes if we perceive these things to be so, so shall they be however I’m not sure if it’s wise for everyone to know anything else other than their own perception of things so is it these perceptions of ours that is the illusion?  Just because it’s only our perception of things doesn’t make it an illusion which also includes our oneness states of consciousness.

Nothing can exist without it already being a part of consciousness; this includes our thoughts as well. It’s impossible for us to imagine anything that isn’t already apart of consciousness however what is different is the actual physical experiences we get from consciousness, it’s like mixing & matching or mismatching in relation to our reality.

This comes down to duality & non-duality coexisting in the same space & time but of course in certain realities space & time doesn’t really exist as we think they would. We use our logical human minds to think, how could duality & non-duality coexists at the same time, my question is why not? Why does things have to conform to our way of logically thinking? What a lot of us don’t know is there is more than one way to think logically especially when we look at the rest of existence or even this one universe.

The thing with different energy sources getting together is we think there is only two choices, if we are not resisting we must be accepting each other’s energies in harmony but we don’t realise we neither have to be accepting nor resisting, just be.  But of course being emotional humans we need a directive to give us direction, we must be going somewhere or we must be something but the thing is we don’t.  

So does this perception of our true selves, being of pure oneness, irrelevant because again it’s only our perception of this & is this an illusion?  It has relevance because we can see we need to amend things from centuries of abuse which include our souls as well & not just in reference to our physicality. We are taught through various practices to delve into the universal consciousness & abstract anything which is going to help us amend our misdeeds, feeling all that we are is oneness & love is a part of this, it’s but one of many tools. The feeling at one would seem to be an illusion because it’s only a very small portion of who we really are but it’s not. Any perception we have is real even if it’s only a small part of the universal consciousness. Let’s separate a hand from our arm, is the hand no longer a hand because it’s not a part of our body any longer? It’s still a hand & it’s still a part of us even though we have separated this hand from our whole self, just because it’s only a part of our whole self doesn’t make it an illusion. Now look at the universal consciousness as being the whole of ourselves, if we separate one part of this consciousness does it make it no longer real?  The hand is a portion of our whole self & is only a perception of what we perceive in this reality which doesn’t make it an illusion; it’s just not our whole self, that’s all. The real illusion is thinking this is all we are which includes feeling at one when in certain states of conscious awareness. We are everything we know & perceive & much much more!! 

Thursday 29 August 2013

Absolute Truth & Oneness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had a person ask me for more information on being at one v feeling at one so I added my reply to this person at the end of this post which I hope will help others define more clearly in where I am coming from. 

Recently it was suggested to me that there are no absolute truths especially in what I or anybody else writes about especially at the human level which is true in my mind. To me it’s nearly impossible for any human to totally express absolute truth, for one, our emotions get in the way & two we are humans with attachments otherwise we wouldn’t be here & all attachments can distort truths especially when emotionally driven by extreme emotions so is there an absolute truth? To me absolute truth is of the creative source or the universal consciousness & the closer you are to this source the more truth one will express however like I said there are no absolute truths in human form.   

To be truly at one we would have to be of absolute truth otherwise we couldn’t truly be at one because we only have half-truths so anyone with half-truths can’t be truly at one, we can feel at one but we can’t truly be at one however like I said the closer we are to the source the more of the absolute truth we become aware of & the more at one we will be not just feel.

Oneness also depends on our acceptance & the more accepting we are of the universal consciousness the more aware one will be as well. Any kind of distain like of the ego or of anything that makes us feel bad at the human & soul level hinders such oneness, we might feel more at one because we have rid ourselves of such bad feelings but because we still have distain for any part of the universal consciousness we can’t be anything else but feel at one not actually be at one & there is a big difference between being & feeling at one. Being at one just doesn’t denote how close one is to the source but how accepting one is of all what the source or universal consciousness is. Everything is a part of the universal consciousness no matter what it is.  Feeling at one however is emotionally driven but is the start of actually being at one because when we start to feel at one we know we have become reconnected to the source/universal consciousness but of course this only denotes a connection not actually being of the source/universal consciousness itself.  

So what this is saying is being at one denotes absolute truth where’s just feeling at one denotes half absolute truths but we must remember none of us beings can obtain absolute truth & one should never try as all you would be doing is flogging a dead horse especially if it’s not meant to happen. We should also remember here that emotional driven desire to feel good through various spiritual practices like denouncing the ego for instance actually takes you away from true oneness, it will give you a feeling of oneness but it won’t give you true oneness which denotes half absolute truths.

We have been told from 3rd dimensional teachings that the ego is bad & that there are no absolute truths but we are no longer in the 3rd dimension & must start thinking differently to 3rd dimensional thinking in this new age consciousness with new age thought. Breaking these old attachments from these teachings isn’t easy but if one wishes to be all accepting & be as close as possible to the source in human form me must start thinking in new age consciousness but of course if one is happy just feeling at one that’s fine as well as all is accepted but someone in this 3rd dimensional thinking can’t expect to be truly at one & in total balance with this new age consciousness as I’m finding out myself.  

Supplementary insert:

G’day Whitewave

Don’t take what I say is truth & it’s certainly isn’t absolute truth it’s just my interpretation of truth through my own perception because I am also still learning myself.

What I did here is relate oneness to half-truths & absolute truth. Feeling at one is related to half absolute truths where’s being at one with the universal conscious is absolute truth which is very difficult for emotional humans to do I believe but of course not impossible. I have the understanding Jesus & Buddha for instance might have accomplished this, to some degree anyway.

Most people here on IS have begun the first stage of knowing about absolute truth which is the universal consciousness or source, once we start feeling this oneness we have made a connection however we can at times think we have the absolute truth at this stage which of course we don’t. This feeling alone is very important but one must beware not to get emotionally carried away with it which is extremely hard not to do, most of us do this at one time or another at this stage.

As we become more connected or closer to the source absolute truths become a little more apparent & at a certain stage they just flow as if by magic without any effort. When this happens you know you are quite close to the source & are starting to become being at one with the source instead of just feeling at one. Until we get to this stage one should always be wary of how our human emotions play tricks on us telling us we know it all & what I perceive is absolute truth. There are indeed pit falls in becoming aware & it’s certainly not an easy road to tread but a road, in my mind, worth traveling.

I know a lot of people say there is no absolute truth but to be at one there has to be an absolute truth otherwise oneness wouldn’t actually exist, when you start thinking as one & being as one that is absolute truth.

The biggest trick is, is actually knowing not just believing we are one entity & then the next trick is if we want too is actually being that one entity but of course many of us like myself won’t attain this & I don’t think we should even try unless it’s necessary.

I hope this cleared it up for you Whitewave remembering I’m only talking in half truths.


Wednesday 28 August 2013

Universal Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Universal consciousness denotes a collective consciousness being as one which seems to refer to being & acting as one source not individual sources, we refer this oneness as the spiritual side of life however the problem with this is everything is as one because everything is of the universal consciousness, we don’t have to try to act & be oneness we already are but we are still separating one from the other because it’s not in harmony with our own perception of oneness.  We have perceived, to be at one we need to think & act as one but we are already at one just in different perspectives of this oneness that’s all.

We separate oneness from individuality & through this separateness we are actually doing the opposite to what we think we are doing. We don’t have to all act & be as one we already are so separating spirituality from individuality or from anything that gives us discord & bad feelings isn’t really being at one at all because we have just separated the universal consciousness up into parts of discord & harmony, spiritual & non-spiritual. So what I am saying here is no matter what we are experiencing it’s all of the universal consciousness therefore oneness no matter what we are doing & experiencing, it’s all of the spiritual. What we seem to be doing here is separating anything that doesn’t give us hope & good feelings isn’t of the spiritual therefore universal consciousness which of course is impossible, now does this sort of concept/thought sound a little self-serving?  

My last post was well received by some & judged by others as being unjustly judgmental obviously on the fact that living a life based on fact is living a life of illusions because facts change as we become more aware. I judged people who can only think by facts therefore think in absolute’s as living an illusion because there are no absolute’s as consciousness is always changing.  Judgment is frowned upon by various spiritually aware people but it’s all a part of the universal consciousness/spiritual, where is the true oneness in separating certain parts of the universal consciousness from other parts of the universal consciousness & calling one part that serves us spiritual & all else something else.  This sounds awfully like if you’re not religious you’re a heathen/infidel; we haven’t come very far especially towards oneness by the sounds of it!!

It’s very hard when we are brought up to serve our own needs to see everything that also doesn’t serve our needs & desires being part of the universal consciousness/spirituality but we can’t really refute the obvious, all is one which of course includes anything of judgment & ego as well.  Seeing faults in ourselves & others is awareness building for without such characteristics attaining awareness would be a long hard road to tread, if it’s not already, so why make it harder!!

Universal means all within it’s entirety working together, just because at the human level we seem to be individually working as separate entities doesn’t mean we are truly working individualistically it just means we are seeing different parts of the universal consciousness through each of us as one entity being the universal consciousness. The universal consciousness is one entity warts & all; we must stop serving ourselves through our desires at the human level to find true universal oneness as it’s all as one ego & all.  

One is never in judgement in finding faults in others if we looked at each other as being one entity, what we are doing is finding faults within this one entity which will eventually help us to define ourselves as one. If we keep separating what we perceive as just the spiritual from the rest of the universal consciousness instead of seeing it as one entity we will never become one collectively. Casting judgment onto others of being judgmental & of the ego represents separateness not oneness. Next time you cast judgment onto others think of yourself as one entity, you will then realise all you are doing is casting judgment upon yourself which is the universal consciousness not a separate entity.    

Thursday 18 July 2013

Unconditional Love/Oneness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I think most of us know what unconditional love is all about, it’s to basically love without question or judgement & oneness is to accept all without question & judgment, this is very easy to understand but is it easy to act out & are we all able to act it out? Of course if we have an understanding of unconditional love & oneness & find ourselves in various conscious states experiencing this it must be easy to act out even to the most unaware person but is it? Fist one has to be unconditionally understanding of the totality of everything then one would have to be unconditionally accepting of the totality of everything however here comes the easy part, I believe once you have true unconditional understanding & acceptance of the totality of all unconditional love comes automatically without effort.

When we consider true unconditional love on its own it seems very simple because all one has to do is be unconditionally loving without question or judgment but it takes a lot more than that to be truly unconditionally loving & in fact it takes many lessons through various dimensions & consciousness’s to obtain true unconditional love.

Let me put it this way, how many of us now can unconditionally love a person who is torturing & sexually molesting a child especially your own child to death? I know I couldn’t, the only ones that could would be the ones who are unconditionally accepting of such heinous crimes, it’s not so easy to be unconditionally accepting to start with. To reach any form of unconditional love one has to be firstly unconditionally understanding & then unconditionally accepting but to reach true oneness one would have to be unconditionally understanding & accepting of the totality of all which in human form would be virtually impossible this is why we have got various dimensions to go through to teach us such unconditional values at the soul level.  For one to be truly unconditionally loving & at one with the totality of all one’s soul would have had to come from the 12th dimension which is believed to be one with God or the creative consciousness.

Now the person unconditionally accepting of heinous crimes seems to have more of a chance of becoming unconditionally loving because they are already unconditionally understanding & accepting of heinous crimes however do they understand & accept all as in showing true unconditional love to  victims of such heinous crimes? The answer of course is no so they have no chance in becoming unconditionally loving & at one in their present form however people like me who are unaccepting of there acceptance haven’t got a chance either.

It is important to know that you can’t have unconditional love without oneness otherwise how would one be aware that they are unconditionally loving without oneness because oneness represents the totality of all, non-accepting of anything isn’t of oneness so this would mean  unconditional love is totally unobtainable unless we are all accepting & of course to be all accepting one also would have to understand what they are being accepting of & this is why it takes so long for a soul to reach this point of true unconditional love & oneness, it certainly couldn’t be reached in one or two life times. So is taking on any concept of unconditionally loving pointless in realities like this one because it’s impossible to obtain? What is learning here is your soul through the experiences the human vessel goes through, to even notice of trying to be unconditionally loving is a huge learning curve for your soul & it will take this on board so no it’s not pointless at all. What is pointless is expecting to obtain this in one life time. By just acknowledging & experiencing certain conscious states of unconditional love & oneness is the start of understanding what unconditional  means at the soul level & from this will come, eventually, unconditional acceptance & then totality of unconditional love of the totality of all which is true oneness.

What is going on is we are continually thinking in human form & playing this out as if this is the main part of who we are but it’s not, what is important & who we are truly is our souls. What we really need to do to make it easier on ourselves in reaching this unconditional love & oneness state of consciousness in human form is think of yourself of being the soul not human; see yourself as just a human vessel showing your soul, your true self, to the light. This will make understanding & accepting a lot easier for your human vessel to teach your soul what unconditional actually means so how does it do that? Once you recognise your truer self as being the soul & not this human vessel you start to become detached from a lot of attachments & fixated attachments, becoming detached just means you’re letting go of taught practices that are holding you back in finding true unconditional love & oneness eventually, in other words it’s the human vessels attachments that is making it hard for us to reach our final goal, have faith & just let go.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Separation or Just Diversity of Consciousness’s

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is a very interesting exchange between a good internet friend of mine & myself on the various topics, we are indeed all on different wave lengths but of course we learn from diversity & the following is no different.   

Hi Mathew,
Again Who is it that is reincarnating?
Is it love or is it a self?
There is no I in love.
Unconditional love does not need karma or self'it just is'
take care

G'day Tawmeeleus

You have a problem with the I & self, I don't.

It is the smaller me who is reincarnating or self as you like to put it for the main reason to give my soul experience to learn by through diversity, you can't learn through diversity in being we or I collectively it has to be self & just I which is what gives us diversity to learn by.

I'm sorry but this I stuff that's so popular at the moment is rubbish to me because it represents segregation for starters of one consciousness to another which represents opposing polarities & conflict not oneness. To believe in this segregation you would have to believe everything of time & space to be an illusion when it can’t be because it vibrates so it exists just in a different consciousness not in an opposing consciousness because to have one consciousness the illusion & the other real you have opposing polarities but if there just different consciousness’s there is no opposition or conflict just a difference.

This is exactly what man has done right throughout the old consciousness just past, we need to think differently now for the new consciousness to take effect I believe & stop finding opposing polarities to everything.

Hello Mathew

No. I do not have a problem with any of it,not the way you imply, asking questions and putting another scenario out there is not having a problem.

A problem is the relation between human will and reality. When will and reality do not coincide, the resolution of this gap between reality and will is the solution of the problem. A problem implies a desired outcome coupled with an apparent deficiency, doubt or inconsistency that prevents the outcome from taking place.

I think if someone has a point of view and you do not agree is creating opposing polarities, that were not there in the first place. This is usually a result of one person thinking they are right and that the other is wrong.

Whereas I personally do not believe anyone is right or wrong because everyone only ever has the knowledge that they have! They cannot know what they do not know.

I guess it depends on your intrepretation of what illusion is.

An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation.

When I talk about illusion I mean that what we see as real in the physical is a perception of a physical reality.

Perception like all energy is not real or solid but we have a physical perception, an illusion of real and solid.

have a nice day Mathew

G’day Tawmeeleus

Are you implying I’m implying what you perceive I’m implying, I’m just implying what I perceive not what you perceive obviously.......Don’t take things to heart Tawmeeleus!!!

Forget the human vessel, we put too much emphasis on it because it’s not who we are so what do we have left? The soul & consciousness which of course we are all a part of. Now the soul can be caught up in human attachments to the extent it thinks it’s just a physical entity however you also have souls that are aware as well. The unaware soul seem separated, the only separation there is is the illusion of separation that’s all which comes down to awareness & this usually comes about by having a soul that has an expanded consciousness through diversity which you call separation or the illusion.   What you call separation I call diversity which we expand our consciousness by at the soul & yes human level as well so this naughty separation isn’t that naughty plus it’s the illusion of separation.  When we look from outside the human emotional square there is no separation, if there was, oneness would be totally unattainable because you perceive separation as I don’t see separation but totality. This is like this that & the other is spiritual but everything else isn’t especially all the naughty stuff but I on the other hand see it as all spiritual.

Think totally non-humanly, in this lies the truth however most people can’t do this because of previous programming from various human sources from the start.  Your only looking at this through human eyes obviously, try looking from outside the square inwards, you would be amazed how unseparated we are!!!

Do you know I get into certain conscious states that I can’t decipher half of what is human, even words have no meaning because to me in this state it’s antiquated & out dated, it’s a real strange feeling loosing most of what is supposed to be recognisable humanly to me. You seem to be just talking about human conscious concepts I’m not!!

We are on quite different wave lengths Tawmeeleus to obviously learn what we must!!!



Friday 12 July 2013

Living Within Your Divine Self

Written by Mathew Naismith

Finding Oneness: Who wouldn’t want to find one’s truer inner divine self, well hopefully this post will assist in such a venture. Living within your divine self is really just remembering who you really are other than what you think you are or conditioned to believe & even at the soul level through fixated attachments we can forget who we are so in all what we need to do is just  remember who we really are, simple!!!

No of course it’s not simple at all & the more attachments you have from previous lives & consciousness’s the harder it is going to be to remember & most importantly accept who you are as any fixated attachment relates to the negative ego. So what has fixated egotistical attachment got to do with remembering who we are, divine enlightened beings? Fixated attachments give us egotism & individualism; it’s this non-individualism we are not accepting because once you remember who you truly are you become as one with everything, no egotistical person wants to be the same as everybody else. The fear of not being an individual is great in this state of consciousness & awareness.  

There is also another problem that will hinder ourselves knowing about out true selves which has stemmed from the previous old consciousness, idolisation of something higher than oneself. As I have stated in previous posts, to think of something higher or lower of oneself isn’t of true oneness   so if you truly want to experience true oneness one must stop idolising or thinking of yourself & others of being inferior or superior.  Being inferior has stemmed from human conditioning because there is always someone supposedly more higher in stature & power than us in one time or another in our lives while growing up. This of course has nothing to do with oneness so to start with, we must un-condition ourselves from this conditioning; this is of course done by remembering who we truly are.

I would like to state here there is no true oneness as such just a state of being at one, true oneness is of everything being as one with no individualism, we have individualism in existence so we can only be in the state of being at one ourselves which is in itself a great feeling indeed.  We ourselves can feel at one but there is always individualism in existence so not everything is at one at one given time any more.  

Remembering: So how does one remember who they are & to be at one & divine in nature & oneself?  Now this is the simple part, know your fixated attachments exist in the first place at the human & soul level, it is pointless to know of one without the other if one wants to be truly at one & divine in nature so be aware of your whole self not just the human self of having such fixated afflictions/attachments.  Now we need to look at our beliefs, are they conducive to oneness because idolising anything isn’t of true oneness however feeling at one with something else that is divine in nature is conducive towards finding one’s own divine nature & that is what we are trying to do here nothing more or less especially if you are reading this. It is fundamentally important not to idolise or denigrate anything higher or lower than yourself.  It would help a lot if one was to read various past posts of mine & any other material found in the various links supplied in certain posts.

Ridding ourselves of any fixated attachments is difficult which includes idolisation because we are conditioned from birth & right throughout human history to do just that but it becomes a lot easier when we are aware of the difficulties believe it or not because the more difficult it seems the more aware of the problem you have become & in just doing this you will find when you get to a certain point of awareness of your difficulties you will become enlightened of your truer self & yes believe it or not it is that simple however what isn’t simple is dragging out becoming aware of our difficulties, we drag it out because of our attachments & as soon as we realise this to start with you realise you are no longer dragging out becoming aware of our difficulties, you have instantly become aware & knowing of your truer self is but a stone’s throw away from this.  What we really need to do is take on a totally different way of thinking to what we have been conditioned too in the old consciousness, my whole blog is on thinking outside the square & if we can do this & start thinking for ourselves again this process of finding one’s truer inner divine self will be a lot easier.