Showing posts with label time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Time is of the Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

Anyone living in complete quietness within themselves isn’t going to find this post interesting as it’s focused on inscribing further awareness onto the mental physical self however anyone who isn’t aware or are unable to sit within one’s own quietens this post might be quite beneficial. Actually most of what I write about comes from this quietness, all I am doing is relaying it on. 

Time is of the ego, anything beyond the influence of time has no ego to contend with, how could it when we have no past or future for contention, this is inner sequential quietness within oneself? However people like myself don’t judge time being bad in anyway, it just is because it is & because we are all of light & enlightened if we can we will be expressive hopefully without judgment.  If we judge that too is accepted because we can, as enlightened beings, express such traits as we all obviously have otherwise we wouldn’t be here to begin with. So sit back & enjoy the ego of time in how expressive & creative it is without too much judgement if one can as too much judgment can be quite disruptive as we have seen throughout human history.  Awareness of such traits is vital if we want a more peaceful existence.  

The following is a reply from a person who queried me about my post titled Slowing Down Time, it’s funny how one thing can lead to another!!


Oh...very interesting topic.
There are many theories for this.

At every year end or on the first day of a new year, we see or hear people saying, oh how fast the last year went. You see 2013 year went faster than 2012. And we may here almost same expression by the end of 2014.

Why people pereive this fastness in time that elapsed recently?. There are many theories , but here you have presented Ego theory. It could not be explained on this or that basis.

We sense our time in relation to the pace of events occuring around us. When a city guy goes to his village , he perceives time running very slowly. And when a village guy comes to a city he perceives his time is too fast and he says "I could not explain how fast today went".
In city life we see everything moving faster buses, cars, trains and even people hurry in getting into their works. In villages we see bull carts, slowly walking animals etc. We actually relate these external things with our inner clock.
One good example is- our time during the exams. When we are about to enter into examination hall, and we left with few things to read or revise we see how faster that time goes. Even during such instances all of our collegues are busy in revising and reading beside us. So naturally we perceive that our time is running faster.
Another example, when we are sleeping in home, especially during the times of fever. I observed one thing. During such fever periods, the only communication we have most of the time is our ceiling fan. When the ceiling fan is slow, we perceive time as too long to go. We may feel bored of this sudden slow timing. Apart from that this painful fever episode makes us to feel one minute as many minutes.

One more example, during our jogging session in Gym. If we pre set our jogging time as 20 min, we see as we jog, the pain in calf muscles increases, and breathlesness increases, and at very peak, nearing to the end of 20 minutes, we really wait for early completion of 20 miinutes. In such situations we feel the time is running slow. Because our intolerance of excercise wants it faster to happen.
Overall, time is always the same. The situation, the need, the surroundings etc influence our feeling of time perception.

Thank you.

G'day virinchi sharma

It's an interesting subject that keeps coming up for me in recent times.

We must ask ourselves what is time? Like with everything else I believe it's consciousness so if consciousness can change why not time. We must now ask ourselves what is ego? Again like with everything else it is consciousness so what is this consciousness? Vibrational frequencies & because these frequencies in time seem separated one vibration can have an effect on another vibration so one kind of ego vibration can be affected by another vibration in time.  Most of these vibrations we have of time are ego based, actually everything of time is ego based I believe however if we go out of the influence of time we would most likely find the ego doesn’t exist.

A villager comes to the city, time seems to be going faster because what is around the villager? Ego upon ego & the more we have to focus on, it would seem, the faster time goes by. How much is there to focus on that is ego based in a village compared to a city. I came from the country myself, town life was hectic to me & my family & yes time did fly by.  

This is the interesting bit; in the country we seem to have a lot to focus on like the different trees, flowers, scenery, animals & so on but once we focus on our surroundings time goes by slowly still, isn’t this too of the ego? Yes but the vibrations in the country are a lot more consistent with each other plus each vibration, like & bird to a tree for instance, are vibrating a lot slower themselves where’s everything within a city has quite a different vibration to them I believe.  

Time going by quickly hasn’t just got to do with the ego itself over all but how fast or slow the ego is vibrating, it all comes down to how fast or slow a vibration is vibrating at to how fast or slow time goes by I believe.  

Further reference:

Monday 13 January 2014

Slowing Down Time

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following reply was in regards to my post titled Immortal Free Will which is very much linked or influenced by time or more precisely the slowing down of time itself. The more aware we are of the present moment the slower time goes by & of course the less aware we are the faster time goes by as the two links within this post will explain further.  Immortality isn’t about time & this is why becoming spiritually aware has many positive affects; the ZONE as it’s called is but another one of these affects.  


I agree we are bigger and more than we think. So much more capable, and stronger than we see ourselves as. People share the same planet, we need to re awaken to our inner joy, have fun again and remember how to share love and hope. Peace can be achieved, and will be achieved once we reach a higher level of understanding in which harmony and trust can be established. This will bring about a unity among mankind, an understanding that all is equal in life on our planet. All 

+Liza Ireland This is funny because the less aware we are the more barbarous we are, it doesn't say much about our awareness as a whole at the moment.

Awareness itself brings us peace & a chance to really enjoy life not just individually but collectively I believe so you are quite correct in my mind saying a higher level of understanding can bring us peace but of course is that our will to do so collectively??

We are like God's at play, why not do it if we can, staying ignorant gives us quite different experiences than if we were aware. If we want to at the immortal level of understanding will our own awareness life in this reality would be somewhat different to what it is now.  

Now let’s now take a look at what’s deemed as the ZONE which to us seems like an actual occurrence of time slowing.  The link below is an interesting read written by Steve Taylor.

Extract: The second factor which determines the speed of time – besides the amount of impressions and perceptions we take in – is how strong our sense of ego is. By the term ‘ego’ I mean our sense of being an ‘I’ inside our heads, a separate entity which looks out at the world, with its own memories, beliefs and self-image. Our sense of time is closely linked to this ego. New born babies don’t have any sense of time, because they have no ego. And one of the reasons why time goes so slowly for children is because their egos are still quite weak. By the time we reach adulthood, however, the ego has become fully developed, and we have ‘fallen’ into time completely.

But even as adults we occasionally experience moments of slowed down time, or even complete timelessness, when our ego temporarily dissolves. This can happen when the ego is paralysed by a sudden shock, such as in an accident or an emergency situation. This is why so many people who have car accidents say that ‘everything went into slow motion’ or ‘each second seemed like a minute.’

The ego can also dissolve away after a long period of very focused concentration. This can happen in meditation, or when sportspeople enter ‘the Zone,’ when a slowed down sense of time makes them capable of astounding feats, because they have more time to make their moves, to position themselves and anticipate their opponents’ actions.

The following link is also an interesting read focussing in slowing down time through awareness & the more aware we are of the present the slower time seems to go by.

Extract: If slowing down time is merely a way of adjusting awareness, then surely anyone can do it. However, if you have never been completely aware or lucid in any given moment, this could be quite difficult for you.

To slow down time must be self-aware, they must be able to be alive in the present moment. Your thoughts cannot be active, the only thing that should be taking place is action, and your attentiveness to it. Being self-aware is a constant focus on the present time. It is being able to take the current instant and living with everything as it happens. Life is not meant to be watched like a television show.


It really doesn’t matter who you are a sports person, scientist, nurse, spiritually aware person & so on, if you are aware of the present it is most likely you have slowed down time. All this takes is to sit within ones quietness & become the observer especially of oneself.  This seems lame because how can a sports person sit within quietness? But they do, within their own quietness or ZONE. Just because we sit within our own quietness doesn’t mean we are not active or can’t be active, sitting in one’s quietness is actually referring to the mind being silenced to anything not of the now & becoming the observing!! 

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Consciousness without Time

Written by Mathew Naismith

We have a habit in relating everything to time because anything that isn’t of time couldn’t exist & even if it did how would we comprehend such things as it would be way past our conscious understanding.  Actually because of this fixation/habit about time we are unable to comprehend anything not influenced by time, having a belief that nothing can exist without time is stopping us becoming aware of anything not of time which includes consciousness itself as opposed to human consciousness. I should state here that I believe human consciousness is dominated by time however on the other hand consciousness itself isn’t. This brings us to the ego, the ego is of time but again the ego isn’t of consciousness itself & this is the consciousness I’m going to talk about in this post, consciousness itself or God if you prefer.  

First let’s look at the ego, the ego can’t exist without time as there is no past or future & the ego needs time to create a functional archetype to build upon but for this to happen time is needed so the ego is unable to exist without there being time to create such archetype.  Picture there being no time, there is no past to dwell on & no future to aspire to, there would be no point to collect wealth of any kind nor would there be any point in dwelling on the misgivings of the past & this is why  functional egoist archetype can’t be created without time. What happens then to the human self without this egoist archetype therefore time, does the human self then cease to exist?  No not really because we already have a functional archetype mainly because if there is no time how & when would a functional egoist archetype have been created because to be created we need time to give a starting point of origin? This functional egoist archetype like with everything has always existed but how could a functional egoist archetype exist without time? Time has also always existed as well because if consciousness itself isn’t of time how did it create anything from a starting point without time?

This seems perplexing, on one hand we have time that is needed to create everything as nothing can be created without time & on the other hand we have consciousness itself which isn’t of time & can’t create anything without time.  So is this saying consciousness itself (God) didn’t create anything, time did? No because time is but a tool that consciousness itself used to create, time is a part of consciousness as of everything is, it’s one source not two even though any consciousness influenced by time is of a different consciousness to consciousness itself.  It seems different because it’s only a part of what consciousness is itself like one person being different to another, no matter what the difference seems to be we are still of one consciousness.  

This is actually saying time is only a part of what consciousness itself is however because of our fixation to time we are unable to comprehend anything not of time, we are in fact experiencing very little of what consciousness is.  So how do we experience more of consciousness itself?  Stop thinking of time itself & that everything that exists has to be of time but how can anything exist without time? Time has always existed but under the influence of consciousness itself which isn’t influenced itself by time therefore everything has always existed.  What most of us want to do is experience more of consciousness itself & become aware of consciousness itself not being of time, there is no past or future only the now.

The freedom we get when we truly believe there I no time in pure consciousness is quite exhilarating, freedom from all our vices of time however at the same time realising time has always existed it’s just pure consciousness itself isn’t influenced by time.  There is another thing not to do is make yourself believe everything of the ego & time are an illusion, this is judgement for starters & should be avoided.  Just realise time exists but is only a part of what consciousness is itself. Sit within your quietness realising we don’t have to be influenced by time if we don’t want to, there is no time in pure consciousness & eventually you will have some quite vivid insights & will experience other experiences brought on by truly believing pure consciences isn’t dictated/influenced to by time .   

Friday 24 May 2013

Is there no time or space??

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Written by Mathew Naismith

Relative to time & space
Consciousness relevance with time & space: It’s very hard for us humans to fathom that time & space doesn’t exist including infinity & eternity because we evaluate, breakdown & label every concept we come across into logical understandable form to our conscious understanding & even spiritual awareness which is dictated to us by the reality we live in at the time, this is why this type of thinking is flawed because each reality has its own consciousness which we are influenced by. In other words each reality has its own conscious awareness which formulates our logical & even spiritual understanding; most people can’t or shouldn’t think past this reality based understanding.

Living on this planet we experience night & day because the way the Earth rotates around the sun, if we lived on a larger planet rotating around the sun at the same velocity our days would be longer according to the size of the planet or the opposite if the planet was smaller, this is what dictates our time which is measured by sun rotations. What if we just floated in out of space just like our planets in our solar system or galaxy & even universe which all rotate around a centre point, there is no night or day as some part of the planet is in the light therefor time as we know it on Earth doesn’t really exist because we measure time by rotations around a sun.

It’s the way we measure time that gives us time, at the moment we measure time by rotations around our sun which give us 24 hr time but we also measure time by distance or even through change itself so time is measured by different concepts of our conscious understanding but when you add in that everything is pure consciousness things change. So in all what measurement of time is correct for all realities?

TIMESSPACEPure Consciousness v analysis: We really only have a conscious understanding of what we know which is dictated by our conscious reality, in different realities they might have quite a different understanding of things like time & space & measure them quite differently if they are there to measure. I think the higher the consciousness awareness the less time & space has relevance because we become more aware that everything is of pure consciousness including time & space which has no starting point or ending point & if it has no points of origin it has no time therefore distance & if there’s no distance there is no space.

The question is how does one measure consciousness when everything is of consciousness? The only way to do this is label each conscious part, particle, matter or whatever & put them into different categories for analysis which isn’t of true spiritual conceptions. What we are doing in this reality is breaking down time & space from pure consciousness so we can recognise & measure them. Our whole consciousness is made up of time & space but what if we stopped breaking down this consciousness? It becomes one thing again because to measure anything there has to be a comparison, if it’s all just consciousness there is nothing to compare it to therefore in actual fact it can’t exist. Labelling & measuring obviously seems to gives us existence which a big part of this has to do with time & space. Full spiritual awareness gives us pure consciousness a non-existence but science & our analytical mind gives us existence, one isn’t right or wrong over the other they are just different & the reason they are different is because we have analysed things like time & space to know consciousness exists.

If you think about this if we all became fully spiritually aware or enlightened we would become this pure consciousness but how would one know if one was in that pure consciousness if all else was that very consciousness, there’s no comparisons to know one exists in this pure consciousness? Science & analysing gives us this comparison, if just one comparison existed like an ant for instance or a planet the rest of consciousness would have to know it exists through these comparisons, we in actual fact by mindful analysis give pure consciousness existence.

realmSpiritual Conception: Spiritually it has been said that we live in the now & have always done so & that this space we think we are in is so small it can’t be measured & this is why spiritualist know we are one, if there is no space time can’t exist, we then must be one thing, spiritual oneness!!

I think spiritually & scientifically we know that our own humanly evolution is to do with past cycles of conscious changes that have occurred right through human history. Conscious changes help us rekindle our relationship with consciousness so we can expand in analytical thought & knowing, if you looked back in history it’s so obvious in how we have changed so much through history. This is why we should keep a balanced understanding between spirituality & science; they both have their points towards our ever expansive consciousness without one or the other this reality would be somewhat different.

Time & space are of existence so they do exist but on the other hand it’s still all pure consciousness so they don’t, it’s a paradox really in that without time & space consciousness doesn’t know of its existence & time & space can’t exist without consciousness.

 Here is a quote that will explain it all in a nut shell, “I am the beginning and the end.”…Jesus!!