Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts

Thursday 13 September 2018

In the Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's occurred again, a light bulb just went on Raghunath in reference to my interaction with people like you.

Consider this Raghunath. People talk about unconditional love and oneness at the same time avoiding, what they have judged, negative people and situations at all cost. There conditions in life are insurmountable. Get this. I personally know of Catholics who have helped various people of all walks of life including atheists in a big way. Who, between love and light people and Catholics, express fewer conditions?  Who is then able to truly comprehend and understand unconditional love and oneness the most?

I know of Buddhist and Hindus who express far fewer conditions than people of love, light and positivity. I have experienced this first hand, having been on a number of spiritual forums, their conditions to life overall are insurmountable. Look at what group is trying to switch the light bulb off of what they have conditions to the most. What group is trying to separate itself the most from the present reality? You could not become more of the dark if you tried; this is in fear of anything remotely critically judged as being negative and toxic or different to yourself. Being truly of the light is being aware of everything while of the absence of conditions as much a possible. You will notice a lot of these people also criticise religions!!

Conditions are usually created from perceptions of what is judged to be negative and positive, a division in consciousness, therefore energy, in fear of what isn't presently of ourselves. There is of course no true sense of oneness or unconditional love to be had in this. I am simply trying to awaken people to their own darkness, how many people today desire to stay unaware of themselves being of this darkness? People like you make a difference, for you are for turning on the light, not turning it off.  

It's the seeker of light, of awareness, who turns on the light switch, not the person who guides you to that light switch. A true seeker simply refers to a person who seeks to express as fewer conditions as possible, most often seeking to do this unbeknownst to themselves. Less motion expressed is always preferable spiritually.

I do live in a cave, as such. I live within my own existence by going in, so so beautiful and harmonious. I created this cave, my own reality, by accepting everything for what it is, a consciousness lost within its own creation. Its nobodies fault and no one is to blame, it's simple conditioning over many years. We truly know not what we do, if we did, we couldn't have created such a reality.

When I face up to the worst of it, all I can do is smile but smile in bewilderment, not glee.

You didn't ramble on jim my, you simply expressed the truth within. Be you.


I am at times asked how I cope with this reality the way it is in the way I do. My wife and I haven't watched TV (television) for around ten years now; we have simply stopped the endless conditioning of television, the conditioning to what is positive and negative. We are simply being told or conditioned to what is and what isn't negative and positive. We are therefore often conditioned to express more motion, not less. What is a depiction of love? Lust and desire. What is positivity? Control, manipulation and the ostracisation of everything that doesn't give us control. Being in control is positive; not being in control is therefore negative. We are the good guys, they are the bad guys, it's a continuos separation (division) of consciousness. Of course television is but one media outlet that conditions us to express more motion, not less.

I am also asked how I coped and cope with the type of injuries I incurred in my childhood. People, who have incurred an injury half way through their lives, wonder how I copped with my injuries and also coped with my injuries without taking painkillers. Also, some of the work I did in my life was too hard to do for fully able people, people without serious injury.

If I tried to be positive all my life, I simply could not have done what I did; all my energy would have gone into trying to be positive instead of trying to be neutral. Being positive takes an endless amount of energy, it's something that has to be continually fed to stay positive. It takes very little energy to be neutral as there are no conditions to be neutral other than staying away from conditions in the first place. People excessively positive have to feed off of each other, this is why they ostracise anyone who is remotely judged as being negative, now imagine for a moment not having to do this.

You can see how I cope with this reality is simular to how I cope with my injuries and many other challengers in my life; I try to stay away from anything that conditions us to certain conditions. My own life experiences, which are often perceived as being negative by positive thinking people, is enlightening only because of the lack of conditions I put on my life. Now do the same with this reality. Look at this reality as a person trying to cope with a disability instead of a person who is simply negative. When you take away the conditions of negative and positive, you take away the need of excessive counteractive motions.         

I ask myself, what is there to be so excessively positive if the same opposing excess doesn't exist? One excessive naturally creates the other; now imagine a reality of the absence of excesses. Perceptions of negatives and positives are simply perceptions and conditions we have created no more. Only through these perceptions can we create excesses. Don't be deceived for one moment, you don't have to be excessively positive to cope with life as it is, in fact, excessive positiveness doesn't cope, it simply ignores or stays in the dark to cope.......!!

Think on this, are sports people, who experience the zone where everything seems to slow down and they are at their optimum, think they are negative or positive at the time of their experience? They are simply neutral to all around them. 

Extract: According to Csikszentmihalyi, the secret to getting “in the zone” is the Goldilocks principle: not too hot, not too cold. You want to feel inspired, but not overwhelmed. We can apply this to anything (everything!). Your squat weight, your career path, and your sex life: not so much challenge that you burn out, not so little that you get bored.

Note: It's also worth reading what different people feel when in the zone in this article. Imagine a reality where all that exists in this reality is in the zone......!!   

Sunday 15 April 2018

A True Positive Perception

Written by Mathew Naismith

First of all perceptions are, "The representation of what is perceived; basic component in the formation of a concept". Concepts are often based on a negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right, etc; perceptions are simply to do with the way we look at our environment and ourselves. A good example is the formation of an ism or ideology which is often based on these concepts of opposing polarities, two opposite attributes or tendencies, atheism and religion, God and man, yin and yang, etc.

When one side or attribute is perceived as excessively positive, this instantly makes the opposing side excessively negative. The more perceived the positive is of one side, the more negative the opposing side becomes. So being excessively positive actually creates more and excessive negatives, not less. This is not a true example of positiveness; a true example of positiveness is perceiving the perceived negatives less negatively, not more negatively. In actuality working with the negative rather than running away from them or ignoring them because they are so negative!!

I will explain myself better by using a scenario as follow.

Who would a wealthy person embrace if there was only a choice of another wealthy person, a positive, or a wretched poor person, a negative, to embrace? Now, who would a spiritually aware person embrace, if there was only a choice of a positive spiritual person and a negative non-spiritual person to embrace? The scenario outcome is exactly the same, as the perceived positive person will always be embraced over and above a negative person. What if I told you that a true positive person would always embrace the negative person first and foremost, even if this takes them out of their own comfort zone?

What you have is the same exact mentality between a wealthy materialist and a spiritual aware person. The western spiritual perception of this is, materialism is of a 3rd dimensional consciousness where the spiritual is of a 5th dimensional consciousness. Not sure how this works when both mentalities express the same attributes or behavioural patterns!!

A 5th dimensional consciousness is supposed to entail a consciousness to be unconditionally loving, unconditionally accepting, unconditionally compassionate, etc. What we are talking about here is levels where human consciousness evolves to. The main point here is levels, where normally with levels one level is successfully completed to go onto the next level of consciousness. What level of completion, in a 3rd dimension, is there while excluding all excessively perceived negatives from the equation? A 3rd dimensional level can't be completed unless one can embrace all as one. This is clearly not occurring and in actuality quite the opposite is occurring.

Being excessively positive is simply creating excessive negatives in the first place, to go on from this and create even more negatives isn't of a 5th dimension consciousness, it's purely of a 3rd dimensional conscious mentality. 

A 5th dimensional consciousness simply neutralises the negatives by embracing them first and foremost. Being positive has nothing to do with creating excessive negatives and more negatives overall, or, ignoring these insurmountable negatives because they are excessively negative, it's about embracing all as one.

You must understand, this age is known as the age of false prophets, this simply means an age of trickery and deceit especially upon ourselves by ourselves. If you look at the world around us, where isn't there trickery and deceitfulness? We have simply been tricked into thinking we are positive in our thinking when we are not; to someone like me this is too obvious. We are simply trying to separate ourselves to what we have perceived and critically judged as being negative, separation just simply doesn't exist within a 5th dimensional consciousness.

To put it plainly, human consciousness will not evolve to the next level of consciousness with this kind of mentality of separation, not that I believe in levels myself. Levels simply give us the perception we are not at a certain stage or level of evolving, it really is just a perception we have. To see this one must first see everything as one, if everything is as one, where are the levels? Evolving to me simply means awakening, an awakening that everything is as one no matter how much we desire to separate ourselves from what we desire not to be of. 

Does yin and yang, positive and negative exist? Yes, but the perception of how negative and positive they are is really just based on our personal perceptions, no more. To evolve from human consciousness, as we have evolved before, doesn't incorporate us to accept less and separate ourselves more from everything, it takes quite the opposite.

To a lot of spiritually aware people, posts like this are excessively negative; I have simply lost count how many times I have been called negative just by simply pointing out the obvious and truth. Labelling everything that is not of our own vibrations negative is simply not being positive, far from it. This kind of separatist mentality certainly will not lead to evolving consciously, if anything a regression of consciousness.

True positiveness isn't excessive expressions of positiveness, far from it. True positiveness is all about embracing the negatives, in turn, turning them around to become anything but excessive negatives that need to be avoided at all cost.

Fear of what is negative will only create excessive negatives to be feared even more......M G Naismith                       

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Escaping From Reality

Written by Mathew Naismith

Today's present reality is all about awareness, an awareness that was once only aware to the people experiencing or involved in a specific occurrence. A good example of this is war; war was only really experienced by the people involved in war. Through today's media this is very different, we are more than ever aware of what is occurring in the world through numerous media outlets.

If we deem war and conflicts simply negative, the effects on us will be inline with how negative we have deemed the world around us to be. The more negatively we deem the world around or the more occurrences we deem negative, the more we are going to desire to escape this reality, strangely enough, a reality of awareness.

Because the reality at present is conflictive therefore simply deemed highly negative, what we will become aware of will be inline with how negative we have deemed everything not of our reality to be. I find it strange that positive people deem so much of the world today simply negative; to me this isn't a true sense of positive thinking. A true sense of positive thinking is to desist in simply deeming everything not of your own desires and personal reality to be negative.

Is everything destructive and violent negative? This seems to be the case these days; this would mean that the sun is exceptionally negative and even demonic especially considering its present solar flares. This is inline with people not just calling other people negative but toxic, is this the new wave of positive thinking? It would certainly seem so, to people like me, this kind of mentality couldn't be further from a true sense of positive thinking. In actually it's highly negative; of course this would only be the case if I used the same mentality, that everything violent and destructive was negative.

To deem everything that is violent and destructive and not of our personal desires and reality negative and even toxic, are expressions of a high degree of violence and destructiveness. A true positive person has no will or desires to destroy everything they have deemed negative; they instead accept the reality and work with it. They certainly don't try to escape it, the desire to do so simply infer a high degree of negativity, a negativity towards everything not of their own personal desires and reality.

Becoming aware within a destructive violent reality is by noway an easy thing to do; it can be most unbecoming and upsetting. The answer isn't to become ignorant to the reality you are currently influenced by; in actuality ignorance does a lot of harm and can even exasperate (worsen) the destructive violence. If we are going to ignore everything we deem negative, all this will do is exasperate destructive violence. The trick is to not simply deem anything negative not of our own personal desires, it's really this simple.

The problem the western mind has with negatives and positive is it most often looks at them as being in conflict with each other, an opposing force rather than a complimenting force. The eastern mind looks at this differently, a good example of this is again the sun, it's highly destructive and violent but it's given life and beauty to the Earth and the solar system as a whole. Imagine looking up at the sky at night and only seeing darkness, an unawareness of other star systems and planets. Imagine not being aware of an engulfing destructive violent force that could be stopped only through awareness, of course this is presently occurring.

I know what's going on over in Syria through my own research. I don't often watch TV and especially the news but while waiting for someone I watched the news. It would have been lucky if 10% of the news broadcast on Syria was correct. The problem with the main media today, which more and more people seem to becoming aware of, is it's built on lies and deception. In this case a so-called negative has created a so-called positive, an awareness of the deception of main stream media.

When did an awareness of our present reality and the truth become negative?

I completely understand, if the psyche is unable or unwilling to face the truth as it really is, it will create its own reality; this is usually accomplished by deeming all other realities negative. As anyone into psychology knows, creating your own desired reality by deeming all else negative is an unhealthy way to live; all this will do is exasperate what you are trying to escape from. Yes, within our own ignorance we might feel good and safe, safe from real reality, the problem with this is that the real reality doesn't go anywhere because we are not dealing with it, we are simply ignoring it to feed our desires.

The problem is we desire to feel good all the time; this is while existing within an existence of extremes. The sun gives life and beauty to a world but can also take it away as it will in the end of its life. Our expectations while existing in an existence of extremes is unrealistic, however, if we work with the reality we have and desist in deeming everything negative, especially what doesn't feed our desires to feel good all the times, the extremes become less extreme simply because of our expectations are not as extreme and unrealistic themselves. 

This is not going to be easy for a lot of people to understand, only because we are conditioned to unrealistic expectations, I know because I have been there. Simply ease back the perception of negative being in opposition to positive all the times, it's simply not. The unawareness today has created an awareness, action reaction, the unawareness being the action which has crested a reaction, an awareness. Just because the present reality is not of the expectations of our desires, doesn't mean the present reality is negative or even toxic, a reality we all need to escape from.

To be truly positive is to see the positives within all the negatives and to accept the negatives for what they are, an awareness simular or dissimilar to the positives. Dissimilarities are not just simply negative; in actuality they can be highly enlightening but only if we don't treat them as an extreme, in an extreme way........              

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Optimism - An Optimum State

Written by Mathew Naismith

Why would I state that optimism is an optimum state? We might think that optimism is a positive mental state to be in, within this perception it's the most favourable and most rewarding state to be in. I actually don't concur (agree) with this on the grounds that optimism is a positive attribute or state of mind, however, optimism is highly constructive without having to be perceived as a positive.

Optimism looks upon human consciousness holistically, this means that optimism looks upon human consciousness in conjunction with the rest of existence. Basically, human consciousness isn't separated from the environment it's a part of where's pessimism separates everything.

Human consciousness can be highly destructive and violent, when taken in reference to the environment that human consciousness exists in, human consciousness is mild within its destructiveness and violence. A good example of this is the sun, being that the sun is one of the most violent destructive energy sources in the universe, not the most destructive and violent though. It's interesting how an optimist and a pessimist perceive the environment as I will explain.  

                     Optimism; Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something

                     Pessimism; A general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things 

                     Optimum; The best, most favourable or desirable, especially under some restriction

Optimism creates rationality, a sound sense of reasoning, by confidently making reverence to its whole environment in the hope to understand it's own positioning within its existence. This is done without discounting any part of the environment for what ever reason, being it either a positive or negative perception of its environment.

Optimism takes in consideration of both negative and positive reflections, most always looking at the negatives in a favourable way or in reference to other perceived negatives. Reverence isn't made in comparison but in conjunction with. A good example of this is judging human consciousness highly negative and even toxic while excluding making reference to the rest of the environment like the sun.

The point is that optimism doesn't perceive that negatives are simply bad while at the same time making exclusions to these perceived negatives. Optimism optimistically, favourably, looks at everything with the same light, in the same value, void of separation. Perceiving that everything not of my own vibrations, my own reality, is negative or that certain forms of human consciousness are plainly negative and even toxic, is a sign of pessimism, not optimism. Pessimism irrationally looks at certain forms of human consciousness as being negative therefore bad void of making reference to the rest of the environment.

So why isn't optimism of a positive state of mind?

A positive state of mind only takes in and considers the positives while excluding what are perceived to be negative, only the positives of existence are acknowledge. You can't be of a positive mind while including the negatives, the negative state of mind or existence. The negative mind works in the same way by excluding the positives otherwise it's not of a true negative mind.

A mind set to negative or positive thinking creates a state of pessimism, all else not of its own vibrations is excluded. This sounds awfully too familiar today. To a negative mind, the positive mind is highly negative and visa-versa, this is not the same with a balanced mind because a balanced mind creates a state of optimism. Everything is seen in a favourable way through the acceptance of the whole environment the way it is, not just accepting parts of the environment we desire to be of.

Optimism is simply the middle ground between our created and perceived negatives and positives. Let's be honest here, perceptions of negatives and positives are simply perceptions, a creation brought about in the way we perceive either that be optimistically or pessimistically.

Pessimism is of both negative and positives perceptions; pessimism needs an opposing opposite to exist thus we have perceptions and creation of negatives and positives. All of a sudden numerous people are judged as being toxic, excessively negative, how optimistic is this especially in regards to what is being so critically judged and ostracised, not included? To even look at yourself as being of some kind of higher value than judged negatives is quite a dark way to exist. 

You could say that optimism is of both negative and positive energy sources working in balance, the thing is the union of negatives and positives in perfect balance negate or neutralise each other. They work as one void of separation as in the perceptions of negatives and positives.

Is it positive and optimistic to refute an obvious occurrence because it's negative? Optimism looks at the negative occurrence and tries to make the best of it, pessimism simply ignores the obvious. You can see how a true state of optimism creates a state of rationality and pessimism creates a state of irrationality. One takes in consideration of the whole picture while the other only takes in what it desires to be of, the small picture.

I really hope I have explained this better, an optimistic view........ 

Thursday 28 July 2016

Balance and Creators of Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

OK people, please don't take my writings as being gospel or of utter truth, it's plainly not, how could it be when consciousness itself is infinite and varied to the degree it is? Too many people have taken my writing way too seriously, as I have always stipulated, it's only my perception of things, OK , it comes through me a lot of times but it's still comes down to my perception of what is coming through me!!

You must ask of yourselves why of what I write is upsetting you in anyway, is it your fixations to your own ideologies and perceptions that is causing this? All I am stating is sit back and observe yourselves and express a little more balance if you really want to make a difference. Whatever the human collective consciousness desires to do is fine with people like myself, it's just if you really want to make a difference, desist in being so extreme and fixated to your own ideologies and perceptions. Try understanding other perceptions and see where these perspectives are coming from, you will be surprised in what comes out of this. Try dropping some of the self-labels as well!! 

The following post, I think, is an extension of my already extended perceptions and perspectives. If you took offence to my previous writings, you will certainly take offence to the following.      


My topics at the moment seem to be based on balance, only because for change to occur, it is wise that any change made is enacted in a balance way. Of course the reason for this is obvious, any kind of implemented imbalance will only cause destruction and further chaos. We might think a predominant positive approach is the way to go but where is the balance when the positive is predominant? A true positive approach isn't destructive in any sense, this also means it's not destructive towards the negative either. A true positive isn't destructive towards the negatives as  it will see the benefits within the negatives, meaning, it will see the positives within the negatives.

Aware Consciousness: This is the same with consciousness's of light, a consciousness that is observed as being aware. A true consciousness of light is unable to destroy the dark in any sense, any truly aware consciousness is unable to be destructive. What this kind of consciousness will do is balance out the negative with positives while knowing that negatives are as worthy as positives. This however is different with the negatives, the consciousness's that are observed as being unaware will be destructive for only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy. It's important here to realise that only in ignorance can we destroy, or, only in darkness, which denotes an unawareness, can we destroy, now how many positives are trying to destroy the negatives in the world? There is a very good reason for This approach from aware people, people of the light so to speak.

Let's first look at the amount of labels I've used already, we must be aware that the more labels we use, the harder life will be to balance, however, how is an unaware consciousness able to become aware without labels while existing in an unaware conscious state? How is an aware consciousness to know it's aware without the a comparison like an unaware, dark or negative. Consciousness can only become conscious of it's awareness if there is a comparison. You see the negative aren't really as dark as we presume. We label dark as negative, light as positive but that is not entirely correct, the yin needs the yang to exist, It's of course a lot less destructive if the yin and yang coexist in balance, of course any coexistence takes a balanced approach, not an imbalanced approach!!

Human consciousness is primarily naturally destructive, for human consciousness to become more constructive, it needs to be nurtured and reconditioned to exist in a more constructive way, this won't occur if we go out to destroy all judged or observed labelled negatives or dark consciousness's. Once again, a true aware consciousness is unable to destroy anything, including the labelled negatives and this is the point. A truly aware consciousness is also unable to label one one thing and another something else, meaning, just because the yin is judged as being yin, doesn't mean it's not also of yang. Also, what is positive to one person doesn't mean it's positive to another person and visa-versa.

Balance or Balancer!!: It's obvious that a more balanced approach is wiser but are we the balance itself or the creators of this balance?

Now you might notice in the figure above that the word balance is on the shaft and the cross member, this is to depict that we are of the balance itself and the creators of balance, basically, the balancer of yin and yang's labels. Let's now look at this in a different way. 

You will notice I have replaced balance with God's consciousness or creative consciousness. Please do not presume I am talking about a biblical representation of God here, basically, this kind of consciousness is void of labels and is of pure wisdom, awareness and balance. You could say labels un-purify's   consciousness, in other words a controlling ego influences a consciousness to be of what it's not. This pure untainted consciousness is what we often deem a God.     

Looking at the scales above, we have what is called God's consciousness and then we have the soul. We then have the scales themselves which hold the many labels we use and under these labels we have yin and yang. Yin and yang represent the human self, in actuality, yin and yang represent everything that has been created, this means everything that has been created, is influenced by yin and yang.

Now if we were to take away what supports these scales, is the scales any longer scales? No, now take away the scales, the labels and yin and yang, is God's consciousness still God's consciousness? Yes, now take away the soul, is God's consciousness still God's consciousness? I myself find this perception quite interesting, we are the balance but in creation we also become the balancer, the creations being the soul and all the labels we ourselves create.

Counter-reaction: Chaotic existences can only be created by some kind of an imbalance, it's obvious we exist in a chaotic destructive existence. How would a consciousness, that isn't pleased with this kind of existence, going to react? It's going to react with the opposite, an opposing opposite, basically, to an extreme to block out or destroy the perceived darkness of such a reality. Even blocking out this perceived darkness (negative), we are purposely destroying this darkness, and  in actuality, we are still enacting out the darkness because we are still destructive. Any true sense of love and light lives within the dark without destroying it, it will instead find the positives (light) within the dark without becoming the dark itself. This is what a true sense of unconditional love is about, it's not about unconditionally loving what we desire to love but loving everything void of any conditions what so ever.

Because this reality is as chaotic as it is, any love and light void of a true sense of unconditional love existing in this reality, has conditions. This is brought about by existing in such a reality. Only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy, what are so many people of love and light tying to do to an extreme? Basically, they are still enacting out the attributes of darkness, the very thing they are trying to destroy. This reaction however is normal for a still unaware consciousness to do, no truly aware conscious will react in counteraction to any situation, it will instead try to find balance within such a situation/reality without becoming destructive within itself in anyway.

The dark is not just of dark either as the light is just not of light, if everything was of light, the existence of dark would still exist within the darker shades of light. This is because conscious itself is not limited to certain boundaries, only our own consciousness has these boundaries and is limited by these boundaries. We label something dark therefore negative and bad and something else positive therefore positive and good. The reaction between these perceptions/boundaries is going to be opposing until they find common ground, the yin within the yang as in the yang within the yin, in other words balance.......

We are the balance, a conscious void of labels but we are also the balancer, the creator of balance within any reality of labels, the light and dark of life. A truly harmonious existence can only be obtained through balance, not the destruction of the other, it's this simple. Also, a balance between a consciousness void of labels and a consciousness of labels will also help bring harmony into a consciousness, basically, a balance between the spiritual and the physical, not one or the other.        

Saturday 11 October 2014

A Way to Healing -Visualising

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is more about how I heal or more to the point, how I use to heal when I was living a life in ancient Egypt.  In my present life, I don’t heal to any great extent but I can still visualise, to some extent, where the light is in the body, yes I did say light. No matter what it is, I don’t see it as a dark or damaged mass, the area in question just glows with white light.

This has everything to do with our mentality, not if we are positive or not. A positive person can still visualise a dark mass however a person with a constructive mentality will only see a bright white glow.  So what’s the difference between a positive thinking person and a person who is constructive within their mentality?

They are very simular however to be positive there has to be a negative, you can’t have one without the other, so to be positive you would have to judge yourself as not being negative, in doing this you have just judged negativity as being bad in some way.  A constructive mentality doesn’t work this way, it doesn’t need an opposite like destructiveness to exist, constructive thinking is just constructive thinking.  

Let’s take Hitler for example, he was very positive especially at first during his reign, I wouldn’t call Hitler a very constructive person however in his early days of he’s reign, he was very constructive to his people but not to other people he deemed not of his own.  Hitler was a very positive person but very destructive. A person with a constructive mentality wouldn’t have even thought of being this destructively positive.   

Constructiveness is obvious, you are not destroying anything or hurting anyone, positive thinking on the other hand isn’t this obvious as the example above shows.  Positiveness also takes action to formulate where’s constructiveness actually takes less action, the less you act the more constructive you are and the more active you are the more destructive you become.  Because positiveness takes action to formulate, it can be quite destructive as Hitler quite clearly showed.  

This also goes along with the push and pull effect, the more we push away the more we are pulling in, a never ending expression of action reaction, cause and effect. Positive thinking tells us to take action away from anything we judge as being negative, a constructive mentality doesn’t take any action as the less action we take the more constructive we become.  

What happens when we take less action? For one we don’t get a reaction and two we are under far less stress therefore think a lot less which quietens the mind. It’s this quietened mind that helps us to heal.

Anyone with a constructive mentality can heal but not everyone who is positive can heal!!

We have been conditioned to take positive action as opposed to being conditioned to be constructive without action, this kind of conditioning is very hard for us to let go of and this is why we have been so destructive.  Does a constructive mentality mean we don’t take action, so when others are in trouble we don’t do anything to help?  

No, it means we take constructive action in consideration of anything we might destroy within such actions. We need to realise the more action we take the more destructive we can become. Feeding the poor for example isn’t going to help the situation unless we take less action to help them help themselves; they need to learn to help themselves.  

This is all a part of the healing process, there is no negative to heal as there is no dark mass to heal so we take less action to heal not more action. The way we have been conditioned tells us to take more action which is causing even more reaction, more destructiveness.   I find it really funny how we have become conditioned in this way which keeps our mentality ignorant of any other way to exist. 

The best way I know to heal is to visualise people’s light spots not dark spots and the world itself is no different. In relation to the Middle East, a positive person will see dark spots and take positive action but a person with a constructive mentality will only see these, what positive people have judged as dark spots, light spots. These dark spots become balls of bright light. Actually a lot of spiritually aware people who think they are positive thinkers are actually people who have a constructive mentality, they are not true positive thinkers because true positive thinkers can be quite destructive.  A true positive thinker also thinks a lot, usually too much to truly heal anything.  Yes positive thinking can make a constructive difference but it’s usually only a band aide effect, it usually doesn’t last long enough to make a real difference; actually in certain circumstances it can make things worse in the long run.

How can we learn to heal through a constructive mentality?  First of all drop the positive thinking and become purely constructive, feel constructive in every core of your being. Secondly, look at people and visualise their light spots/masses, if you visualise a dark mass you are not quite constructive within your mentality. The same goes with the world around us, visualise the Middle East, if you visualise dark spots you again are not quite constructive within your mentality.  I should point out anyone can become a healer, one just needs to be aware.  

It is easy to get positive thinking mixed up with constructiveness, they at first seem to go hand in hand, the main difference is, one takes action to formulate and the other takes far less action, one takes more thought,  the other far less thought. One should ask, which one is more truly of the spiritual and of the inner self?      

Friday 15 August 2014

Exorcising Judgement and Empath’s

Written by Mathew Naismith

Exorcising, banishing, expelling judgement isn’t an easy process for most of us to achieve mainly because most of us are brought up to judge.  I was brought up with atheistic racialist influences, this gave me judgement towards anything not of these ideologies, anything not of these ideologies would then have to be wrong.  You could then turn this around and judge such an atheistic racialist negative in some way but we are still in judgement and in negative judgement of something else that is in opposition to our own ideologies, in this case an atheistic racialist view/ideology.

It would seem we are not getting anywhere in exorcising judgement in our lives, we are still judging what is wrong in opposition to our own views, is an atheistic racialist wrong and negative in some way? The ego of course would say yes in protection of it’s own views/ideologies, this happens quite a lot. We have a view that an atheistic racialist has to be wrong in some way especially if these views are in opposition to ours.

How would another person who isn’t controlled by the ego answer this question, is an atheistic racialist wrong or negative in some way within their views?  Without the ego telling us there is a right and wrong, the answer would be of course no, an atheistic racialist isn’t wrong and if there is no wrong how would there be a negative or even a positive if we haven’t judged so?  If we have judged someone else being negative, we must have also have judged ourselves as being positive as opposed to someone else being negative!!

We are still not getting anywhere in exorcising judgement in our lives while under the influence of the controlling ego, only while not controlled by the controlling factors of the ego can we exorcise judgment in our lives.  If we are still judging ourselves as being positive, we are also judging others of being negative because to have a positive you need a negative for a positive to be recognised. This seems awfully chaotic and we wonder why this reality is also chaotic, we created such a reality through our own judgmental attitude towards anything in opposition to our own ego views/ideologies.

So in this case we should be really exorcising the ego as the ego is the basis for judgement existing!!  The funny thing is judgement is a good indication of our ignorance which the ego relies solely on to exist, without judgment the ego can no longer take control, you take judgement away you take ignorance away and in turn exorcise ego from our lives.  I haven’t been an atheistic racialist since my early teens because I exorcised judgement out of my life to a certain extent, I no longer saw one ideological principle being right above all other principles. Exorcising judgment automatically takes the controlling effects of the ego out of our lives to the extent of our judgement of a right or wrong, positive or negative.  The more we exorcise judgment out of our lives, the less we judge a right or wrong, positive or negative and the less the ego is in control of our lives.

So for me is being an atheistic racialist wrong or negative? What’s left of my ego says it is but my inner self says no, it’s just another way of thinking through a particular ideology, yes it can be a destructive ideology but am I now going to judge destruction as a negative or positive thing, wrong or right?  If I did this the ego is obviously still in control……

What happens when we judge ourselves as positive? To judge ourselves as positive there has to be a negative and in turn we judge certain people as negative even though we have judged ourselves as being positive. How many times will a person who has judged themselves as being positive stay away from negative people? Would we stay away from the people we have judge negative if we didn’t judge ourselves as being so positive? The strange thing is in most cases not however, being spiritually aware can make us a little bit of an empath , being able to pick up on other people’s vibrations. So we pick up on other people’s vibrations, how do we usually judge them? We judge them negative which is a good indication the ego is still in control no matter how positive we have judged ourselves to be.  So many times have I heard spiritually aware people say they try to stay away from negative people, this is saying the controlling ego is still very prevalent in these people’s lives.

It’s tricky being an empath, we are picking up on vibrations we no longer resonate with so these people feel inharmonious to ourselves, it’s difficult not judging these people as being negative in some way to our own vibrations.  The ego is going to judge anything inharmonious to itself as being negative however the inner self doesn’t judge certain people as being negative who don’t resonate with itself for the main reason it doesn’t also judge itself as being positive.  Positive thinking is great but it’s always in opposition to anything judged as being negative, positive thinking is still all about a controlling ego being in control and in turn creating more chaos.   

If you truly want to exorcise judgement, ego, from your life, it all comes down to not judging yourself as being positive in the first place but a person of neither negative nor positive.  This all comes back to the push and pull effect, judging oneself as positive (pull) is always in opposition to a negative (push), the push and pull effect is of the controlling ego and of course judgment. This interaction between positive (pull) and negative (push) will always create chaos.  

Do we really want too or are able to exorcise judgement, the controlling factors of the ego, from our lives if we have to sacrifice our own judgement of ourselves as being positive?  Are we willing to sacrifice positive thoughts for neutral thoughts so we are then able to exorcise judgment from our lives for good? That is a question we must each answer ourselves individually even though we are a part of a collective.