Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Friday 8 November 2013

The Creativity of Ignorance

Written by Mathew Naismith

As usual I like to focus on the positives of the seemingly negatives in our lives & ignorance is but another one of these envisaged negatives however in this case it really depends on how accepting you are of this reality or not in how positive ignorance will seem to you.  We all have our own path to follow, some are accepting of their immediate environment some not so accepting depending on what we came here to do & what messages we have come here to relay onto others.  So what has ignorance to do with how accepting we are or not of reality like this one?

The following statement from me was in response to a statement made by another in reference to the following which should hopefully answer the question above: “Seems really convenient to suggest that the Universal Physics realized by sages/solitary realizers throughout all human history are made up belief systems that can just simply stop with you. It doesn't work that way!”

My reply
There is absolutely no absolute truth within realities like this one, it is impossible to bring forth this sort of truth without changing realties like this quite dramatically.   Shamans/sages & even Jesus, Buddha & so forth have never brought forward & conversed absolute truth, that is metaphorically impossible, what they have done is bring us more of the truth & this is how ideological concepts change over time.  The reason it’s impossible is if any physical being in realities like this one ever came across absolute truth their vibrations would change to the extent they would no longer be able to exist in these kinds of realities however if by some chance someone did it would change this reality quite instantly, this reality would no longer exist the way it is. 

So what keeps realities like this one the way they are? Ignorance & ignorance denotes fear of one kind or another. This is saying everyone who has ever existed only existed in this reality because of fear which also includes the most spiritually connected person ever to walk upon this Earth including Shamans/sages.  So what are we fearing?  Knowledge/absolute truth which ignorance hides us from so we can exist within realties like this one.  The Mayans are a good example of what happens to physical beings within realities like this one when too much of the absolute truth is known.

Scientists & Shamans for example only bring forth portions of the big picture or absolute truth, no one ideological concept dominates the truth.  If we were to bring all these ideological human concepts together we would see more of the bigger picture or know more about the absolute truth which of course would change this reality to what it is today however it wouldn’t change it as much as the totality of absolute truth, you could say that is in God’s hands. Consciousness, the source, God or whatever you want to call it is unable to live amongst us as we do in realities like this one; it is utterly impossible however it does through us so in fact it can exist amongst us but only in ignorance of itself as we are ignorant of our truer selves which of course is consciousness itself.  It is funny to think the only reason realities like this one exists is through ignorance, ignorance of our truer self & this is why I say all we have to do is remember who we are without demising & denouncing this that & the other  to become enlightened.   How hard do we want to make it?

Peace man.

Probably most spiritually aware people will say they don’t fear anymore but they are still with us so they must have some kind of fear within them still otherwise their vibrations would change to the extent they would no longer exist here within this reality. I’m not talking about a fear here that is going to just effect you but others as well in the sense that it is possible to bring too much of the absolute truth forth that will affect everyone not just ourselves.  However as we become more spiritually aware I believe we become more intuitively aware of the repercussions of opening up too much to the absolute truth, this isn’t a frightful alarming fear but a sedate collective fear warning us of the disruptive influences  of knowing too much at any given time. However most of us when we get to a certain stage of awareness will automatically realise & feel one shouldn’t go too much further because of the repercussions on those who are content with this reality. There is a way however to bring forth more of the absolute truth within this reality, grounding, the more we are grounded the less chance of changing our vibrations to the extent of our disappearance & the more we ground ourselves the more of the absolute truth we can relay onto others but again we must be wary of other people’s free will.  

We must remember here, not everyone is following the same or even simular path as ourselves & we really haven’t the right to force our paths onto others who are more content & accepting within this reality but in saying this spiritually aware people must lead the way, always, to a better existence.   This of course is done by listening to your intuitive feelings & insights; any action beyond this point is usually met with a brick wall but sometimes with one’s own disappearance mainly because of the vibrational change of knowing too much to keep on living in realities like this one.  Have we anything to fear, frightfully so, of going beyond this point ourselves? Not at all & in fact you will probably feel like you’re are back at home, not home as of this reality but home as being more aware of yourself.

So in all what is so creative about ignorance? Ignorance creates realities void of the full understanding & knowing of the absolute truth but why create realities created by ignorance?  To live & experience every part of consciousness in every possible way, what better way is there for the consciousness itself to know of itself!!  The reason for our ignorance is there is no way that a physical being can, in my mind, know of the totality of the absolute truth & exist in physical form, the vibrational pull would be enormous on our physical & mental self that could send us loony, that’s if we didn’t just disappear that is from such a shock so we are separated from absolute truth in various ways.  My best advice is listen & learn especially from oneself as all you need to know is within you.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Dissolving 3rd Dimensional Thinking

Written by Mathew Naismith

Ridding ourselves of 3rd dimensional thought processes isn’t easy as it’s all learnt from learned behaviour not just from our child hood but from previous behavioural modes of thought & patterns right throughout human history so we are not just struggling with our own learned behavioural patterns but all 3rd dimensional modes of thoughts throughout human history which has cemented in us in the way we think today, 3rd dimensional. In other words we have been brought up as a species, not just individuals, to think in a certain way which we know now is 3rd dimensional.  Now this process of thought isn’t obviously going to be an easy process to go through, every time we seem to be ridding ourselves of fear based ideologies for instance we find ourselves right back from where we started in the first place which is 3rd dimensional thought so what’s the answer in succeeding in allowing ourselves to think in different dimensional modes of thought?

I will try to answer this question a little further on but first I will insert a statement made by a good internet friend of mine & my following reply to such a statement which I hear so often. We are just here as Consciousness, not ego! We don't need to define ourselves as something. We just could enjoy the process of communicating here! LOL

G'day Eric

Eric, you’re not another person who is afraid of expressing the ego are you? We have got to get past any ideology that is fear based.

If we are here just as consciousness & ego is a part of this consciousness like everything thing else, why do we express the ego the way we obviously do? Yes, everything is just consciousness & to label any part of this as ego for instance is of the ego, so what!! Why be afraid of labelling & expressing the ego?

I'm sorry but spirituality seems to be based on fear of one kind or another but it's not supposed to be believe it or not!!

Why would a conscious energy who isn't expressive of the ego in anyway take form to express the ego if all we are supposed to do is be just consciousness without ego tendencies which we were in the first place? Sorry Eric this kind of concept doesn't make sense to me.  Yes we can be in conscious states that we don't have to think or express the ego but we do in the form we are now in for the purpose of expressing the ego not just being consciousness. Expressing the ego helps develop our souls so that the consciousness can be expressive of all it's knowing through actually experiencing it's knowing not just knowing of it's knowing, in fact we are serving the lord/consciousness if you like.

Yes I know this goes against a lot of old 3rd dimensional thinking but were not supposed to be thinking in 3rd dimensional thought anymore & this is why 3rd dimensional isms don't fit in to 4th & 5th dimensional thought processes & reasoning.  Yes a lot of people laugh at my reasoning but at least it has foresight & isn't just reliant on old out dated modes of thought.

All the best
Mathew :-)

How can we be still in fear if we are feeling at one & at peace with ourselves & the world? In certain states of consciousness we can be totally at harmony & feel no ego tendencies towards ourselves & the rest of the world so what’s this got to do with being in fear?  The process of feeling this has no fear unless we fear in some way to be expressive of these ego tendencies again. It is great when we get into certain states of consciousness, we feel totally egoless & feel all of life should be like this for ever however we still have the fear of not wanting to express such tendencies again mainly because we feel we have no more need of such tendencies however not everyone is in the same boat so to speak of or egotistically even wants to be in the same boat. It comes down to do we individually have a right to force our own desires of oneness & egoless states of consciousness onto others who especially don’t want to or are not ready to enter in such states of egoless consciousness?  The consumerist materialistic & political systems we have today does this which again is fear based so how far have we come even when we have experienced egoless conscious states from consumerist materialism, it’s still fear based even if it doesn’t feel so.

Fear is of the ego so how can we be fearful of expressing ego tendencies again when we are in egoless conscious states, this is totally impossible?  The thing is we can’t or shouldn’t be able to express such fears in these states of consciousness but the human form isn’t of these egoless conscious states it’s of the ego consciousness so even when we are in certain states of egoless consciousness  we are still of the ego. What happens when we physically conform totally to egoless conscious states of awareness? We disappear physically just like the Mayans did & many other individuals who crossed this threshold into egoless consciousness. The thing is why would we while in these egoless conscious states in the first place live in these ego consciousness’s time & time again? I already answered this question in my reply to my internet friend which explains why we are the way we are.

While in human form & experiencing egoless conscious states of awareness in this form we still express fear because once we reach these states of egoless consciousness we think this is it but it isn’t. We are expressive of no fear therefore are egoless in these states however we are still in human form which is of the ego consciousness, fear is obviously still prevalent because if it wasn’t we wouldn’t have a problem while in these states of egoless consciousness to express such tendencies again & actually at the soul level that is exactly what we do time & time again because the soul has no fear but humans do.  To answer the original question “so what’s the answer in succeeding in allowing ourselves to think in different dimensional modes of thought?” Fear is human, try to think pass this & be expressive of all that is of consciousness not what we presume is just consciousness, everything is of consciousness so be free within your will to express such consciousness ego & all. 

Friday 30 August 2013

3rd Dimensional Fear Still Prevalent

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is by no means an easy feat to rid ourselves of 3rd dimensional fear based attachments; this also includes attachments of desires & attachments to inhibition. When we think of attachments we think of what we desire but attachments are also of the things we have inhibition about as well like fear based emotions towards anything we find disdainful.

In this post I will focus on fear of anything to do with the ego including fearing to express oneself egotistically or judgmentally as it’s all based on fear.  Being involved with many forums I've noticed many spiritually aware people won’t comment on something they specifically disagree with, is this fearing of being of the ego in any way? It’s obvious it is & the less we comment on what we deem as incorrect the more fear this denotes that we have about displaying the ego in any form so is this any different to 3rd dimensional fear based religions & other spiritual practices? It’s still all based on 3rd dimensional beliefs which are based on fear so really we haven’t really come very far within this new consciousness that we are supposed to be thinking differently in as opposed to 3rd dimensional modes of thought.

There is a very apt quote by Albert Einstein that goes like this, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. How would one indeed be able to see a problem within the problem itself, one would have to look outside the square which is a different level of consciousness which is outside the 3rd dimension & is hard to do when we have attachments/inhibition like with the ego for instance.

Everything is of the universal consciousness which of course includes all of the horrors as well, this means we are actually one entity (oneness) now anyone who is afraid of expressing the ego in any way can’t believe we are one because they claim we are being judgmental to others but there is no others there is only one entity so when we seemingly judge others we are actually judging ourselves as one entity which is good not bad.  By judging ourselves as one entity we are actually making ourselves more aware of who we are, this is like joining the dots, once the dots have been joined the big picture is displayed but one in the first place needs to judge in where to join these dots to start with, looking at each other in judgement is the same in my mind. We also seem to, with 3rd dimensional thinking, look at judgment in relating to making judgment on the things we disagree on but it is also judgment to agree as well, it’s all to do with ego no matter what we do & think so how do we think outside of this 3rd dimensional thinking process? Don’t just think you are one entity know you are one entity.

There is a huge difference in just thinking we are one entity to actually knowing we are one entity & this is the key in letting go of any attachments of the ego & not disdainfully fighting off the ego like so many seem to be doing & being fearful of displaying such ego tendencies. This of course comes down to accepting all is of who we are  even if we don’t like it egotistically, what part of the ego would want to be associated with horrors but horrors are also a part of the universal conscious, this one entity. Once we really realise who we are the ego automatically dissipates as if it never existed, we don’t have to force it by demonising & showing distain towards the ego & other parts of the universal consciousness but realise we are really one entity & then & only then will we let go of our 3rd dimensional fears. This isn’t of course saying you can’t display the ego even after knowing you are one entity it's just saying we are more aware of who we are when displaying such ego tendencies so sit back & enjoy the ride to further awareness of ourselves as one entity.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Fear within New Age Spirituality

Written by Mathew Naismith

New age spirituality isn’t about fear as it’s not based on fear like some religions so how can there be fear within new age spirituality, obviously there couldn’t be. Anything fear based is being fearful of reprobation if one doesn’t follow certain beliefs & doctrines within a system of belief, it is obvious that new age spirituality doesn’t have such fear based practices within its core of belief as it’s about feeling good about oneself & the rest of the world, it’s about positive thinking under any circumstance.  

Many new age spiritually aware people will teach positive thinking & to denounce anything that is negative or has a chance of being negative in anyway like the ego & judgment & yes fear itself for fear is fed by the ego.  This all in turn make us feel good about ourselves & the rest of the world & the last thing we would want after finding such tranquillity is ruin it with fear. This of course has a feeling of being ethereal which is highly beneficial to the psyche; mind, body & soul!!  The last thing we would want is anyone trying to ruin that for us & psychologically we will denounce anything to spoil this ethereal state of consciousness to the point of becoming less aware not more aware.

While becoming spiritually aware we don’t just become aware of the spirit world, as in the afterlife, but of everything that is spiritual, of life itself in its fullest extent however this also induces us to become more aware of the negatives not just the positives in life which at times can be quite frightening & uncomfortable so we find ways to dispel these negative feeling which of course makes us feel good again but what are we actually doing to make ourselves feel good?

What are we doing when we dispel these negatives so we can feel good? We are actually inducing fear not dispelling fear & this is the trap we have unknowingly & unwittingly found ourselves in.  In the act of dispelling anything that gives us an uncomfortable feeling we are showing fear & believe it or not will always have that fear of its return once we have dispelled such fears like the ego & judgment for example.  Recently I made a comment & yes judgment of what happens to us when we take fixated attachments into the afterlife, it wasn’t very well received & I was promptly told I was being judgmental which of course is judgmental within itself to say so in the first place. By putting others down for being judgmental is saying your living in fear & I don’t so I shouldn’t listen to you.  What is more fearful, someone who accepts the totality of all being within them including ego & judgment or someone who fears being of the ego & of judgment?  

This is a new age spiritual trap we need to all be wary of, while becoming spiritually aware we will feel awfully good at times & at other times feel awfully bad, this is teaching you, while becoming aware of the totality of all, to accept all for being within yourself. If it wasn’t within you to start with whatever your experiencing while becoming spiritually aware in the first place you still wouldn’t become aware of it as that is consciously impossible, in other words it’s impossible to become aware of anything outside of your souls consciousness so what you feel is what you are if you like it or not. It’s not good just denouncing anything, one must embrace it & within this embracement & following acceptance one finds understanding of what one is fearful of thus automatically dispelling any such fears as if by magic.  So by doing this do we get to feel good within ourselves & the rest of the world? Indeed yes, not just of the things that make us feel good but everything within its totality, this is true acceptance & oneness & far less fearful!!   

“It is far less fearless not fearing fear than it is to fear fear, confront your fears within yourself as being a part of yourself & become fearless”….Love Mathew     

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Karma, Souls & Fixated Attachments

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following response was from me in regards to a person enquiring about karma from a thread in the link directly below; it’s funny how fixated attachments can lead to being fearful at the soul level which can lead to what we term bad karma.

G’day Cheeneka

It’s our souls that are learning here as it’s eternal not the human self as it’s temporary, when we pass on our life flashes before our souls, this is when the soul learns what we have done badly or not, in other words we re-enact out our life’s karma then not in another life however some souls with fixated attachments will not learn then because any fixated attachments taken in the afterlife obscures our re-enactment thus our fixated karma stays with us into as many lives as it takes to become detached. All what we call bad karma is of fixated attachments.

Fixated attachments come about when the soul is fixated on a few attachments life after life until it learns to become unfixed to these attachments. Our soul can become that fixated that it no longer realises it’s own immortality & only thinks of itself to whatever it’s fixated too, in this case anything to do with humanism.  There are souls that never learn to become unfixed to attachments thus become of the dark however there is always hope because within every soul there is a core of light which is untouched since the souls creation, it’s of pure consciousness & yes unconditional love.   

Attachments can only be of realities of time & space, the souls core of every being/entity or energy form is of pure consciousness which is of realties of no time & space which is where everything was created from I believe & this is why the souls core can never be tainted, it stays pure & this is why beings/entities of evil intent shy away from beings of light, this I have experienced personally.  What is happening here when a true light being comes across beings of darkness is reminding the soul what they really are, the beings of darkness soul automatically picks up on the light not just from the beings of light but from the untainted core of their own soul.  They are far more fearful of beings of light than any being of light could be of them; fear is of fixated attachments & yes can evolve into what we call bad karma & eventual evil intent at the soul level.   



Saturday 15 June 2013

For the Enjoyment of Life a Spiritual Journey

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post was inspired by a person going by the user name of ShuanM865, the following link is what inspired me to right the following.

Seriousness: I have had many moments when I will smile or laugh at myself & at first I didn’t know why, I soon found out I was taking life way too seriously. We are brought up to take life seriously for if we don’t we will probably end up out on the streets or even worse. This type of existence is very hard to evade unless we live as a recluse or hermit or at least on the streets, we are forced to make money to survive so how is one able to be there true selves in this existence & enjoy life for what it is instead of for what it isn’t?

What it isn’t is serious unless we want to play out a serious dramatic life which is obvious most of us did others wise we wouldn’t be here.  Life is about enjoying ourselves even when going through adversities the only problem is the reason we don’t enjoy ourselves through adversities is we have allowed ourselves to become entrapped by taking life too seriously all the time.  What life is, is a game or a joke which is what I feel when I laugh at myself out of the blue, I know at that point I’m taking life too seriously. Like with everything balance is the key, a balance between taking life too seriously & not seriously enough so how does one accomplish this?

First of all don’t fear fearing, embrace fear but before we do this we must realise who we truly are which is a very powerful being especially when we have our guides by our sides. Many times have I been saved by my guides when asleep & awake, in a conscious & subconscious state so in fact we have nothing to fear but fear itself. 

Learning Through Our Dreams: In my dreams I will go into the dark looking for whatever is in there without fear or little fear & in actual fact I don’t mind fearing because I embrace it & enjoy it for what it is which is nothing serious just a feeling.  We must keep remembering in our dreams we are what makes our dreams if we wish to be frightened that’s what we will be & if we fear fearing we will be frightened of anything within the dark but also the light if it’s something that is unpleasant in some way.  We are so often told to rid ourselves of fear but when fear comes knocking on our door again we fear it again however by embracing fear we actually control fear & whatever is giving us fear.  

In our dreams we need to practice this, go into the darkness realising nothing can hurt you as it’s only the fear itself than can hurt you however don’t go into the dark with an aggressive &/or destructive attitude as this will rebound on you very quickly.  Go into the darkness to enjoy what is in there & after a while of doing this you will find that the darkness won’t be as dark as it was when you feared it, when you embrace the dark you embrace fear & yes conquer it if that is your desire.   

Now for me I have more trouble in the light of my dreams because I’m taking life too seriously still by exacerbating my daily traumas, I don’t fear fear or the dark anymore but I do take my daily traumas too seriously which is a part of a game I’m playing in other words I’m acting out my chosen role in life.  This is a different fear which is of the light & yes in my dreams I have feared the light for the main reason I usually hide in the dark away from people of the light which is represented by my daily traumas, I’m in fact hiding from my known visible traumas however this is what I have chosen to do to date. So how do we get rid of our daily traumas? Do exactly the same as we did with the dark & related fear, embrace it or accept it for what it truly is a joke, something that we don’t have to take seriously because we are all very powerful beings as we are the ones in control not anything else especially fear unless we desire it so.  

We can have a lot of fun in our dreams once we embrace fear, the dark, light & our daily traumas instead of looking at them in distain because distain breeds more fear.  Another way of breaking down fear is approaching fearful animals in our dreams like sharks & snakes for instance, look at them not as a dangerous animal in fear but as just another spiritual energy form & realise  we are the ones who have the power. Dreams are a very good way to break down any fears we might have through life. One other thing with dreams is if we don’t like an outcome of a said dream change the outcome after awakening to a more favourable outcome, this works all the time, you can even do the same through everyday life, imagine a different outcome.

Once we embrace & take control of fear in our dreams the skies the limit even to the extent of astral traveling all we need to remember is we are very powerful beings in our own right & with our guides by our sides, which everyone has, we are invincible & eventually this will filter out into our daily lives which will help us conquer our daily traumas.  The biggest trick is don’t take life overly seriously in this lies fear, we are all meant to be enjoying life believe it or not, not just fear it!!

Shades of Grey:  Earlier on in the year I experienced a state of consciousness that I saw everything as shades of grey with no form this also included dead space as it too was represented by shades of grey so what is this conscious state of shades of grey?   I’m only presuming it was a reality not just of no time& space but from wince everything was created from as the shades of grey represented no opposing polarities thus no conflicts of any sort & no ego tendencies. Not noticing any form within this state because of everything was as one as it was all somehow integrated as one also gave me the idea this is where everything evolved from, nothing at all was opposing anything else as it was all moulded as one which I refer to as pure consciousness.

So is this pure consciousness truly shades of grey? No, the shades of grey we identify with while in this state of consciousness are there just for us to identify with otherwise, especially as humans, we wouldn’t comprehend the existence of such consciousness as we needed something to relate too but something that wasn’t one nor the other or opposing but as one with a slight difference however none the less as one in unison. This brings up something I read about some years ago about a man who was propelled into a reality to be told certain things about life itself. He was on a beach with the surf rolling back & forth under a sun lit sky, he was told this isn’t where you are but we needed you to be in a place you relate too otherwise you wouldn’t comprehend what is happening & miss the messages we are about to tell you. I can’t remember the messages he was told to relay back to us but to comprehend anything he needed a place he could relate too which is similar to being in a conscious state of just shades of grey as it’s still something we relate too.  Why the difference to a beach & just seeing shades of grey? Conscious awareness, the more aware one becomes the less definition everything one has or opposing polarities one will see, this is brought on by seeing everything as one.

In this reality we see so much opposing forms like black & white yin & yang/male & female & so forth, they are all opposing because that is the way we like it or wanted it to be otherwise it would be as it’s all a part of the game/joke that we have all created for ourselves to experience different holistic & individual realities & what a game/joke it is. This is funny, we shouldn’t take games or jokes seriously but we take life seriously, you have just got to wonder!! 

Thursday 13 June 2013

Ascending from Fear & Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is going to sound a little condescending & hypocritical of me but not really, what I am going to do is give you a site address to a person who can assist most people ascend from fear & the ego if that is the will of that person.  I personally don’t have a real problem with this reality because I can see it for what it is a playground for us to develop & experience the creative cores knowing however there are people who are tired of this playground & want to move on which is their own will to do so, mines is to go along with the flow, one isn’t right or wrong over the other just different. It is obvious certain souls need to move on & that is exactly what you should do, hopefully this will assist you in your endeavours.

Below is an extract from the main home page of this site:

The Earth is in the process of evolving Her consciousness to the ascended universe above vibration and taking those that wish to go with her.
This ascended universe is a place of completeness.  It is a place of all knowing and those that ascend there know.  It is a truly wondrous and beautiful place beyond this universe.  There is no vibration, no sound, and no light…yet the knowing achieves a far greater level of vision that does not use the senses we are used to using on Earth.  For example: you know the Deer is there and where it is, but you do not see it with vision nor hear its movements.  You know its movements.  You know everything.  In this place, no one species is more important than another.  There is total peace and center.

Here is the site address to go to:

This elderly lady seems to know what she is talking about even though a lot of what she says isn’t in line with what I am saying however I am talking from a different perspective, “It takes more than one eye to see the truth”…Love Mathew

Monday 27 May 2013

Home Invasion & Fear

Written by Mathew Naismith

The Invasion of Fear: I awoke to a strange subtle noise at about 1:15 am not knowing if it was in our house or not, I then decided to go to the loo & as soon as I made this decision a thought came into my head telling me there is someone in the house other than my wife & I. Of course I shrugged this off being half asleep & walked to the foot of our bed which looks out into the lounge room, all of a sudden a figure of a man ran by our door up the hallway & jumped out the window. We live in a high set house so this was quite spectacular. I froze in shock for a moment at the foot of the bed feeling  a strange sense of fear come over me, this was all the time he needed to make he’s get away.

Why was I fearful when I should have been angry which froze me, was it because of the surprise of it all or was I being just fearful for our lives?  Because this type fear only lasted a few seconds it would seem it was because of the surprise of seeing someone else in the house at that hour of the night & of course being a pacifist added to this at that precise moment. But this fear wasn’t just from me but I’m going to presume from the assailants as well remembering that when I decided to go to the loo in the first place I had a message telling me there is someone else in the house, I was obviously connected. Was the perpetrator or perpetrators surprised by my awoken state & would have they not been fearful of their own lives not knowing my capabilities & what sort of defensive weapon I might have. If the person or persons didn’t fear why didn’t they come into the room where my wife & I were sleeping?  It was obvious they were in the house for a while as a few of the draws were still open in other rooms so why didn’t they enter into our room if they didn’t fear?

I’ve feared for my own life previously because of certain situations I was in at times & it felt nothing like this, I had no gut wrenching feeling but what I did feel was sudden terror of being entrapped which gave me a sunken feeling which froze me for a few seconds. Was this fear I was feeling to protect them or my wife & I as I’m not a small person & when riled I’m quite aggressive? In actual fact I think it was to protect all of us.  If you have never felt someone else’s fear the difference in feeling your own fear to someone else’s is quite amazing however just as disturbing.

The Right Choice: After the police left my wife & I had a strange feeling at the exactly same time that is was alright, not that it was alright  because there was no more danger or we weren’t hurt in the first place but a sort of alright that our privacy was interrupted, we both had a peaceful feeling about what had just occurred.  The next day we pretty much felt the same way however we felt more violated & disappointed in the people who interrupted our privacy but in saying this we still didn’t have any anger towards these people.  

So did fear save us all from further discomfort? If I didn’t have that precise moment of fear which froze me for a few seconds I probably would have apprehend the assailants whom for them would have meant being physically hurt & entrapped or myself being hurt or even killed.  Fear has a place in human society that can obviously stop people from being hurt in some ways or it can be detrimental to ourselves & others, was it detrimental for my wife & I because we lost valuables or was it beneficial in stying clear of conflict? For me valuables mean little except for our lives which are to me very valuable however conflicts aren’t worth the bother so I would say what I felt & accordingly did was beneficial. Positive fear at its best however I could have easily gone the other way if I didn’t feel their fear which could have been detrimental to all of us.