Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts

Friday 17 July 2015

The Universes Reality, A River of Motion

Written by Mathew Naismith

Expressing humanism: I recently started up another blog titled, The Greek Crises, A New Revolution. Yes, it’s all about motion, a reaction that causes even more motion not less, this seems to be going against what spirituality is about,  a state of consciousness that is less about thought and more about existing with little motion. This new blog of mine is all about motion therefore  thought, it seems to have nothing to do with spirituality and more to do with humanism. Humanism relates to doctrines that emphasise a person's capacity for self-realization through reason thus rejecting spiritual and religious ideological views and beliefs.

In this new blog of mine, you could say I am being highly judgmental of other people, judgment is very humanistic, it also  has very little to do with spirituality. To be in judgment, one has to judge a worthy or an unworthy, a bad or good, negative of positive, to me this blog doesn’t express such traits. Yes, it is obvious that Greece is in trouble brought about by various circumstances, circumstances that shouldn’t have happened if the country was run a little more efficiently by certain people in power.  People in power need to have the love of the people, not the love of power and money  above and beyond the good of the people.

The universes reality; we presently exist in is all about motion, a motion brought about by cycles within the universe itself, for example,  the suns within each solar system are influenced by a cycle, these suns are all about motion not motionless like we experience through spirituality. This universe is all about motion that creates realities of motion, basically, by going along with motion, all you are doing is going with the flow of  influence from the universe itself, in other words, motion is a natural process of this universe we exist in. Spirituality is about the opposite, it’s about being aware of our motionless self as well, it’s like yin a yang, once these two come together, they start creating, our motion and motionless self is the same.

What happens when there is no balance between a married couple for example? You get conflicts, now what happens when there is perfect balance between couples? This is obvious. This doesn’t mean motionlessness or motion on it’s own creates an imbalance therefore conflict, it means when motion and motionless come together, there has to be balance between the two for their to be harmony. This takes both of them not to judge the other but be the observer of the other without judging an unworthy or worthy. When there is no balance, there is always a worthy and an unworthy but when there is balance, worthy or unworthy doesn’t play a part, it actually doesn’t exist due to this balance.

Finding true balance: Now man, as a whole, has fully taken on the influences of the universe, he has expressed motion to it’s fullest extent, the degradation of this planet, for example,  shows this quite plainly. Like the Sun, man too has a cycle, once this cycles runs it’s course, that will be the end of the cycle and man himself. Universes motions are all about cycles and so are we, however, like other universes that aren’t about cycles of motion, we too are not just about cycles of motion but motionlessness. As you could imagine, it is not easy bringing this balance between motion and motionless into a reality that is all about motion. Spiritual awareness however is all about bringing in this balance, it’s not an easy road to tread but well worth the effort when we do find this balance individually or collectively. 

We shouldn’t judge motion as being unworthy or worthy to express as we shouldn’t  judge motionless worthy or unworthy to express, it is however totally spectacular when we  find true balance between motion and motionlessness individually within ourselves, this reality, as a whole, has yet to be created collectively like this. If an individual can find balance, why can’t the collective, it’s all consciousnesses no matter how you look at it?

The size of the consciousness means nothing, is the collective consciousness larger than the individual consciousness? Not when you see consciousness for what it is, it’s one consciousness not many consciousness’s making up an even bigger consciousness than consciousness itself. To find balance, man will have to start thinking differently like this, once this occurs, balance for the collective will become a realisation, not a fantasy.          

Wednesday 11 March 2015

A Perfect Balance within a Reality of Duality

Written by Mathew Naismith

I’ve been a little busy lately on numerous discussion boards and communities, what comes out of these discussions are amazing and at times worrying. You see I am an advocate against bullying; this has been something that has been taking up my time recently.  

I was going to share my recent write ups on bullying but I really need to leave this alone at the moment, instead I will focus on different facets of spirituality by sharing some of my replies on these boards and communities with you.  

The following is in relation to judgement and living in the now.

The strange thing is, if everyone just lived in the present, the now, we would have total peace and harmony, this is mainly due to judgement, how can we judge when there is no past or future and how can our egos take ownership if there is only the now? Just be to me is of the now.

Just be is in my mind taking on a non-dualistic mentality as opposed to a mentality based solely on duality, our existence is still in a reality of duality but our mentality is of non-duality, to me this is perfect balance, I could be quite incorrect with this though but for some reason I don't think so.

But Then

Now the following reply of mine is going to sound contradictory to the above.   

Judging judgment as just being bad is awfully negative to me but that is what a lot of self-proclaimed positive people do.

Ego/judgement is a necessary element within human existence, it can't exist without it.

The problem really is when we misjudge and continually misjudge, all wars are caused through misjudgements, "my way is better than yours so I will force my way onto you". Look at the Dark ages for example, my way is better than yours, Hitler was the same and the religious extremists today are but further examples of misjudgement.

What would happen if we didn't misjudge, would there be any conflicts? Surprisingly, if we weren't misjudgement each other, this would mean we are understanding of each other, you can't create conflict through understanding, it's misunderstanding that creates conflict not judgement itself.

I utterly concur with you Lisa, good one.

These two replies of mine were in reply to different topics, the first one titled, Acceptance of what is---the truth of enlightenment....  and the last one titled, The Purpose of Judgment. They are different titles but they both spoke mainly of judgment.

Can we in a reality of duality stop judging altogether, yes but is it necessary? The answer is no as the last comment explains, we need to judge and it’s the way we judge that defines a reality. The point in living in the now helps us to balance out a dualistic existence with a non-dualistic mentality.  Taking on this mentality doesn’t mean we won’t judge at all, it just means we will judge a lot less and at times not at all.  Taking on such a mentality will actually totally stop us from making misjudgements.

In a non-dualistic mentality you cannot judge period, to balance this out, we then also take or keep our duality mentality as well which helps balance out our mentality between non-dualistic mentality and a dual mentality within an existence of a reality of duality.  

Dual mentality = judgments + misjudgements + past + present + future

Non-dualistic mentality = the absence of judgment period + the now

We should remember it’s our mentality that creates realities, if our mentality isn’t balanced; anything could happen and is happening, existence then became random and chaotic.  

Let’s now look at combining a non-dualistic mentality with a dual mentality giving us a balanced mentality.

Duality and non-duality mentality = judgement + past present and future + the now

Notices that within this balance misjudgements and the absence of judgement period is excluded, this is because misjudgements and the absence of judgement period aren’t a part of a balanced mentality.  Within this balance you no longer have conflicts; this is due to there being no opposing trait, once you drop misjudgements, the absence of judgement also become null and void within a balanced mentality in a reality of duality.

If I was to exist solely in a non-dualistic reality, there would be no need to have this kind of balance mainly because there is nothing to balance; it’s all of the same thing, this isn’t the same with existing solely in a reality of duality however.  If we don’t have balance in a reality of duality, this imbalance causes chaos and destruction quite automatically and the less we are balanced within our mentality, the more chaos and destruction we will create.

This is where I feel a balance between non-dualistic and dualistic mentalities is a must if we want to create a better more balanced existence within a reality of duality.  

Thursday 30 October 2014

Time, the Mother of all Creation

Written by Mathew Naismith

Please, please, if you are absolute within your views that time is an illusion, please don’t take what I’m about to say personally.  I have simultaneously been in discussion with a number of people recently who believe without a doubt that time is an illusion even while they are existing in a fragmented consciousness and a consciousness of fragmented truths.  

I know if I truly knew the absolute truth I wouldn’t be able to exist in time or even perceive to exist in time, my vibrations would change that much that I would simply disappear similar to what happened to the Mayans.  When listening to others speak of absolute truths, we must try to remember they can’t possibly be speaking of absolute truths. I’m not sure how anyone in their present state of awareness can say without a doubt time is an illusion. Time to me isn’t all we are but it’s not an illusion without a doubt.  In time we can receive fragmented parts of an absolute truth but never the whole of an absolute truth. What I think we seem to be doing is trying to make this part of an absolute truth whole by surmising what the rest of an absolute truth is about, this of course distorts what absolute truth we do have making it nothing like absolute truth in the end.

Why do so many of us want to believe without a doubt that time is an illusion? When we go into a timeless state of consciousness, away from the influences of the consciousness of time, we feel whole and at peace and fully aware, we can even become awareness itself so this must be who we truly are making anything of time an illusion. The ego does not like the balance of the yin and yang, it either wants to feel good or bad.  In this state of timelessness we really do feel good especially in regards to a consciousness of chaos. Would not the ego deceive us by making us believe time has to be an illusion in this case? 

While in this timeless state, are we aware of time? No for the main reason time can’t exist within a timeless state so again time must be an illusion!!

Most of us in a consciousness of time don’t even know of the existence of a timeless state of consciousness, does this make a timeless state of consciousness an illusion?  Most definitely and adamantly for a lot of people, so while in a state of timelessness, wouldn’t this also be the case, knowing without a doubt that time is an illusion? It is quite obvious most of us would think time is an illusion in a timeless state of consciousness, so do all the people who experience a timeless state of consciousness believe without a doubt that time is an illusion?  Most definitely not like some people in a consciousness of time don’t believe timeliness is an illusion!!    

So where is our balance when we adamantly believe time or timeliness is an illusion? This again comes back to the ego not wanting a balance.  Don’t be fooled about time, time gives this pure consciousness of timelessness balance and a way to create experiences from this pure awareness. To me this pure awareness is nothing without the influential balance of time, the creator of life itself.  It basically gives this pure consciousness life as a woman gives life to a new born baby, yes we still need this pure consciousness to help give life but because this pure consciousness is of timelessness, it can’t itself create life.

Why is time seemingly of ignorance and fragmented consciousness and even chaos?  Are we not ignorant of time when in a timeless state of consciousness?  While in a consciousness of time, most of us are ignorant to a consciousness of timelessness, this is why time seems so ignorant; the funny thing is, while in timelessness, we are ignorant to time but we most often refer to this timeless state of being of awareness.  The reason for this is we do feel more aware but only aware of a consciousness of timelessness, it’s a new awareness for us so we are going to feel more aware. 

Time is of fragmented consciousness however this fragmentation of this pure consciousness allows this pure consciousness to be expressive of all it is. To be expressive is to be of the ego but even the ego is of this consciousness otherwise the ego wouldn’t and couldn’t exist like everything else of this consciousness.  If in this timelessness everything has always existed so has the ego.  

Why is time seemingly just of chaos? You could presume this is because of the fragmented consciousness but I don’t think it is, so what is causing us this chaos in time when we don’t feel chaos period in timelessness?  This comes back again to the ego not wanting balance, this doesn’t make the ego bad just that we have allowed the ego to control us instead of using the ego to be expressive of this pure consciousness  in a balanced way.  Once the ego takes control we have lost balance which gives us chaos.  What balance do a lot of us have between time and timelessness? We don’t have balance because we have allowed the ego to take control and tell us what an illusion is.

I know a number of people who believe time or timeliness is an illusion aren’t going to comprehend this, when you are in a true timeless state, all you want to do is be in time and visa-versa.  But when you are in a true timeless state there is only awareness nothing else, how could pure awareness desire to be in time again, that is impossible?  Balance, a balance between time and timelessness, yes it’s impossible if we are unbalanced but when we become balanced anything is possible. If I wasn’t balanced between these two consciousness’s I wouldn’t be aware of either time or timelessness, depending in which consciousness  I am aware in, like many people in time aren’t aware of a consciousness of timelessness.  

To me time is just as real as timelessness; they are of different consciousness’s but of consciousness all the same.  I just appreciate and acknowledge the mother of time, that is it!!

PS I should also mention, timelessness isn’t actually of absolute truths as time isn’t of absolute truths, it’s the balance between these two consciousness’s that is the absolute truth, well to me anyway.  

Supplement: The way we perceive time to be and what it is, is two different things. Time to me is a consciousness as timelessness is a consciousness. With our limited consciousness, we perceive time to be other than what it is. 

You’re not measuring anything in a true sense but defining a consciousness that creates. A non-creating consciousness is timelessness.

Time therefore to me is a consciousness that creates or a consciousness that is able to create like the universe for instance from pure consciousness.    

Monday 23 June 2014

Thought and Thoughtlessness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I know I have covered this ground before but I am at present in a couple of personal conversations with others about science and spirituality in general on the net.  To most people what does science and spirituality depict especially in western thinking countries, opposing sides or a unison of different perspectives/ideologies?  

Before I go on, what has science and spirituality got to do with thought and thoughtlessness?  To most people science is about thought and spirituality is about thoughtlessness, this brings me back to my recent image depicting two opposing polarities either fighting it out for control or working together in unison to give balance. This image, and it’s message, sparked a few discussions.  Science minded people don’t believe in evil, as in like a devil, so any image depicting evil will be slammed without further thought.  When you first look at this image all you can see is evil plus the message underneath this image also mentions the word evil so to a science minded person this image and it’s message is all about evil even though they don’t believe in evil.

On the other hand there were spiritually aware people who didn’t
see evil in the image even though the message depicted the word evil a number of times,  it was two opposing polarities uniting together to give balance. This changed the interpretation of this message to there is no evil.  Being spiritually and science minded I saw both which is in sync with the spinning lady.

Now if we take this image and replace these two characters within the image with words like thought and thoughtlessness, science and spirituality, what is then the message within the image realising the character on the left is nasty looking and the one on the right looks pleasant? Which one is represented by science (thought) and spirituality thoughtlessness)?  But of course both science and spirituality believe they are of the pleasant character which leaves the other to be of the opposite character and we wonder why we have chaos in the world!!

Thought and thoughtlessness give us chaos even though thoughtlessness is supposed to be all calming and collective, it still produces an opposite within it’s actions because it believes, without a doubt, thought is of chaos.  This brings us back to action reaction, push and pull.  By pulling thoughtlessness we are pushing thought away as if it’s something unbecoming, this gives us a reaction which in turn creates more chaos.  How many centuries have spiritually aware people been pushing away thought and pulling in thoughtlessness but the world is just as chaotic as ever if not more so? Is science as a whole reacting any better?  I can’t honestly see either science, which is represented by thought, being any more pleasant than spirituality which is represented by thoughtlessness but of course people of either camp believe otherwise which of course gives us more chaos.

Now let’s take another interpretation of this image into consideration, neither is good or bad just opposing forces coming together to give balance.  Take notice of the two hands together as one to give us balance, we neither have thought or thoughtlessness being depicted as either character as our main focus now in on the hands giving us balance between thought and  thoughtlessness. To me both science and spirituality have killed off multitudes of people, how many people is science killing off today and not just through it’s weaponry. The recent nuclear reactor disaster in Japan is a good example of this which is far worse than we are made to believe.

Which one now is depicted as the nasty character? They both are or neither is. If we are going to go along with both, we are only going to continue the chaos because both will see the other as the nasty character.  On the other hand if we go along with neither we will have balance which is depicted by the clenching of hands.  

Being aware of the push and pull effect will give us the understanding actions will give us reactions no matter what the action was in the first place. I know a lot of spiritually aware people don’t see their thoughtlessness as being a reaction but honestly it obviously is. If thoughtlessness wasn’t a reaction (pulling) why would we be wanting to be in thoughtlessness unless it was against thought? This action no matter what gives us an opposing force resulting in chaos….

The easiest way is to see no thought or thoughtlessness, no opposing forces battling it out but a culmination of all of being as one.   

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Defining and Finding Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

Balance is a tricky little beaver because it is usually defined by our own perception of what balance is, some people believe love will give us balance and others believe hate gives us balance.  Thinking that hate gives us balance is shown right throughout history, Hitler is a good example of this and so was the Roman Empire.  The reason hate or a dislike of another culture seemingly gives us balance is the peace proceeding such dominance, you rid the world of opposition you have peace.  This actually worked to one extent or another during Roman dominance, the short lived dominance of the US and supporting countries like Australia is but another good example of this.

The same mentality of thousands of years ago still holds today, promiscuity is rampant, slavery of one kind or another is rampant, piracy is rampant, corruption is rampant and so on.  We might be more knowledgeable technologically but we still hold the same mentality from the Roman times. This shows us how different knowledge is to awareness, if most of us were aware, would we still have this quite outdated mentality still?

Yes I know a lot of people in the west are going to say we no longer have slavey in western thinking countries but we do, to the system, we are just slightly different to the slaves of old.  This new slavery system hugely benefits the multinationals because they can gain so much more wealth through this newer system of slavery.

On the opposing side of this outdated mentality we have a spiritual renascence occurring especially in western thinking cultures and communities. Science is also coming of age delving into things it once thought of being hoogly-boogly (fanciful/delusional) but where does all this leave us?  Basically in chaos, as soon as you have extreme opposing sides you have chaos, love is but one example of this extreme which is in responds to an outdated and highly unaware and most often hatful mentality.

I explained in a recent post of mine, why I think this reality is balanced however I didn’t seem to explain enough to why I think it’s balanced. Just because you have extreme opposing sides doesn’t make a circumstance unbalanced, if Hitler took over the world we would still have balance but this would have been accomplished through extreme fanaticism. If you have no opposition you have balance and peace, Napoleon is another good example of this.  However Hitler and Napoleon still had opposition to subdue as did the Romans.

What I have been talking about here is extreme opposites however what if we bridged the gap between these so called opposites, would any clash between these lesser extremes be as chaotic?

Let’s use yin and yang for an example here of the difference between chaos and balance. You have a highly dominant yang overlording it over the yin, do you still have balance? Yes because you still have a yin a yang at play here as it takes a yin for the yang to respond and visa-versa. However because the yang is more dominant we have more chaos and a presumed imbalance. If we brought the differences between yin a yang closer together we would have less chaos and a more humanly presumed balance.   

Balance isn’t defined in how peaceful, loving or dominated we are, it’s defined by opposing differences however the less extreme opposing these differences are to each other the less chaos we will experience.  It’s the extremes of our opposites that give us chaos and a seemingly unbalanced existence not a so called unbalanced existence/reality. You could live in an unbalanced reality and not experience as much chaos as we do now believe it or not as I believe chaos is defined by our extreme opposing opposites!!

The handy thing about spiritual awareness is that it bridges, or should bridge, the gap between these opposites and the more we lesson this gap between these opposites the  less opposing they will seem thus chaos becomes a far less dominant occurrence!!   

This is why meditation works so well, we sit within our own quietness seeing little difference of anything.  

Friday 21 March 2014

A Balanced Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is going to seem utterly ridiculous to a lot of people because I’m going to say we already live within a balanced existence but because of our own personal desires and aspirations we can’t see this.

Again it has come up about self-manifesting for one’s own individual desire recently and how we can manipulate consciousness to fulfil our own personal desires.  We must think here, how many different desires would be manifested and how many of these manifested desires from different people would clash with other people’s manifested desires?  

Another point is if all of us wanted to become wealthy, who is going to collect the rubbish or treat our sewerage? How about if we all manifested ourselves being fit and able, how many health workers jobs and security will this effect?  Let’s say a person desires to be a health worker but to be a health worker other people need to be sick in some way but on the other hand everyone desires to be totally fit and able. Can you see the clash between manifested desires? You could say a sick person is selflessly helping a health worker to manifest their own desire and the health worker in turn is helping the sick become well again, helping the sick person in their desire to become well again.  

What is happening today? We are manifesting for our own desires today which is causing clashes with other manifestations like in the Ukraine for instance. What about hydraulic fracturing which is but another manifestation which clashes with other manifestations obviously.      

This is all due to individual manifestations but what about the manifestation of the collective? I believe we already live within the manifestation of the collective however we are not thinking about the collective when we manifest for our own desires.

Individual manifestations collectively make a collective so what is wrong in manipulating this consciousness even more for our own personal desires as opposed to the collective desire?  

We are all going to want to be fit and able and wealthy, no doubt, this is a collective manifestation but quite a different collective manifestation to what we have today.  In this new collective manifestation, if a person individually desires to want to be a health worker there not going to be able to manifest such a desire, other manifested desires are going to swart such desires.  Is this balance and of one’s own free will?

You could say there would be no need for health workers because everyone would be fit and able in this new collective manifested desired world but what if one wanted to manifest such an individual desire as a health worker, they couldn’t because they are dictated by other people’s manifested desires.

At the moment we can manifest what we desire or don’t desire, to a point, but under this new collective manifestation we want be able to choose our own individual desires as we will. We will also have a garbage and sewage problem.

What we have now is a balance between one desire to another, a wealthier person relying on a not so wealthy person to keep our existence sanitary.  What about wars, what is so balanced about wars? War is an indication of an imbalance of egos, this goes with all conflicts. War/conflicts are a clash of different manifested opposing desires which bring a lot of unbalance to the collective. Our own furthering awareness will one day negate conflicts all together without us forcefully manifesting such desires.

The point is, we all have our own personal desired manifestation which gives us our present collective manifestation which isn’t all good but isn’t all bad either, it’s balanced.  If we interfere with this balance to the extent everyone can individually desire what they want, that balance will be gone and quite a different chaotic world will arise I believe.  

Of course our egos want us all to be healthy and well even though other people will suffer for such wanted desires. A garbage collector and a sewerage treatment worker have their place to serve the collective as does multinationals, to selflessly collectively manifest for  our own individual desires over and above the collective is highly egotistical remembering war/conflicts are a manifestation of the ego.  We must be wise in how we manipulate this consciousness!!  The best way is to go with the flow not against it no matter what our ego tries to tell us and we also need to always keep the collective in mind when manifesting for our own desires.  

I’m quite at home and content when I sit within my own quietness which takes any control that the ego has over me away, I just don’t desire more over and above others especially on the backs of others.   

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Lightworkers Energy Flow

Written by Mathew Naismith

To me it’s more about balance of energy flows that makes a lightworker what they are, this is why they are able to work in community based organisations without feeling the effects of what we call negative flows from others.  A true lightworker doesn’t feel this negativity in others, what they feel is an energy flow fluctuations without judging a difference between themselves and others. This is mainly brought on by their own balanced energy flow. This balance seems to deflect any negativity and in fact where most people will see a negative, lightworkers won’t.

Another difference between a spiritually aware people and a Lightworkers is spiritually aware people will avoid what they deem as negatives however lightworkers will most often do quite the opposite.  I should say here, don’t take what I say as gospel, it’s my own personal view.

So am I saying, if we feel what we deem as negative flows from others were not lightworkers?  It’s actually quite the opposite, if you don’t feel these deemed negative flows to start with you’re not a lightworker. What a true lightworker will do is deem negatives and positives as just energy flows, they won’t deem an energy flow as being negative or positive. This takes a while to get to this state of aware consciousness, it doesn’t happen overnight.  The funny thing is it usually takes a certain amount of human knowledge to get to this stage however not always of course.

This human knowledge doesn’t have to even be of a spiritual content to spark the lightworker within, I knew of a number of people who obtained their lightworker attributes through studying in psychology and/or sociology. We seem to deem, to be a light worker or a spiritually aware person, we need to study up on spiritual ideologies, that couldn’t be further from the truth. A lot of ideological beliefs can hinder one bringing out the lightworker from within by fixating ourselves to one ideological standard.  Being a true lightworker to me is about balance.

So are we lightworkers if we are still picking up on what is deemed to be negative? If we are still defining a difference between negative and positive, I feel we are haven’t quite brought out all of the lightworker from within.  What we need to do from here is not to see a difference especially an opposing difference but just an energy flow fluctuation, when we can do this we have brought out the lightworker within I believe.  For example, if we are seeing the ego as just being negative we haven’t brought out the whole of the lightworker from within, being able to see the ego as just a different energy flow fluctuations is a good start to bringing out the whole of the lightworker from within. 

The below link describes what a light worker is in a slightly different way to what I did here.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Spirituality-A Secret Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

There seems to be, in most, a definable difference between our spiritual self & our human self which is defined by awareness, the more aware we are of the inner and outer workings of life, as a whole, the more our human selves realise we are not being all we are.  The funny thing is though; spirituality is defined by how aware we are which means spirituality is about becoming more aware. This means when we talk about spirituality we are talking about awareness so is this saying the human self is of ignorance?  

Going by actual experiences, there is a huge difference between the human and spiritual self, when we talk about the spiritual in life we are actually talking about awareness which is quite different to human sciences. Human science can only become aware or knowing of what it is consciously aware of but the spiritual self is aware of all of what is. I can understand how science minded people see spirituality as being threatening to their ideological views however the most successful scientists in human history, I believe, are also connected to this spiritual awareness. Many sit within their own quietness which is similar to meditating.  What a scientist is doing when they sit within their own quietness is focusing, people who meditate also focus especially on their breathing. In this case, scientist have balanced out the human self with the aware spiritual self, unbeknownst to most scientists, however the ego wants to take all the credit in being so smart and usually refutes any claim the only reason they are so smart is because of their connectedness to the spiritual aware self.  

This brings us to spiritually aware people themselves, what gives balance to a spiritually aware person? Believe it or not, if spiritually aware people didn’t have this balance between their spiritually aware self and the human self they wouldn’t exist as humans, they would, like the Mayans and many other individuals, physically disappear which brings us back to the question, what balances out a spiritually aware person so they don’t just disappear from this physical world/reality?

Let’s go back to scientists, what balances them out? Believe it or not it’s our ignorance which is egotistically driven; most scientists are ignorant to where there braininess comes from because they want to believe it’s them as individuals who are so aware and knowing.  Of course spiritually aware people know differently mainly because we tend to be not as driven by the ego however I feel if we weren’t driven by ego at all we would disappear.  What I am saying is the ego helps us balance out our spiritual and human self so we don’t change our vibrations to the extent of disappearing.     

The below link shows quite clearly how spirituality and science are in tune with each other and how science minded people just can’t see beyond their egos where’s a lot of spiritually aware people can.

Extract: Right before the event began, I approached the professor on the panel to say hello. We had met once before, and as I stretched out my hand for a shake I noticed a hesitation on his part in return. Frankly, he didn't look very happy to see me, but I didn't make much of it. During the dialogue and discussion, I noticed he was very aggressive and took every opportunity to belittle all the aspects of spirituality and yoga, of which he had little or no knowledge about in the first place. I realized at that moment that there was a new breed of fanatics on the rise and this breed had nothing to do with religion.

I would also like to add to this by saying; there are a lot of spiritually aware people who clash with science ideologies as well which again denote a controlling ego controlling us to think in certain ways.  When we are thinking in certain ways, either it be spiritually or scientifically, what is driving this thought pattern? Also have some spiritually aware people become highly egotistical when they think of themselves as being more aware especially over and above science minded people?  The link above shows clearly how science and spiritualty are as one however our egos tell us something quite different when we believe in a supposed opposing ideology.  It’s our egos telling us we believe in a much wiser and aware ideological process however being spiritually aware does make us or should make us more aware of this. I don’t believe this is the case with scientists who shut themselves off from the rest of the world to focus on a particular point like spiritually aware people do when meditating.

Anyone with a fixated ideological belief isn’t going to accept this mainly because of the controlling factors of the ego.  

I believe the scientists who have shut themselves off in this way have quite nicely balanced out the spiritual & human self, mostly unbeknownst to them,  probably a lot better than most spiritually aware people can. This is because a lot of spiritually aware people are only focused and believe in spiritual awareness and denounce anything else beyond this thought process. This thought process is obviously controlled by the ego denoting,” my ideological beliefs are far superior to science ideologies”.  It takes a wise spiritually aware person to become aware enough to know it’s all about awareness no matter how that awareness has been obtained.  Yes science has proven itself unworthy at times but so has spirituality, when this happens, where is this awareness?

It is funny to think the ego is keeping us balanced between our spiritual and human selves unless we are unwise. It is obvious the ego has gone troppo in this reality either it be scientifically/technologically driven or spiritually/religiously driven however where there is a balance between our human and spiritual selves the controlling factors of the ego are far less controlling which in turn gives us balance. According to a number of spiritually aware people we should rid ourselves of the ego all together; I believe there is no balance in this between our human and spiritual selves. If we want to end up like the Mayans fair enough but most of us don’t see any point to this. I believe there is a reason we are here and it’s not to just disappear but find a balance between the human and spiritual self or if you like, the ego and spiritual self.  Once we find this balance collectively, what we know what heaven to be will seem lame.  

Monday 24 June 2013

A Life of Many Shades

Written by Mathew Naismith

“Life is about many colours, it’s the way we perceive the shades that makes the difference”….Love Mathew

Living in Different Shades of Life: Ask yourself what is life, is it what is presented to you or is it the way you perceive or take life either it be in darker shades or lighter shades? We perceive life through many shades of colours & the longer we live the more shades we are most likely to experience & from these shades we learn & become more knowing of each other but most importantly knowing more of ourselves as each shade is teaching us something about who we are & what our environment is all about, in actual fact it’s the way we perceive these shades that moulds/creates our environment so what we see within our environment is who we are collectively.  For an example a person who loves city life will see within their environment something quite different to someone who loves country life, this is the way we perceive the shades of life so is one more negative or positive over the other? No because it’s the way we personally perceive life but what isn’t too positive is when one disrupts other people’s shades of life too much. Look at it this way, if a city loving person came out to the country & only saw condominiums & their own shades instead of the county person shades & change the country to simulate their shades they are in fact changing the country loving people shades, this is when life becomes complicated, negative & conflictive when it needn’t be.

I was born & brought up in the country myself & couldn’t see for many years anything much positive about city life until recently, I can now see what people see in city life because all one has to do is see in different shades of colour to appreciate what’s around them however we must all be wary that everyone deserves to be left within their shades of colours if there not hurting or disrupting others. I would like to mention it’s nearly impossible for anyone living in the darker shades of any life to see anyone else’s shades of life; negativity is plain & simple ignorance where’s positivity is of knowing & awareness however all shades are our teachers in teaching us about ourselves & our environment but one must always remember the darker shades are of negativity therefore ignorance, one can only learn so much from this. We have holistically been living within these darker shades since the dawn of man, it’s probably about time we changed our shades or modes of thoughts & let go of ignorance & take on knowing & awareness which are of course of the lighter shades of life.

A Balance of Shades: It’s not just the lighter or darker colours that make us who we are but how we perceive each colour in it’s shade for example we could live in the lighter shades but all the lighter shades might have a darkish hue about them, it’s this hue that also makes us who we are & gives us our mode of thoughts to live by.  We just don’t live by colours or even shades but also the hue of each shade which give us our individuality & each individual is diverse from another & that is what we learn from however, this is the trick, we will only learn from each other if we positively live in the lighter shades as this denotes knowing & awareness as mentioned previously, we can’t learn from each other while living by the darker shades alone as this denotes ignorance, an ignorance of each other.  So is this saying light represents knowing & awareness but the dark only ignorance so it seems obvious no one can learn from ignorance? Everyone learns form ignorance but it’s up to us in how long & how much in the darker shades we want to go, as mentioned one can only learn so much from ignorance & learning from ignorance alone has no self or holistic purpose as ignorance is just plain ignorance however if we use the darker shades as well as the lighter shades in unison we become more aware & knowing. Is this saying the more we live within the lighter shades the more aware & knowing we will be? No because we can only also learn so much from the light as well but in conjunction the lighter & darker shades will teach us everything we will ever want to know.   

I will put this a different way, we need to light of knowing to learn from ignorance fore without light we will stay ignorant & visa-versa, the light is as knowing as the dark is of ignorance which is saying without the ignorance we wouldn’t have true knowing. So what is there to know about ignorance as it’s only of ignorance? Most of us are ignorant of who we truly are but by using the lighter shades of knowing & awareness we can then become more knowing of ourselves & our environment, in other words we are using ignorance to rediscover ourselves so the dark shades of life play a huge part in our knowing & awareness, ignorance is forcing us to become aware unless we want to stay ignorant of course which has no purpose & leads nowhere.