Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts

Friday 13 March 2015

Consciousness Creating Our Journeys

Written by Mathew Naismith

Life is no more than a journey taken by consciousness; it takes consciousness to be aware of such journeys for a journey to exist.

I thought of this quote while conducting myself on a humanitarian Google community.

Can journeys, or life experiences, occur without being aware of them? You would probably say yes but they can’t unless some form of consciousness is aware of them, does this mean conscious awareness creates such journeys in the first place?  If so, this would mean consciousness exists beyond the human brain/mind; this is due to consciousness creating such journeys in the first place through it’s own awareness.  

This would all mean that if any form of consciousness wasn’t aware of the universe, the journey or evolution of the universe wouldn’t exist?  This sounds awfully lame and quite unbelievable.

There are two possibilities here, one, the universe exists without consciousness being aware of it or two,  the universe can only exist through a consciousness being aware of such journeys in the first place for the universe to exist, in other words it’s consciousness’s awareness of such a journey that created the universe.

Let’s now look at how human consciousness works; everything humans create is through consciousness, nothing can exist unless it’s through conscious thought which creates the journey through awareness of being able to create from consciousness in the first place. Now look back at the universe which is much more of a creation than man has ever created, isn’t it possible that the universe, like man’s consciousness, created the universe through consciousness but on a massive scale?  

Man’s creation = creates journey like cars, houses, roads, metals and so on, each creation is a journey of what is being created like a car for instance, it has a starting and ending point of existence very much like the universe. 

The creative consciousness’s creation = creates journeys like the universe and everything within the universe.

Man cannot create anything without a conscious being aware of how to create a journey like a car, is it not also the same with the entire universe, isn’t it likely that a consciousness created the universe if  everything man has created and is aware of is only due to consciousness, an awareness of how to create a journey?  

Does this mean we are talking about God creating the universe? No, God represents a divine entity or source, God can’t be divine to us if we are all of this consciousness, if we are all of this divineness. However for divines to exist, there has to be sources of energy that is less than divine, this isn’t the case if we are all of this consciousness beyond the human brain/mind. The only reason we have a God is because we are in a delusion to our true being, nothing is truly above or below another.  

This however isn’t saying we weren’t created from a conscious source, going by man’s consciousness and how everything that man has created and is aware of is through consciousness, it is most likely we are all created from a conscious source, we are all journeys of an awareness through a consciousness being aware of such journeys as ourselves and the universe.  

Friday 6 February 2015

True Positive Perspectives-A cure

Written by Mathew Naismith

What does it truly mean to be positive, does it mean we should ignore all the negatives around us and only focus on the positives, or does it mean there are no true negatives in the world?  If we go along with the first question, what’s going to happen with these negatives in the world if we totally ignore them?  They are going to of course manifest but isn’t just positive thinking going to automatically manifest a better existence for everyone negating such negatives?

Knowing my human history, has this ever happened before?  No, for the main reason you can’t just ignore the negatives and expect to manifest a positive existence, any kind of ignorance is destructive for only in ignorance can we destroy and what has being unaware of the negatives got to do with spiritual awareness?   

The following was a reply I received in regards to my last post; it made perfect sense to me.

Very interesting. I would add, that many earnest seeking people have been co-opted into a spiritual delusion, not a reality. There are a lot of teachings that have been mistranslated and interpreted, to mean, be selfish, try and dream a world without actually acting upon that dream.

But the worst aspect, is the belief that you should only focus on the positive, which is complete ignorance. Yes, we should try to have a positive attitude, there is nothing new about this information. But, ignorance does contain the word 'ignore'....and that is child-like thinking.

If I ignore any of the difficult aspects of my life, it won't 'magically' go away. I cannot ignore the dirt on my kitchen floor, I HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT. I can focus on that dirt, and make it go away...through concerted effort, application and action.
When we don't go into the dark abyss....that cauldron life creates to 'form' us....we are robbing ourselves, our soul from transforming inside this human body/vessel.
Attempting to ignore this dark aspect (Kali) it becomes a 'shadow' that ends up controlling us, it adds to the darkness, so happy to become larger and have more power in our world and in our own personal lives.

AS if that was not dangerous enough, the other half of the teaching stresses basic narcissistic principles, and how to get more stuff, which is devoid of any true spiritual evolution or consciousness. the true hallmark of spiritual evolution. Be well. ~ Sangreal

Are there any true negatives in the world?

This is a difficult question to answer; to a true positive person, they can never see a negative in anything therefore would not judge or try to avoid anything remotely destructive, however, it is obvious to us there are indeed negatives in the world. These negatives are easy to identify, they are usually destructive which means anything positive is constructive.  

How much would we have learnt without these so called negatives, what we have judged as being negative? There are no true negatives and these negatives, if we learn from them, can be as if not more constructive than these judged positives, actually, positives can be very destructive!!

I know personally I have learnt a lot through my hardships only because I was aware, aware enough to not just judge these times as being just negative therefore ignore them. How would I become more aware if I ignored these hardships in my life?

Now at the collective human scale this is different, it is obvious we haven’t learnt from our hardships mainly because we judged them as being negative and ignored them instead of learning from them.  Will the human race ever learn? Not if it keeps sticking its head in the sand thus ignoring the negatives that can indeed teach us a more constructive way to exist.

In psychology; does a psychologist only bring forth the positives within a person with serious mental trauma? They usually bring forth these so called negative and then and only then replace these negatives with positives, something more constructive instead of destructive.   

Now look at the human collective who is obviously to me suffering from serious mental traumas, do we treat these traumas by ignoring these negatives by only focusing on the positives?  It just won’t work, yes it’s nice to think that positive thinking on its own is going to manifest a better existence but it won’t, not until we treat the illness first, in other words stop ignoring the symptoms.  What is above is also below!!

I don’t watch TV especially the news; it’s too ambiguous and hell bent on sensationalism which is usually brought about by something that is noticeably destructive, is this ignoring what is going on around me?  

Because the human collective is ignoring the symptoms, it’s the same as it was in the Roman days for example, why keep revising and bringing forth traumas that I am personally cured from? What we have though is a human collective that isn’t obviously cured so it keeps bringing forth these traumas time and time again. You can see why so many spiritually aware people are only focused on positive thinking; they are personally cured however the human collective isn’t. We can’t ignore this; it is obviously not going to go away no matter how much we try to manifest a more positive existence, that is obvious.

So how do we successfully cure the collective of its traumas?  

How did we cure our own traumas? By becoming spiritually aware and not ignoring the obvious like our misjudgements and egotistic straits.  Like we did; the collective needs to become aware of what is continually causing it traumas and then replace these traumas with positives once cured from these traumas.  You can’t cure a trauma without being aware of the trauma; this would be like trying to ignore a broken leg because it’s negative and expect it to heal itself, it just won’t work. Trying to magically manifest a more positive existence by ignoring the symptoms and traumas isn’t obviously going to work so we need to change our way of thinking.  

We might be cured ourselves but the human collective obviously isn’t, we need to all make it aware of this, by ignoring this fact, all we are doing is adding to this trauma of the collective.  Become aware of the symptoms; cure the cause of the symptoms and then move on to a more constructive existence, to me it’s the only way.        

Friday 16 January 2015

Pure Simple Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

The name Rupert Spira came into discussion recently, just be awareness, no more no less. I don't agree with all his views in totality but yes he is brilliant. Just being simple awareness, how do you get people to acknowledge this? 

Actually you don't, just being in this simple awareness is intentions enough, actually there are no intentions in being this simple awareness that Rupert relays onto others.

The reason most of us don't understand this simple concept is we are being too intentional I believe instead of just being aware without intentions.

Why do we have intentions, what is their purpose then?  I think it’s to be expressive of awareness instead of just being awareness, it takes intentions to create from this pure awareness, pure consciousness.  You and I have been created from such intentions and so has the universe, we are therefore being the expressions of this pure awareness/consciousness, nothing else.  

I think being this expressive of this pure awareness/conciseness is just as important as being aware of pure awareness/consciousness, why would this pure awareness be so expressive of itself in realities like this one if it wasn’t a part of what it is? It all has merit in my way of thinking, how do you judge one part of consciousness having merit and another part not? The answer is you don’t but if we do we are just again being expressive of this pure awareness through intentions.

We were born (created) from intentions caused by an interaction of vibrational energy; this means intentions are just as important to us as being unintentional which this pure awareness/consciousness is. What I feel is causing us chaos and destruction is we have become too intentional without balancing this high level of intentions with being aware also of our unintentional state, this pure awareness.  This I feel is due to us being ignorant to our unintentional self while existing as an intentional being.  

I think it just takes us to be aware of our intentional state of consciousness as much as our unintentional state of consciousness, it also takes us to realise one is no less or no more important than the other while in an intentional state of existence.  This is due to it all being of this pure awareness, this pure consciousness.

Pure awareness (consciousness) = un-intentions + our spirit self

Ignorance = intentions + physical self

So where does the soul come into it?

I believe the soul  can be a mix of both our unintentional self and our intentional self, the reason I think this is the experiences I had with actual ghosts in the past, they were still interacting and reacting to physical life, which refers to intentions,  but they were also obviously not totally of this intentional (physical)existence either.

The soul to me has a sole purpose; it’s a vessel or an energy source that allows us to be expressive of this pure awareness either as ghosts or totally in physical form.  To me there is no mistake in us being here, what is the mistake is us being unaware of our pure awareness state while being expressive of this awareness.  

Tuesday 23 December 2014

I Am All That Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

Is living any kind of ignorance to our true nature an illusion, in other words, is any reality not of our true nature an illusion?

Recently I came across someone who was quite straight forward within her views that anything not of our true nature is an illusion, she can’t believe that so many people believe this reality isn’t an illusion. We are pure awareness; this is our true state which makes our present state an illusion which I concur with. The reason I concur with this is I fairly much know we are living in ignorance to our higher self, our pure awareness state. Everything about this reality denotes ignorance which is quite the opposite to our aware state, this would have to mean anything of ignorance denotes an illusion because it’s not of our true state which is of pure awareness or does it?

So this is saying that anything of ignorance is an illusion, the first problem I find with this is this sounds awfully like absolute truth to me, how would any of us, obviously of ignorance, know anything about absolute truth?

The second problem I have with this is we can’t possibly experience anything that isn’t of the collective consciousness in some way, this means this ignorance we are experiencing is also of this collective consciousness, it has to be real within a sense, maybe not human sense but in a real sense. The ego wants us to be only a part of a pure awareness nothing else, so we separate ourselves from pure ignorance. We do this by judging and labelling that anything of ignorance is an illusion but where is the oneness in this when we are judging, labelling and separating one consciousness from another?

I also thought this pure awareness state was our true nature until recently, instil I realised we are not just of what we have judged as being pure awareness, our true nature, but of pure ignorance as well. What ego wants to be a part of ignorance especially of an ignorance as pure as this pure awareness?  Once we become aware of what we judged as our truer state, we judged anything not of this state as being an illusion, this to me sounds we are once again being controlled by the ego in a very tricky way!! Do not underestimate the controlling ego; it’s indeed a very tricky little devil.

Every time I’m in a quietened state of consciousness I get quite firm and clear messages saying, “We are not just of what we have labelled our true nature but everything consciousness is, this includes any state of ignorance we may experience”. If any state of ignorance is an illusion, why would a pure aware consciousness want to experience, or even know of an ignorant state of consciousness if this ignorant state of consciousness wasn’t also of who we are?  I don’t think a pure awareness state of consciousness can experience anything it’s not a part of, this means any state of ignorance isn’t a true illusion.  It’s an illusion while we are aware of this pure awareness state but it’s not an illusion when we are aware that we are of both states of consciousness’s in the now, in the present moment.

There is an important point that needs to be made here, when in a pure awareness state,  we are also ignorant to an ignorant state of consciousness while in this pure awareness state, we are in fact still of ignorance when we have stated anything of ignorance is an illusion!! This is actually stating, anything just of ignorance or of this pure awareness is an illusion, either it be of this pure awareness or of pure ignorance, they are both an illusion when they disregard the other because the other is an illusion.

To me our true nature is of both pure awareness and pure ignorance and everything else that is of consciousness. When I was in a quietened state of consciousness last night I realised I don’t want to be of either pure awareness or pure ignorance, this means I don’t want to be of the light nor the darkness but in the grey area, an area of awareness that seems quite balanced. However what controlling ego wants to be of the grey area, it either wants to be of the light or the dark because these areas have a feeling of power and control, being in the grey area has no such feelings but it is of true balance I believe?

I certainly understand, to become knowing of awareness we need to experience this awareness, this means we will look upon what we have judged as pure awareness, our true nature, as being our true selves and look upon anything else not of this awareness as being an illusion. Seeing everything else not of this pure awareness as being an illusion is actually a very good sign, it is telling us we are indeed becoming further aware while we experience this pure awareness separate from ignorance. What I am stating is this ignorance isn’t a true illusion, it’s an illusion that it’s not reprehensive of all we are but I’m also saying this pure awareness isn’t either. Everything of consciousness is who we are.

People like Saddam Hussein and Hitler are a part of me as I am part of them, to separate one from the other hasn’t anything to do with oneness, separating conscious states of awareness from ignorance is the same, all we are doing is doing exactly what our egos desire, to separate anything we deem as inferior to ourselves.

To label and judge certain parts of consciousness an illusion is a part of the growing process, we will in the end I feel come to the same conclusion, nothing that is of this consciousness or any consciousness is a true illusion however I could certainly be incorrect in this as always!!

I know I am not just of the light or dark, I am all that is.      

Monday 22 December 2014

A Merry Christmas to the Whole Collective

Written by Mathew Naismith

I hope everyone of the entire collective has a fantabulous season and new year ahead, wishing peace, love and understanding to all of the collective no matter what we have done throughout the year.  It’s very important for the individual to not judge the collective or individuals of the collective too harshly, it’s not easy living in ignorance so show a little understanding and patience for the whole collective’s sake.  

Our own personal happiness is vital for our wellbeing, sit back and enjoy the season but please consider what other parts of the collective are going through in the now, even if it’s for a brief moment of your time.

Being spiritually aware, we can sit back in our positive thoughts and expressions and just live in the now, if we are lucky that is, lucky enough not to be suffering under the influence of ignorance, so many people of the collective don’t have this much luck in the world so be grateful that you are not influenced by such destructive ignorance.  

It’s also a time to be grateful, to be grateful of all those of the collective who have suffered and are suffering in the now for us to be able to live without such destructive ignorance. We should remember, while living in our awareness in the now, other people of the collective living in the now are not so fortunate, living in the now for them is quite daunting to say the least.  

We need to be aware that living in the now for a lot of peolpe at any time isn’t full of awareness, love and harmony, it’s full of ignorance, hate and discord and we need to remember this is also a part of the collective. None of us can be of total awareness, love and harmony if any part of the collective is still living in ignorance.  

Yes we are indeed lucky to be aware so please give a thought to those of the collective that are not as lucky as we.

I will finish off this post with what is going to seem, to a lot of people, like a strange gesture by me towards another, I gave a gift of my time and certain consumables to a multi-millionaire, the look on his face was quite astounding. I look at it this way, is a person living in opulence ignorance any less needy than anyone living in a poverty influenced ignorance? Not to me, my awareness doesn’t judge who is needier and who isn’t, it just sees a need that needs to be met in the present moment without judgement. We are all living in ignorance of one kind or another. I don’t look at a multi-millionaire any less in need of my awareness than anyone else. I should also state I do indeed also give my time and consumables to less financially influential people of the collective, no one in the collective is judged to be of any less importance than another no matter what their stature is. I realised I gave a lot to this millionaire, more than my time and consumables; it was written all over he’s face.  

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Being Aware of our Own Vibrational Signature

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is carrying on from my last post about healing through vibrations, in this post we will look more at our own vibrational signature.  For any real long lasting healing to occur, it is important identify our own signature but first of all we need to become aware of our own signature. To do this it’s as simple as becoming aware, aware of our present and past vibrational signatures.

First of all what is this vibrational signature? Anyone who spiritually aware most likely has already identified this signature probably unbeknownst to them, it’s the way we are at any given time which is usually more identifiable through our own mentality.  What makes up your mentality is different vibrations you have experienced in life, remembering each experience is also a vibration that we can allow to affect us or not.  Spiritually aware people are very good at identifying these signatures because the more aware they become the more they realise their old signature, the way they use to think and live life which is driven by our mentality.  As we become spiritually the more our mentality changes, we most often realise how less destructive we are to ourselves and others than we were before, this is primarily due to changing of our own vibrational signature which changes our mentality.  Again this is one vibration affecting a change in another, in this case our mentality.

Science recognises these vibrational signatures, as the link below explains, but it’s not to the same extent to what spiritually aware people do at this point in time.  It’s funny to think that spiritually aware people know more about vibrational signatures than scientists but that seems to be the case, we experience the changing effects of this signature every time we become more aware and so do scientists or anybody else who becomes more aware.

Extract: This constant push-pull can create a vibration, as if the atoms were connected by tiny springs in constant motion. The vibration is unique for each possible arrangement of atoms in a molecule, and in the language of quantum mechanics, each vibration has a characteristic "energy level." An electron whose energy matches or exceeds that of a vibrational energy level in a molecule can pass through the molecule more easily.

A vibrational signature is created through a culmination of frequencies interacting to create a unique signature; we are indeed all unique because each vibrational signature, which represents our whole selves, is created through our own experiences through life giving us a unique vibrational signature.  Each experience is a certain frequency that we can allow to affect our present signature hopefully making our signature less destructive.  We do have a choice a lot of the times if we want certain experiences (frequencies) to change our present signature either to a more destructive signature or a more constructive signature.  At times we don’t seem to have a choice because we are forced to be in disharmonious situations; actually we always have a choice no matter what we are doing.  We can allow these experiences, these frequencies, to change our present signature or not, the more we are connected to our own more harmonious signature the less these disharmonious signatures will affect us.  

Let’s look at the science link I inserted in this post again, it stated that, “An electron whose energy matches or exceeds that of a vibrational energy level in a molecule can pass through the molecule more easily”.

I can relate this to our everyday lives.  If we are disharmonious, other disharmonious vibrational frequencies will pass through us more easily but if we are more harmonious, the less chances that these disharmonious vibrational frequencies have in changing our present more harmonious signature.  Each person and situation has it’s own vibrational signature and will put out it’s own vibrational frequencies, it’s really up to us or not if we are going to allow these vibrational frequencies to change our own vibrational signature or not. This is why it’s important to become aware of our own present vibrational signature; it allows us to repel anything not of our own signature a lot better I believe.

Now let’s turn the tables around, instead of disharmonious vibrational frequencies affecting harmonious vibrational frequencies, how about a more harmonious vibrational frequencies affecting disharmonious vibrational frequencies.  I did this while working in the welfare arena, I often changed the vibrational signature of other people while disallowing them to change mine. This doesn’t mean you can change other people’s vibrational signature just like that, for me this was done under a controlled situation, I had influence over my clients but they most often didn’t have the same influence over me unless I allowed it.  By the way, my clients had a lot of influence over me at times, it was very constructive so I allowed it to happen and yes they certainly did influence my vibrational signature.

Each and every person and situation we come in contact with will put out a certain vibrational frequencies that can change the way our own vibrational signature is functioning, it’s truly up to us if we are going to allow these vibrations to change our own signature or not.  If they are destructive or they feel disharmonious to us, it’s best to stick close to your own signature disallowing any disharmonious changes to our vibrational signature.  All we have to do in a situation like this is know how harmonious you truly are, feel it while around other disharmonious vibrations; this will disallow any changes to your own signature.  People with disharmonious signatures to ourselves do this all the times, it’s easy for them because that is the way the world is so we do indeed have a bit of a battle ahead of us but it’s better than being disharmonious.    

Thursday 27 November 2014

Cleansing the Soul through Simply Being Aware

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is an ongoing discussion I thought I would share with you; it’s surprising what can come out of such discussions at times.  Can the soul be tainted by human perceptions (ego) and can this be easily arrested? I think the soul can be tainted by human perception which is what gives us bad karmas but I also believe this can be simply arrested by cleansing the soul through simple awareness of the souls core, is it truly that simple? I think so.    

G'day sunil
There is little difference between assumptions and presumptions and evaluative deductions, they are all defined by what we experience and know especially at the time.

The ego in my mind certainly automatically dissipates through a natural process of awareness, the more aware we become the less the ego controls us, it's surprising how much this shows how unaware we are as a collective!!

I honestly can't argue with what you have written here, being of a clean slate isn't judging ourselves as powerful or having power over any human attribute but to just be within the moment without judgement, a clean slate.

I do believe however that the soul can be tainted by human perception, by the ego, if we become too attached to an existence controlled by the ego, this is what basically gives us entities of evil intent. I have actually come across these entities and they do indeed exist at the soul level.

It's fine to presume the soul is pure in all of us but I don't see that myself, yes the core of the soul but not a part of the soul that is tainted. The soul has no will to be powerful and controlling over itself, it will allow the soul to go with the flow of the moment without hindrance, this means it will indeed at times become tainted by the controlling ego. This isn't a worry to the core of the soul for it is unchangeable as you seem to be saying here.

Sunil’s Reply
It’s our mind alone that gets tainted and gives us all intent-we have to discriminate between the mind and the soul-we have to fix our mind first,okay-fix it on the right intent and as we get practiced far over a long period of time dwelling in conscious truth-gradually start looking within, something taking origin within with heart centering ,the deep soul intuitions gradually taking over the mind-ultimately we surrender this mind, intellect too as we realize even these are guided by the true self or spirit and not vice-versa that mind controls our spirit-this phase is the most crucial one and everyone falters at this stage-meaning by is unable to give away the mind,intellect and senses-the journey remains incomplete for most of us-it is said one in million millions is trulyable to reach that stage.most of us dwell in intermediate stage where mind and intellect try to reign again and again-the root of all good and evil.If we train perpetually the good side , even then it will be several years of practice needed to abound in good all the time....soul or spirit is only a deep realization or superconsciousness -one has to reach there to be able to describe it or rather it cannot be put into words-what Jesus,Buddha achieved is known to us by their actions and and we we cannot decipher thier superconsciousness in words, meanings,or describe their felt bliss in that state- we only know as described by emancipated souls that there is profound bliss in there but we can only talk about it,cannot fathom unless we realize one day...hopefully...

G'day sunil
It would seem you believe the soul can't be tainted by human perceptions brought about by a controlling ego.  When a person dies, it's there soul that arises out of the body and mind leaving the mind and body behind. When someone has a bad karma that they usually have to relive, what is it that has a bad karma, the human physical self or the soul? It can't be the physical human self because we left this behind so it must be the soul itself that is tainted and needs it's karma cleansed.

In certain conscious states I have come across actual souls that are of evil intent but I could also detect an inner goodness which of course they didn't want to know about.

I was also once attacked by nine entities of evil intent, only one was allowed through to me, all I did was laugh at it to dispel it. The reason my laughter dispelled it was I knew of it's inner goodness which I describe as the souls core that can never be tainted by human intent. So in a sense you are correct, the core of the soul can never be tainted. 

I look at the soul like this, once the soul has been tainted by attachments (ego), it's the outer part of the soul that is tainted not the inner core. It's sort of like the mind has encased the soul with whatever intent it's attached itself too. What is actually happening is life experiences have attached itself to the soul, the soul allows this because it's not about control or power over anything else including itself. 

We tend to look at the soul in a human perspective, the soul has to want to be controlling and powerful just like we do but I don't think that is the case at all. For starters the core of the soul has no judgment, so if it has no judgment how can it control anything? Just because within human perception the soul is of goodness, until it becomes tainted, doesn’t mean it judges evil intent. The soul is perceived as being good because it’s not of one thing or another; it’s pure consciousness without any cause and effect.  To a human being this pure consciousness is going to seem like unconditional love (goodness) when it’s actually pure consciousness, it’s pure tranquillity and peace because there is no cause and effect, no judgement, control or power.  

Becoming aware of our souls, and especially of the core of our soul, reminds us of who we are, pure consciousness without cause and effect, judgment, control or power. This is hard for some people to realise mainly because their soul has been tainted.  By just knowing or being aware of our soul’s core (pure conscious state) we can arrest this I believe.  

PS I recently had a channeller (medium) say to me that my writings (channellings) are pure; they come from what is called a Galactic Federation of Light. I’m not sure that my writings are pure, I know at times myself that these messages that are channelled through to me at any time, especially during a conversation, are at times tainted by my own perceptions so there not really pure. I certainly have no recollection of a Galactic Federation of Light however I do sense an influential presence that goes right back to one of my past lives in ancient Egypt.  It’s funny when people think I study up on topics when all I do is channel, I’m a simple receiver that other people can take seriously or not.    

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Is the Human Race Worth Saving II?

Written by Mathew Naismith

I obviously need to elaborate on this more so I’ve inserted the poll in question in this post.  I also seem to need to elaborate on what I meant when I stated that the masculine represents awareness and the feminine is the expression of such awareness. First of all the poll in question.

The Masculine: What has the human species been doing over thousands of years? We could say it’s devastated the Earth and/or destroyed whatever it can dominate; it’s produced a very dominating destructive mentality.  There is no doubt it has done these things but what has the collective human race been doing while it’s been so influenced by such a destructive mentality and is there a purpose to such a destructive mentality?

Let’s look at this another way, how easy is it to become personally aware and how hard is it to understand and live with this awareness in such a world dominated by destructive mentalities? Becoming aware is not an easy path to follow, first of all we need to become detached from things we have attachments too and then we have to understand what we are becoming aware of. What happens when we become detached to our attachments? We are in sense destroying our links to these attachments, is this not the same for the collective? How many times has war changed the way we live and even think, for example it killed the horse era in the last century through necessity, we had to become detached from relying on horses which a lot of people didn’t want to do. Waging a modern war with horses isn’t going to work as Hitler and the Poles proved.  

What has been happening throughout human history is we have become more aware through detaching ourselves from old consciousness’s, it was the period of awareness even though at times through our history we took a few steps backwards, the religious Dark Ages is a good example of this.  Throughout history we have many times over had to become detached from various attachments to evolve. How many attachments do we have to become detached too to become personally aware? In a sense we have always had to destroy something to become further aware either that be a link to attachments or through necessity.  

To me the masculine has always been about awareness, it needed a lot of grunt and will power to overcome our attachments so we can become even further aware collectively, this to me is no different to ourselves becoming personally aware.  Where does this leave the feminie?

Feminine:  To me the feminine represents the expression of this awareness; the awareness brought about by the masculine, this I believe is what we are entering into, the feminine period of influence which will give us a more constructive mentality to exist by.

If you look at the human race you can see a distinct difference to what is expressive of the feminine and what is expressive of the masculine, one is still destructive within it’s mentality and the other constructive through it’s mentality, one is aware the other not so aware.  Could anyone of a true feminine expression destroy?  Some of us are still to become aware and are still expressive of the masculine but others are more expressive of the feminine. The feminine expression to me actually relates that this kind of mentality is aware enough to be able to be expressive of such awareness.  The problem is we are not all at the same time going to be expressive of such feminine expressions mainly because some people are not aware enough to do so. These people most probably still have to learn such awareness from the masculine; they have not stopped learning from the masculine.

We can quite easily perceive that the masculine is opposing of the feminine and visa-versa, this actually isn’t the case, one can’t exist without the other, how would one be expressive of awareness when they are not aware? The masculine represents awareness but the feminine is expressive of such awareness, it is pointless having one without the other so actually they are not opposing at all.

Do we just throw in the towel in and give up just as we are entering in the period of the feminine where we can now be expressive of such awareness. How many people are expressive of such awareness these days?  I know I wasn’t expressive of such awareness until about four years ago and I know of a lot more people who have done the same. This to me indicates that we have indeed entered the period of the feminine where we will be more expressive of this accumulated awareness from the masculine period.  

Awareness does not come easy, we have as a collective gone through the most gruelling times in becoming aware, I think we will find once we grasp where we are at, things will become easier for us. I know through my own personal awareness I have made life easier for me to traverse, this is no different to the collective I believe, things will improve; we just need to be patient, the rest of the collective will catch up eventually or cease to exist.    

Saturday 8 November 2014

The difficulties of Existing in Time

Written by Mathew Naismith

Time is a fragmented consciousness as opposed to timelessness which is of the whole consciousness, a consciousness not fragmented but whole; at times this timeless consciousness is referred to as God’s consciousness. God’s consciousness to me is however of the whole of what consciousness is including the fragmented consciousness of time, how can a consciousness be whole when we disclaim a part of consciousness as being not of the whole consciousness?  This would have to make God’s consciousness not completely whole if we disregard any consciousness of time.

I think the purpose of time is to allow this whole consciousness to experience and express all parts of itself including the ego, to do this it needs to fragment this whole consciousness into parts so that each part can interact with each other creating various experiences and expressions.  This is able to happen through time. The whole consciousness, God’s consciousness, is then able to be expressive of all it is in every way possible, this however gives this fragmented consciousness within time a dilemma, it can become that separated and ignorant of it’s true nature that all it expresses is destruction.  If a consciousness can only express destruction, this whole consciousness isn’t being experienced because constructiveness is also a part of this whole consciousness. You could say expressing consciousness only in a destructive way is also of expressing and experiencing of this whole consciousness!!

In a way this is true, the Earth is always reforming and to do this it needs to destroy something first to reform it, the point is what is the Earth doing when the Earth reforms itself?  It’s being constructive while it’s reforming but a totally ignorant consciousness within time only destroys for the main reason there is no balance between a constructive consciousness’ and a destructive consciousness. Is this whole consciousness only destructive? This is the point it’s not and neither are we supposed to be especially within our entirety.  

When a consciousness becomes just destructive somewhere within this whole consciousness, there is also a consciousness to balance out such a destructive consciousness. You could say that the human species isn’t altogether destructive; it’s always reforming when it destroys something, sky scrapers and roads are a good example of this reforming. The problem with this kind of reforming is it’s destroying the Earth which will make Earth quite uninhabitable one day, in other words it’s plainly destructive.  This is due to man’s consciousness becoming ignorant to it’s whole conscious self within timelessness and the more ignorant it becomes the more destructive it will become.  So what is balancing this out? People becoming aware, less ignorant of their whole consciousness thus balancing out these destructive consciousness’s.   In time there is always a reaction to an action so if one consciousness is going to be destructive there is also a reaction to this with other consciousness’s becoming more constructive through awareness.  While certain other fragmented consciousness’s become destructive through their ignorance, other consciousness’s become constructive through their awareness, it’s an automatic reaction in time which you only get to experience and express within time.

This however doesn’t mean we are going to be able to save the Earth and ourselves from such destructive ways, all this means is we have a chance to save ourselves. This depends on how many consciousness’s (people) are going to become more aware instead of more ignorant to give us this balance.  

I should point out I love being expressive of all of what this whole consciousness is, to me time is the big deal not timelessness, it is also much harder to be of time than it is to be of timelessness.  In time we can be expressive of all of what this whole consciousness is in any way. That to me is a big deal.

While only aware and living in a consciousness of time, it’s hard to be of this timeless consciousness so that is why this timeless consciousness to us is the big deal not time however, while aware and living within timelessness, time is the big deal mainly because you can be expressive of all of what consciousness is.  In timelessness you can be all of what consciousness is but you can’t be expressive of all of what consciousness is for the main reason there is no fragmentation of consciousness and no ego.  The ego is a part of this whole consciousness otherwise it couldn’t exist; the ego allows us to be expressive of all of what consciousness is. There are a number of people who desire to be just of this higher self; a part of the whole consciousness again, is this not also of the desire of the ego?  

The ego has a very constructive part to play in time unless it becomes too controlling, then it becomes ignorant and destructive. To me we shouldn’t be too ignorant of the importance of time and only desire to be of the whole consciousness again; in this where not serving this whole consciousness but ourselves as separate consciousness’s.   

Monday 27 October 2014

The Truth?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Recently I’ve been in discussion about time and how some people deem everything of time of being an illusion and others don’t, like myself, which one is of truth, they both can’t be right can they??  The point is, everyone has their own reason why one truth is more of truth above all other truths therefore, one truth has to be right over another making all other truths wrong in some way.  This isn’t quite correct in my mind.

I think the reason for this has to do with us trying to find the truth especially through knowledge, actually trying to find the truth by any means can be distortive of truth itself.  The reason for this is we are usually searching for truths that are in line with our own consciousness, our own truths that we can simply consciously understand, in other words we are looking for truths within knowledge that are going to fit within our own conscious understanding.  How many of us, when we take on a certain truth, deny any other truth being more correct above our own consciousness understanding?  By searching for truths through knowledge, we are only going to be accepting and aware of knowledge that fits within our own truths or our own conscious understanding. If we can’t consciously understand knowledge from another consciousness, we are not going to accept the truths from this consciousness as being the truth even when they are in there own way.

I personally don’t think we should be searching for the truth especially through knowledge, so what other way can we become knowledgeable of ourselves and our environment if it’s not through truths?  We don’t have to become knowledgeable through searching for truths thus distorting the truth even more, this is defined as becoming knowledgeable through truths, the other way is becoming wise through awareness.  

I think the fundamental difference between searching for the truth and acquiring awareness is, one is trying to find the truth that suits our present conscious understanding and the other is acquiring awareness to expand on our understanding especially of other kinds of consciousness’s.  One has no intention of accepting any other truth from any other consciousness and the other is open to all other forms of consciousness’s and their understandings.   

Truth = a conscious understanding
Awareness = is open to all conscious understandings

Trying to become knowledgeable through truths isn’t obviously going to make us very aware because we shut ourselves off to all other knowledge and awareness from other consciousness’s, this is done as soon as we take on, that our truth is above all other truths, this of course distorts the truth to our way of  consciously understanding.

Becoming wise through awareness has the opposite effect; we are only acquiring awareness not searching for awareness. In the very act of acquiring, we are not searching for a specific truth to suite our present conscious understating, thus negating all other conscious understandings, we are only acquiring what is at any given moment in time. This act allows us to be more accepting of other conscious understandings. You will also notice there is no push and pull effect with acquiring awareness to searching for awareness, there is no action reaction but just simply acquiring.

So what are these different conscious understandings? A devout religious person isn’t going to be able or want to understand how a devout science minded person’s conscious understanding is all about, so any knowledge from a devout science minded person isn’t going to be of the truth and visa-versa.  Whose knowledge is wrong and whose knowledge is right?  Neither is wrong even when the said knowledge is in opposition to another.

This would mean, if the scientist has knowledge that a God’s consciousness doesn’t exist that is correct but when a religious person has knowledge that a God’s consciousness does exist that is also correct, they can’t be both correct or can they?

What gives us a wrong or right response, one truth being more of truth over all other truths?  This can only occur if we are searching for the truth especially through knowledge, acquiring awareness doesn’t give us this dilemma.  This is due to ourselves accepting that all conscious understandings have their own consciousness giving such consciousness a different perspective of ourselves and our environment, this however doesn’t answer the question, does a God consciousness exist?

What is making us answer this question or any other question like this? The search for truth above acquiring awareness, which in the very act of searching, distorts the truth; this question can only be answered as we become more aware and not through the searching of truths.  

Saturday 13 September 2014

Power Doesn’t Really Exist

Written by Mathew Naismith

This might seem strange, power doesn’t exist but it’s obvious to us it does so does power really exist?  Let’s ask another question to help us answer this question, what gives something or someone power? Control, anything we rely on or want is catered for by something or someone who can supply us with our wants and needs, once this is supplied we are controlled, once we are controlled, we ourselves through our wants and needs have created such power but this doesn’t truly answer if power actually exists. 

I asked a question of my inner self as I often do, does the divine have power?  I was promptly answered back no, I wasn’t sure I understood so I asked this question a few more times and the answer was the same, no. This would also mean God’s consciousness or the sources conscious wasn’t of power as well even though to us it would seem that way.  It didn’t make sense until I realised, to have or to be powerful one would have to supply a need or a desire to others to seem powerful, in actual fact it was the needy and the desiring who would give such power, for without the needy or desiring, there is no such power.  Anything or anyone presuming to be powerful needs to supply a want or a need, they are not powerful unless they have control over a need or a want of other things.  It’s actually the act of a need or desire that gives anything or anyone control and power however God’s consciousness isn’t of power, nothing of the divine is of power but it’s supplying a need is it not so it has to be of power? I’m still getting a no…..

The divine isn’t about control, the divine doesn’t control anything unless it comes into the presence of ignorance but even then it’s not the divine taking control, any kind of consciousness in ignorance will deem the divine as being controlling and powerful, this is due to the essence of the divine, it’s of awareness. Anything that is more aware is going to seem powerful and even controlling however that is far from the truth.

A consciousness existing in ignorance will seek out this power to take control; it needs this because it lacks awareness so it makes up this lack of awareness through power and control.  Anyone who believes they are all powerful is living in ignorance so they make up this lack of awareness through this power and control; it’s an ephemeral flame instead of an eternal flame as explained in recent posts.  Are we not taught so often to take control of our lives, to be empowered? We of course only do this when we lack awareness.  Isn’t living in awareness and wisdom about taking control?  No, actually it’s about releasing power and control not gaining it. Think about this for a moment, we are releasing control and this inner power, we are no longer inhibiting this power and control within us through our ignorance, we are setting it free.  In a sense this is more powerful than anything we can do in ignorance however we are not gaining power and control within this but releasing it.  
So if the divine in all of us isn’t controlling and powerful, what is it? Pure natural energy, it’s pure because it’s not living in ignorance, it’s not tainted by ignorance, it’s pure awareness. What would this pure natural awareness want to control and have power over? In a sense it has all the power it wants, it has no need to be all powerful and controlling over anything living in ignorance but on the other hand anything living in ignorance would if it feels inadequate!!

Power and control are non-existing because they are of the ephemeral flame not of the eternal flame, so does this mean everything of this ephemeral flame is also non-existing and that everything in this reality is an illusion? No not exactly, power and control don’t exist because they are only perceptions however is walking a dog an illusion brought about by our perception of a dog and us walking? Consciousness creates dogs and us walking on something solid, they are a perception but not only a perception because they were created by consciousness, this same consciousness didn’t create power and control, it’s wholly a perception that we manifested into a reality.  

When we are looking at a dog we see a dog? Yes but when we look at power and control do we see power and control? We see it all around us but only metaphorically speaking, it’s wholly created through our perceptions. This is saying that a dog isn’t a metaphoric perception but power and control are!!  Because the dog was created directly from consciousness, it’s wholly of pure consciousness but can we say the same for power and control?  It’s representational of our own ignorance not representational of our awareness. The dog was created from awareness however at the human level we are unaware of this, we can’t say the same for power and control for they are wholly created by our ignorance.  The dog is of the eternal flame, even though it’s only consciousness and not an actual dog, but power and control are entirely of the ephemeral flame.  The dog, as we all are, is of the ephemeral flame created by the eternal flame, the eternal flame didn’t create power and control, our own ignorance did.

Why doesn’t this all powerful pure consciousness, Gods’ consciousness, take control of us at this crucial time? It doesn’t because it’s not about taking control, just because we are controlling we presume anything more aware and powerful in our own perception is also controlling. So what’s the good of this pure consciousness to us if it doesn’t take control to help us? As it always has, it gives us guidance which is quite noticeable right throughout human history without this consciousness taking control, it just can’t take control because it doesn’t exist when we are aware, only in ignorance does power and control exist.  This pure consciousness certainly isn’t ignorant.  

This post is going to go against a lot of taught practices of taking control and empowering ourselves, it’s actually about un-empowering  ourselves to release what we deem as power and control from within us.  You might think by meditating, for example, is about taking control but it’s not, it’s about releasing ourselves of our thoughts, our controlling ways.  It seems we are controlling our thoughts by meditating when all we are doing is changing the way we think, changing our mentality to something more constructive.  Spirituality to me should never be about power and control but a guide to a more constructive way to exist and just be.  

Thursday 4 September 2014

To Love and be Loved

Written by Mathew Naismith

“To love is to not live in the darkness of ignorance but to live without the ego telling us how to love and be loved, awareness is the true essence of being of love.”

Is awareness and wisdom the ability to love and be loved without the ego telling us how? I think wisdom in particular is all about being able to be expressive without having to be told how to be so expressive in such ways.

Is ignorance, as a whole, linked to the controlling factors of the ego? The ego is about the (I) as opposed to the (we), if we are focused on the (I), have we not then become ignorant of the (we)?

We are therefore living in the darkness of ignorance if we allow the ego to show us how to love and be loved, the funny thing is most of us know no other way!!

Awareness gives us the wisdom to look beyond our egos to love and be loved as (we) not as (I). 

Sunday 24 August 2014

Consciousness Mapped Out

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was utterly being nagged last night, nagging is a form of shouting and shouting comes about through me not listening to the whispers, so what wasn’t I listening to this time? We are already there; all we have to do now is become aware of this.

What this seems to mean is man has accomplished in becoming aware of an expanded consciousness beyond from what he understands through his ideologies, in other words he has expanded on his awareness beyond the ego collectively. This doesn’t need everyone to become this aware for this to affect the collective for the main reason, all of consciousness is connected in whatever form it takes.  What this all seems to mean is we, as a collective, have consciously changed to a more expanded awareness, so if this is the case why aren’t we noticing this change, where is the physical manifestation of such a change?

Before a physical manifestation can occur, a mental manifestation needs to be established and to do this we must become aware of such changes have actually occurred, how do we do this? Through people like myself who are being nagged or more importantly listening to your own whispers or shouting as in my case!!

Because all consciousness is connected, no matter in what way we are expressive of this consciousness, if a certain number of people’s awareness has expanded beyond their ego this will affect the collective.  Spiritually aware people are certainly expanding on this collective consciousness every time they go beyond what is determined by the ego, beyond our set ideological principles. This is the reason I haven’t set myself to one ideological principle, I actually took on principles that seemed to most people contradict each other, the more aware I became the less these principles contradicted each other.

Ideological principles, like science and religion for instance, are but expressions of consciousness in a certain way, each ideology is conductive to a certain expression of this consciousness as I will explain further by explaining what I see what each ideological principle relates too. First of all I will start with consciousness itself.

Consciousness- To me consciousness is everything no matter what that consciousness is either is be of an ideological principle, another animal species or even a rock, it’s all of what consciousness is or what God’s consciousness is.  Our conscious and subconscious thoughts are also of consciousness itself, there is truly no separation, everything is consciousness.  

Awareness- Awareness is to do with being aware of parts or all of consciousness itself, this is usually acquired through books/education, physical/mental experiences, praying, mediating, chanting and so on. The more aware we become the more aware of this consciousness we are and the less aware we are the less aware of this consciousness we are.  Awareness is about the consciousness and the more conscious we become the more aware we are.  

Religion- Religion is but another ideological principle we use to become aware, it is specific within it’s principles like any other ideology of it’s kind and is but one way to become aware of God’s consciousness.  It is questionable if religion itself would survive if God was found to be non-existing, in certain cases certain religions might fold but in other cases I don’t think this would be the case, Buddhism is one example of this.  

Science- Science is but another ideological principle that is specific within it’s principles, it will, in a different way to religion, give us more awareness of God’s consciousness.  Science doesn’t actually rely on anything to be true because science isn’t about truth but about speculations.  

Spirituality- Spirituality itself has a huge spectrum of principles, it’s not specific, it can incorporate principles like science and religion under one ideological principle, it has no boundaries and is usually seen by other more specific  ideologies as being too unspecific resulting in a mishmash of made up principles.  However Yoga is a good example of how spirituality works; yoga incorporates science, religion and mind/body control and exercises quite constructively.  

Ego- The ego can also be of a specific principle, the self. This principle of the self can and does corrupt any other ideologies, usually turning them into something that can be quite destructive however when the ego isn’t about the self, it can be quite constructive.  A controlling ego will judge a good or bad but an ego not in control will observe without a specific judgement of a good or bad.

Atheism- Atheism itself has very strict specific principles, the existence of deities and a God(s) just can’t exist within the principles of atheism.  If deities of any kind were found to exist, the principles of atheism would become irrelevant making the ideological principles of atheism itself redundant.  Atheism totally relies on their belief that God(s) and deities just don’t exist; it’s a very specific ideological principle.  

All the above is representative of consciousness and each has it’s own way in becoming aware of this consciousness.  We have a huge array of ideological principles to choose from, some are specific of certain principles, other ideologies utilise many principles, these are all a part of consciousness itself and of course some are more helpful of becoming more aware of this consciousness and others less so.

It would seem however a certain number of people have accomplished in expanding their awareness beyond our present ideologies; I just wouldn’t get such a message as I did if this wasn’t so especially in the way it was shouted at me.  So where do we go from here?  Just believe and feel within yourself that we are there mentally and spiritually beyond any specifics of any ideology, it’s a kind of culmination of all ideologies which means the culmination of all of what consciousness is.  

These ideological principles were very important to us especially if we learnt to use them without a controlling ego controlling our actions and feelings, without the controlling factors of the ego, all ideologies either become constructive or redundant.  It would seem certain people have used these ideological principles in a constructive way.  Once we truly realise we as a collective have expanded beyond the controlling ego, we then realise we were never really of the controlling factors of the ego, it’s just the way we used these ideological principles that made us believe we were!!        

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Spirituality of Awareness, Love, Light and Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sitting back observing myself and others becoming aware, and further aware, gives me a view that spirituality void of any dogmas is of the light, a light within the darkness of ignorance.  Ignorance gives us ego, without ignorance the ego would be of little consequence; the ego certainly wouldn’t be ruling/controlling us without ignorance so why live in a reality based on ignorance especially considering ignorance can be quite destructive?

The reason ignorance is so destructive is this ego creates egotism and the more ignorant we are the more egotistical we become, for example, a lot of white men had slaves who were black. The reason for this is because black people were deemed as inferior to white people, an obvious show of utter ignorance and to own slaves had a lot to do with egotism as well showing ignorance and egotism goes hand in hand.  We can try all we like to take the controlling ego tendencies out of our lives but the controlling ego will always come back if we still live in ignorance as we are still creating an environment for the ego to exist in.  The easiest and surest way to rid ourselves of the controlling factors of the ego is rid ourselves of ignorance; the way to do this is become aware like through spiritual awareness.

Ignorance is related to the controlling ego and all of the ego’s tendencies, ignorance is also related to darkness in not being able to see and feel beyond our own ignorance, our own impeded awareness.  Ignorance is also related to a lack of wisdom, not being able to acknowledge what our own knowledge is destroying and how a lack of wisdom is impeding our common sense.  It makes sense why we are still warring and polluting the very thing we rely on for our own survival, we are still living in ignorance, so what are we living in ignorance of?

As mentioned, wisdom is one of these things we are ignorant too, without wisdom we are unable to use any knowledge sensibly and constructively but this is but one attribute that ignorance obscures from us.  The more aware, void of the controlling factors of the ego we become, the more loving we became and the more of the light we also become.  Wisdom tells us to become aware and while becoming aware we must also become unattached to the controlling factors of the ego, wisdom shows us away to become light and love instead of the darkness and chaos. One way to do this is become aware of our own ignorance first of all and how man has nearly always lived in ignorance. 

Becoming aware will not automatically disperse the ego even though we are no longer ignorant but aware, are we truly aware without being aware of wisdom; we must not just be spiritually aware but spiritually wise.  The only thing that can really dispel ignorance isn’t awareness or knowledge, it’s wisdom, the wisdom in knowing how to use such awareness and knowledge in the first place.  Science is about awareness and knowledge but look at how science is destroying our environment, this isn’t very wise, actually it’s ignorance of the harm of such effects science endeavours has on ourselves and the environment. 

How do we become wise instead of just knowledgeable?  Books are a good source of showing us how to use wisdom, so many of us these days use books, not just to become knowledgeable but wise. Certain literature teaches us to be wise even though we are unaware of this however not all literature will teach us wisdom.  If I was to read literature on Quantum mechanics, would I then be wise or would I just be more knowledgeable about quantum mechanics?  One must take notice if certain literature is teaching us how to use this knowledge wisely not just telling us about a kind of knowledge.  Man has learnt how to split the atom, has he learnt to use it wisely and constructively?  

Literature doesn’t have to be just a source of knowledge but wisdom. If I read literature on someone else’s actual experiences, am I just learning knowledge or am I learning to be wise as well?  I’m learning to be wise as well because I am actually reading about actual experiences, actual experiences are of wisdom.  Can I gain wisdom only through knowledge?  Yes but only to a degree as it’s someone else’s wisdom and knowledge, not our own.  True wisdom comes about by experiencing what we have learnt ourselves through literature not just copying or mimicking someone else’s wisdom, this doesn’t mean we are not learning to be wise through other people’s experiences but to become truly wise we too need to have actual experiences for our own.

Is literature the only way to learn wisdom?  Like I said, our own experiences teach us wisdom which we have learnt through literature but literature isn’t the only way to gain experiences therefore wisdom.  I should also point out not everything we experience ourselves will give us wisdom, how many people go through life who haven’t learnt from their mistakes?  In this case a wise person would learn from others if they are unable to learn for themselves, this can be obtained through literature, other people who have experienced similar mistakes but have learnt from them.  Literature is handy but it’s not the only way to learn wisdom.

Another way to learn wisdom is by becoming connected to inner self or the universal consciousness, this of course again can be learnt through literature or through actual experiences of becoming connected.  Becoming connected without learning how to do this through literature doesn’t suite everyone, in this case these people are best to learn wisdom through literature, through other people’s experiences. At times this connectedness can automatically occur through trauma of some kind or through just being lucky enough to be connected without effort and without learning such things from literature. Learning wisdom to bring us out of our ignorance and into the light of love comes in many forms for us to learn through, once we have begun to become aware and wise, through whatever means, we have begun to dispel ignorance and what ignorance has created, a controlling ego and a reality of chaos.

Awareness and wisdom quite automatically brings us love and light once we start to wisely use what we know, once in the light out of the darkness of ignorance, love becomes a natural phenomenon without effort.  Awareness and wisdom quite automatically creates a reality of love and light where ignorance quite automatically creates an unwise egotistic existence shrouded in darkness and in turn creating a chaotic reality quite automatically.  There is a lot to be said about love and light for they are of awareness and wisdom, awareness and wisdom instinctively creates love and light…….