Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts

Saturday 8 November 2014

The difficulties of Existing in Time

Written by Mathew Naismith

Time is a fragmented consciousness as opposed to timelessness which is of the whole consciousness, a consciousness not fragmented but whole; at times this timeless consciousness is referred to as God’s consciousness. God’s consciousness to me is however of the whole of what consciousness is including the fragmented consciousness of time, how can a consciousness be whole when we disclaim a part of consciousness as being not of the whole consciousness?  This would have to make God’s consciousness not completely whole if we disregard any consciousness of time.

I think the purpose of time is to allow this whole consciousness to experience and express all parts of itself including the ego, to do this it needs to fragment this whole consciousness into parts so that each part can interact with each other creating various experiences and expressions.  This is able to happen through time. The whole consciousness, God’s consciousness, is then able to be expressive of all it is in every way possible, this however gives this fragmented consciousness within time a dilemma, it can become that separated and ignorant of it’s true nature that all it expresses is destruction.  If a consciousness can only express destruction, this whole consciousness isn’t being experienced because constructiveness is also a part of this whole consciousness. You could say expressing consciousness only in a destructive way is also of expressing and experiencing of this whole consciousness!!

In a way this is true, the Earth is always reforming and to do this it needs to destroy something first to reform it, the point is what is the Earth doing when the Earth reforms itself?  It’s being constructive while it’s reforming but a totally ignorant consciousness within time only destroys for the main reason there is no balance between a constructive consciousness’ and a destructive consciousness. Is this whole consciousness only destructive? This is the point it’s not and neither are we supposed to be especially within our entirety.  

When a consciousness becomes just destructive somewhere within this whole consciousness, there is also a consciousness to balance out such a destructive consciousness. You could say that the human species isn’t altogether destructive; it’s always reforming when it destroys something, sky scrapers and roads are a good example of this reforming. The problem with this kind of reforming is it’s destroying the Earth which will make Earth quite uninhabitable one day, in other words it’s plainly destructive.  This is due to man’s consciousness becoming ignorant to it’s whole conscious self within timelessness and the more ignorant it becomes the more destructive it will become.  So what is balancing this out? People becoming aware, less ignorant of their whole consciousness thus balancing out these destructive consciousness’s.   In time there is always a reaction to an action so if one consciousness is going to be destructive there is also a reaction to this with other consciousness’s becoming more constructive through awareness.  While certain other fragmented consciousness’s become destructive through their ignorance, other consciousness’s become constructive through their awareness, it’s an automatic reaction in time which you only get to experience and express within time.

This however doesn’t mean we are going to be able to save the Earth and ourselves from such destructive ways, all this means is we have a chance to save ourselves. This depends on how many consciousness’s (people) are going to become more aware instead of more ignorant to give us this balance.  

I should point out I love being expressive of all of what this whole consciousness is, to me time is the big deal not timelessness, it is also much harder to be of time than it is to be of timelessness.  In time we can be expressive of all of what this whole consciousness is in any way. That to me is a big deal.

While only aware and living in a consciousness of time, it’s hard to be of this timeless consciousness so that is why this timeless consciousness to us is the big deal not time however, while aware and living within timelessness, time is the big deal mainly because you can be expressive of all of what consciousness is.  In timelessness you can be all of what consciousness is but you can’t be expressive of all of what consciousness is for the main reason there is no fragmentation of consciousness and no ego.  The ego is a part of this whole consciousness otherwise it couldn’t exist; the ego allows us to be expressive of all of what consciousness is. There are a number of people who desire to be just of this higher self; a part of the whole consciousness again, is this not also of the desire of the ego?  

The ego has a very constructive part to play in time unless it becomes too controlling, then it becomes ignorant and destructive. To me we shouldn’t be too ignorant of the importance of time and only desire to be of the whole consciousness again; in this where not serving this whole consciousness but ourselves as separate consciousness’s.   

Monday 27 October 2014

The Truth?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Recently I’ve been in discussion about time and how some people deem everything of time of being an illusion and others don’t, like myself, which one is of truth, they both can’t be right can they??  The point is, everyone has their own reason why one truth is more of truth above all other truths therefore, one truth has to be right over another making all other truths wrong in some way.  This isn’t quite correct in my mind.

I think the reason for this has to do with us trying to find the truth especially through knowledge, actually trying to find the truth by any means can be distortive of truth itself.  The reason for this is we are usually searching for truths that are in line with our own consciousness, our own truths that we can simply consciously understand, in other words we are looking for truths within knowledge that are going to fit within our own conscious understanding.  How many of us, when we take on a certain truth, deny any other truth being more correct above our own consciousness understanding?  By searching for truths through knowledge, we are only going to be accepting and aware of knowledge that fits within our own truths or our own conscious understanding. If we can’t consciously understand knowledge from another consciousness, we are not going to accept the truths from this consciousness as being the truth even when they are in there own way.

I personally don’t think we should be searching for the truth especially through knowledge, so what other way can we become knowledgeable of ourselves and our environment if it’s not through truths?  We don’t have to become knowledgeable through searching for truths thus distorting the truth even more, this is defined as becoming knowledgeable through truths, the other way is becoming wise through awareness.  

I think the fundamental difference between searching for the truth and acquiring awareness is, one is trying to find the truth that suits our present conscious understanding and the other is acquiring awareness to expand on our understanding especially of other kinds of consciousness’s.  One has no intention of accepting any other truth from any other consciousness and the other is open to all other forms of consciousness’s and their understandings.   

Truth = a conscious understanding
Awareness = is open to all conscious understandings

Trying to become knowledgeable through truths isn’t obviously going to make us very aware because we shut ourselves off to all other knowledge and awareness from other consciousness’s, this is done as soon as we take on, that our truth is above all other truths, this of course distorts the truth to our way of  consciously understanding.

Becoming wise through awareness has the opposite effect; we are only acquiring awareness not searching for awareness. In the very act of acquiring, we are not searching for a specific truth to suite our present conscious understating, thus negating all other conscious understandings, we are only acquiring what is at any given moment in time. This act allows us to be more accepting of other conscious understandings. You will also notice there is no push and pull effect with acquiring awareness to searching for awareness, there is no action reaction but just simply acquiring.

So what are these different conscious understandings? A devout religious person isn’t going to be able or want to understand how a devout science minded person’s conscious understanding is all about, so any knowledge from a devout science minded person isn’t going to be of the truth and visa-versa.  Whose knowledge is wrong and whose knowledge is right?  Neither is wrong even when the said knowledge is in opposition to another.

This would mean, if the scientist has knowledge that a God’s consciousness doesn’t exist that is correct but when a religious person has knowledge that a God’s consciousness does exist that is also correct, they can’t be both correct or can they?

What gives us a wrong or right response, one truth being more of truth over all other truths?  This can only occur if we are searching for the truth especially through knowledge, acquiring awareness doesn’t give us this dilemma.  This is due to ourselves accepting that all conscious understandings have their own consciousness giving such consciousness a different perspective of ourselves and our environment, this however doesn’t answer the question, does a God consciousness exist?

What is making us answer this question or any other question like this? The search for truth above acquiring awareness, which in the very act of searching, distorts the truth; this question can only be answered as we become more aware and not through the searching of truths.  

Saturday 13 September 2014

Power Doesn’t Really Exist

Written by Mathew Naismith

This might seem strange, power doesn’t exist but it’s obvious to us it does so does power really exist?  Let’s ask another question to help us answer this question, what gives something or someone power? Control, anything we rely on or want is catered for by something or someone who can supply us with our wants and needs, once this is supplied we are controlled, once we are controlled, we ourselves through our wants and needs have created such power but this doesn’t truly answer if power actually exists. 

I asked a question of my inner self as I often do, does the divine have power?  I was promptly answered back no, I wasn’t sure I understood so I asked this question a few more times and the answer was the same, no. This would also mean God’s consciousness or the sources conscious wasn’t of power as well even though to us it would seem that way.  It didn’t make sense until I realised, to have or to be powerful one would have to supply a need or a desire to others to seem powerful, in actual fact it was the needy and the desiring who would give such power, for without the needy or desiring, there is no such power.  Anything or anyone presuming to be powerful needs to supply a want or a need, they are not powerful unless they have control over a need or a want of other things.  It’s actually the act of a need or desire that gives anything or anyone control and power however God’s consciousness isn’t of power, nothing of the divine is of power but it’s supplying a need is it not so it has to be of power? I’m still getting a no…..

The divine isn’t about control, the divine doesn’t control anything unless it comes into the presence of ignorance but even then it’s not the divine taking control, any kind of consciousness in ignorance will deem the divine as being controlling and powerful, this is due to the essence of the divine, it’s of awareness. Anything that is more aware is going to seem powerful and even controlling however that is far from the truth.

A consciousness existing in ignorance will seek out this power to take control; it needs this because it lacks awareness so it makes up this lack of awareness through power and control.  Anyone who believes they are all powerful is living in ignorance so they make up this lack of awareness through this power and control; it’s an ephemeral flame instead of an eternal flame as explained in recent posts.  Are we not taught so often to take control of our lives, to be empowered? We of course only do this when we lack awareness.  Isn’t living in awareness and wisdom about taking control?  No, actually it’s about releasing power and control not gaining it. Think about this for a moment, we are releasing control and this inner power, we are no longer inhibiting this power and control within us through our ignorance, we are setting it free.  In a sense this is more powerful than anything we can do in ignorance however we are not gaining power and control within this but releasing it.  
So if the divine in all of us isn’t controlling and powerful, what is it? Pure natural energy, it’s pure because it’s not living in ignorance, it’s not tainted by ignorance, it’s pure awareness. What would this pure natural awareness want to control and have power over? In a sense it has all the power it wants, it has no need to be all powerful and controlling over anything living in ignorance but on the other hand anything living in ignorance would if it feels inadequate!!

Power and control are non-existing because they are of the ephemeral flame not of the eternal flame, so does this mean everything of this ephemeral flame is also non-existing and that everything in this reality is an illusion? No not exactly, power and control don’t exist because they are only perceptions however is walking a dog an illusion brought about by our perception of a dog and us walking? Consciousness creates dogs and us walking on something solid, they are a perception but not only a perception because they were created by consciousness, this same consciousness didn’t create power and control, it’s wholly a perception that we manifested into a reality.  

When we are looking at a dog we see a dog? Yes but when we look at power and control do we see power and control? We see it all around us but only metaphorically speaking, it’s wholly created through our perceptions. This is saying that a dog isn’t a metaphoric perception but power and control are!!  Because the dog was created directly from consciousness, it’s wholly of pure consciousness but can we say the same for power and control?  It’s representational of our own ignorance not representational of our awareness. The dog was created from awareness however at the human level we are unaware of this, we can’t say the same for power and control for they are wholly created by our ignorance.  The dog is of the eternal flame, even though it’s only consciousness and not an actual dog, but power and control are entirely of the ephemeral flame.  The dog, as we all are, is of the ephemeral flame created by the eternal flame, the eternal flame didn’t create power and control, our own ignorance did.

Why doesn’t this all powerful pure consciousness, Gods’ consciousness, take control of us at this crucial time? It doesn’t because it’s not about taking control, just because we are controlling we presume anything more aware and powerful in our own perception is also controlling. So what’s the good of this pure consciousness to us if it doesn’t take control to help us? As it always has, it gives us guidance which is quite noticeable right throughout human history without this consciousness taking control, it just can’t take control because it doesn’t exist when we are aware, only in ignorance does power and control exist.  This pure consciousness certainly isn’t ignorant.  

This post is going to go against a lot of taught practices of taking control and empowering ourselves, it’s actually about un-empowering  ourselves to release what we deem as power and control from within us.  You might think by meditating, for example, is about taking control but it’s not, it’s about releasing ourselves of our thoughts, our controlling ways.  It seems we are controlling our thoughts by meditating when all we are doing is changing the way we think, changing our mentality to something more constructive.  Spirituality to me should never be about power and control but a guide to a more constructive way to exist and just be.  

Thursday 4 September 2014

To Love and be Loved

Written by Mathew Naismith

“To love is to not live in the darkness of ignorance but to live without the ego telling us how to love and be loved, awareness is the true essence of being of love.”

Is awareness and wisdom the ability to love and be loved without the ego telling us how? I think wisdom in particular is all about being able to be expressive without having to be told how to be so expressive in such ways.

Is ignorance, as a whole, linked to the controlling factors of the ego? The ego is about the (I) as opposed to the (we), if we are focused on the (I), have we not then become ignorant of the (we)?

We are therefore living in the darkness of ignorance if we allow the ego to show us how to love and be loved, the funny thing is most of us know no other way!!

Awareness gives us the wisdom to look beyond our egos to love and be loved as (we) not as (I). 

Sunday 24 August 2014

Consciousness Mapped Out

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was utterly being nagged last night, nagging is a form of shouting and shouting comes about through me not listening to the whispers, so what wasn’t I listening to this time? We are already there; all we have to do now is become aware of this.

What this seems to mean is man has accomplished in becoming aware of an expanded consciousness beyond from what he understands through his ideologies, in other words he has expanded on his awareness beyond the ego collectively. This doesn’t need everyone to become this aware for this to affect the collective for the main reason, all of consciousness is connected in whatever form it takes.  What this all seems to mean is we, as a collective, have consciously changed to a more expanded awareness, so if this is the case why aren’t we noticing this change, where is the physical manifestation of such a change?

Before a physical manifestation can occur, a mental manifestation needs to be established and to do this we must become aware of such changes have actually occurred, how do we do this? Through people like myself who are being nagged or more importantly listening to your own whispers or shouting as in my case!!

Because all consciousness is connected, no matter in what way we are expressive of this consciousness, if a certain number of people’s awareness has expanded beyond their ego this will affect the collective.  Spiritually aware people are certainly expanding on this collective consciousness every time they go beyond what is determined by the ego, beyond our set ideological principles. This is the reason I haven’t set myself to one ideological principle, I actually took on principles that seemed to most people contradict each other, the more aware I became the less these principles contradicted each other.

Ideological principles, like science and religion for instance, are but expressions of consciousness in a certain way, each ideology is conductive to a certain expression of this consciousness as I will explain further by explaining what I see what each ideological principle relates too. First of all I will start with consciousness itself.

Consciousness- To me consciousness is everything no matter what that consciousness is either is be of an ideological principle, another animal species or even a rock, it’s all of what consciousness is or what God’s consciousness is.  Our conscious and subconscious thoughts are also of consciousness itself, there is truly no separation, everything is consciousness.  

Awareness- Awareness is to do with being aware of parts or all of consciousness itself, this is usually acquired through books/education, physical/mental experiences, praying, mediating, chanting and so on. The more aware we become the more aware of this consciousness we are and the less aware we are the less aware of this consciousness we are.  Awareness is about the consciousness and the more conscious we become the more aware we are.  

Religion- Religion is but another ideological principle we use to become aware, it is specific within it’s principles like any other ideology of it’s kind and is but one way to become aware of God’s consciousness.  It is questionable if religion itself would survive if God was found to be non-existing, in certain cases certain religions might fold but in other cases I don’t think this would be the case, Buddhism is one example of this.  

Science- Science is but another ideological principle that is specific within it’s principles, it will, in a different way to religion, give us more awareness of God’s consciousness.  Science doesn’t actually rely on anything to be true because science isn’t about truth but about speculations.  

Spirituality- Spirituality itself has a huge spectrum of principles, it’s not specific, it can incorporate principles like science and religion under one ideological principle, it has no boundaries and is usually seen by other more specific  ideologies as being too unspecific resulting in a mishmash of made up principles.  However Yoga is a good example of how spirituality works; yoga incorporates science, religion and mind/body control and exercises quite constructively.  

Ego- The ego can also be of a specific principle, the self. This principle of the self can and does corrupt any other ideologies, usually turning them into something that can be quite destructive however when the ego isn’t about the self, it can be quite constructive.  A controlling ego will judge a good or bad but an ego not in control will observe without a specific judgement of a good or bad.

Atheism- Atheism itself has very strict specific principles, the existence of deities and a God(s) just can’t exist within the principles of atheism.  If deities of any kind were found to exist, the principles of atheism would become irrelevant making the ideological principles of atheism itself redundant.  Atheism totally relies on their belief that God(s) and deities just don’t exist; it’s a very specific ideological principle.  

All the above is representative of consciousness and each has it’s own way in becoming aware of this consciousness.  We have a huge array of ideological principles to choose from, some are specific of certain principles, other ideologies utilise many principles, these are all a part of consciousness itself and of course some are more helpful of becoming more aware of this consciousness and others less so.

It would seem however a certain number of people have accomplished in expanding their awareness beyond our present ideologies; I just wouldn’t get such a message as I did if this wasn’t so especially in the way it was shouted at me.  So where do we go from here?  Just believe and feel within yourself that we are there mentally and spiritually beyond any specifics of any ideology, it’s a kind of culmination of all ideologies which means the culmination of all of what consciousness is.  

These ideological principles were very important to us especially if we learnt to use them without a controlling ego controlling our actions and feelings, without the controlling factors of the ego, all ideologies either become constructive or redundant.  It would seem certain people have used these ideological principles in a constructive way.  Once we truly realise we as a collective have expanded beyond the controlling ego, we then realise we were never really of the controlling factors of the ego, it’s just the way we used these ideological principles that made us believe we were!!        

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Spirituality of Awareness, Love, Light and Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sitting back observing myself and others becoming aware, and further aware, gives me a view that spirituality void of any dogmas is of the light, a light within the darkness of ignorance.  Ignorance gives us ego, without ignorance the ego would be of little consequence; the ego certainly wouldn’t be ruling/controlling us without ignorance so why live in a reality based on ignorance especially considering ignorance can be quite destructive?

The reason ignorance is so destructive is this ego creates egotism and the more ignorant we are the more egotistical we become, for example, a lot of white men had slaves who were black. The reason for this is because black people were deemed as inferior to white people, an obvious show of utter ignorance and to own slaves had a lot to do with egotism as well showing ignorance and egotism goes hand in hand.  We can try all we like to take the controlling ego tendencies out of our lives but the controlling ego will always come back if we still live in ignorance as we are still creating an environment for the ego to exist in.  The easiest and surest way to rid ourselves of the controlling factors of the ego is rid ourselves of ignorance; the way to do this is become aware like through spiritual awareness.

Ignorance is related to the controlling ego and all of the ego’s tendencies, ignorance is also related to darkness in not being able to see and feel beyond our own ignorance, our own impeded awareness.  Ignorance is also related to a lack of wisdom, not being able to acknowledge what our own knowledge is destroying and how a lack of wisdom is impeding our common sense.  It makes sense why we are still warring and polluting the very thing we rely on for our own survival, we are still living in ignorance, so what are we living in ignorance of?

As mentioned, wisdom is one of these things we are ignorant too, without wisdom we are unable to use any knowledge sensibly and constructively but this is but one attribute that ignorance obscures from us.  The more aware, void of the controlling factors of the ego we become, the more loving we became and the more of the light we also become.  Wisdom tells us to become aware and while becoming aware we must also become unattached to the controlling factors of the ego, wisdom shows us away to become light and love instead of the darkness and chaos. One way to do this is become aware of our own ignorance first of all and how man has nearly always lived in ignorance. 

Becoming aware will not automatically disperse the ego even though we are no longer ignorant but aware, are we truly aware without being aware of wisdom; we must not just be spiritually aware but spiritually wise.  The only thing that can really dispel ignorance isn’t awareness or knowledge, it’s wisdom, the wisdom in knowing how to use such awareness and knowledge in the first place.  Science is about awareness and knowledge but look at how science is destroying our environment, this isn’t very wise, actually it’s ignorance of the harm of such effects science endeavours has on ourselves and the environment. 

How do we become wise instead of just knowledgeable?  Books are a good source of showing us how to use wisdom, so many of us these days use books, not just to become knowledgeable but wise. Certain literature teaches us to be wise even though we are unaware of this however not all literature will teach us wisdom.  If I was to read literature on Quantum mechanics, would I then be wise or would I just be more knowledgeable about quantum mechanics?  One must take notice if certain literature is teaching us how to use this knowledge wisely not just telling us about a kind of knowledge.  Man has learnt how to split the atom, has he learnt to use it wisely and constructively?  

Literature doesn’t have to be just a source of knowledge but wisdom. If I read literature on someone else’s actual experiences, am I just learning knowledge or am I learning to be wise as well?  I’m learning to be wise as well because I am actually reading about actual experiences, actual experiences are of wisdom.  Can I gain wisdom only through knowledge?  Yes but only to a degree as it’s someone else’s wisdom and knowledge, not our own.  True wisdom comes about by experiencing what we have learnt ourselves through literature not just copying or mimicking someone else’s wisdom, this doesn’t mean we are not learning to be wise through other people’s experiences but to become truly wise we too need to have actual experiences for our own.

Is literature the only way to learn wisdom?  Like I said, our own experiences teach us wisdom which we have learnt through literature but literature isn’t the only way to gain experiences therefore wisdom.  I should also point out not everything we experience ourselves will give us wisdom, how many people go through life who haven’t learnt from their mistakes?  In this case a wise person would learn from others if they are unable to learn for themselves, this can be obtained through literature, other people who have experienced similar mistakes but have learnt from them.  Literature is handy but it’s not the only way to learn wisdom.

Another way to learn wisdom is by becoming connected to inner self or the universal consciousness, this of course again can be learnt through literature or through actual experiences of becoming connected.  Becoming connected without learning how to do this through literature doesn’t suite everyone, in this case these people are best to learn wisdom through literature, through other people’s experiences. At times this connectedness can automatically occur through trauma of some kind or through just being lucky enough to be connected without effort and without learning such things from literature. Learning wisdom to bring us out of our ignorance and into the light of love comes in many forms for us to learn through, once we have begun to become aware and wise, through whatever means, we have begun to dispel ignorance and what ignorance has created, a controlling ego and a reality of chaos.

Awareness and wisdom quite automatically brings us love and light once we start to wisely use what we know, once in the light out of the darkness of ignorance, love becomes a natural phenomenon without effort.  Awareness and wisdom quite automatically creates a reality of love and light where ignorance quite automatically creates an unwise egotistic existence shrouded in darkness and in turn creating a chaotic reality quite automatically.  There is a lot to be said about love and light for they are of awareness and wisdom, awareness and wisdom instinctively creates love and light…….  

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Awareness of Our OS

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is a follow up of my last post so if you didn’t like my last post it’s most probable you won’t like this post, however for those who weren’t sure of my last post this post might shed a little more light to what my last post was all about.  It all comes down to what program you are mentally using to decipher my posts with.

In my last post I focused on the programs we mentally use to decipher the world around us and how these programs like religion, sciences, consumerist materialism, for example, program our minds to think in certain ways. In this post I will also explain how the operating system we live under, usually defined by the culture we live under, can influence what programs we use to program our minds.

I’m a western thinking person living in Australia, can I take all my programs, which are my present beliefs and concepts, and freely use these in any other culture in the world?  The point is I can’t. Can a person, who in their culture can have more than one wife, come to Australia and marry numerous Australian women legally?  Could you imagine building a cathedral in Afghanistan???

The point is we are all conditioned to think according to the operating system (culture) we live under no matter what program (concept/beliefs) we use to decipher the world around us.

I wonder why so many spiritually aware people try to switch the mind off these days?

Yes it is complicated because we have many different OS around the world that tell us how we can think and what programs we are allowed to use under a certain OS (culture).  

Yes we can live under dual OS (cultures) but mostly we are influence by a particular OS we are actually living under.  In countries like Australia it’s a lot easier for other people from other cultures to live under their culture (OS) which gives them a dual OS to think under.  These people are very lucky because they are now able to program their minds using dual OS plus they now have a much bigger array of programs to choose to live by.

I better explain here that emotions are also programs, hate is a program that some people live by and so is love.  These programs program our minds to think in a certain way however all programs are influenced by the OS’s we live under.

The problem isn’t the variety of programs we are able to program our minds with but the OS itself, with so many people fixated to their own OS (culture) conflicts are sure to follow, human history shows this many times over.  

This brings us back to the spiritually aware people who switch off their minds. When this occurs we are actually only influenced by one OS with a choice to add programs to our OS or not. When we choose not to add software all there is is awareness remembering emotions are also software programs.  When we choose love that is all we will feel and be influence by and when some people choose hate that is all they will feel and be influenced by.   

Quite understandably to most people, this is going to seem lame mainly because of our fixations to certain concepts, beliefs and emotions however until you experience pure conscious awareness in it’s purest form  I don’t think much can be said by people who haven’t experienced this.  

Most people when experiencing this pure consciousness will feel extreme love and because of our chaotic existence will want to stay within this love however there is something far more exhilarating than feeling this love once you go on from this love. It’s a pure acceptance for all of what it is without question, could you imagine feeling so peacefully passive!!

The reason this feels so peacefully passive is again because of our chaotic existence, living in such a chaotic existence automatically gives us a program like love and feeling peacefully passive under a singular OS of pure conscious awareness. We must remember, at this stage to feel this we are still of the mind otherwise we wouldn’t feel anything because programs are only of the mind as opposed to the brain. The mind carries on after the physical brain is no more.

Utter thoughtlessness is the implosion of all programs like concepts, beliefs and emotions, you just don’t feel or even know you are in this state, you can’t because you just are under a singular OS which is pure conscious awareness.  There’s nothing to compare with so you really don’t even know of your existence. This is where this intelligent pure conscious awareness has, I feel, devised various programs and OS’s to become aware of itself. You could say we are all serving God, this intelligent pure consciousness which we are all apart of.     

Monday 28 April 2014

The Key is Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

Note: There is a little confusion in what I call programs.  I refer to programs as being of belief system, ideological views and concepts that we use to train/program our minds turning what I deem as universal awareness into knowledge, giving our mind a better understanding of this universal awareness/consciousness. Religion and scientific studies are but an example of these programs we use to make ourselves more aware.

I had an interesting reply to my last post titled A Positive Reaction; there is no need for programs in a oneness state because the mind is completely still. I couldn’t agree more, any true oneness state denotes complete thoughtlessness therefore there is no need for programs or reprogramming in this state. There is one problem however, if we were meant to be thoughtless why would we have a brain that needs programming, we would actually be brainless if that was the case but where not?

The brain is programed through us becoming aware and the more aware we are the more this awareness denotes our brain being programed. The brain is as dumb as a door nail without awareness which the brain turns into knowledge but once we turn this awareness into knowledge that is where I feel we go off course.    

To me all awareness comes from the same source either it be scientifically aware, spiritually aware, medically aware or whatever, all awareness comes from the same source which makes it universal.  What changes this awareness within our brains is the program we use to turn this awareness into knowledge.  

Once you become at one in certain states of consciousness you are aware of everything there is to be aware of, at this stage, believe it or not, this awareness isn’t knowledge, it’s our ideological programs that turn this awareness into knowledge. For example, religion is a program and so is any scientific studies, these are all ideological views programing our minds to decipher this universal awareness  to what we have been culturally brought up to believe.  For an example; my wife and I went on a cruise to some of the Coral Sea islands recently, on some of these islands cannibalism was practiced until these people where reprogrammed by religion, they of course no longer practice cannibalism.  

Science endeavours are no different, once we knew the world was flat now it’s not through furthering our awareness which increased our knowledge that the world was no longer known to be flat.

Our awareness and consequence knowledge has furthered our awareness and knowledge and the more aware we become the more knowledgeable our minds are becoming, this all takes programming our minds in certain ways.  There are two main problems in programming our minds however, one is there are numerous programs out there that program our minds differently to other programs. For example, the multitude of different and sometimes opposing religions shows this.   This denotes a fragmented consciousness which is what gives us the chaos we have today, different cultures and social status are also of this fragmentation.   

The second problem is the lack of wisdom.  You can obtain all the knowledge in the world and still have no idea in how to use this knowledge wisely, the way we live today is a prime example of this.

This brings us to why so many spiritually aware people defuse the effects of such programming through going straight to the source of all knowledge and awareness without seemingly using any program to do so.  This program, and yes it’s still a program, takes us directly to oneness states of consciousness. The reason this is still a program is we are aware and knowing that we are in this oneness state of this consciousness.  If our minds knew nothing of this oneness state we wouldn’t know we were experiencing this oneness state, we just wouldn’t be aware of it.

In this awareness state of oneness there I no programs because there is no knowledge to build such a program because again there is no need of such programs in this oneness state, awareness is all there is.  While in this oneness state wouldn’t we be aware of this oneness state without actually having to know it? Yes but to get to this state of oneness in the first place we still need a program to inform our minds about this oneness state, the mind still needs to become further aware through a program.   Once you are there you realise you no longer need a program however if you are still finding it difficult to reach this oneness state this still takes a program to do so.  Yes I know our egos want us to believe we never needed a program to reach this state but my egoless self says otherwise.  

We have a brain which needs programming no matter what we become aware of, that is unavoidable unless we become detached from our minds but even then to become detached it still takes a program to do this in the first place.  

The key is balance between our mind and mindlessness and what gives us this key is wisdom. Believe it or not wisdom doesn’t even exist outside of the mind but it is the key to mindlessness or thoughtlessness/stillness.  All that reside in this universal awareness is pure awareness; wisdom isn’t even present however wisdom is the key to this universal awareness for beings in a state of mindfulness.   Again our egos want us to believe that wisdom resides outside of the conscious mind but to me it doesn’t because all what wisdom is, is the key between the mind and this universal awareness and to use this wisdom correctly the mind needs to be programmed to do so.  

It all comes down to a program but to program our minds wisely. 

Thursday 17 April 2014

Spiritually Seeing Through Rose Coloured Glasses

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is going on from my last post & shows, with a little bit of patience, what two people can achieve.  After numerous tense replies back & forth, we have both come to acknowledge each other in a different light from our first few exchanges, is it worth the stress and tension? I will answer this with another question, is life worth living for most of us when it also can be full of stress and tension?

The discussion I had with this bloke was about new age spirituality and how new agers can seem delusional presuming to know more about what’s beyond our present mentality than scientists for example.  We can seem to others, not of our beliefs, delusional and fanciful; this of course is to be expected.  Could you imagine saying to people who believed the world was flat that it’s actually round, of course you’re going to seem fanciful and delusional to others not of your belief and awareness. 

What is fanciful? Something far fetched, unbelievable, at that time. It wasn’t too long ago science minded people thought meditation, chanting & praying was a load of croc (nonsense), however today science is discovering a multitude of benefits from these practices. Look at the benefits when they actually believed the world wasn’t flat, you could sail anywhere and not fall off the edge of the known world thus become more aware of our environment.   

Yes, saying we are far more than what we seem would seem fanciful to a non-believer for the main reason, if we were more than what we seem why do so many suffer? This came up in around about way in my discussion with this bloke, the answer is of course to me is; we don’t believe we are any more than we know ourselves to be at present.  If we are unaware of this we will stay within our suffering.  Could you imagine if we still believed the world to be flat, human awareness and evolution would have stalled within a certain consciousness, human history quite clearly shows how awareness does bring huge changes.

Once we realised the world wasn’t flat people in other parts of the world suffered big time because of this new found awareness, awareness can have it’s draw backs, if not to us directly most probably others.  What would be the draw back from knowing we are more than we seem?   If I was wearing rose coloured glasses there is no way I would see these draw backs however I think for most people it is advisable to wear rose coloured glasses, like they did before they found out the world wasn’t flat.

Going by today’s standards, would we have chosen to become further aware of the world being round if we knew what it was going to do to others around the world?  Most of us wouldn’t even consider it today, we would want to stay unaware remembering back then people’s standards and morals were somewhat different from today to a certain extent.  Knowing of the forthcoming atrocities would have turned us off knowing any more than we did but of course it wouldn’t have back then or would it!!

I’ve mentioned in a few earlier posts of mine what will occur when we become further aware, that to most people also seemed delusional and fanciful.  Yes misery and degradation will become less and less the more we become aware but we will obviously also lose something within this awareness, our ignorance. To the inner self this is a big deal, well to my inner self anyway, however in the long run it of course is worth it.  We are supposed to wear rose coloured glasses so we keep consciously becoming more and more aware, if we didn’t we would stagnate within a certain conscious awareness .  The dark ages are a good example of this; a lot of knowledgeable people were killed because the churchmen wanted to stay unaware beyond their present awareness levels.  If the churchmen back then wore rose coloured glasses I feel the dark ages wouldn’t have occurred, they only knew what further awareness outside of the churches domain would do on a negative basis.  If they wore rose coloured glasses they wouldn’t have thought this way and history would have been somewhat different I believe.  

It is funny to think, by wearing rose coloured glasses we are actually collectively becoming more aware and this is why so many non-believers can’t understand this kind of consciousness, it quite understandable.  

Getting back to my discussion with this other bloke about how fanciful and delusional new agers can be, it’s all a part of the course so go with the flow not against it!!

This post came about through being patient with someone who was a little upset and bewildered by so many people wearing rose coloured glasses, is life worth a few moments of stress and tension? It is to me.

Note: The meaning of rose coloured glasses is an optimistic perception of something; a positive opinion; seeing something in a positive way, often thinking of it as better than it actually is.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Quickening of Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I utterly love these days when I hear other people becoming so utterly connected to the universal consciousness, some call the grid, that they can feel their own inner knowing. Realising anything and everything we will ever need to know is just there for us to become aware of.  Once we become this connected we realise it’s always been there at the tip of everybody’s finger tips.

Below is a brief exchange between another person & myself on this matter.

It is pretty amazing when you take a step back and 'see' what the picture really is saying to you in that moment.

I just had a feeling a few minutes ago and that was my thoughts are becoming faster than the technology around me. The internet is running slow, the information provided on it is becoming obsolete and outdated. And it feels like if we just connect to the grid and our higherselves, not only will we be provided the information naturally, but I think it will be more truthful then the opinions they are written in.

I could not agree with you more & it's really great you are feeling this.

The noticeable difference in the quickening of human time is, I believe, our consciousness catching up to the universal consciousness. The strangest thing is, this conscious quickening feels slow but when compared to human consciousness it's a lot faster.

This is a very good indication that you are becoming quite connected to this universal consciousness(grid) gaia-love, I'm thrilled for you.

When I was in my mid-teens I could ask any question what so ever & get an immediate correct answer, I'm now fifty yrs old. I did by my late teens break off this connection for various reasons.

If we don't compare this quickening to human consciousness, why does it feel like we have slowed down? Thinking, the mind cannot handle such expanded knowing & awareness so everything seems to be racing along however once you become disconnected from the mind all this knowing is just there so you are so right when you said, "not only will we be provided the information naturally, but I think it will be more truthful then the opinions they are written in," you couldn't be more correct in my mind.

You will end up reading a book for instance & get visions & insights & not necessarily pertaining to what the book is about either however be careful in relaying this info onto others, they won't understand you & they will probably ostracise you because of their misunderstanding. If this happens try not to take it personally.

Much Blessings,

It’s funny to think this quickening of time is actually a good sign that we are becoming more connected to this grid these days. The mind is racing around like a lunatic trying to decipher and put into form what we are receiving through the universal consciousness (grid) but all it needs to do to make sense of it all is just become a little more aware of where this knowing is truly coming from.  This of course is going to be hard for people stuck in certain ideological thought patterns that don’t allow for such awareness however eventually they will cross that mental barrier to a far more heightened awareness.  Human history has shown many times over you cannot fight off conscious changes indefinitely, it’s a naturel process.     

Thursday 10 April 2014

Divine Mentality

Written by Mathew Naismith

It would seem our mentality through history has changed very little, we are pretty much doing the same onto others as we did thousands of years ago, warring & slavery of one kind or another are good prime examples of this.  You would think by now we would have taken on, as a collective, some of what divine mentality is all about!!  

Yes sure we are not burning people at the stake, chopping off hands and feet in most countries or flogging people in public but this has little to do with how our mentality has evolved from these barbaric practices.  There are many people today, if they could, would be doing just what they did thousands of years ego which shows how our mentally has changed very little over time.  If we are still slaughtering each other for power and greed our mentality hasn’t changed that much at all over how many thousands of years however all's not lost!! 

There have been many prophets & enlightened people teaching us some of what divine mentality is so we can save ourselves. This hasn’t failed completely but we still have the minority who only have some kind of awareness of divine mentality.

 What is divine mentality?

The teachings of people like Jesus and Buddha are a prime example of divine mentality as of other prophets & alike. We have had the opportunity time and time again to expand past our antiquated mentality collectively but have chosen, on mass, to proceed with our archaic designs.  I believe divine mentality is any mentality and awareness beyond our present archaic mentality, the strange thing is human history shows time and time again how groups of people and individuals in the past became aware enough to overcome this archaic mentality.  We usually call these people wise.

Now we can say that it’s knowledge that gives these people wisdom but to me that’s not quite correct, you can know all of what is to know and still not know how to use this knowledge, this is where awareness comes into it.  Our heightened awareness tells us all of what we know or will ever know comes from the same source however if we are stuck in an archaic mentality we can’t be aware past the knowing of this archaic mentality  and we will presume all of what we know comes from human knowledge.

Awareness of more than we know gives us wisdom I feel, this goes along with a quote I wrote recently; “Knowledge is knowing what we are aware of, wisdom is being aware of what we don't know!! “

Divine mentality comes about by being aware of what we don’t know which of course is what is defined as wisdom.  I inserted this quote on the thinkers community and it was a big hit, no one argued it’s definition.  If we have no realisation of being aware of what we don’t know this denotes the archaic mentality I’m writing about here today however if you have some sense of correctness of this quote you are starting to delve into the divine mentality I feel.  

I believe everything come from an intelligent divine consciousness, all we need to do is remember who and what everything is and truly believe it.  In the mean time we should try not to idolise in others what we are. People like Jesus and Buddha never wanted to be idolised but listened too to take on some of their divine mentality so we may help ourselves.  

We are all divine beings but we will only become aware of this if we take on divine mentality!!

Monday 24 March 2014

Awareness- Protectors and the Protectorates

Written by Mathew Naismith

A strange post to write even though it’s sort of a continuation from my last post. This post is more about our own awareness and how I feel we are not just letting ourselves down but also the protectorate itself down and all that abides on this protectorate we call Earth.

Being able to be so more aware from other forms of consciousness makes us quite automatically protectors of everything that abides on this protectorate and the protectorate itself. We are letting all others less aware forms down by staying ignorant of our true value or truer selves however we also have our own protectors who protect us but only if we allow them too.  By becoming further aware allows our own protectors to protect us otherwise all they will protect is the lesser aware forms bypassing us altogether I believe.

Other forms around us that are unable to become aware past their own nature are actually more aware than we are through their animal instinctiveness for example but this sort of awareness has it’s limits. We on the other hand are only limited by our actions and thoughts; we are obviously acting as Gods and Goddesses to these forms doing onto them as we will when we should be protecting them not destroying them.

By becoming more aware allows us to see who we really are, a creation from consciousness/God/the source, we are God or this consciousness but in a far lesser aware form.  The more aware we become the closer to God we become. Like I inferred in my last post, thinking all we are is mortal only gives us enough awareness to cause harm however if we were to think of ourselves as immortal we would then have enough awareness to know we are protectors of all lesser aware forms.

However when we go back into history we will find many leaders proclaiming themselves Gods or Goddesses, Nero is a famous one for this. This infers anyone who thinks of themselves as Gods can be extremely destructive not constructive however there is a big difference to thinking one is a God to being aware of one is of God.  Being God like takes an infinite amount of awareness but the funny thing is the more aware you become the less you can see yourself as a God so this is portraying that people like Nero where highly unaware not more aware.

Once the ego takes control our awareness, or the furthering of our awareness, diminishes mainly because we now have a fixation and any fixation deters further awareness, Nero was a good example of this.  On the opposite end of the scale Buddha and Jesus, especially Jesus, didn’t even have a fixation to their physical life.  Jesus and Buddha were aware they were of God/a higher consciousness and not a God and by determining this they complimented their stature and became constructive instead of destructive. This shows you how unaware our leaders are today and this is why a lot of people around the world clutch/clutched onto the wise and aware which were/are usually spiritually inclined.    

However, especially in the western thinking communities, we clutch onto leaders who promise to give us something if we elect them into office and of course this relates to the controlling ego. Yes awareness to an extent is needed to fool people into electing them however these people  fall far short of true awareness to the people we don’t elect into an office, the people we see as wise and aware within our community.  

Being truly aware allows us to become aware that the controlling factors of the ego demure our abilities to a limited, usually destructive awareness point. This sort of awareness allows us to see we are the protectors of such protectorates. I know I’m obviously naïve but I just can’t see why we don’t see that we are protectors of the protectorate and all that abides under this protectorate including each other.  This isn’t like being a lord or a senator as a lords and senators are obviously quite unaware, this is being aware that everyone is a protector not just the leaders of any said community. 

Sunday 23 March 2014

Spirituality- Immortality and Mortality

Written by Mathew Naismith

This certainly isn’t going to be a post for everyone especially for those who don’t believe in folklores, fables, mythology or anything that is written in the bible or other religious texts. I’m not saying these so called mythical recounts are as factual as they claim but they certainly, in my mind, worth noting.  The problem is we read these recounts in the way we perceive today, these accounts were written when we perceived quite differently to what we do today so of course they are going to seem mythical to us today.  What this post is really about however is immortality and mortality as the title depicts.

First of all, what makes one immortal as opposed to mortal? Being immortal is being God like or divine in some manner where’s mortality denotes a being that is mortal/human however what makes one actually different between being immortal and mortal?  

To answer this question we need to ask another question. What’s the difference between the awareness of an immortal to a mortal? It’s the lack of awareness that makes a mortal mortal however because the immortals are far more aware than a mortal, mythology depicts them as being divine/God like.  What this is saying, to be mortal one has to live in ignorance as opposed to being aware past the thought of just being mortal, so to answer the first question the difference between being mortal and mortal is how ignorant one is of their true selves.   

Mythology depicts quite often God and Goddess like beings over lording over mortal beings mainly because of the mortal’s ignorance of who they are.  There are also many other characters depicted in mythology and alike who over lord mortal beings even though they are mortal themselves.  In this case they are unaware of their own total immortality however they have enough awareness to over lord others who are totally ignorant of their true selves.

Overlording over less unaware being /entities isn’t necessarily a bad thing unless you mean harm. An overlord can protect the innocent and ignorant from harm from those who are more aware, that is why many people believe in a God like person overlording/overseeing them.  This seems to be saying only the ignorant will believe in an overlord like a God being a protector!!

Put up your hands if you are mortal? All mortal beings are ignorant however our ignorance is determined in how aware we are.  How many people who a more aware than most abuse this privilege? 
This is portrayed in many mythical recounts how a more aware being/entity abused this privilege instead of complimenting this awareness with kindness.  If we didn’t have the records we have today people like Hitler could have been visually depicted as some sort of demon in another thousand years time. People like Hitler have enough awareness to take control over others but aren’t aware enough to become a protector for the good of all especially of the collective and this is where God’s and Goddesses come into mythology and alike.

This brings us to being immortal, through furthering our awareness are we able to be God like, immortal? I believe most definitely, how does one heal without touching someone? This is a part of our immortality that most of us are ignorant too. This is the difference between a God like person/entity and a person who only thinks mortally.

This brings us to why aren’t we all mortal? We are at the soul level however because of our present state of human consciousness we can’t see ourselves being physically immortal mainly because of our ignorance of such occurrences actually being a reality.  There is a problem in being immortal however, who wants to live forever? This is an important question believe it or not.

No being who is truly aware wants to live forever for the main reason a fully aware person has no ego to enforce such a desire, Buddha is a good example of this. The paradox is, if you did want to become immortal to physically live forever you couldn’t because if the ego is enforcing such desires you are not aware enough to become physically immortal in the first place.  Only full awareness, without any of the controlling factors of the ego controlling our desires, can give one eternal physical life but once you become egoless you no longer desire to live forever, this is the paradox of living forever!!  

At the spirit/soul level we are all immortal however at the human physical level where mortal but only at the physical level so why have we all chosen to become ignorant of our true immortal selves?

There are numerous ways of staying ignorant and unaware of our true nature, physical pain is a good one and so is blatant ignorance.  Science is a very good way to become aware without becoming aware enough of one’s true nature of being immortal. We have all got our own way in staying mortal but why stay mortal and ignorant of our true nature, what’s the point?

In my mind we are all God’s and Goddesses in a sense because we are all truly aware and enlightened and it’s only our ignorance within realities like this one we no longer see ourselves any more than just mortal beings, well most of us anyway.  Now think of yourself as a selfless egoless God like energy source, what would you endure to experience the essence of all of what God/consciousness is especially in physical form? That is why we are all here I believe!! 

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Awareness Brings Us Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

Note: I have appended a further supplement at the end of this post to further explain the difference between human knowledge & universal awareness.

This post is for anyone who, at any time, is finding it difficult coping with their newly found awareness. We are used to being aware mindfully but most of us aren’t used to being aware through our feelings and it’s these feeling that can be quite daunting at times. Universal awareness isn’t about knowledge or even knowing, even though our egos would love us to believe this, it’s about our non-thinking quietened side of ourselves, the feeling instead of thinking side to ourselves. 

We are made to believe one can’t be aware unless one is knowing and the more knowing we are the wiser and more aware we would obviously have to be. However our present situation doesn’t support this view, we are more knowing than ever but we are still enacting on the same intellectual behavioural pattern as we did thousands of years ago. This is obviously becoming a problem when feeling this growing and ever expanding awareness instead of just knowing of this awareness.

There are more spiritually aware people, especially in the western thinking community of the world, feeling awareness instead of just knowing of this awareness which is causing our psyche headaches because of the psychological readjustment needed.  We are now feeling this knowing instead of just knowing this knowing which I define as universal awareness.  It’s a huge ask of our psyche’s to handle without trauma of some kind. What seems to be happening is we are becoming this awareness itself but we are questioning that we would have to mentally know before becoming aware of such things. We have mentally judged awareness as being knowledge; you can’t possibly have one without the other. This sounds awfully like the ego talking here to me!! 

We should also take into consideration that when becoming spiritually aware, while our mentality is influenced by the controlling factors of the ego, can cause a lot of psychological trauma, this is inevitable unless we are trained spiritualist’s which most of us aren’t.  Praying, chanting and meditation are but a few spiritual practices one can practice in to alleviate such psychological traumas however most of us are unaware of these psychological traumas before they occur and it’s the sudden impact of such trauma that elevates these traumas to a higher level of effect.   I have seen this many times in others over time especially in the young.

I have a nephew who takes illicit drugs, the reason he gave for taking such drugs is to alleviate the mental pain and anguish of such a chaotic destructive world. My nephew is but one of millions of young people taking drugs for this same exact reason. 

Unbeknownst to most of us, we are now feeling more of this awareness than ever before, we are now feeling this awareness before we mentally know of this awareness; of course the psyche is going to have a hard time of it.  The best way to handle this is become aware of why we feel the way we do at times and have an understanding in why our psyche is going to feel traumatised for no apparent knowable reason.

Human knowledge can only go as far as the mind can consciously understand, human knowledge is needed to become aware but only to a certain extent, mainly because of it’s conscious short falls. The ego tries to make up for these short falls by making us believe this is it, there is nothing beyond our human knowing like a universal consciousness for instance.

I believe once one connects fully to this universal awareness only then we realise human knowledge can actually, at times, hinder our progression towards universal awareness, and at best, assist us in our endeavours towards furthering our awareness. Human knowledge, at no time, should be considered the be and end all nor should we think we need human knowledge to become aware.

I’ve worked with various people with many different kinds of disabilities, the most unknowledgeable people can be the most aware people but of course able people’s egos don’t want to acknowledge this sadly enough. Awareness is light but man’s knowledge can so often dull this light to the extent we think it’s never existed.  

Saturday 15 March 2014

Spirituality-A Secret Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

There seems to be, in most, a definable difference between our spiritual self & our human self which is defined by awareness, the more aware we are of the inner and outer workings of life, as a whole, the more our human selves realise we are not being all we are.  The funny thing is though; spirituality is defined by how aware we are which means spirituality is about becoming more aware. This means when we talk about spirituality we are talking about awareness so is this saying the human self is of ignorance?  

Going by actual experiences, there is a huge difference between the human and spiritual self, when we talk about the spiritual in life we are actually talking about awareness which is quite different to human sciences. Human science can only become aware or knowing of what it is consciously aware of but the spiritual self is aware of all of what is. I can understand how science minded people see spirituality as being threatening to their ideological views however the most successful scientists in human history, I believe, are also connected to this spiritual awareness. Many sit within their own quietness which is similar to meditating.  What a scientist is doing when they sit within their own quietness is focusing, people who meditate also focus especially on their breathing. In this case, scientist have balanced out the human self with the aware spiritual self, unbeknownst to most scientists, however the ego wants to take all the credit in being so smart and usually refutes any claim the only reason they are so smart is because of their connectedness to the spiritual aware self.  

This brings us to spiritually aware people themselves, what gives balance to a spiritually aware person? Believe it or not, if spiritually aware people didn’t have this balance between their spiritually aware self and the human self they wouldn’t exist as humans, they would, like the Mayans and many other individuals, physically disappear which brings us back to the question, what balances out a spiritually aware person so they don’t just disappear from this physical world/reality?

Let’s go back to scientists, what balances them out? Believe it or not it’s our ignorance which is egotistically driven; most scientists are ignorant to where there braininess comes from because they want to believe it’s them as individuals who are so aware and knowing.  Of course spiritually aware people know differently mainly because we tend to be not as driven by the ego however I feel if we weren’t driven by ego at all we would disappear.  What I am saying is the ego helps us balance out our spiritual and human self so we don’t change our vibrations to the extent of disappearing.     

The below link shows quite clearly how spirituality and science are in tune with each other and how science minded people just can’t see beyond their egos where’s a lot of spiritually aware people can.

Extract: Right before the event began, I approached the professor on the panel to say hello. We had met once before, and as I stretched out my hand for a shake I noticed a hesitation on his part in return. Frankly, he didn't look very happy to see me, but I didn't make much of it. During the dialogue and discussion, I noticed he was very aggressive and took every opportunity to belittle all the aspects of spirituality and yoga, of which he had little or no knowledge about in the first place. I realized at that moment that there was a new breed of fanatics on the rise and this breed had nothing to do with religion.

I would also like to add to this by saying; there are a lot of spiritually aware people who clash with science ideologies as well which again denote a controlling ego controlling us to think in certain ways.  When we are thinking in certain ways, either it be spiritually or scientifically, what is driving this thought pattern? Also have some spiritually aware people become highly egotistical when they think of themselves as being more aware especially over and above science minded people?  The link above shows clearly how science and spiritualty are as one however our egos tell us something quite different when we believe in a supposed opposing ideology.  It’s our egos telling us we believe in a much wiser and aware ideological process however being spiritually aware does make us or should make us more aware of this. I don’t believe this is the case with scientists who shut themselves off from the rest of the world to focus on a particular point like spiritually aware people do when meditating.

Anyone with a fixated ideological belief isn’t going to accept this mainly because of the controlling factors of the ego.  

I believe the scientists who have shut themselves off in this way have quite nicely balanced out the spiritual & human self, mostly unbeknownst to them,  probably a lot better than most spiritually aware people can. This is because a lot of spiritually aware people are only focused and believe in spiritual awareness and denounce anything else beyond this thought process. This thought process is obviously controlled by the ego denoting,” my ideological beliefs are far superior to science ideologies”.  It takes a wise spiritually aware person to become aware enough to know it’s all about awareness no matter how that awareness has been obtained.  Yes science has proven itself unworthy at times but so has spirituality, when this happens, where is this awareness?

It is funny to think the ego is keeping us balanced between our spiritual and human selves unless we are unwise. It is obvious the ego has gone troppo in this reality either it be scientifically/technologically driven or spiritually/religiously driven however where there is a balance between our human and spiritual selves the controlling factors of the ego are far less controlling which in turn gives us balance. According to a number of spiritually aware people we should rid ourselves of the ego all together; I believe there is no balance in this between our human and spiritual selves. If we want to end up like the Mayans fair enough but most of us don’t see any point to this. I believe there is a reason we are here and it’s not to just disappear but find a balance between the human and spiritual self or if you like, the ego and spiritual self.  Once we find this balance collectively, what we know what heaven to be will seem lame.