Showing posts with label atheism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atheism. Show all posts

Saturday 17 August 2013

Spiritual Difference in Perception

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post has come about through my involvement in a discussion about atheism & spiritualism & seeing how different we are in our perception to each other because of our beliefs & concepts.

Different Perceptions: It is amazing while in conversation with spiritually aware people, agnostics, religious people & atheist of course at the same time how different we perceive the world & ourselves. This discussion that I’m still involved in has over 556 comments with an amazing number of different perceptions being portrayed & we express ourselves so differently & to a spiritually aware person all these different perception are neither right nor wrong but just different & accepted because spirituality is all about acceptance. This of course should also include accepting those who display animosity or anything else that is ego driven but of course being human that isn’t always the case. As for myself displaying animosity & many others traits conductive to the ego all I can say is I’m accepting & content with my human self , my soul self is a magnificently beautiful entity which I also accept but my human self has precedence. 

If you can’t be accepting & content with your human self you can’t be accepting & content of others, yes spiritually aware people can display love & understanding of other people’s perceptions & personalities but we usually can’t accept them for who they are & usually we try to change them which can be against their will. What we are usually trying to change is their use of the ego or of using the ego period & when we can’t change that we ignore them which of course isn’t very accepting. 

There is obviously a significant difference in our perception to each other which can at times lead to us showing some sort of animosity of some kind or ostracizing or ignoring others which of course isn’t a very good display of spiritual acceptance however if we are aware enough we can learn from other people’s & our own animosity but we learn very little from ostracizing or ignoring which a lot of spiritually aware people display at times. It is fear in being fearful of displaying fear or anything else of the ego & most human beings display these tendencies a lot.

Acceptance Breeds Awareness: It is obvious that a spiritually aware person is going to perceive themselves & the rest of the world quite differently to atheists for instance just like what has been presented in this discussion about atheism & spiritualism.  There are spiritually aware people, religious people, agnostics & atheists still discussing their own perceptions even after certain displays of animosity like rudeness, name calling, personal inflammatory remarks & so forth, in all a total disagreement of each other’s perception but the amazing thing is we are still discussing them in relevant peace which is a great display of spiritual acceptance.  You could say by not agreeing to each other’s perception were not being accepting but we are for the most, we might not be totally accepting which is nearly impossible for humans to do but we are accepting of each other’s display of rejection otherwise we wouldn’t still be discussing our differences in our perception to each other.   

For a spiritually aware person becoming aware, accepting our human self becomes a nightmare & in fact a lot of us clash with our human ego selves denouncing it in any way we can which of course denotes conflict. Gee we do it the hard way sometimes!! By doing this we can’t accept this in others either so what we do then is hide within likeminded people, in others words we surround ourselves with likeminded people but by doing so have become quite unaccepting of others unlike us which again denotes conflict. Is this any better than what is in main stream society today? No because it still denotes conflict. What we need to do is stop being fearful of our human ego self & accept it for what it is & have the awareness of our soul selves. In some cases becoming aware of the soul self isn’t going to help because as I have discussed in previous posts we can, at the soul level, take human fixated attachments with us from life to life & the more fixated the attachment a souls has the harder it is going to be for the said person with such a soul.

The next step is to become aware of the inner self. This can be confusing because I even at times refer to the soul as the inner self but really the soul is only a doorway to the inner self, it’s not actually the inner self, however!! What I refer to the true inner self is the collective consciousness. The soul is solitary until it becomes aware of the collective consciousness & once it does this it can become of the inner self.  So what this means is a soul that is unaware of the collective consciousness isn’t of the inner self but is still a doorway to the inner self however a soul that is aware of the collective consciousness is of the inner self.  What does this make the human self who is aware of the collective consciousness?  Unless we can display our knowing of the awareness of the collective consciousness we are still of the human self however a little more wiser & knowing for it. ‘

No matter what we become aware of awareness helps us understand ourselves & each other better either it be in science or spirituality it’s all about awareness & in trying to understand each other’s perception just like we are doing in this discussion on atheism & spiritualism, we become wiser for it because “wisdom is the final destiny of awareness”. 

Thursday 15 August 2013

Faith, Mysticism & Philosophy to Science pt2

Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would share a few comments from a post titled Faith, Mysticism & Philosophy to Science from Google community.

From Pedro

I don't think an atheist would have just flat-out reject fire. I believe that one such man/woman would simply conclude that he/she has no way of explaining the phenomenon.

Now, something that is a very common theme in all of humanity is our inward instinct to want to know everything. Our brain, by its nature, doesn't like not knowing everything. If we can't deduce a plausible solution, we make one up.

Besides, as a caveman/woman, I would just be thankful that the fire existed, because our ability to control fire is what led us to become what we are today.

G’day Perdro

So what's the difference between fire & God or faith? Atheists don't accept there being a God so with the same logic they wouldn't accept fire either, they couldn't if they used the same logical thinking process, it's logically impossible. 

What they did use was faith, faith within the fire without being able to logically understand how it was & how it worked so what's the difference between that & a God or faith of today?

I'm a spiritually aware agnostic if I was going to give what I believe a label which makes me a little more open minded to different perceptions than most atheists so I can open my mind up to more possibilities than a closed minded atheists obviously.

From Ben

Logic points to people creating religion to explain what they don't understand. I don't see how an atheist caveman's reaction to fire has any connection. I'm sure the caveman(atheist or theist) would think fire was magic and would keep a cautious distance. Maybe they might think it's a message from a higher life form. Again, logic points to magic being the answer when the answer is unclear. Some of us will reserve judgement until more facts are in... Others will blindly cling to the first answer they hear. 

G’day Ben

We don't understand the human brain to it's fullest extent but that's not of religion & neither is the universe because we can't even agree in how it was first created & what about everything else we don't understand about it.

If we used the same logical deductive reasoning that atheists use today that we have with God or faith the cave man fire wouldn't exist but it does obviously because we can see it but an atheists couldn't accept this because it's not of any logic within their awareness or knowing. This same concept is used to formulate an idea that God can't exist or that faith is delusional today.

God or what I call consciousness collectively or not is like the fire, it exists because we exist, in other words we are proof of a creative consciousness or God exists, just because we can't logically give it definition yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

A thousand years ago there was no way we could ever take flight because that was logically impossible at the time. Logic changes with our conscious awareness however some logic like atheist logic hasn't by the looks of it.  If it's not logical at the time it can never exist, strange atheist concepts I have to admit however the concepts of agnosticism are quite different.  

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Atheism-Extremist Belief System or Not?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Reedited: I thought I would add another forum site link address here on this discussion, it is quite interesting on how everyone perceives atheism differently.

The following is from a forum site discussing atheism & spiritualism; it’s worth a look in how some atheists truly see the world sadly enough.  I was of course at my best telling it how I see it straight up & to the point.  

G’day Paul

I see reading the other posts your still Mathew bashing , well that’s OK because that is who you are when someone disagrees with you & questions your belief obviously,  this is a normal reaction in anyone with beliefs & beliefs in isms.

You don’t get it Paul, it’s the black & whites that have caused us so much conflict within the world because there is a yin & yang, atheism & religious  fundamentalism  & so on & so on, one would have to be blind not to see it & that is the problem, we only see a difference but we don’t understand the difference . Nothing is just white or black however for a better understanding of these whites & blacks within each other we need to separate them to bring them together again through understanding of what each element is made of, notice them as black & white to start with.

 For an example, a female psychologist will interact with a male client differently to a female client, one is black the other white but by doing this from the start she can delve into the black & whites of the said person a lot better than if she from the start couldn’t see them as just black & white male & female to start with, comparing atheism to religious fundamentalism is exactly the same in identifying them as black & white to start with & then from this one is able to see their similarities & dissimilarities, black & whites within each other.   

 It would seem to you there is no black & white which leads to ignorance & misunderstanding because by not seeing them as black & white from the start you have no hope in hell in going on to understanding them & then & only then can one bring them together. This is exactly like some spiritually aware people do these days, they only see the ego & judgment as negative & by doing so misunderstand & miss it’s positive purposes in human life. We are told to rid ourselves of these so called profanities from the start but to reach true awareness spiritually & subconsciously one needs to understand the differences of the black & whites of these things first & once we do this the ego & judgment automatically become less of a threat to us as they become null & void after a while but you can’t force this like so many are doing before you understand the negative & positive attributes of these black & whites in everyday human life. We are not born divine we need to rediscover the divine within us to understand it’s purpose within life itself.  

I won’t converse with you again Paul for a number of reasons.



Why are most atheists also dogmatic with their views towards people like Jesus, Buddha & so on & so on as they obviously existed?  Yes I know people can be delusional but come on!! I would like to add that scientists have proven it to be psychologically beneficial to perform in certain religious rituals even when singing hymns so even though I’m not religious myself religion (theism) still has it’s place in society but of course an atheist probably wouldn’t or couldn’t see this because of their beliefs but people like me can.

“Extremism has no balance”…Love Mathew

“A threat is an illusion until we believe in one thing instead of everything”…Love Mathew

“Faith in man is faith in oneself for without faith in oneself one will never have faith in man”….Love

“To believe or not to believe that is not the question, the question is, are we able to believe, that is the question”…… Love Mathew 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Objectivity as Opposed to Subjectivity

Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would post this as it’s quite an interesting exchanged between people who believe in atheism as opposed to spiritualism as a whole. The problem with firmly believing in anything one can never make an objective remark to anything opposing such beliefs & in actual fact it is psychologically impossible depending on how dogmatic one is. This is a trap we all need to be wary of because if were not objective we are usually subjective which is conflictive & that is one thing we don’t need any more of in this world/reality in my mind.  

Related link:

G’day Paul

You’re very wrong with the vibration thing Paul.

A scientific experiment was conducted on how the brain reacts when people were meditating & singing hymns, with the person singing hymns the part of the brain that controls speech wasn’t active but they were still singing. How about the shrimp experiment, a plant in the next room reacted to the shrimp being boiled & of course I could go on. Most people who mediate think they stop thinking but of course they don’t but the brain does react quite differently when not in meditation or singing hymns.

Everything vibrates & of course one vibration will react to or with another vibration including thought & the human body. What a Sharman & witch doctor do is work with these vibration however scientifically unbeknown to them; nothings hoogly-boogly. 

How about bone pointing with the Australian aboriginals, if you believe it will react on your mind & body which has everything to do with psychology but it’s still all down to vibrations in how they react to another vibration. How about music how we react to different music which is but one vibration reacting to another vibration remembering thought is a vibration also our brain is made up of vibrative matter like the rest of our body so of course it’s going to react with & to other vibrations. 

You seem to have blind faith in science & others in spiritualism, I don’t have blind faith in either as it’s all a natural process especially when you understand how different vibrations react. There is absolutely nothing mystical or hoogly-boogly in the world only what we don’t understand as yet.

I wrote a quote some time ago: “There is nothing mystical about the unknown only the known, so if you are questioned about your beliefs in mysticism just say it’s only mystical to you as you not the understanding of something more than you believe!!!”.....Love Mathew

In regards to dogmatic scientists I did say certain scientists not all as you have said I stated.

If you can't prove it why say it can't possibly exist at all like yourself with the belief in Atheism, your saying, with this belief, that God or a creative consciousness can't possibly exist ever because that is what the belief in atheism means however agnosticism is different.

Look Paul I can see where you are coming from & I agree but only to a point, you’re taking this too far the other way to make any plausible objective remarks on this I feel.  

