Showing posts with label Ego. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ego. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Coping Better with Natural Life Cycles

Written by Mathew Naismith

A natural life cycle; is in reference to numerological and astrological aspects of one’s life, what we are born into that reflects and influences our thoughts and actions. This is an individual scale of influence, collectively we are also influenced by these cycles on a collective scale. Take the Mayan calendar for an example, such calendars talk about cycles of influence on a massive collective scale, for example, we are now entering into a period that is more influenced by the feminine rather than the masculine, in other words we are going to be more predominantly influenced by the famine self. This doesn’t mean we are not going to express the masculine, it just means we are going to be more expressive of  the feminine self within this cycle.

The masculine cycle to me was about being expressive of the ego and everything of the ego, this meant also being in a cycle that is conductive to egotism. The feminine cycle is also about the ego but on a different scale of things. We are going to learn more in how to express the ego without being overly and predominately expressive of egotism. This means we are going to now learn how to express the ego more femininely instead of masculinely, in other words the expression of the ego is going to be far more passive.

Like any cycle if we were more aware, this cycle, that was predominately influenced by the masculine, could have been expressed in a more passive way, we could have made these experiences of such cycles a lot less chaotic, it really didn’t need to be as chaotic to the extent we expressed it. Yes, we were going to express egotism, this was always going to be apart of this cycle, but, we didn’t have to express this cycle to the extent we did. This cycle was naturally influenced by the masculine which allows us to experience, especially at the soul level, various aspects of egotism, we however didn’t need to be so masculinely expressive.

Spiritual awareness; is also to me about being aware of certain expressions without actually having to physically express such expressions, if we were aware, we could have expressed egotism without the such physical affects. This actually occurred, many spiritually aware people, and spiritualists, experienced such egotism through their awareness without actually being physically expressive of such traits. Buddha is a very good example of this, he made himself aware without giving in and expressing such traits, this state is of course called an enlightened experience.

But in all we obviously chose, at the soul level, to be as expressive as we were of the masculine to the extent of expressing egotism physically to it’s maximum. Of course if we were more aware, we would have known that we didn’t have to empress the masculine to the extent we did, instead we deliberately stayed unaware so we could be as expressive of such traits as we were.

You look back to what these spiritual people tried to teach us, you can see that they were trying to teach us to be aware of these traits without having to be as physically expressive as we were of such traits. We were made aware but we lacked the wisdom to carry out these instructions, in other words we chose to allow such cycles to influence us to the maximum physical effect.

Such extreme expressions do however have a purpose, we are now aware of how each cycle can influence us to the extreme making such experiences quite unnecessarily chaotic. If we were aware, to the extent of knowing we didn’t have to be so physically expressive of such traits, we needn’t have had to experience the associated chaos from such a cycle as we did. However, because we kept ourselves unaware, these extreme expressions became a necessity, we are now aware of how each cycle influences us and how we can lesson the affects of such cycles by just being aware. All we have done is express consciousness to the extreme.  

We are at a stage we need to become aware, this cycle we are entering into will assist us in this but only if we detach ourselves from the last cycle. It’s not easy for the ego to let go of egotism, after all it’s the only expression the ego knows how to express. The ego really doesn’t want to know of any other expression as a child doesn’t want to know of the hardships and tribulations of adulthood, after all, a child should be expressive of just being a child. The thing is, we are no longer children on a collective scale, we need to grow up and accept the next cycle as each cycle is awareness building.  Can a life cycle of a human being stay a child, stay within the cycle of a child?  The natural progression through human cycles is inevitable, we too on a collective scale need to be aware that collectively we are also governed by cycles, we need to be aware that we need to accept each cycle as it comes along as we do while going through each human cycle. To me, I see the collective cycle working in the same way as our human cycles, we need to learn to embrace each and every cycle as it comes along.                     

Wednesday 10 June 2015


Written by Mathew Naismith

WOW (Wholly and Overly Wonderful), what can I say, the further I allow myself to open up to consciousness in an unbiased way,  the more magnificent this consciousness seems to be. Yes, I'm allowing my emotions to take flight but this is at this moment helping me to delve even deeper into the magnificence of consciousness. This is wholly due to emotions being a big part of consciousness, emotions are one of the main reasons we are so expressive of consciousness itself.

Emotion; allow us to experience consciousness in every way possible, emotions are one of the biggest reasons consciousness itself is so expressive, could you imagine how consciousness would express itself without emotions? It's actually inconceivable, how would any consciousness period express itself without emotions? Emotions are obviously one of the primary reasons why consciousness can express itself so much, just think how many emotions humans can express and this is just at the human scale of things.

How many different languages are there? This is how many different ways we can be emotionally expressive but all we are doing is talking about the various languages here, what about the cultures that go with such languages and the climate they are in. Everything influence us to be a little different in our expressions of consciousness, as individuals we are being expressive of conciseness, as a culture or a nationality we are being even more expressive, as a species even more so, now what about the collective as a whole. It's utterly infinite in how expressive we can be of consciousness, consciousness itself is certainly WOW within it's own expressions.

Take how the moon, and astrology period, influences us to express consciousness, this is over and above other influences like language, culture, the country and climate we live in and so on. Everything around us and everything we are, influences us to express consciousness in a slightly different way to others. Now take in consideration of DNA, no one's DNA is the same, all this isn't just a different expression of consciousness itself, this difference also influences us to express consciousness differently to other conscious forms and formless energy sources. 

Take living on a planet with more than one moon, how differently expressive would such conscious forms be to our own? Consciousness is infinite within it's own expression of itself, it has no boundaries or limits to how expressive it can be.

Oneness and illusions: An unbiased view isn't about judging certain consciousness states as being an illusion or not, wrong or right, it's about becoming aware of how expansive consciousness is within it's own expression of itself. To me, we are all an expression of consciousness no matter how infinite consciousness is expressive of it's own consciousness,  to us, all these numerous expressions of consciousness are an indication of a fragmented consciousness, a consciousness that has many different parts to itself. This of course to us seemingly has nothing to do with oneness.

What's actually being expressed, is it something other than consciousness? No, no matter how fragmented this consciousness seems within it's expressions of itself, it's still just an expression of consciousness. We could also say it's an expression of consciousness's, more than one consciousness which means a consciousness that is fragmented, not whole. This would be true but we are still only expressing a consciousness none the less.

We can express so many different kinds of emotions, they are certainly not all the same to us even though they are only an expression of a consciousness. Within our various ways of expressing emotions, we have created a reality of duality, this in turn influences us to be expressive of consciousness in numerous other ways, there seems to be  absolutely no oneness within such dualistic reality. Even though we are only expressive of a consciousness, each conciseness expresses itself differently, this seemingly has nothing to do with oneness.

Some people say that all physical realities are an illusion, others say all realities are an illusion and there are even people who say consciousness itself is an illusion, which perspective is correct here?  This is of course depends on what perspective we are looking from, in other words  in what direction are we perceiving what is and isn't an illusion? We of course are looking at what is and isn't an illusion through what is judged as an illusion in the first place. Look at this way, we are judging certain expressive forms of consciousness or consciousness period as an illusion, could we judged any part of consciousness being an illusion if we weren't expressing this consciousness in the first place?  We are relying on an illusionary expression to judge what is or isn't an illusion, we are doing the same with oneness, you can only truly judged what is and isn't oneness if you are in a true oneness state.

We can experience form and formlessness at the same moment, OBE's are a good example of this, we can also experience oneness and fragmentation at the same moment as we can be the observer observing our own interactions. We have deemed ourselves being only in a fragmented duality state of consciousness when at the same moment we are in a true oneness state. It all comes down to the illusion being the illusion itself, once you judge what is and isn't an  illusion, you have created the illusion when  illusions don't exist in the first place.

You could easily say that having illusions of illusion are an expression of an illusion, in other words thinking that physicality is all we are is an illusion. It is to us in our present perspective, however, in a more holistic perspective it's not, this is due to consciousness itself being expressive of it's whole self within it's entirety. In realities like this one, we are expressive of consciousness, in other realities they are also expressive of consciousness, when you look at all these expressions of this one consciousness as a whole, you become aware that each individual expression of this consciousness makes up a whole consciousness. This means no matter what we experience in any given reality, consciousness is whole because each expression makes consciousness itself whole.

Now look at what is and isn't an illusion and what is and isn't oneness?  As soon as you judged what is and isn't an illusion and oneness, you are being entrapped within your own illusions of illusions. No matter how you express consciousness, each singular expression makes up a whole consciousness. Could you imagine a true oneness consciousness judging one part of it's expressive self as an illusion, once it did this. it's no longer of this oneness, however, judging what is and isn't an illusion is also another expression of consciousness that gives this consciousness it's wholeness, it's oneness, go figure!! 

Ego: Yes, the ego is but an expression of consciousness, however this isn't saying that consciousness is controlled by the ego, this is saying expressing the ego is but another expression of consciousness. Most of us are expressive of the controlling factors of the ego, this means the ego controls us, this is but an expression of consciousness that we have chosen to express. Yes, all emotions are of the ego but not all emotions are controlled by the ego, the controlling factors of the ego change how we express this consciousness. This is why we need to be aware of what we judge as being wrong or right, positive or negative, after all, it's all but an expression of consciousness.

Now at any point should we control the ego to stop the ego being in control off us?

When we become too destructive, it's probably wise to become less controlled by the ego, in other words less expressive of the controlling factors of the ego, at this point we feel we need to take control of the ego instead of the ego taking control of us. We should consider here what control denotes, what expression of consciousness needs to always have control?  A controlling ego of course, by trying to take control of the ego is being expressive of the controlling ego. Try instead of letting go of control, trust me, most of us will have problems with this only because of the controlling factors of the ego. If you have to have control over anything, you are still expressive of a controlling ego, most of us are including myself at times, this is due to influencing factors within our environment as explained earlier on in this post.

One of the main influencing expressions of consciousness is a controlling ego in this reality, it's a part of this reality, the trick is when to completely let go of control all together. This is difficult to do because everything around us influences us, mainly to be controlling, we want to control instead of being controlled, the funny thing is, the more control we think we have, the less control we actually have, this is due to being controlled by a singular expression of consciousness like a controlling ego, we are still being controlled in this case.

Consciousness is certainly WOW (Wholly and Overly Wonderful) without a doubt but only when you become aware of what consciousness actually is. It's not this that and the other, no matter how we express it, it's still just consciousness.                       

Thursday 21 May 2015

When Actions Make Sense

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is funny how lessons are learnt. Recently I have been writing about not taking actions because these actions only cause further ripples within the water (consciousness), this is still true, however. We know all actions are expressed through the ego, I know no other way of how actions and intentions are able to be expressed, the way this expression is expressed is determined by how controlling an ego is. The thing is, not all expressions of ego are destructive, this also means not all actions and intentions are destructive.

My lesson learnt is in regards to actual events that took place recently concerning my wife and I. We found out we were both deceptively used to defame another person in court, this resulted in an innocent person being hurt in more than one way. My immediate thought was to not take action for this will only lead to a reaction and so on, why cause ripples upon my wife and I tranquil waters (consciousness)!!

Since then I have been uneasy, I kept getting messages in my head to take action, the question is, is this an indication that my ego is in control or that my inner voice is trying to tell me something?

I was quite happy at first to let this go and take no action, it would just be my ego trying to take further control of me, "how dare people use my wife and I in this way", this is the controlling ego way!!! This inaction of ours became quite questionable as I kept receiving messages to take action, after a certain point you realise it's not the ego but the inner voice telling us to take action.

This inner voice can also be my ego controlled subconscious telling me to take action, however, the big difference between a true inner voice and our subconscious is, one will nag you consistently and the other only when appropriate. In this case I was only given messages to take action at certain times, usually when I was totally relaxed and calm, this to me is a good indication from me to take action. 

Now I know my reaction is going to cause ripples, probably to the extent of turning the water (consciousness) into an utter chaotic mess, but it's not really advisable to ignore these inner voices especially when such actions can help other people.

Our water is tranquil until we take action, any action will cause ripples upon our consciousness, you must realise even though our consciousness is tranquil, consciousness itself isn't, it's already been turned into a chaotic mess by other conscious forms, this eventually will affect us all in some way. 

So do we take action?

Only when we are absolutely sure it's not our controlling ego trying to control us to take action, in other words taking action to feed our egos instead of taking action to quell the chaotic water (consciousness).  In an unenlightened state, we cannot totally avoid taking action, this is because almost everything around us was created  by intentional actions, all these intentional actions influence us in some way so we react. The thing is, is to not react in the same way, through a controlling ego but through a non-controlling ego, this allows us to be less inactive with such an ego.

The recent problem at hand was created by a controlling ego, the thing is to take action by becoming inactive with the ego, in a sense you are still taking action but an action that is less inactive with the ego, this inaction lessons the chaotic affects upon the water (consciousness) when taking any such actions.

At time we need to take action, this is quite unavoidable within such an unenlightened state, what we need to be aware of is how we take action, is it ego controlled or is it for a need as opposed to a desire? I should state  that I believe all desires are ego controlled to one extent or another but needs aren't, in our case it's become a need to help another person. Reacting for a need causes far less ripples upon the water (consciousness), this is due to a need being less controlled by the ego.

In an unenlightened state, we are going to cause ripples upon the water, this is unavoidable unless we become enlightened, the thing we should do in the mean time is try to avoid causing the water to become too chaotic, this is helped by being aware that this chaotic water actually assists us to become unenlightened in the first place. The controlling ego thrives on intentional actions so we should avoid, when possible, such actions.

Could you imagine a reality not predominantly controlled by the ego, the water wouldn't be totally tranquil but it wouldn't be chaotic either  for it's the controlling ego that keeps us unenlightened.  

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Where Does Absolute Truth Exist, Does it Exist?

Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would share a couple of responses and my replies to these responses in regards to my recent posts.  

Hi Matt, I love your blogs. We agree on mostly everything, but again, I'm going to disagree on something.

I feel in life we have the mind, body, and spirit. The spirit or God, is eternal, doesn't change, there is no time, space, matter, or energy. There is no past, present, or future. The mind and body (yes, this includes the brain) creates this relative reality, and it is very real, so there is duality in that sense.

When we tap into the spirit or God, through aligning ourselves with the eternal moment (or we can start with being in the present moment), we can access that spirit knowledge, after all, we come from that source.

The ego is not from the spirit at all, (this is what I think you get wrong). The ego is strictly mind and body issues. So when you talk about the brain as being the main processor, you are overlooking God, which is eternal and doesn't need a mind or body- (again, this means the brain as well), to exist.

I think the 64,000 dollar question is how does non-duality or spirit create duality, or the illusion of duality?

I think this question can't be answered because the very thought -(how does it do it?)-creates duality itself which only comes from the mind, which is thoughts and images. Thoughts can only exist in time. Remember, the spirit has no time, it's timeless (again, I will repeat this, it's so important, thoughts can only exist in time.)
So you really can't even ask this question.

The answer is silence, and bathe in the Glory of God!

Just my input. I could be wrong. I'm going on my experience and evidence.

Love you buddy, Sal

G’day Sal C, I had to reread what I wrote to reply back to you.

You are right, the spirit doesn’t have an ego, this is a state of non-duality so there can’t be an ego present.

I was actually referring to the soul as having an ego, however not all souls have an ego either; this is due to the soul not allowing the brain to influence the soul with its ego traits, basically it takes awareness of the soul to avoid this. Some people actually think that the soul doesn’t have an ego either, going by my own experiences within this life, that’s not quite correct either, souls with evil intent are definitely being expressive of ego traits.  I also had numerous experiences with ghosts who still wanted to interact with physical life.

Yes, non-duality can be of the ego as well but not in an actual sense.  As soon as we compare one state to another, we are expressing ego traits; we can only do this while in a state of duality. Saying that non-duality is of absolute truth and duality is an illusion or is of lesser value in anyway, is an expression of egotist traits, this is due to thinking in duality instead of non-duality I feel.

In a non-duality state, the thought of something being a lesser value in anyway just doesn’t occur because it can’t occur because of a non-dualistic state, there is nothing to compare.  

I see that we have inadvertently looked at non-duality in an egoist sense by comparing non-duality to duality; this isn’t saying that the state of non-duality is of the ego, it’s just stating that we are still looking at non-duality through dualistic thinking processes.

“I think the 64,000 dollar question is how does non-duality or spirit create duality, or the illusion of duality?”

Why can’t this question be answered when there is only one state of existence or being? For anyone being expressive of dualistic thinking, yes most definitely this question can’t be answered while thinking in this mode but, what if people could think wholly in non-dualism, this question could certainly be answered even within a dualistic reality.

The question is, can people think wholly in a non-dualistic mode? I think most definitely without question, for example Jesus and Buddha certainly thought more in a non-dualistic mode, they showed us it’s certainly possible.  Why does it seem impossible to us? For starters, thinking in a dualistic mode isn’t going to help us think in a non-dualistic mode; don’t ask questions, it’s that simple, in other words search for answers without asking questions.  

I was once in a state of consciousness all I had to do is ask a question and I would get an immediate answer, I don’t have to do this anymore, it just comes to me as it does to a lot of people who are aware and connected, some call this gut instinct, others call this intuition.

You got me writing again Sal.

Much blessings my friend.  


I like your second paragraph. It is a crazy world. But, who are the crazy ones. Both sides would point at each other. This would indicate a sort of Balance. You're right, it is a bit of a trick, considering that when we work with Absolutes, we create that measurement, thereby we create that Absolute Truth. Can we trust Absolutes, since we create them by our measurement?
Interesting point. Maybe duality is absolute truth.

G'day SpiritRider, yes indeed, can we trust absolute truths when thinking in a dualistic mode? Most definitely not in my mind. We have a dualistic mode of thought that is most often influenced by the ego stating that non-duality is of absolute truth, how correct can this be? 

I think absolute truth is within duality, we just can't see it through the clouds, the clouds of judgment and comparing. How often has a race judged another race as being inferior or less worthy? I see that we are doing the same with duality and non-duality, we need to get away from judgement all together but only if we want a better existence that is.

Maybe at the soul level we don’t!!! 


Tuesday 24 February 2015

To the Next Spiritual Level

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is going from my last post, Non-duality of absolute truth, I think this is the next level for humans to obtain, thinking past duality altogether.  If we are still making comparison between non-duality and duality, absolute truth and illusions, we are still thinking in duality, the trick is to think past this state to a non-dual state of thinking. You might think non-duality is to not think at all but that’s the trick, thinking while in a non-duality state.

Is thinking all to do with duality, the mind, therefore duality is only of the mind? This is also a bit tricky for anyone thinking in dual format, the brain gives the mind its thinking process which can stay with us from life to life through the soul; this is very much in relation to our karma. It’s the brain that gives us thought not the mind itself, we can be easily tricked to think it’s the mind that gives us thinking processes not the brain when only through the brain can we, at the soul level, obtain a thought process. So what is the mind?

The mind is a culmination of all of what we have experienced in totality, in other words what we have experienced in all our non-physical and physical existences, this can also include our existence in non-duality states.

While thinking in dual format (duality), we perceive the mind as being a thought process when basically all it is, is a hard drive, a place where we store all our experiences, it’s not actually a processing unit like in a computer, it really doesn’t run the show, our lives.

So what runs the show, what is the processor, what determines or sorts out what is going to occur in anyone’s life?

I think it’s a culmination of non-duality and duality that runs the show, however,  don’t make the mistake this culmination between non-duality and duality thinks like the brain or a processing unit of a computer, it doesn’t in my mind. Look at it like an automated processing unit, it doesn’t have to think to create life and experiences, life and experiences just occur through interactions between non-duality and duality. Look at our reactions to becoming aware of non-duality for example, it’s automatically created a reaction, in other words non-duality has automatically given us thought of non-duality itself which has culminated in different reaction and thinking processes and non-thinking processes and reactions.

 So this means at the soul level we don’t run the show, our own lives, we have no free will?

In a sense yes but in another sense no, if we were to only think in duality, I am a separate entity, yes we don’t have free will but, if we were to think in non-duality, I am one entity with all of what is, no we do have free will; we have free will through the culmination of non-duality and duality. This automated process that is created through the culmination of non-duality and duality, is what this oneness has basically chosen to do, it’s become automated by its own free will, mainly in my mind to experience all of what itself, this oneness is.  To say free will doesn’t exist for us is to think in duality not non-duality.

This level of understanding is not easy to understand and comprehend but I do think it’s the next level in a human sense.

We have created a problem by egotistically believing non-duality is the be and end all, it’s our egos telling us there has to be a place or a state separate to our present state that is of absolute truth. It’s funny how the ego can’t, or more likely, won’t see that absolute truth is sitting right in front of it within a state of duality. The ego says to us, “this can’t be the case; this is a horrid reality of duality, there’s no way absolute truth can exist within this reality”. Why is it a horrid reality and why can’t we see the absolute truths within this reality?

For starters we have judged this reality as being horrid and absolute truth can’t possibly exist within a reality influenced by duality. For starters this kind of thinking process will obscure any absolute truth within this reality; absolute truth is only obscured through our own misjudgement not by the reality we exist in. For starters there is only one reality, so if this one reality is horrid, this one reality can’t possibly be in anyway of absolute truth, absolute truth can’t exist then, it’s also an illusion which of course it’s not. In fact we have created this horrid reality void of absolute truth through judgement.

How many times have we been warned to stop judging but we still judge duality as being one thing and non-duality as being something else, as soon as we make judgment from one state to another, we are thinking in dual format, the trick is to stop doing this altogether. In doing this we have created two separate states, non-duality and duality, through thinking in a dual format. The next step is to get away from this kind of thinking process of judgment now we have become aware and more aware of non-duality.  See now how becoming aware more of non-duality, in culmination with duality, has created a different thinking process. In a sense non-duality wouldn’t exist for us if it wasn’t for duality, duality has automatically given us the awareness of non-duality, thus we have duality and non-duality working in culmination.  

But in a real sense there is no non-duality or duality in a true non-duality state, therefore both non-duality and duality are of a thought process only, they are more of the brain than the mind for only in the brain can we label something as being of non-duality and duality for it takes judgment to label things so.      

Monday 2 February 2015

Spiritual Awareness Changing the World

Written by Mathew Naismith

Spiritual awareness to me is about becoming aware outside set doctrines and ideological concepts, in other words breaking down these boundaries we have set ourselves too. Spiritual awareness isn’t about being spiritual in oneself, this would encompass us to live and let live, be and let be within one’s own space. Spiritual awareness is also more about active intentions than passive intentions; this means it’s more about change on a collective scale instead of only on an individual scale.

Being spiritual in oneself is fine even though it’s more about the individual than the collective; it’s about being able to be in one’s own space in any circumstance, this is fine but I can’t see everyone becoming spiritual in oneself. If everyone could or wanted to become spiritual in oneself, this would dramatically change the way the collective exists but that is unlikely to happen for many reasons, completely letting go of the ego is one reason and living in a totally passive way is another reason. How many people could actually live without intentions and letting life just be?

To me a person being spiritual in oneself is about the soul not the human self, the human self is but a tool, a vessel that the soul uses to be expressive of consciousness itself.  Spiritual awareness is more about the human self while being aware of the soul; it’s more conducive to the human self which positions the human self before the soul. You might think this sounds egotistical but it’s not, it’s of the ego but it’s not egotistical. Egotism is more about the ego being in control where’s being just expressive of the ego is creative, one can be quite destructive and the other quite constructive.   
Being spiritual in oneself doesn’t allow us to be as expressive of consciousness, mainly because it’s very passive, it has very few intentions, you need intentions to be expressive of consciousness and the more intentions we have, the more expressive of this consciousness we are going to be, this is actually why I think most souls have created such a reality like this one for. Realities like this one wouldn’t and couldn’t exist unless souls have a need to be expressive of such consciousness, it’s not humans that have created such realities but souls.

To a person being spiritual in oneself, the human self is but a tool for the soul to use to create such realities through human intentions, this shouldn’t be confused with the soul’s intentions, it’s the human intentions that have created this reality but it’s the soul that allows the human self to create such realities.  You can’t create such realities without intentions and the more intentions we have, the more likely the human self is going to become egotistical.  The soul is using human intentions to create such realities so it’s not really the human self who is actually creating such realities.

Human intentions have created egotism not the soul, this has allowed the soul to become even more expressive of consciousness through giving the human self free reign to do as it likes, this is where spiritual awareness comes into it. Spiritual awareness allows us to become aware of egotism which allows us to reign in the use of egotism; this in turn allows us to be intentional without the threat of our own egos taking total control of our existence.  

Can we be as intentional as we like without the threat of being totally controlled by egotism?

Spiritual awareness actually gives us this opportunity; it can literally balance out the ego giving us a far less chaotic destructive existence while even being of active intentions, it’s certainly could be world changing.  

Being aware of the controlling factors of the ego isn’t going to do this on it’s own, we need something to actually balance out this ego, this is where being aware of the difference between being spiritual in oneself and being spiritually aware is important.  To balance out our intentions, and in turn balance out the ego, I feel we need to know about ourselves being spiritual in oneself, we are all spiritual in oneself, the inner temple, but we often lose ourselves within our intentions which often leads to the ego taking more control, so how do we avoid this?

Active intentions in particular is about a past and a future, it’s not about living in the present moment, it’s this being in the present moment that balances out intentions and the ego, this makes being in the present moment important to us if we don’t want the ego being in total control of our existence.  You could say it’s a balance between active and passive intentions that balance out the ego; however, this is going to be hard to do if we have always been about active intentions, most people in the world are about active intentions.   

Being spiritually aware gives us the understanding of what types of intentions actually create thus allowing us to balance out our existence.  I love being within my passive intentions, my own space, this allows me to balance out my active intentions and ego.         

I have a need (feeling) to share the following, obviously some people will get something out of it and after all it’s about being aware.      

Extract: Hello, and thanks for visiting this blog. Here, you’ll find articles and discussions related to a new paradigm in human consciousness in understanding, and in this introductory writing, I’ll give my perspective on this paradigm.

On a lot of spiritual and alternative news blogs, you’ll hear talk about a ‘new paradigm’ – a standard of living that’s outside of the confines of our social norms.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

I Am All That Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

Is living any kind of ignorance to our true nature an illusion, in other words, is any reality not of our true nature an illusion?

Recently I came across someone who was quite straight forward within her views that anything not of our true nature is an illusion, she can’t believe that so many people believe this reality isn’t an illusion. We are pure awareness; this is our true state which makes our present state an illusion which I concur with. The reason I concur with this is I fairly much know we are living in ignorance to our higher self, our pure awareness state. Everything about this reality denotes ignorance which is quite the opposite to our aware state, this would have to mean anything of ignorance denotes an illusion because it’s not of our true state which is of pure awareness or does it?

So this is saying that anything of ignorance is an illusion, the first problem I find with this is this sounds awfully like absolute truth to me, how would any of us, obviously of ignorance, know anything about absolute truth?

The second problem I have with this is we can’t possibly experience anything that isn’t of the collective consciousness in some way, this means this ignorance we are experiencing is also of this collective consciousness, it has to be real within a sense, maybe not human sense but in a real sense. The ego wants us to be only a part of a pure awareness nothing else, so we separate ourselves from pure ignorance. We do this by judging and labelling that anything of ignorance is an illusion but where is the oneness in this when we are judging, labelling and separating one consciousness from another?

I also thought this pure awareness state was our true nature until recently, instil I realised we are not just of what we have judged as being pure awareness, our true nature, but of pure ignorance as well. What ego wants to be a part of ignorance especially of an ignorance as pure as this pure awareness?  Once we become aware of what we judged as our truer state, we judged anything not of this state as being an illusion, this to me sounds we are once again being controlled by the ego in a very tricky way!! Do not underestimate the controlling ego; it’s indeed a very tricky little devil.

Every time I’m in a quietened state of consciousness I get quite firm and clear messages saying, “We are not just of what we have labelled our true nature but everything consciousness is, this includes any state of ignorance we may experience”. If any state of ignorance is an illusion, why would a pure aware consciousness want to experience, or even know of an ignorant state of consciousness if this ignorant state of consciousness wasn’t also of who we are?  I don’t think a pure awareness state of consciousness can experience anything it’s not a part of, this means any state of ignorance isn’t a true illusion.  It’s an illusion while we are aware of this pure awareness state but it’s not an illusion when we are aware that we are of both states of consciousness’s in the now, in the present moment.

There is an important point that needs to be made here, when in a pure awareness state,  we are also ignorant to an ignorant state of consciousness while in this pure awareness state, we are in fact still of ignorance when we have stated anything of ignorance is an illusion!! This is actually stating, anything just of ignorance or of this pure awareness is an illusion, either it be of this pure awareness or of pure ignorance, they are both an illusion when they disregard the other because the other is an illusion.

To me our true nature is of both pure awareness and pure ignorance and everything else that is of consciousness. When I was in a quietened state of consciousness last night I realised I don’t want to be of either pure awareness or pure ignorance, this means I don’t want to be of the light nor the darkness but in the grey area, an area of awareness that seems quite balanced. However what controlling ego wants to be of the grey area, it either wants to be of the light or the dark because these areas have a feeling of power and control, being in the grey area has no such feelings but it is of true balance I believe?

I certainly understand, to become knowing of awareness we need to experience this awareness, this means we will look upon what we have judged as pure awareness, our true nature, as being our true selves and look upon anything else not of this awareness as being an illusion. Seeing everything else not of this pure awareness as being an illusion is actually a very good sign, it is telling us we are indeed becoming further aware while we experience this pure awareness separate from ignorance. What I am stating is this ignorance isn’t a true illusion, it’s an illusion that it’s not reprehensive of all we are but I’m also saying this pure awareness isn’t either. Everything of consciousness is who we are.

People like Saddam Hussein and Hitler are a part of me as I am part of them, to separate one from the other hasn’t anything to do with oneness, separating conscious states of awareness from ignorance is the same, all we are doing is doing exactly what our egos desire, to separate anything we deem as inferior to ourselves.

To label and judge certain parts of consciousness an illusion is a part of the growing process, we will in the end I feel come to the same conclusion, nothing that is of this consciousness or any consciousness is a true illusion however I could certainly be incorrect in this as always!!

I know I am not just of the light or dark, I am all that is.      

Thursday 27 November 2014

Cleansing the Soul through Simply Being Aware

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is an ongoing discussion I thought I would share with you; it’s surprising what can come out of such discussions at times.  Can the soul be tainted by human perceptions (ego) and can this be easily arrested? I think the soul can be tainted by human perception which is what gives us bad karmas but I also believe this can be simply arrested by cleansing the soul through simple awareness of the souls core, is it truly that simple? I think so.    

G'day sunil
There is little difference between assumptions and presumptions and evaluative deductions, they are all defined by what we experience and know especially at the time.

The ego in my mind certainly automatically dissipates through a natural process of awareness, the more aware we become the less the ego controls us, it's surprising how much this shows how unaware we are as a collective!!

I honestly can't argue with what you have written here, being of a clean slate isn't judging ourselves as powerful or having power over any human attribute but to just be within the moment without judgement, a clean slate.

I do believe however that the soul can be tainted by human perception, by the ego, if we become too attached to an existence controlled by the ego, this is what basically gives us entities of evil intent. I have actually come across these entities and they do indeed exist at the soul level.

It's fine to presume the soul is pure in all of us but I don't see that myself, yes the core of the soul but not a part of the soul that is tainted. The soul has no will to be powerful and controlling over itself, it will allow the soul to go with the flow of the moment without hindrance, this means it will indeed at times become tainted by the controlling ego. This isn't a worry to the core of the soul for it is unchangeable as you seem to be saying here.

Sunil’s Reply
It’s our mind alone that gets tainted and gives us all intent-we have to discriminate between the mind and the soul-we have to fix our mind first,okay-fix it on the right intent and as we get practiced far over a long period of time dwelling in conscious truth-gradually start looking within, something taking origin within with heart centering ,the deep soul intuitions gradually taking over the mind-ultimately we surrender this mind, intellect too as we realize even these are guided by the true self or spirit and not vice-versa that mind controls our spirit-this phase is the most crucial one and everyone falters at this stage-meaning by is unable to give away the mind,intellect and senses-the journey remains incomplete for most of us-it is said one in million millions is trulyable to reach that stage.most of us dwell in intermediate stage where mind and intellect try to reign again and again-the root of all good and evil.If we train perpetually the good side , even then it will be several years of practice needed to abound in good all the time....soul or spirit is only a deep realization or superconsciousness -one has to reach there to be able to describe it or rather it cannot be put into words-what Jesus,Buddha achieved is known to us by their actions and and we we cannot decipher thier superconsciousness in words, meanings,or describe their felt bliss in that state- we only know as described by emancipated souls that there is profound bliss in there but we can only talk about it,cannot fathom unless we realize one day...hopefully...

G'day sunil
It would seem you believe the soul can't be tainted by human perceptions brought about by a controlling ego.  When a person dies, it's there soul that arises out of the body and mind leaving the mind and body behind. When someone has a bad karma that they usually have to relive, what is it that has a bad karma, the human physical self or the soul? It can't be the physical human self because we left this behind so it must be the soul itself that is tainted and needs it's karma cleansed.

In certain conscious states I have come across actual souls that are of evil intent but I could also detect an inner goodness which of course they didn't want to know about.

I was also once attacked by nine entities of evil intent, only one was allowed through to me, all I did was laugh at it to dispel it. The reason my laughter dispelled it was I knew of it's inner goodness which I describe as the souls core that can never be tainted by human intent. So in a sense you are correct, the core of the soul can never be tainted. 

I look at the soul like this, once the soul has been tainted by attachments (ego), it's the outer part of the soul that is tainted not the inner core. It's sort of like the mind has encased the soul with whatever intent it's attached itself too. What is actually happening is life experiences have attached itself to the soul, the soul allows this because it's not about control or power over anything else including itself. 

We tend to look at the soul in a human perspective, the soul has to want to be controlling and powerful just like we do but I don't think that is the case at all. For starters the core of the soul has no judgment, so if it has no judgment how can it control anything? Just because within human perception the soul is of goodness, until it becomes tainted, doesn’t mean it judges evil intent. The soul is perceived as being good because it’s not of one thing or another; it’s pure consciousness without any cause and effect.  To a human being this pure consciousness is going to seem like unconditional love (goodness) when it’s actually pure consciousness, it’s pure tranquillity and peace because there is no cause and effect, no judgement, control or power.  

Becoming aware of our souls, and especially of the core of our soul, reminds us of who we are, pure consciousness without cause and effect, judgment, control or power. This is hard for some people to realise mainly because their soul has been tainted.  By just knowing or being aware of our soul’s core (pure conscious state) we can arrest this I believe.  

PS I recently had a channeller (medium) say to me that my writings (channellings) are pure; they come from what is called a Galactic Federation of Light. I’m not sure that my writings are pure, I know at times myself that these messages that are channelled through to me at any time, especially during a conversation, are at times tainted by my own perceptions so there not really pure. I certainly have no recollection of a Galactic Federation of Light however I do sense an influential presence that goes right back to one of my past lives in ancient Egypt.  It’s funny when people think I study up on topics when all I do is channel, I’m a simple receiver that other people can take seriously or not.    

Friday 3 October 2014

God’s Egoless Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith  

I was once again watching a movie that came out in 1999 called Dogma with Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Linda Fiorentino and Salma Hayek playing the major parts in this movie.  I wasn’t wrapped in all the scenes but in all I think it’s a good movie. Towards the end of the movie God, who is a woman, tries to do a handstand but falls over. Now to a lot of people this is ridiculous, God wouldn’t fail in such a simple endeavour plus it made God look ridiculous, God wouldn’t want to be seen as looking silly in anyway.  I’m not absolutely sure of this and I will try and point out why.

Is the source, God’s consciousness, egotistically driven in anyway?  To me this God’s consciousness isn’t egotistical so would it matter to this consciousness, in any form it takes, if it failed and looked silly in anyway? To answer this we need to ask another question, what part of us doesn’t want to look silly or inadequate?  The ego of course, but this conscious source isn’t controlled by an ego so I don’t think this kind of conscious source would care to be seen looking silly and inadequate in anyway and in fact it most often does.  

Highly intelligent people are usually astute within their thoughts and actions, they certainly don’t want to be seen looking silly and especially inadequate in anyway, to them this is a sign of some kind of unintelligence. What is more aware and wise than this God’s consciousness?  Nothing, so in our way of thinking, this conscious source would have to be astute within it’s thoughts and actions, so God looking silly and inadequate in this movie isn’t a true depiction of this conscious source, I beg to differ on this!!

What are we all apart of? We are all a part of this consciousness so how often do we look silly and inadequate expressing such consciousness? You could state that a highly intelligent person doesn’t look silly or inadequate but isn’t expressing the ego in such destructive ways silly and inadequate? We have more highly intelligent people running the world than ever before, is the world any less destructive? Actually it has become more destructive, wouldn’t this not look silly and inadequate to a much more aware and wiser consciousness like to the source of all creation?

We look silly and inadequate in many ways, is God’s consciousness worried about looking silly and inadequate? Well actually yes, when it’s highly destructive within it’s silliness and inadequacy it’s a worry. The point is, is failing to do a handstand destructive in anyway?  The answer is no, anything not destructive isn’t a worry to this conscious source. How do I know that this conscious source is worried? We are a part of this conscious source, we are this God, are we worried about our destructive egotistical ways collectively?  We are certainly becoming concerned so God’s consciousness is also concerned as it’s truly one consciousness, one source……well to me anyway.

The point is it’s OK to look silly and inadequate and even to fail at our endeavours as long as it’s not destructive to others and ourselves.  Egotistically it’s destructive to look silly and inadequate in anyway, to an egotistical person this is destructive but to someone like me, being highly egotistical is destructive and yes it looks silly to me to be so expressive of such destructive egotism. The moral of the story is, is failing to do handstands and looking silly within this failure for such an aware and wise consciousness destructive?  God’s consciousness obviously doesn’t care if it looks silly or inadequate, we are proof of that, but it does care if it’s going to be continually destructive within this silliness and inadequacy?  

I utterly love the depiction of God trying and failing to do a handstand in this movie, it depicts that such an intelligent, aware and wise consciousness doesn’t have to abide by any of the rules of egotism and neither do we.       

Thursday 25 September 2014

Spirituality-The Now within the Present

Written by Mathew Naismith

To me it doesn’t matter if we confuse the present to the now even though there is a difference, you can’t have the now in time without a present moment.  What most of us are doing is focussing on the future and even the past, disregarding the present moment altogether when it’s the present moment that defines our past and future.  When we say the present moment defines our future, this isn’t saying the future is predestined by the present, the present moment will influence the future but it won’t make it predestined. Yes we all individually and collectively have a path to follow but it’s not predestined, we don’t have to destroy or harm ourselves for starters, certainly not any more.

The present doesn’t actually bring on timelessness as I described in an illustration in my last post however, you can’t have the now, which is of true timelessness, without the present in time, this is why I illustrated this as below in my last post.

The present = timelessness + God’s consciousness (pure consciousness)

It’s actually more like this: The now = timelessness + God’s consciousness (pure consciousness)

The present moment leads to timeliness and this God’s consciousness but the present is also representative of the past and the future within time, the present is actually quite more important to us than the past or future or even the now in two ways.

The present moment = now + timelessness + God’s consciousness (pure consciousness)

But the present moment also = time +past + future

Focusing on the now, over and above the present moment, takes us to God’s consciousness but we are missing something here, were does time fit in here?  It doesn’t, even though we are still in time!! We must also remember time is also of this God’s consciousness; this is why when we are in timeliness we have a feeling to again be in time and visa-versa.  It’s all of this God’s consciousness, it’s just one is of time and the other timelessness, one is of ignorance the other awareness. Without the ego does it matter if we live in ignorance? No, so what part of us doesn’t want to live in ignorance? The ego of course!!  

Pure consciousness is in relation to God’s consciousness, an un-fragmented consciousness of timelessness and awareness, and fragmented consciousness relates to realities of time and ignorance.  

Pure consciousness = timelessness + oneness + non-duality + awareness

Fragmented consciousness = time + individuality + duality + ignorance

It matters not if it’s fragmented or un-fragmented consciousness, it’s still God’s consciousness however, fragmented consciousness can become quite destructive mainly because of it’s ignorance for only in ignorance can we be destructive. This sort of doesn’t make sense, we are more aware as a collective than ever but we are more destructive as ever.

It all comes down to how we are becoming aware, some people become aware through ego tendencies, this is obviously quite destructive,  other people become aware through the now disregarding the present moment in time.  How could disregarding the present moment be destructive?  If you think on this, we are ignoring the present for the now and what does ignoring the present represent? Ignorance and what is the only way we can be destructive?  Through ignorance of course and this ignorance is quite destructive to anything of time.

Actually the present moment represents time and timelessness simultaneously; this isn’t the case if we only focus on the past and future as many of us are doing and it’s not the case if we only focus on the now.  This is why I illustrated in my last post as below.

The present = timelessness + God’s consciousness (pure consciousness)

Past and future = time + man’s consciousness

If I illustrated that the present moment is representative of both time and timelessness, I would have confused a lot of people in that particular post.  If we were more collectively aware the below illustrations would be more correct.

Present moment = timelessness + now + God’s consciousness (pure consciousness) + oneness + non-duality + awareness

Present moment = time +past and future + man’s consciousness +individuality + duality + ignorance + ego

What the present moment does, if we are aware, is collates both time and timelessness into a cohesive collective instead of a fragmented collective or a collective without time.  In this we can use the awareness of timelessness to pacify the destructive tendencies of time and it’s ignorance. It’s all God’s consciousness, we should not ignore one over and above the other for only in ignorance can we destroy.  

Thursday 4 September 2014

To Love and be Loved

Written by Mathew Naismith

“To love is to not live in the darkness of ignorance but to live without the ego telling us how to love and be loved, awareness is the true essence of being of love.”

Is awareness and wisdom the ability to love and be loved without the ego telling us how? I think wisdom in particular is all about being able to be expressive without having to be told how to be so expressive in such ways.

Is ignorance, as a whole, linked to the controlling factors of the ego? The ego is about the (I) as opposed to the (we), if we are focused on the (I), have we not then become ignorant of the (we)?

We are therefore living in the darkness of ignorance if we allow the ego to show us how to love and be loved, the funny thing is most of us know no other way!!

Awareness gives us the wisdom to look beyond our egos to love and be loved as (we) not as (I). 

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Dreams of Criminal Intent

Written by Mathew Naismith

I should firstly point out that this post is referring to dreams when we are asleep, not of desiring to be a criminal in our conscious state of awareness.  

Recently I have been having dreams of criminal activity of some kind in my dreams, either I’m a criminal and/or others around are.  This criminal activity always has some form of accumulation of wealth being carried out; I’m usually the one who is carrying the bag, so to speak, at some time in my dream.  You would think this would have to be a really bad insight which relates directly to me, in a way it is but not in the way you would first think!!

Being involved with the accumulation of wealth by me relates to me having fixations to material gain, and the criminal activity relates to an incorrect course of action by me.  Boy this sounds awfully bad, it doesn’t say much about my character does it? The funny thing is it’s not actually referring to my character but the way I am treading my path, so does this mean I have a desire to go out and indulge in criminal activity to obtain wealth of some kind?

No of course not, what it does mean is I’m still fixated to the material world and I am being told, through my dreams, this isn’t the way I should be going. Don’t get me wrong, I have no interest in gaining more wealth as I have what I need, most likely more than I need, so what does the accumulation of wealth in my dreams mean?  It just means I’m too fixated on the material world and that I need to focus more on being who I am and doing what I’m supposed to be doing.

I also crossed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, in good repair, which is an ached bridge, a very good omen. A brand new building was being opened up to the public, buildings usually represents our life achievements or our present state of consciousness, our present mentality either it be constructive or destructive.  So taking into consideration of other aspects of the dream, the dream isn’t stating anything really bad but a direction in the way I should go.

This direction I am being persuaded to go takes one to drop all expectations of material wealth and especially gain, it’s telling me to rely totally on the universal forces around me at present.  This means I am to hold no value on the material world as this will corrupt the rest of my journey; this is depicted in my dreams by the criminal intent in such dreams. This seams easy to do but it’s not.

When I don’t judge materialism as being positive or negative, it is hard for my human self (ego) to let go of such materialism, why drop something which I don’t deem as being necessarily bad or good? This is the dilemma, my ego doesn’t see a negative or a positive in a materialistic life style, it does however see it’s destructive tendencies but is destruction judged as being negative or positive by my ego?  Again no, my ego has actually created a paradox for itself, it’s a riddle, if destruction isn’t judged as being negative or even positive, is there a problem with a materialistic life style even though this kind of life style can be destructive but not always necessarily destructive?

The point is, is a materialistic life style constructive? A controlling ego would say yes but my ego says no, materialism doesn’t have to be destructive but is it constructive? A house is of materialism which protects us and our family from the elements; this is an example of constructive materialism so my ego isn’t correct either.  It’s a continuing paradox brought on by any form of ego expressionism.

So how do we dispel such a paradox? It would seem, going by the interpretation of my dream, I must stop listening to the ego period either it be controlling or not, this is represented by the criminal activity within my dreams.  I must in my dreams drop all intentions of becoming involved in any kind of accumulation of wealth within my dreams.  The accumulation of any kind of wealth within my dreams says that I value materialistic life styles; the criminal intent is saying this isn’t right for you to be this accepting of something that is known to be destructive.  

This overall seems to be saying that I must become wholly constructive by accepting my release of such acceptance of destructiveness; basically it’s telling me it’s time to move on, it’s time for all of us to move on in our acceptance of destructiveness especially of our destructive mentalities and to relay on the natural forces surrounding us……We are indeed the people’s servants!!     

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Being Empathic, a Dispeller of Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had a very good friend of mine called Tanuja posted a post in relation to, if there is no enemy within their truly is no enemy outside. My response was as follow; “Very true, the enemy is always within.

When someone upsets me are they really upsetting me or am I upsetting myself?  It's always the latter of course so that is why one must look within.

I had an encounter recently with a person from our past live's, he was upsetting me as I was of him. The pain was within us from our past life encounters. We are indeed our own enemies. “

When we feel pain we are indeed doing this ourselves, we can blame others but in reality we are doing this to ourselves. My friend from a past life is trying to hurt me as much as he can; there are two reasons why this is hurting me. 

1: I still feel I owe him something from past hurt from a past life occurrence, I did hurt him so.

2: I’ve had a fairly tuff life and I’ve been kicked around a bit because of this, I’m just refusing to be kicked around anymore and seeing other people kicked around by people like my friend.  

Number one, do I really still owe my friend? No of course not but my ego says I do. When you have hurt another, either in your present life or a past life, we can feel remorse and guilty but what is guilt pertaining to? If we feel guilty for doing wrong it’s the ego telling us to feel guilt and to redeem ourselves in some way however if someone was to feel no gilt, this would more pertain to egotism rather than to the ego.  The ego is telling us to feel guilty but egotism isn’t, egotism just doesn’t truly care about others.  The problem with feeling guilty is it’s still about ourselves, it’s the enemy within. No matter how you want to look at the ego, it’s still relating to ourselves.

If the ego wasn’t controlling my emotions and thoughts, would I still feel remorse/guilty? No but I would feel empathy, empathy isn’t about judging a right or wrong but an understanding in a situation without judgement.  I understand my friends’ trauma from a past life but my ego keeps telling me to feel guilty especially when I’m not in one of my quiet states of consciousness.  

The second reason why I feel hurt is in relation to number one in a sense,   I’ve been kicked around a bit, this has given me the intolerance of others who still wish to kick me or anyone else like me around, my friend is doing just that so I’m reacting.  This is the enemy within, if I didn’t have that enemy within I wouldn’t see my friend as the enemy so I wouldn’t become hurt.  Because I don’t feel a great amount of guilt, I don’t feel I owe my friend anything from a past life encounter we had but I have still allowed him to be the enemy within me as he has of himself.  Would it be better if I expressed guilt?  No, this still allows the enemy to still live within. Guilt no matter what is an expression of oneself not others.

Being kicked around has allowed the enemy to live within, my friend has hurt from a past life, he has himself also allowed the enemy within.  I react to people who are hurtful but is this all to do with allowing the enemy within?  Not exactly especially when we become of empathy rather than of guilt or sympathy.  

When we are showing empathy we are showing an understanding without judgement, this at times allows us to become an empath, being able to feel other people’s emotional and physical states.  We will react on this but it’s how we react that defines if we have allowed the enemy within ourselves or not.  

To a certain extent, I have allowed the enemy within myself by allowing myself to feel guilt through the ego; I have also however displayed empathy as well by being able to be empathic. By being able to realise our connection in the a past life, while in a hostile situation, is a sign of being empathic, in other words no matter how much the enemy was within me I could still show empathy towards my friend.  By being able to show empathy instead of guilt, I have to an extent, dispelled the enemy within from my past and present lives. It is so easy to feel guilt but we should be aware as soon as we feel guilt we have allowed the enemy within ourselves again. 

This has given a brief disruption of such an enemy within, anything that allows us to react without empathy I would myself view as the enemy within, the more we express empathy, the less the ego controls us, so when there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you!!