Thursday 5 May 2016

Love-A Sign Of Being Aware

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had absolutely had no intentions of writing today, this is until I walked past a radio with the presenter quoting Thaddeus Golas. I don't resonate with everything Thaddeus expresses but what was being quoted at that time resonated with me. “No matter what your spiritual condition is, no matter where you find yourself in the universe, your choice is always the same: to expand your awareness or contract it.” 
Thaddeus Golas, The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment

Basically, become aware or unaware, or more precisely, we all have a choice  in being unaware (ignorant) or aware (knowing). Being that a consciousness can only express destructive tendencies while in ignorance, wouldn't it be a wise thing to do to become more aware and stop our destructive ways? The trick with this is, one has to be aware to desist in one's own ignorance in the first place, in a sense, to desist in hate so one can love again for only in ignorance can a consciousness hate.    

It's certainly a strange reality we are all experiencing, it's not the wise and aware who are running the world, it's the unwise and unaware who are running the world. These people, think they are aware and intelligent and even wise in what they gain from the exploitation of their environment, this obviously isn't the case for only in ignorance can we exploit our environment to it's utter demise. No true aware and wise consciousness could exploit their environment. The reason for this is simple, they are just incapable of doing so, the perception of creating such a reality just doesn't exist within this kind of consciousness to start with.

Have we, as a collective consciousness, got to the point that we are unable to become aware, to desist in our destructive ways, because of our high level of ignorance? If I was to only take into consideration of the people who are obviously unaware, I would say yes but not everyone is this unaware, remembering, we all make up a collective consciousness. This means the collective consciousness is still able to help itself out of it's ignorant state of consciousness.

Another quote from Thaddeus, “Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it.” 
Thaddeus Golas

What can I say, awareness = love and unawareness = hate, the more a consciousness becomes aware, the more love a consciousness will automatically feel. This is the same with a consciousness being unaware, the more unaware a consciousness is, the more likely a consciousness is able to automatically hate, or show a lack of empathy, love and respectfulness for their environment. Once a consciousness is unaware, it's automatic for such a consciousness to express destructive traits, of course it's also automatic for an aware consciousness to express a true form of love. A true form of love being apart from lust and desire for only in ignorance can we be expressive of these traits as well.

So does this mean that we need to desist in our desires and lusts? No, as of anything created by ignorance, an unawareness, it has it's place as I will explain about a little further on in this post.

“When you learn to love hell you will be in heaven.” 
Thaddeus Golas

It's so easy to read this incorrectly, it's as if we need to love hell to create heaven, of course if you love hell this much, you will be in heaven but a hell like heaven. This isn't what this is saying nor is it saying that you must mentally, at the human level of comprehension and understanding, love hell.

I feel it's stating; become aware of hell and be understanding of it's reason and purpose of existing, within this comprehension and understanding, you will love hell for what it is, not for what it isn't. We so often try to find a purpose for hating or showing disdain for anything we deem that isn't a part of ourselves, what so strange with this perception is that everything is of the collective consciousness, meaning, even hell is a part of this consciousness therefore a part of us. The tricky little ego will of course delude us to think otherwise thus the illusion continues, of course illusions can only exist in a consciousness that is unaware.

Oneness: So many perceptions and ideologies point to oneness, one consciousness and one being, the point is, why are there so many different consciousness's doing their own thing? How can there be one consciousness when there is obviously many different conscious forms?

It's a paradox, there is oneness, as in one source of creation in my mind, but for this one consciousness to be truly aware, it needs to express what it is. Some people say this one consciousness needs to be aware of itself through it's expressions, human beings collective consciousness being but one of these infinite expressions of this one consciousness. I don't think this one consciousness needs to be aware of itself, I once thought the same thing, this one consciousness is only being expressive of it's awareness of all of what is, it's basically expanding on it's awareness through it's expressions.

For an aware consciousness, it is normal for this kind of consciousness to expand on it's consciousness, actually, an aware consciousness will expand on it's conscious  quite automatically. On the other hand, an unaware consciousness will contract (constrict) it's consciousness, at times to the point of it's own extinction/destruction.

Yes, there is one consciousness but at the same time separate infinite expressions of this consciousness. These infinite expressions of consciousness denote a consciousness so aware that it is incomprehensible to any other consciousness but itself, remembering, we too are this one consciousness. The more aware we are of this oneness being who we are, the more we will automatically love and desist in our destructive ways.

Everything has it's place including ignorance, "For to be ignorant to ignorance denotes only ignorance void of awareness of ignorance!!"........Mathew G 

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