Wednesday 4 November 2015

Kundalini Energy and God's Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

My recent post titled Energy of Kundalini didn't seem to go down well with a lot of Western thinking people, I however got quite a different reaction from a number of Eastern thinking people, even a person who instructs in Eastern spiritual philosophy and Kundalini yoga and is a eternal Zen disciple, healer radio host and author of Buddha in the classroom, seem to endorse what I wrote.

I am also long term friends with an 80 years old Yoga teacher who teaches in the three Yogic practices, Yogic exercise, Yogic science and Yogic spirituality. This 80 year old also seemed to endorse what I wrote about in my last post.

Now the point is, I wasn't quite sure in what I wrote in relation to Kundalini energy, it was nice to get confirmation that I was on the right track. I also mentioned God and how God's consciousness can only be expressed through Kundalini energy. Using the word God also didn't go down well with some people. I use the word God to emphasise on the difference between human consciousness and a consciousness that is, to me, of pure wisdom, in one sense using the word God is quite apt as most human consciousness has shown it's not as wise as this God's consciousness. To our human consciousness, any consciousness this wise is going to be represented by divineness, this perception however ceases when we become aware we are too of this wisdom.

I do feel expressing this pure wisdom needs an energy force to do so, how do you express pure wisdom otherwise?  You can't express pure wisdom because their is no motion within this pure wisdom to do so, it's obvious this pure wisdom to be expressed needs an energy source of some kind, Kundalini energy.

Kundlini energy is the energy within all living things, like I said in my last post, it's the spirit within all things. I feel it's this spirit that gives motion to a motionless consciousness of pure wisdom but how does it do this? Observation, once consciousness is observed, consciousness begins to move from it's motionless state, this observation, to me,  is Kundalini energy and it's through this observation that gives consciousness itself motion.

Like the universe, once this consciousness is given motion through Kundlaini energy, it expands out in all directions creating all sorts of things, planets are a good example of this and so are our physical being.

They don't refer to Kundalini as an energy for no reason, the funny thing with Kundalini energy is it can bring on motion but it can also bring on motionlessness, realigning our chakras are a good example of this I feel.

Think on this, what actually causes our chakras to become unaligned in the first place? Motion, a chaotic expression of a consciousness in motion, this can be an expression of too much desire or control for example. The reason this occurs is due to our physical minds, they are always in motion and at times chaotically in motion. Now this chaos I feel is due to an unaligned expressive consciousness due to the fixation of the mind. What Kundlaini energy does in our case is realign these energies of consciousness to become  motionless to one degree or another. 

Why can Kundalini energy give us a more in-depth meditative experience?  I feel it's all to do with how this energy can influence us to become less expressive of motion, once you lesson motion, you align the chakras and once you fully align these chakras, you become this Kundalini energy, basically you become one with the spirit of all things.                   

This however doesn't mean you become one with God's consciousness, to do this takes one to go on from Kundalini energy and become this pure wisdom. I feel Kundalini energy isn't pure wisdom but it is the life force within all things, in other words it's the life force and creator of everything of motion. You could say here that God's consciousness is the father and Kundalini energy is the mother, yin and yang. Is Kundalini energy Gaia??    

Basically what I am saying is this Kundalini energy gives birth to all living things through motion, this includes the entirety of the universe itself and everything within it where's God's consciousness give it's it wisdom and consciousness. This isn't saying Kundlini energy doesn't give us a more aligned consciousness because that is exactly what it does, well, in my mind anyway. 

Please again don't take what I write as being gospel,  it has always only been a reflection of my own perceptions.              

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