Thursday 5 March 2015

The Wild Winds of Hell of Duality

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is not a negative post in anyway; actually to my surprise it’s quite uplifting. I’m only going to share this on my blog, not sure if this post is for everyone.

“The wild winds of hell are breaking loose into a fiery ball, ready to engulf the unaware and to dispel the aware from it's gorging”.

This message is simple; duality is falling apart, literally. The winds of hell refer to people who have a fixation to duality, this is normal, and these people in the death rows of duality will unleash fiery winds that will seem like hell. It’s all a normal process of becoming aware and aware of another way to exist.

I should state, gorging is referring to people being enslaved within ignorance and strangely enough by ignorance; these fiery winds are indeed purposely ignorant themselves.      

Now these fiery winds would indeed engulf the unaware without the aware, this is why these fiery winds need to dispel the aware. The reason they need to dispel the aware, if they gorged themselves on the aware, the awareness from the gorged would permeate the souls of these fiery winds, I had actual experiences of this in my early days. The fiery winds also occurred in ancient Egypt, however, once the aware were banished, all hell broke loose through famine and conflicts.

Can this happen again? Well it is, however, to get to the stage it did in ancient Egypt, all of the aware will have to be banished, that is very unlikely to occur now, there are too many aware. Also, these fiery winds have already gorged themselves on the aware; this was done through their own ignorance strangely enough.

You are indeed one of the aware Aluna, much blessings to you.  

This was in reply to the following.

I should also state, not judging a duality reality as being so and so isn't a fixation, it's an understanding. 

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