Monday 17 February 2014

Spirituality-A Perplexed Language of it’s Own

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is interesting, I asked my step daughter to edit my short story titled A Wise Man Wise, the complexities within spiritualism soon revealed itself to a person who has little interest in spirituality. My writing skills are often limited & flawed, so to speak, which made Karla’s task even harder, however this didn’t account for the misunderstandings within what I was trying to relay. Are spiritually aware people often taken in the wrong way because they think differently?

For anyone to edit anything not of their own thinking pattern would have to be a momentous task, I thought Karla actually did a good job of editing my story under the circumstances. If Karla wishes to study in publishing & editing, I suppose Karla has got to learn to think outside of her normal thinking pattern.  With all the syntax errors within my writing & the way I think would have to be a very good experience for my step daughter.        

G’day Karla

You haven’t over edited my short storey at all Karla however, like with the title, spirituality has it’s own language. The title (A wise man wise) for example refers to two people being wise but also refers to the wise man being wiser. Spirituality has a lot of paradoxes & double meanings that is why a lot of people don’t understand what spirituality is actually about.

Take a look at the bible for instance, how many paradoxes & double/triple meanings can a single paragraph have, now if we looked at the bible as a whole it looks even more contradictory & confusing?

The reason I used wondering is because again it has a double meaning & this is why non-spiritually aware people don’t quite get where most spiritually aware people are coming from. Philosophy is just as perplexing, that is why a lot of people just can’t be bothered sorting out all the perplexities within philosophy.

Yes there is no context from the start, I did that deliberately. Spirituality has no set point & shouldn’t be dictated to by time, giving the story a set background fixates the story to time, I didn’t want that.

The word poised was used to denote composed, graceful & calm in relation to the village, it was to set the mood to what’s about to come also the wise man will also see a composed nature as opposed to what is normally seen by lesser wise person.

Stopping to ponder for a spiritually wise person without explaining why goes along with why a wise person would stop & ponder; this comes back again to time. Time gives us reason & separation however thinking in timelessness, there is no reasoning or separation, the wise man just stopped & pondered looking upon the village in the valley. The reason of course materialised when the man from the village appeared.

I have taken on a number of your suggestions however I have retained certain original text for a reason. Thanks for taking the time & effort Karla, I hope this hasn’t put you off editing my stuff.


PS I have sent you back a revised addition of my short story, please feel free to make any other suggestions & corrections. 

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