Friday 3 January 2014

The Six Stages of Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is an interesting article on awareness & believe it or not it didn’t come from a source that is spiritually based.    

Extract: “(The following was spoken at a seminar:)

Today is about examining data in a whole new way.   I am going to provide you with a new framework for viewing this data, a scaffolding on which to drape this data, that is probably built a little differently than the framework you already have.  The information is absolutely vital and critical to your future, but it will be worthless if we examine it in the same way that it has been presented to us by what I’ll term ‘our popular culture.

So your first opportunity today will be the opportunity to change your thinking.”

This will explain why some people can only perceive to a certain awareness point & others can perceive to any point of understanding which gives them a broader range of awareness to think by allowing for a less bias opinions.   After reading or actually going through each step you should begin to understand why other people who can’t reason past a certain point won’t accept people’s reasoning who are more aware. As I have always said, awareness isn’t portrayed by how much knowledge you know but how you understand the knowledge you have acquired.    

The following link is interesting as well, it defines the important relationship between awareness, knowledge & understanding. Unless you experience what you have read or studied it is unlikely you will actually be aware of what you know, you will most likely have less understanding than people who have actually experience the same knowledge.  This brings us back to the six stages of awareness I believe as it will help bridge this gap between awareness & knowledge within ourselves.   

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