Monday 25 November 2013

Inner Peace

Written by Mathew Naismith

Inner peace is of the hearts core of our inner being for which we strive to remember in our daily lives, at times it seems so far away but in fact it never truly left us we left it in a sense.  Good examples of this inner peace are people who portrayed this inner peace without recourse because these people where sent here to redeem us from our own folly. These people with whom I am talking about are people like Buddha & Jesus for instance that had no desire to express such folly. This folly of course is referring to the way we allow the ego to control us without being aware of such control. These people were aware of the controlling factors of the ego therefore had no tendencies to express such traits. If you take away the controlling tendencies of the ego you automatically bring forth inner peace & yes it is that simple. What some of us are trying to do however is rid ourselves of the ego but all we really need to do is become aware of the controlling factors of the ego, that’s all.

So how do we know if the ego is in control?  Desire is a good one, if we desire, as opposed to need, this is usually a good indication of the ego being in control no matter what you desire however as I have explained in recent posts need indicates more often than not that the ego is no longer in control.  This is saying if we worked more on our needs instead of desires the less controlling the ego will be & the more inner peace you will experience & feel & the more aware you will become.

There is another problem some of us have that indicates the ego being in control, looking upon people who seem to you to be more aware or holly than you. The funny thing is when we consider the entirety of all of what consciousness is people like Buddha & Jesus are the norm, they are not looked upon in grace but just as another energy form who is expressing inner peace however in realities controlled by the ego we see them as being above ourselves.   Just because we are expressive of the controlling ego doesn’t make us any a lesser person just ignorant of who we really are. People like Jesus & Buddha weren’t just sent here to show the way away from the controlling ego but show us who we truly are in the flesh so really all we need to do is know we are just like these people in whom we egotistically revere. 


  1. You are so wonderful. Thank you for these words, and the explanation about ego. I have been going through a battle with ego, and how to rid myself of ego, or rid my Self of ego. It is true that ego is created from our being, separate to a being not created, and a creation that grows with each response we have to each circumstance or teaching (I am meaning as a child we learn as we grow and so does the ego). I thank you for the wonderful insight you have given me - looking at things in a different way, not the ego but what induces the ego to become a certain way - the controlling factor or factors. Thank you once again; I now hope to be able to OVERCOME the circumstances and possibly the controlling ego. Love and peace Glynnis

    1. G'day Glynnis

      Thanks for the compliment but it takes a wonderful person to notice another wonderful person I believe.

      A few years ago I was going along with ridding oneself of the ego, it made sense. I was conversing with others on this spiritual/science forum & I couldn't handle the ego on this site so I left. A few years ago after realising the effect this site had on me I realised I was in conflict with other parts of myself through others even after controlling my own ego, I soon realised I wasn't in control at all even though I was controlling because the ego was still having an effect on me.

      After so much realisation my awareness of what was going on increased & eventually I realised one doesn't need to control the ego, awareness of knowing that the ego is controlling is enough. I have since returned to this site without any of the conflicts I had before in relation to the ego.

