Tuesday 13 November 2018

Bewildered -You Are Not Alone

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you are thinking that all the tribal disputes that are occurring at present are consciously backward and abusive to energy as a whole, you are not alone. This includes anything from atheism to religion, materialism to spirituality, advancing science to main stream science and so on it goes. Main stream science simply means a science that dogmatically follows certain doctrines/concepts that are based on 3rd dimensional aspects only. Today's science is supposed to lead to tomorrow's science!!

Being bewildered refers to a state of confusion brought about by many conflicting and varied expressions. What's most bewildering to me is that we are still abusing each other over simply being different within the tribe. The tribe in this case refers to the human experience as a whole without separation. Of course bias and bigotry will try to separate this tribe leading to conflict and abuse of energy as whole; we simply need to be aware of this. We must also remember the human experience is not separate to the environment the human experience is being experienced in. In truth, the environment is just as important if not more so, like the abusive environment to energy as whole that humans have created. It is the environment that makes us who we are within the present......

This post actually stemmed from what long lasting internet friend of mine shared with me. If you are as bewildered and perplexed as I am in our interactions with each other at present, you should find the following video interesting and hopefully helpful.                      


Thanks for sharing this with me Charlene, he says what I state so often very well.

We have a much bigger tribe these days but at the same time critically judging and leaving the ideologies and isms that keep this tribe working together as one.  I am not fond in how we have abused these ideologies and isms either, but to increase this abuse is only going to lead to one thing, more abuse and destruction.

Is New Age spirituality helping with bringing the tribe together as one?

I had a lengthy discussion with a New Age spiritual person just recently; they indeed think they are our saviours. The rest of us are wrong, negative (toxic) and bad in some way, especially the ideologies and isms we follow.  Yes, there has been abuse of these ideologies and isms but there has been a lot more moral tribal bonding than abuse.  Is it being positive when a person who only self-deceptively only looks at the abuse created by another ideology or ism?  And we wonder why deception has flourished in such an environment!!

I personally know of Catholics who help known atheists who are having a hard time of it, would most atheists do the exact same thing to Catholics? No, because these Catholics are wrong, negative and bad in some way. In cases like this, Catholics show no bias but the same can't be said about atheists in the same circumstance. 

How many people these days blame religion for all the wars and conflicts? I have simply lost count and yes, it's that many. So for starters, religion was behind the two world wars, not politics or a lust for power and control primarily? It is all about self-deception these days which is purely based on bias and bigotry.

Sorry for this Charlene, it looks like I am going to turn this into another post. I really do appreciate you sharing this video with me.

Be blessed and well,

Sunday 11 November 2018

Purity in Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

In every step I take towards awakening the ego to its controlling ways, the further away the ego in control gets from me. We will often come across this in our interactions with other people; it feels like one step forward to awaking while the ego in control takes two steps backward away from awakening. I would not bother trying to awaken the ego to its controlling way if the ego not in control didn't want to awaken. You must understand an ego in control, that it can't relate or comprehend awakening and only sees awakening as a threat to its desires therefore survival. This is different for the ego not in control as it simply sees a need for balance, a balance of the controlling ways of the ego, this is all, nothing spectacular or self-serving or self-satisfying.

I received a reply, as below, to one of my replies on the subject of our controlling ways. My reply will hopefully enlighten the ego to its controlling ways and what these ways are creating.            
Thanks for sharing. About the westerner's control desire, is it true? As I know, the divorce rate there is high. That means people don't want to be controlled by the marriage and family program. Some tramps choose this life style for freedom, don't they?

My Reply
Being controlled is different to being controlling. Marriage partners don't want to be controlled but be in control so they divorce. The reason the divorce rate is so high is because they want more control but can't have it in their present relationship. Divorce is one way to gain control, not loose control.

We are all controlled by one thing or another including nature 
(, Xìngzhì), the western mind in all of us has problem with 
this because it desires control, not to be controlled. The 
balance between being controlled and being controlling brings 
harmony in nature. It's the same with ourselves, the balance 
between our western and eastern mind brings harmony to our 
mind and our existence. 

I am at present trying to influence the Western mind in
Western countries to express less disdain for this human 
created reality. I wrote the following just recently.
"Indeed, to judge is to participate, all else is observation. All 
participation is of the ego where observation is egoless. 
All that can't forgive and can be hurt or offended is the ego in 
participation. Participation simply creates ignorance where 
observation creates awareness.

How can you express disdain for a consciousness lost within 
its own creation, lost within its own participation while of the 
absence of observation? We no longer truly observe as our 
forefathers did, we simply participate to primarily serve 
the ego. 

I am not happy in the way we are abusing energy in every 
sense, but how can I have disdain for a consciousness lost 
within its own creation? It would be futile to do so, also, I 
would be of what I have disdain for. Simply observe and 
become aware." 
It's not getting through because the western mind doesn't like 
being controlled but to be primarily in control, of course the 
only thing in control is the ego for only the ego desires to 
control. The tramp is still being controlled but no longer has 
desires to take control; a lot of spiritualists do this. 
As I also wrote recently," Try to observe your own participation 
rather than participating in what you observe. Man is no more 
and no less violent and destructive than the natural 
environment he lives in. However, as many have proven, 
man can be as passive and constructive as the natural 
environment, the choice is indeed ours. It is what it is at 
In some relationships an imbalance of being controlled is 
present. All that the ego wants to do is bring balance back into
their lives; this will at times take the ego not in control to 
separate from what is causing an imbalance in their lives. 
This is different for an ego in control as the ego in control 
wants more control so again separation occurs. 
In a reality primarily controlled and influenced by the western 
mind, the ego not in control observes that the ego in control 
needs balancing out. As a lot of people are doing in 
spirituality, separation has become the primary objective. 
Seen as the ego not in control only wants to separate itself 
from what is causing an imbalance, it's obvious the ego in 
control desires total separation, like in a divorce of married 
couples, to completely separate (divorce) itself from the 
present reality (marriage). The ego not in control doesn't 
want to separate itself like this, it simply wants to separate 
itself from the imbalances of being controlling or controlled. 
How do you obtain balance? One way is to think everything 
just is what it is at the time it is. The following might help in 
this if you are interested.                 

Extract: What I realized is that sometimes I put way too much emphasis on trying to figure out what is right and wrong.
What is the right path and what is the wrong path. What is good with the world and what is bad. What I like and what I don’t like. What someone thinks and what they don’t think.
With so much unpredictability in life and chaos at work these days in our uncertain world, what I have learned is that it really doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t matter if we label life as “good” or “bad.” It just is. It is the way it’s supposed to be.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Passion of the Eastern Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

William Shakespeare's, "To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;"

A Western minds dramatisation of life; to go on suffering or to cease the suffering by death or to cause death onto what is causing the suffering, in actuality it's the same thing. To abandon life and human existence for a better existence is the death of suffering; of course it is well known to the Eastern mind we cause our own suffering. To commit suicide or to cause the death to what is causing the suffering is the same thing. So to desire to create a better existence than an existence of suffering is suicidal; for one has to cause death onto one's own dramatisation of suffering, we would in fact kill a part of ourselves off. Is this the answer?

The answer to the Western mind is to separate itself from what it no longer desires to be a part of, to separate itself from the undesired for the desired. The desired is to suffer no more, even though to stop suffering one has to commit suicide, to cause death to what is causing the suffering which is ourselves. In a reality of variable polarities, we have a choice to either suffer with these variables, thus focus on suffering, or to let these variables pass without attaching ourselves to the suffering they may or may not create. To be, or not to be!!

So how does this help the people who are really suffering, the victims of war and civilian depravation? As I have done myself, you stop focusing on the suffering of variables for the only part of us that is able to suffer is the ego. The more the ego is in control, the more suffering we will suffer with thus creating a world that is destructive onto itself and chaotic within  it's environment. Yes, our environment, in actuality the universe itself, can be destructive and chaotic but as of ourselves it can also be constructive and passive.

I came across something recently I found interesting, the first part is my reply to what I found so interesting. A heavenly state of being is simply a state where the ego has no control; even in an existence of opposing variables this state is accessible to us.   

Very well articulated. It's not easy for the Western mind to comprehend what is written here sunday ivy. 

The reason for this is the lack of control as the Western mind in all of us desires control. To control takes the abuse of energy, be it physical and/or mental. What will be will be is not acceptable to the Western mind in any of us. 

Is it a wonderful life no matter what goes on? It is what it is as man is no more destructive or chaotic than the natural environment can be, however, we can also be as constructive and passive as the natural environment can be as well, the choice is ours. 

The Western mind in all of us needs more of this, in my mind anyway.


Persistent Motivation Comes from the Longing and Pursuit of a Wonderful Life

(Translated by Tongxin and Edited by Kaer)

What promotes everyone to live day by day?

It is the Tathaga (nature) which has been the designed program ever since LIFE was originally created during the beginning of creation. For each LIFE, whether they like it or not, must run around in circles to survive for several decades after being born, and this is not controllable by anyone. As people, we must run around solving the problems of eating, clothing, shelter, transportation, birth, aging, sickness, and death, although these are reluctant choices which lead to tragic lives.

These are reluctant and tragic lives within the realms of necessity. If people cannot escape from the bondages of the realms of necessity, then no matter how they may live, trouble, pain, worry, anxiety, and fear will follow them forever. Life will rise and fall, set in sorrow and joy, and bloom and fade like flowers, until one reincarnation of LIFE is finished and a new one begins anew.

Coming back to the original point, after several years, many decades, or even centuries, these are the reincarnations of the realm of necessity. If we do not escape from the bondage of the realm of necessity and enter into the realm of freedom, then whatever we do and however glorious a state we can reach, everything is as futile and transitory as passing clouds. Nothing is worthy of being pursued or owned.

Although the road leading forward is tortuous, it is only by targeting an eternal direction and goal and by walking firmly towards it, that we can ever hope to walk out of the realm of necessity, out of the rises and falls, and out of the reincarnations of life, that we might taste and enjoy the scenery and joys along the road.

Everything we pursue and own in the human world will eventually melt into emptiness or burst like bubbles. They are absolutely illusions and dreams. If everything in the human world eventually disappears, then what is worthy of being pursued? What is worthy of being owned? What is worthy of being strived for by consuming the energy of LIFE?

Either swim with the tide and do not care about truth or falsehood, sincerity or deception, beauty or ugliness, kindness or cruelty, good or evil, or what is yours or mine, because everything will disappear into silence when one eventually disappears from the world; or move forward, firmly toward the realm of freedom which exceeds this human world, and exceeds space and time.

Where is the realm of freedom? Where is the way leading to the realm of freedom?

The human world is not the realm of freedom because our bodies push us to run for survival. The realm of freedom is heaven, and the ultimate realm of freedom is the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.

The road leading to the realm of freedom is the longing and pursuit of a wonderful life, and this is the source of persistent motivation.

What are wonderful lives?

They are states of no death, no pain and sorrow, no worry and fear, no trouble and misfortune, and no fighting and deprivation, but there is always joy, happiness, sunny life like beautiful springs, eternally green mountains and clear rivers, and one has the freedom to do whatever they want to do forever. What is fortunate is that we have found the way that directs us forward to the realm of freedom in which a broad, beautiful world is already waiting for us. The question is how can we reach it? Can we keep going? Did we delay too much on the road, feel powerless like sighing before the sea, and get pulled back into the realm of necessity because of sluggishness?

So many people have fallen down because they lost, do you still have the motivation to move ahead?

As long as you strive for and pursue the good life continuously, you will have persistent motivation, and can overcome all difficulties and finally reach the destination. But if your pursuit and longing are reduced or stopped, then you will stay in the same place and miss your opportunity to enjoy a truly beautiful life.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Fallen Angels

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am going to make reference to Abrahamic religious beliefs to some extent, so if you have any fear or disdain for religion, I suggest you don't read on. I am an open minded person, so expressions of disdain, fear and bias are going to less likely be present in my views and opinions. I am simply going to relate fallen angels to egoistic existences. 

First of all I am not going to refer to angels as winged human beings but of a consciousness, soul or spirit, that are existing in an egomaniac reality while remaining virtuous or egoless. It is of the philosophical opinion that man, human beings, are egoistic by nature.Are not humans primarily or entirely of humans first and foremost? Look at the fallen angels, the egotistic people, which are trying to presently control the whole of the world's natural resources, thus creating a reality for and of egomaniacs. Is a reality of and created by egotistic people, soul or spirits, a depiction of hell? What is going to occur when the ozone layer is completely diminished? The Earth will indeed burn giving a depiction of what is called hell. Don't despair as not all is lost.

We must first realise we are in a reality created by egoistic people to primarily serve the human ego, at no time in a reality like this expect other people to act humanely and peacefully. When this occurs, and it can occur quite often even in a reality entirely controlled by the ego, this is not of fallen angels. An angel is simply a person whose disposition is not controlled by the ego, a soul or spirit that has not given into the devil if you like. The devil being of an egomaniac disposition. Yes, we are all controlled by the egomaniacs, after all we are in their reality that they have created, but we still have a choice to be of the angels, a soul or spirit not of egoistic dispositions.

Yes, within an ego reality balance is the key, a balance of angels and fallen angles or of yin and yang, spiritualism and materialism, positive and negative and so on. I think to expect this kind of reality to be humanely peacefully perfect is unrealistic. Become aware of where you are at present and aware of whom you are. Are you what the present reality depicts? It is quite obvious that a lot of people, souls or spirits, are not of what the present reality depicts but at no time expect a depiction of hell to turn into heaven. Heaven being a place of peace, delight and bliss to an ego. It is peaceful, delightful and blissful to the ego when the ego starts letting go of the egos controlling ways.

My advice, especially at this stage of the game, is to stand firm to your virtues no matter what ideology or ism you follow.       

In Abrahamic religionsfallen angels are angels who were expelled from Heaven. The term "fallen angel" appears neither in the Bible nor in other Abrahamic scriptures, but is used of angels who were cast out of heaven or angels who sinned. Such angels are often malevolent towards humanity.

Christianity shifted the origin of the fallen angels towards the beginning of history. Accordingly, fallen angels became identified with angels who were led by Satan in rebellion against God[6] and became equated with demons.[10]

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallen_angel

Saturday 27 October 2018

Experiencing the Eternal Self

Written by Mathew Naismith

First of all, I humbly apologise to my readers who are unable to understand the English language as I am going to start this post off with a video that is in English. If you can understand the English language, please watch the video before reading on. If you can't understand the English language, I will explain, in my own words, what the video is about so you can translate the English language into you own language.     

The video is about experiencing no self, a state of consciousness that is not about the self separate from all other selves but about a state of the eternal self or divine self. The strange thing is, the eternal self isn't about the self at all as there is no self or even self awareness. The eternal self refers to the eternal being where all is as one and acts as one, even while experiencing a reality where everything has its own identity, its own self.

Yes, you can experience individuality while in a state of eternal being, make no mistake, we are all doing this right now, it's just most of us are unaware of this. We are unaware because our present consciousness is conditioned primarily to the self, individuality. How many people refer to the inner self or self awareness? Materialism or anything else that the ego in control feeds on is often of the self, of an individual identity, how else would the ego in control survive? I wrote a few years ago on a spiritual forum in how we don't even own our own personal thoughts, as usual this wasn't well received or accepted.

So why am I making reference to the eternal self? How else is the ego going to be able to comprehend anything if we don't refer to the self? The ego in control needs to relate to something to comprehend it and then understand it.

Any ego that is conditioned to the self or individuality in any sense, is a good indication that the ego is conditioned to individuality, a state of separate entities. I am self aware or I am of the inner self is still making reference to an individual entity, only because the ego in control can only comprehend this eternal state of being as self. The ego in control needs to start somewhere so it will naturally relate eternal being to the eternal self. It's important to allow the ego to go through this process. At no time have any kind of disdain for the ego in control, avoiding this will allow the process of enlightenment to happen naturally. Simply go with the flow and remember, the ego desires control and will try to control this process, try to avoid this by simply becoming aware of the egos controlling ways. Sadly, I have lost count in how many Western spiritually aware people make reference to taking control and empowerment.

I have at no time in my life have become spiritually aware, I have simply let go of the attachments of control. Yes, I have allowed myself to be controlled for to take control of being controlled is still control. What I have done is simply detached myself from control, even while being controlled myself. It's important to remember, it's our self that is being controlled, not our eternal being. The only way control can be implemented or exist is through the self as an individual entity. Yes, myself has become spiritually aware but not my eternal being for there is nothing to become aware of, only the self can experience a sense of becoming aware or enlightenment.

I, at one time, had a Reiki teacher say to me after my treatment with them, "You have experienced the lotus flower in this life." The lotus flower refers to detachments brought into being by the ego. I had to say no, not in what you would refer to in this life but what you would refer to in another life. The soul perspective is, it's all one life with different life experiences to be experienced. The ego refers to different life experiences to be experienced as lives lived separate to all other lives lived, however, the soul sees it as one life which is more eternal and limitless where the ego sees it as ephemeral and limited. In so-called past lives, I have had numerous experiences pertaining to the lotus flower. My soul simply sees life experiences as one life with no separation.

I know this is hard to truly comprehend but life as whole is not about the human self, it's about the eternal being which is often referred to as our truer being, or as the ego sees it, our truer self or inner self. Yes, it makes a difference once you start referring to the eternal self as the eternal being but remember, the ego has to start somewhere. Be patient   with the ego and try to go through the process of awareness without trying to take control of this process.

Yes, these are trying times to the self, they always have been throughout human history, but not to the eternal being. Your soul may want to stay unaware of the eternal being, I didn't even want to become aware of the things I am aware of as the self but my soul said otherwise, this is the way it is. If the soul says it wants to experience being controlling, that is the way it will be, accept this and move on for all is of the eternal being.    

One more thing, the eternal being isn't separate to the self; it's not a separate entity or state. The eternal being is everything in what it is and in how it is, this includes the perception of self and the self's ego and all the ego creates. Once you experience the eternal being, only then do you realise there is no ultimate state separate to all other states. All that is without exception is of the ultimate state, in actuality, consciousnesses, like experiencing human consciousness, can often be seen as an ultimate state for the eternal being. To be humble is to deny the ego control, especially while being controlled by the ego!! Not an easy phrase for the ego in control to understand, as I should know myself as I am what you are without question.   

The following might be a good read for some people, not that I have read it myself.            

Extract: Your Eternal Self ends by describing what our purpose seems to be in life, what true spirituality is, how people can grow spiritually to change themselves so they have love and bliss in their lives, how they can provide that loving legacy for their children's children, and what the research has shown about the world of the afterlife.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Going Beyond the Inner Self Projection

Written by Mathew Naismith

We most often perceive an inner and outer self, the inner self being our truer being and the outer self being our projected being. The truer being or self pertains to the self that is not influenced by external environments, where the outer self is primarily of and created by our external environment. For example, our five senses are primarily of our outer self thus giving us a projected image of our outer environment. Our inner self at no time is influenced by our five senses thus giving us a projected image of our inner environment. Of course if you are totally reliant on the five senses, nothing beyond the five senses can be comprehended therefore exist, this is quite understandable.

When we talk about the inner self, this is still projecting an inner environment as opposed to an outer environment through the five senses. Only through the five senses can the existence of an inner and outer environment or self exist, this is because in out, back forth, up down, are all based on our five senses. Our five senses were created by our physical environment and our physical environment is completely determined to what is in out, back forth, up down, in other words time based realities or existences. We, through our five senses, have projected an existence of day and night on a revolving planet going around the sun. We are completely conditioned to a reality of days and nights therefore time. Is not the projection of day and night the same as the inner and outer self? The projection being, one is inner so the other is outer. This is still based primarily of the conditioning of the five senses.

As in night and day, we are still projecting an image of an inner and outer self which is still primarily based on time therefore our five senses. The inner self exist only because the outer self exists as in day only exists because night exists. These are simply projections governed by our physical environment, no more. Isn't the perception of an inner self reliant on the existence of an outer self, in other words the inner self owes it's existence to the perception of an outer self, as in day and night. Within this, we are still primarily reliant on a physical existence and time to give us a projected image of an inner self. Now imagine going beyond this projection.

I have inserted a small article bellow where Sadhguru mentions the inner self. In my own words, the atman, the eternal self, refers to the real self beyond ego; this is what is known as the inner self, a self in the absence of ego. This egoless self is projected to being inner only because the present environment we are experiencing is ego. The ego is projected as being of the outer self and the self in the absence of ego is projected as being the inner self. What makes an inner and outer state in the absence of ego? Ego completely relies on time to exist, in other words motion like in out, back forth, up down, starting and ending points. In a state in the absence of ego, inner and outer selves simply don't exist, only in existences based on time and motion can inner and outer selves exist. What we project to be our eternal self is not governed by time because in this state there is no starting or ending points, it's simply an eternal state of being. Instead of stating an eternal state of being, we most often state inner self, how else is the ego self going to relate to the eternal self otherwise? This is exactly like nothing beyond the five senses can be comprehended therefore exist, this is unless we use what the five senses comprehends, in out, back forth, up down, starting and ending points.

Once you comprehend the inner self, the eternal self, let go of this projection of the inner self. In reality though, once you truly comprehend the eternal self, there is no ego in control to stay attached to the projection of the inner self as opposed to the outer self.

I truly hope this is comprehensible as I am aware where this kind of awareness can lead.       

Extract: People are always asking me, “Sadhguru, you are talking about so many subjects. Where do you get the time to read?” I say, “I don’t read.” What is there in front of me, I perceive it as it is and that is it. There is no need to carry the burden of knowledge on your head if your perception is keen enough. So perception can be raised to various levels through certain inner instruments. “Is it very difficult? Can I rise beyond my senses? Do I have to withdraw to a Himalayan cave to do this?”

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Soul Experience of Open Mindedness

Written by Mathew Naismith

We are simply born with an open mind, all else is a condition of the mind by our environment to think one way or another. I have allowed my step daughter to be and think as she likes, she is now a self-proclaimed atheist. At no point has my wife or I tried to influence her to be and think as we are. I started off my life in an atheistic environment, I am now a............what ever. I am a what ever simply because of the extent of my open mindedness.
We are born with an open mind, this means we are neither a believer of disbeliever of anything as all our beliefs and disbeliefs are determined by our environment. Did I disbelieve in God when I was born? No, as I simply had no comprehension of what beliefs and disbelief were until my environment determined what was a belief and what was a disbelief. My atheistic environment soon determined what was a disbelief. This closed mindedness of what to believe and what to disbelieve limited my acceptance of other people and their views, in other words my consciousness was being limited to certain specifics and certain specifics only. Having experienced certain experiences beyond what atheism dogmatically determined to exist, I found myself drifting away from the exceptionally limiting doctrines of atheism.
I have got myself in a lot of trouble being so open minded, I have lost count how many people have been offended by my open mindedness. To give you an idea of my open mindedness, I don't believe we experience various lives; we experience one life while experiencing different experiences from one life experience to another. It's like a stage play where you act in one play, (one life), while acting (experiencing) different scenes or acts. It's as though I am looking at life through the soul perspective instead of the human perspective, there is no separation as in the perception of individual lives lived. It's one life with different scenes or environments to experience life through.          
Looking at life through a soul perspective has conditioned my human mind to not just look at myself as being of a particular colour or culture. I don't see myself as being just of a white Australian. How many people today take offence of another culture pointing out the truths in their own culture? If anyone from another culture was to say how uncivilized we were in Australia in how we treated the Australian Aboriginals. I would agree and not be offended by such truths. How many people today are offended by this kind of truth, especially if it's to do with their own culture? These easily offended people's culture comes first and foremost; now add colour and creed to this. How offensive is it when a white man is offended by a black mans truth about a white man?             
My own environment of not separating one life experience from another, has allowed me to look beyond my own colour, creed and culture. I once interacted with Australian aboriginals that didn't think much of white people, in the end they couldn't believe I was a white Australian. This was because I didn't firstly see myself as a white Australian of a certain colour and creed, I was simply a soul having an experience. How many US citizens would be offended, especially if an Eastern cultured person, pointed out that Australians are war mongers for supporting the US in nearly every conflict the US has started or were involved in? Are we spiritual if we continually put our own colour, creed and culture before the soul experience? In truth, I am a white Australian at present, should this negate my entire life lived by my soul? To a lot of people who think they are spiritual it often does. If you are easily offended by another person from another culture telling the truth about your own culture, it's likely you are not truly spiritual as being spiritual relates to being primarily of the soul and/or spirit. If you put your present human self in anyway before the spirit or soul, you are simply not spiritual. I have lost count how many self-proclaimed spiritual people have been offended by the truth I tell, either about my own culture or someone else's culture. Numerous Western spiritual people were offended by my research and writings on the Eastern and Western mind, and I am of a Western culture and white!! Look at it this way, how many new age spiritual people are offended by a simple word or phrase that they have judged to be negative or toxic?
How often is the self put before the soul or spirit in a lot of new age spirituality? It's most often about how good I humanly feel, not how good I spiritually feel. A lot of relationships work like this. At first they please each other and make each other feel good until the momentum of making each other feel good all the time diminishes. What do a lot of new age spiritual people do? Try expressing anything they have judged as being negative. You are most often instantly disposed of because this so-called negative doesn't feed their egos and makes them feel good all the time. I did not enter in a relationship with my wife and expect her to make me feel good all the time or even half the time, I certainly don't expect or demand this from life itself.
My relationship with life itself, or if you like with God, Shiva, Allah, Gaia and so on, is not built upon expecting or demanding that life should always be about making me feel good or even positive. Look around you at present, see what expecting or demanding that life makes us feel good all the time is doing. Life itself isn't about feeling good, it's simply about an experience just like the experience I have with my wife, where there are no expectations or demands that we make each other feel good all the time. Today, most ideologies and isms are being misused and abused in this way to simply feed an ever hungry ego in control. This is what I call abuse of energy.
Considering the following information, it's amazing how often I go way outside my comfort zone to experience other people's experiences. At times this makes me feel good, at other times it doesn't make me feel good but life experiences isn't, to me, about feeling good, it's about a soul or spiritual experience. To realise this, one must look through the eyes of the soul or spirit, not through a controlling ego that demands to feel good all the time. What often occurs when the ego in control is fed something that doesn't make it feel good? It's usually labeled negative or toxic!!                    
Children are born Open-Minded. It’s Vital we don’t Teach them Otherwise.

Extract: Open-mindedness is receptiveness to new ideas. Open-mindedness relates to the way in which people approach the views and knowledge of others, and "incorporate the beliefs that others should be free to express their views and that the value of others’ knowledge should be recognized."[1][2] "An open-minded person characteristically moves beyond or temporarily sets aside his own doxastic commitments in order to give a fair and impartial hearing to the intellectual opposition."[3]Another closely related definition sees open-mindedness as the "willingness to take a novel viewpoint seriously."[4]
According to Wayne Riggs, open-mindedness springs from an awareness of the inherent fallibility of one's beliefs; hence, open-minded individuals are more inclined to listen to, and seriously consider, alternative viewpoints.

6 Keys to an Open Mind

1. Fight the urge to react in anger when you hear differing opinions
2. Avoid closing yourself off
3. Place yourself out of your comfort zone
4. stay social and make new friends
5. Don't be afraid to ask questions
6. Avoid speculation