Showing posts with label motion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motion. Show all posts

Sunday 4 September 2016

Zero Point, The Creation Of Everything

Written by Mathew Naismith

Could you imagine everything being created from a nothingness, how could we possibly, within a reality that everything is created from something,  imagine a nothingness creating all that is. This is incomprehensible until we realise what this nothingness, this zero point, actually is.

Because I don't have a problem or a hang-up with religion, I found the following very interesting, as I will explain. The following relates to many other philosophies and ancient texts in that zero relates to a God or to one consciousness. This zero is the point of origin of all things, a depiction of a true sense of oneness and utter tranquility. You could easily relate this zero point to a Zen state of consciousness, you can also relate this zero pint to the eye of a cyclone. Please keep an open mind to the following, you just might be surprised.


Shunya is a Sanskrit word which denotes “Zero” or “Nullity”. The 743rd nama of Maha Vishnu in Sri Vishnu Sahasranama is “SHUNYA”. I wondered is not extremely odd to call Maha Vishnu a “ZERO”. I have heard and read that He is called “Ekam” the one and only and also He is addressed as “Anantha” the Infinite. But how can one explain hailing Him as “Shunya”, the Nothing?
According to our ancients if Infinity is immeasurable then Zero too is immeasurable. In reality zero is anti-i...

My Reply
Absolutely Sreeram, Western minded people in particular have a huge problem in comprehending this, there has to be some kind of motion to be so great.

This zero point seems to represent  perfect balance between yin and yang, everything else being a creation from this one point. Motion seems to represent some kind of imbalance between yin and yang and it's this imbalance that  has created everything from this zero point, this is why everything else is of this zero point without being this zero point.

A good example is a cyclone, without it's zero/centre point, can a cyclone exist? This is with everything, nothing can exist without this zero point. The destructive part of the cyclone is destructive because it's of motion, the centre point isn't destructive because of it's lack of motion. We call the centre of the cyclone the eye of the cyclone, in effect, the all seeing eye!!


Zero: Can modern day mathematics exist without this zero (0) point? This nothingness turns out to be everything, of course being everything how can this nothingness be of nothing, zero point? I think Sreeram explains this quite well, "If we reflect upon it deeply, we can make out “Zero” and “Infinity” to be two extremes of the same unimaginable circle. By the same logic “Anantha” and “Shunya” though seeming to be antonymous, in reality they mean the same thing. So Maha Vishnu is both “Lord Infinity” as well as “Lord Zero”." To get a better idea of this, it's advisable to read the rest of Sreeram's post.

Zero = motionlessness, anything other than this zero = motion. It's likened to mathematics, zero on it's own has no motion, no numerical quantum, it's representative of nothingness. Now give this zero motion by adding a numerical quantum, such as the number one, thus creating something out of seemingly nothing.

It is quite understandable that within a reality or dimension that has been created by this motion, such a consciousness will think everything came from something so we call this nothingness, this zero point, God or oneness for example. This is so we can relate this zero point to something tangible and comprehensible while still existing in a reality created by motion. Motion needs motion for comprehension and that is exactly what we have done by calling this zero point God or oneness or a Zen conscious state.

It is interesting to know that the decimal system was created by a mathematician from India, the importance of the zero was evident, of course in other cultures this zero point is expressed in other ways. 

Cyclone Relative: It seems ludicrous to relate this zero point to a cyclone. As of most kinds of Eastern philosophies, the environment is used often in Eastern philosophy. It's well known in the East that the environment can tell us so much about ourselves and of our origin.

The eye of the cyclone represents zero point, a point represented by motionlessness, tranquillity, its' also all seeing because this eye is not obscured by clouds unlike the surrounding areas of the eye of the cyclone. God, oneness, Zen consciousness, is represented by this zero point because it's all seeing as it's not obscured by motion. Now without the eye of the cyclone, cyclones just can't exist, is this not so with everything?

How was the universe created? The universe was created from a centre point of origin, a point of origin that was perfectly motionless until motion was created from this centre point. We might think from this that the eye of the cyclone was created from motion to begin with which formed the eye of the cyclone, like the universe was formed by motion.

What firstly created motion, before motion ever existed as a form of motion? Nothingness, was not the motion that created the cyclone to begin with nothing? Motion, in certain circumstances as a cyclone, creates an image of what motion was initially created from.

Motion: So what is this motion in a conscious sense? As of all motions, motions are conditioning, this is likened to being physically conditioned to a certain weather be it hot or cold. Try putting an Eskimo in a hot dessert and expect them to feel just like at home in the cold, it's just not going to happen until they become conditioned to the hot climate of the dessert, consciousness in motion is the same.

Motion basically represents a kind of conditioning depending on the motion being expressed, liken this to  hot and cold weather for instance. Consciously, this hot and cold would be represented as religions and non-religions for example, try putting an atheist in an environment of Catholicism or visa-versa, it's obvious what would occur. Take a consciousness out of it's conditioned environment and it will either conform to the new environment or disregard or deny such an environment.

Let's go further to a state of oneness, Zen or zero point, a point of no motion, how would any consciousness conditioned to a certain condition, as an ideology for example, cope with zero conditioned motions? Such a consciousness would find it extremely hard to cope, like an Eskimo in a hot desert but far worse. It is quite understandable that any consciousness fixated to any kind of motion, will find it most difficult in readjusting to such a motionless environment of zero conditioning/ideologies.

This might upset some people who are into meditation, praying or chanting, try to keep an open mind. All these practices are of a conditioning, they were actually created by motion, this means they are part of the conditioning process, however, if used correctly, these practices can dissolve conditionings or anything created by motion.

Let's look at mediation. Meditation is a part of this conditioning meditation is set up to dissolve. If we were one with everything (zero point), would we need to meditate? Even meditation is a part of the conditioning as it's created by the conditioning to dissolve the conditioning that created the need to meditate.

This seems like a vicious cycle but it's not, not when we are aware that practices like this are created by conditionings (motions) in the first place. Within this, these practices can indeed dissolve any conditioning as long as we are able to become detached from these practices in the end. The reality is, this detachment very rarely occurs as these practices become but another be an end all, but another attachment to a conditioning (motion). Any attachment to any kind of motion, is not a true representation of zero point, a point of absolute peace, tranquillity and motionlessness. 

Saturday 3 October 2015

Time and Timeless Conscious States

Written by Mathew Naismith

There is an obvious difference in how consciousness works in time and timelessness, this is worth being aware of in my mind if we want to build upon a more constructive reality.

Time = human consciousness + focusing + intentions + goals + motion

Timelessness = God's (sources) consciousness + no focusing, intentions nor goals + motionless

There is a huge difference between states of time and timelessness, however, we can exist within these two states. It's like meditating while at the same time working in a job that takes a lot of thinking, this is certainly attainable. It actually takes balance between time and timelessness states to create a reality based more on passive motions.

Time is all about a consciousness in motion, in other words thought. It's natural within this state to focus our intentions to attain goals within states of time, it's however not natural within time to be totally unfocused within our intentions to obtaining goals. States of time are all about consciousness in motion where's timelessness is quite the opposite, the less a consciousness is in motion, the more this consciousness is of timeless states of consciousness.

At times, I will only exist within my own space, this means there is no focus nor intentions and certainly no goals in mind. It's usually quite beneficial to get into my own space for no reason what so ever, in other words I have no intentions of a goal before getting into this state and it's certainly not in retaliation to circumstances surrounding me either. This state isn't always attainable though, mainly because I'm still usually focused on certain circumstances surrounding me, at certain times I am unable to just let go of these circumstances. In this case, it's a good idea to be aware of what we are in judgment to at the time, timeless states after all are totally void of judgement of any kind, it's no wonder this state isn't always attainable to us.

The benefits of being able to go into timeless states is huge, especially in a states of time, this is due to time, at times, can be more of motion than other times within time. The more a consciousness is in motion, the more this consciousness needs to be able to go into a timeless conscious state otherwise it will become overly destructive. It's natural for a highly motional consciousness  to be more destructive.

Imagine this; what would instantly occur if we became more the observer (motionless)  than a participator (motional)?  Being the observer would allow us to understand each other better, but most importantly, our consciousness would become less expressive of motions. Wouldn't it be sad if we had less wars and conflicts in the world, this would occur if only we could observe more and act less!!

This is why wisdom is all about being an observer rather than a participator, only through observing can we become wise. This is why I state that God's consciousness is of pure wisdom, it's always in observation of time.

However, don't ever expect your own consciousness to be the observer of timelessness though, no consciousness can observe a consciousness in a timeless state, this is wholly due to there being no motion what so ever in a timeless state. The only conscious state that can be observed is a consciousness's of time, this is wholly due to consciousness within this state being of motion.

So how do we become aware a timeless state if we are unable to observe this state?

This is why we can't observe God's consciousness, it's within a timeless state of observation, however, we are often told about God's consciousness through various means. This however isn't the only way to become aware of this timeless state, you can, through various spiritual practices, enter into a timeless state. I honestly think this is the best way to become aware of this timeless state, as becoming aware of this timeless state, through various ideologies, can be misleading. I don't just mean  misleading because these ideologies are not totally correct, I mean these ideologies can, and most often do, give us more judgment of other ideologies which lead us away from this timeless state. Once we take on an ideology to be the be and end all, all we are doing is misleading ourselves if we think we are becoming more aware of this timeless motionless state.

In certain ideologies, God's consciousness is the only consciousness that is able to judge man, to me this isn't the case, this would mean this God's consciousness is highly expressive of ego through judgment. This would also mean God's consciousness can be highly destructive. This is an impossibility within a timeless state, God's consciousness after all is infinite, when does this consciousness then start and finish being in judgement if this consciousness is infinite and obviously not of time? Only in states of time can judgment exist, God's consciousness to me doesn't exist within time, a state of finite (transitory) state, but in an infinite state.

This however isn't saying that these ideologies are incorrect altogether, this god's consciousness is supposed to be in the image of man therefore in this case this consciousness is of time therefore is able to be in judgement of man.

I, myself, try to stay away from fixating myself to any set ideology and become a participator, I instead prefer to be an observer of such ideologies therefore, I feel,  more connected to this timeless state we call God's consciousness.            

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Pain Reality - The Healing Process

Written by Mathew Naismith

I've been nagged in the last 18 hrs with, "You need to write about pain and how the reality we exist in defines the physical and mental pain we will experience". In other words pain is defined by the reality we are experiencing, in certain realities pain just can't exist, this is due to compassion by the collective within a reality. Pain within these realities is dealt with before pain even gets to a painful stage, this is quite the opposite within this reality, actually, many people live off of people in pain and sickness in this reality, this isn't so in other realities.

Pain isn't a part of or even a necessary part of all realities, actually, very few realities are painful in any sense, this reality is an exception.

Synchronicity: I had a good internet friend of mine post the following on a Google community.


We all have compassion within us. 
If a tear comes to your eyes or you feel the pain when you suffer, or see others  suffering, human or animal that is compassion you are feeling.

Do not be afraid to show your compassion.

Do not be afraid to feel and to acknowledge your feelings.
This world and the humanity needs our compassion much more than ever before.
Let your tears flow and accept what you are feeling.

Your heart begins to open much more with feelings of compassion and your capacity to care for another increases even more.

You also feel a connection towards everything and everyone as your heart blossoms like the Lotus that rises from the depths of the muddy pool.

My first reply was as follow.

Awareness and compassion go hand in hand, one can't exist without the other.

This was agreed upon by other commentator's, I then followed up with a more comprehensive reply as below. 

It's funny to think a lot of people who are not compassionate are only this way because of an unawareness, for example, would multinationals use and abuse other energy forms if they were truly aware?  Would a child molester abuse children?

The funny thing about child molesters is, a lot of them were also molested as children. They are aware of what they are doing but only to a certain extent, pain usually hinders us becoming aware beyond the pain experienced making us unaware.

Multinationals unawareness comes from opulence, they desire and it's this desire that makes them unaware. Two quite different scenarios creating the same dilemma, unawareness therefore  unfeeling. I could be incorrect with this but I got a feeling not.  

To my surprise I received the following reply.

I am a survivor of child molestation. And I definitely would never harm any child. We are also, as survivors much more likely to be raped repeatedly again, to become homeless, to struggle with substance abuse or dependence issues, to have PTSD, and many other long-lasting issues directly connected to our molestation as a child. Bad example. Your words hit me personally, raw and vulnerable. My situations and circumstances have made me so much more loving, compassionate and giving to children, and especially to children who are living in poverty, or starved for attention themselves. Awareness is key. Check your statistics. And don't make general assumptions. Yet again, Awareness is key. Thank you

I replied with the following.

Assumptions, you are assuming yourself I wasn't abused, I also worked with paedophiles as well in the welfare arena. I didn't say all the people who were abused in this way turned out to be abusers themselves but I do know a great number of them do. So many become un-compassionate because of the pain, I know this to be fact KL.

I worked in the welfare arena twice over in my fifty two years, I'm not assuming anything, I know by actual experiences and working in the welfare arena.   

Pain can and does make people unaware, it made you quite unaware of me did it not, you assumed because you were unaware? See my point about pain and how it can make people unaware, it blinds people to the truth KL? Abusing yourself is still abuse KL!!

You and I were the lucky one's, I helped many out in the disability field in particular by using my own life experiences. Some people use the pain to assist others through compassion, many others use the pain to cause more pain, this is a fact of life KL, have you abused yourself? It's still abuse KL.......  

I should also state I stated the following.

"The funny thing about child molesters is, a lot of them were also molested as children".

This is saying a lot of child molesters have been abused themselves, this isn't stating that all child molesters become molesters themselves or become un-compassionate.

Pain most often leads to an unawareness or ignorance, what kind of reality are we existing in?

This is funny, I was going to write a post about pain and  how the reality we live in creates pain when it doesn't have too. It's the reality we accept that automatically creates the pain and ignorance. In certain other kinds of realities this doesn't exist, this is due to everyone being compassionate, this of course takes the collective to be aware. It all makes sense but it takes the collective to over come the pain through compassion especially of oneself to become aware.

You need to be aware to become compassionate but you also need compassion to become aware in certain circumstances!!

I think this person had to misconstrue what I actually stated within my second reply to get me to write about the connection between pain and realities, I wasn't going to write this post, this was until I received their reply. It's funny how we a prompted at times.

Pain can indeed influence us to make misconceptions and misjudgements of others and life circumstances,  this of course adds more pain to the reality we are experiencing, however, is it the reality that causes the pain or is it the pain that creates  realities of pain to begin with?

Painless realities: We exist in a universe that is extreme within it's motions, the universe itself is expanding out at a phenomenal (extraordinary) rate, it's also very highly active within it's star systems, there is very little that exists in the universe that is motionless. When we look at realities that are more compassionate, there is one huge difference, they exist in a reality that is less about motion. This doesn't mean they are not within a universe like this one, what this means is they are aware that these universes can influence us to become overly expressive of motions, in other words become extreme within our motions, pain is just one of these extreme motional expressions.

This pain is going to influence us in how aware we become, it will also hinder us to become wise, meaning, motionless within our expressions. You might think how can we be compassionate without expressing ourselves?  In these realities of less motion, therefore expressions, you don't have to express this compassion because it just there all the times. This is like pain for us within this reality, it's just there all the times,  within these realities of less motion, compassion is just there all the times without having to express it. In other words it's 24/7 compassion instead of 24/7 pain like within this reality.

What I am saying is pain is a part of this reality, it's one of the main influences of this reality, however, if we put ourselves in a different reality of less motion, we would no longer exist in a reality influenced by pain.

I will give you a good example of this. I've been in chronic pain since I was six years old, as I get older, my condition is worsening but I still don't take pain killers even though the pain at times becomes acute (chronic). The pain still influences me but I don't allow it to dictate to me to any great extent, it's amazing what I can and have accomplished with a chronic injury. When I'm within a motionless reality, like being in my own space, I can accomplish amazing physical feats, this is all due to being in a reality not predominantly influenced by pain. Once I come out of this reality back into this reality of motions,  pain starts to influence me more, this isn't because I'm in pain, it's because I am no longer in a relatively motionless free reality.

To me without a doubt, pain of any kind will keep us ignorant and un-compassionate, it will also influence us to make misjudgements towards others and the circumstances we come across. Pain will also hinder us to become wise, this is because pain is all about emotional expressions of motions where's wisdom is quite the opposite. Under a reality influenced by wisdom, compassion exist without any motion what so ever, there is no motion because you have nothing to react to or against.

I should also say, desire is another motion that can't exist within a reality influenced by wisdom, this is due to desire and pain being extreme within their motions.

The healing process is simple, become less expressive of motions.

Supplement: This is going to sound strange to a lot of people, I don't mind being in pain in a reality of motion because I accept that is what this reality is about, it's about motion that can be influential towards expressions of pain and desire. The thing is, this reality isn't of pain itself, it's only about motions and it can be about extreme motions. We have used motions within this reality to create pain and desire, what would happen if we learnt to use motions in a more constructive way? This of course takes wisdom and learning to become less of these motions especially extreme motions.

Something to also ponder about. You might think spiritualist in India are about control, and yes control is a motion, but their not, they about finding their truer selves, in other words being of their immortal (motionless) self rather than just being of their mortal (motional) self.  They are also about letting go of motions (control) not gaining more control!!

Pain period needs to be faced face on, it doesn't need for us to stick our heads in the sand and ignore slavery and child abuse for example, this kind of action only endorses this kind of  pain. Pain needs to be talked about otherwise it's just going to keep manifesting like it has.

Why is love healing?  Simple, it's an expression that needs very little motion, pain and desire on the other hand need a lot of motion, and of course the more motion we give them, the more destructive they become.

Facing the pain with love, as Tanuja and Michael do, works because it lessons the motions of pain. Compassion also works because this too lessons the motions of pain.

I'm sorry Tanuja for disrupting your important post by facing pain face on, I have a lot of compassion in facing the pain in the world. The worse thing we can do is stick our heads in the sand and not talk about this pain.

Pain to me is just a motion, it doesn't really have a label, this is because as soon as we give it a label, we give it more motion. Pain is just another motion that often needs compassion and love to neutralise.    

The funny thing about using love and compassion to neutralise motion, is the more of motion love an compassion become, the more they are of lust and desire. It's wise to know this because the more love and compassion are expressed through motion, the less they will neutralise motions. This makes sense because you can't neutralise motions with more motions, to actually neutralise motions needs less motions not more motions. It's actually wise to express love and compassion with as little motion as possible.

Now this doesn't mean you shouldn't physically help others because it's only going to add to the motions, all this means is to try not to act in counteraction, in other words help others by just showing simple compassion without trying to counteract other motions like starvation or homelessness for example. Don't react to a situation in counteraction to another motion, just show simple love and compassion, Yes, simple love and compassion are expressions but their subtle expressions because their not trying to counteract another motion with more motions. Any healing/neutralising of painful motions takes less motions, not more motions!! 

The following link is in reference to Tanuja's post on this Google community about compassion. 

Thursday 27 August 2015

Inner Wisdom - A Paradox in Motion

Written by Mathew Naismith

Paradoxes; don't really exist, they do however exist in a reality of motion, a reality highly expressive of awareness and knowledge. While a consciousness is existing in a reality of motion created by awareness and knowledge, it's obvious to these consciousnesses that wisdom is acquired from awareness and knowledge, the point is, how do we know that wisdom exists until we become aware of wisdom? You firstly have to become aware and this takes knowledge, so wisdom is acquired by awareness and knowledge, this however is only the case while a consciousness is existing and unaware of it's motionless immortal self. In relation to our motionless immortal self, it's obvious unawareness has created awareness and knowledge otherwise awareness and knowledge wouldn't and couldn't exist.

What part of a consciousness wants awareness and knowledge to exist? Ego, what is ego? Motion, what kind of reality do we exist in? A reality of motion therefore ego. It's quite understandable that any consciousness attached to realities of motion (ego), will want awareness and knowledge to exist, and further more, believe wisdom is acquired from awareness and knowledge. This is actually quite normal and the way we were supposed to be while unaware of our immortal self, if this wasn't normal for a reality of motion, these realities of motion just wouldn't and couldn't exist.

Basically what I am saying is, realities of motion are of consciousnesses that are unaware, no wonder we use so many different ways to search for the truth from science to spirituality. The paradox is, we do need to become aware of our immortal motionless self and at the same time desist in searching for our immortal motionless self. Any motion takes us away from our motionless state, this is due to all conscious states of motion refer to an unawareness, while remembering, it's this unawareness that creates awareness and knowledge, (motion).  All we really need to do is get away from motion, meditating, praying, chanting etc. are good ways to do this, I just go into my own space and observe instead of participating all the times, and yes I do like participating as well. 

It's not easy for a consciousness that is of motion itself to acknowledge that wisdom is not acquired through awareness and knowledge, to such consciousnesses, it's normal to deny otherwise until a consciousness becomes aware of it's immortal motionless self.

The paradox is, you don't actually become aware of your immortal motionless self while in a state of motion, however, we do seem to become aware, how else would we know of our immortal motionless self? The point is, you can't  become aware of anything that is of motionlessness through awareness, this would be like a literate person trying to become illiterate. This infers that an expression of motion (awareness) is going to cancel out a non-expressional motionlessness like our immortal motionless self. This immortal motionless self is pure wisdom while awareness is a motion, wisdom  is motionless, it requires no motion of acknowledgment, this includes in becoming aware of our motionless self. Tricky isn't it?

So what are people like me doing, are we not also making people aware therefore expressing motion?         

Awareness: In actuality I'm not making anyone aware through what I write, yes, any consciousness that is of motion will refer to what people like me write (express) as awareness, this is correct, people like me do make people more aware but only because these consciousnesses are of motion therefore awareness. This isn't the case for our motionless self, this is wholly due to the way people like me use awareness through the process of wisdom, in other words a lot of what I share goes through my immortal motionless self. This is simply done by  being my immortal self while I write. I do have to admit though, at times I will write while expressing awareness, you have to express yourself through awareness so that other people of this reality of motion can acknowledge were people like me are coming from. This is basically what I call whispering, it's expressing wisdom through motion but in a very subtle way.

True wisdom is always expressed in a subtle manner, this is because wisdom is of our motionless self, when wisdom is expressed, it's done in a subtle way. Any expression of course relates to motion, don't ever try to avoid expressing yourself in a reality of motion for two reasons. One, once you try to become non-expressive, this reaction just becomes another motion. Two, we are supposed to express ourselves while in a reality of motion, we just haven't learnt to express ourselves in a more subtle way. This is like trying to not express egotism, don't try to not express this motion, allow it to occur when it naturally occurs and yes egotism is a natural expression in a reality of motion.

The same goes with awareness, awareness is a natural expression in a reality of motion, again don't try to not express this, this is a natural part of the process of motion, instead express your inner wisdom, this will balance out any extreme effects of motion. Yes, by all means become aware of your inner wisdom knowing that the more we are expressive, the less we are of our immortal self. By all means use awareness and knowledge but in conjunction with our inner wisdom,  remembering, awareness and knowledge expressed without wisdom are always going to be destructive. Yes, become aware of this too but in a more subtle way through the inner wisdom.

It's not an accident that more people are into meditating or learning to be in one's space or become the observer these days, this too is a natural process of  our immortal self's reaction to extreme expressions of motions. The trick is to allow this natural process to happen without using this natural process in retaliation to extreme motional expressions, remembering, extreme motions are also a natural process of realities of motions. We can indeed be enticed by this natural process of motions to continue with these extreme motions by expressing a retaliation to motion. Yes, it's indeed this tricky, this is why realities like this one, that express extreme motions, keep going on and on, the thing to try to remember here, remember your motionless immortal self, this will indeed help in balancing out a consciousness of motions.                                                                    
I thought I would end this post off with a reply I received from a bloke in Malaysia in relation to wisdom. 

We already are indeed the wisdom itself effortlessly when we are not seeking elsewhere for ourselves but completely being ourselves truly.  We can never find ourselves/wisdom by seeking but by being ourselves completely, wisdom reveals itself. When wisdom reveals, we finally seeing or being ourselves in all and all in ourselves.

I should also say, any action and reaction is a motion, you can't truly express wisdom, as it's of our motionless self, but you can use wisdom through motion to become less about motion and more about motionlessness, like I said, it's a paradox but only in a reality of motion.    

Saturday 22 August 2015

The Importance of Grounding While in Motion

Written by Mathew Naismith

Grounding: I think this is worth being aware of, grounding, this is because none of us would be here without this grounding, in other words we couldn't exist in a reality of motion without this grounding.  Actually, motion is grounding, any kind of motion grounds us to a particular reality and of course the motions being expressed creates a certain kind off reality. Yes, like how our motions change as we become more aware, so too is the way we ground ourselves.

I personally knew a person who died for no apparent reason, two autopsies were conducted on her without a cause for her demise being determined. Yes, this person was into spirituality and it's very possible she forget to ground herself, or, she wasn't meant to ground herself any longer. It's like hearing of people who have just disappeared, yes, there could be others reasons for this but when you delve into these disappearances, it's been found that they were heavily into certain spiritual practices. And yes, everyone, and I do mean everyone, can unground themselves to the point of dying or just simply disappearing.

To unground yourself simply takes one to let go of all fixations or attachments to motion (mortal existence), this of course isn't easy if you are still attached to any kind of motion. If you still exist in this reality, you are still grounded in some way to motion.

In recent time it's quite obvious I haven't been grounding myself enough, this is due to the way I have been grounded which can occur quite automatically. I've been mentally feeling down in the dumps, depressed at times. When I start to allow the mundane things in my life to depress me, it's a sign that I needed serious grounding. I usually ground myself but if I lose focus on were my own life is going, I become ungrounded. Putting focus on the mundane things in my life helps me to become grounded again, like I said, this can occur quite automatically to any one who becomes aware. The more aware you become, the more you usually need to be grounded.

Praying, meditating, chanting etc. is grounding, yes, these are motions but they are subtle motions. If we were to become aware without a certain kind of practice to keep us focused, we would no longer be able to exist in a reality like this one.

Material/immaterial worlds: When we are fixated to materialism for example, our grounding becomes the things we are fixated to like anything of the material world, however, the way we become grounded  changes when we become spiritually aware, our focus changes from the material (physical) to the immaterial (non-physical). There is a progression in the way we ground ourselves from the material to the immaterial, at times we will use both material and the immaterial for grounding and at other times we will only use the immaterial.

Don't think the more aware we become the less we will use material grounding, this isn't the case, actually at times you will primarily use material grounding to ground yourself but in a different way to if we were only fixated to the material world. Once we become aware, the material and immaterial world becomes more like mortal and immortal. As you become aware, you became aware of the mortal and immortal world, this changes from a perception of material and immaterial worlds. You no longer have attachments to materialism but you still have an attachment to mortality, an existence that is finite (transitory), limited to time. No one can say they don't have an attachment to mortal worlds, they couldn't be here otherwise, this can be at the human or soul level or both.  

Indeed, to me we have to ground ourselves to a motion we are going to experience, you cannot experience a motion without grounding yourself in some way to this motion. The more aware we become, the way we ground ourselves will change, it's certainly handy knowing this.            

Contemplation: I had an interesting reply in regards to a previous post of mine, the word contemplation resonated with me within this conversation. I hope the following reply of mine assists people in the awareness of contemplating, how important it is to balance out this contemplating with other things like meditating and going into one's own space.  

The expression of contemplation is awareness. We are indeed suppose to naturally evolve through contemplating which seems to take balance to do. Without this balance, we will either destroy ourselves or stagnate through the lack of contemplating.  

Contemplation in a reality of motion takes thought, this thought of course needs balance within itself to constructively put into motion instead of destructively.  

Becoming aware of the soul helps us with this balance while at the same time accepting our mortal physical self  as well. I feel we are also meant to balance out the mortal with the immortal self, this will allow us to exist in a more constructive way.   

I'm about to write a post in relation to motion being all about grounding and how important it is to keep grounded. Each motion grounds us differently as we evolve through further contemplation, we will need to ground ourselves differently. This should happen automatically and naturally unless we are imbalanced in some way. 

Like a person who is mentally imbalanced, we too as a collective, being imbalanced, will also react incoherently and chaotically. Once a specialized person grounds these people, they begin to become balanced again, the collective is no different.

I think it's obvious who our collective specialists were, I mention them quite a bit at times in my posts. I think the specialists of our time have tried to coax us  away from being incoherent and chaotic within our motions, this was done by   showing  us how to become balanced while expressing these motions. We exist in a reality of motion, we just haven't learnt in how to use these motions more constructively as yet as a collective. The wisdom is there, we just need to use it......        

Thursday 20 August 2015

Oh....To Just Experience The Beauty Of Motion

Written by Mathew Naismith

Finding balance: To just experience the beauty of conscious motion in pure balance within itself, could you imagine experiencing this in a physical reality that is balanced within it's own consciousness?  Within such a consciousness, there is no spikes of excessive motion that creates chaotic realities, it's conscious motion expressed in it's most subtlest form.

All this beauty is based on balance, a balance of different conscious motional expressions interacting with each other without creating a chaotic existence. Yes indeed, different conscious expressions can come together in balance to create a chaotic free reality, but it must come together in balance to create such realities.

This balance isn't obtained through positive thinking nor negative thinking, it's obtained through living our lives void of lies. I know of someone personally who desires to look at everything as being beautiful, to do this however one must become ignorant of the ugliness and/or destructiveness in the world, everything is positive and everything is beautiful when in actuality it's not. You can't live a lie and expect true balance, yes, these lies make us feel good but being a lie it's transitory as all lies are.

The truth of the matter is, we do live in a reality of beauty/constructiveness and ugliness/destructiveness, the reason we lie to ourselves is because once we observe ugliness and/or destructiveness, we instantly judge an unworthy, we are actually conditioned to think like this. So instead of judging or feeling an unworthy, we live a lie that everything is beautiful when it's obviously not, within this lie there is only worthiness. This isn't balance and it certainly doesn't create a  balanced reality, you can't create a balanced reality on lies.

Living a lie: Lies create chaos, this is due to the motion that lies create, the bigger the lie, the more motion we create within consciousness itself. How many industrialists lie about what they are doing to the environment? The bigger the lies, the more chaos this creates by destroying the very consciousness we rely on for our existence, the Earth itself. 

Observe what it is for what it is no matter what it is without judging an unworthy. If it's ugly or destructive, does this mean it's unworthy? We are naturally conditioned to think so but what if we reconditioned ourselves to think otherwise, that just because it's destructive doesn't mean it's unworthy. Take a look at the universe, it's utterly beautiful and magnificent within it's motions, remembering we too are a part of this universe. It was created through destruction as our own planet was, does this make this planet unworthy? No, so why judge another person, who is obviously destructive, unworthy? 

Look at black wholes within the universe, are they unworthy because they are highly destructive to matter?  They are a part of the process of motion within the universe, as of any person being destructive towards other conscious motions (people) are, each conscious motion is apart of the process if we like it or not. But of course we don't like it, so like the industrialists, we live our lives as a lie which unbalances consciousness creating even more chaos.

Living a lie makes us feel good within ourselves, industrialists do the same, they ignore what they have deemed unworthy like a pristine environment, this makes them feel good within themselves no matter how destructive they become. How many people who think everything is beautiful ignore the seriousness of slavery in the world for example. Like an industrialist who ignores the beauty in the world, ignoring the seriousness of slavery is highly destructive, actually, ignoring destructiveness and/or the ugliness in the world is highly destructive and disruptive. It doesn't take an Einstein to work out how we have created so much chaos in this reality, living our lives as a lie just isn't conductive to a balanced existence.

This post was brought about by a discussion I had with an atheist recently, to an atheist, athe-ISM isn't a belief system even though it's an ism. The definition of ism is as follow: A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school. No belief system and ideological principle is the be and end all, when anyone becomes fixated to an ism, this ism becomes the only truth. You can see again how we live a lie through our ism's, again it doesn't take an Einstein to work out how we have created so much chaos in this reality.

Once we become fixated to an ism, or to any ideological principle, we often express huge amounts of motion and of course emotions. This highly charged motion can only be destructive to any other motion, the funny thing is, this highly charged motion is created through lies which are highly transitory (short lived).  As of the universe itself, all expressions of consciousness are worthy, we don't have to lie to ourselves and try to look at everything as being just beautiful, or, only acknowledge what we have ourselves judge as being beautiful. 

After my conversation, I was walking down the side of our purple house with our beautiful garden on the other side of me, and a feeling of, ' just experience the beauty of motion".

The beauty of motion: The experience of the beauty of motion can only occur through balance, to obtain balance, we need to stop living our lives as a lie. How accepting was Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Rumi etc. of other motions around them? They observed the different conscious motions around them without judging what is and isn't worthy, in other words they didn't ignore the ugliness and/or the destructiveness in the world. Yes, they reacted but in a most passive way, creating very little motion in doing so, they  didn't live their lives as a lie, they became aware of everything they could for what it was.

A true balanced existence doesn't mean there is a worthy or unworthy or even beauty or ugliness,  just because we haven't judged what is beautiful, doesn't mean there is no peace and harmony, actually the opposite it true. the less we judge what is and isn't, the more balance we will experience. To get to true balance, we first need to go through a process of observing what is and isn't destructive/ugly but without judging what is and isn't unworthy. I do believe Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Rumi etc. tried to show us this through their wisdom. Once we can observe without judging an unworthy in any expression of motion, we will be well and truly on our way to a truly balanced existence. All expressions of motion are worthy, yes, some expressions are obviously highly destructive to other motions, this shouldn't mean they are unworthy.

Try going into an environment that is most deplorable (unbecoming) to you and see if you can observe without judging an unworthy. The more you can sustain from judging like this, the more balanced your life will become, you will instantly find peace and harmony within yourself. Yes, you will still observe what is and isn't destructive but it won't unbalance your own consciousness. Confucius to me was very good at this, this was obvious for, "Only through  balance will you find wisdom for only through this balance can true wisdom be obtained"....Mathew        

Thursday 30 July 2015

As Always, Balance is the Key

Written by Mathew Naismith

The void: I had an interesting conversation with another person who has studied the Bhagavad gita and the bible, it would seem  a lot of what I write, in one sense or another, relates to these ancient writings even though these writings seem so different to each other. What one should remember here, the bible is of symbolism, once you look beyond these symbols, you begin to become aware of the similarities between the bible and the  Bhagavad gita even though the Bhagavad gita is also directly expressionistic of  science analysis and reasoning. 

One of the major similarities is what some people call God’s consciousness, basically a consciousness that is motionless, to me people like Jesus and Buddha, and even Confucius, expressed a great deal of this God’s consciousness, a connection with a consciousness far beyond normal human comprehension. I also see a lot of spiritually aware  people who express love, harmony and understanding are also in one way or another expressive of this God’s consciousness.

The Bhagavad gita and the bible also don’t mention voids and illusions as such, yes we are deluding ourselves if we don’t think we are apart of this God’s consciousness, but they don’t say we are living in an illusion that isn’t real period. Taoism also doesn’t concur to voids and illusions denoting that any consciousness is unreal.  Taoism is about motion and motionlessness, meaning that Taoism is about this God’s consciousness but also about yin and yang. Yin and yang are all about being in motion so in Taoism motion is real and not an illusion as such. Basically illusions refer to all motions being unreal, an illusion.

God’s consciousness = void + motionless + egoless + oneness
Human consciousness =  occupied + motion + ego + yin and yang

Now I mentioned void in relation to this God’s consciousness only because I understand this God’s consciousness is void of motion, in other words it’s not occupied with expressing motions. Some people refer to this void as being void (empty) of consciousness period, this is supposed to be our true state. I’m not sure how a void is supposed to exist in this way without a consciousness being aware of it’s existence in the first place!!........But in saying this, a void in my mind exists.

It’s all to do with how this void exists, not if it exists or not, or that anything else not of this void is an illusion (unreal). A consciousness void of any motion what so ever would seem to us as a complete void of nothingness, void of any consciousness what so ever, this is all due to our conditioning. We are conditioned to think and feel through motions, anything not of this motion is going to seem to us as a complete void, a nothingness. We are trying to perceive from a point of motion to a point of no motion, it’s quite understandable we are going to see this motionlessness, this God’s consciousness, as nothingness, a complete void. So anything other than this void is going to be judged as an illusion by some people.

Perceiving beyond motion: Now observe yourself perceiving from a point of being motionless. From a point of this God’s consciousness, all you become aware of is consciousness expressing itself in various ways through motion, this doesn’t now make being motionless an illusion just because it’s motionless. Nothing is a true illusion, just like a void needs to exist, you need consciousness to judge what is and isn’t an illusion, illusions can only exist through consciousness though it’s judgment. This is why  God’s consciousness doesn’t judge as opposed to observe, there is no motion in this God’s consciousness to be expressive of consciousness. This however doesn’t make observing various forms of consciousness expressing itself an illusion, even though such consciousness’s are unaware of their own God’s consciousness. This would be like saying someone I can’t see behind me must be an illusion because I am unaware of them, being unaware doesn’t denote an illusion, it’s just simply being unaware.  

Let’s look at this in this way. In my last post I related a creek bed, with water running over  pebbles and into rocks, to our reality. This was stating that this reality is all about motions and different types of motions depending on the types of egos being expressed.  Now put yourself in a reality (a universe) of far less motion, just like we are to this reality, you are conditioned to that reality, would such consciousness’s think  and perceive the way we do? They couldn’t, because each reality has it’s own unique cycles of motions that influence the consciousness’s that exist within these cycles, these motions influence how aware these consciousness’s are going to be, this doesn’t make any other consciousness existing in a different reality an illusion.

Being of motion and motionless: Some people think we are only this God’s consciousness, this one consciousness and not all these separate consciousness’s expressing various forms of motions, in other words motion is again an illusion, it’s not real.

Being of a consciousness of motion or motionless, it’s still consciousness, it’s still one consciousness expressing itself in various ways because this consciousness is of motion and motionlessness, to me, only a controlling ego would judged otherwise. Of course the ego wants to always be something more grandiose than what it is, that’s quite understandable and natural within the influences we exist under, after all, it’s a reality occupied with motion which can keep us unaware of our motionless self, or, preoccupied with our motionless self.  As always, balance is the key.   

If we were conditioned to realities with less motion, we would think and react completely different to what we do within realities like this one,  it would be impossible to react any different to the influences of motions within a reality unless we were ourselves more aware. This is due to each reality (universe) having it’s own influences on consciousness. The reason why not all consciousness’s react the same within a particular universe, is due to becoming aware beyond these influences of motion of cycles. Each galaxy and solar system has it’s own influences as well.

Less motion = more awareness, the less of motion we are within ourselves, the less these cycles of motion will influence us, take a person who meditates a lot for example, they express less motion therefore become more aware. Modern day science expresses a lot of motion, however, the Bhagavad gita is different within it’s science understandings mainly because it expresses less motion. It’s as much about the  awareness than it is the motion of this awareness. In other words the teachings of the  Bhagavad gita shows an awareness of the implication of expressing such awareness before turning this awareness into motion, actually, the bible does the same, the ten commandments is a good example of this. 

Consciousness works the same  no matter what consciousness it is, the less it’s occupied in expressing this consciousness, the more aware it becomes due to being less preoccupied with the motion of this consciousness.  We however exist in a reality of motion, all we need to do in my mind is find balance within this reality but at the same time being aware that the more of motion we are expressive of, the less aware we become. Once we find this balance, our existence will change quite dramatically I feel.         

Monday 27 July 2015

Living in Harmony Within the Natural Flow of Motion

Written by Mathew Naismith

Motion: This universe, this reality, is all about motion, a continuous flow of evolving cycles, our minds are also of this natural motion no matter what it creates either it be harmonious or inharmonious. All motion and motionless consciousness is natural to it’s environment no matter how it’s expressed, however, a controlling ego deceptively judged otherwise creating even more disharmony within the natural flow of a reality, this could however be overcome by simply being aware.

We might say aware of what, what kind of awareness would basically neutralise these reactions?

Look at the universe, this reality, as a pebbled creek bed, each pebble represents a separate consciousness, a separate person or being. Now imagine a rock within this stream, do the pebbles within this stream cause the natural flowing water to churn more than a rock would?  The rock of course is more rigid and will not go along with the flow of water as easily as the pebbles do, the rock of course churns the water up more because it’s more resistant. The only time a rigid rock moves,  is when the water becomes that forceful the rock has to move, the rock, unlike the pebbles, needed more force to get it to go with the natural flow.

Universe (reality) = a creek (water stream)
Separate consciousness (humans) =  pebbles and rocks within this creek bed
Size of pebbles and rocks = a more controlling ego

We are basically these pebbles within a reality, this creak, some pebbles are bigger than others and need more force to move them with the natural flow were others need very little force because they are much smaller. You could look at the bigger the pebbles and rocks are, the more representative this is of a controlling ego. This is all due to the bigger the obstruction is to the natural flow. The bigger the obstruction is to this natural flow, the more churned up the water becomes. Now relate this churned up water to chaos, what actually creates a reality of chaos which represents this churned up water within the stream? A controlling ego, the bigger the obstruction, the more chaos this creates. This is like a creek, the bigger the rock is, the more churned up the water becomes.

Now let’s look at a water stream with no obstructions what so ever, in other words no ego in control, the flow of water runs without any hindrance what so ever, basically the water runs in total harmony with itself, this is until the water becomes fast flowing. Now look at this fast flowing water as expressed emotions, in other words this fast flowing water now represents our emotions, the water becomes stirred up again. The fast flowing water once again represents a controlling ego, instead of flowing gently, it’s now chaotic within it’s flow. We are no different, we express ourselves in the same way as a stream of water does.

Fast flowing water = a controlling ego.

Motion of influence: This universe (reality) is all about motion as a creek bed is, its all about evolving cycles, this however doesn’t mean we need to create even more motion (chaos), actually we are capable of influencing these evolving cycles but we should never try influence these evolving cycles to the point of becoming motionless. This would be like fast flowing water within a creek, it’s forceful and full of motion and intentions. It’s like water representing a controlling ego forcing the rocks, another controlling ego, to do what it wants (desires) within a reality of motion. The creek bed, as our universe does, represents motion with its own natural flow, once a controlling ego forces it’s own motion onto other motions, all we will do is create even more chaos within this motion.

Harmonious motion = ego
Disharmonious motion = a controlling ego

All motion is representative of the ego, the flowing water if you like within the creek bed. This natural harmonious flow denotes ego but fast flowing represents a controlling ego. We naturally exist in a reality of ego which represents all motions, once this motion becomes an obstacle to others forms of motion, the water becomes churned creating chaos within  itself.  Yes, even creating chaos is natural because again chaos is representative of motion, do we however want to create more chaos or less?  More chaos is obviously going to lead to something different to lessening the chaos within our reality, this is due to the controlling ego being naturally destructive and disruptive to other forms of motion,  as the rock is to the natural flow of water  in a creek bed.  

Lessening the motions: Thinking less means less motion but we should never force our minds to think any less than it is naturally supposed too, however, it’s not how much the mind thinks but how it thinks that creates more motion therefore more chaos. For example, emotions represents more motion and  a controlling ego, the more emotions we express, the more of the controlling the ego becomes. This is like the faster the water is flowing in the creek bed, the more forceful it is to other forms of motion, like a rock for instance, the rock creates more chaos within the water by trying to be motionless within  a natural flow of motion.

What I am saying here, don’t have intentions of becoming motionless within a reality of motion, all you will be doing is creating even more chaos, in other words avoid becoming a motionless rock within these realities of motion. Go with the natural flow without judging what is or isn’t worthy of expressing either it be of motion or motionless. Yes, by all means be expressive of your emotions, like the water is in a creek bed when it’s harmoniously flowing, but be harmonious within your emotions not forceful.  

Harmonious emotions = ego
Disharmonious emotions = a controlling ego

All we need to do in a reality of motion is become more harmonious with this motion, we should never try to force this motion to become motionless. If the rock doesn’t want to move with gently flowing water, let it be, doing otherwise will only cause more chaos and do we truly need more of that?  Just go with the flow without judging what is and isn’t worthy of expressing, it’s as simple as that.