Showing posts with label mentality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mentality. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Western Mentality v Eastern Mentality

Written by Mathew Naismith

Wow, the contrasting difference between replies to my posts is astounding at times, the following replies to my post titled, Living from Inner Happiness, was astoundingly different and obviously took a different mentality to perceive.  I wish to say again, do not take anything I say as serious as I mostly write about my journey, you don’t have to agree with it nor should it seem threatening to you.

How fucking shallow do you think people are...... Stop walking on the water..... You are frightening the fish!!!!!!!!!! How tragic, that this is all about you.......

sheila unger:  In my mind we should be all walking on water, you just don't get it do you. Don't emotionally judged me, all you are doing is proving my point that I have made in this post.

If it's all about me it's all about everybody else, who is being shallow here?  You absolutely have no idea what I am talking about here so you have judged me according to your emotions, thanks for proving my point sheila. 

RIP Robin Williams.  Thank you for honoring him in addressing this issue in this way.  I am Native American/First Nation.  I've witnessed my people through extremely difficult situations, their lives exemplifying their very core being of the inner self.  The extreme difficulties were met with the same attitude as their extreme joys.  This, I know, is a gift to witness.  Those teachings were for me to learn, we are spirit. This unfortunately has been lost, many of our communities dealing with suicide at alarming rates. Since 2000, I have lost count in how many young people have committed suicide, I lost count at 20! The youngest was 12. The devastating negative impacts of colonialism and assimilation plan to be someone we are not has take its toll. 
  I know the answer lies in sharing the message of who we are to the young people.  In my language the word for 'star' is the same word for 'spirit' I asked an elder one day why that was.  The elder answered, "it is to remind you that we are all connected, we are one."  When one truly knows they are one they will not be moved by outside sources, something I witnessed as a child with those elders who lived their lives before me.  It is why we are still here, it is why we have not been annihilated.  Thank you once again for your tenderness.  Aho.

+Minosowin Iskwew That is sad Minosowin that so many younger people are forfeiting their lives.
The western style mentality is taking it's toll however this mentality I feel is also in it's death-rows, many western people are taking on eastern mentality or the mentality of our star.
Europeans went to America and judged it's inhabitants through their emotions as they have forgotten how to feel instinctively without judgmental emotions.
The western mentality is wholly built around emotions which are very judgmental and we wonder why we live in such a chaotic existence!!
Take this post for example, there was one person who downed what I said, they obviously judged me through their emotions not their instinctive feelings from their star.

Actually Minosowin I'm going to write our exchange up in a post, people need to know I feel.     

Learning to Think for Ourselves

Written by Mathew Naismith

Not all my readers of my posts will like this but I do know some of you will as the discussion between Ros and I was conducted on a Noetic site, a site pertaining to science and consciousness, the study of consciousness through science.  The following was in reply to one of my posts titled, Spirituality-A Strange Existence.  


Also, what is so important about the ancients and their writings/drawings/art/architecture, etc., is that...throughout all the many, many generations that can fit inside, say the last 10,000 years or so, and beyond, all those sages and solitary realizers, scholars and others who have successfully restored themselves to *balance,* and hence having been reunited with the highly interactive, blatantly demonstrative Universal Core Physics, have and continue to come face to face with the ~ exact same Truth! ~
Billions have lived in denial of it, countless millions have devoted their entire lives to faulting it, and *still* the Ultimate Reality persists the inescapable, translucent...


G'day Ros
We need to find our own way in our own way, we need to start thinking for ourselves instead of continuously relying on external sources to think for us, ancient texts and writings can be a guide but never the be and end all especially in regards to thinking for ourselves.

You will notice a brilliant scientist like Einstein for example took in what was needed from external sources but used his own mind power to deduce that not all of Isaac Newton’s theories were correct. If Einstein didn't think for himself, we would probably still be praising all of Isaac Newton’s theories, science evolved further because of this, one man thinking for himself.

Can we just rely on our internal sources to think by without external influences? Yes I believe so, through the inner self where all of what is has always been however most of us haven't the mentality to understand or even know this, most of us still need external sources to think for ourselves.

How many times on this discussion board have certain people solely relied on other people's thoughts, it is obvious they have not learnt to think for themselves, they have no idea how too. A lot of us still need external sources to think for us, that is their present mentality, how can anyone think for themselves without external sources to at least program the mind to start thinking in the first place!!

Ancient texts tell me we don't need external sources but to rely totally on the inner self, our true nature.......Collectively, we can't do this at present so we do need to rely on external sources either to think for us or at least give us some idea in how to think for ourselves.

Don't get me wrong Ros, external sources of knowledge are needed to find our own way either it be ancient or not but we must start to find our own way entirely, once we obtain this, we have found our true nature and have started thinking for ourselves entirely.
The past is a guide to our future, it's not our future!!

Saturday 7 June 2014

Spiritual Crossroads, What To Do!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I’m having an interesting chat at the moment with a very insightful lass of the name of Anita Stevanović in relation to one of Anita’s posts on Google community on the topic of inner peace. 

Most of us, including myself, are at crossroads between old world mentalities and new world mentalities, this crossroad isn’t easy to traverse for most of us. One of the reasons I think this is one is proven and the other not so proven, yes old mentality might be judged as being chaotic but at least it’s proven where’s this new mentality isn’t….well actually that isn’t quite true if we looked back in human history.

Before the Christian crusades, all religious orders were accepted under the protection of the Muslims, most of them lived quite contently and securely together for a few hundred years until the crusades.  At times during the crusades, these other religious orders fought alongside of the Muslims to protect their dominions against the Christian crusaders. This wasn’t altogether of this new world mentality, because it was still about destruction and dominance, but it gives us a slight insight of how new world mentality actually works to an extent.  So in affect, this new world mentality of constructiveness as opposed to destructiveness has been proven to work even though it was still under a dominance of a Muslim ruler and protector.

There is another big difference between the old and new world mentality, one is dominated by a controlling destructive ego and the other one isn’t.  A controlling ego just doesn’t fit within the criteria of this new world mentality, if there is any controlling ego there is no new world mentality, the controlling ego is only of old world mentality I believe because it’s the driving force behind old world mentality .  

Now let’s look at our present mentalities, many are at cross roads of the old and new, some are just of the old and some mostly of the new, we have got to expect some kind of discord between these variations of mentality.  Recently I have become aware of this within my discussions and disagreements with others, some disagreements with others run smoothly but others are totally conflictive, why the difference?

I realise I’m one of those people at these crossroads, because I don’t judge old mentality as being bad or even negative, I’m too accepting of old world mentality which is obvious because I’m still at the crossroads after many years of being spiritually/scientifically aware. I realised when I’m in a disagreement with people who are more into this new mentality the discussion doesn’t become conflictive. When I’m in a discussion with people who are also at these crossroads, between old and new mentalities, the discussion is more likely to become conflictive however it’s still unlikely that the discussion will turn into name calling and making destructive insinuating remarks towards each other.  When in discussion with people who are more into the old world mentality that is when these discussions can turn into something quite unbecoming and destructive which I believe is represented by a controlling ego.

We all have a right to view the world through whatever mentality we accept as we have a right to express this acceptance; the problem is we just don’t understand why we are not accepting of each other’s views when expressed.  

It has become quite obvious recently I no longer belong within the old world mentality so I, like many, need to move on from these crossroads.  The noticeably wider gap between my old and new world mentality has obviously become too conflictive and harmful to me and others for me to hang onto. I realise it’s no longer productive for me to hang onto any part of this old world mentality any longer no matter how accepting I am of it. The signs are there for all of us to move on; all we have to do is become aware of them. 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Divine Mentality

Written by Mathew Naismith

It would seem our mentality through history has changed very little, we are pretty much doing the same onto others as we did thousands of years ago, warring & slavery of one kind or another are good prime examples of this.  You would think by now we would have taken on, as a collective, some of what divine mentality is all about!!  

Yes sure we are not burning people at the stake, chopping off hands and feet in most countries or flogging people in public but this has little to do with how our mentality has evolved from these barbaric practices.  There are many people today, if they could, would be doing just what they did thousands of years ego which shows how our mentally has changed very little over time.  If we are still slaughtering each other for power and greed our mentality hasn’t changed that much at all over how many thousands of years however all's not lost!! 

There have been many prophets & enlightened people teaching us some of what divine mentality is so we can save ourselves. This hasn’t failed completely but we still have the minority who only have some kind of awareness of divine mentality.

 What is divine mentality?

The teachings of people like Jesus and Buddha are a prime example of divine mentality as of other prophets & alike. We have had the opportunity time and time again to expand past our antiquated mentality collectively but have chosen, on mass, to proceed with our archaic designs.  I believe divine mentality is any mentality and awareness beyond our present archaic mentality, the strange thing is human history shows time and time again how groups of people and individuals in the past became aware enough to overcome this archaic mentality.  We usually call these people wise.

Now we can say that it’s knowledge that gives these people wisdom but to me that’s not quite correct, you can know all of what is to know and still not know how to use this knowledge, this is where awareness comes into it.  Our heightened awareness tells us all of what we know or will ever know comes from the same source however if we are stuck in an archaic mentality we can’t be aware past the knowing of this archaic mentality  and we will presume all of what we know comes from human knowledge.

Awareness of more than we know gives us wisdom I feel, this goes along with a quote I wrote recently; “Knowledge is knowing what we are aware of, wisdom is being aware of what we don't know!! “

Divine mentality comes about by being aware of what we don’t know which of course is what is defined as wisdom.  I inserted this quote on the thinkers community and it was a big hit, no one argued it’s definition.  If we have no realisation of being aware of what we don’t know this denotes the archaic mentality I’m writing about here today however if you have some sense of correctness of this quote you are starting to delve into the divine mentality I feel.  

I believe everything come from an intelligent divine consciousness, all we need to do is remember who and what everything is and truly believe it.  In the mean time we should try not to idolise in others what we are. People like Jesus and Buddha never wanted to be idolised but listened too to take on some of their divine mentality so we may help ourselves.  

We are all divine beings but we will only become aware of this if we take on divine mentality!!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Defining and Finding Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

Balance is a tricky little beaver because it is usually defined by our own perception of what balance is, some people believe love will give us balance and others believe hate gives us balance.  Thinking that hate gives us balance is shown right throughout history, Hitler is a good example of this and so was the Roman Empire.  The reason hate or a dislike of another culture seemingly gives us balance is the peace proceeding such dominance, you rid the world of opposition you have peace.  This actually worked to one extent or another during Roman dominance, the short lived dominance of the US and supporting countries like Australia is but another good example of this.

The same mentality of thousands of years ago still holds today, promiscuity is rampant, slavery of one kind or another is rampant, piracy is rampant, corruption is rampant and so on.  We might be more knowledgeable technologically but we still hold the same mentality from the Roman times. This shows us how different knowledge is to awareness, if most of us were aware, would we still have this quite outdated mentality still?

Yes I know a lot of people in the west are going to say we no longer have slavey in western thinking countries but we do, to the system, we are just slightly different to the slaves of old.  This new slavery system hugely benefits the multinationals because they can gain so much more wealth through this newer system of slavery.

On the opposing side of this outdated mentality we have a spiritual renascence occurring especially in western thinking cultures and communities. Science is also coming of age delving into things it once thought of being hoogly-boogly (fanciful/delusional) but where does all this leave us?  Basically in chaos, as soon as you have extreme opposing sides you have chaos, love is but one example of this extreme which is in responds to an outdated and highly unaware and most often hatful mentality.

I explained in a recent post of mine, why I think this reality is balanced however I didn’t seem to explain enough to why I think it’s balanced. Just because you have extreme opposing sides doesn’t make a circumstance unbalanced, if Hitler took over the world we would still have balance but this would have been accomplished through extreme fanaticism. If you have no opposition you have balance and peace, Napoleon is another good example of this.  However Hitler and Napoleon still had opposition to subdue as did the Romans.

What I have been talking about here is extreme opposites however what if we bridged the gap between these so called opposites, would any clash between these lesser extremes be as chaotic?

Let’s use yin and yang for an example here of the difference between chaos and balance. You have a highly dominant yang overlording it over the yin, do you still have balance? Yes because you still have a yin a yang at play here as it takes a yin for the yang to respond and visa-versa. However because the yang is more dominant we have more chaos and a presumed imbalance. If we brought the differences between yin a yang closer together we would have less chaos and a more humanly presumed balance.   

Balance isn’t defined in how peaceful, loving or dominated we are, it’s defined by opposing differences however the less extreme opposing these differences are to each other the less chaos we will experience.  It’s the extremes of our opposites that give us chaos and a seemingly unbalanced existence not a so called unbalanced existence/reality. You could live in an unbalanced reality and not experience as much chaos as we do now believe it or not as I believe chaos is defined by our extreme opposing opposites!!

The handy thing about spiritual awareness is that it bridges, or should bridge, the gap between these opposites and the more we lesson this gap between these opposites the  less opposing they will seem thus chaos becomes a far less dominant occurrence!!   

This is why meditation works so well, we sit within our own quietness seeing little difference of anything.