Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Saturday 13 July 2013

Separation or Just Diversity of Consciousness’s

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is a very interesting exchange between a good internet friend of mine & myself on the various topics, we are indeed all on different wave lengths but of course we learn from diversity & the following is no different.   

Hi Mathew,
Again Who is it that is reincarnating?
Is it love or is it a self?
There is no I in love.
Unconditional love does not need karma or self'it just is'
take care

G'day Tawmeeleus

You have a problem with the I & self, I don't.

It is the smaller me who is reincarnating or self as you like to put it for the main reason to give my soul experience to learn by through diversity, you can't learn through diversity in being we or I collectively it has to be self & just I which is what gives us diversity to learn by.

I'm sorry but this I stuff that's so popular at the moment is rubbish to me because it represents segregation for starters of one consciousness to another which represents opposing polarities & conflict not oneness. To believe in this segregation you would have to believe everything of time & space to be an illusion when it can’t be because it vibrates so it exists just in a different consciousness not in an opposing consciousness because to have one consciousness the illusion & the other real you have opposing polarities but if there just different consciousness’s there is no opposition or conflict just a difference.

This is exactly what man has done right throughout the old consciousness just past, we need to think differently now for the new consciousness to take effect I believe & stop finding opposing polarities to everything.

Hello Mathew

No. I do not have a problem with any of it,not the way you imply, asking questions and putting another scenario out there is not having a problem.

A problem is the relation between human will and reality. When will and reality do not coincide, the resolution of this gap between reality and will is the solution of the problem. A problem implies a desired outcome coupled with an apparent deficiency, doubt or inconsistency that prevents the outcome from taking place.

I think if someone has a point of view and you do not agree is creating opposing polarities, that were not there in the first place. This is usually a result of one person thinking they are right and that the other is wrong.

Whereas I personally do not believe anyone is right or wrong because everyone only ever has the knowledge that they have! They cannot know what they do not know.

I guess it depends on your intrepretation of what illusion is.

An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation.

When I talk about illusion I mean that what we see as real in the physical is a perception of a physical reality.

Perception like all energy is not real or solid but we have a physical perception, an illusion of real and solid.

have a nice day Mathew

G’day Tawmeeleus

Are you implying I’m implying what you perceive I’m implying, I’m just implying what I perceive not what you perceive obviously.......Don’t take things to heart Tawmeeleus!!!

Forget the human vessel, we put too much emphasis on it because it’s not who we are so what do we have left? The soul & consciousness which of course we are all a part of. Now the soul can be caught up in human attachments to the extent it thinks it’s just a physical entity however you also have souls that are aware as well. The unaware soul seem separated, the only separation there is is the illusion of separation that’s all which comes down to awareness & this usually comes about by having a soul that has an expanded consciousness through diversity which you call separation or the illusion.   What you call separation I call diversity which we expand our consciousness by at the soul & yes human level as well so this naughty separation isn’t that naughty plus it’s the illusion of separation.  When we look from outside the human emotional square there is no separation, if there was, oneness would be totally unattainable because you perceive separation as I don’t see separation but totality. This is like this that & the other is spiritual but everything else isn’t especially all the naughty stuff but I on the other hand see it as all spiritual.

Think totally non-humanly, in this lies the truth however most people can’t do this because of previous programming from various human sources from the start.  Your only looking at this through human eyes obviously, try looking from outside the square inwards, you would be amazed how unseparated we are!!!

Do you know I get into certain conscious states that I can’t decipher half of what is human, even words have no meaning because to me in this state it’s antiquated & out dated, it’s a real strange feeling loosing most of what is supposed to be recognisable humanly to me. You seem to be just talking about human conscious concepts I’m not!!

We are on quite different wave lengths Tawmeeleus to obviously learn what we must!!!



Monday 24 June 2013

Learning from & Living within Discord

Written by Mathew Naismith

Some choose to live within discord & others in harmony & of course you have people like me who live within both which denotes full acceptance of what is, it depends upon your will in what reality you want to live in & of course what reality you still probably need to learn from in some cases.  Everyone has a right to live by their own free will however if we like it or not one’s own will will affect others either it be in discord, harmony or both. We have obviously chosen to live within a reality like this where everyone has their own free will to live by which in turn adds to the discord or if you like creates discord because any variant is going to create some sort of discord if we like it or not unless we become accepting of all free will. So does living within discord & harmony give one more balance? It has to because your accepting of all not just what makes one feel good, this is like you have to have the bad to appreciate the good in life type thing, it denotes balance which has very little opposing polarities thus conflict.

I must mention here that what we mistaken for discordant conflict might actually be beneficial as not all of what is negative is just negative, as I have stated in past posts both polarities of neg & pos have their own neg & pos within them, what seems to be just good or bad to one person will seem quite different to others because of their own free will they live by as mentioned earlier in this post.  Using myself as an example; while communicating with someone on a forum site I will at times change tack depending on what the other person I deem needs to learn as we are all indeed each other’s teachers, one minute I will be in harmony with them & then the next I will be in discord & of course they will do the same at times, we are learning from each other’s diversity & yes at time while teaching I too will be the student.  What if we all just lived in love & forgot about discord? Like I said earlier some of us still have lessons to learn that can only be learnt through being discordant plus it all comes down to our own free will which we should all try to be a little more accepting & understanding of, in this comes true acceptance.

If we all chose to live within a reality of love & harmony to escape realities of discord that would have to be a sign of total harmony wouldn’t it? No not at all because we still have an obvious conflict & non-acceptance of what is discordant, in our new reality of love & harmony we are not discordant but we haven’t learnt to be all accepting of all obviously as only through acceptance of all can one truly be at harmony & to do this one must be willing to live out lives of disharmony as well until we become accepting of all not just the things that make us feel good or desire.  The best way to do this is live within both polarities at the same time. I would like to mention here that a person who is truly all loving & in harmony won’t notice discord at all as they will only notice a difference if that!!

True harmonious loving people will smile at these differences & think the said people have a lesson to learn still & leave it at that but on occasions will try to help the said persons however we all have our own road to tread in our own way so no matter what is said we still have to keep to our own road & probably learn the hard way just like humanity as a whole is doing.  

Friday 21 June 2013

Living in Love & Accepting Discord at the Same Time

Written by Mathew Naismith 

The post I recently read on this blog is quite interesting to read but so are the comments so I thought I would post part of the discussion here on my blog with the relevant link, it’s all about finding love & accepting & living within discord & still feeling the love.  

misschelliesessence says:           

 June 20, 2013 at 1:18 pm             

Dearest Mathew – I love this conversation! You would not believe how similar we are, this last comment of yours blew me away. I felt the same way you did, living in the discord and being happy with it. I don’t feel it’s all that bad as long as you do feel safe, at home and vital there. We all have different paths to walk, journeys to follow and experiences to observe and learn (from). You are a beautiful and LOVELY ‘ratbag’ and even though you may live in the ‘discord’ it is clear to me that you are still a very loving person and that is what is most important in life, finding that love place and living it.

I ABSOLUTELY believe you have been in continuous pain since age 6! Mine started at age 7 and I am writing a blog about it, how it came about (I can see it now), how it affected my life for 30+ years and how I came to heal from it :) We have much in common however, my parents – all three of them – were alcoholics and I lived all the affects that a child of alcoholics do: extreme poverty, neglect, mental and emotional abuse. It took me a long time but I too, forgave them. There was a point after my own children were born that I was VERY angry with them, I felt they did NOT care for us. Feeling and knowing the unconditional love I had for my babes I did not feel they did they best they could since I felt I would do ANYTHING to make sure my children were loved, protected and provided for. But feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions change as we open our minds and hearts and after all that I realized that they did in fact do the best they could, even with the mental and emotional abuse – they didn’t know any better.

As for the discord in life, mine has all but disappeared and only comes around once in a while. I have no issues with what people consider negativity, it is one of our greatest teachers and when I do experience it, I welcome it – ask what am I suppose to get out of this – accept, embrace and love it. I have gotten to a place where I cycle through it very fast now as I just allow it to move through me. When I was in pain and dis-eased it was because I hung on to them, would dwell on them and beat myself up over it. I always say, ‘if we beat ourselves up physically, the way we do mentally we would all be broken, scarred and bruised’ and do you know what? I WAS! Which is why I say that.

I am truly grateful that my blog struck a cord with you – I get giddy when I hear feedback like that, so thank you very much! We must all do what makes us happiest in life, regardless of what it is and as long as we ‘do no harm to others’ we are free to live how we wish, want, need or dream. Thank you so much for sharing with me and all who read my blog. I LOVE it when others share it’s a beautiful thing and something we could all benefit from if we learned to do it more! SO SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU! Namaste dear Mathew! -m. xo

My reply:

WOW what can I say, it is funny how people who have been through the mill become more accepting however a lot of people who have gone through the mill don't make it like I nearly didn't a few times in my early life or some become totally conflictive right through out there lives & do unto other what was done unto them, I am no 49yrs old & I made it!!!

You seem to have a beautiful disposition & outlook Michelle as for me I live, at times, in discord but I’m not living in discord which a lot of people mix up. While I live in discord of life I have helped a fair amount of people because they relate to me as I do of them.  I’ve worked in the welfare arena twice over in my life the last time was working with disabled people of all kinds including people who have been in jail, disability comes in many forms. I had one disabled bloke a few years older than me who cried at the drop of a hat, after a stint with me & another co-worker you couldn’t make him cry even if you wanted too.  If I text book treated him he would be still in a mess, I didn’t treat him with kids gloves or something different from the rest but as an equal & when I incorporated this with humour I had an immediate response.  I was firm but humorous at the same time which helped him not to take life too seriously.

I involve myself with discord & at times become that discord but the love I feel around me at times brings me back to earth, I am exceptionally fortunate but a lot of people aren’t in being able to flip flop like this.  It is funny because people have a hard time working me out when they see me flip flop, they see me in discord & judge me on that then they see me in total peace & harmony, some people think I’m trying to trick them but it’s just me using the tools I have at hand to help others. It’s great to be able to use so called negatives in a positive way.

Lots of love to you too Michelle


Friday 7 June 2013

Heaven of Attachments

Written by Mathew Naismith

We have all heard about heaven with its pearly white gates greeting the deceased but instead of pearly white gates we get white illuminating light which beckon us in so to quote shoeless Joe Jackson in Field of Dreams “is this heaven”? By the way I never believed in heaven but!!

So what is heaven, it’s obviously not pearly white gates sitting on white fluffy clouds? Again a quote from Field of Dreams “it’s where dreams come true” so what are these dreams, are they what we didn’t or couldn’t accomplish in our past life or are they of attachments from our recent past life? I will answer this latter but before I do I will cover a few more related areas first.

When we experience a lot of hate & anguish do we stay around after dying? Most of the times not unless we hate ourselves & wish to hurt those who hurt us but do we stay around when we have loved & loved a lot or had a most fulfilling life in some other way? Most of us do because we wish to not leave this life, in other words we are still attached to this life we so enjoyed.  Love is a very strong motivation in keeping us here after our demise not just the love of people but the love of anything & yes even the love of killing as love in any form is one of our most powerful emotions we humanly have. So where do people who have done a lot of wrong to others go, to hell?  Well again it’s not the hell we have been told about like brim stone & fire in actual fact very strong negativity or evilness is of the dark & cold not light & warmth because it sucks energy not give it. Hell is where we stay in limbo waiting for our next calling, it’s not a bad place it’s just nothingness where’s this place we call heaven is something quite different.

If we have no attachments to our recent last life we move on to the place of limbo however if we still have attachments we go to this place we call heaven. Heaven of attachments is what I call heaven because that is exactly what it is; this is a place that we meet our passed loved ones where we were once close too, or more correctly said, still close too. In this place we are still in away playing out our physical lives with the people most dear to us until called upon, this is different to deceased people staying in the physical reality they once lived in & still do.

After we pass on we have three ways to go or three quite different realities to continue our existence in, heaven, limbo or stay in the physical reality we are no longer physical in while usually helping out those we love, notice I didn’t say loved as in pass tense!! However in doing this we could be causing our loved ones still physically existing grief especially if they are picking up on us.

So in all the reality heaven is where dreams are made if one wished to stay connected or attached & reunite with some of their relies & friends who have passed on before us, it is a place of dreams & total peaceful harmony, this is why we call this reality or this kind of afterlife heaven which is fair enough by me.  

Sunday 2 June 2013

Pure Love of the Soul

Written by Mathew Naismith

The Big WOW Factor: Like I have mentioned in previous posts the creative core (God) isn’t actually of love as we know it & neither is the core of the soul from when it was first created however because they are of complete & pure harmonious peacefulness they feel like benevolent unconditional love & for an emotional human that is exactly what they are because it’s what we perceive they are.

Because the creative & the soul core isn’t of attachments, which in the long run gives us chaos & conflicts, they would of course psychologically seem all loving to us humans living in this reality of attachments because of the contrast for example a person living in a third world country would see developed countries as a huge wow for them because of the contrast as the some would be for someone living in the desert & then finding themselves in a rain forest, it’s the contrast that’s the big wow however for the people living within these wow  circumstances it’s not as big a wow factor however most of us are aware of the wow factor we are living in to a certain extent or should be.  

Believe it or not while in the conscious state of our soul’s core we look at realities like this one with a big wow however it’s not the same if we were within the creative core itself, it would just be, as in no big deal. This is funny because looking through the eyes of our souls core centre is like it’s always greener on the other side of the fence, once you’re on the other side you realise what you had before so if you looked through the eyes of a human at the souls core you would see the wow factor being of the souls core not of human life, what are spiritually aware people doing while becoming aware? They see it as always being greener on the other side of the fence of course & looking from the souls core centre to realities like this one is no different.  

Recently I have been doing a bit of a flip flop like with the right brain left brain test with the dancing girl, at times with me she will be just flipping back & forth & that is exactly what she is doing, she’s not rotating at all, I’ve been flip flopping between seeing through the eyes of my cores soul then I will see the core soul through human eyes, yes it always seems greener on the other side of the fence no matter what side you are on.

Dancing girl link just for fun, try to enjoy everything that is human as well as non-human (mystical):

Here is a relevant quote of mine I wrote up some time ago:  “There is nothing mystical about the unknown only the known, so if you are questioned about your beliefs in mysticism just say it’s only mystical to you as you not the understanding of something more than you believe!!!”.....  

Creating Through Perceptions: Because the creative core & the core of our souls have no attachments this peaceful serenity is felt because that is exactly what they are of, love comes from this feeling of peaceful serenity & the more connected we are the more feeling of love we will experience to a point & once we cross this point all we want to do is be human again. Don’t get me wrong the love is always there but it’s more to do with what we perceive because at the cores soul level we can create anything & if its love you will perceive& create love through perceptions but also through this perceiving one can create anything & that is what creates in realties of time & space. So is this saying that love is an illusion because it’s just perceived? Perception’s are like thoughts & if thoughts vibrate therefore exist so would perceptions as perceiving is just another vibration of consciousness so no it’s not an illusion just a different vibration to experience.

So can hate be created as well seen as everything can be created at the cores soul level? Vibrations like hate can only be created like anything else through perceiving, once one perceives hate hate is created but hate is usually generated through many unbalanced chaotic attachments through living numerous lives not through the soul’s core for the main reason it’s of peaceful serenity, at this state of peaceful serenity it would be nearly impossible to perceive (create) hate but it can be done I believe but who would want too.   The reason one wouldn’t want to perceive such a vibration in the first place is one can obtain the perception of hate through living out many lives through various experiences, why rush a good thing!!

Like I have said before in past posts about being attacked by 9 entities at one time all I did is laugh at them because at that exact time I was connected to my souls core not that I humanly consciously realised it at that time. No being, entity or negative vibrative energy form is going to like being reminded of their soul’s core because it’s of pure peaceful serenity. Yes believe it or not the most devilish negative form in any universe or dimension derived from this peaceful serene state of the souls core centre& this is what makes life easier for me realising that everyone was initially of the same as me, a peaceful serene energy form.  Believe it or not if one looked at everything from the creative cores centre you wouldn’t notice any difference between hate & love because everything is of the now so everything, if they realise it or not in realities of time & space, is the same as only in realities of time & space does everything seem different.  It’s time & space that gives us contrasts & opposing differences but it’s through these differences where everything is created thus the creative core is able to experience itself through this process.

It is funny how little we know about our cores soul centre because if we knew more life would be a lot more peaceful & serene but I don’t think many of us are willing to allow themselves to be aware of such things as most people, if they know it or not, have attachments which were obtained through various lives & that is what makes it difficult for us to realise what & who we really are however some negative people & other negative forms of vibrative energy just don’t want too.

Looking at the cores soul from a human perspective is a huge wow factor that should be experienced by everyone wanting a better existence because just in the knowing of the souls core centre one can change their own perception & it’s through these perceptions that create, you change the perception you change existence & create the existence you perceive.  This all comes down to attachments & of course attachments denote desire which are all brought on by the nasty perceived ego. See what I mean about perceiving that the ego is nasty, we have created yet another mode of thought (reality) of negativity through our perception.  So is there anything wrong with the ego, desire, attachments judgment & so forth as they all seem to lead to chaos & conflict? There is nothing wrong or negative with these traits & emotions it’s the way we perceive them that makes them negative. 

Let’s take a look at the soul’s core, it is of peaceful serenity even though it is of the ego remembering that the ego & related attachments are creative. At this point of the soul’s core, even though we are of the ego otherwise we wouldn’t exist, we are still peaceful & serene it’s when we start to perceive more & start living out lives we start to become negative with the ego & related traits & emotions as we accumulate attachments especially negative attachments, it’s our perception that create negative as the negative weren’t there in the first place.  

It’s all to do in what we perceive in what we create & as I have said numerous times we are creators in our own right which is done through our perception & attachments. Becoming reconnected & remembering who we really are brings on a conscious awareness of oneself that gives us this huge wow factor, enjoy being & feeling of your own souls core centre as humanly as possible without going over the top, in this comes a huge wow factor that will never leave you, become truly aware of what you are reconnecting yourself to is so important here I couldn’t state it often enough.          

Friday 24 May 2013

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt.10

spiritual love

Written by Mathew Naismith

Love & Acceptance: I thought about the caption for this as I was going to call it Love is Acceptance because when one is accepting one does feel a lot of emotional love. The reason for this is when we are accepting one is also no longer in conflict to the same extent as before, as soon as we become accepting our emotional reaction changes which feels like love. So is this feeling we get from acceptance love?

Humanly if it feels like love then it must be love however if one was to only experience this through our spirit/inner self  eyes this feeling of love would only be just a change of emotions as the spirit/inner self isn’t of the ego as it’s the ego that defines what emotions are. The spirit self doesn’t have an ego therefore it is unemotional & accepting therefore non-conflictive unlike the ego self.  No matter what emotion it is it denotes conflict in one way or another as I will further explain.

What I am saying here is it’s the ego that defines our emotions & the more inflated the ego the more emotional one is. I will use Hitler for an example her to define what I’m saying more clearly.

Hitler obviously had a huge ego coming up from corporal to chancellor, if you study Hitler’s carrier the more egotistical he became the more emotional he was however when the war started going bad for him he emotionally lashed out because he’s egotism was threatened. There were two quite distinctive modes of emotional periods for Hitler but both of them where egotistically & emotionally driven.

Any emotional feeling one gets is egotistically driven either it be love, hate or something in between & anything that is of the ego is non-accepting & conflictive to one extent or another like with Hitler. This looks like I’m saying love is non-accepting & conflictive so is love of these things? Again to answer this I will use Hitler as an example. When you look at Hitler coming into power & when the war was going in his favour Hitler’s emotional state was quite different to latter on,  Hitler had a great love of his countrymen but once he saw them letting him down latter on in the war he’s love turned to something else & yes at times it turned to hating. So the question still remains is love conflictive? The answer of course is yes but to a much lesser extent than hate. Love is so much less conflictive than hate but it is still conflictive.

Any apposing polarity represents conflicts however the main difference is in the ego in how egotistical one is, the more egotistical the more conflictive one is as shown with Hitler but when the ego is threatened or becomes further inflated the more one seems to hate which is represented by a much bigger conflictive mode of thought than what love would produce.

spiritual love 2So this sounds like I’m saying the emotion love is non-accepting as well but I stated before that love was accepting so how can it be both? It’s not both but it can be, love is a more accepting emotion than hate but it still has an opposing polarity as in hate however it is still more accepting & less egotistical than hate. In saying this love can be quite egotistical if we feel we are better in some way to someone else who hates; this is how the opposing polarity love can induce egotism, non-acceptance & an obvious conflict with hate & this is why the concept of accepting works, while you are loving your also learning to accept those things that are opposing to love like hate.  It’s a very peaceful harmonious way in finding & sharing love through acceptance.

This is why it’s very hard for a human to become totally accepting, actually to be totally accepting one would have to change their mode of thought quite extensively to accommodate this which is nearly impossible as we are all driven by the same mode of thought at that time in human history. All we need to do is become more accepting not totally but more than we are now to induce the feeling of love through acceptance & become less conflictive.

The biggest thing to watch out for with feeling this love through acceptance is the ego & the bigger the ego gets the more conflictive one becomes. The ego can inflate with the emotion love & the more we feel this emotional love the more emotional we are & the bigger the chance of an inflated ego. This is one of the biggest pitfalls one can come across & is fed by the ego so one needs to always be aware of this.

The best way to avoid this dilemma is through being aware of the egotistical problems & the best way to avoid egotism is when you feel this love through acceptance always feel that you want to give this love freely to whoever no matter who they are, this is what true acceptance is all about.