Showing posts with label enlightenment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enlightenment. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 October 2013

To Become an Enlightened Soul or Not

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is going to seem quite off the cuff for possibly most people in that it’s not going to make any sense or have any plausibility in being the case in reference to some souls preferring to stay ignorant & unenlightened for eternity.  We assume that all souls want to be enlightened or are going to become enlightened & at one with all at one time, why do all souls need or even desire this? We talk about ascension but if a soul’s will is to not ascend isn’t that their free will to do so?

I’m actually going to talk about souls that are enlightened to one extent or another but either want to stay ignorant of their own enlightenment at the soul level, which usually takes being unbecoming in some way like an entity with evil intent, or stay ignorant of their enlightenment just at the physical level, either way that is their free will to do so.

For a soul to stay ignorant of itself at the soul level while in physical form usually only takes being in physical form with all its fixations & attachments however at times the souls enlightenment comes through so the soul needs to become more unbecoming to cover up such occurrences. There are spiritualists in India who actually lash out at people physically mauling them, these aren’t just spiritually aware people but actual spiritualists who have devoted their lives to spirituality but have the urge to lash out for similar reasons as mentioned above however all they are doing is basically taking a break from their daily lives just like we take a break from our jobs & have a cuppa. Why do we all assume that all souls desire or have a will to ascend, what does ascend pertain to? Climb, rise, sour to new heights, does this sound a little egotistical?  However until one’s soul is enlightened in some way we will want to ascend in some way, we are actually using the constructive (positive) side of the ego to ascend or better ourselves at the human & soul level.

This brings us to souls who don’t wish to know of their own enlightenment. Just like at the physical level the soul needs to become unbecoming even to itself but at the soul level this takes a lot more effort therefore one’s soul needs to become a lot more unbecoming than at the physical level. I’ve come across a number of these souls while becoming spiritually aware & yes they frightening for the soul purpose of covering up their own enlightenment & to have a bit of fun believe it or not. There were a few occasions that they were playing games with me; I would eventually catch onto this & just laugh at them even though they were still quite frightening to me. When you become in the knowing all you can do is laugh &/or cry.  

So am I saying these unbecoming & frightening entities & souls are souls that are enlightened to one extent or another? Yes most definitely, why am I so definite? Recently I had the chance to see these souls while in their frightening states, we bonded not because I’m unbecoming myself or anywhere near as unbecoming as them but I could feel a connection of mateship if you like. It’s as if the inner core of their souls spoke to me in a calming manner of their own knowing of their own enlightenment which of course their trying to avoid. Why again does every soul have a desire to become at one & enlightened? The truth is it doesn’t however the glitch is for a soul to know this they first have to become enlightened & once some souls are enlightened all they want to do is become unenlightened again. Yes this is of the ego but so is ascending to enlightenment, they don’t have an obvious problem in expressing the ego in any way & in actual fact the more they express the ego the less enlightened they feel.  Does this seem like it relates to a lot of what’s been going on in this reality!!!!