Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts

Sunday 10 September 2017

Balance Creates Love

Written By Mathew Naismith

To me, a true sense of balance creates love through a natural process in states of balance, the reason I think this is explained in the following post I posted on a forum. Balance/moderation is simply bliss which creates a sense of love of everything void of bias or prejudice. A moderated thought process negates all extremes thus creating a true sense of balance that then creates a true sense of love.

As we go within, extremes have less of an influence over us, the extrication of these extremes are simply replaced with a sense of love. The reason for this is simple; extremes denote imbalances and lust/desire, by becoming less influenced by extremes bring balance which allows a truer sense of love to influence us instead of extremes. Influences from extremes are simply replaced by the influences of love.   


This is interesting, is a true state of balance of divine consciousness (spirit) or human consciousness (mind)? 

Considering that humans have always and probably always will express extremes, it is unlikely a true state of balance is of human consciousness; it's probably why human consciousness struggles to maintain some kind of balance in life.

When we presume and perceive that divine consciousness is love and that love is above all else, is this not an expression of an extreme. It's very human to desire the opposite of what one is existing in, especially if one is not physiologically happy with their present environment.

Consider this, is not saying that divine consciousness is primarily of love not stating an absolute? If we took away all the love and hate within the world, all we would be left with is bliss, the reason for this lies within these extreme expressions. There is no true sense of balance within extreme expressions, in one trying to over power the other all the times, a true sense of balance simply can't exist within such an existence.

So why do we perceive that divine consciousness is only of an extreme such as love?

Psychologically looking at this, human nature perceives what it desires to be of, not what it doesn't desire to be of, especially if it has any kind of disdain (contempt) towards it's present environment. It is simply natural for humans to desire something to be what it's not just to escape from its present environment.

It is natural when a state of true balance exists bliss and love are present, however, when a state of imbalance exists, chaos and hate are present and naturally so. So is divine conciseness (spirit) primarily of and expressive of love or balance?  If the spirit within all things was of an extreme, everything would also express and be of extremes but there simply not.

So if everything of the spirit within all things is balance, why isn't everything of balance?  Where you have yin and yang, is where you have balance but you also have imbalance, it's simply a natural law of existence as a whole.

Human represents imbalance where divine consciousness represents balance. To me, we presume too much while collectively in a state of chaos and mayhem. The divine consciousness, unlike ourselves, is not of an extreme of any kind, we simply perceive it to be so because of what we psychologically desire.

As of many Eastern teachings teach, balance/moderation is the key, not love.

“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.” 
Lao TzuTao Te Ching

 “Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralysed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.” 
Jalaluddin RumiThe Essential Rumi

You can be still and still moving. Content even in your discontent.

Ram Dass

Friday 14 July 2017

Pure Awareness verses Pure Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

For only the aware will desist in their destructive ways, all else will continue with being destructive, albeit in a different way, a way that makes us feel even more right while being destructive. As light is destructive to dark, positive to negative, the feminine to the masculine, yin to yang in this case, only that of what the ego desires will an ego controlled reality.  

Pure awareness; is a state that is motionless, a state that needs no further motion to become aware, for all motion is of ego. Think on this, why have motion when in a pure aware state? Motion simply depicts a state that is unaware, for all motion is of an unaware state and all motionlessness is of an aware state. The more aware we become void of a controlling ego, the more of this pure motionlessness we become, however, at no time can we become of this pure awareness while of the ego in any sense, all we can do is become aware of this pure state.

Pure awareness (nothingness) = motionlessness + aware

Pure ego (creation) = excessive motion + unaware

It is quite understandable why in Buddhism this state is also referred to as nothingness; there is no motion in this state, there is simply no need of motion. Other ideologies of course have their own explanations for this state.

Pure ego; is a state of excessive motions, you could say this state is the yang to the yin, the yin being of pure awareness or visa-versa. The more of this pure ego we become, the more controlled and controlling we become. Think on this, why would a state of pure awareness desire or even need to control anything?   

This state of pure ego is of an excessive while at the same time excluding all else, for example, this state being of all light with no darkness, all positive with no negatives or all materialism with no spiritualty or abstemiousness. It's basically a state of extremes, of course if this state sounds familiar; it's for a very good reason, we are simply becoming more and more of this pure ego.

Yes, the ego has made many of us believe that we are becoming more of this pure awareness, even while all the signs state otherwise like all the expressions of extremism, for example, being expressed in the world today. All motions or expressions of extremism depict a state of consciousness that is more of pure ego than pure awareness.

Spirituality: Until quite recently I didn't get why spirituality today is more of pure ego than pure awareness. All negatives are avoided and/or ignored or shunned and how many people desire to become totally spiritual or of this pure awareness and so on and so on it goes? The desire to become of one or the other, pure awareness or pure ego, depicts extremism. No person who is truly aware of this pure aware state desires to become of this state; the awareness within itself is all that is needed.

In actuality there is no state; it's simply awareness that can be used to balance out excessive motions, a controlling ego, or not. This pure awareness simply becomes a state so that the ego is able to comprehend pure awareness and fair enough too, it's basically using the ego against itself by taking away the controlling ways of the ego.

Realities: As of the universe, all realities are created from ego as it's all of motion. Now the type of reality that can be created can range from pure ego states of love and light (positive) to pure ego states of hate and dark (negative), of course what is positive or negative to one isn't to another and visa-versa. Realities are simply created by the exclusion of what is undesirable, for example, multinationals exclude negatives within their realities like being financially poor or the inability to control. On the other hand, spiritually aware people exclude negatives like being negative and of anything that is deemed dark by them, however, not all realities are created from excluding one from the other.

The ego in control simply desires an ultimate state, as of all deemed ultimate states, they exclude one or the other, basically, the exclusion of what isn't desired. This simply means the exclusion of yin from the yang or visa-versa. I find this funny when the ego still judges these kinds of states as being of oneness; the controlling ego certainly deludes us. Yes, these ultimate states are of oneness but only of the oneness we desire to be apart of, everything else is excluded.

However, as I stated before, not all realities are of the exclusion of one or the other, the yin from the yang. If everything of this reality was in perfect balance between each other, meaning, if yin and yang were in perfect balance between each other, a state of bliss would reside within the reality. Within this state of no exclusions, there would be no desire of an ultimate reality because a pure state of balance would reside. As there are states of pure awareness and pure ego, there are states of pure balance which create realties of pure bliss. There is simply no desires of an ultimate state within realities that don't exclude one from the other but have everything working in unison, basically, one not trying to control or dominate or destroy the other.

We simply don't need, as opposed to desire, to exclude anything to reach a state of pure bliss; all we need to do is become aware of the controlling ego and this state of pure awareness. Of course once we become aware of the ways of a controlling ego, we naturally become aware of this pure awareness. Pure bliss for all is all to do with being aware instead of unaware while under the control of the ego. Ego simply denotes an unaware state that an aware state of being doesn't want to exclude but simply needs to quell when out of control; this is where wisdom comes into it. Wisdom simply gives us an awareness of an out of control ego and the awareness of how to quell this kind of out of control state of existence.

The ego is simply unable to comprehend a true state of awareness for the ego is unable to cope with this kind of awareness. The inability to comprehend is all to do with self-preservation of the ego, what the ego doesn't understand or desire, it will denounce or exclude from it's own awareness. This is natural for the ego to do in a self-preservation mode. An ego in control will also perceive an ultimate state of existence, an existence that can be created, such as our present existence. To a lot of multinationals/materialists, the present reality is an ultimate reality for them. For a lot of spiritually aware people it's love and light or this state of pure awareness or being one with God. The ultimate reality is simply governed by the type of control used by the ego, basically, what the ego excludes to create ultimate realities that are imbalanced.

What is an ultimate reality for one kind of controlling ego isn't for another, this is why pure ego states don't even like to comprehend or are able to comprehend a true balanced state of existence. Even a true balanced state of existence isn't an ultimate reality; it's simply just another form of reality that doesn't exclude one over and above the other. A state of neutrality created, not by force or destroying as in light over dark, but by the invalidation of all opposing forces, a state where extreme expressions are simply unable to exist.

Is a reality created from love and light not also of the invalidation of hate and dark?  No, a reality of love and light is an exclusion of hate and dark, not an invalidation where hate and dark can't exist. How many people of love and light despise (hate) being of anything negative or dark? Also, light is destructive to dark, not a culmination of light and dark working in unison. In a true balanced existence, all works as one for the good of all as a whole without exclusions, a true sense of oneness brought about by being equally of pure awareness as of pure ego.                

Simply become truthfully aware void of the deception of a controlling ego, of course as always, this isn't for everyone. 

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Giving a True Sense of Assistance

Written by Mathew Naismith 

I was recently presented with a person that is going through insurmountable trauma at present, part of the trauma brought about by external forces also includes their partner; this of course exasperates the trauma. By the sounds of it, my assistance is greatly assisting this person to cope better with this said trauma.

When we seemingly have no control over these kinds of external influences, the ego goes into spasm, basically, the ego chucks a patty, meaning, the ego becomes infuriated. The ego simply has to have control, or more precisely, a sense of control even when the ego is never really in control itself, of course the ego denies it's never in control and this is the point. When the ego grasps a hold on a judged positive, as a sense of control is, it will deliberately stay ignorant to everything else.

Positive thinking isn't just destructive to everything negative (dark), it's a high state of ignorance which can exasperate trauma to the extent of hate. How many people of positive thinking hate negative thinking (dark)? Of curse the ego in a false sense of control will categorically refute that it hates. Purposely going into a state of ignorance of something detestable is a form of hate to start with.

This person I'm assisting at present isn't a naturally hating person but they mentioned hating someone, of course during our discussion, we found that this person didn't really hate which was a load off their mind to start with. Anger can lead to hate but anger within itself isn't of hate. At this point the ego is simply infuriated not being in control, only when the ego has no or little control can anger lead to hate. How many people hate being negative or of expressing the ego? It is obvious to people like me it's got to this point of hating, probably primarily due to our present reality being so hatful and destructive.

When people like me express balance and moderation in these circumstances, we are often put down by people who are either of one or the other. The ego simply has to have or take control in these circumstances, any other way is simply deliberately ignored (refuted) or put down (degraded). Yes, people like me are hated for expressing balance and moderation; this has been too obvious from an ego trying to gain more and more control. This reminds me of religious fanatics and multinational who just simply can't get enough control. Any kind of detesting is a form of hate; this includes detesting not having or gaining more and more control and the detestation of negatives (darkness).

What I have gone through in certain parts of my life would be judged by many positive thinking people and of love and light people of being negative (dark). If you simply have no awareness of one or the other, dark of the light, positive of the negative, how would you truthful be able to assist people in this kind of reality? By preaching and destroying everything not positive and of love and light!!

How many people are trying to help other people by influencing others of their way of control while deliberately staying ignorant to what they detest themselves?  Multinational detest being poor and not being in control. Religious fanatics, positive thinking people and people only of love and light are exactly the same, but their egos will tell them otherwise as always. If I didn't go through the life I did, would I have a right to even try to assist people in trauma? How many people on the net are doing just this?  It's insurmountable while at the same time being deliberately ignorant to most of what is, even to balance and moderation.

To live in ignorance of everything except of one idealism, isn't awareness and is certainly not of a true sense of positive being or of love and light, for there is simply no true sense of love and awareness in ignorance, especially when it's deliberate.

I have spoken to a number of people on this. A pure sense of awareness is love and light, being that light and love is this pure awareness state, for example, Buddhism speaks of this pure awareness. You simply can't get into this state while detesting everything else not of this state, in any sense, for this pure aware state is not of a controlling ego that has to be in control in one way or another. As soon as the ego labels this state as love and/or light, it's of a controlling ego and of ignorance to everything that is not of itself.

I often say to people to just walk away if any form of control is causing you trauma, of course the ego desires to anything but just simply walk away, it desires to take back control even to the point of hating. Hate and detesting anything gives the ego a sense of control when in actuality the ego is less in control. This person I am trying to assist now realises that any sense of hate or detestation is in actuality a loss of control. As I have said before, you need to use the ego against itself. Give the ego a sense of control but in a more truthful manner.

How many multinationals are in control of their greed and power mongering? How many people of positive thinking and of love and light are truly in control when they are purposely existing in ignorance?  It's impossible for any of these people to truthfully assist other people not of their own. Yes, they can deceptively influence people but not honestly because an ego that desires to take control is anything but truthful.

This pure awareness state that seems like love and light to the ego is simply not about control, it's simply being that is everything of this awareness which of course includes an ego in control. Everything is because there is no control, only a false sense of control.

To put it simply, I could not truthfully assist people in trauma if it wasn't for my own traumas in life and especially having an awareness of the controlling ways of the ego. You simply need to be aware while avoiding all extremes when applicable to truthfully assist other people.        

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Wisdom and Philosophy

Written by Mathew Naismith

My wife and I were having breakfast out on our front porch this morning, as usual, and as usual we had birds of various varieties flying about in our garden. I  at one time noticed a fig bird just sitting there as if in contemplation, I then thought how many people actually sit within this same quietness as this fig bird. The fig bird has obviously had it's fill, feeding is motion, and now it's motionless, it's a life of perfect balance and harmony within an environment of motion. However, humans often don't balance out their life of motion with motionlessness, like the fig bird, who lives within it's natural environment not against it.

Motion: What human consciousness seems to have done, is the more motion it's expressive of, the less of this quietness and subsequent wisdom human consciousness became. It's strange, this is sound evidence within our own actions that wisdom is no longer a vital part of our being. While becoming more of motion through knowledge and intelligence, we at the same time destroyed any wisdom that we could find. This knowledgeable intelligent consciousness went out and deliberately destroyed any kind of wisdom that would question it's actions of degradation. Excessive motion on it's own can erode any wisdom a consciousness has, human consciousness went beyond this and deliberately tried to destroy wisdom and any related philosophy/philosopher who actually questions their own actions and beliefs.

It's as if we have gotten to a point in human consciousness, that we no longer question our own actions and beliefs from materialism to spirituality, we will however question other people's actions and beliefs but not our own.

A good example of this is what Kundalni energy experiences can create. We so often perceive that what Kundalini energy flows create, are the be and end all,  huge amount of motional and emotional love being one of these creations. I say creations because love is a motion, it's not motionless, anything of motion is created from another source. It's this source that created this love that is more of a be and end all, not what this energy creates. Materialism is exactly the same, what creates materialism? Degradation, a destruction or transformation of one energy to another form of energy creating a possession.

Before I go on I better put things in a more comprehensible perspective.

Wisdom and philosophy = timelessness + infinite + motionless + peace

Knowledge and intelligence = time + finite + motion + chaos

I should make it clear here that philosophy is a motion, it creates motion, this is how we are able to express this motionless wisdom into a motion thus assisting us to balance out excessive expressions of motion. However, philosophy used and obtained entirely through knowledge and intelligence, would put philosophy under the heading of motion, time, finite and a possible creator of chaos. It's wise to be aware that all motion is a creator of chaos in one way or another, maybe not to you or even someone else, but it's likely to create chaos/destruction to the environment around you in some way. It's wise to be aware that all motion creates a form of chaos in some sense.

It's actually natural for motion to create chaos, it' also natural for motionlessness to create peace. We might think that love, even when created through a Kundalini experience, isn't of this chaos. ask yourself honestly, what is this kind of love doing to people who don't love in the same way? It's causing them chaos and of course they will react or counter-react in accordance to this created chaos. All motion creates a form of chaos within the environment in some way, no matter how much of a be and end all it is, again, it's wise to be aware of this if we truly want to create peace on  Earth.

Foundation of Peace: Human consciousness has also created a most unusual reality, it's probably why so many souls have chosen to experience this kind of reality. We have a consciousness that assumes it's intelligent because of it's own knowledge and technological advancements. We also have this same exact self-deemed intelligent consciousness, expressing more motion than ever, while killing off anything else that would give this consciousness  balance and a  more peaceful existence. If you look back to any created golden age in human history, you will find that wisdom was the primary creator of such an age. Don't get me wrong here, knowledge and intelligence certainly played it's part but it was wisdom that was the foundations of these golden ages.

I am going to make a prophecy here, any nation of people, countrymen or otherwise, that bases their existence on wisdom, will be given an awareness that will protect them from any kind of ignorance. We so often do this on a personal level ourselves, however, what I am talking about here comes deep within the infinite itself. This especially includes protection from aliens who have crashed there transport on Earth. Think on this, how would a truly highly intelligent and spiritually connected being, crash their transport in any circumstances? It just couldn't occur.

Being wise doesn't mean we should just sit within our natural environment and do nothing else either, we are in a reality of motion and emotions, we are supposed to create motion, for an example, accumulating wealth. Accumulating wealth takes excessive amounts of motion, this amount of motion will often deplete or erode our own wisdom, there is nothing wrong or right in this. What we often don't do in this case is balance out this excessive motion with motionlessness, wisdom in other words. Everything within our environment is of motion, motion is naturally part of this kind of existence, what human consciousness is to ignorant of, is creating balance within he's own expressions of motion.

Final Thought: What do families, who are highly motional, try to aspire their children to be? Become a doctor or a lawyer for example. In ancient times of golden ages, it was better to aspire one of your chosen children to follow a path of wisdom, how many families do this these days, especially in Western minded countries? For such an intelligent consciousness, it still hasn't worked out why it's still in conflict!! The wealth of a family was measured in the wisdom it beheld, how do we measure wealth today?......

One thing to consider here, a good philosopher will look upon the self as the collective, this means it will in-turn question this collective as it has a right to question itself!!   

Tuesday 16 August 2016

The Universe - An Abstract Expression

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before we get into this, it has been asked a number of times where I fit into the scheme of things, what human label do I fall under, my usual reply is that I am spiritually aware to some extent. It would seem I actually fall under the label mystic more than anything as I seem to fit this profile, I was also very heavily involved in mysticism in ancient Egypt in a past life, not long before hieroglyphs depicted light globes and helicopters on the walls of Hathor's temple.

Mysticism to me is like modern day science in that it's about becoming more aware, however, unlike modern day science, mysticism is void of any perceptions that are limiting, the following post is a prime example of this. I am also about the consciousness of mysticism, not the mechanics of mysticism, this basically means I avoid primarily using physical means to obtain an awareness. This is done for a very good reason, the five senses usually limits and hinders conscious awareness.

Now for the universe being but an abstract expression (representation). Firstly, what does this abstract universe represent?

Abstract Universe: This abstract universe represents a consciousness that everything else in existence has been created from, including other consciousness's. We often refer to this consciousness as the source of all creation or God for example, basically once again it's in reference to a consciousness that everything else has been created from, it's truly important to  comprehend this. To me, it's quite understandable why we relate this kind of consciousness to a God.

The abstract representation of this all creative consciousness, could be deemed as an illusion and often is by many, being that this all creative consciousness is real and where everything else has been abstractly copied from and only in part. To explain this better abstract art for instance is a reflection or an expression of parts of a something, this refers that the universe is but one of infinite expressions of this one consciousness.

Abstract art represents certain expressions while other expressions are ignored or not included within an expression (art). This exclusion of other parts changes the reflection of what is being expressed, you might even say this exclusion distorts what is real, however, as of consciousness, this distortion gives a different perspective to what is being expressed which produces a different perception that would otherwise be unknown.

What is real =  infinite + timelessness + reality

What is abstract = finite +time + illusion

Abstract expressions seems to distort reality, basically, giving a false representation of what is real, an illusion of what is real, however, in actually abstract expressions are not about giving a false representation of what is real, instead abstract expressions are about giving a different perspective of what is real while still representing, in part, what is real. What usually occurs is that a consciousness believes or wants to believe that this abstract universe is real in every sense, basically, we have fooled ourselves in believing in an abstract representation being a true representation of who we are as a whole. We have, within ourselves, created an illusion through our beliefs, basically, this abstract universe isn't giving us a false representation of this all creative consciousness, we are.

It's truly this simple, what is real is of the infinite, what isn't real is of the finite, all that time does is give this all creative consciousness a state of existence where the infinite consciousness can be expressed as a finite consciousness. Because the infinite is expressed in time, time can only express the infinite in parts, this automatically gives an abstract impression of the infinite. Time expresses certain expressions while other expressions are excluded, this is because time is of starting and ending points, within time, a consciousness is unable to express a starting and ending point at the same time, they need to be separated or expressed in parts giving a abstract appearance or perception.

It's good to be aware that this abstract universe and everything in it, is based on a real reflection distorted by time, this doesn't make everything in time an illusion unless a consciousness believes that this state is real. How many of us believe that obstruct art is a true depiction of that is real? Not many of us, there is however one thing to be aware of here, most often abstract art will portray a real expression that most people are unaware of or can perceive, could not the universe itself also be doing the same? In timelessness (infinite) we are one thing, in time (finite) we are something else however in stating this, it's wise to be aware that the universe is an abstract copied image of who we truly are as a whole.

Basically, we are talking about two sides of the coin here or yin and yang. the abstract (finite) being the other side of the coin compared to this all creative consciousness.

Yin = abstract + finite

Yang = reality/actual + infinite

Two Sides of the Coin: There are a number of similarities between the two sides of the coin to consider here, yin and yang, finite and infinite. On one hand we have the all creative consciousness that created everything, on the other hand we have consciousness's that emulate this creative consciousness by creating in it's own right, basically once again, creating but in an abstract way. We also have two sides of the coin, however, they are still of the same coin. We might also think one is real and the other isn't, what then depicts real when there is no unreal and visa-versa? Put in another way, what depicts yang without the yin?  

We might think we are thinking too much here, why can't one exist without the other being present?

To think this still takes a thought process to begin with. The point is, the infinite is of timelessness, this also means time has also always existed within this timeless state, in other words the other side of the coin, yin, has also always existed for there is no starting or ending point within timelessness (infinite consciousness). Yin and yang, finite and infinite, time and timelessness, two sides of the coin, have always existed, however, in an abstract universe/reality, one seems to exist without the other. It's like I said about abstract art, usually the emphasis is on certain expressions while ignoring other expressions, this often seems to give a distorted impression of what is real, in actuality what is occurring is that the abstract is an expression of the other side of the coin. Basically, abstract expressions represent an ignorance of one side of the coin to emphasise the other side of the coin more to become aware of the flaws or perfections of the coin as a whole, in other words consciousness as a whole.

Is it possible to experience both side of the coin, meaning, is it possible to be expressive of the finite and the infinite at the same time?

Absolutely, this however takes a consciousness to be aware of both sides of the coin without judging what is worthy and what isn't worthy, in other words a reflection and expression of pure balance.

Now to throw a spanner in the works, meaning, to desist in one conscious perception to become aware of another conscious perception. This all creative consciousness (God) is not just of the infinite, it's also of the finite (the abstract), as it's not just of timelessness, it's also of time, this is why I often call this all creative consciousness pure balance. We so often refer to this creative consciousness as being of one side of the coin and not the other, basically, of yin without the yang but consider this, this creative consciousness doesn't just represent one side of the coin because it is the coin itself. This however doesn't mean that infinite consciousness (God) isn't of infinite consciousness, often when a consciousness is becoming aware of the other side of the coin, it will see this other side of the coin as being some kind of God, this is inevitable. The reason for this is simple, when a consciousness becomes aware of an awareness beyond it's comprehension, it either ignores this awareness or depicts it as a higher consciousness than of itself.

The abstract universe has fragmented consciousness to depict certain expressions of itself while ignoring other expressions, however within this process, consciousness can become highly destructive mainly because it's unaware or deliberately stays ignorant to the other side of the coin thus giving such a consciousness an imbalance way of existing. We can indeed correct this, not just by becoming of one side of the coin, finite or infinite consciousness, but by becoming the coin itself, consciousness as a whole......      

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Using Love in a Balanced Way

Written by Mathew Naismith

Consciousness is likened to a pool of water, one drop of rain causes a ripple that is soon enveloped within the stillness of the pond, however, numerous drops of rain cause the pond to become chaotic as each ripple, caused by the drops of rain, fight against each other. Because of such turbulence, the pond then becomes murky.

Try to imagine human consciousness as a pond of water, to much of a good thing can cause an imbalance within the pond turning it murky. At present, I perceive human consciousness as being murky and it's becoming murkier. The reason for this stems from an imbalance of too much rain or not enough rain. To much of one thing applied in an imbalanced way, will cause the water (human consciousness) to become murky through  chaotic interactions and counteractions, this is likened to rain drops fighting against each other.

Pond = human consciousness

Water = love and light

Balance = harmony

Imbalance = chaos

It is obvious that any kind of counteraction will cause the pond (human consciousness) to become murkier, it is therefore obvious that any love used in an imbalanced way, will cause the pond to become murkier instead of clearer.

As we become spiritually aware, we feel we naturally become more of love and light, we then naturally feel human consciousness (the pond) couldn't get enough love and light, especially in relation (retaliation) to a chaotic reality. Psychologically all we have done is humanly responded to a chaotic situation in retaliation, this is a natural human psychological response in situations like this. I know there are spiritually aware people who don't think psychology belongs in spirituality but it does, used in the correct way, it quietens the mind. In actuality, any spiritual practice that quietens the mind, is a form of  psychology.       

How is the pond (human consciousness) going to respond to too much water (love and light) at a given time, especially when the pond is not structured to take this amount of water in the first place? Human consciousness (the pond) is unable to sustain or comprehend this amount of water (love and light), too much of an imbalance will cause more chaos, not less. Too much chaos will also cause the pond to become structured in a different way, we might think this is what we want but what if the pond (human consciousness) just became another muddy back water due to it's restructuring!!

When leaders of the world today get up and clearly state they are going to kill as many women and children as possible (Palestinians), which is also being supported by western countries, is this a sign the pond is clearing. What about western leaders clearly stating they would kill Jesus if he lived today, these kind of thoughts and actions are no longer being stated behind closed doors. These actions are certainly not a sign that the water is even starting to become clear, in actuality, it's a sign human consciousness is becoming a muddy back water. The reason for this is clear to people like myself, too many ripples upon the pond is turning the water of the pond murky.

Now let's again perceive human consciousness being a pond, what would occur if the pond was drizzled upon instead of rained upon? The ripples caused by the drizzle causes far less chaos upon the pond of water than rain, within this, there is a balance between the pond of water and the drizzle, drizzle of cause being a lot more passive and thoughtful of the pond of water (human consciousness) than rain. This is the point, balance between the pond (humans consciousness) and the water (love and light) but this is clearly not occurring at present manly because we are still in a retaliative mode of thought and reasoning.

If we look at the pond (human consciousness), it is full of water (love and light), this is different to a pond full of mud (love and dark). It's very hard becoming aware in mud but a lot easier in a clear pond of water...Mathew G

We might think I should have stated hate and dark instead of love and dark, not at all, this is due to many people also passionately love to kill, love war and conflicts, love to hurt and cause pain with the same passion than any other kind of expression of love. We can deny this as much as we like but this denial won't help us make the pond water clear again, no kind of an unawareness or blatant ignorance will.  

I must be a horrid person stating all this and yes, I have been  judged by many as something unbecoming in some way, especially in relation or comparison to themselves.

A couple of days ago I saw a lass (female) that I know get into her car with her dog outside of my house, I immediately got my life size toy dog and went outside to wave my friend off using the paw of my toy dog to do so. I am a fifty two year old bloke with no  inhibitions, this is quite obvious to all my friends. The other day one of my wife's friends asked my wife if I was drunk because I was acting without inhibitions. When I lived in a small town, a lot of the town folk thought I was taking some kind of drug as I was mostly always cheerful and happy. This is who I am even though my writings may be misconstrued, sometimes deliberately, to portray me as some kind of monster or demeaning entity of some kind. I do however have constant readers of my blog perceive me as the person with a toy dog.

Yes, maybe I feel to much for a consciousness struggling with itself trying to clear the water of the pond. I  can see a consciousness trying with all it's heart to clear up the pond water when all they are doing is adding to it's murkiness, this is obvious in the way some people are today expressing themselves in plain view. In all however, what the human collective consciousness chooses to do, it will do as this is it's path but we must be aware, there are other paths this human consciousness can still take, this is all I am portraying as always.        


Thursday 28 July 2016

Balance and Creators of Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

OK people, please don't take my writings as being gospel or of utter truth, it's plainly not, how could it be when consciousness itself is infinite and varied to the degree it is? Too many people have taken my writing way too seriously, as I have always stipulated, it's only my perception of things, OK , it comes through me a lot of times but it's still comes down to my perception of what is coming through me!!

You must ask of yourselves why of what I write is upsetting you in anyway, is it your fixations to your own ideologies and perceptions that is causing this? All I am stating is sit back and observe yourselves and express a little more balance if you really want to make a difference. Whatever the human collective consciousness desires to do is fine with people like myself, it's just if you really want to make a difference, desist in being so extreme and fixated to your own ideologies and perceptions. Try understanding other perceptions and see where these perspectives are coming from, you will be surprised in what comes out of this. Try dropping some of the self-labels as well!! 

The following post, I think, is an extension of my already extended perceptions and perspectives. If you took offence to my previous writings, you will certainly take offence to the following.      


My topics at the moment seem to be based on balance, only because for change to occur, it is wise that any change made is enacted in a balance way. Of course the reason for this is obvious, any kind of implemented imbalance will only cause destruction and further chaos. We might think a predominant positive approach is the way to go but where is the balance when the positive is predominant? A true positive approach isn't destructive in any sense, this also means it's not destructive towards the negative either. A true positive isn't destructive towards the negatives as  it will see the benefits within the negatives, meaning, it will see the positives within the negatives.

Aware Consciousness: This is the same with consciousness's of light, a consciousness that is observed as being aware. A true consciousness of light is unable to destroy the dark in any sense, any truly aware consciousness is unable to be destructive. What this kind of consciousness will do is balance out the negative with positives while knowing that negatives are as worthy as positives. This however is different with the negatives, the consciousness's that are observed as being unaware will be destructive for only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy. It's important here to realise that only in ignorance can we destroy, or, only in darkness, which denotes an unawareness, can we destroy, now how many positives are trying to destroy the negatives in the world? There is a very good reason for This approach from aware people, people of the light so to speak.

Let's first look at the amount of labels I've used already, we must be aware that the more labels we use, the harder life will be to balance, however, how is an unaware consciousness able to become aware without labels while existing in an unaware conscious state? How is an aware consciousness to know it's aware without the a comparison like an unaware, dark or negative. Consciousness can only become conscious of it's awareness if there is a comparison. You see the negative aren't really as dark as we presume. We label dark as negative, light as positive but that is not entirely correct, the yin needs the yang to exist, It's of course a lot less destructive if the yin and yang coexist in balance, of course any coexistence takes a balanced approach, not an imbalanced approach!!

Human consciousness is primarily naturally destructive, for human consciousness to become more constructive, it needs to be nurtured and reconditioned to exist in a more constructive way, this won't occur if we go out to destroy all judged or observed labelled negatives or dark consciousness's. Once again, a true aware consciousness is unable to destroy anything, including the labelled negatives and this is the point. A truly aware consciousness is also unable to label one one thing and another something else, meaning, just because the yin is judged as being yin, doesn't mean it's not also of yang. Also, what is positive to one person doesn't mean it's positive to another person and visa-versa.

Balance or Balancer!!: It's obvious that a more balanced approach is wiser but are we the balance itself or the creators of this balance?

Now you might notice in the figure above that the word balance is on the shaft and the cross member, this is to depict that we are of the balance itself and the creators of balance, basically, the balancer of yin and yang's labels. Let's now look at this in a different way. 

You will notice I have replaced balance with God's consciousness or creative consciousness. Please do not presume I am talking about a biblical representation of God here, basically, this kind of consciousness is void of labels and is of pure wisdom, awareness and balance. You could say labels un-purify's   consciousness, in other words a controlling ego influences a consciousness to be of what it's not. This pure untainted consciousness is what we often deem a God.     

Looking at the scales above, we have what is called God's consciousness and then we have the soul. We then have the scales themselves which hold the many labels we use and under these labels we have yin and yang. Yin and yang represent the human self, in actuality, yin and yang represent everything that has been created, this means everything that has been created, is influenced by yin and yang.

Now if we were to take away what supports these scales, is the scales any longer scales? No, now take away the scales, the labels and yin and yang, is God's consciousness still God's consciousness? Yes, now take away the soul, is God's consciousness still God's consciousness? I myself find this perception quite interesting, we are the balance but in creation we also become the balancer, the creations being the soul and all the labels we ourselves create.

Counter-reaction: Chaotic existences can only be created by some kind of an imbalance, it's obvious we exist in a chaotic destructive existence. How would a consciousness, that isn't pleased with this kind of existence, going to react? It's going to react with the opposite, an opposing opposite, basically, to an extreme to block out or destroy the perceived darkness of such a reality. Even blocking out this perceived darkness (negative), we are purposely destroying this darkness, and  in actuality, we are still enacting out the darkness because we are still destructive. Any true sense of love and light lives within the dark without destroying it, it will instead find the positives (light) within the dark without becoming the dark itself. This is what a true sense of unconditional love is about, it's not about unconditionally loving what we desire to love but loving everything void of any conditions what so ever.

Because this reality is as chaotic as it is, any love and light void of a true sense of unconditional love existing in this reality, has conditions. This is brought about by existing in such a reality. Only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy, what are so many people of love and light tying to do to an extreme? Basically, they are still enacting out the attributes of darkness, the very thing they are trying to destroy. This reaction however is normal for a still unaware consciousness to do, no truly aware conscious will react in counteraction to any situation, it will instead try to find balance within such a situation/reality without becoming destructive within itself in anyway.

The dark is not just of dark either as the light is just not of light, if everything was of light, the existence of dark would still exist within the darker shades of light. This is because conscious itself is not limited to certain boundaries, only our own consciousness has these boundaries and is limited by these boundaries. We label something dark therefore negative and bad and something else positive therefore positive and good. The reaction between these perceptions/boundaries is going to be opposing until they find common ground, the yin within the yang as in the yang within the yin, in other words balance.......

We are the balance, a conscious void of labels but we are also the balancer, the creator of balance within any reality of labels, the light and dark of life. A truly harmonious existence can only be obtained through balance, not the destruction of the other, it's this simple. Also, a balance between a consciousness void of labels and a consciousness of labels will also help bring harmony into a consciousness, basically, a balance between the spiritual and the physical, not one or the other.        

Monday 25 July 2016

The Answer is Awareness and Balance, Not Love and Light!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before we get into this, I should point out that I figure myself of being of the light as well in a sense, basically, a person who is aware as opposed to a person who obviously isn't aware. There are numerous obvious differences between being aware and unaware, this isn't judgment because one is neither more worthy than another. Being aware is of the light, being unaware is of the dark, a consciousness that is unable or unwilling to perceive beyond a certain point.

Why is awareness and balance the answer to our chaotic existence and love and light are not? I recently gave a reply to a person who basically queried why the love in the world is not changing the world, the reply is as follow.

"My wife and I haven't watched TV for over eight years now, I do however miss the docs. TV was too one sided, there is no balance in the media these days, only in balance will we be at peace again. You can spread as much love in the world you like, if there is no balance within this love, love just won't work. It is obvious love isn't working, the world is getting worse.

Why does it seem that the darkness is swallowing up the light in the world? I was talking to a bloke in Sweden recently, his town was once of light, it's now turning dark. People from around the world are looking for the light, however, because they know no other way to exist, they swallow up the light instead of becoming the light.

The reason for this is simple, ignorance is not aware of how to become the light so it turns light into darkness where ever it goes. You can send out as much loving vibration you like out there, anyone in darkness is unable to receive it and in actuality, they often counter-react this light with darkness. Because they are unable to comprehend light, it's seen as a threat to them, this is quite understandable, try comprehending something that is virtually impossible to comprehend yourself!!

The answer is awareness and balance, not a one sided affair like love/light for instance, this scares the hell out of anyone who is conditioned to the dark and quite understandably so."

Light = awareness

Dark = unawareness (ignorance)

Love is ambiguous, it can be of pain, the dark and destructive as well and the light can be blinding to others not used to the light, the same can't be said of awareness and balance even though awareness denotes light.

Awareness on the other hand in conjunction with balance, is not blinding being that awareness is light, however, awareness on it's own is blinding to the unaware because again awareness is light. Balance basically takes away the glare from the light by defusing the light through being aware that the light, to the unaware, can be blinding and even frightening to them. It's wise to consider how unaware people will react to blinding light and a love they are unfamiliar with. Just because the aware are used to the light and love, doesn't mean that everyone is used to the light and love, in actuality, to the unaware, light and love can be very frightening, the last thing we need to do is generate even more fear in the unaware.

Balance gives awareness an awareness that a more balanced approach is needed. Awareness makes one aware of when a more balanced approach is needed, they certainly go hand in hand in a reality that is not all of light. Love and light work fine in a reality of light but it's obvious we are not in a reality of love and light.

The unaware are indeed attracted to the light but instead of taking on this light, they inadvertently destroy the light, how can any consciousness take on what it doesn't comprehend in the first place? How could we of the light expect them to?

Consider this, how many people of the light react to the dark with light? As soon as darkness appears in their life, they immediately react by counter-acting to this darkness with an intense light? Why? Fear of being of the dark, a darkness that threatens their light, now consider how people conditioned to the dark would react to the light, would they not also react with an intense darkness? Human consciousness as a whole is conditioned to the dark, this is all this consciousness, bar a few conscious souls, know. There is no balance within the light we are trying to influence human consciousness with, basically, we need to change the way we present ourselves if we truly want to make a difference.

It is said if a few of us live by the light, this light will eventually engulf human consciousness as a whole, in actuality,  the opposite is actually occurring because this light is way too much for a lot of people to comprehend and take on in such a reality. I have always advocated balance and that balance is the key.

Balance isn't just the key to a more harmonious existence, it's a key to many more doors than just harmony, a truer sense of love comes to mind and an awareness beyond most people's comprehension within this reality. Balance is basically made up of wisdom and awareness, awareness gives the awareness of balance and wisdom gives balance it's balance.

For only can the wise be truly balanced and for a very good reason too.

Balance also gives us a comprehension of a conscious state void of labels, however, because we exist within a reality primarily created by labels, labels are a necessity within such a reality, this doesn't mean we should primarily be of these created labels though. We have lost our balance and because of this, we have primarily become these created labels when in actuality we are this balance itself. Sure, these  labels are of us as well, we after all created them, but they are not who we are but of what we are at any given time, there is a difference. We are a consciousness primarily void of labels, this is who we are but we can become of what we have created at any given time. We have created these labels, this is what we have become, this doesn't mean this is who we are by no means.

Yes, love and light, dark and unawareness are but labels, labels that we have taken on as who we are when all the time who we truly are is simply of this balance void of any labels. Basically, a consciousness void of ego....Why be of the light when there is no darkness, this is a pure state of balance. Chasing the light also brings on the darkness!! 

One more thing to consider, how is an unaware and a probable egotistical consciousness going to react to another consciousness that puts itself above another lower form of consciousness? "I am of a higher consciousness or vibration". I think the rebuttal to this high mindedness is going to create the response this kind of high mindedness deserves. The truth is, we are this balance void of egoistic labels, I know this isn't very glamorous but this is who we truly are in my mind.....                        

Sunday 10 July 2016

The Age of False Prophets

Written by Mathew Naismith

It was predicted before the age of the false prophets, that human consciousness would enter into a period of false prophecies, this doesn't just mean prophets will be false, it means that this time period will be of falsities period. The controlling ego will lust after anything that sparkles and glows, anything that tantalises the egos five senses, this includes lusting after love, especially in reaction to a reality void of awareness and wisdom.

The universe itself is a creation and every consciousness within this universe is created. Materialism is a  creation as is love, both can be highly destructive especially when expressed to an extreme or in retaliation. Some people have lusted after materialism, others have lusted after a form of love, if it tantalises the ego, it has to be good, of course we know how destructive materialism and love can be. Now, is there anything tantalising for the ego in being in balance, considering there are no extremes within a true balanced state? You take away love and hate, negative and positive, bad and good, demons and angels, what within this balance is tantalising to a controlling ego? There is no sparkles or fussy glow to balance but this also means there is no falsities within a true form of balance either.

Balance isn't something you pursue either, it's a state of being or a state of consciousness especially void of extremes. It's also not a state that can be created for it's always existed, everything else not of balance is a creation which can be expressed to the extreme to create an age of false prophets. There are no boundaries to creation, it's infinite, however, what is created is finite like human consciousness. Human consciousness is primarily created from a creation, this limits human consciousness to what is created, this is why it's unable to perceive beyond what is created. How many people believe love isn't a creation? You see what I mean. God is often perceived as love when this creative source of  consciousness is pure and utter balance. This balance of course is bliss to a consciousness existing in a reality of chaos, bliss is often represented as love, so we perceive this creative source of  consciousness is love. This of course is quite understandable.

The age of false prophets is all about tantalising  the controlling ego, if it sparkles and glows, it can't be false, or so the ego tries to make out no matter what. The ego doesn't want you to realise that all the sparkles and fussy glow is a creation and that a true sense of balance is what we truly are. What the ego wouldn't  want to know is that all we are is this  balance? A controlling ego will influence a consciousness to anything but of being of balance for there is nothing to tantalise the ego within this balance.

Creations = love and hate, negative and positive, bad and good, demons and angels + all of what is created

Balance = God/creative source + void of all creations within itself

However, we exist in a created reality, this means our consciousness is created and will within itself create more creations to what ever extreme. While existing within this created reality, we will of course be expressive of these creations no matter what they are. No consciousness within this kind of existence can be primarily expressive of a true form of balance, we are meant to be expressive of what is created. We of course have a choice in how extreme we express these creations, the age of false prophets however denote extremes expressions of these creations. Do we now keep expressing these creations to the extreme or do we simply express some kind of balance again? This really depends on what we really want to create, or more precisely, need to create for a more blissful existence.

A true sense of bliss within a balanced consciousness,  isn't something that is hard to obtain for we have always been of this balance, what we haven't always been is of these creations, in actuality, it's a lot harder to create than it is to just be. However, because we are controlled by a controlling ego, the illusion of separation from being balanced is extreme, it's this extreme that is making it hard for us to realise we are of this balance no matter what creations we are expressive of.                               

Yes, the age of false prophets is making it more difficult for our consciousness to become aware of how a controlling ego tricks us into what tantalises the ego, we are more than ever being tricked into even more extreme creation in reaction/retaliation to our present chaotic existence. You see, one will naturally create the other, a chaotic existence has naturally created an extreme opposite, this extreme opposite will again in turn create yet another extreme opposite until both extreme become that extreme, that they will cancel out each other, destroy each other. This is how anything created works unless it's brought back into balance. Of course extreme creations are supposed to destroy each other in the end but this can be simply avoided.

In a pass life in ancient Egypt, which was confirmed, a few of us tried to reason with the people of that time in the same way, you can avoid an upcoming catastrophe if you adhere to the laws of consciousness, an extreme will naturally create another extreme. The powers at be of course didn't listen to us and of course Egypt suffered big time when it didn't have to. We where separated from each other and banished to outlying areas of Egypt.

I said to my wife this morning, "At least I'm not being banished this time", my wife stated," Haven't you been banned from other sites that didn't like what you were stating." I have also recently been attacked by so called loving people once again, not much has changed for me since my life in ancient Egypt. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!! What is supposed to be will be but you do indeed have a choice, that is all I am saying.......Balance is indeed the key to bliss.                    

Saturday 9 July 2016

The Neutral Ground - A True Sense of Bliss

Written By Mathew Naismith

Once again, this post isn't going to be for everyone, only for consciousness's that perceive and comprehend a consciousness of neutrality, a consciousness that exists of the understanding of being neutral to all things. This means a comprehension and an existence of neutrality over and above opposing forces like love and hate, good and bad, negative and positive. Yes I know, love isn't supposed to be the opposite to hate, why then is the hate in the world creating more love in the world? As usual, love is in reaction to hate, in other words, hate creates love as love creates hate, now imagine a neutral zone, a consciousness of neutrality instead of reaction!!

This is how consciousness works, one creates the other and yes, it's all but only a creation from a source, meaning, everything other than the source itself, is a creation, the universe is a prime example of this. What has then been created within this universe? Love and hate, good and bad, negative and positive, it's been created by and within one source. The universe has created a consciousness of opposing factions and every other consciousness within this consciousness, is influenced by these same opposing factions. So what does this mean? It means any consciousness created by this opposing factional consciousness, will be influenced by opposing factions, therefore, will keep on creating a never ending stream of opposing factions. Another good example of this is angels and demons, they themselves are created by the other, there is nothing neutral within this kind of existence, in other words, there is no true sense of balance.

This is why I have stated in previous posts that human consciousness is limited, it's limited by it's own created opposing factions. How many people are able to perceive the true sense of conscious neutrality? There is always demons and angels, good and bad, negative and positive. Don't get me wrong here, there is absolutely nothing wrong in existing like this, all I am always trying to portray is there is another way to exist/be void of any creation of these opposing factions.

The reason I am using the word faction is obvious, 'I'm good and your bad, I hate and you love, I am positive and you are negative, I am spiritual in essence and you are physical in essence", these are the factions we have put ourselves in. Basically, we put ourselves in    dissenting groups to separate ourselves from something else, in turn creating the opposite of what we have dissent for. It's basically a rollercoaster game, one action or energy flow is naturally creating the other and yes it's a natural process within a consciousness of biases, partialities and separatism. This is what human consciousness is made of but it's not who we truly are.

In actuality, we are and have always been neutral, it's that we, within a particular consciousness, become predominantly influenced by a consciousness of biases, partialities and separatism, in turn, what we create from such a consciousness is more of the same biases, partialities and separatism, the more influenced we are by this kind of consciousness, the more extremes we will naturally create.

Now imagine an existence totally void of these factions, a reality primarily built upon neutrality of all consciousness's, basically, a reality created from and influenced by a true sense of balance. We are basically talking about a reality of pure utter bliss here, however, don't be too hard on yourself, we are supposed to react and create biases, partialities and separatism, in other words opposing factions, this is the natural process of this kind of  consciousness, and yes, we are even supposed to create extreme factions from this. However, if we are really interested in finding bliss, you won't find it in an opposing faction, yes, within a life time you might but all opposing factions create a reaction and usually a counter-reaction. A true sense of love would not keep creating and recreating an opposing faction within and through it's own actions.

It's not easy finding neutral ground in a consciousness that is primarily of anything but of neutral perception, I am not myself of this neutral ground but I am aware of this neutral ground and what it takes to become of this neutral ground. Try taking away all opposing factions in your life, hate and love being two of them, it's not easy because we are wanting to be influenced by a consciousness of opposing factions. Basically, we are conditioned to opposing factions.

Imagine a reality of utter pure bliss, now how many of us would think that love would be a predominate influence within such a reality? It's not, because hate doesn't exist, in actuality, love and hate become as one as of everything does. Because we exist within a love/hate reality, to find true bliss, we perceive we need copious amounts of love. Love denotes bliss to us, this is quite a normal reaction for any consciousness influenced by the kind of consciousness we are influenced by. How many people don't want to imagine a reality void of hate? How many people want to imagine a reality void of love? It's not that we can't imagine such a thing, we just don't want to imagine such a thing, this is the truth of it....

Hating for some people is bliss to them, loving to other people is bliss to them, which one represents a true sense of bliss, and more importantly, to whom?

Because we are of one faction, our faction is right when in actuality neither faction represents a true sense of bliss as the other creates the opposite to itself and always will. A true sense of bliss isn't something that has to be created and created by love or hate. Love and hate are themselves created perceptions of consciousness, this means anything created from such a consciousness, is going to be just another created perception. A true sense of bliss is neutrality of all things, of all of consciousness. We might then perceive this bliss has to have created an opposite but it didn't, this bliss wasn't created, it's a state of neutrality with no opposites, only created conscious perceptions create an opposite, this bliss isn't perception, it's an actual state of just being.

To us within a destructive reality, this neutral ground is going to be perceived of being of utter love, it's utter bliss therefore has to be primarily created from love, this is a normal reaction to any consciousness experiencing opposing extremes. There is nothing wrong with this perception, however, try not to use this neutral ground as in opposition to what we are presently experiencing, all you will create and recreate is a counter-reaction, human history shows us this time and time again.

In saying all this, human consciousness will persist in perceiving one or the other, this is because human consciousness is limited to a perception of one or the other as it's unable, or more likely, unwilling to perceive in a more neutral way. If that is the way it's meant to be, so be it, however, if you are willing to go beyond the perceptions of human consciousness, you will find this neutral ground that is pure utter bliss. Yes, within a reality as we are presently experiencing, this can feel like a true sense of love, this too is a natural occurrence that we must be aware that we can misuse in counter-action.

Its' wise to stay balanced within one's emotions, for emotions are but a creation of our perceptions.....Mathew G  

In saying this, do I stay balanced, no as that too is my choice but I am aware of my choices, are you........?