Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Awareness, Full Stop

Written by Mathew Naismith

 “The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” Lao Tzu.

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.” James Thurber

Here I was with a secondary lung infection trying to keep house still. I was physically impaired but still highly spiritually unimpaired/heightened. This is what you get when you don't base your positive attitude on the absence of negatives. I could have become totally physically undone through simply being unaware, nothing to do with positive or negative energies. People like yourself make people aware, which has nothing to do with the endless battle between negative and positive energies. People like you are more important to the people than they know, at present.

The above was in reply to the concerns of a good internet friend of mine in relation to my present physical health, Carolynne Melnyk.

Don't underestimate what awareness not in the absence of ignorance can create. Only a fool living within their own ignorance will state that awareness is of the absence of ignorance, for to state so is of ignorance!!

What is awareness in the absence of the ignorance of unawareness? What are you aware of, awareness or awareness and ignorance? If I was to say, "Only can I be aware of awareness for to be aware is in the absence of unawareness/ignorance, is this of awareness when in deliberate ignorance of unawareness?" As to be truly positive, being aware isn't of the ignorance of unawareness but an awareness of all without bias or desire.

How many souls at present are experiencing a lesser aware state?

It is often thought today, to change the world, we must lead by example, this means primarily focusing on oneself to change the world around us to the same manner as ourselves. The rest of the world will simply follow by our example. Of course to lead is to control.

The small pictorial view is, to improve on yourself, lead by example to what you desire everyone else's pictorial view to be like. The big pictorial view is, to influence those who want to be influenced, leaving all other people's own pictorial views alone. The big picture shows me that all is worthy, as our own souls obviously think being less aware is as worthy as being more aware. My own recent unawareness in relation to my own physical health gave me more awareness, for to learn from suffering is wiser than to still suffer from suffering.

How many centuries of control has the collective human consciousness endured, where a person or groups of people lead by example?  The continuing trend of consciousness is to lead by example, in the process influencing others to follow your own depiction in what you desire the world around you should be like. To do this of course is in deliberate ignorance to anyone else's pictorial view. It is as if all journeys are to be of the same, which to me takes a huge amount of control of other people's views and desires to do, very simular to what the multinationals are presently doing. It is the same old consciousness expressed in a slightly different way, as, being positive takes to be in deliberate ignorance to the negatives. How many multinationals are deliberately ignorant to what they are doing?

The people who want to lead by example simply want to control their environment; this is instead of simply experiencing their present environment.

Simply experiencing an environment doesn't mean you can't try to influence this environment. Often an environment will call out for change or act in a certain way that will lead to change on its own accord, often unaware of what the environment is leading to. If you are unable to influence the environment, let it go, for to control how other people's pictorial view should be like, is a continuation of a consciousness that refuses to evolve any further.

If you are simply aware, not just of a desired awareness, the present environment is calling for change, not by taking control but by its own accord within its own deliberate ignorance. As one cycle will naturally lead to another cycle, especially without being under control, so will human consciousness. At the end of each cycle, a little of what is of the next cycle becomes a part of ending cycle, thus influencing the present cycle to enter the new cycle.

As a baby comes closer to its next cycle of birth, how much is the unborn baby changing form is influenced by the next cycle? This is without controlling the unborn baby by leading the baby down a certain path, for example, the mother takes drugs, so does the baby!! Has the mother the right to influence the baby away from drugs by not taking drugs? The mother is simply taking away the influence of the control of drugs, not influencing the unborn baby to its own kind of intoxication. Why then influence other people to our own way of life by leading by example through control?  The drugs the mother takes is of control. Not taking drugs is releasing the baby from the control of drugs, thus allowing the baby to live within its own pictorial view, to live its own journey, not someone else's journey of control.

Simply, release yourself from taking control, especially of other people's lives through your own personal desires of what life should be like. In other words, in the absence of leading other people to your own desires of life, just simply be aware. Of course I am aware that the ego in control can't leave it at that.

For human consciousness to evolve into a completely different cycle, the adage that we should focus on ourselves above all else is completely of the present consciousness. If you are still unable to give up your most desired desires, for example, being of love and light, enlightenment or materialism, you are still preventing human consciousness from evolving any further.

This is funny. Anyone truly of love and light or enlightenment, would at any time give up their present euphoria's or state of being. How many souls have done this to start with, to experience human consciousness as it is, not how the soul desires it to be?  But to the human conscious, anything that gives us euphoric feelings isn't just embraced but often becomes one of our most cherished and lavishly indulged desires. In another words a fixation often expressed to a major extent.

To experience a pure sense of awareness in the absence of all our human desires is beyond words. Yes, beyond love and light and even enlightenment itself, for a true enlightened one doesn't seek enlightenment or the euphoria's of enlightenment.  An enlightened one simply extracts itself from all that is desired, in turn, only allowing a pure sense of awareness to influence them by.

Are my writings, as above, popular with the ego in control? They were never meant to be.......       

Friday, 7 December 2018

Love -The Universal Answer!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do get some insightful people asking insightful questions at times, is not love the universal answer?

Very good question Charlene, is love the universal answer? A question related to this is, is love the ultimate state? To refer to love being the universal answer is stating that love is the ultimate state to all other states. To perceive this takes the separation of energy, an ultimate state separate from all other states.

What part of us separates energy? Ego, for only through the ego can energy be separated into higher and lower forms of energy. The egoless self perceives no separation for there is no separation in this state therefore no universal answer or ultimate state, it is simply energy or if you like of God.  

Yes, to the ego that is aware there is a perceived universal answer therefore an ultimate state above all other states. This is how the ego in control works, there has to be an ultimate state of pleasure for the pleasure of the ego.

Also, everyone has a different perception of what love is, even unconditional love. How many multinationals have an absolute unconditional love of power and money, they will do anything to acquire this, even to the extent of destroying the planet. This is purely unconditional, where even the conditions of the planet are ignored. In truth, there is no difference between unconditional love of spiritually aware people and multinational, it is all to do with serving the ego in control, for it's all to do with what makes us feel good. Pleasing the ego above all else no matter what.

I know this is hard to perceive but all of what is, is the ultimate state, in a sense, to the egoless self. Yes, as our egos become aware, our ego will feel powerful feelings of love, what the ego does with this from then on will make a difference. The ego out of control will often only desire to see this state as being some ultimate state, above all other states. What occurs most often in this state? The separation of our egos from anything negative, negative to our egos feeling good, it is all about the pleasure of our controlling egos.

I can be in any environment and still feel blissful, as a lot of us are at present within this kind of chaotic reality. This isn't because of separating good from bad, positive from negative, like a lot of people are trying to do to sustain this state, it is to do with humbling myself to the negatives as of the positives without separation or desire. I don't have a desire to be only of positive or of an ultimate state; all I try to express is balance and a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. If the rest of my environment is not of my own or accepting of my environment, so be it, it is what it is.

Yes, without effort, the ego can find itself in a loving blissful environment, at no time in this environment is this state perceived as an ultimate state or universal answer, it is simply a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. Of course to the ego that is experiencing the abuse of energy, this state of the absence of the abuse of energy will seem like an ultimate state.

Sorry Charlene for such a long answer.

We do this so often, anything that makes the ego feel more powerful, secure and makes us feel good inside, is often given some kind of God status, an absolute state of desire. As money and power are given a God status by materialists, unconditional love is given a God status by various western spiritually aware people. What is with this God status in relation to unconditional love, especially considering unconditional love is a very small part of the process of becoming aware? They are still fumbling in the dark for they obviously know not what they do. Is this because our egos so often attaches itself to a God like status symbol? All other awareness to this God status symbol is negative and should be denounced in some way, even when the awareness comes from actual experiences and occurrences!! Actually, any awareness that goes beyond a God status symbol is often scorned the most, especially if supported with actual experiences, occurrences and supporting data.

This is like the perception of good battling it out with evil, this is clearly an ego perception of good against bad. Good in this case is given a God like status symbol by the ego. Evil cannot exist within the presence of good, a pure aware state or a state of God. Good in this case simply means awareness compared to ignorance. Evil, being bad, is simply a state of ignorance; imagine how a state of deliberate ignorance would react to a state of pure awareness. There is no battle for only the ego can battle itself out with itself, in other words go to war with itself. To the ego, there is a good and bad for only can the ego separate energy like this. What you have in this case is a partially aware consciousness battling it out with an ignorant conciseness. Of course only being particularly aware means we are still abusing energy, this of course, to the ego, means we are only partially good.

Look at this way, once you become aware, how hard is it to then become unaware? The only way to become unaware is to manipulate energy, in other words abuse energy to serve a desired state, or, to create a God like status symbol that keeps us unaware of anything more. I have experienced this myself, evil, in other words ignorance, cannot exist within the presence of a state of pure awareness, unless the state of pure awareness is manipulated. Of course being aware to this degree is the awareness of how energy is manipulated, as a lot of people today are obviously aware. Yes, conscious states of ignorance are at war with the good, but, a pure state of awareness is not at war with ignorance (evil). If the ego has to perceive a God like status symbol, like unconditional love, let it be a state of pure awareness instead, or if you like, a true state of God for ignorance has no status in this state.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Nothing is Singularly Personal

Written by Mathew Naismith

Every thought therefore every action of ours is determined by the environment we are in, this includes our deepest personal thoughts. To someone like me, this is comforting, to others who think they personally own their own thoughts, this couldn't be any more discomforting.

Try having thoughts void of the influence of known and unknown environments, it's impossible to have a thought process, personal or not, without an environmental influence.

Environments are simply a variation of various and numerous influences; there is nothing personal about environments, even environments created by an individual or individual groups. The reason for this is their own created environments were influenced by other environments to start with, for example, the Nazi party was created through other environmental influences of the time. The universe as a whole was created from other environmental influences of the time, everything, including our personal thoughts, were created by other environmental influences that were created by other environmental influences themselves.

Nothing can exist without the influence of another, cut out the yin in favour of the yang, what do you have? This is the same with awareness and unawareness. What determines awareness void of the awareness of unawareness? To be truly aware takes a huge amount of awareness of unawareness; a true state of awareness is never without the existence of unawareness. Being unaware is a huge part of truly being aware.......

In recent times, my dreams are telling me I have reached my limitations; this simply means that my personal experiences are limited to my present environment. Do I have a problem with this? Well, yes, I wished to assist more, this of course would entail me to experience more, to become more aware. In one of my dreams I wanted to observe more of the environment so I floated up higher to become more observant, I was stopped by a solid white obstruction covering the sky.

Am I personally limiting myself or am I limited by my present environment? One of the environments is being human to start with; it is obvious I am being limited by the present environment but for a very good reason.

Being consciously limited by a 3rd dimensional environment is but one form of influence. Environmental influences upon us are not just limited to 3rd dimensional environments; however being unaware of this has no bearing of the effects of non-3rd dimensional influences upon us. My whole life has been determined by other forms not of a 3rd dimensional aspect, my personal life is not my own as of anyone's.

There are of course many people who are far less consciously limited, their environment is less restricted. For example, some people can astral travel at will experiencing different worlds and dimensions, other people are able to enter into another reality while in trauma, a trauma brought about by their present existence. On the other hand, there are people like me who are consciously limited to fit within the present environment. Does it worry me being this consciously limited? Only to an ego in control would this be worrying, also, being unaware has a lot to do with being truly aware.

From an early age I was restricted to how I became aware, I was strongly influenced not to read certain human knowledge based literature. Because my life was never my own personally, as of anyone's, I was influenced not to restrict/limit my human consciousness to certain human aspects. My mind had to be free in thinking while at the same time being consciously limited to certain other human aspects.

I am aware that at no time have I existed for myself. I simply have no problem in thinking my life was never my own.......

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Escaping From Reality

Written by Mathew Naismith

Today's present reality is all about awareness, an awareness that was once only aware to the people experiencing or involved in a specific occurrence. A good example of this is war; war was only really experienced by the people involved in war. Through today's media this is very different, we are more than ever aware of what is occurring in the world through numerous media outlets.

If we deem war and conflicts simply negative, the effects on us will be inline with how negative we have deemed the world around us to be. The more negatively we deem the world around or the more occurrences we deem negative, the more we are going to desire to escape this reality, strangely enough, a reality of awareness.

Because the reality at present is conflictive therefore simply deemed highly negative, what we will become aware of will be inline with how negative we have deemed everything not of our reality to be. I find it strange that positive people deem so much of the world today simply negative; to me this isn't a true sense of positive thinking. A true sense of positive thinking is to desist in simply deeming everything not of your own desires and personal reality to be negative.

Is everything destructive and violent negative? This seems to be the case these days; this would mean that the sun is exceptionally negative and even demonic especially considering its present solar flares. This is inline with people not just calling other people negative but toxic, is this the new wave of positive thinking? It would certainly seem so, to people like me, this kind of mentality couldn't be further from a true sense of positive thinking. In actually it's highly negative; of course this would only be the case if I used the same mentality, that everything violent and destructive was negative.

To deem everything that is violent and destructive and not of our personal desires and reality negative and even toxic, are expressions of a high degree of violence and destructiveness. A true positive person has no will or desires to destroy everything they have deemed negative; they instead accept the reality and work with it. They certainly don't try to escape it, the desire to do so simply infer a high degree of negativity, a negativity towards everything not of their own personal desires and reality.

Becoming aware within a destructive violent reality is by noway an easy thing to do; it can be most unbecoming and upsetting. The answer isn't to become ignorant to the reality you are currently influenced by; in actuality ignorance does a lot of harm and can even exasperate (worsen) the destructive violence. If we are going to ignore everything we deem negative, all this will do is exasperate destructive violence. The trick is to not simply deem anything negative not of our own personal desires, it's really this simple.

The problem the western mind has with negatives and positive is it most often looks at them as being in conflict with each other, an opposing force rather than a complimenting force. The eastern mind looks at this differently, a good example of this is again the sun, it's highly destructive and violent but it's given life and beauty to the Earth and the solar system as a whole. Imagine looking up at the sky at night and only seeing darkness, an unawareness of other star systems and planets. Imagine not being aware of an engulfing destructive violent force that could be stopped only through awareness, of course this is presently occurring.

I know what's going on over in Syria through my own research. I don't often watch TV and especially the news but while waiting for someone I watched the news. It would have been lucky if 10% of the news broadcast on Syria was correct. The problem with the main media today, which more and more people seem to becoming aware of, is it's built on lies and deception. In this case a so-called negative has created a so-called positive, an awareness of the deception of main stream media.

When did an awareness of our present reality and the truth become negative?

I completely understand, if the psyche is unable or unwilling to face the truth as it really is, it will create its own reality; this is usually accomplished by deeming all other realities negative. As anyone into psychology knows, creating your own desired reality by deeming all else negative is an unhealthy way to live; all this will do is exasperate what you are trying to escape from. Yes, within our own ignorance we might feel good and safe, safe from real reality, the problem with this is that the real reality doesn't go anywhere because we are not dealing with it, we are simply ignoring it to feed our desires.

The problem is we desire to feel good all the time; this is while existing within an existence of extremes. The sun gives life and beauty to a world but can also take it away as it will in the end of its life. Our expectations while existing in an existence of extremes is unrealistic, however, if we work with the reality we have and desist in deeming everything negative, especially what doesn't feed our desires to feel good all the times, the extremes become less extreme simply because of our expectations are not as extreme and unrealistic themselves. 

This is not going to be easy for a lot of people to understand, only because we are conditioned to unrealistic expectations, I know because I have been there. Simply ease back the perception of negative being in opposition to positive all the times, it's simply not. The unawareness today has created an awareness, action reaction, the unawareness being the action which has crested a reaction, an awareness. Just because the present reality is not of the expectations of our desires, doesn't mean the present reality is negative or even toxic, a reality we all need to escape from.

To be truly positive is to see the positives within all the negatives and to accept the negatives for what they are, an awareness simular or dissimilar to the positives. Dissimilarities are not just simply negative; in actuality they can be highly enlightening but only if we don't treat them as an extreme, in an extreme way........              

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Still Hunters and Gatherers!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I sit here today and wonder; will the human collective consciousness ever evolve from a consciousness of hunting and gathering? The Neanderthalic instincts of hunting and gathering are still well and truly alive today. How many wars are created and countries decimated or invaded to gather up wealth and power through hunting down a quarry for what it possesses?

I am not being critically judgmental here, having the instincts of a Neanderthal isn't bad or good, negative or positive; it's just simply an existence or a consciousness mentality to exist by or not. All I am saying is that we haven't consciously evolved much from a Neanderthalic conscious mentality. Look at it this way, how many of us hunt down knowledge to gather? How many of us hunt down wealth and power for personal possession and accumulation? What do devout religious parishioners do? Hunt down would be parishioners to gather in a flock, this is also no different to multinationals who hunt down anything they are able to gain wealth and power from.

Our mentality today is still primarily ruled by Neanerthalic instincts of accumulation or acquisition through hunting which is another form of searching; the difference today is we often do it for a desire rather than a need!!

A good example of this is devised from a couple of questions as follow. Is the accumulation or gathering knowledge a desire or a need? Seen as knowledge is highly destructive, especially to our environment, and is set up to primarily assist Neandertholic mentalities like multinationals to become wealthier and more powerful, is knowledge a need or a desire unlike awareness? Don't make the mistake and think knowledge and awareness are the same, there not as I will explain.

Everything is separated through knowledge where awareness actually brings everything together as one. We can only accumulate knowledge through acknowledgment of what we are aware of; this takes us to label everything different, however, awareness isn't an accumulation to start with, its just an awareness void of a need to comprehend everything through numerous labels for acknowledgment. Within this kind of mentality, there is simply no separation.

Yes, this isn't easy to comprehend and acknowledge when we are conditioned to be primarily of a Neanderthalic consciousness. Look at it this way; we still look at awareness as being accumulated through knowledge but knowledge of what?  This is the point. There is absolutely nothing new about the knowledge we are using today or the knowledge we will be using, it all comes from the same source and has always existed. When you consider, for a small example, that spectacles and a high tensile steel hammer have been found to be thousands of years old, there is simply nothing new about the knowledge we use today and will use tomorrow. All knowledge simply comes from a single source, a source that is whole in nature unlike knowledge which is naturally divided in nature.   

This singular source is known by many names, God, oneness, the zero point, pure awareness and so on. Taoism doesn't have a name for this point of origin; it's just simply being of the Tao, of God if you like. This very source is the source of all knowledge void of separation, only through hunting down and accumulating knowledge is this source then separated and only through this separation can we experience conflict. This is why there is no conflicts within a pure aware state of consciousness, there is simply no separation, only through hunting and gathering is there separation therefore conflict.

It's really a bit of a con when we are made to believe we need knowledge to become aware. As what has been predicted by numerous sources, the Mayan calendars are a good example of this, we are entering into a major conscious change, I think this means we will no longer need to accumulate knowledge to become aware, we will simply enter a state of consciousness and become aware void of using any kind of Neanderthalic consciousness of hunting and gathering. This kind of consciousness will in the end be of no use to us. 

This universe/dimension is naturally of extreme motions; this energy will of course quite naturally influence any consciousness to be the same within this sphere.

If you take any notice of what any of the great wise and aware people have written, they didn't want to change this sphere or even change what this sphere has created within  it's influence, all they wanted to do is influence this sphere to be more moderate, more balanced, within  this sphere of influence. People like Rumi, Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Muhammad and Gandhi and so on, are to me the wise and aware. When you read what they actually wrote, you will find they never tried to force change, only to influence a needed change to occur. Notice a needed change as to a desired change especially on a personal level.      

Confucius, for example, was displeased when he passed away, not because he didn't change he's environment, he's sphere of influence, he wasn't pleased because he thought he didn't influence the sphere he was apart of enough to make a real long lasting difference. I think you will also find this with Jesus, in actuality, this was probably the case with many others as well.

The hunter and gatherer will always force a change to occur instead of simply being influential, this is after all is it's nature within a highly motional universe/dimension. However, if we reread the great writings of the wise and aware while thinking in influence instead of change, we would find new messages to be had within these wise and aware writings. The message is of moderation and balance while within a sphere of excessive motions. We are simply not just the hunter and gatherer, we are all much more than this, of course only the true wise aware will want to know this and influence change in moderation and balance, leaving excessive/extreme motions out of their own sphere of activity.  

Friday, 8 September 2017

Intuition, a More Conscious Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith 

Is our intuition more consciously conscious and aware than our human consciousness? Is our dream state more consciously conscious than our awakened state? Considering the dreams I have experienced myself, this could well be the case. In relation to intuition, I have not myself experienced any significant expansion of consciousness intuitively but I have read of a number of cases where you could definitely say intuitiveness is more aware therefore more conscious.

In saying that I have not significantly experienced an expanded conscious state intuitively is not entirely true, I have made a number of correct predictions in my life. This on it's own doesn't qualify for me to say that intuitiveness is more consciously expanded to what we know to be a conscious, an awakened and aware state, however, in conjunction with other people's experiences, I would be comfortable to say intuitiveness is far more consciously aware than what we normally deem as being consciously aware.

Of course in saying all this, intuition isn't known for it's reasoning or observation therefore consciousness, I of course don't agree to this view altogether. I wrote the following on a forum.    


Consciousness: An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation, also meaning, Having knowledge of, a knowingness.

Cognition; is the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning.

When we have a gut feeling or intuitive insights, we are not being cognitive, we are simply expressing intuitive insights, of course intuition isn't suppose to be of observation as well as reasoning. I think intuitive observation is made on a different plain or dimension to the physical plane/dimension.

This is consciousness even if our human consciousness is unaware of this, in actuality intuitive states are probably more aware and even more conscious than our human state of consciousness.

What about the collective consciousness, is this not more conscious than our human state of consciousness? The human state is often referred to as a dream state for very good reasons, it's only aware of what it's aware of through observation and reasoning which limits it's consciousness. Is human consciousness truly conscious or is our intuitive state more conscious than our human consciousness?

The human psyche isn't conscious because of the limitations of human consciousness, this of course is governed by it's awareness which is highly limited. What would occur if we detached ourselves from our present human awareness? We would simply free ourselves, our consciousness, from these limitations, we would in turn be more aware not less aware. A number of spiritual practices prove this is the case.

So when I usually make reference to consciousness, it's not of human consciousness I speak of but a much more conscious consciousness. I am often aware of my consciousness observing myself observing myself in certain states of consciousness, the funny thing is my ego doesn't always like what is being observed, it's a laugh really.

I think the human psyche and it's consciousness isn't as conscious as it thinks it is.


Is our conscious more consciously aware than our subconscious? The following explains why it's not and in actuality it's our subconscious that is more consciously aware.     

Extract: What I find highly intriguing though, is the fact that our subconscious mind has access to a much faster and more detailed library of knowledge than our conscious mind does. Studies show that our subconscious senses at a higher resolution (Small Difference in Sensation, 1884) and at a higher sampling rate (Mere Exposure Effect, 1980) than we are aware of.

Within 1-2 seconds intuition can tell you if a person might be lying to you, if a chess game might be lost or if a situation might become dangerous. It tells you in the form of a gut-feeling, delivering the final conclusions of a long debate without revealing any of the rational behind it. It relies on your unconscious picking up on cues in the environment, on discovering micro-expressions on someone’s face, on comparing situations to hundreds and thousands similar ones housed in your memory and even digs into genetically and biologically hard-coded instincts. 


Now consider a consciousness outside human influence, outside human conscious limitations of the brain, now consider the intuition from a mind outside these human limitations. What we call our conscious state is far less consciously aware than we could ever imagine, of course this is going to be hard to imagine for a consciousness with so many limitations and so consciously unaware.

When spiritual people say they have become enlightened, they mean to say they are more consciously alive and aware than ever before, of course enlightened means becoming more consciously aware than before. You could also say enlightenment is also an awakening, an awakening from a conscious state that is in actuality anything but consciously aware.


Thursday, 7 September 2017

Consciousness and Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

We often hear the phrase conscious awareness, one not being without the other and one before the other by no mistake. It's like the perception of God or spirit; it's by no mistake that there is a lot of reference made in numerous ideologies to God and spirit before and in reference to man's consciousness. You don't have to be a believer of God or spirit to realise that one comes before the other and is in reference to the other.

However, there is reference or beliefs that awareness is the ultimate state therefore awareness comes before and is not in reference to consciousness in this ultimate higher state of non-consciousness. Ever heard of the phrase what is above is also below? Try being humanly aware of your environment void of being conscious, this is the below, the same is with the above. There is always a consciousness behind awareness no matter how still and silent this consciousness might be.

Because the ego is of motion and can only relate everything to motion to be able to comprehend it, comprehending a pure aware state void of motion is for the ego one thing, comprehending anything beyond this state would be insurmountably incomprehensible. Of course for certain ideologies to comprehend a consciousness beyond this pure aware state would be making reference to a God, a consciousness and a creator of all things. Being the ego the way it is when conditioned to certain specific ideologies, this of course has to be refuted or ignored by the ego.

I am not religious myself but I can see that the perception of God makes reference to a consciousness behind all awareness, no matter how still and silent that consciousness might be. The perception of God also makes reference to a true state of oneness, being that the perception of God directly relates to a true state of oneness and being that God is all of what is through the spirit within all things. It's important to note that this oneness doesn't exclude the ego, motion or time through denouncing them as simply being an illusion.

We ourselves are not able to create anything without being first conscious of what we are going to create, what is above is also below, is this not also for the above as it is for the below? Don't misconstrued me here, I am not advocating that everyone should now believe in a God or a consciousness before awareness, all I am portraying/advocating is that the perception of God makes direct reference to a consciousness before awareness, meaning, there is always a consciousness first and foremost before a state of awareness can exist. I think the perception of God or a consciousness before awareness is by no mistake.

When you look at atheism, do not atheists also believe/know that a consciousness comes before awareness? This is of course excluding Buddhist atheism where pure awareness or nothingness comes before consciousness. You could also question, what is consciousness without awareness, how can a consciousness exist without being aware?

Consider this, what is man's consciousness until it's physically expressed? It's not exactly motionless but it's not of full motion either until physically expressed. What usually make us aware? Motion, no matter how little or great that motion may be. All of man's awareness is brought about by motion, this is the below now is this not then the same for the above?

All this means is that awareness relates to motion but the consciousness behind awareness is not necessarily of motion. A state of pure awareness is motionless because the awareness of everything negates motion. Why is there so much motion around us? Because we are not aware of this motion before it's expressed as a motion, the only way motion can exist is through an unaware state of consciousness thus creating motion. In this case awareness or lack of full awareness has limited consciousness to a finite existence resulting in awareness becoming a motion.

A consciousness of full enlightenment/awareness negates motion by simply being aware of everything. Would we still be warring if we were truly aware? By being limited to certain awareness specifics creates motion where a truly enlightened consciousness simply neutralises the motion within awareness. It's the consciousness behind awareness that determines if awareness is going to be of motion or not.

So can consciousness exist without awareness?

How aware is a micro-organism of it's own existence and of it's environment as a whole? It's simply not, however, are we not more aware of micro-organisms these days? You see, a consciousness is still conscious of a micro-organisms existence, is it not also possible that humans are also in the same situation as a micro-organism, when only aware of themselves and their immediate environment to one extent or another?

Human existence (motion) is entirely governed by our environment, the environment comes first and then human existence, why then do we put ourselves above, our awareness above, our environment that determines our whole existence? Even within our own existence, a consciousness comes before and is the creator of our own existence.

Consciousness is simply unable to exist without awareness as awareness is unable to exist without consciousness, it's just that consciousness can either express awareness as a motion or not. It's consciousness that expresses awareness as a motion as it is consciousness that quietens awareness to the extent of awareness becoming totally motionless. It's the awareness within consciousness that creates motion; consciousness is completely motionless until consciousness becomes aware of awareness in motion.

As we can quieten our own consciousness through various techniques, consciousness as a whole is more likely to be able to quieten it's own consciousness through simply being aware of the motionlessness of awareness. All awareness is of motion until quietened by consciousness, within this, all there is, is pure awareness or a state of consciousness void of motion.                 

Monday, 25 July 2016

The Answer is Awareness and Balance, Not Love and Light!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before we get into this, I should point out that I figure myself of being of the light as well in a sense, basically, a person who is aware as opposed to a person who obviously isn't aware. There are numerous obvious differences between being aware and unaware, this isn't judgment because one is neither more worthy than another. Being aware is of the light, being unaware is of the dark, a consciousness that is unable or unwilling to perceive beyond a certain point.

Why is awareness and balance the answer to our chaotic existence and love and light are not? I recently gave a reply to a person who basically queried why the love in the world is not changing the world, the reply is as follow.

"My wife and I haven't watched TV for over eight years now, I do however miss the docs. TV was too one sided, there is no balance in the media these days, only in balance will we be at peace again. You can spread as much love in the world you like, if there is no balance within this love, love just won't work. It is obvious love isn't working, the world is getting worse.

Why does it seem that the darkness is swallowing up the light in the world? I was talking to a bloke in Sweden recently, his town was once of light, it's now turning dark. People from around the world are looking for the light, however, because they know no other way to exist, they swallow up the light instead of becoming the light.

The reason for this is simple, ignorance is not aware of how to become the light so it turns light into darkness where ever it goes. You can send out as much loving vibration you like out there, anyone in darkness is unable to receive it and in actuality, they often counter-react this light with darkness. Because they are unable to comprehend light, it's seen as a threat to them, this is quite understandable, try comprehending something that is virtually impossible to comprehend yourself!!

The answer is awareness and balance, not a one sided affair like love/light for instance, this scares the hell out of anyone who is conditioned to the dark and quite understandably so."

Light = awareness

Dark = unawareness (ignorance)

Love is ambiguous, it can be of pain, the dark and destructive as well and the light can be blinding to others not used to the light, the same can't be said of awareness and balance even though awareness denotes light.

Awareness on the other hand in conjunction with balance, is not blinding being that awareness is light, however, awareness on it's own is blinding to the unaware because again awareness is light. Balance basically takes away the glare from the light by defusing the light through being aware that the light, to the unaware, can be blinding and even frightening to them. It's wise to consider how unaware people will react to blinding light and a love they are unfamiliar with. Just because the aware are used to the light and love, doesn't mean that everyone is used to the light and love, in actuality, to the unaware, light and love can be very frightening, the last thing we need to do is generate even more fear in the unaware.

Balance gives awareness an awareness that a more balanced approach is needed. Awareness makes one aware of when a more balanced approach is needed, they certainly go hand in hand in a reality that is not all of light. Love and light work fine in a reality of light but it's obvious we are not in a reality of love and light.

The unaware are indeed attracted to the light but instead of taking on this light, they inadvertently destroy the light, how can any consciousness take on what it doesn't comprehend in the first place? How could we of the light expect them to?

Consider this, how many people of the light react to the dark with light? As soon as darkness appears in their life, they immediately react by counter-acting to this darkness with an intense light? Why? Fear of being of the dark, a darkness that threatens their light, now consider how people conditioned to the dark would react to the light, would they not also react with an intense darkness? Human consciousness as a whole is conditioned to the dark, this is all this consciousness, bar a few conscious souls, know. There is no balance within the light we are trying to influence human consciousness with, basically, we need to change the way we present ourselves if we truly want to make a difference.

It is said if a few of us live by the light, this light will eventually engulf human consciousness as a whole, in actuality,  the opposite is actually occurring because this light is way too much for a lot of people to comprehend and take on in such a reality. I have always advocated balance and that balance is the key.

Balance isn't just the key to a more harmonious existence, it's a key to many more doors than just harmony, a truer sense of love comes to mind and an awareness beyond most people's comprehension within this reality. Balance is basically made up of wisdom and awareness, awareness gives the awareness of balance and wisdom gives balance it's balance.

For only can the wise be truly balanced and for a very good reason too.

Balance also gives us a comprehension of a conscious state void of labels, however, because we exist within a reality primarily created by labels, labels are a necessity within such a reality, this doesn't mean we should primarily be of these created labels though. We have lost our balance and because of this, we have primarily become these created labels when in actuality we are this balance itself. Sure, these  labels are of us as well, we after all created them, but they are not who we are but of what we are at any given time, there is a difference. We are a consciousness primarily void of labels, this is who we are but we can become of what we have created at any given time. We have created these labels, this is what we have become, this doesn't mean this is who we are by no means.

Yes, love and light, dark and unawareness are but labels, labels that we have taken on as who we are when all the time who we truly are is simply of this balance void of any labels. Basically, a consciousness void of ego....Why be of the light when there is no darkness, this is a pure state of balance. Chasing the light also brings on the darkness!! 

One more thing to consider, how is an unaware and a probable egotistical consciousness going to react to another consciousness that puts itself above another lower form of consciousness? "I am of a higher consciousness or vibration". I think the rebuttal to this high mindedness is going to create the response this kind of high mindedness deserves. The truth is, we are this balance void of egoistic labels, I know this isn't very glamorous but this is who we truly are in my mind.....                        

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Openness Leads To Closeness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before Islam became dominant in Malaysia, the people were more open to each other, so often would these people open up to groups of people, telling it all in how it is with them. Privacy was not encouraged but openness was.

These people opened up to each other, in doing so made the community a lot closer. Crime was rarely heard of because of this openness. In the West, are we too private, too secretive therefore too distant from each other? The criminal activity occurring around us would certainly point to this, we are way too distant from each other because we often find openness way too offensive sadly enough.

It would seem we are more offended by openness than secretiveness, this is  strange when you consider that openness relates to awareness where secretiveness relates to unawareness.

Openness = awareness + closeness + sociable + truth + oneness

Secretiveness = unawareness + privacy + lies + separatism/segregation

I think we have so much fear in opening up to each other, not that it's not warranted in most cases as we no longer live in a close society therefore no longer understand each other. When a society no longer comprehends other people's feelings and thoughts within that society, it is obvious such a society will no longer be open and truthful but private and secretive.

I often talk quite openly about myself and my family, some people are noticeably offended by this, how could I tell the world about my family private business.....The way I look at this, how could I not, how could I not be open and truthful, is there any other way? There obviously is but it's not a way I relate to but I do understand why some people are offended by my openness, it's incomprehensible therefore quite inconceivable for anyone to be this open.

This is a prime example of my openness, so many white Australians are quite unaware because they have taken the recent foreign influx as a personal thing. In making this a personal issue, they have negated what white Europeans did to the Australian aboriginals, it was far worse than what is happening to us at present.

As soon as our perceptions are primarily personally privately based, we automatically become unaware of other perspectives, in our case the perspective from the aboriginals point of perception.

My wife and I haven't watched TV over 8 years now or so, very few people can't understand what we would do then. We mostly sit out on our front porch talking or reading together, do you know how many people of today cannot comprehend any married couple doing this?

We are open therefore aware of each other, it's as if how could we even comprehend doing such a thing in a reality so segregated in the first place. I perceive this differently, how could you not, especially in a segregated reality.

For me, without a doubt openness leads to closeness, this openness doesn't just lead to closeness either, but an awareness way beyond the comprehension of anyone who isn't open. This openness is also often related to the heart centre, mainly because of the closeness that openness gives us, not just to other people but our whole environment.

If anyone asked me if openness is worth the flak I get from some people, I would put it in an Australian way, "bloody oath, wouldn't av it any other way"......       

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

The Bigger Picture

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is obviously difficult for the human collective consciousness to even perceive the bigger picture,  to comprehend the bigger picture is basically becoming virtually impossible, if we are having trouble perceiving the big picture, how would such a consciousness be able to comprehend the big picture? The bigger picture of course relates to conscious as a whole, not just human consciousness, it's like only being aware of one piece of a jigsaw rather than the whole jigsaw.

The ability to be able to perceive and comprehend the bigger picture of course takes huge amounts of awareness,  the key word here being awareness for a very good reason.

Our minds are so cluttered that the big picture is basically becoming obscured, spiritually aware people often perceive this so we basically sedate our minds to think less. Through the process of this sedation, the bigger picture becomes less obscured, this is obvious. We then think the less we think, the more of the bigger picture we will become aware of.

The problem of thinking less is the less we think, the less we become aware of, in actuality, all we are doing is thinking in a different way to the  main stream collective consciousness of man. This, to a consciousness conditioned to a highly stimulated thought process, will of course seem like we are thinking less when all we are doing is thinking differently. Basically, instead of thinking in a process influenced by stimulation, we think in a process of sedation. This sedation, which is only a different way of thinking, gives us the perception we are thinking less. This perception of course is an illusion because all we are doing is thinking in a different way.

Most of us perceive that when we are meditating, we are thinking less when all we are doing is thinking in a different way. Yes, the brain itself is less active but this doesn't mean we are thinking less, it just means we are using a different process to think by, this process is accomplished by sedating the mind.  

If spiritually aware people are thinking less, how come we are more aware and often perceive beyond human conditioning? We are not thinking less, we are thinking in a different way to the human collective consciousness. Don't perceive just because the human brain is less active means we are thinking less, the mind of the brain isn't thinking less, just differently, being that the mind isn't the physical brain!!

To be aware, in any sense, takes a thought process of some kind. How can we be aware that we are meditating if we are not thinking at all, no consciousness would know that it meditated to start with. A totally thoughtless state is a pure state of utter ignorance, how many people are aware they are ignorant? You see they don't, just like a person who meditated wouldn't know that they meditated if such states were of total thoughtlessness!!

How many people choose an exact time of day and time how long they meditate for? To start with, this kind of meditation takes a thought process to begin with, to remember that we are or where meditating, also takes a thought process to start with. If we were supposed to be totally thoughtless while meditating, we wouldn't remember we were meditating. It's impossible to remember a true state of thoughtlessness without some kind of thought process. To know of nothingness is an awareness which takes a thought process so this nothingness is never truly a nothingness, therefore, it's an illusion of nothingness. 

For any consciousness to go into a totally thoughtless state, would mean such consciousness is in a state of timelessness. Considering this timeless state, when did a thought process start when there is no starting or ending point of origin in a true timeless state?  We often then perceive that all thought processes are an illusion because they never really existed to start with.

Now consider that a true timeless state is of total thoughtlessness, how then would illusions exist and when did these illusions begin when there is no starting or ending point of origin. When did time begin when there is no starting or ending point of origin in a timeless state that is supposed to be our truer state? The illusion is to think this thoughtless, therefore ignorant state, is our truer state when all it is, is a different way to think and perceive.

This timeless state, which exists, allows us to sedate our minds to think differently, not to think at all. It's like totally separating the yin from the yang once again or time from timelessness or thoughtlessness from thought. I wonder where the oneness is within all this separation!!

We have been conditioned to think is a certain way, once we find another more sedate way to think, we understandably perceive this new sedate way of thinking is of thoughtlessness.

Look at like this, we have only been aware of our very small piece of the jigsaw, represented by the bigger picture, is it not understandable that when this consciousness begins to become aware of  more of the pieces of this bigger picture, that it's only thinking and perceiving in a different way? The more of the picture we are aware of, the more we are thinking because the more aware we are becoming. However, once we become aware of the whole picture as a collective conscious, as opposed to separate consciousnesses represented by each individual piece of the jigsaw, such consciousness automatically thinks less. The reason for this is simple, we are then no longer perceiving that each separate piece is separate from the other pieces of the jigsaw, the bigger picture.

Perceiving that thoughtlessness, therefore timelessness, is separate from thought and time, is a good indication that such a consciousness is unable to perceive beyond the boundaries of time or timelessness. Even when you perceive the bigger picture, it has no boundaries because it's endless and infinite within itself as are we. Don't fixate yourself to one or the other, go for evermore beyond.....  

Thursday, 4 February 2016

The Other You - Our Environment

Written by Mathew Naismith

In my last post, I explained how we don't own our own thoughts and feelings as everything we think and feel comes from the environment we are aware of. Once any consciousness becomes aware, it is instantly influenced in everyway by this awareness. Let's consider this awareness, what is it? It's of course our environment, the very structure that influences us in everyway in how we think and feel.

Now what is this environment that influences us in everyway?

For such an environment to influence us in such a strong way, this environment must be more than just an environment we exist in, considering this environment creates everything we are in every sense. It's obvious that our environment determines our every thought and actions, basically, we become our environment, this why it's so important to be aware of what environment you are presently existing in.

Another thing to consider here is the environment you are aware of is another you, in actuality, the environment you are not aware of is still another, however, the environment you are not aware of is less influential upon you than the environment you are aware of. 

Look at it this way, can any person you are not aware of influence you? No, once a person is influential upon you, you are aware of them in some way, no person you are unaware of in anyway can influence you.

Another way to look at this is like living in an area were it rarely rains, you might have become aware of rain through various other means but you haven't yourself experienced rain. In this case, you are only partially aware of rain, this partiality determines the way you think and feel in relation to rain, this is until you actually yourself experience rain. Once rain is experienced, your perspectives change which determines how your going to perceive, this new perception has in fact changed the way you think and feel in relation to rain.

It's important not to underestimate the influential forces of your environment, to me, if this environment is so influential that it determines our every thought and feelings, there is a lot more to our environment than we know. Basically, our environment is a reflection of ourselves, it doesn't matter if you are aware of some part of this environment or not, it's still a part of you no matter how unaware of this environment you are. For example, rain is still a fundamental part of us even if you have never actually experienced rain yourself and so is everything else in existence.

In all, our environment is our building blocks for us to build upon what ever we want to build or create, if we want to create a reality on discord, we use the right blocks for the job. Basically, the building blocks that determine our every thought and feelings, represent our environment, the reality we exist in.

Now the best way, in my mind, to get a better handle on this is to actually see that everyone you see and meet is another you no matter how loving or detestable they might seem to you. If you wish to be influenced by their environment, you invite them in to your own environment to influence your own environment, this in turn will determine the way you will think and feel to one extent or another. This influence upon you is of course determined by the influence of the other person. Basically, look at everyone around you as being a part of the environment like an ocean view or a snow covered mountain, each and every part of this environment will determine in how you think and feel.

Lets look at this in another way to get a better feel in how our environment is a reflection of ourselves, thus in turn determining our every thought and feelings.

Perceive everything in creation being of a singular mind, in other words perceive everything as being of one consciousness, as of our own individual thought and feeling. This one mind, one consciousness, is created from many different parts of itself, some parts of this consciousness being more influence than other parts of this consciousness upon our existence. The more aware we become of different parts of our own consciousness, the more influential these parts of our consciousness  become. To me, our whole environment is also a reflection of this one mind, this one consciousness,  just on a more massive scale than our own mind, our own consciousness.

No matter what a controlling ego says, the whole environment is another you, you do however have a choice of how your own environment or reality is influenced by the environment around you. The controlling ego doesn't want you to know this because through this awareness, the controlling ego losses control. 

Indeed, everyone I meet, I certainly see as another me, the choice is, do we wish to be influenced by that part of ourselves, our environment,  that no longer serves a constructive purpose in our lives!!

Supplement:  I should point out here, there are human perceptions that are governed by certain fixated perceptions and there are our inner perceptions that go way beyond any fixated human perception. This means anything that your inner self is aware of, will influence you, even if you are unaware of them on a human level of awareness. However in this case such inner awareness will most likely be less influential until we become aware of our inner self, a perception that goes way beyond normal human perception of awareness.