Showing posts with label spiritually inactive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritually inactive. Show all posts

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Learning to be Spiritually Inactive

Written by Mathew Naismith

To a controlling ego this is going to sound utterly ridiculous, if you are inactive you are nothing, what would be the point of existing when you don't act and/or interact?  This is because the ego is all about actions and specifically about intentional actions, any other response is going to be wrong to an ego that is controlling.  I find this reaction by the ego strange, so it's alright to express intentional actions and destroy the Earth at an alarming rate, but it's wrong to live within this reality without destroying it in any meaningful way. According to a controlling ego, it's even wrong to balance out our intentional actions with inactions!!

What does inactions, being inactive, actually mean especially in a spiritual sense?  

We need to first look at a cause of an inaction, if the brain or the mind period, weather it be of the human mind or otherwise, was active in thought, is this going to help us be inactive? No, this is because all actions are from the mind or a mind, only through an inactive quietened mind can we express an inaction. Looking at Earth itself today, it's obvious most of us haven't learnt to be also inactive therefore less destructive.

This isn't saying that all actions are destructive, only the minds that are egotistically controlled can be destructive, however, all actions have an effect on the environment around us no matter what. I recently had someone say we need to balance out our actions with our inactions, I couldn't agree more on this, however, is an egotistically controlled mind going to be able to become inactive, in otherworld's give up it's control on it's environment? This isn't going to happen mainly because such minds can't comprehend anything but a controlling ego controlling the mind and our own actions.

There is however a huge tilt towards quietening the mind like through meditation for example, a quietened mind is an inactive mind, what is the physical self doing when the mind is inactive during meditation? It's totally inactive and in this state it's impacting on it's environment very little, this means there is nothing being destroyed while in this state.  The strange thing is, while in this state of inactiveness (meditation), your physical self is revitalising itself, it's basically healing itself. The question is now, would not this quietening on a global scale also heal this unenlightened consciousness but on a much grander scale, in other words would it heal the Earth itself and ourselves at the same time?

This of course isn't going to happen because most people can't comprehend not being in control of their environment in some way, the ego needs to be controlling to exist so it influences the mind making anything other than being controlling incomprehensible. It's quite understandable that any state of inactiveness is going to be incomprehensible to any mind controlled by the ego.

You might mistakenly say, by meditating to quieten the mind and body, one is controlling such things, this isn't actually the case. You are mindfully and physically becoming inactive from an active state, this doesn't take any actions at all but to become inactive. Because a lot of people are unable to quieten themselves in this way, they feel they need to take action to do so they have an intention to take certain actions  to become inactive. I'm sorry but to me this is counterproductive, you are using actions, a busy mind, to become inactive, a quietened mind and body.

The trick is to release control over your environment and specifically yourself, again this is going to sound ridiculous to a mind controlled by the ego, not taking control over your mind or body would have to end up badly for us but it doesn't, it's actually the other way around, control does us more harm than anything inaction can do. This again is going to sound ridiculous to a controlling ego but I will explain why it's not ridiculous.

What makes us fat and lazy for example? The ego strait away tells us it's our lack of control over our minds that do this, if you have no control over your mind, you will just let yourself deteriorate in mind and body, this controlling ego is a tricky little devil indeed as this isn't the case at all. 

Intentional actions have given us fatty foods, media to lounge in front of while we are eating such foods and an undesirability to do anything else but be expressive of such intentional actions. All these intentional actions that are meant to control us, are all from a controlling ego, now take away such control, what do you have left? You have a mind and body that is no longer controlled or controlling, what's then going to happen to such a mind and body? They are quite automatically going to become inactive to such control, which like mediation, will quite automatically heal the mind and body, in other words you will exercise more and eat better to what your mind and body need, not what a controlling ego desires.

Once gain a controlling ego will say that to exercise and eat correctly is an action therefore controlling, this couldn't be further from the truth, it's an inaction to control, which like mediation, automatically without any intentions heal the body and mind from an over active state controlled by the controlling ego. All you are doing is releasing yourself from the control of an over active controlling ego, this doesn't mean you are taking no action at all, it just means you are balancing out your inactions with your actions.

The next part I feel is important to understand, instead of your actions controlling you to cause you harm while in a quietened state, it's your inactions that are releasing you from the intentional actions of a controlling ego, automatically healing you without any intentions. It's important to have no intentions what so ever to what a quietened state is going to create, just let it happen without trying to be in control in any way. Having any kind of intentions is of control, try to avoid having intentions at any cost if you are able.

A true spiritual path is a quietened path for only in our quietness can we observe!!                   

PS I should also state, there is a big difference between a controlling ego and an ego not in control, one is highly destructive and other isn't, one never lives according or with it's environment and the other does.