Written by Mathew Naismith
I’m trying to take a break from writing but this keeps
coming up, victims & victims of circumstance. I think it’s a good idea, if you are
interested, to read what is in the link below first up.
I thought this was an interesting little article on victims
of circumstance, eye opening & simple to understand. It is interesting how as soon as we cast blame
on ourselves or others we become the victim so what has this got to do with spirituality?
Everything, once we cast blame we are being controlled by the ego & we know
what that does to someone trying to become truly spiritually aware, it can lead
us in all directions when we are trying to find direction.
We are all victims of circumstance because we are all of an ongoing
society built upon a controlling ego over many centuries of seeing ourselves &
others being perpetrators of unbecoming
behaviour or the victims, we are all victims of circumstance so how can we cast
blame? Seeing ourselves just as a victim as opposed to a victim of
circumstances we cast blame because our ego sees itself no longer in control
& the ego needs control to exist. Blame gives the ego more control because it’s
someone else’s fault not ours & certainly not nobody’s fault because this
denotes an uncontrollable situation. The ego is all about control so in one way
or another it will become quite delusionary at times thinking it still has
control when blame can be cast.
Spirituality isn’t about taking control but releasing it & within
this action, once fully accomplished, one finds one never needed to take control
in the first place.
To a spiritually aware person it is fundamental for them to be
aware of the characteristics of the controlling factors of the ego one way or
the other, yes we can go within our own quietness however how does this help those
who can’t. Being able to go within one’s own quietness allows one to sort of
over step actually having the need at the human level of becoming aware of the
ego, this awareness automatically comes with one’s own quietness however not
everyone is able to do this so for these people it’s a must to become aware at
the human level of these ego characteristics. Victims of circumstance, once explained
properly, can help in this process, it has in fact helped numerous people, I
should hopefully know as I worked in the welfare arena for a time which taught
me a lot. Actually because I was spiritually aware before entering into this
kind of work it helped me a great deal with my tasks in the welfare arena so each
enhanced the other ability in unison.