Showing posts with label desire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label desire. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Living by Honesty

Written by Mathew Naismith

"While the benefits of and motivations for choosing “honesty” in life are many — including that truthfulness and honesty are integral to one’s sense of moral integrity — living a life of honesty ultimately means having little to regret."

After observing my own and other people's ego in control, importantly in the absence of participation, you realise that the western mind in all of us, of the west or east, is more of a desired existence than an honest existence. Just in stating this kind of honesty, the ego in control has become offended. Make no mistake; the ego in control is this feeble and the only way the ego can gain control over our lives is through living by desires instead of honesty. Living by desires, especially predominantly, is based on biases, the very same biases that feed our desires and destroys what's left of honesty in ourselves and others.

Recently, once again, a person of love and light responded back to me in a kind and seemingly genuine way. As soon as they realised who they were kind to, they deleted their response to me. Is my ego offended or emotionally hurt? I have accumulated a lot of detractors on the net by the way. No, because I am completely aware of how the ego in control is so easily offended. Any honesty remotely threatening the existence of desired truths over and above honest truth, is obviously going to be dealt with in an offensive way. I have lost count how many times I have been called negative, toxic, wrong, bad, etc, by so-called people supposedly of unconditional love and light. This is while I don't respond in the same manner but to these people I am far more offensive than they are!! Why?

I have lost count how many people I disagreed with that have become estrange from me or become yet another detractor. You do not get the same response from a mind balanced out with the eastern mind, mainly because the eastern mind is aware of how their own controlling egos are only of desired truths, not honest truths.

In recent times, I ended up extracting myself away from a person, who is of eastern origin. We agreed on some topics as we disagreed on other topics. At no time in our interactions did we disrespectfully state that the other person was of negative or toxic vibrations in any sense of the word just because our truths were different to each other. The honesty within our own truths was different though, which lead to me extracting myself from our interaction, especially when the other person started yelling at me by using a lot of high caps in response to me. You are not doing them any favours if you allow yourself to be disrespected in this manner.

Yes, it is known that the western mind is easily offended. Any honest truth to the western mind that detracts from desired truth is of an offensive act, far worse than any act of offensiveness orchestrated by an ego conditioned to desired truths over and above honest truth!! Is this view by the ego in control of honest truth? If we are honest with ourselves, we will find in human history that the western mind is highly offensive, while at the same time takes the smallest of things offensively.

Awareness in one's honest truth can never be offended,
where one's desired truth is often easily offended.......

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Ego, Intuition and Desire

Written by Mathew Naismith

The ego is exceptionally versatile and adaptable, with the ability to be conditioned to just about any circumstance or environment. I suppose this is why humans are able to adapt to various environments, as depicted in human history. Ego is simply a conscious aware of one's own existence or being or even importance. One example of this is being aware of our own importance to our children, each other or society as a whole, of course egotism, which is an exaggerated opinion of our own personal importance, is something else.

As often depicted in human history, the ego can be conditioned to numerous environments, including environments such as spiritual/religious, material, conflictive, harmonious, loving, hateful, and so on. The ego can also be conditioned to an environment of intuition or desire. As the ego can't be conditioned to conflict and harmony, love and hate, simultaneously, the ego can either be conditioned to be more intuitive or desiring. It is interesting why the ego can't be conditioned to an environment of intuition and desire simultaneously.

Often intuition is thought to be a feeling we get that something is presumed to be the case, an assumption purely based on feelings. When you actually condition your ego to become less desiring therefore more intuitive, intuitiveness takes on a different meaning. Intuitiveness is no longer just a feeling but an awareness. The less desiring we become, the more aware we become.

Desire is more to do with an ego conditioned to egotism. Yes, as we can condition our egos to desire, we can condition our egos to an environment of egotism. Actually, both desire and egotism go hand in hand, one not being able to exist without the other. To become egotistical takes desire as to desire takes egotism. Even if we desire to help human kind, the desire of even being seen to help creates egotism, an exaggerated importance. How many people today desire to be seen helping human consciousness?

Intuition on the other hand has nothing to do with desire. Try truly becoming aware without the things we don't desire to become aware of or feel. Intuition has no preference or desire; this means anything from hate to love, conflict to harmony, negative to positive, and so on, the ego can intuitively become aware of. In other words the honest truth is presented to the ego through intuition, not a desired truth, a dishonest truth. What ego conditioned to desire wishes to become truly aware or intuitive? It can't occur because our desires take control of the ego, conditioning the ego to desires rather than intuition.

If I endangered my own life to help others and was called a hero, I would tell these people where to go. My own ego would detest being called a hero, now, how many people would do this? An ego conditioned to desire will always react differently to an ego conditioned to intuition. Intuition, an awareness of my own ego, instinctively tells me that I wouldn't like be called a hero, even before becoming a hero. Of course an ego conditioned to desire would relish in being called a hero.

When I lived in the bush/forest as a younger person, I had a feeling when I was going to come across a snake, every time without exception. As we did as children, we walked around the bush in our bare feet so this intuition was highly beneficial for my well being. My intuition didn't tell me where the snake was going to be, only that I was going to come a cross a snake that day. If I expressed less desire, would have my feelings become more of an awareness?  An awareness, as opposed to just a feeling, would have also told me where I was going to come a cross a snake in the bush.

You can desire one moment and become intuitive in the next moment, remembering that the more we desire, the less intuitive we become.  When we desire, this is often in the absence of intuition and visa-versa. We will often only perceive through desire what we will experience, not what we will actually experience.
The following doesn't totally endorse what I have stated here but they are an interesting read, in my mind anyway.

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Seeing It As It Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

Seeing it as it is, not how I would desire to see it, gets me into a lot of trouble with other people. It is like with love, just because I don't desire to feel the affects of love, in other words lust after what the feelings of love gives to the ego, I am not of love. I simply don't desire to feel the affects of love but allow these feelings to naturally exist, without effort, within certain conscious states. It is natural that within certain conscious states, the ego will experience feelings of love, giving the ego a false ideology that these states are simply of love.

I also don't desire being positive over and above being negative, in all honesty, I simply allow myself to be neutral as much as possible. I have learnt so much from the so-called negatives, way more than from the positives. In all honesty, my ego has learnt from these experiences instead of suffering from these experiences. To me, to suffer from an experience is to counteract a negative experience with a positive experience. This is the same in counteracting hate with love, most often to the same degree or to the same excess. Within this, one to me is still suffering from the collective consciousness experience rather than learning from the collective conscious experience.

How shocking it was practicing in cannibalism or going to see people fight to the death in a Roman arena, but it is alright to deliberately make people ill so you can live/feed off of them. I recently read an article in how doctors who dared find cancer enzymes in vaccines systematically died/murdered. And how many people are fighting for there very existence, not just in wars but materialistically? The whole planet has become an arena that was deliberately created to serve the few materialistically. In all honesty, are we learning from what human consciousness has experienced or are we still suffering from these experiences?

I will always be hated or despised for my honesty; I would rather this than the alternative of course. Simply, self-dishonesty isn't an alternative for people like me, we must see it how it is, not how our egos would desire to see it. As I am not into separation as in black and white people instead of just people, I am not into negatives and positives. Don't' be conned by the controlling ego that desires to separate through perceptions of black and white, negative and positive perceptions, negative and positives are simply perceptions created by the ego. You really don't need to be positive, just not negative, within this you will be able to see everything for what it really is, not how the ego desires to only see it, in black and white, negatives and positives!!          

Monday, 4 July 2016

Love - A Possession Deterrent

Written by Mathew Naismith

A true sense of love is a deterrent against any kind of possession, even demonic possession, in actuality, a true sense of love distracts from any conditioning that is brought about by predominantly living by the five senses. It's true that a true sense of love detracts any kind of influence a controlling ego has upon us, love is indeed a very handy shield to acquire in such a chaotic world.

Possession: Predominantly living by the five senses, leaves us open to all sorts of external forces, even demonic. Now demonic isn't just in reference to demon looking creatures either, demonic actually means, 'Extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell". We didn't have a true sense of love for a God or deity for no reason, also, God's and deities gave us an awareness and a connectedness to a more aware and wise consciousness than man's consciousness. We actually protect ourselves against these destructive influences less than we ever have throughout human history. The more predominantly we live by the five sense alone, the more destruction and depravity we will witness.

When the churches become more about opulence and the power of the church than the love of a God or deity, what occurred? The religious Dark Ages come to mind for starters. Today we have CEO's like Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe literally taking water from African mouths and all they can say is, Water required for drinking and basic hygiene is a human right; that's 1.5% of global water withdrawal. I am not of the opinion that the other 98.5% is a human right." Where the water is taken from in Africa by Nestles, the people of that region no longer have a clean source of water!!

T. Boone Pickens, a water speculator and billionaire, stated, "There are people who will buy the water when they need it. And the people who have the water want to sell it. That's the blood and guts of the thing." It would seem it doesn't matter where the water is taken from and who dies from the lack of water so that certain people can become and stay billionaires. If you haven't got a clean reliable water source, you are living in a hellish environment. We are only talking about water here, this is but the tip of the iceberg from these obvious cold-hearted cruel people. This isn't judgment, this is clear cut observation, an awareness.

Now the question is, why are these people bringing hell upon the Earth and all it's inhabitants? For pure profit and control no matter what the cost. What actually entices them to do such a demonic thing? Possession, the offshoot of being possessed by profit and control is but the effect of the cause of the effect, they are, to me, possessed by external forces (cause) because they predominantly live by the five senses. There seems to be no love but the love of money and control (power), this of course isn't a true sense of love but a desire (lust) which brings us to the next topic of this post.

Lust (Desire): I certainly believe that by living predominantly by the five senses, in other word a controlling ego, that this can indeed leave us open to be possessed by external sources. Now what I mean by external sources is just that, we have the inner self  and the outer, the outer self is external to our true being. The outer self is also the only part of ourselves that is able to be possessed as inner self always stays pure from external influences, this is because it's shielded by a true sense of love where the outer self can be left un-shielded against external influences. The inner self being the spirit within all things.

External self = external source + finite + controlling ego + is able to be influenced

Internal self =  internal source + infinite + an ego not in control + is unable to be influenced

Once a consciousness becomes predominantly of the five senses, it automatically becomes of lust and desire thus negating any influence this inner love will have upon a consciousness.   

A consciousness has to create lust and desire for lust and desire to exist, it's not of our truer self (inner self), it has to be created where's our inner self has always existed without being created, even by some God or deity. A true sense of love is of the infinite where's the lust and desire are of the finite, this is why lust and desire are unable to exist within the inner self, ever, only the infinite can exist within the inner self. Yes, it's true, there is good within all things, put in a more precise way, there is the infinite within all things, the spirit.......!!

In all, it would seem a lot of us have stopped shielding ourselves against external influences that will quite automatically influence us to become demonic/cruel and very uncaring about anything but the lust of things. Once our external selves let down the shield protecting us against these external sources of influence, we become the influence itself thus forgetting who we really are. We have forgotten we are of the infinite and have forgotten that the finite is but an external creation as all creations are. The finite is known by many to be just an illusion, I don't myself totally concur with this!!       

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Being Spiritual within Yourself

Written by Mathew Naismith

Extract: Spirituality is a process of personal transformation, either in accordance with traditional religious ideals, or, increasingly, oriented on subjective experience and psychological growth independently of any specific religious context. In a more general sense, it may refer to almost any kind of meaningful activity or blissful experience. There is no single, widely-agreed definition for the concept.

Spiritualism is quite different to spirituality, or being spiritual, in that spiritualism is more defined to the actual belief and communication with spirit’s/ghosts, this also includes reincarnation.  


Extract: 1. Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not material; supernatural: spiritual power.
2. Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul: spiritual guidance; spiritual growth.
3. Not concerned with material or worldly things: led a spiritual life.
4. Of or belonging to a religion; sacred: spiritual practices; spiritual music.

The thing about being spiritual is it’s not supposed to be about material or worldly things but we are often taught to manifest for our own desires, this is brought about by spirituality also being about meaningful activities and blissful experiences.  There seems to be also a definable difference here between being spiritually aware and being actually spiritual in oneself.  I often defined myself in being spiritually aware, full stop but that actually isn’t the case as for a lot of us who are not focused on our own blissful experiences.  

Let’s take a look at sages, shamans, Jesus and Buddha for an example, are they defined as being spiritually aware or spiritual in oneself or both?  These people conducted themselves in many meaningful activities and had many blissful experiences; this must make them spiritually aware rather than being spiritual in oneself?   

What does it take to manifest for our own desires?  Awareness, now what does it take to being spiritual in oneself? A lot more than just being aware, Jesus, Buddha, sages and shamans didn’t become aware overnight, it can take many hours of mental and/or physical pain, and like Jesus, they can take that pain with them to the very end, they are certainly not about manifesting for one’s desires.  

I’ve never manifested for my own desires since I’ve become aware some 40 years ago, I’ve actually done the opposite many times over to assist others, in this time all my needs, as opposed to desires, have been met to one degree or another . In this time I have also had many blissful experiences and many not so blissful experiences, I have not once manifested for such experiences blissful or not.

Now you could say people like Jesus and Buddha manifested for their own blissful experiences and yes they would have had many. As you become aware you experience many blissful moments, however, to a person who is being spiritual in oneself, these moments aren’t manifested, they are part of being spiritual in oneself, this also includes experiencing  not so blissful moments as well.  

These people didn’t just fixate themselves in feeling blissful as they became aware, they experienced everything to do with being spiritual in oneself rather than being spiritually aware.  Is there anything wrong in just being spiritually aware?  There is nothing wrong in this it’s just not being spiritual in oneself.  

Being spiritually aware is just about human development not spiritual development; becoming spiritually aware can help us to become aware of our own spirit, this is until we experience something that’s not so blissful, at this point we choose to only be in bliss. You could imagine if Jesus and Buddha did this, they would have stopped at just being spiritually aware and not gone on to being spiritual within themselves.

Is it worth becoming being spiritual within oneself and should everyone try to become spiritual in this way?

I can experience the most traumatic times and deal with the most obviously destructive people and still come out on top all the times, this is mainly due to realising that everyone has their own path to follow no matter how destructive that might be.  This actually answers the second question, “Should everyone try to become spiritual in this way?” Not if these experiences are not a part of your own path.  If you are fixated to just feeing bliss, that is your path, there are no right or wrong paths just different experiences.

There is something I feel we need to be aware of though, religion has time and time again made the same mistake in manifesting for it’s own desires which in the long run created even more disharmony.  I see so many people today doing the exact same thing, yes it sounds good to manifest for our own desires but it also sounded good when the various religions and churches made it sound good as well.  Everything is consciousness and we think we can manipulate it as we like to our own desires; we seem to be forgetting the cause and effect, action reaction, push and pull.

Pulling something in that feel like bliss to push something out that doesn’t feel like bliss is rejection, there is no acceptance here when everything is consciousness including what we are rejecting.  You don’t have to pull something in to push something out that is less desirable, this is active intentions. Passive intentions take one to change what seems undesirable to something more constructive, something that is more needed than desired.  A more constructive way to exist has become a need not a desire.

Buddha and Jesus felt a need that needed to be met, they didn’t feel a desire, desire would have taken to be of active intentions, pushing and pulling, rejection. They didn’t reject anything; they changed this destructive consciousness within themselves through a need not through a desire.  I said within themselves because it’s always within ourselves, we are not a separate consciousness, consciousness is consciousness no matter what, it’s all of the same consciousness, this is why it seems  strange to me why so many people reject any part of this conciseness to pull in a more desirable conscious experience .

Like Jesus, Buddha, sages and shaman, all you have to do is change this consciousness not reject it for something more blissful , what you have rejected doesn’t go away, as human history quite plainly shows us, but what we change can last forever if we do it for a need rather than a desire.         

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Spirituality and the Push and Pull effect

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had quite an interesting exchange with another person regarding my last post titled Love, lust and unconditional love. This person brought up a different perspective of the push and pull effect which I feel is similar to cause & effect, action reaction concept.  To me this person made so much sense so I thought I would share our exchange and this person’s perspective with all my readers.

Lust is a movement of pulling or grasping. When there is a movement of pulling in front, obviously the back is pushing simultaneously, unconsciously rejecting while the front is consciously or subconsciously indulging. When there is neither movements but simply be with what is unconditionally, true love which was never born and will never dies in time reveals itself as one with all.

Very well conversed +Eddie Lau, a very different perspective on this subject, thank you.

You could say to pull/push is of the creation of desire/lust.

Mathew Naismith pull/push is desire/hatred, they are indeed two sides of a coin.

Eddie Lau, lust seems like a fixated attachment, once we release ourselves of these fixations we are indeed free from the push/pull effect which is what I think causes an existence to become chaotic, it makes perfect sense. 

Everything including lusts formed/solidified when there is an owner to claim them thinking they must be belonging to oneself out of delusions.

The moment we are free from any movement that creates resistance with the nature, no formation can ever create. Therefore everything is free without movement any perception of movement within the boundless space is delusion/illusion.

It is petty and pity to own something or everything within the nature for the sustenance of our happiness and existence not knowing we are already one with the nature of abundance when we own nothing including ourselves.

Eddie Lau, once we realise we don't own anything including our thoughts, we are truly free from our own bondage's of this push & pull effect.

Our attachments to ownership causes us to rely on this bondage to be happy, it's sad. 

Most people aren't aware, once you release yourself from this bondage you don't have to look or try to buy happiness, it comes quite automatically.

I'm glad you made me aware of this push & pull effect Eddie, it makes so much sense to me. 

This discussion is still in progress however to keep the post to a reasonable length I’m stopping it here. 

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Counter Productiveness in Positivity

Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would share a reply I made to a particular post, shown below, to show how loony I’ve become.  

I ask you what is this website for Starseeds? Is it not to encourage, enlighten, share experiences and just be the true Beings that we are? To send light and love to whomever is in need? Are we not the Light that can potentially help humanity as we know it change to their full potential? Well, what would you do if someone told you our safe haven, one of the most unique and loving and encouraging places for Beings like us was IN DANGER of ceasing to exist. What could we do help prevent our little world of communication with each other from going away? We are Starseeds, children of the sky and someone we know and love dearly needs our help!! We as a Great Family cannot turn our backs. We all need to open up and give a piece of ourselves to this site. All of us!

How can we do this? We need to invite more trusted people to. SL. There are so many more that can and will benefit from us and what we have to offer, and that Is Ourselves, our knowledge, our insight and mostly our Love and Support.
 We need to blog more, set up forums to share our passions, stories of life as we know it and life as it could be.

As for Me, I made my choice to be on this miserable planet to help Humanity and I am proud to be able to do that. I will do it freely andwith great love for those who are suffering and those will suffer, to give them Peace!! Brothers and Sisters of the Stars, my beautiful family will you help, That was a silly question, because I know you and at that we are the same that is who we are, we help when needed. It's in our makeup as Star Beings!! I know in my heart and soul that our distant families are very proud of us all! Where I come from my has been written in a book along with so many others as a remembrance of what we choose to sacrifice, and that my Dear Ones, a remembrance should prompt us to remember our greatest sacrifice Them Our real Families!! Honor them!
We can start by blogging and inviting new ones. We all need this, I need this and our Dear and Loving Star Sister needs this. I don't want my safe haven to go away!! I just found all of you and I need you all in my life. I have felt so out of place and alone all of my life till I met all of you, thank you all for accepting me into your lives!!
We are Warriors!! We are as one and so it should be!!

Dearest Pamela, if I'm not mistaken, you have been hurt quite seriously probably more than once, life can be tough if we try to toughen up believe it or not. The trick isn't to toughen up but learn to be sympathetic & caring to those who know no better.

What you & others are doing on sites like this one is learning to be sympathetic & caring over & above toughening up. It seems so logical to toughen up & get on with life forgetting all that has gone before us, this is old hat & of course never worked if what we wanted to do is make life less chaotic.

The strange thing about being hurt is we don't necessarily need to be hurt ourselves to react sympathetically & caring.

When we are hurt or we are seeing/feeling hurt we counter react by only focusing on the positives, the problem I see with this is a counter reaction. By the act of being positive to drown out all the negatives is actually being negative because we are counter reacting to a supposed negative.

The trick is not to drown out these negatives with positives but to see these negatives in a less negative way. I'm happy living in misery only because I know this misery is self-inflicted, misery within itself does not exist, we are the ones who have created misery by seeing it just as misery. The more we try to counter act this misery the more misery exists.

What makes us live & exist in misery? If we all lived for a need instead of a desire this misery wouldn't exist in the way it does today, desire creates misery. Sadly enough our egos won't allow us to live just for our needs these days.

When we were living for our needs, yes there was hardship but that was a part of normal everyday life, it was accepted but now we live for our desires which have created misery. By living for our desires we no longer expect to suffer & when we do it's utter misery to us so we counter act this with excessive positivity.

The strange thing is you can't get any more positive than acceptance of all for what it is, for in this we are not trying to drown out these negatives but accept them for what they are.  The strangest thing with acceptance is it makes you look at everything in a more positive light than trying to drown out these supposed negatives with positivity.  The extremes of positives & negatives are far less because we learn to live for a need instead of a desire.  When I talk about desire I mean desiring more than what we can be content with, never really being content in what we have.  

In my mind we really do need to change these negatives into something more positive rather than just smother these negatives hoping they will just disappear.  Some people see me as being negative but I don't who is more negative? Some people see what I write as being negative others don't, again who is being more negative. If you see negativity as in opposition to positivity you are most likely negative no matter how positive you think you are!!  

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Recreating a Sterile Environment

Written by Mathew Naismith

Note: I thought I better add a supplement to this post as some people have taken this in a different way to what this post is actually about. Everyone desires, desiring is fine like desiring a ring or holiday for instance but it’s how we desire that effects our reality. Take desiring a ring for instance, are we helping others fulfil their needs when we buy such a ring to not giving a thought to how it’s effecting our environment and other people.   

I’ve been away for a week’s holiday cruising around the Coral Sea islands experiencing the best of the best people one could ever want to experience.   My wife & I ended up giving nearly $200.00 in tips alone.  This has a fair bit to do with my reply to a post on how we are our own masters. 

We will continue to so call suffer as long as we refuse to accept to just live for our needs as opposed desires.

To live for just our needs is far more spectacular than living for our desires, what I am experiencing at the very moment utterly proves this to me.

I don't personally desire a better existence however we have come to a collective point that what we need will now surpass anything desire could have ever given us.

Our needs have outstripped our desires, we no longer live in a sterile virtually untouched environment mentally, physically or spiritually.

To live in a hut with very few possessions is living for a need however most of us live in an environment of contaminated consciousness. This brings us to desire a better existence & the more we desire this better existence the more we contaminate this consciousness turning it into something even more chaotic.

How many centuries have various people & cultures been praying, chanting & meditating for a better existence & all what has come from this is more chaos & degradation of one kind or another????

Our needs have changed from a once sterile environment, all we have to do to recreate another sterile environment is stop desiring I believe.

Ask yourself honestly, what has caused a once sterile environment to become unsterile & contaminated? The answer is of course desire, feel on this!!

My wife & I desired to go on a cruise but inadvertently helped these beautiful people out by taking the cruise in the first place & giving the tips we did when appropriate.  Our desire fulfilled someone else’s need so was our desire any longer just a desire?  This is the trick, knowing when we are living by our own personal desires to living for our own and other people’s needs.  

I think once our own personal desires fulfils other people’s needs we are no longer living by our own desires but for a need.  However if my wife and I never considered tipping, especially the amount we did, or considered how we have helped others by taking such a trip, I believe we would be living by our desires.  

There is another trick in not living by our own desires but for needs, no matter how influential, affluent or aware/knowledgeable we are supposably over and above others, we should never see ourselves being exalted or lowlier people than others. Once we see ourselves as a higher or lowlier ranked person than anyone else we have begun to live by our desires instead of our and other people’s needs I believe. This is just my perception on this. 

Friday, 4 April 2014

Spirituality and Manifestations

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is more to do with an observation than an actual insight or channelling in regards to manifesting however I do get feelings of alarm bells going off when mixing manifested desires with spirituality. At best spirituality is about living for our needs as opposed to desire, there are many actual spiritualists who have very few needs and the less needs they need to live by the less controlling the ego is.

I’m coming across time and time again spiritually aware people or self-proclaimed spiritualists coxing others to manifest for their own desires as opposed to needs.   It is actually surprising how little one needs in life to be happy, it would also seem the less needs you live your life by the happier you are especially for a spiritually aware person.  However we are not just talking about living our lives by our needs but desires here and of course the more you need and desire the more controlling the ego is.

Now all this self-manifesting is supposed to help the collective, by feeding our own desires we are changing our vibrations to something more positive which in turn is supposed to help the collective, this to me sounds awfully egoist. What is the mentality of a multinationals? It works by the exact same principles, by building up my own empire I am creating jobs thus assisting the collective but of course our spiritually aware egos just don’t want to see the similarities here between multinational desire and spiritual desire.

It all comes down to one’s own perception, a spiritually aware person can’t or won’t see the similarities between  one desire to another, however the funny thing is, multinationals can see these similarities.  You just wonder sometimes who is more aware!!  

So we are conning ourselves that, if we manifest for our own desires we are serving the collective, this is supposed to positively change the collective vibration to something less chaotic. Why is piracy, greed, slavery, promiscuity and so on becoming a lot more prevalent?  It is obvious the more we feed the self-serving egos desires the more chaotic life will become.  

What if we decided not to feed our own desires under false pretences as mentioned above, what would happen to the collective vibration? For starters you wouldn’t have people manifesting for their own desires thus feeding their own egos, the controlling factors of the ego would diminish somewhat. This in turn would create a collective vibration of living for a need instead of desire.

If we all lived for our needs, as opposed to desires, you could say this is going to cost people’s their jobs and financial security thus adding to the misery. Yes that is what we presume however I believe we will be happier mainly because we need less to live by.  Once you stop feeding the ego it’s desires the less chaotic life will become quite automatically without effort. Ask yourself, why is it so hard to be spiritually content and happy? The harder it is to be spiritually content and happy the more I feel we are feeding the ego it’s desires, I believe manifesting for our own desires is falling into the self-serving egotist trap.

Once I sit within my own quietness I’m aware that I have no desires, absolutely no desires what so ever, now you can’t get more at peace and content than that however when I allow myself to desire again I am no longer content , funny that isn’t it!!  

Self-manifesting for one’s own desires makes one feel good only because of the effect it has on our brain chemistry, when we are talking about the brain we are talking about the mind being the master again. As mentioned in previous posts, the mind is ego so of course it’s going to want to feel good however this kind of pleasure is transitory mainly because we need to keep feeding the ego it’s desires.

I personally know a few millionaires; to feel good they need to keep accumulating wealth and once that wealth diminishes, even slightly, they become depressed again. This is exactly like being addicted to drugs, once the endorphins within the brain diminish so does our happiness but only if we allow the ego mind to be the master.  

Sitting in one’s own quietness, you don’t rely on the mind to keep you happy and content, yes what you feel within this quietness does produce happy endorphins however the ego mind isn’t in control and the master here, you are!!    

Friday, 28 March 2014

I walk in the dust because the clouds are full of rain.

Written by Mathew Naismith

The dust stirs up around me when I walk which obscures my view to some extent however if I had my head still stuck in the clouds the clouds would most definitely obscure my view plus the consistent moisture would stupefy any awareness that was still left in me.

The moral of the anecdote is it’s much wiser to suffer choking dust & still be aware of what’s going on around you than to stick ones head in the clouds thus obscuring all what one was aware of. 

Human existence is like the choking dust and the clouds represent a supposed better existence than human existence.  One must always be careful of what the ego desires, moist fluffy clouds to dust!!

This was inspired by how glossy and showy spiritual awareness seems to have become to me. Desire seems to be out stripping the basic fundamental principles of spirituality turning it into a side show. I'm sure Buddha and Jesus wouldn't have been attracted by such glamorous desires. When a showy post can out rank a less showier post with far better messages attached to them, I can see the dark egotist ages returning.

People like Jesus and Buddha made obvious sacrifices to assist the collective, desiring glamour over and above the good of the collective wasn’t a part of their being.  The funniest thing is I don’t think they saw it as a sacrifice but a pleasure to serve the collective as we all should if we are truly spiritually aware however, as always, I could be very wrong in this.     

Friday, 21 March 2014

A Balanced Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is going to seem utterly ridiculous to a lot of people because I’m going to say we already live within a balanced existence but because of our own personal desires and aspirations we can’t see this.

Again it has come up about self-manifesting for one’s own individual desire recently and how we can manipulate consciousness to fulfil our own personal desires.  We must think here, how many different desires would be manifested and how many of these manifested desires from different people would clash with other people’s manifested desires?  

Another point is if all of us wanted to become wealthy, who is going to collect the rubbish or treat our sewerage? How about if we all manifested ourselves being fit and able, how many health workers jobs and security will this effect?  Let’s say a person desires to be a health worker but to be a health worker other people need to be sick in some way but on the other hand everyone desires to be totally fit and able. Can you see the clash between manifested desires? You could say a sick person is selflessly helping a health worker to manifest their own desire and the health worker in turn is helping the sick become well again, helping the sick person in their desire to become well again.  

What is happening today? We are manifesting for our own desires today which is causing clashes with other manifestations like in the Ukraine for instance. What about hydraulic fracturing which is but another manifestation which clashes with other manifestations obviously.      

This is all due to individual manifestations but what about the manifestation of the collective? I believe we already live within the manifestation of the collective however we are not thinking about the collective when we manifest for our own desires.

Individual manifestations collectively make a collective so what is wrong in manipulating this consciousness even more for our own personal desires as opposed to the collective desire?  

We are all going to want to be fit and able and wealthy, no doubt, this is a collective manifestation but quite a different collective manifestation to what we have today.  In this new collective manifestation, if a person individually desires to want to be a health worker there not going to be able to manifest such a desire, other manifested desires are going to swart such desires.  Is this balance and of one’s own free will?

You could say there would be no need for health workers because everyone would be fit and able in this new collective manifested desired world but what if one wanted to manifest such an individual desire as a health worker, they couldn’t because they are dictated by other people’s manifested desires.

At the moment we can manifest what we desire or don’t desire, to a point, but under this new collective manifestation we want be able to choose our own individual desires as we will. We will also have a garbage and sewage problem.

What we have now is a balance between one desire to another, a wealthier person relying on a not so wealthy person to keep our existence sanitary.  What about wars, what is so balanced about wars? War is an indication of an imbalance of egos, this goes with all conflicts. War/conflicts are a clash of different manifested opposing desires which bring a lot of unbalance to the collective. Our own furthering awareness will one day negate conflicts all together without us forcefully manifesting such desires.

The point is, we all have our own personal desired manifestation which gives us our present collective manifestation which isn’t all good but isn’t all bad either, it’s balanced.  If we interfere with this balance to the extent everyone can individually desire what they want, that balance will be gone and quite a different chaotic world will arise I believe.  

Of course our egos want us all to be healthy and well even though other people will suffer for such wanted desires. A garbage collector and a sewerage treatment worker have their place to serve the collective as does multinationals, to selflessly collectively manifest for  our own individual desires over and above the collective is highly egotistical remembering war/conflicts are a manifestation of the ego.  We must be wise in how we manipulate this consciousness!!  The best way is to go with the flow not against it no matter what our ego tries to tell us and we also need to always keep the collective in mind when manifesting for our own desires.  

I’m quite at home and content when I sit within my own quietness which takes any control that the ego has over me away, I just don’t desire more over and above others especially on the backs of others.   

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Control v Releasing Control

Written by Mathew Naismith

I’ve personally written this post for my avid readers of my blog hoping you might understand better than most what I’m about here; the totality of acceptance is accepting non-acceptance in oneself so one can accept this in others as well & releasing control as opposed to taking or keeping control which this particular post is more about. Non-acceptance you could say denotes control & acceptance of all denotes releasing control but like I have written up in previous posts it’s really all to do with desires as opposed to needs if non-acceptance is of control or not.

Let’s look at the human traits we don’t like about ourselves, do we just keep acting out traits we don’t like because they are unbecoming to us & others or do we just accept them & continue them even if these traits hurt others in some way? We discontinue them which seem to denote control would it not? Actually not necessarily because it all depends on if we are doing it for a desire or a need keeping in mind the controlling ego will nearly always try to tell us it’s for a need when it’s of desire. Desire is more of control & a need is more of survival. Releasing control however is not being even concerned if we survive or not, this is not easy for a human to do mainly because of he’s ego. The ego is telling him he must survive no matter what & that is exactly what we are doing today. This is where my recent posts about thinking immoral instead of thinking mortal could help with releasing control. Yes this all sounds daunting so that is why I’ve added a few links that might hopefully explain how simple it really is to let go of being controlling or of being controlled.     

Extract: I’m bossy. Have been since I was a kid. I like to direct things. I keep a clean house, tight schedule, and clear objectives. But, this isn’t necessarily something to brag about. Too often, when we are moving with a mission in mind, we move out of the moment and begin to micro-manage people and things tweaking the details to control outcomes. Not smart. In fact, it’s not even possible. To think that we can control things, means we are rooted in an illusion. Instead of seeing life as it actually is, we get caught up in how it ought to be.

Extract: By allowing everyone and everything in your life to be exactly the way they are, you allow yourself freedom from the chaos inside you. You don’t have to be super spiritual to make this change in your life.

Is this saying we should accept everything the way it is & not be non-accepting of anything? Being non-accepting doesn’t mean you’re going to change anything it just means one has a need to be non-accepting of circumstances that are unbecoming to ourselves & others around us however when change is needed, as opposed to desire, need represents survival in some way either mentally or physically. Living for a need instead of a desire is sort of between control & releasing control all together, you could say this represents a balance between the two. Living for a need is releasing control of the controlling factors of the ego which is what this post is about; all we are living for then is survival which implies that the ego is no longer in control. Some probably have a need or desire of going further to release control altogether, this can’t be done in time because to release control altogether we first need to stop desiring or needing to release control altogether, it’s a paradox because of time.  

This is where being accepting within its totality comes into it which also includes being accepting of our non-acceptance at times as well. I am accepting of my controlling ego, at times, of living for a desire instead of a need, this isn’t about releasing control so I’m contradicting myself here? No not exactly for the main reason I am aware of the controlling factors of the ego & I don’t see a wrong or right because in timelessness there is no right or wrong. In actual fact I’m not contradicting myself at all because there is no right or wrong however in time there is. Is it wrong to be expressive of the controlling factors of the ego? In time it doesn’t seem so for many & it can’t be wrong in timelessness either because timelessness has no wrong or rights so why not just be egotistically controlled altogether if there is no wrong in this?

Some of us in time have a will not to be so expressive of these ego traits & to do this we should become aware of the controlling factors of the ego to release this control within us. So what about everybody else who wishes to express such egoist controlling traits? In time they seem wrong to us who wish not to be so expressive of these traits but there is no right or wrong, only in time is there a right & wrong which again is ego controlled. It’s a paradox because of time once again.

If we thought immortally would we have these paradoxes? The answer of course is no because we wouldn’t think in time which gives us judgement therefore there would be no right or wrong & no paradoxes. To be in timeless thought would also mean far less control quite automatically, if there is no right or wrong what is there to control?  You become totally accepting within its totality only because you have become non-accepting of thinking in time remembering being non-accepting is also accepted. You can’t be totally accepting if you don’t accept being non-accepting as well.

The following link is quite interesting as well only because I relate to it so much like, “The ego in you will almost always deceives you by creating the feeling within that, if you let go, life will'll lose control...even great and terrible things could occur”. Fear unravels us & to take some sort of control of fear we rely on knowledge for an example which seemingly gives us control over fear, the fear of knowing less than others or not knowing enough to support ourselves financially. Is this saying anyone gaining knowledge is fearful & controlling? To an extent yes however this is where a need comes into compared to a desire, if we are gaining knowledge for a need that far less denotes control & fear than if we gain knowledge for desire I believe because fear is controlling, a need isn’t .       

This post also explains about faith, “What it does do is reveal a lot about the lack of faith...what really is the driven-ness of fear within that person who mistakenly thinks they are being faithful when all they're really doing is disguising their fear with platitudes that sound faithful”.

Attaining faith can also be of a controlling thing or not again depending on what’s the driving force behind us attaining faith either it be of desire or of an actual need remembering if we are in a place we don’t want to be in & we see faith as an escape from this that is more to do with desire than a need.

Recently I came across yet another new age spiritual concept mixed with old religious concepts & beliefs that is more about control than releasing control because it was all about escaping from a prison. I would like to inform my readers here today that any concept or belief that entails fear in anyway is of control in my mind as fear denotes a lack of control so all we are trying to do with this kind of faith is take back this control.

This post also tells the story of monkeys caught in traps that wouldn’t let go of bowls full of rice, if they did they would no longer be entrapped. It describes how we are the same & all we have to do is let go of the goodies to become no longer entrapped. I think if we, while meditating, spraying, chanting or whatever, think about releasing control before & during these spiritual practices releasing from being controlling will become a lot easier.  

Is this post urging us to become detached from our attachments? No & yes because again we should ask ourselves honestly is our attachments of desire or need? This doesn’t mean a desire or need for ourselves either but of others & everything around our whole environment, for example we are destroying the environment at an alarming rate because of desire, it’s not an actual need but we lie to ourselves & say it’s for a need. Lying is but one of many attributes control has given us, all we need to do to correct this, if we want too, is just release the controlling factors of the ego & this is why I have added three links to other posts/sites that will hopefully allow you to do this. Happy releasing.   

Monday, 25 November 2013

Inner Peace

Written by Mathew Naismith

Inner peace is of the hearts core of our inner being for which we strive to remember in our daily lives, at times it seems so far away but in fact it never truly left us we left it in a sense.  Good examples of this inner peace are people who portrayed this inner peace without recourse because these people where sent here to redeem us from our own folly. These people with whom I am talking about are people like Buddha & Jesus for instance that had no desire to express such folly. This folly of course is referring to the way we allow the ego to control us without being aware of such control. These people were aware of the controlling factors of the ego therefore had no tendencies to express such traits. If you take away the controlling tendencies of the ego you automatically bring forth inner peace & yes it is that simple. What some of us are trying to do however is rid ourselves of the ego but all we really need to do is become aware of the controlling factors of the ego, that’s all.

So how do we know if the ego is in control?  Desire is a good one, if we desire, as opposed to need, this is usually a good indication of the ego being in control no matter what you desire however as I have explained in recent posts need indicates more often than not that the ego is no longer in control.  This is saying if we worked more on our needs instead of desires the less controlling the ego will be & the more inner peace you will experience & feel & the more aware you will become.

There is another problem some of us have that indicates the ego being in control, looking upon people who seem to you to be more aware or holly than you. The funny thing is when we consider the entirety of all of what consciousness is people like Buddha & Jesus are the norm, they are not looked upon in grace but just as another energy form who is expressing inner peace however in realities controlled by the ego we see them as being above ourselves.   Just because we are expressive of the controlling ego doesn’t make us any a lesser person just ignorant of who we really are. People like Jesus & Buddha weren’t just sent here to show the way away from the controlling ego but show us who we truly are in the flesh so really all we need to do is know we are just like these people in whom we egotistically revere. 

Friday, 22 November 2013

Spirituality & Non-Inquisitiveness

Written by Mathew Naismith

For a human being or any being brought up to believe one can’t know unless one inquires seems like  one can only know through inquiry which for beings brought up to believe this seems to be the truth of the matter full stop however that’s not quite correct or the full story.

Collectively we are brought up in this way since the dawn of man, how could man possibly advance if it wasn’t through inquiry?  If we take a look at holly men/people, they first had to inquire especially to find enlightenment.  It would seem to them one can’t attain anything without inquiry first up however once you become enlightened you learn you had nothing to inquire about because it was always there & has always been there no matter what.  We must think here, why can’t we personally or collectively attain knowing & wisdom without inquiry? First of all we must ask, what human trait makes one inquire? We could say because we are inquisitive or we want to better ourselves in some way or in various ways however what actual trait is behind this inquisitiveness or need/desire?  A need or desire to know denotes egoist tendencies no matter how you look at this, so is this saying holly men/people desiring or even needing to become enlightened are expressing egoist tendencies?

It’s virtually impossible to avoid expressing the ego in some way for a being with taught perceptions that one must inquire to know or advance in some way, this answers the question to why we can’t personally or collectively attain knowing & wisdom without inquiry, it’s to do with taught beliefs going right back in human history which are controlled by the controlling ego.  If we didn’t have an ego we wouldn’t bother becoming enlightened or knowing or aware of anything so does this mean we wouldn’t have advanced?  At first glance it would seem so because we are looking at this with a perception controlled by the ego but what if you take away the influence of the controlling ego?  You would then perceive through a perception not controlled by the ego so your perception is going to be somewhat different than it was with a perception controlled by the ego wouldn’t it? Of course it would but this doesn’t seem to answer the question in how we would advance without inquiry?  

The only people who can answer this are people who are enlightened because as I said once you are truly enlightened you realise you didn’t really have to inquire to know or become enlightened. As soon as you truly stop the ego being in control you realise basically straight away that you needn’t have inquired about anything as it’s all there sitting right in front of you without you thinking/ inquiring period.  It’s the controlling ego telling us we must inquire because to inquire one must have a need or a desire to do so & both these traits denote ego tendencies.  

I met a particular person years ago that flawed me & in fact while approaching him I stopped & actually took a couple of steps back because of the vibrations I was getting from him, I realised straight off this was a being who had no controlling egoist tendencies however on the other hand he still expressed  human egoist trait. The difference between people like this & others is they as humans seemingly have control over the ego & use the ego to whatever way they want. It wasn’t the ego using him but him using the ego.  Once you come across people like this you know straight away that these people are special if you are aware enough, they put out a different vibration to the average person.  

So how can you express the ego & not be of the ego at the same time? Being of the ego is being controlled by the ego even when we egotistically don’t think we are however when you control the ego, so to speak, you allow the ego to function as it does normally only to fit in with the rest of humanity but you know you have full control.  I will explain why they use the ego to fit in. Like I said I spotted this bloke straight off but I know I haven’t of others I’ve come across, they just don’t want to be spotted so they use the ego instead of the ego using them. People used to the ego controlling them put out quite a different vibration to a person who controls the ego, a person in control of the ego will stick out in a world full of people controlled by the ego so they hide themselves by expressing the ego seemingly in the same manner as everybody else.   

Now let’s look at control, is it not being of the ego when controlling even of the ego?  I used the word control because that is what it seems like we are doing when we are in control of the ego but it’s not because there is no real control just an awareness that is beyond the understanding of people who are controlled by the ego.  Awareness alone gives us an understanding that the controlling ego is unable to penetrate to take control over us thus it looks like we are controlling the ego. I say controlling the ego because it’s easier for a person who is being controlled by the ego to understand this.  

Spiritual awareness is a very powerful tool to use if used & understood correctly because all what one has to do to make things happen is be aware enough to make any one thing happen, it is that simple however one must always be aware of our desires for they will allow the controlling ego to take control over us again sometimes without us knowing it.  This means be careful in using your newly found awareness in a desirable way for in this lies the controlling ego  which a lot of people throughout the ages have, unbeknownst to them, been tricked into expressing again.  

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The Question of Desire in Spirituality

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is an interesting little exchange between me another person called Katie on Google community pertaining to using desire within spiritual growth. One must realise, like Katie, that when using desire as a method towards spiritually awareness that desire can be influenced, unbeknownst to us, by the controlling ego however it is a powerful tool if used correctly. 

I personally believe we shouldn’t inquire at all however seen as we have been conditioned to inquire for many centuries now we should continue this process until we realise we no longer need the ego or even the need to inquire. If we were brought up from the start to rely totally on our inner knowing we wouldn’t need to inquire because all we would need to know would be known through the inner self however we weren’t that lucky so we do need to continue the process of human inquiry but being aware at the same time of how controlling the ego can secretly be.  Katie’s a good example of  this awareness I believe.

Hello Dear Mathew, at this Time in Our Human Evolution Inquiry mixed with Inner-standing is a key element to us waking up to, who we truly are spiritually. For so long most people (not all) have been following the Status Quo: "My family is christian, Jewish, Muslim.... ". Never really taking the time to Inquire or Question whether that particular path was a good fit for them or not.

This New Global Inquire is occurring because our Source Spirit Self is able to connect at deeper levels through the Energetic Changes going on Universally. This Inner Desire is a Deep driving Passion for us all to branch out and reassess and Expand Our Horizons.

The Ego while currently distorted and not functioning as originally design has twisted up the True Meaning of Desire with fear of lack and being in opposition or competition with itself/All life Everywhere. In actuality, desire or passion is what can take us out of seeing and being the Little Human Us and bring us into the Big God Source First Eternal Us.

We as Source had the Desire to Create Manifest Expression with all its nuances of Being.
It is what continually drives me to question why "me do what me do". What is the Program or Belief running the Me instead of "I" running the Show.

I would like to say in many ways I am at a Happy medium but I really do not want to stop where I am at. I do not want to say that I have figured it all out and I do not need to inquire anymore. I want to inquire with every skill I have available ( intuition, Being Awareness, logic, listening....) to stretch my horizons to Live Huge Now.

G'day Katie

I feel the human trait desire is a very complicated trait to have while becoming spiritually aware because it can be so easily controlled by the ego however our needs are a different matter. If we were brought up from the start to only inquire for our needs you will probably find you will actually get to know more than if you inquired by desire.

Spiritualists in India inquire to start the process for a need but then they sit within their own silence sometimes for years on end & when they find enlightenment they realised they needn’t have inquired at all from the start. At the human level we think we need to inquire using desire but that’s not totally true however to get past certain human blockages we need to humanly inquire.  The trick is, from the beginning, not to humanly inquire but rely completely on one’s inner knowing from the start however anyone who is already attached to inquiring through human means will have to continue to go through the human process of inquiry but for one’s needs not desire I believe because desire can be too easily controlled by the ego without us knowing. Just imagine for one moment if we from the very start were taught to rely on our inner selves knowing, it’s extremely far more powerful than acquiring knowledge through human inquiry & of course it would produce a much better world because you haven’t got the ego trying to control us through our desires or even needs.    

When you fall within your own complete quietness all what one needs to know just flows without any inquiry, it’s as if it comes by magic out of thin air which is strange even to me because I’m always in physical pain, I must love it somehow!!!!!!   

Don’t get me wrong here Katie I’m quite ignorant however I am at this point quite content with my own ignorance, I have no needs or desires at this point.

I should also say we don’t always, like yourself, inquire for our own needs or desires but inquire for the needs & desires of others, we think it’s for us but it’s not especially for a truly spiritually aware person as yourself I believe.  It’s funny; we express the ego so that others may gain!!

Love you girl, keep up the good work.

PS Do you mind if I used our little exchange here for a post for my blog, I will even add the link to your site as I feel you will use desire in the right context to help others. 

If you are interested the following link will send you to Katie’s blog titled Alignment In Spirit.
These Teachings about Bio Spiritual Self Help Healing are neither a New or Old Religion, rather they are just keys to Re-Awakening the Organic Inner You, to what you have forgotten about your True Being. With this Re-newed knowledge you will be able to see and know clearly, why you perform certain acts and believe certain things in just the way you do. Please keep an open Mind as you get the first little *aha* moments of Re-membering and then you will rapidly begin to un-ravel the mystery to all the questions that seem to be always Lurking just out of Perceptual Range in your Conscious Mind. These questions are not out of Conscious Perceptual Range by chance, we are running so many programs (like a Computer) that we are totally un-aware of most times.