Written by Mathew Naismith
I had a reply to my post titled, Is the Human Race worth Saving,
I found in profound so I thought I would share it with you.
When we really really
save ourselves from our very created prison, we are saving not only the human
race but the entirety without limitation or boundary as all our senses, sensors
and sensed are free altogether.
Indeed, it's an
illusion if we think we have saved ourselves when others are still to be saved,
it's all or nothing.
The funny thing is, I was thinking of writing about how I’m
always surrounded by people who need help in one sense or another, some of
these people in a serious way. I thought if I was to only manifest for my own
desires, these people wouldn’t have me around to help them. We can’t always be around the people that
make us feel good, this to me is self-indulgent however at times we do indeed
need to move away from people who are highly destructive within their mentality,
this is self-preservation not self-indulgent.
The strange thing is, the more spiritually aware I become
the more people I attract that need some sort of assistance either that be
minor or something quite more serious. Yes
I could sit within my self-manifested world of bliss and ignore all the cries
for help, and I have done this to a certain extent in the past, but Eddie in my
mind is correct, to truly save ourselves we need to all be saved as one entity not
separate entities. I think this is what
Eddie is trying to make us realise within his messages, we do indeed need to
just wake up out of our sleep.
Because I’m quite often jovial, my presence is enough at
times, you don’t always need to do something deliberate to help others cope
better, actually at times being more than just ourselves could make things
worse at times.
The people who become spiritually aware, and are here to assist,
will attract vibrations that need assistance to become more constructive, this
can vary greatly from work colleagues, clients, family and friends who put other
people down to make themselves feel good to people with serious mental problems.
Becoming spiritually aware does have it’s responsibilities, which like I
said, at times I have myself neglected however one should never allow others to
feed off of you . This means assisting people to assist themselves not assisting people
to the extent that they become totally reliant on you. Allowing other people to become reliant on you
isn’t helping you or them, yes it might be nice for our egos but you’re not
really helping anyone but your ego.
I had a lass from Asia come to me recently conversing about
how a white Australian keeps putting her
down, she is quite aware of the situation because she realises this person is
the one with the problem not her. I think her Buddhist background has certainly
helped with this understanding. This
lass didn’t need much of an assistance just conformation in the way she saw the
situation. Anyone who uses other people to make themselves feel good in anyway
needs understanding, an understanding by us that they feel that insecure and inadequate
that they need to put other people down to make themselves feel good. This isn’t a very good way to exist and yes
they too need our assistance and understanding, it’s not easy living in ignorance
especially when you don’t realise this!!
I have also attracted people with serious social and/or mental
problems; does this mean I’m only manifesting likeminded people? Not exactly, I
have myself worked in the welfare arena twice over in my life; other people’s
problems have always been a part of my life. I certainly do believe it's an
illusion if we think we have saved ourselves when others are still to be saved,
it's all or nothing.
I also have a number of nurses in my life and other welfare
workers and people into yoga and Reiki and so on, what I have manifested is a
life to assist others not to just assist myself. Don’t get me wrong here, assisting yourself is
vitally important, like I said it’s self-preservation but one, especially if
you are spiritually aware, need to understand we just can’t help ourselves and
neglect the rest of our self, it’s all or nothing. We do indeed need to become
more responsible, not just for ourselves but for the whole of ourselves.
Most often you don’t need to do anything to help others but
be who you are as a spiritual aware person; this can be enough at times. If you
are attracting more and more people who need assistance as you become more
aware, my advice would be to assist them to assist themselves. In the welfare arena we always (only) assisted
people to assist themselves, being spiritually aware is no different in my mind,
if a person is persistently destructive within their ways, go into
self-preservation mode and pull away but ever so gently and sincerely. Depending on how connected you are, you will
do this anyway; actually these people who are persistently destructive will pick
up on your vibes and move away on their own. This will only happen if you detach from them completely,
if you are still reacting to them, they will hold on to you no matter what.
Is it easy becoming spiritually aware? It is certainly not
an easy path to follow but as we become more connected, that path becomes a lot
easier to traverse as we become more aware, really, this is not an illusion, it
does indeed become easier and more fulfilling.