Showing posts with label light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Being the Quality of Change

Written by Mathew Naismith

If people like Jesus and Buddha couldn't change the world, how are thousands or even millions of people working towards a singular goal going to change the world? Considering the enlightenment of Jesus and Buddha and many other wise and aware people in human history, millions of people not of the quality of this enlightenment are obviously not going to change the world either. We need to be honest with ourselves here, so what is the answer?

I wrote the following in regards to light and dark, light overwhelming or overcoming dark.

Imagine yourself in a completely dark room; now shine a small light, what has your focus, the dark or the light? The light is more pronounced within the dark than in the light, even though the light is surrounded by darkness!!

As it's not the quantity of people that will change the world but the quality, it's the quality of the light within the dark that will change the world, not the volume of light. If the light within the dark is not pronounceable, the dark will be more pronounced.

It all comes down to not being of the quantity or volume but the quality.........


Imagine a light room with a small dark area, what is your focus going to be on? The dark because it's more pronounced within a light room. Now imagine a balance of light and dark within a room, which, out of light and dark, is going to be your main focus on? Neither, the focus will be mainly on the balance of light and dark because it's the balance of light and dark that becomes more pronounceable/obvious.

When you go into a house that is made up of a decor of a balance of black and white, what do you notice the most, the black or white? The balance between black and white becomes the main focus, even when a brightly coloured object is added. The brightly coloured object will take your attention but your main focus is still going to be on the pronounced, the balance of black and white.

Buddha, being a prince, was in a safe heaven away from all the negatives of the world outside of his safe heaven. Jesus was a carpenter, this was his safe heaven. What did both of these people do? They went way outside of their safe heavens!! They faced the so-called negatives face on outside of their personal safe heavens, most importantly, facing the degradation of their own being. Degradation simply refers to how our desires overrule all else. In their case the act of going outside of their safe heaven was to deny their own personal desires control over them. They became more focused on the collective than the individual.

The negatives outside of their safe heavens became more pronounced, this is represented by the dark in regards to their own light. Their main focus wasn't on the light but the dark, as the dark became more pronounced to them. In truth, what is our main focus on? The light, while at the same time ostracising and/or having disdain for the dark!!! Should we give more attention, love and goodwill to the light or the dark? We most often give our attention to the light, not the dark. Yes, the quantity of people are trying to change the world but not the quality, as most of the quantity simply desires to create a personal safe heaven, not go out from their safe heaven to assist in real change.

I often give as much attention to the perpetrators as I do the victims, for example, I often give more time to bullies and abusers than I do their victims. For people like me, the perpetrators are as much of a victim of themselves as of anyone!!

All you need to be is the quality of change, not the quantity of change........M G Naismith

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Balance and Creators of Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

OK people, please don't take my writings as being gospel or of utter truth, it's plainly not, how could it be when consciousness itself is infinite and varied to the degree it is? Too many people have taken my writing way too seriously, as I have always stipulated, it's only my perception of things, OK , it comes through me a lot of times but it's still comes down to my perception of what is coming through me!!

You must ask of yourselves why of what I write is upsetting you in anyway, is it your fixations to your own ideologies and perceptions that is causing this? All I am stating is sit back and observe yourselves and express a little more balance if you really want to make a difference. Whatever the human collective consciousness desires to do is fine with people like myself, it's just if you really want to make a difference, desist in being so extreme and fixated to your own ideologies and perceptions. Try understanding other perceptions and see where these perspectives are coming from, you will be surprised in what comes out of this. Try dropping some of the self-labels as well!! 

The following post, I think, is an extension of my already extended perceptions and perspectives. If you took offence to my previous writings, you will certainly take offence to the following.      


My topics at the moment seem to be based on balance, only because for change to occur, it is wise that any change made is enacted in a balance way. Of course the reason for this is obvious, any kind of implemented imbalance will only cause destruction and further chaos. We might think a predominant positive approach is the way to go but where is the balance when the positive is predominant? A true positive approach isn't destructive in any sense, this also means it's not destructive towards the negative either. A true positive isn't destructive towards the negatives as  it will see the benefits within the negatives, meaning, it will see the positives within the negatives.

Aware Consciousness: This is the same with consciousness's of light, a consciousness that is observed as being aware. A true consciousness of light is unable to destroy the dark in any sense, any truly aware consciousness is unable to be destructive. What this kind of consciousness will do is balance out the negative with positives while knowing that negatives are as worthy as positives. This however is different with the negatives, the consciousness's that are observed as being unaware will be destructive for only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy. It's important here to realise that only in ignorance can we destroy, or, only in darkness, which denotes an unawareness, can we destroy, now how many positives are trying to destroy the negatives in the world? There is a very good reason for This approach from aware people, people of the light so to speak.

Let's first look at the amount of labels I've used already, we must be aware that the more labels we use, the harder life will be to balance, however, how is an unaware consciousness able to become aware without labels while existing in an unaware conscious state? How is an aware consciousness to know it's aware without the a comparison like an unaware, dark or negative. Consciousness can only become conscious of it's awareness if there is a comparison. You see the negative aren't really as dark as we presume. We label dark as negative, light as positive but that is not entirely correct, the yin needs the yang to exist, It's of course a lot less destructive if the yin and yang coexist in balance, of course any coexistence takes a balanced approach, not an imbalanced approach!!

Human consciousness is primarily naturally destructive, for human consciousness to become more constructive, it needs to be nurtured and reconditioned to exist in a more constructive way, this won't occur if we go out to destroy all judged or observed labelled negatives or dark consciousness's. Once again, a true aware consciousness is unable to destroy anything, including the labelled negatives and this is the point. A truly aware consciousness is also unable to label one one thing and another something else, meaning, just because the yin is judged as being yin, doesn't mean it's not also of yang. Also, what is positive to one person doesn't mean it's positive to another person and visa-versa.

Balance or Balancer!!: It's obvious that a more balanced approach is wiser but are we the balance itself or the creators of this balance?

Now you might notice in the figure above that the word balance is on the shaft and the cross member, this is to depict that we are of the balance itself and the creators of balance, basically, the balancer of yin and yang's labels. Let's now look at this in a different way. 

You will notice I have replaced balance with God's consciousness or creative consciousness. Please do not presume I am talking about a biblical representation of God here, basically, this kind of consciousness is void of labels and is of pure wisdom, awareness and balance. You could say labels un-purify's   consciousness, in other words a controlling ego influences a consciousness to be of what it's not. This pure untainted consciousness is what we often deem a God.     

Looking at the scales above, we have what is called God's consciousness and then we have the soul. We then have the scales themselves which hold the many labels we use and under these labels we have yin and yang. Yin and yang represent the human self, in actuality, yin and yang represent everything that has been created, this means everything that has been created, is influenced by yin and yang.

Now if we were to take away what supports these scales, is the scales any longer scales? No, now take away the scales, the labels and yin and yang, is God's consciousness still God's consciousness? Yes, now take away the soul, is God's consciousness still God's consciousness? I myself find this perception quite interesting, we are the balance but in creation we also become the balancer, the creations being the soul and all the labels we ourselves create.

Counter-reaction: Chaotic existences can only be created by some kind of an imbalance, it's obvious we exist in a chaotic destructive existence. How would a consciousness, that isn't pleased with this kind of existence, going to react? It's going to react with the opposite, an opposing opposite, basically, to an extreme to block out or destroy the perceived darkness of such a reality. Even blocking out this perceived darkness (negative), we are purposely destroying this darkness, and  in actuality, we are still enacting out the darkness because we are still destructive. Any true sense of love and light lives within the dark without destroying it, it will instead find the positives (light) within the dark without becoming the dark itself. This is what a true sense of unconditional love is about, it's not about unconditionally loving what we desire to love but loving everything void of any conditions what so ever.

Because this reality is as chaotic as it is, any love and light void of a true sense of unconditional love existing in this reality, has conditions. This is brought about by existing in such a reality. Only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy, what are so many people of love and light tying to do to an extreme? Basically, they are still enacting out the attributes of darkness, the very thing they are trying to destroy. This reaction however is normal for a still unaware consciousness to do, no truly aware conscious will react in counteraction to any situation, it will instead try to find balance within such a situation/reality without becoming destructive within itself in anyway.

The dark is not just of dark either as the light is just not of light, if everything was of light, the existence of dark would still exist within the darker shades of light. This is because conscious itself is not limited to certain boundaries, only our own consciousness has these boundaries and is limited by these boundaries. We label something dark therefore negative and bad and something else positive therefore positive and good. The reaction between these perceptions/boundaries is going to be opposing until they find common ground, the yin within the yang as in the yang within the yin, in other words balance.......

We are the balance, a conscious void of labels but we are also the balancer, the creator of balance within any reality of labels, the light and dark of life. A truly harmonious existence can only be obtained through balance, not the destruction of the other, it's this simple. Also, a balance between a consciousness void of labels and a consciousness of labels will also help bring harmony into a consciousness, basically, a balance between the spiritual and the physical, not one or the other.        

Monday, 25 July 2016

The Answer is Awareness and Balance, Not Love and Light!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before we get into this, I should point out that I figure myself of being of the light as well in a sense, basically, a person who is aware as opposed to a person who obviously isn't aware. There are numerous obvious differences between being aware and unaware, this isn't judgment because one is neither more worthy than another. Being aware is of the light, being unaware is of the dark, a consciousness that is unable or unwilling to perceive beyond a certain point.

Why is awareness and balance the answer to our chaotic existence and love and light are not? I recently gave a reply to a person who basically queried why the love in the world is not changing the world, the reply is as follow.

"My wife and I haven't watched TV for over eight years now, I do however miss the docs. TV was too one sided, there is no balance in the media these days, only in balance will we be at peace again. You can spread as much love in the world you like, if there is no balance within this love, love just won't work. It is obvious love isn't working, the world is getting worse.

Why does it seem that the darkness is swallowing up the light in the world? I was talking to a bloke in Sweden recently, his town was once of light, it's now turning dark. People from around the world are looking for the light, however, because they know no other way to exist, they swallow up the light instead of becoming the light.

The reason for this is simple, ignorance is not aware of how to become the light so it turns light into darkness where ever it goes. You can send out as much loving vibration you like out there, anyone in darkness is unable to receive it and in actuality, they often counter-react this light with darkness. Because they are unable to comprehend light, it's seen as a threat to them, this is quite understandable, try comprehending something that is virtually impossible to comprehend yourself!!

The answer is awareness and balance, not a one sided affair like love/light for instance, this scares the hell out of anyone who is conditioned to the dark and quite understandably so."

Light = awareness

Dark = unawareness (ignorance)

Love is ambiguous, it can be of pain, the dark and destructive as well and the light can be blinding to others not used to the light, the same can't be said of awareness and balance even though awareness denotes light.

Awareness on the other hand in conjunction with balance, is not blinding being that awareness is light, however, awareness on it's own is blinding to the unaware because again awareness is light. Balance basically takes away the glare from the light by defusing the light through being aware that the light, to the unaware, can be blinding and even frightening to them. It's wise to consider how unaware people will react to blinding light and a love they are unfamiliar with. Just because the aware are used to the light and love, doesn't mean that everyone is used to the light and love, in actuality, to the unaware, light and love can be very frightening, the last thing we need to do is generate even more fear in the unaware.

Balance gives awareness an awareness that a more balanced approach is needed. Awareness makes one aware of when a more balanced approach is needed, they certainly go hand in hand in a reality that is not all of light. Love and light work fine in a reality of light but it's obvious we are not in a reality of love and light.

The unaware are indeed attracted to the light but instead of taking on this light, they inadvertently destroy the light, how can any consciousness take on what it doesn't comprehend in the first place? How could we of the light expect them to?

Consider this, how many people of the light react to the dark with light? As soon as darkness appears in their life, they immediately react by counter-acting to this darkness with an intense light? Why? Fear of being of the dark, a darkness that threatens their light, now consider how people conditioned to the dark would react to the light, would they not also react with an intense darkness? Human consciousness as a whole is conditioned to the dark, this is all this consciousness, bar a few conscious souls, know. There is no balance within the light we are trying to influence human consciousness with, basically, we need to change the way we present ourselves if we truly want to make a difference.

It is said if a few of us live by the light, this light will eventually engulf human consciousness as a whole, in actuality,  the opposite is actually occurring because this light is way too much for a lot of people to comprehend and take on in such a reality. I have always advocated balance and that balance is the key.

Balance isn't just the key to a more harmonious existence, it's a key to many more doors than just harmony, a truer sense of love comes to mind and an awareness beyond most people's comprehension within this reality. Balance is basically made up of wisdom and awareness, awareness gives the awareness of balance and wisdom gives balance it's balance.

For only can the wise be truly balanced and for a very good reason too.

Balance also gives us a comprehension of a conscious state void of labels, however, because we exist within a reality primarily created by labels, labels are a necessity within such a reality, this doesn't mean we should primarily be of these created labels though. We have lost our balance and because of this, we have primarily become these created labels when in actuality we are this balance itself. Sure, these  labels are of us as well, we after all created them, but they are not who we are but of what we are at any given time, there is a difference. We are a consciousness primarily void of labels, this is who we are but we can become of what we have created at any given time. We have created these labels, this is what we have become, this doesn't mean this is who we are by no means.

Yes, love and light, dark and unawareness are but labels, labels that we have taken on as who we are when all the time who we truly are is simply of this balance void of any labels. Basically, a consciousness void of ego....Why be of the light when there is no darkness, this is a pure state of balance. Chasing the light also brings on the darkness!! 

One more thing to consider, how is an unaware and a probable egotistical consciousness going to react to another consciousness that puts itself above another lower form of consciousness? "I am of a higher consciousness or vibration". I think the rebuttal to this high mindedness is going to create the response this kind of high mindedness deserves. The truth is, we are this balance void of egoistic labels, I know this isn't very glamorous but this is who we truly are in my mind.....                        

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Awareness is Illumination

Written by Mathew Naismith

Physical Awareness: This post is going on from the discussions I inserted in my last post which relates to paradoxes, for example, light exists in the same space as dark, time exists in the same space as timelessness and so on. What do we do when we want to become aware of something in a dark space? We switch on a light to become aware of what is in that space, light is all to do with awareness and dark is to do with an unawareness, however , light and dark still exist in the same space. Basically what this is saying is, awareness and an unawareness exists in the same space at the same exact time, even in a physical existence.

Within this reality, is not an unawareness and an awareness existing in the same space in the exact same time? This is all happening in the same exact space as the reality we exist in represents the same space. What this means is paradoxes do indeed exist, however, in other conscious realities that are unaware of the existence of the possibility of paradoxes, they don't. The reason for this is simple, light and darkness conceals the other from itself, in this case, even when a consciousness is predominately influenced or blinded by light illumination, such illumination conceals what is within the dark. Even when a consciousness is illuminated by light, such consciousness is quite unaware of what is in the darkness, in the first place, light makes us unaware of darkness!!

We still might think paradoxes just don't exist, darkness is unable to exist were light is.  When you switch on the light, where does the darkness go? It's gone nowhere because it's still there which is shown when you turn the light off again, the darkness reappears only because the light made you quite unaware of the darkness!!

Let's look at people who have the same number of male and female chromosomes, is not a male and female form existing in the same exact space and time as the other?  Let's look at the planet we are existing on, is there not a light and dark continually coexisting in the same space as on this planet?  Let's look at the universe itself, is not light and dark coexisting in this same space, being that the universe is represented by the space it exits in!!          

Non-Physical Awareness: All I have talked about so far is physical awareness, how physical light and dark determine what we will become aware of, of course the perception of  light and dark is determined by our five senses in this case. Our eyes can't see what they can't see and they can't see the dark while illuminated by light. In a physical state of existence, it is obvious we are always going to be  unaware of something!!  

In actuality, light illumination has nothing to do with becoming aware beyond the five senses. When we go beyond our normal conditioning of predominantly using our five senses, which are of course finite, awareness itself makes us aware of everything, even in the most darkest places. The reason for this is due to there being no true light or dark when in a state of awareness beyond the five senses. In this state, paradoxes don't even exist but they do still exist in other states of awareness that are influenced by the perceptions of  dark and light and time.

Indeed, even in a timeless state, a consciousness could so easily perceive that time doesn't exist therefore everything of time is perceived as an illusion. Being predominantly influenced by, for example,  time or timelessness, dark or light, gives us  preconceptions in that time can't exist in the same space as timelessness, the same of course goes with  light and darkness and anything we perceive that can't possibly exist in the same space at the same exact time.

Physically, when we go into a dark space and switch on a light, we illuminate that space to make us aware of what is in that space, illumination beyond the five senses and human perception doesn't work in this way, it works by being aware of all off what is beyond the perception of light and dark, time and timelessness.   

Basically what I am saying is, light isn't illumination beyond the five senses, in actually, the five senses delude us by making us unaware of perceiving beyond the five senses.  Indeed, it is obvious to how such a created delusional reality is created, the perception of light and darkness deludes us to a perception beyond the five senses. In a sense, such realities become an illusion only because these limited (finite) perceptions make us unaware of anything else beyond the limitation of the five senses. In this case, the five senses become all we are.

Now while in a state of time and dark and light, we can become aware of a timeless state, perceiving from this state, we can perceive that everything of time doesn't truly exist, it's all an illusion. This of course would make dark and light an illusion as well. This perception is of course not wrong but it's not totally right either, this is why right and wrongs, dark and light, don't exist but at the same time they do. This of course depends on the reality we are perceiving  through. While in a state of time, we will be influenced by the perception of time, while in a state of timelessness, the same goes as each state, when separated from the other, will give us a certain fixed perception making us quite unaware of other states. Within this perception, influenced by separation of one state from the other, for example, time and timelessness, dark and light, the perception of a wrong and right exist.

This however changes when we no longer separate ourselves from any state but perceive through the coexistence of all states. In this state, everything becomes an illumination, nothing is concealed for the sole reason this is the state of an observer  rather than a participator. In this state as an observer, light or darkness plays no part of what one can become aware of because all is revealed, nothing is concealed in this state as, the reason for this is again quite simple.

In recent posts, I've state that this timeless egoless state is who we truly are, this is only the case if we can perceive we are also of time and darkness and light. However, if we perceive that all of what times represents is an illusion, therefore isn't a part of who we are, this timeless state becomes anything but who we truly are. We are all of what is, including the illusion and delusions and everything that the darkness and light creates. Once you can perceive that everything you experience and are aware of is a part of you, no matter how delusional it seems, being aware of this illuminates you to everything. In a sense, once you can perceive that paradoxes exist in one state but not in others,  you are starting to become aware of your observing self, a self that illuminates everything without question.

It's handy to realise that a consciousness that is of infinite perceptions, has no boundaries because it's not limited to finite perceptions, a perception that separates itself from all other perceptions, in other words a state of consciousness that separates itself from all other states of consciousness. There are absolutely no boundaries.......this is until we predominately exist in finite realities, realities defined by boundaries, in this state, there is no true illumination as there is no true sense of awareness, only what the light allows us to become aware of in place of the dark. Once you push something away by pulling something in, you have lost all sense of a true illumination, an awareness beyond boundaries and limitations.    

Monday, 7 September 2015

There is No True Light or Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Light and Darkness: Yes, this sounds totally contradictory in regards to my last post about there is only light and awareness. Van Johnson explained that there was only light and awareness, this however is only defined in how aware a consciousness is after the demise of the human vessel/body, the more unaware a consciousness is, the more of the dark they will be of and of course the more destructive a consciousness will become. How much darkness can one actually see when within light itself?  Zero/none, this is due to the awareness or enlightenment of a consciousness to light.

I would say that Van Johnson was actually in the light itself to state what he did, "There is only light and awareness", it's certainly not a bad place to be after our demise and yes, a consciousness can indeed end up in a very dark place after the demise of the human vessel, this all depends on how unaware or aware a consciousness is.

The light a consciousness experiences, is determined in how aware a consciousness is, in other words the quality of light depends on how aware a consciousness is. The less aware a consciousness is, either individually or collectively, the more of the darkness they will experience and see, this kind of darkness will of course naturally create a chaotic destructive reality, a darkened reality. What are we experiencing on a collective scale?  It's certainly not an enlightened reality, a reality of awareness for only through awareness can we see light.

Yes, experiencing light or darkness depends on the reality we are perceiving through,  what is this light and darkness then that creates realities of light and dark? Pure and simple motion, if we are perceiving, we are creating a motion as opposed to not creating motion.  Van Johnson could have been in a motion of pure darkness, he would then stated there is only darkness and unawareness, I have had this as well from people who have passed on. Our perceptions are wholly due to the reality we are presently experiencing, if we are experiencing a darkened unaware reality, that is what we will only see.  If we are only experiencing a lightened aware reality, that is what we will also only see.

We are presently living in a reality of light and dark on a collective scale,  the extremes of light and darkness within this collective reality are huge and we wonder why we have different perceptions and ideas/ideologies!!  Why are some people constructive and others totally destructive?  It's all to do with the light and darkness within this reality. It's actually quite an unusual reality, it's not often you get extremes of light and dark existing in the same collective reality, and of course, light and darkness denotes awareness and an unawareness. No truly aware consciousness could be destructive towards another consciousness, for only in ignorance can a consciousness be destructive. On a collective scale, this doesn't say much about us collectively, don't lose heart on this though, any reality with two opposing extremes of light and darkness are going to react in this way, this is due to a never ending action reaction between extremes, a continuous motion. Why are so many spiritually aware people today are about being motionless through practices like mediating, praying and chanting?  It's basically to do with lessening the motions within the reality.

Pure Consciousness: There is however another reality void of any perceptions of light and darkness, some people call this God's consciousness, others call this consciousness pure consciousness or even pure wisdom, what ever you call it it's a consciousness of motionlessness. To perceive light and darkness you need some kind of motion, this God's consciousness isn't about perceiving, it's about just being void of any expressive motions.

I wrote something recently in reply to another person in relation to my last post about there is only light and awareness. They explained the existence of light and darkens through the analysis of the interactions of matter and energy, the following was my analysis.

I look at all energy being of consciousness, an unaware consciousness perceives darkness more where an aware consciousness perceives light more.

The presence of matter is a sign that a consciousness is unaware, this just shows you how unaware we are and why we create realities of darkness/destruction instead of realities of light. The more this matter is in motion, the more destruction we will cause, it's all a natural process.    

I know I have been going on about motions recently but I think it's important, especially at present, to beware of what motions actually create.  You see, a consciousness that is highly expressive of motion, is only of this motion because it's unaware, a more aware a consciousness becomes, the less a consciousness will express or need to express motions.  At present on a collective scale, we are highly expressive of motions, what I am saying is this is purely due to our unawareness, this unawareness is of course going to create a darker reality, this stands to reason.

However, a reality created with less motions is going to be less destructive. I think this is why so many people are getting into meditating these days, it's about lessoning our own motions, and yes,  quietening the mind has a lot to do with lessoning our own motions.

Within this pure consciousness (God's consciousness) , there is no motion therefore there is no light or dark, yes, we perceive there is and yes we can indeed experience that this motionless consciousness is of light but only because we perceive it to be so. This pure consciousness of wisdom isn't about perceptions, if it was, it too would be like this reality, a reality of extreme light and darkness but it's not. This is wholly due to this pure consciousness not being just of awareness but pure wisdom, it basically goes beyond the perceptions of light and darkness.

This doesn't actually mean light and awareness don't exist, it just means light and awareness don't exist within pure consciousness, this means light and darkness can only exist in realities of motion. In actuality, light and darkness do exist but not in all realities. Van Johnson explained about a particular reality, the reality he was presently experiencing, this didn't mean that no other reality exists, it just means the reality we are presently experiencing will at times seem like the only reality in existence.         

Sunday, 6 September 2015

There is Only Light/Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

If your not into believing that life after death exists and that you can communicate with these entities, you probably won't be interested  in the following post. This post was brought about by a communication I had, in my dreams, with an actor of the name of Van Johnson. Van Johnson has appeared in my dreams before, it was good to have a more in-depth chat with him this time.

Van Johnson stated that night and day give us false perceptions, the perception of night and day influences us to believe darkness exists when it doesn't. This to me makes sense, when you go outside of the Earth into space within our solar system, there is no night and day, this is due to their being only light which emanates from the sun.

This isn't exactly what Van Johnson is saying here though but it does give us a perception of there being no true existence of darkness, it's only a delusion brought on by the suns light being obscured by Earth itself in rotation.

What Van Johnson seems to be saying is, a true form of darkness doesn't exist period, even after our demise. Some people experience a bright light at the end of a tunnel surrounded by darkness  after their demise, even this darkness surrounding this tunnel is a delusion.

According to Van Johnson, the perception of darkness represents an unawareness, an obscurity of a natural awareness that we all have from our point of creation. When we exist in realities influenced of night and day, we naturally get the perception of an unknown which is represented by the darkness we experience.

He also stated that birth also gives us this perception of darkness existing, we are in darkness until we come forth into the light, the light of course is represented by us being born. Birth also gives us a perception of light and darkness, birth is represented by light, death is represented by darkness, he stated this is not true, there is no such thing as death.

Sadly enough, this was the end of our in-depth discussion, this however wasn't the end of our interaction. He then mentioned about an uncle or his father being a good shot with a rifle, 303, 308 or something with a 3 in it was mentioned. He was also a good driver even though he was involved in a car smash at one time in his life. There was this old car that was parked in an awkward passion, to me there was no way to get the car out of this position without damaging the car, he did it with ease. That was the end of our interaction.

I'm going to leave the post right here........             

Sunday, 28 June 2015

The Darkness of Man’s Soul and the Light Within

Written by Mathew Naismith

This isn’t altogether a dark post, actually there is a fair amount of light, more light than darkness within the visionary insights  I’ve been receiving in the last 24 hrs. Yes, this post is about obvious visions I have been receiving recently, it’s to do with a sickly colourless man sitting on a bench in a dingy dark corner of a room, imagine a dungeon except……

When I stand in the doorway of this room, I first see a sickly looking man, ill in some way because he’s skin looks grey and he is slightly stooped.  In every vision, it’s a different man but a man who is obviously experiencing  a dark existence all the same.

When I tried to approach this man to help him, I found myself being drawn towards his existence which was quite dark compared to mine, I backed off towards the doorway again, there was no way I was going to draw him away from his existence on my own. While backing off towards the doorway, I noticed a bright light to the left side of the room, this light was in full view of this man, he was not tempted at any time to walk into this light. “What will tempt this man to walk into the light out of his obvious dark existence?”    

While standing in the doorway, a beautiful person gleaming with love appeared, without hesitating, the man began to move towards us.

I got a huge feeling that the man  represents the mind of man, in other words the soul of man as a collective, this doesn’t portray a very good view of man. The feeling I received from this man wasn’t good, the first word that comes to mind is distortion, a disfigurement of man’s soul through his own choice, except man is quite unaware of this disfigurement, it’s as if this kind of existence is normal and natural.

In a sense, this kind of existence is normal, it’s normal for consciousness’s that knows no better. It was funny that the bright light, in full view of this man, wasn’t enticing him, it was a warm glowing bright light but it wasn’t comforting to this man at all, actually it seemed more as a threat to him and his existence. This seemed to keep him in his existence,  it’s as if the light was opposing man and not trying to help him from his obvious dark existence.

The bright light seemed to represent the goodness in the world, it would seem these people of the light are most useful to this dark existence in various ways. It was quite understandable why this man was not going to go into the light, why be abused when you can be the abuser? No wonder this man seemed so sickly to me to the point of being feeble, darkness always needs the light to draw it’s strength from. 

Now what about the person who was gleaming with love, what would they represent?

A collective for starters, I was unable to help this man on my own but as soon as another person appeared, everything changed, the man began to move towards us. At this point, the man was sucked into the light within the room, he too became the love within the world.

It is obviously going to take a huge amount of energy to change man’s ways, to entice him away from his dark existence. This huge amount of energy seems to me to be the collective good, working together, to change man’s ways. It’s a huge amount of energy because it’s representative of the collective, not individuals. The individual good was represented by the light within the room, even though this light was of love and goodness, it wasn’t a collective, “united we stand , divided we fall”, this is an appropriate quote here.

This light within  the room also didn’t seem to be enlightening to the man, probably this has more to do with the light not working together as a collective than to do with awareness. To me all light represents awareness, this is very much the same in switching on the light in a dark room, it’s enlightening. The light within this room, where the man was sitting, was all about awareness but not a collective awareness, the collective awareness to me was represented by two people standing in the doorway working together to help this man.

What I feel entice this man to move from his present dark existence was enlightenment, an awareness to there being a much better existence than what he is conditioned too. The light within this room wasn’t doing this, this was due to the man’s dark existence abusing this light to feed this man’s dark existence. You will not be enticed to become the thing you are abusing no matter how good the thing is you are abusing.  It’s obviously going to take a collective to change man’s ways without a doubt.  

I’ve never had visionary insights quite like this before, it’s a good thing actually, it shows we are evolving, in other words we are collectively becoming more aware. I know why I wrote the previous post now.       

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Moving Towards the Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

I did something recently I've  never really done before, I felt I needed to focus more so I asked for guidance, I had no fixated intentions, I just felt I needed to ask for assistance to focus more, I should know better!! What happened was I received visions, dreams and actual life experiences which focused on a particular part of life. What came out of all this was I no longer resonated with certain consciousness's, I shouldn't accept in my life what I no longer resonate with.

While becoming spiritually aware, our vibrations naturally and automatically change as well, we find we no longer resonate or even accept certain vibrations within our lives. I feel this is simply to do with awareness and unawareness or ignorance, the more aware we become the less we are attracted to anything pertaining to ignorance. I think this is because ignorance can and does quite automatically create chaos and destruction where's awareness does the opposite for only in ignorance can we destroy. If you no longer feel comfortable being involved in chaos and destruction, avoid it when possible.

Take a person who is becoming a naturalist, the more aware they become of how destructive consumerist materialism is for example on the environment, the less they resonate with such consciousness's, spiritual awareness is no different.

Let's take a look at how spiritual awareness and unawareness (ignorance) as a whole denote.

Awareness = order + constructiveness + release + wisdom 

Unawareness (ignorance) = chaos + destruction + control + knowledge

You will notice a disparity here between the two, isn't awareness about control and doesn't knowledge lead to wisdom and why isn't knowledge also a part of awareness?

Let's take a look at order and constructiveness as opposed to chaos and destruction first up,  only in ignorance can we destroy and to destroy is to create chaos, you cannot destroy while in awareness therefore you automatically have no chaos. This now brings us to release as opposed to control, only in chaos and destruction do you need to take control, what is there to take control of if you no longer have chaos and destruction within yourself? Let's put this another way, what would there be to control if you existed in a consciousness of pure peace and harmony?  We can now see how why order, constructiveness release are of awareness where's chaos, destructiveness and control are only of ignorance.

I should point out that saying one thing  is ignorant and the other aware is purely based on observations, not judgment especially critical judgment, everything a part of consciousness has it's place, ignorance and awareness are no different. I think it's quite obvious, through simple observation, that ignorance can be quite destructive.

Now let's look at the discrepancy between wisdom, awareness and knowledge, most people would put these three together as one leads to the other, knowledge leads to awareness and awareness leads to wisdom.

In a Human perspective this works, we are educated to become aware and then hopefully wise after many hours of study and actual life experiences in what we have studied, this allows us to take more control of our lives, this makes perfect sense and yes it does work to one extent or another. Spiritual awareness works quite differently I believe mainly because we are not using spiritual awareness to take control in the first place. The reason I separated knowledge from awareness is knowledge is more to do with control where's spiritual awareness is more to do with releasing control not gaining it.

If you look at what is happening today in the world with extremism, you can see how knowledge is used to take control but only a certain knowledge is used which only takes a certain amount of awareness, extremists are certainly not fully aware of what they are doing. Instead of certain religions using awareness to release control, they have used knowledge to gain control.

We should remember here, if we are still trying to gain control, we are not spiritually aware to the extent of not needing control to keep chaos and destruction in order all the times. If we are still using control within spirituality, we are not truly spiritually aware. Anyone truly spiritually aware will not have to use control within their spirituality, this is due to them not being a part of chaos and destruction in the first place because there is nothing to control within themselves.

Let's look at a wise person, how controlling are they of any situation? They will sit back and maybe give advice allowing the controllers to do their bit, this is due to them not needing to no longer take control. A wise person will be an observer instead of a participator unlike a controller, this is why controlling to me doesn't belong in spiritual practices, this same mistake has been made many times over through various religions in the past, it's a bit silly to me to continually repeat this time and time again.

There is also another word I can add in relation to awareness here, humbleness, so what is the antonym of humbleness? Majestic/proud which is expressive of eroticism, how many egotistical wise people do we know and what does egotism denote?  Egotism is all about control so does control really belong in true spiritual practices?

Does all this mean we shouldn't use knowledge in our spiritual practices? No, what we shouldn't do is use knowledge to take control but to use knowledge to become aware and wise. Needing or desiring  to control in spiritual practices is a sign that we are still battling with chaos and destruction, this isn't a very good sign denoting a spiritually wise person. 

It seems once we have order we have control, this is purely a human perceptive which is all based on using knowledge to control instead of using awareness to release control. Once you have order, there is nothing to control, so how do we bring order within outlives in the first place?  It's certainly not done through control of any kind even though when we focus, it seems we are using control to focus, what we are actually doing is releasing ourselves from controlling factors around us, this humanly gives us the feeling of power of control when it's all about releasing ourselves from control. Yes it's certainly tricky, we can indeed be fooled. 

I would advice anyone who is serious about practicing in true spirituality to find someone who is all about releasing control, not gaining control, through spiritual practices. The following is a good start in my mind, try Goggling, you never know what you will find.   

One of the visions I did receive after asking for guidance was to vision yourself while you are thinking about control, you should notice that you are holding something, this can be anything from a lions tail, a rope, something heavy, a person or what ever, now vision yourself stepping back and at the same time visioning yourself letting go of what you have a hold on, do this as many times you like. In a sense this is what we do when we so call die while going into the light, we release ourselves from our attachments, in other words we release ourselves from control.

There is but another word to add to awareness, light as opposed to dark as awareness as opposed to ignorance, it's funny how it all comes together. 

Awareness = order + constructiveness + release + wisdom + humbleness + light

Unawareness (ignorance) = chaos + destruction + control + knowledge + majestic + dark  

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Moving Towards the Collective Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

The transition stage: When we die or as I put it, go through a transition period, we can either go into the light or not, that is our choice, do we not also have the same choice on a collective scale?  I think we do....

We are certainly, on a collective scale, going through a transitional phase at the moment in more ways than one, however, any transition means the demise/transition of certain mentalities and practices. This transitional stage can be quite harrowing for some people when they are dying and for others a saving grace, is this any different to what we are witnessing in the present on a collective scale while taking into consideration of religious extremists in particular? To me they don't seem to be going into the light but continuing on there merry way as they have always done, does this mean the collective spirit will flounder around like ghost after the transition?

The collective spirit is in relation to human consciousness as a whole, will the human consciousness as a whole flounder about when they are so distraught while in their death rows, their transitional stage? 

When an individual passes over (dies) while still being fixated to certain conscious existences such as extreme religious ideologies, it makes sense such consciousness's will flounder about after the transition period, what we are doing is talking about an actual consciousness here that is very strong within it's fixations. This can also occur in relation to materialism as well or anything else a consciousness becomes fixated too. I have come across this a few times myself where spirits/souls become fixated to a certain consciousness, they just don't want to move on into the light to evolve.

What we are talking about here is the demise/transition of a consciousness, not something of a physical domain, it's about a consciousness that is rapidly changing and some parts of this collective consciousness will find this transition quite hard to take, this is like some people take their own demise/transition in a bad way. The strange thing is, religious extremist views are acting exactly like what some ghosts act like, they just don't want to let go and will do anything to hold onto their fixations.

The big question is now, is the extent of religious extremism today a foretelling sign that religious extremism is actually dead, like a ghosts, they too will hang on to the bitter end and haunt? This of course is no different to anyone being fixated to materialism or anything else we fixate ourselves to. What we fixate ourselves to is a transitory consciousness as we can only be fixated to a transitory states of consciousness, this is due to being in an unaware state while being expressive of a transitory consciousness, a consciousness that is not eternal and aware. I do believe an  aware state of consciousness cannot fixate themselves to anything because of such awareness.

The light: Ghosts/spirits that don't move into the light, are unaware of what the light actually is, some of them honestly just don't want to know because of their fixations to a certain transitory consciousness, is religious extremism and materialism, for example, on a collective scale, truly any different to the way a ghost who have fixations to a certain consciousness any different? 

The light can be very scary for some people personally, but can be even scarier  to a large part off the collective who have fixated themselves to certain transitory states of consciousness, for example,  people fixated to religious extremist ideologies and materialism. This is due to the light not being of any fixations what so ever, all transitory conscious fixation give way to the light, this can be very scary for anyone fixated to a certain conscious state. I have utter empathy for any consciousness that is fixated in this way.     

The light represents awareness, just imagine how a consciousness that has existed in  ignorance for so long, especially of the light, will react to such awareness, it can be quite understandably traumatic to such a consciousness. It's just not going to be an easy transition to make for a lot of the collective consciousness and quite understandably so.      

I can't talk myself, I've deliberately kept myself ignorant as much as I could even though I was aware of the light from a young age, this is because I came here to experience spontaneity like everybody else otherwise we wouldn't be here, however, there is now a need to go along with the change for the sake of evolving or ascending consciously. This partakes us to go into the light, in other words become aware of the light and the difference between transitory consciousness and eternal states of consciousness.

We of course have a choice on a collective scale, do we become ghosts or do we move into the light, the choice is ours!!     

Sunday, 12 October 2014

The Healing Process

Written by Mathew Naismith

I should point out, I’m not a healer as such in this life, this is indicated by my own mentality which is fixated to the negatives and/or positives in life to some extent like most people. In my life in ancient Egypt though, it would seem I didn’t have this problem, this made me a very proficient healer.  Once anyone stops being this fixated to the negatives and/or positives in life, anyone at this stage can become a healer. Actually once this occurs, everyone automatically becomes a healer in some sense.

Instead of racking my brain in determining and judging what is negative and what is positive, I just kept the mind quiet by focusing on constructive thinking. It was a simple learnt thought pattern that gave me a constructive mentality instead of a destructive mentality. Not realising this or being aware of this, today most of us are conditioned to a destructive mentality, this is bread into us and can be quite hard to shake off, rid ourselves of such a mentality.  This is due to being also conditioned at the subconscious level.

How do we get around this? Study our dreams and meditate. Meditation and dream interpreting can bring forth the subconscious making the subconscious conscious to our conscious selves, in other words we become aware of our inner subconscious thoughts. Yes this can be spooky at first but one away around this is to visualise the subconscious as a bright light, a bright healing light instead of something negative as opposed to positive.   

Now, we can mistaken the white bright light of life energy forces for the white bright lights of healing for they are both of a white bright light.  To me the difference is as follow.

The white bright light of life energy forces = no indication of the light being of heat or cold and it should be of a soft bright white light.

The white bright lights of healing = this is usually of a warm light to a very warm light and it’s not a soft light, it’s a bright piercing light.

Each life force gives off a different soft glow of light, this depends on their mental and/or physical condition, some are bright some are dull within the intensity of their glow. This also depends on how well someone is connected to Gaia and/or the inner self.
The bright light of healing also varies in intensity depending in what condition of what needs to be healed, for example, if a joint is highly inflamed the healer will sense and possibly visualise a lot of heat and bright light.  When a joint isn’t as inflamed, the light density will be dimmer and you want notice as much heat either. This will also occur during the healing process, you know when you are healing when the heat isn’t as intensive as before and the light has dimmed. Eventually, if the healing process has been successful, you won't sense any heat or visualise or feel any light, at this stage you have successfully brought everything back into it’s natural order, the way it’s supposed to be.

Also in my case, I visualise hearing an electrical bussing sound when the light is intensive but as the light becomes duller, this electrical buzzing sound becomes less and less until there is no sound at all. When I say the light becomes duller I mean it becomes more of a glow than a bright piercing light, this is where we can confuse the light of life forces with healing light. One way to tell is through the heat signature of the healing process of the light, you will always sense heat when healing where the light of a life force doesn’t exude heat or cold, it’s just a comfortable comforting soft bright glow.

When we visualise the Earth, when not in a healing mode, the light from Earth is a soft bright white glow of light with no heat or cold sensed, at times however we will sense a heat signature and maybe a bright piercing light, this is an indication of what needs to be healed.  With a constructive mentality you can see how easy it is to get the light of life forces confused with the light of healing, everything is of light but not everything is of heat or sound.  To me there is no heat/cold or sound in relation to the life force of things, there is no action reaction, push and pull within this light itself until we start reacting in life. As soon as we start reacting, that is when the healing glow of light begins to appear but only if we have a constructive mentality. A destructive mentality separates this light into dark and light, negative and positive.  Instead of healing with light, we are healing with dark; this explains why we are still in conflict with each other and of Gaia (nature).   

There is only light, yes this light varies in intensity in life but it’s still light no matter what. When we are healing, we are actually using the light of the life force to heal but for this life force to heal, it needs to be intensified which gives off a sense of heat. Yes it’s the same light but it’s advisable to become aware of the difference when the light of the life force is intensified for healing purposes. The reason for being aware of this is, to heal properly, one must be aware of the heat difference and light intensity from the light of the light force; if you’re not aware of this the healing process might not work or work proficiently. It all just comes down to being aware.

I should point out, this is only what I visualise and experience, this doesn’t necessarily have to be anyone else’s visualisations and experiences in relation to healing.      

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Our Darkest Hours

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is awfully hypocritical of me, one minute I’m talking about the light and how true darkness doesn’t exist and here I am posting a post about our darkest hours, where the heck am I coming from!! Actually I still have a view that true darkness doesn’t exist however I believe we are in our darkest times in human history which of course is going to give us a perception of the existence of true darkness, it’s indeed a harrowing time for the collective but we can prevail.  

If you could imagine being out in a ferocious sandstorm stripping away any decency we have, that is our darkest hours and to cope with this a lot of us have turned to spirituality for solace. This sandstorm we have found ourselves in is a culmination of slavery to every extent, pirates running amuck, drug and warlords controlling much of the world and the biggest slavers of the world, multinationals and various politicians who endorse a failing egotistical system to support their own desires.  In no time in human history, on such a scale, have we had such a culmination of people stripping away our decency, we are indeed living in our darkest hours facilitated by egotism.  Did you know in certain parts of the world, they deliberately create slums for the sole purpose of benefiting from these people financially?  In one way or the other we are all slaves to a highly egotistical system which is obviously failing but of course the ego doesn’t want to see this so where does this leave us?

It leaves us with people like spiritually aware and wise people but many of these people are hiding from anything remotely negative, did Jesus, Buddha and others like them do this? Actually Buddha did quite the opposite; he wanted to know the darkness in the world to help heal this darkness within us with light. How can anyone help to heal anything while in denial or in ignorance?  The greatest saviours, prophets and wise people of any day in human history didn’t hide themselves away from any of our dark hours in human history for the sole purpose of feeling personally good. It was never about just them but the collective and to be at one we must all collectively do the same and stop fearing.

If we like to admit it and face it or not, this is our darkest hours in history, you could say the world is dominated by evil/utter darkness but like I have portrayed in previous posts, there is no such thing as true darkness/evil, it’s just a perception.  I really don’t blame anyone for truly perceiving darkness and evil exists, it seems to be in every corner of the planet but for us to begin to release ourselves of this darkness, we must first realise it’s not as dark as we perceive.  Darkness/ egotism wants you to believe that true darkness exists, this keeps us in fear and fear can only feed the ego not starve it!!

Yes we do live in our darkest hours in human history but the light always shines beyond this darkness showing it for what it truly is, a perception brought on by egotism in our case.  If we just want to sit there hiding from this darkness feeling good within ourselves, all we are doing is assisting this darkness to overcome all of what is decent within ourselves.  We must first realise we are living in our darkest hours but also realise how menial this darkness is and how much of the light we truly are, if we don’t do this, things will get progressively worse as they obviously have been.  

I was recently going to stop writing as it’s taken over my life, that night I had a dream of entities/people sucking the life out of people killing them and once they killed these people they just went onto the next one.  The following day I found an article how US multinationals stopped a cancer cure becoming affective, people living off sick and dying people.  This of course related to my dream and changed my mind once again.

It doesn’t matter what we do, as long as we are facing our darkest hours with all the light that is within us in any way we can. Just by talking about the light and most importantly the darkness and how we can overcome this darkness without fear will help just like people like Jesus, Buddha and other people like them in history did. Be the Buddha and face it to heal it not bury it under our own egos.     

Friday, 27 June 2014

The Consciousness of Light and it’s Shadows

Written by Mathew Naismith

I came across an interesting thread recently titled, What is a Spiritual Solution by Deepak Chopra, M.D. It’s about our different stages of awareness we can find ourselves in and how there is always a spiritual solution to any problem that arise in our lives. I thought I would share my reply to this thread with you today….

Good thread, in my mind you have explained this quite well.

There are no problems, only solutions to be sort out through furthering our awareness which in turn gives us more solutions to be sort out furthering our awareness even more. Once you get on the roller coaster, it never stops until you want to get off....which I did!!

The question one would have to ask is, why get off such a roller coaster when it leads to one being of pure light? To begin with that's the wrong question, why wouldn't I get off when I like? Once you realise we are all pure light anyway, with a perception of a darker shadow, why wouldn't you get off, what would be the point in being and knowing who you already are?

There is no darkness, only a perception of darkness or a shadow, some people call this shadow/reality an illusion but how could it be an illusion when it’ obviously an existing source of energy of a kind! I also call realities like this one shadows which to me is brought on by the lights consciousness’s perceptions.  This pure light to me has a consciousness so if it has a consciousness it also has a perception of what it’s own consciousness is about. This perception of this consciousness is expressed as shadows through shadow/darker realties as we are experiencing at the present moment.

I should explain further saying that I call this reality and ourselves shadows which are perceptions of the lights consciousness, to me we are all of this lights consciousness and have always been.  I view us as the perception of this consciousness which is very much the same as what humans do when we perceive but of course on a lot larger scale.  What is above is also below but of course the below is on a much smaller scale within it’s perceptions than the pure lights consciousness that is above.

The consciousness of this pure light, that we are all of, isn’t like the consciousness of man as man’s consciousness itself is mostly influenced by the shadows it exists in, the consciousness of the pure light isn’t influenced by these shadows but by it’s own perception of it’s own consciousness which is pure.  The biggest difference between the lights consciousness and man’s consciousness is man’s consciousness is primarily influenced by the shadow where’s the pure lights consciousness isn’t. No matter what consciousness you are talking about, perceptions still have to come from some sort of consciousness, I view this as our primary problem which of course isn’t a problem but a solution that can be found through furthering our awareness.  We perceive through the shadows of the pure lights perceptions, of course we are going to not get it quite right; we really shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves.  

Trying to perceive who we really are through shadows isn’t obviously going to give us a clear picture of ourselves, just glimpses of ourselves.  We need to be either patient for humans to collectively find it’s way through the shadows or realise we are already of that light and all we are doing is expressing the lights consciousness perception of itself. You could say we are serving God…..consciousness itself….. in it’s own perceptions of it’s own consciousness!!