Showing posts with label deception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deception. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Avoiding Self-Deception

Written by Mathew Naismith

Within a reality obviously controlled by the ego, the order of the day is going to be self-deception, this is because the ego in control naturally creates self-deception through simply being itself, it's self only of what serves itself. Most often what doesn't serve the controlling ego is often deemed negative or toxic and most often ostracized, within this, self-deception of the existence of what doesn't serve our egos is ignored or destroyed, usually something deemed as negative by the ego.    

Yes, even an empath, a person who has the ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual, is expressive of pure ego when feeling bad or toxic vibrations. It might not be their own ego they are feeling but its still ego, an ego that separates one from the other. What ego wants to be a part of a toxic vibration? A consciousness less expressive of the ego doesn't have this problem of feeling toxic vibrations, for in this state no other vibration is of serving the ego.

I became aware of this years ego, that all I was doing is serving the ego when, on a continuous basis, I would intuitively experience unbecoming experiences from other people and their experiences. Don't get me wrong here; the ego has a part to play when we intuitively are made aware of certain circumstances, however, what a lot of us do is allow the ego to take control to serve itself through deception. The deception is to deem all that doesn't serve our own egos as negative and/or toxic, this is to separate our egos from anything that doesn't serve our egos desires. How many different and separate spiritual groups are formed today to simply separate the ego from what isn't serving the ego? The ego is simply feeding off itself to serve itself through other like minded people.

Now, what will be the immediate reaction of an ego of self-serving and self-deception be in regards to the truth here? People like me are simply deemed toxic only because we have told the truth, the last thing a self-serving ego desires is the truth in how it actually is. This is why a self-serving ego is self-deceptive; the ego denounces any truth that doesn't directly serve the ego!!

I have had people, who are supposed to be in the know, ask me why I become involved in things that are not of my own, basically, becoming involved in the environment around me that is not of my own vibrations. People like me are simply not controlled by the ego, in saying this, I have observed my own ego in action to the point of an ego in control, the difference is, being aware of this. It's all to do with being aware of when the ego is in control, which isn't easy, especially when the ego becomes self-deceptive to the point of becoming aware of only what serves itself.

People like me couldn't think of anything more destructive than to separate ourselves from what isn't of our own vibrations, to do so would be more of this ego controlled reality, not less. Yes, even a deemed toxic person like me are asked to join these groups in person. I simply make an appearance now and again.

Destruction can only exist within a reality that is separated by various vibrations, try being destructive in a reality where all is one, not of one kind of vibration but the embracement of all vibrations as simply vibrations period. What a lot of us seem to not understand or even comprehend, is it's the separation of vibrations that causes destruction and the creation of bad, negative or even toxic vibrations. It's within this separation of energy that causes one energy to become destructive to what another energy has created. You can't destroy energy itself, only of what energy creates. Energy in motion is ego so anything that energy creates is of the ego. Destruction simply relates to an ego in control, and yes, this includes energy sources like the sun.

More and more people are becoming more of an ego controlled reality, not less. The trick is, to be aware of the ego in control, of course this seems virtually impossible when the ego in control is self-deceptive to the bitter end. It's simply all about awareness; of course a true sense of awareness takes a lot of truth to be acknowledged, which is the last thing the ego desires. Simply being aware of this can help a great deal in overcoming our, the egos, created dilemmas. Yes, even in India self-deception is being embraced over and above the truth.

In deception while ignoring the negatives, of course the world is improving, this within itself is obvious in the ego self-serving itself. To be excessively positive is self-deceptive which goes right along with the present created reality!!

All that is needed is truth within our awareness, not deception within our awareness........

Thursday, 18 January 2018

The Non-acceptance of Truth Today

Written by Mathew Naismith

Today, telling the truth will not make you few friends but many enemies, this makes perfect sense in the age of false prophets, people and news. I have a lot of true friends but even more enemies; it's of course worth having more enemies because of the trueness of my friends!! I should also point out that the following will be quite controversial to some people.    

So what is truth and whose definition of truth are we talking about?

Truth is defined as being void of bias, prejudice and deception while of observation. Observation being not of participation as participation can often give a false representation of truth. The more of the observer we condition ourselves to be, the more of the real truth we will become aware of, for example, the more involved in a specific ideology we become, the more bias we are likely to be. The amount of participation in anything defines how bias our perceptions will become; this is unless an ideology teaches one to observe as well void of bias, prejudice and deception.

The following is a reply I gave to a person recently I would claim as being wise. Its bible related by the way.   


My Reply
I've actually heard the bible read in a number of different ways, this is how it actually should be. Yes, read within a certain context but not just of a certain context.

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time."

You can read this as people using the actual name of Christ to deceive, this is what people are looking for, however, Christ represents the word of God, how many people today act as Gods to the people void of taking on the name of Jesus but the representation of a God?

By not taking on the name of Jesus but acting as God's is even more deceptive. False prophets simply mean the average person taking on the role of falsity, they act on behalf of the self-proclaimed Gods while making out they are pure, they are wolves in sheep's clothing. This is how deceptive our current reality is, many people don't even realise they are wolves in sheep's clothing!!

How many new age spiritual people are conditioned to ignore the so-called critically judged negatives in the world today? So if they saw a child was being raped, this is negative and must be ignored. We must put things into proper perspective, these people are deceived to ignore the negatives so the negatives can persist which are created and ruled by false Gods.

How many spiritually aware people today critically judge the present reality as being negative, point blank? The perception of negative in opposition to positive is based on fear, the fear of being in the presence of negatives. A people living in fear are easier to control by the false Gods. It's certainly the age of false prophets/people.


Let's be honest, most people prefer to be lied to, deceived, as studies have proven, most people in the world accept lying (deception) as an every day occurrence in their own lives.

To lie, one would have to not accept part or all of the truth, even if it's only part of the truth, it's deception for only the whole truth isn't deceptive. Human consciousness only knowing parts of the truth about itself is deception, this of course includes me, the difference is, people like me know we are living a lie, in a deceptive reality. Now, try telling some kind of truth in a reality based on deception, you are going to receive a quick and often hostile rebuttal and/or refusal.

To only be aware of what one desires is a lie, to live this lie as the truth is pure utter self-deception.

Do we really want to lie and deceive ourselves any longer? The question is direct; the answers however are as ambiguous and numerous as the isms we hold dear and true.    

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Christian Values Giving the World its Freedom

Written by Mathew Naismith  

I’m having a discussing at the moment with two obvious hard line atheists mainly about consciousness, their reactions are typical of any extremist, this is scary because atheism is becoming more and more popular.  I should point out that not all atheists are this extreme within their actions and views as not all Muslims are extremists.   

The following is my response to these atheists, I didn’t insert the responses from these atheists because I found them rather highly irrational and it would have made this post a little too long for me. You also might find some of the information I’ve supplied here interesting, Christianised countries certainly have their merits that the whole free world should be thankful for.  

"Various agnostics and theists have criticised atheism for being an unscientific, or overly dogmatic and definitive position to hold, some with the argument that 'absence of evidence cannot be equated with evidence for absence'. The philosopher Alvin Plantinga argues that a failure of theistic arguments might conceivably be good grounds for agnosticism, but not for atheism, and points to the observation of an apparently "fine-tuned Universe" as more likely to be explained by theism than atheism.”

The following is an interesting read about the typical bad arguments of atheism.

Richard Dawkins has lost it: ignorant sexism gives atheists a bad name says atheists.

The main point is atheism wouldn't exist unless it wasn't for people having a belief in deities therefore atheism couldn't exist if deities were proven to exist. Can we say the same about religion? Think on this if I was you before answering yes.

The point is atheism is very shallow and narrow minded within it's concepts especially when compared to religion.  


The following was my reply to humanism being more about atheism than theism/spirituality; this point was made from a person who is supposed to be into straight science not philosophy.   

“Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over established doctrine or faith (fideism).”

Philosophy isn’t a science and it’s certainly not psychology even though psychology evolved from philosophy, we must remember here that modern day science evolved from philosophy, mysticism and alchemy.

Is the study of humanism predominantly scientific if it’s mainly based on philosophy and ethics? I don’t think so!!!

One of the biggest in-humanitarian countries in the world is atheistic (China) and the most humanitarian countries in the world are predominately Christian by far, doesn’t this alone say something? I don’t think it would to in-humanitarians somehow.

This is an interesting survey I must say; the top ten are all Christian orientated countries, atheistic counties didn’t even come close.


Go back a thousand years or so, what would the world be like now without Christian countries coming together in a common cause? Think on this, would there be any atheists around today?

Let’s now look at recent times; there was again a major threat to the free world in the mid to late 1900’s, what counties helped keep our freedom that atheists and alike enjoy today?

Now let’s look at the present times, what counties are again assisting atheists and like keep their freedom and their life style, remembering an atheistic minority country is actually assisting this peril?

How ignorant can hard line atheists get, they owe their freedom and their living conditions to Christian orientated countries, it’s a blessing not all atheists are this ignorant and thankless. No I’m not a Christian as such, I don’t praise a God or idolise Jesus but I am giving and caring and I do appreciate my life I have today.

Christianity has hard line extremist atheist on one side and religious extremists on the other side, these hard line atheists better hope these Christian countries hold out, if they don’t their atheism won’t be around much longer.


One of the traits of extremists is deception; these two atheists continually express this trait and other traits of extremism, this is a clear observation not judgement.

This kind of deception obviously comes too freely for you Dusty, a typical extremist trait, another trait of an extremist is irrationality, how often do you display this trait remembering abusive behaviour, deceit and deliberate intimidation are defined as irrational behaviour?

Let's look at the behaviour of Islamic extremists, they are abusive, intimating, deceitful and highly irrational, most extremists display these traits as you obviously do yourself. Thanks again for proving my point Dusty; it's good to see you are still participating.

I just can't believe how thankless these extremist atheist are in regards to soldiers who are and were Christians dying for their freedom and way of life, if it wasn't for people having beliefs Dusty you most probably wouldn't be here, try not to be so unethical and thankless but this after all is another sign of extremism, you surly couldn't deny that? Yes of course you could like any good extremist can.

I thank my lucky stars I had and have soldiers who are Christian dying for my freedom and way of life right throughout history; you can be as thankless all you like Dusty but not me. You can have your extremism my friend all to yourself.

Do we just be a let be, let everything run it’s own course? This would be nice, but like in WWII if they did this, I know I wouldn’t’ be around today and the world wouldn’t be as expressive of freedom as it is today, we certainly wouldn’t be talking about spirituality as we do today.

We have all got our part to play; all we can do is go with the flow of the moment, if you feel like taking action, you take action but at the same time remembering each action attracts a reaction.  

Life would indeed be passive without extremism of any kind, this is active intentions, passive intentions are people like you and I discussing passive ways to exist and just be.    

Extremist Traits:  I think it’s important to recognise the traits of extremism, not just in others but in ourselves as well; the following should assist in this. 

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Accepted Deception within Science

Written by Mathew Naismith

This ugly side of life, deception & lying, an accepted norm within science minded people. Don’t get me wrong here, not all science minded people are deceptive & liars actually few are like not all spiritual aware people are religious fanatics however I am dumb founded when blatant deceit is an accepted norm on a science/spiritual discussion board.   The surprising comment below has come from a person who worked in a lab environment for 25 yrs so it’s probably slightly bias.

Never accept deceit, lying & corruption as being the accepted norm as in this lies more chaos & I’m afraid one can’t burry their heads in the sand hoping it will go away, it won’t as history has told us this.  If we want to manifest a better existence we need to do something about this & become non-accepting of such behaviour within ourselves & others.  You don’t have to do as I have just be aware of what this sort of behaviour brings, I’m not fighting fire with fire, all I’m doing is making others less aware aware of such behaviour & aware to never accept this behaviour as the norm if we want to change things.  Acceptance is fine but so is being non-accepting of the things that will keep us in chaos unless we want to continue in the same old ways.  


I have to agree with noetpoet for universal reasons: 1) this is not our living room, it was created by dr radin, and behaving as described in someone else's living room is juvenile 2) regardless of mrmathew1963's guilty/innocence status this isn't an amazon forum where people behave like animals and speak to each other likewise, this is an ongoing discussion where science, religion, and philosophy meet; it can be difficult to maintain a cool head, we have to keep cool heads. a counterpoint should be stated well thought through and void the emotional content.

if a 'bad' occurs, make an apology and just move on. for instance, i and dustproduction miscomprehended one another at first glance, we just dumped the negative and pushed forward.

In the words of Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery: 'Just keep it cool baby, yeah.' these are not easy subjects to navigate and make sense of. Using a hammer doesn't fix anything (although a hammer usually works well in other cases).

G'day wbilly3814

If someone continually & purposely deceives in discussions like this that's OK with you then? When a criminal is a known criminal they are titled as such are they not & if a scientist is a known scientist they are titled as such? So if someone is noticeably deceiving we are supposed to brush it under the carpet? No wonder the world is in the mess it's in!!

How many times has NoetPeot apologised for his obvious deceptions? I did not expect deception to be the accepted norm on discussion sites like this one, sorry my mistake.

Don't you think the way NoetPoet has complained about my behaviour rather unbecoming in the manner he did? Who are the ones acting like real animals again?

All I was trying to do is balance out the discussions diluting the obvious bias towards anything that science is unable to prove at present but NoetPoet & Dusty obviously got rather narky & resorted to obvious & blatant deceptive means but I suppose how dare I point out what is obviously accepted on this discussion board.

If human kind is going to continue to accept deception & lying as the norm you’re going to need a God to help you, I’m dumb founded at this response & somewhat saddened!!

Note: The admin on IONS isn’t a part of this deception nor are they supportive of such actions.