Showing posts with label connection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label connection. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 May 2015

The Magnificence of Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

These are the kinds of posts I don't mind writing and not just because we judged them as being positive, what's most important to me is they bring different perspectives to the fore. The different perspective in this case is to do with the many various expressions of consciousness. Consciousness is infinite within it's expression, it is indeed by all rights magnificent within all of it's expressions. This post is no different in that it's one of numerous expressions that is neither right or wrong, it's but another expression of this consciousness which gives us a different perceptive of this consciousness, our own consciousness.

Different Expressions of Consciousness: In my last post I wrote about evil intent, this is but one of many expressions of this consciousness that many of us would judge as being one thing or another, in other words wrong or right, positive or negative. The controlling ego thrives on this kind of perspective that everything has to have a right and wrong, this is in accordance with our own expressions of consciousness, our own perspectives.

Recently same sex marriage have been on the agenda again, people can't help loving someone even of the same sex, has anyone in the world got the right to tell another person who and who they can't love?  This is a very good point, is it not also a good point when people can't help loving more than one person at a time, who has the right to tell anyone they can't love more than one partner at any given time. But all what's on the agenda is same sex marriage, this is one expression of consciousness excluding and even ignoring another expression of consciousness with the same dilemma, you are not allowed to marry who you want to love.

Again we are judging what is a right and wrong way to express this consciousness, this is brought about by only being accepting of our own expression of consciousness which mostly exclude any other expression of consciousness. This is usually in accordance with our ideologies, again, each ideology is but one of numerous expressions of consciousness, one isn't right or right, worthy or unworthy, they are just different expressions of the same consciousness.

Oneness: Now this is interesting, each expression of consciousness is an expressions of the same consciousness, the exact same consciousness no matter how different this consciousness is expressed. This is the oneness, to me it's not some halleluiah realm or state of consciousness above all other expressions of consciousness, this is due to no matter what we express, or even don't express, it's still consciousness, this oneness.

 Another good point to be aware of is, you might think that to have consciousness you need motion, consciousness is created by motion but not all of consciousness moves or vibrates. The funny thing is, the more aware you become, the less you react (move),  so the more aware you become the less you vibrate, this infers a true oneness state has no motion to it. When I say consciousness is created by motion, I mean it creates a consciousness that reacts to itself, all motion was created by consciousness but this motion of consciousness creates an endless stream of reactions, an infinite expressions of consciousness.

You might still think this oneness state has to have motion, it has to vibrate to exist, this is due to everything that exists has to vibrate but it's interesting what causes this vibration to start with. Observation, as soon as we observe, we cause a vibration through the act of observing, however, once we stop being the observer to interact with such vibrating (motion) consciousness, we create numerous expressions of this one consciousness from initially being the observer.

Non-interactive State: Now go the other way from an observing point of view, in other words instead of interacting from the observer point of view and becoming interactive with consciousness, go the other way, what do we have, what state of consciousness are we talking about, is it interactive or non-interactive?  It of course has to be non-interactive, this means consciousness can also be non-interactive from an observing point of view.

How do you observe non-interaction,  a consciousness that has no motion what so ever?

The point is you can't observe a non-interactive consciousness, this seems to infer that consciousness doesn't exist within this non-interactive states, only through observing interactive expressions of consciousness can consciousness exist. This isn't true however, to me this is due to a non-interactive state being of absolute awareness without being the observer. Think on this, why would an absolute aware consciousness want to observe itself when it's already totally aware without observing itself and in the process interacting with numerous expressions of itself? At this non-interactive state, observing itself has no purpose as it's already fully aware of itself.

This is what so magnificent about this one consciousness, it can be non-interactive, it can also be the observer and it can be interactive with it's numerous expressions of itself simultaneously in the very present, the magnificence of this consciousness is astounding. This magnificence is exemplified a thousand times when you consider we are talking about the same exact consciousness no matter how it expresses or doesn't express itself.   

Connection: I'm going to touch on a few more thing here. Now I said in my last post that by just laughing I dispelled what we deem as entities with evil intent, this sounds ridiculous until you realise how magnificently this consciousness works. Entities with deemed evil intent exist in a highly interactive expression of consciousness, this infers that such expressive states of consciousness are unaware especially in relation to a non-interactive state of consciousness. Everyone can at anytime connect to this non-interactive totally aware state of consciousness, this is due to the fact we are after all only talking about one consciousness here, there is no reason why you can't access/connect to your own consciousness unless you are unaware of how this one consciousness works, how your own consciousness works in other words.

I would also like to once again touch on the difference between observing the different expressions of  consciousness to judging different expressions of  consciousness. Voicing an observation relates to not judging a wrong or right, worthy or unworthy, however, judgement always refers to a wrong or right, worthy or unworthy, it's worth being aware of this.

I still to this day express numerous expressions of consciousness at any given time, this means I don't judge expressing egotistically controlled straits as any less or more worthy or wrong than an expression of consciousness not controlled by the ego. Is it wrong to be egotistically controlled than a non-egotistically controlled state?  A lot of people would say yes but all you are doing in this is being aware of one part of this one consciousness. Like with this one consciousness itself for which you are, you can be non-interactive, the observer or interactive simultaneously, once you realise this you can connect to any part of this consciousness at any given time within the present moment, the choice is yours. You can only do this if you don't judge what is right and what is wrong, once you judge a right and wrong way to express consciousness, you lose the connection.     

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Is Humanity Failing Us?

Written by Mathew Naismith

This interesting question came up in a conversation I am presently a part of, in my mind this question should be asked the other way around, “Are we failing humanity?”  This of course poses another question if indeed we are failing humanity, “How are we failing humanity?”  

In the same conversation the following was stated, "The very existence of God too, rests with our Faith and Belief system only." In my mind I think the following replies I gave might just give us an idea why we feel humanity is failing us.  I should be honest here, I don’t follow a religion nor do I exclude any part of consciousness as being unworthy, all of what is, is worthy in one way or another to me.  

I think you are still missing the point here, God, Jesus, Buddha and so on don't actually represent human concepts and beliefs, they actually represent an actual conscious state, it's man who has given this conscious state concepts and beliefs that is amiss here, not the belief in God or Jesus.

Like I said, it's this conscious state of God, Jesus and Buddha that have given rise to concepts and beliefs not the other way around.

Can we do without concepts and belief in a reality of duality? Not if we are ignorant, however this would be quite different if we were aware that all of what is, is consciousness, God's, Jesus, Buddha consciousness, instead of just a concept or a belief.

Religion, science, humanity, social order and so on are all influenced and created by concepts and beliefs only because we are ignorant to what is really behind all our concepts and beliefs.

What I am saying is God isn't man or man's concepts and beliefs but consciousness as a whole, saying that God is just a faith or a belief isn't quite true, this is man's perception of what this God's consciousness is and represents.

Yes, religion has stuffed this up by doing as you are doing, seeing this consciousness just as a faith and/or a belief when it represents a lot more than that. To help ourselves, we need to get past this kind of mentality in misjudging that God just represents a faith and/or a belief, to me it’s far greater than that, Jesus and Buddha were good indications of this but for some reason, probably through disdain brought about by misjudgements, most of us missed this.

I see where you are coming from, you seem to be looking at this through other people’s eyes in relation to God, to these people who are unaware, God represents faith and/or beliefs when it goes much deeper than that, however, within this perception, we just can’t say God is only representative of faith and/or beliefs, this is what I am saying. What connects all religions isn’t faith, doctrines, concepts or beliefs, it’s what God’s consciousness actually represents, pure consciousness void of faith, doctrines, concepts and beliefs.  Within this God’s consciousness, there is no separation of the collective, in other words God’s consciousness represents a complete wholeness void of any separation of consciousness.

 The following reply of mine was in direct response to the question, “Is Humanity Failing Us?

Is humanity failing us or are we failing humanity through our bias judgements like with religion and God for example?

I should state I don't myself follow any religious order or doctrines and I don't believe in a God of man, actually I try to avoid other people's ideological concepts and beliefs altogether, why? Because I know they take me away from knowing that everything in existence comes from consciousness, God's consciousness if you like.

So what do I follow? Anything that isn't encumbered by ideological concepts and beliefs, anything that teaches that everything within existence is of one source which we call God, not numerous sources of consciousness.  Ideological concepts and beliefs separate this whole consciousness up into smaller parts of this whole conciseness which we call a reality of duality. I try to avoid this and the best way to avoid this is to avoid continually separating ideological concepts and beliefs, in other words by not just seeing these ideological concepts and beliefs as just ideological concepts and beliefs but a whole consciousness. All we are doing through misjudgements is separating consciousness even more I feel.  



This is why I look at this reality of duality as a jigsaw puzzle, at the moment it’s segregated by our individual concepts and beliefs as in Fig 1, this is because we see our own concepts and beliefs as being different to everybody else’s  when in fact they are connected as fig,2  illustrates. Fig, 2 represents connectedness of this fragmentation of separate concepts and beliefs, it’s no longer separated but all connected through knowing all of what is, is as one through one source of consciousness as the completed jigsaw, fig, 2, illustrates.  

So basically what I am saying is, the reason we feel humanity is failing us, or why we are failing humanity, is because of our separateness when there truly is no separateness, all our concepts and beliefs are whole as fig, 2 illustrates in my mind, it’s a collective consciousness. We should be so grateful for being a part of such a consciousness but you can only feel grateful if you see it as a collective consciousness, not a divided chaotic consciousness.  

PS. It has been pointed out that I have a number of miss-spelt words within my blog, this actually isn’t the case. I’m spelling my words in accordance with the Australian spelling standards, not in accordance with the US spelling standards, this is my choice.