Written by Mathew Naismith
To me it’s important that we become aware of the difference between
being spiritually aware to being spiritual in oneself, there is a fundamental difference
between these two states of existence. It’s
amazing how many people who use these two states don’t realise they use these
two states or they try to use them in unison, this is why it’s become apparent
to me to again try to explain the difference between these two states of existence.
The following was a reply I received in regards to my last
post, it made perfect sense, spiritual awareness, as opposed to being spiritual
in oneself, is about the collective learning to live within each other’s space.
I however still sense a misunderstanding of what being spiritual in oneself,
being in one’s own space, is about which is quite understandable, this is why I
feel I need to explain this a little better than I have previously.
You said "one’s
own space"
Spiritual awareness to
me is to all be in each other's space without harm
My Reply
Yes that's correct,
spirituality is to do with the collective collectively, however, being
spiritual in oneself, which is being in one's own space, is quite different for
a number of reasons.
Spiritual awareness is
a lot of times about active intentions than passive intentions, this means we
are living for a future, being in one’s own space is being spiritual in oneself,
this is all about living in the present
moment only. When we have intentions to meditate for example, especially for a reason,
this is about the future and at this point you’re not living in the present
moment, in other words being in one’s own space.
I think it’s important
that we become aware of the difference. In the west we seemed to have mixed
different spiritual concepts into one and expected them to work properly, you
can’t be just in the present moment and have active intentions at the same time,
one is about the present moment and the other a past and future. When you are
in the present moment that is all that exists, there are very few actual intentions
in this state.
Is one state better than
the other? No, they both have a purpose; one is about the collective the other
about being in one’s own space, this however doesn’t mean being in one own space
isn’t about the collective, if we all learnt to be in our own space, our existence
in this reality would change quite dramatically but that is very unlikely to
happen for reasons given in the post.
You are utterly
correct in my mind; spiritual awareness is about the collective and learning to
live within each other’s space, on the other hand, being in one’s own space is
more to do in being, not learning to be, but actually being in each other’s space,
there is no learning because you automatically just be. The reason for this is
we have little to no intentions and if we have little to no intention, we are
only living in the present moment, living like this instantly takes control away from the ego, you still
have ego but the ego no longer has control.
Spiritual awareness, as opposed to being spiritual, doesn’t
work this way, you still have intentions like bettering yourself in any way for
example, being spiritual in oneself isn’t like this, there are no intentions of
bettering yourself, it’s all about just being what you are not what your
intentions make out what you are. Intentions
can indeed mislead us by taking our focus away from just being who you are, the
past or present isn’t who you are and intentions are all about the past and
future, however, living only within the present moment is who you are I believe.
So why doesn’t being in your own space seem conducive to the
collective, it’s only about one’s own space after all is it not?
Being in your own space is more about a different collective
than the human collective, it’s about a space that everything is connected to
as a collective, a spiritual collective if you like as opposed to just a human collective,
it’s this oneness we most often hear about and in this state we automatically become
a part of the spiritual collective. In this state you become aware of what the
whole human race is doing. Spiritual awareness
is more about the human collective and bettering ourselves at a human level through
being spiritually aware, this of course also takes in being aware of being in our
own space as well, that is why I think it’s important that we understand the difference
between these two states of existence.
I’m never in a pure state of just being as I’m never in a
pure state of intentions, however, I try to be aware of how a mix these two
states together and especially aware that I can never try to use these two states
at the exact same time, I’m either in the present moment or I have intentions
at any given time.