Written by Mathew Naismith
This post will compile a few of the topics that I have discussed previously in the hope of explaining the concepts of the relation between these factors that I have written about by explaining the relevance & connection these factors have in our lives.
Modes of Thoughts: The relevance of our personal & collective modes of thought is quite compelling because it’s what dictates what we understand & acknowledge & what we don’t. So one can now understand how important it is to be aware of its influence on us in every way. Modes of thought are linked to consciousness, if we want to stay with the collective mode of thought, (the present consciousness), our acknowledgment is going to be limited to that level of consciousness but if one wants to expand on one’s individual mode of thought our mode of thought needs to change. Scientist have this problem, they think in one mode that’s it but with new science techniques & concepts coming out all the time science is changing, it’s actually changing its conscious understanding to a more open minded mode of thought instead of a fixated mode of thought. When we are fixated on any mode of thought that is when it becomes dogmatic because we think this is it but dogmas only fixate us the one conscious understanding when there are many more to discover.
Spirituality on the other hand shouldn’t have any fixated mode of thought but of course through religions it can & the reason for this is dogmatic views, beliefs, doctrines & principles. True spirituality is accepting of all because one doesn’t have doctrines & belief’s to hinder further conscious expansion in actual fact this is how some of the religions even today are set up. Our modes of thought are who we are at that level of conscious understanding & it’s impossible to know beyond that sort of understanding unless one takes on a different mode of thought this is why we disagree so often between each other we just don’t have the same conscious understanding.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it’s wrong to visualise while in a meditative state as any type of meditation is helpful but what I am saying unless you can switch off from any kind of mode of thought you won’t reach true oneness. It seems quite hard to rid ourselves from a new mode of thought that will allow our conscious to expand further but that is just part of the process to reaching into a true oneness state & if you think of it just being a part of a process it much easier to accomplish this state of awareness.
How many interests, psychological states of mind & different personas are there? This is how many individual modes of thought there are but these individual modes of thought aren’t what influence us the most, it’s the collective mode of thoughts that influence us the most. Our immediate detectable environment dictates our being or not being depending on the environment like with war or being terminally ill but of course having an interest of being let’s say a soldier increases the mode of thought of war. War is a mode of thought otherwise it wouldn’t exist but if your personal mode of thought was being a soldier this increases the influence that the collective mode of thought of war will have on you. We have all been dictated by war in one way or another only because of the collective thought modes but if very few of us had that mode of thought of soldering, power mongering & wealth, which are all different thought modes that lead us to war, war wouldn’t exist.
To make something happen & exist a collective mode of thought is needed for this to happen, if an individual had a mode of thought to being a soldier war still wouldn’t occur because it’s not collective, only through collective modes of thought can worldwide change happen.