Showing posts with label fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Adding Fuel to the Fire

Written by Mathew Naismith
 I wrote the following for a forum as it seems a number of people on this forum simply look at imbalances as being faulty or negative. In my view, to judge imbalances and the realities these imbalances create faulty or negative/toxic, is a huge mistake as it only adds fuel to the already existing fire.


So how are imbalances not seen as something faulty or negative?

Imbalances are needed to create a chaotic reality, you can't create a chaotic reality out of balance because chaos needs opposing forces to exist; there are simply no opposing forces within a true sense of balance for all works together as one.

A tree that bends with the wind is in balance with the wind. A tree that doesn't bend with the wind is imbalanced with the wind; one isn't opposing, the other is opposing.

What occurs when we oppose a reality, are we like the bending tree or the tree that opposes or is in conflict with the wind?

Bending with the wind entails one to exist within the present reality void of conflict, is critically judging a reality negative or faulty bending with the wind? No, it's the tree that is in conflict with the wind because it won't bend with the wind. Judging imbalances as being faulty/negative is simply feeding the wind more energy by making it more destructive. Soon enough the tree in conflict against the wind will be destroyed creating even more chaos within a reality, not less.

Yes, a strong wind can create a lot more chaos than the strong wind represents in the first place if it meets other opposing forces of energy, our chaotic reality is no different.

So we oppose this chaotic reality by judging it faulty/negative, this is of course in relation to ourselves who we have deemed positive. In this case the positive becomes an opposing force to judged negatives such as imbalances and what realities imbalances create. The tree is no longer bending with the wind and is noticeably opposing the wind thus creating even more chaos, not less.

Now, is love and light or positive thinking the bending tree or an opposing tree to the wind? We would of course say an opposing tree as it's against the wind that we have judged faulty/negative, in actuality by opposing the wind we have given the wind more energy. We have ultimately surrendered our energy to the wind in opposition making the wind more destructive, chaotic. This is simply adding fuel to the fire.

A chaotic reality needs fuel/energy to sustain it's existence, by judging a chaotic reality simply faulty/negative gives it it's fuel it needs, not just to exist but to expand on it's existence. The chaotic reality, the fire, is roaring out of control, it's expanding at a phenomenal rate, why, because we keep feeding the fire the fuel it needs to exist and expand by simply staying rigid, in opposition, to the wind.

So why aren't chaotic realities based on imbalances not faulty/negative? Chaotic realities need imbalances and opposing energy forces to exist, without these, the fire will simply burn itself out for lack of fuel. Is it negative that realities need imbalances to exist? If you think it is negative, all you are doing is giving chaotic realities the energy they need to exist. Imbalances are a positive for chaotic realities to exist, seen as all realities have a right to exist; we must learn to bend with this like the tree to the wind.

The universe is an exceptionally violent destructive chaotic place, but it's also exceptionally harmonious, constructive and peaceful as well. Is all that is violent, destructive and chaotic negative within the universe? So if our chaotic destructive reality is faulty/negative, what is our sun that is a lot more violent, destructive and chaotic? Our reality is what it is, simply a reality we keep adding fuel to and this is exactly why I stay away from judging what is or isn't negative of positive because all I would be doing is adding fuel to the fire.

Love yes, but not in opposition, bend with the wind.......

Supplement: In my younger days, I had a particular experience with a number of entities that fed on fear, all I did is to not be in opposition to them, in effect disallowing the energy they sought to feed off of. I was neither negative nor positive and this is the real trick, I simply stopped feeding their fire by neither being in opposition nor surrendering to their energy.                    

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Moving On From The Ephemeral Flame

Written by Mathew

I had a good internet friend of mine called boots reply to my last post titled, Frustrations within Spirituality, I thought it made sense in what boots was saying so I thought I would share it with you but before I do, I better explain myself a little better in regards to the ephemeral  and eternal flame.

The ephemeral flame is still burning but will one day go out unlike our eternal flame which will never go out.  We are putting so much toxic and hallucinogenic debris on this ephemeral fire we can’t see or even realise that there is an eternal flame (fire), this ephemeral fire of course is relating to our present conscious state and the eternal flame is our true selves, our true conscious state.  There are a lot of people who refer this to as God’s consciousness.     

Yes, you are right as usual Mathew--"Stand on the bridge and watch yourself go by." And, one of my personal favorites: "No one makes it 'til everyone makes it, and as soon as one person makes it, we all make it."

G'day boots, good to hear from you again.

Yes, we are one consciousness so if one part of this consciousness starts to change, this will eventually change the rest of consciousness.  You and I and people like us are a part of that chain reaction. 

I'm certainly not always right boots, I'm trying to find my way through the smoke like anyone else, we just need to stop stoking the fire and let it burn out on it's own while we move on. The problem is the fire is warmth and security to a lot of people, how does one leave such a fire, it's not easy and they will fight anyone who even suggests such a thing. 

Recently I've been interacting with people on a science based spiritual site, the diehard science minded people fight me all the way even when I hint about taking on a new mentality. They just don't want to leave the fire, there security blanket.

Much blessings my dearest

I of course relate human consciousness to the fire built upon by human consciousness itself, this fire burns only because we are consciously evolving and developing which is warming to us however it’s not eternal no matter how intoxicating it is to us.  We are so intoxicated by it, we can’t or don’t want to see any other way to exist even though we are burning up everything around us to feed this ephemeral flame (fire).  The further we evolve and develop, the more we are feeding this fire until there is nothing else to feed it. The hallucinogenic and warming security feeling this fire gives us isn’t eternal but it feels eternal, so we continue to feed this fire without realising or wanting to realise there is a better existence that isn’t destructive but very constructive.  

This ephemeral fire is affecting our mentality like anyone who is intoxicated and addicted to actual hallucinogenic drugs; we just don’t care as long as we get our fix. These fix’s that we feed the fire with is anything from our fixation to a particular ideological principle to consumerist materialism to warring, we are feeding this fire with highly toxic and hallucinogenic debris, a debris that is being created by human consciousness which again isn’t eternal. The smoke from this fire, like any smoke that gets in our eyes, is blinding however this smoke is also very toxic to us. You would wonder how such a fire can be so securely comforting when it’s so destructive, it has of course everything to do with it’s hallucinogenic properties that make us feel so secure and warm, we just don’t want to leave this fire for this very reason.

This fire has greatly affected our mentality to the point we think this is the be and end all, there couldn’t possibly be anything else but some of us know there is, we know there is a far greater constructive mentality which is eternal, our eternal flame.  There is still fire and warmth and security but it’s eternal not ephemeral, this of course would be a far better and far more constructive fire to live by but of course to even realise this we must detox ourselves first from our drug addiction.  Our drug addiction is referring to what we are burning on this fire; ideological principals, consumerist materialism, warring and so on are addictions that have affected our mentality.  All we really need to do is become aware of this addiction and the intoxicating effect this has on all of us, it sounds easy but it’s not, we are too comfortable existing and being around this ephemeral fire.  Like any drug, this fire has duped us into feeling secure when we are obviously not.    

Monday, 24 February 2014

A Mystery of Spirituality and light

Written by Mathew Naismith

Dreams: It is said by many, we live within a dream so does this make our actual dreams something else and are our actual dreams we have when we fall asleep more to do with reality than our awaken state? This of course couldn’t be because a lot of our dreams are too farfetched to be real. What if I still said they are just as real as our awaken state, you would think I would have to be loony to believe this or at least delusional.

In my last post I wrote about light, everything is of the light no matter how dark or destructive it seems to us and what makes it dark and destructive is time which fragments consciousness into different vibratory frequencies which give us different forms of darkness and/or light.  Unlike our awoken state we are capable of anything within our dreams like breathing while under water or walking through fire without getting burnt; surly I couldn’t be saying these things are real because they too are of the light!!

Let’s look at something else. A lot of people today are also saying nothing is actually physical, there is no physicality but they also say it’s all an illusion which I don’t agree on. All it is to me is a different reality. Why do all realties have to assimilate with our perception of reality and if it doesn’t it has to be an illusion? Disregarding if it’s an illusion or not, the physical world we know to be real might not seem to be all it seems to us. If we take into consideration that nothing is actually what it seems either it be in our dreams or physical reality, what is more real and physical, dreams or what we call reality? 

At the moment we have looked at everything being of light and physical realties like this reality are not as physical as first thought, both concepts seem to coincide which each other’s, now let’s look at dreams again. Dreams don’t seem to be as unreal or imaginary as first thought nor do they seem that different to our awaken state of consciousness but are they real? We can’t breathe underwater nor can we walk through fire without being burnt in our awoken state without assistance so it stands to reason we shouldn’t be able to do this in any real reality so dreams have to be noted as being unreal or imaginative!!

What if I now said walking through fire without assistance and not being burnt in any way is as real as walking through the fire and being burnt? Both realities are true only because both take a different perception in what we are aware of at any given time. Do I believe Jesus walked on water and turned water into wine? Yes, for the main reason that everything is created from a light energy source, consciousness itself. We look at fire being what it is because that is what we have been taught to expect of fire, we soon learnt it burns while growing up. Fire, like everything else around us, is created from minute light particles (consciousness) which are very much alive. Fire is produced by the particles of light changing vibratory rate so it will seem hot and burn us if we get too close to the flames. The burning effect of fire is expected so of course it’s going to burn us.  Because we expect this are we just manifesting the effects of the fire and everything else of this reality and if this reality is just a manifestation of our thoughts it must be all an illusion!!

Well it might seem that way. We are talking about an intelligent living conscious source here in these minute particles of light, it’s not something that is in itself delusional, everything it creates is real in one sense or another.  We must remember here, we are also made up of numerous light particles which react to other forms of light particles vibrating at different frequencies. When we walk through a fire in an awaken state we are one form of light particles vibrating at a different frequency to the fire which is made up of different light particles vibrating at different frequencies. This is just one lot of light particles, being us, reacting to another lot of light particles, being the fire. Dreams on the other hand don’t have to be influenced by the same laws of time, the only reason they are is because we imagine ourselves in an awoken state of consciousness while dreaming.  

In our awaken state of consciousness, we see fire instead of light particles but what if we truly believed that fire and everything else was made up of an infinite amount of light particles? We would find ourselves in a matrix of just light particles with no difference in vibratory rate. It’s the vibratory rate of light particles that give it it’s form like with fire & water for instance. Fire would no longer burn and water would no longer drown us because everything would all be within the same matrix. 

These living intelligent light particles want to take form of some kind, they don’t want to just see themselves as one thing but everything they are of which is everything we/they could imagine, this is true awareness and oneness.  This is the main reason I don’t desire to ascend to my original state of being, being just light particles. The more we imagine the more we are at one so in actual fact there is no illusion but the illusion of illusions!!    

Try walking through fire or breathing in water in a dream knowing it doesn’t have to be what it seems, this will reprogram your mind to be more accepting of what everything around us is made of,  minute living intelligent light particles!!  

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Faith, Mysticism & Philosophy to Science

Written by Mathew Naismith

I’ve been having quite an interesting discussion with an atheist lately in how hypocritical atheism can be depending on the dogmatic attitude of some atheists & how it is also of a belief but mostly how flawed the beliefs/concepts/theories or whatever you want to call them are.  Some atheists think if it isn’t of logic it can’t be proved so it can’t have happened or it was a delusion of some kind. Where did logical thinking & science derive from? Faith, mysticism & philosophy, this is the way we were thinking before logic & science thought became thought but we still evolved from living in caves & foraging for food, how did we evolve without logic at first?

Below is part of my reply to an atheist that can’t or won’t see that the beliefs of atheism are flawed & in fact they think they aren’t beliefs at all but if you can’t prove something without a doubt it’s not fact so if it’s not fact it must be of a belief, no one can prove or disprove God doesn’t exist, this is a funny argument coming from a spiritually aware agnostic as myself.

G’day Paul
I experienced from quite a young age phenomena that science can’t logically explain as yet but it doesn’t make it delusional or unreal Paul just because science can’t logically prove something, this is small minded thinking. A thousand yrs ago people knew it was impossible for humans to ever gain flight or that we would ever have motorised vehicles, just because it wasn’t logical back then doesn’t make it illogical period Paul, this is a lame way of thinking Paul & thank God we have foresighted thinkers because if we all thought like atheists back in the cave man days that is exactly where we would still be obviously because nothing could be proven logically back then especially by science there for we wouldn’t have evolve through lack of logical proof. This way of thinking that everything has to be logically proved before implemented Paul is utterly flawed!!

How did we evolve from the caves without logic Paul? It was through faith & eventually science was formed from faith, philosophy & mysticism, now this is fact Paul as this actually happened & without logic.

You obviously haven’t experienced any genuine spiritual phenomena Paul that can’t be explained as yet by science but most of us here have, it doesn’t make us wrong or delusional like you keep trying to say. Just because it’s scientifically illogical doesn’t make it delusional or unreal Paul it just makes it unprovable at this point in time to people who only think logically. Most of us here think outside the logic square which to me denotes foresighted thinking.

If we were all born atheists & had the thinking capability of an atheist back in the cave man days would have we accepted fire? We couldn’t because we had no logical understanding or awareness in how fire existed. I could see an atheist just putting out the fire because there was no logical proof of its existence & this is no different with the existence of God or a creative consciousness. The argument would be of course from an atheist is, “we can see the fire exists but we can’t of a God &/or consciousness”, what are we & of all of creation, we are God &/or consciousness. Just like the fire it exists & just like the fire in the cave man days it still exists without logical proof for the main reason we can neither logically prove nor disprove such things just like fire in the cave man days so yes I can see atheists back then putting out the fire.

All I can say is thank god our ancestors back then didn’t think like some of us do today, we would have never evolved & this is why the beliefs of atheism is flawed, it can’t possibly exist without logic. We didn’t have the logical understanding of such things back then but we did have faith & from faith  mysticism & philosophy evolved & from faith, mysticism & philosophy science was created & evolved so really we have a lot to thank faith for. So the big question here is, since we have evolved from cave man days of faith to logical thinking do we need faith any longer?  Logic gives us one thought perception or mode of thought but faith gives us another which of course proved handy in our evolutional thought process & perception for without faith we obviously wouldn’t have evolved & I don’t think it’s any different today.

The related link is shown below: