Showing posts with label observation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label observation. Show all posts

Monday, 7 May 2018

The Lotus Flower

Written by Mathew Naismith

While sitting on a floating lotus flower on a still pond, one is of the observer and the participator, the observation of one sitting on a lotus flower on a still pond. The question is, is the lotus flower big enough to carry you or are you small enough for the lotus flower to carry you? The answer is of course both as both occurrences are occurring simultaneously at the same time.

I should point out that this was just of a conscious state I found myself in recently, don't take it seriously or to heart.  

To be an observer, one has to have something to observe, as quantum physics has discovered, it's observation that creates occurrences, not occurrences creating observation. In saying this, what is observation without occurrences, without participation? One is never without the other which means participation is as important as the observer.  

It is a trick in our present state that it's either observation or participation; it's quite difficult for us to even perceive, while in participation, we can also be in observation of our participation. Also, it's our observation that creates our participation, our reality and related perceptions and perspectives. Of course being in this state of observation, while in participation, can only occur while in a different conscious state than our present state of consciousness, a state predominantly influenced by participation.

It's also advisable not to perceive that one state is higher or lower, positive or negative, to another, for one to be aware therefore experience this state. Any kind of separation simply makes us less aware, not more aware. In actuality, while in a true state like this, it is impossible to perceive in higher and lower, positive and negative, for everything becomes as one.

Floating on a lotus flower on a still pond is quite significant, especially if this kind of experience was not induced or desired. The significance being that it just is without separation, there is simply no desire to be within this state above all other states as all other states become just is. All states are what they are without bias/prejudice or separation created by a desire to be of a certain state.

It's amazing what occurs when you are aware of something you don't desire to experience or be apart of, it just simply occurs without effort. Effort means to try to be positive over negative, good over bad, right over wrong. Any desired state experienced in this way is false in nature no matter how real it might feel, simply let go.......   

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Easing the Pain

Written by Mathew Naismith

There are many ways to ease the pain of our present environment, religion, materialism, Wicca and new age spirituality of love and light are but a few ways of easing the pain. It is wise to be aware that none of these are right or wrong, they are simply ways of easing the pain. Is religion wrong or negative to a religious person? Is atheism wrong or negative to an atheist? Yes, to anything not of our desires can be seen as wrong or negative, within this perception, only the negatives of an undesired will be observed, this is human nature.

How negative is religion to atheists and visa-versa? How negative is everything else to a new age spiritual person that is not of love and light? Of course the extremism involved determines how negative everything else will be that is not of our desires or vibration.

People like me are simply into wisdom and awareness, this is not usually determined by what we desire but of what actually is, of what we observe in other beliefs and ideologies, not of what we only participate in that is usually governed or controlled by our desires.

Participation; as opposed to observation, is easy to recognise, it's usually linked to a desire rather than to what actually is, for example, God is depicted as a man. Atheism; the mind (consciousness) can't exist outside the human brain, or, there never was or ever could be a God or divine presence. To a person into wisdom, what would we know to be so absolute, but we are because of our desires?

Observation; doesn't work on desires but what actually is. Desires simply don't take part in observation, however, when we also participate as well as observe, we quite naturally express desires therefore create reflections or bias perceptions of what isn't desired. The trick is, try to observe yourself while in participation, yes, observe other people and your environment but be primarily observant of yourself within a particular environment. Most importantly while in observation of your own participation, stay way clear of wrong or rights, negatives or positives as these reflections simply denote a desire and an undesired. Don't judge yourself too harshly for it is natural to be desiring while in participation.

Easing the pain void of desires simply takes one to also observe, especially our own participation, of course as of always, this will be seen as negative to anyone of a desired belief or ideology, this is human nature. What we desire is simply finite in nature and transitory in it's easing of the pain, especially on a collective scale.

One more thing, what you desire creates pain for someone else's desire, avoid this if possible.                                     

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Feelings Are Observations!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Finding Harmony

In the past two weeks my wife and I have been on holiday, in what we call in Australia, a holiday in the sticks or the bush, it’s basically a holiday out in nature. You would think that people who are spiritually aware would be right in their element, in actuality we felt more in tune in our environment at home than in nature.
This is very common, for example, a person from the city can feel less in tune with nature and the reason for this is simple. A reality based on city life is very different to a reality based on a reality more of the natural environment, one environment is natural the other unnatural.  The difference between city and country life is quite apparent here, however, the difference between a spiritually aware person’s home environment (reality) and nature isn’t as apparent; this is because a spiritually aware person’s home is more in tune with nature.
Once we create our own reality in our home environment, either that be in the city or country, all other realities automatically become out of tune with us to one extent or another, in other words, once we create a harmonious reality, all other realities feel out of tune with us to one extent or another. We can however find that the natural environment is just as much in tune with us than our home environment or we can also create a more harmonious environment at home than there is in nature, this sadly enough isn’t as common.

We so often find ourselves looking and taking observation outside our home environment to find harmony, meaning, we often look externally outside our own environment for harmony, this is very common, however, once you create a more harmonious environment/reality at home, no other reality you experience is as harmonious no matter how natural it is.

Don't get me wrong, I was often in tune with the natural environment while on holiday, in my case the natural environment reminded me of my own environment at home, I was sort of like pining, a deep longing, for my home environment.

One thing to be aware of is that our home environment can become a crutch or a fixation to a particular environmental reality, we could within such realities become unaware of other realities. Considering that any reality we create exists within other realities, it's not wise to become too unaware of these other realities.

Sixth Sense Feelings

Are what we feel also what we observe? When you consider an artists, what comes first, observation/imagination or feelings? Does a would be scientist have a feeling for science before learning how to observe through various science techniques?

Now let's also consider an infant, everything an infant detects through the five senses determines how the infant will feel, observation being one of them, how often does an infants eyes express what they are feeling through observation alone?

Believe it or not a good or brilliant artist will have feelings before observing what they are going to create or visualise, the same is with science, could you imagine a scientist not having a feeling for science? Now when we consider an infant, observation seems to determine what their are going to feel.

I'm going to once again go way out on a limb. There are feelings brought on by the five sense which psychologically stimulate our mind, all our five senses stimulate one kind of feeling or another. Let's now consider feelings beyond our five senses, most often artists, and brilliant scientists alike, delve into this realm, this is often called the zone. This zone is often obvious in some of the athletic feats some sports people portray as well. We are of course talking about a sense beyond the five senses, the sixth sense.

Do our sixth sense feelings determine what we are going to observe? Why do certain  people have a more of a feeling for science than artistry for example? Feelings determine what we are going to observe and how we are going to observe. Artistry is just as much about observation than science, be it often in a different perspective and perception to science.

Sixth sense feelings determine how we are going to observe, in actuality, they determine everything we are going to feel through our five senses, of course what we feel also determines what reality we create. From our infancy, we create a reality for ourselves based on our five senses, we are often conditioned to create realities in this way void of any influence from our sixth sense feelings.

I feel that artistry gives us a glimpse of this sixth sense feeling. Artistry often goes beyond the boundaries of the five senses as artistry is often influenced and conditioned by sixth sense feelings, in actuality, artists often express something very private in an open manner. Now consider my last post titled, Openness Leads To Closeness, we often perceive that artists are distant and reclusive but in actuality they are more open and truthful than a lot of us.


We, in a 3rd dimensional reality, perceive to observe we need sight of vision and to visualise we need the physical mind to imagine or perceive. This is correct in a reality based on 3rd dimensional five sense reality but not in a reality based on the sixth sense.

While predominantly using the sixth sense, feelings become observations, they become one of the same thing. As soon as sixth sense feelings create an observation through these feelings, a reality based on feelings is created through a consciousness observing these feelings. In a sense, all of what a 3rd dimension is about is being created from these sixth sense feelings being observed, in other words this reality is purely based on feelings being observed. Of course for this to occur, a consciousness outside of the limitations of the 3rd dimension needs to exist.

An art student is first instructed to use the five senses, basically one at a time, and yes, artists do use the five senses in one sense or another at first, this is a part of the process. I feel an art student is no longer a student when they purely feel what they are creating void of the five senses. Learning artistry conditions us to create what we feel, not what we observe. This 3rd dimensional reality is like an art form still being created, it's an art form created from feelings being observed and like many expressions of art, this 3rd dimensional reality is expressed in many different ways.

How many people are comfortable and in tune with all forms of art? Not many, this reality is no different, this reality is certainly more of a form of abstract art than traditional art where you only express what you observe, not what you feel.....

In 3rd dimensional reality, conditioned by the five senses, we predominantly feel through our observations. This is different when a consciousness is predominantly influenced by sixth sense feelings, these feelings become our observations, meaning, within this state, feelings are what we observe, abstract art is a very good indication of this.