Written by Mathew Naismith
I am not relating togetherness to two
people or a family being together, in actuality I am not relating togetherness
with separate and individualised energy forms. I am actually going to relate
togetherness as energy simply being observed as energy, no matter how different
forms of energy behave to other parts of energy. In other words I would like my
readers to perceive is that energy is simply perceived as being energy without
any separating and division of energy.
Look at it like a jar of water where there
are different particles to the water but the water is still observed as being
water. I often observe this universe like a jar of water, in actuality I look
the whole existence like this with no separation. Now perceive that each
particle within the jar of water represents good and bad, negative and
positive, wrong and right, black and white. No matter how much we try to
separate and divide ourselves from our present reality, we are still like the
jar of water. This is why a lot of new age ideologies are not for people like
me, they are all about separation and division through perceptions of, for
example, negatives and positives. In other word they are of the present reality
of separation and division.
I still use words like negative and
positive, good and bad, wrong and right to some degree. How I use them is not
to separate and divide one from the other but to observe, like the jar of
water, different parts of the whole. Honestly, if you could observe energy outside
3rd dimensional aspects, you would observe there is no separation and division
of energy, no matter how each energy form or motion of energy behaves.
We presently observe that there is a
distance, therefore separation, between ourselves and another form, like one
person to another or even a person in relation to a rock. What if I said, like
the jar of water, that there is an energy between one form and another. It's
like how we perceive, therefore observe, how our planet is separate through its
individuality and distance from other planets within the solar system and the
universe as a whole. The universe is absolutely full of energy with no actual
space between one form and another. How much space is there in a full jar of
water? Yes, you have air particles and other particles but it's still all
connected by other forms of energy that make up water.
How many people say we have to go in to
change the world or to influence ourselves to be of a different vibration? I've
said this myself on numerous occasions however you don't actually go in. The
reason for this is there is no in and out, up and down, left and right, back
and forth, accept in a perception of a 3rd dimensional reality. Of course only
being able to primarily observe through 3rd dimensional aspects and
perceptions, going in is beneficial in relation to being able to observe other
dimensional aspects of energy as a whole. We have simply created a reality where
we have to go in to be able to observe other dimensional aspects of ourselves
and everything else. There is no in and out in a state where you primarily
observe energy in its purest state. To perceive an in and out is a separation
and division of energy. Try to remember this while using words like negative
and positive, in and out, to describe something.
You really don't go in. What occurs is you
become familiar with the energy between object and forms, the energy that's
between and connects all forms of energy, like the jar of water. Look at it
like the spirit within all things. How often do we observe without the
acknowledgment of the spirit within all things? The spirit within all things
isn't just referring to different forms or mass, it's to do with the whole jar
of water, including the jar itself. You could look at the jar as being the
universe and everything else in this jar being of the water with different
individual particles of positive and negative, good and bad, in and out, etc,
in it. You could say that the spirit within all things is simply energy without
separation and division.
I should remind you that I am not
religious, I was brought up in an atheistic environment, I simply don't have
any fear or bias of or against religion or the perception of God. I haven't
been an atheist for some years now for a very good reason. I don't blame
religion for all of the world wars and crises. Most of the people in the world
are religious, so if most of the people in the world were atheist, we wouldn't
be were we are at now? As psychology has proven, its human nature to be as we
are, no matter what ideology or ism we follow. I would say we would be worse
off if most of us were atheists. As studies have proven, in relation to morals,
atheists would trust a religious person before they would trust another atheist.
Could you imagine being in a reality were no one trusts anyone morally?
Getting back to the main discussion. Imagine
the jar being the hand of God and everything else being the water like in the
jar accept in this case it's simply the spirit within all things. I like the perception
of God simply because the perception of God gives me a comprehension of
oneness; of course you can use other means to do this as well in accordance
with your own ideology or ism.
Of course with the jar of water there is a
perception of up and down, in and out and so forth. What I am trying to portray
using the analogy of a jar of water, is that everything is of one energy
source. It's like going in to change yourself to change the world; you have to
use 3rd dimensional examples so that the 3rd dimensional mind can comprehend
beyond 3rd dimensional aspects of itself.
The jar of water simply exemplifies
togetherness, no matter how much we desire to separate ourselves from this jar
of water.