Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Exposing Hate Groups

Written by Mathew Naismith 

It is not the quantity of numbers that will win the day in the end; it is the quality of numbers.

Firstly, hate groups are obvious in the way they work by dividing, divide and conquer. 

My own projected honest truth is not well liked on the net, in actuality it is quite hated and/or despised by many, however, by a few, my own projected open honesty is revered. Some of my written material was used in a College in the US.  I have also been unsuccessfully coaxed into placing my written material on an academia site backed by a well known university in England. On an atheist owned, run and backed social site, my written material was too obviously despised. You see, bias desired truths are always at war with honest truth, but honest truth is never at war with desired truth. Look at it this way; are virtuous people at war with unvirtuous people? No, virtuous people are simply being virtuous but unvirtuous people see this as an attack on their desired truths. When I look at the people who despise me on the net, all I see is how close to the truth I am, sadly enough.

Open honest unbiased truth is not just being ostracised or banished these days, it is being destroyed. Look at the people who are trying to banish hate groups and stop bullying on the net, this is while they are not stopping but fully supporting well known hate groups going into countries like Palestine and Yemen!! On top of this, you have hate groups who hate anything negative, so they simply ignore the obvious honest truth in favour of desired truths.

While on, I was accused of not liking my views put to the question. This is while I was harassed and bullied into asking to be removed from being a member of youme, as I seriously questioned the falsities and hypocrisies of atheistic ideologies. Because I could see what was going on youme, I purposely posted a post questioning atheistic ideologies. Often, deceptive manipulative people will use deflective tactics, in this case with me, accusing me of not liking my views questioned, when in all honesty these people didn't like their views questioned, obviously.

I am a huge threat to these people because I copied certain parts of my conversation with them. Never play all your cards at once with people like this. I am not at war with people like this, just simply openly expressing honest truths rather than a desired truth in accordance with my own ideologies, isms or beliefs. What hate groups hate the most is anyone who they hate isn't also a part of a hate group in opposition to their own hate group. What occurs in this case is they deceptively make themselves believe that they are also hated, when someone is simply being expressive of honest truth or virtuous attributes.

The average atheist is simply being expressive of atheism, as religious people are simply being expressive of their religion. Hate groups of these ideologies and other ideologies are not just simply being expressive but forceful of their expressions, especially when they perceive that another group is in direct opposition, at war, with their own group. Yes, make no mistake, desired truth is at war with honest truth, the trick is, don't be coaxed in just being another hate group, even of hate groups as a whole. Simply look at hate groups as being lost within their own creation, no more, no less.

Yes, my writing's are not of an academic quality, but what I write about often is it would seem.......     

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Living by Honesty

Written by Mathew Naismith

"While the benefits of and motivations for choosing “honesty” in life are many — including that truthfulness and honesty are integral to one’s sense of moral integrity — living a life of honesty ultimately means having little to regret."

After observing my own and other people's ego in control, importantly in the absence of participation, you realise that the western mind in all of us, of the west or east, is more of a desired existence than an honest existence. Just in stating this kind of honesty, the ego in control has become offended. Make no mistake; the ego in control is this feeble and the only way the ego can gain control over our lives is through living by desires instead of honesty. Living by desires, especially predominantly, is based on biases, the very same biases that feed our desires and destroys what's left of honesty in ourselves and others.

Recently, once again, a person of love and light responded back to me in a kind and seemingly genuine way. As soon as they realised who they were kind to, they deleted their response to me. Is my ego offended or emotionally hurt? I have accumulated a lot of detractors on the net by the way. No, because I am completely aware of how the ego in control is so easily offended. Any honesty remotely threatening the existence of desired truths over and above honest truth, is obviously going to be dealt with in an offensive way. I have lost count how many times I have been called negative, toxic, wrong, bad, etc, by so-called people supposedly of unconditional love and light. This is while I don't respond in the same manner but to these people I am far more offensive than they are!! Why?

I have lost count how many people I disagreed with that have become estrange from me or become yet another detractor. You do not get the same response from a mind balanced out with the eastern mind, mainly because the eastern mind is aware of how their own controlling egos are only of desired truths, not honest truths.

In recent times, I ended up extracting myself away from a person, who is of eastern origin. We agreed on some topics as we disagreed on other topics. At no time in our interactions did we disrespectfully state that the other person was of negative or toxic vibrations in any sense of the word just because our truths were different to each other. The honesty within our own truths was different though, which lead to me extracting myself from our interaction, especially when the other person started yelling at me by using a lot of high caps in response to me. You are not doing them any favours if you allow yourself to be disrespected in this manner.

Yes, it is known that the western mind is easily offended. Any honest truth to the western mind that detracts from desired truth is of an offensive act, far worse than any act of offensiveness orchestrated by an ego conditioned to desired truths over and above honest truth!! Is this view by the ego in control of honest truth? If we are honest with ourselves, we will find in human history that the western mind is highly offensive, while at the same time takes the smallest of things offensively.

Awareness in one's honest truth can never be offended,
where one's desired truth is often easily offended.......

Monday, 19 August 2019

A True Warrior

Written by Mathew Naismith

A warrior is one of honest truth and reflection, against those who are of dishonest (desired) truth and reflection.

Living by honest truth isn't a fight, but a right, where living by dishonest truth is a fight with no rights.

A true warrior doesn't pick a fight, but simply defends a right.

My own words and reflections.

To me, it is obvious who is of the fight against those who are simply of a right, the right to be open and honest with one's own honest truths and reflections........ 

Saturday, 17 August 2019

Our Humanity!!

Written by Matthew Naismith

We have a solicitor in the family that told me to stay with what I am doing. I was considering changing tact and become more tactful. Tactful meaning: Having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with other people.

Expressing a sense of honest truth, which is often the opposite of desired truths, is going to be offensive to other people who are expressive of desired truths, there is no way around this. The only way around this is to stop expressing open honest truth which I nearly did on a few occasions. Often being black is offensive to white people. How do you stop being who you truly are? Also, just because you are black and this offends whites, it is not you who is being offensive, it is them. Just because other people are offended by honest truth, doesn't mean you, the black, are being offensive and tactless.

This reminds me of the times I spent on youme, especially the group called Our Humanity on youme, that allowed name calling, endorsed people not to stay on topic, therefore show deliberate disrespect, endorsed, not only robust discussions /debates but argumentative exchanges, etc. Not everyone is treated like this on youme or our humanity, only those who are of honest truth instead of desired truths it would seem. Atheists of course desire that we are all born atheistic which I disproved. I am not against atheism, but I am not supportive of radical deliberate ignorance based on desired truths. I was treated as though I was black on youme, a man of honest truth as much as I can be.

Yes, our humanity also includes desired truths. In all honesty, desired truths seem to be the main stay of our reality at present, a more preferable truth in direct opposition to honest truth it would seem. So should have I accepted such a rebuttal, not just from the moderators of our humanity but youme as a whole?

Our humanity means our humanity as a whole, not just parts of humanity that are more desirable. I was often accused by the people of desired truths that I didn't like my views being questioned; this is while I was the only one presenting evidence to my claims. Of course the more evidence I supplied, the more prevalent the unsupported accusations become, quite excessively at times. They actually had no other recourse, in their mind. 

If you are expressive of honest truth in a reality primarily based on desired truths, being expressive of honest truth is going to lead to disagreements. Sadly, often these disagreements lead to a person of desired truths to turn on you, at times quite viciously. I would have to honestly say that the people who I have had a disagreement with and turned on me, are most often primarily expressive of desired truths. Why are they so offended, especially when I supplied evidence to my honest truths?

In my mind, no matter what, never stop freely expressing honest truth in our humanity, even when by doing so we have to sacrifice our own harmony for a short time.

It is not a fight, but a right......Mathew G

Monday, 29 July 2019

Going Beyond Time Based Perceptions

Written by Mathew Naismith

Once you are able to perceive beyond time based realities therefore consciousness, having a discussion with people, whose consciousness is only of time based realities, about life as a whole becomes quite difficult or awkward. Should you expect to have a reasonable discussion with an atheist or a scientist conditioned only to time based realities, consciousness? Time limits our consciousness to only part of life as a whole, so discussing life as a whole, which includes realities and consciousness beyond time, is going to be difficult in some way at times. When you realise this, having a discussion with other people about life as a whole becomes a lot easier. At no time expect a consciousness, conditioned only to time based perceptions and perspectives, to comprehend what you are trying to relay to them.  

The discussion continues.......
Man naturally bases his perceptions and perspectives on bias, often in line with his desires, this is also of natural law in regards to bias and desires. Natural law isn't just to do with 100% pure, natural law is to do with everything natural, as it is natural for a bias consciousness to perceive everything around it in a certain way, often inline with its desires or conditioning. You seem to desire that natural law is only to do with 100% pure, or in this case 100% truth, a huge mistake in my mind.

I would prefer 5% honest truth, a truth in the absence of bias, to 100% truth based primarily on bias and desires. This is the big difference between you and me. Another big difference is that natural law to me isn't based on 100% pure only. There are deep sea fish that will deceptively lure their pray to their death. As of bias and desire that naturally creates human deception, so it is of creatures of nature. It is as natural to be of deception as it is to be of truth. The laws of oneness don't deceptively separate one from the other, just because one is desired to be 100% pure and the other not.

What you seem to be totally ignoring is a state of timelessness, where all of what is, is only in the present. Reason is only effective in time, not timelessness xxxxxxxx, therefore there is freewill, the will to choose which scenario one will experience, however, no matter what the scenario is, it is already written as the Koran points to.

As there are states of time and timelessness, there are states of freewill and states in the absence of freewill. You can't ignore or throw away yin in favour of yang, in other words ignore an undesired in favour of a desired 100%......

You can't also base natural law just on the material world or environment as a whole, no matter how natural the material world proves your points. You seem to be only basing your points purely on time, the material world. The material world around us doesn't prove too much of the immaterial, as it is of natural law that one can't be in the presence of the other, for one would neutralise the other. However, one is never not of the other!!

We exist in different worlds, but worlds not disconnected from or in opposition to each other, we really need to leave it at that xxxxxxxx.

OK, look at it like this in relation to freewill. Our motion is determined by our environment, this means our will is always determined by our environment, giving us a perception that we don't have freewill. Now, imagine that you are not a separate entity to your environment, no matter what the environment is. This is how Yogis, shamans and alike can influence their environment, they become aware that their environment is who they are, it is all of one entity making real choices, not separate entities influencing your choices. The external environment is seen as your internal environment as well, no matter what we desire our own separate environment to be of. I have lost count how many spiritually aware people describe their external environment being separate or different to their internal environment.  

If you perceive you are separate to your environment, that the environment you are experiencing is a separate entity to you, your choice is made up for you, giving a perception that you don't have freewill. If you think that you are a separate entity to your environment, yes, there is no freewill. 

So many so-called spiritually aware people today make this fundamental mistake, that they are a separate entity to their environment, often in line with their desires/bias. I have lost count how many people are trying to escape their present environment, or, refuse to become aware that they are their environment, even of environments they are unaware of. 

It comes down to this xxxxxxxx, you have to be aware of when to move on from a discussion and when to continue a discussion. 

You are not getting it xxxxxxxx, either not willing to get it or unable to become aware of where I am coming from. Yogis, shamans and alike are able to become apart of any environment, either that be of a past, present or future. When everything is of the present, destiny has no influence upon you, but you have an influence upon destiny, however, when you are influenced by all the laws you mention, destiny influences you. The laws you so often refer to limit consciousness to certain variables, however, a consciousness not governed by time therefore destiny is of infinite variables.  

"Can you give me an example of an action that is based on my freewill at any moment? An example like: I want coffee or tea now, do I have freewill? Do I have a choice?"

You still want me to produce material examples based, not just primarily on time but purely on time!!  Forget about time, destiny, past and future and all the so-called natural laws xxxxxxxx, and then come back to me. All that you are referring to time and time again is a consciousness purely based on time. Unless you can make reference to a consciousness beyond time based realities, this discussion is only a one sided discussion, as it always has been. I am actually showing you a great deal of patience, more than you could imagine. No yogi or shaman would continually become involved in a one sided discussion like this, especially with the same person over and over again on the exact same topics.

Do you have any idea how frustrating it is when after how long you still want me to produce examples purely based on time? I am either failing you or you are failing yourself, failing to go beyond time based reality!! As I stated before, once you can perceive past time based realities, come back to me, not before xxxxxxxx. 

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

It Is All Of The Same Source

Written by Mathew Naismith

Certain people inspire me, as of my present interaction with a physicist who is knowledgeable in the area of the Vedas and other ancient scriptures. The following is my reply to him.       

Something might be written from 100% truth, but how we perceive this truth as humans with bias changes this truth inline with the bias expressed. Being human and of a mind predominantly influenced by bias, no amount of 100% truth will stay at a 100%. The bible can be read in several different ways, one way is to read the bible symbolically which gives the bible a different perspective, the Vedas or any other written material is no different. We will read what we want to read in accordance with our own human biases, presently the way the Koran is read by certain groups is a prime example of this. The Tora is no different as of any ancient scriptures.

When I was in my teens, I could ask any question and get a correct answer as if out of thin air. Of course to get to this state takes a fair amount of time and effort, however, the effort expended was to simply take away the control of the ego. Bias is a sign that the ego is in control. Bias simply separates consciousness in parts, often parts of consciousness that now divided seem opposing each other. No matter what the knowledge or awareness is of, it all comes from the same source.   

I was brought up as a strict or hardline/extremist atheist. I had to give up the bias involved in atheism to get in this state, this is while not taking on another ideology or ism like religion or materialism for example. This also means learning from what each ideology or ism's wisdom and awareness portrays.

So the reason I am not into comparing one against the other is simple, no matter what the knowledge or awareness and wisdom is of, it all comes from the same source. You must realise that our egos in control will see it differently which includes our own biases. It all comes from the same source, be it through different channels or sources of bias. I experienced first hand souls that were lost, souls that many of us call evil. These souls were simply lost within their own creation based on their own biases. I frightened them because I showed no matter how much division from the initial source you exist under, the divine spark in everything still exists. The divine spark being of the initial source of all things, like all knowledge, awareness and wisdom. How many of us with our own biased desires desire to know this?

We agree on a lot of matters xxxxxxxx, but we must be aware that we won't agree on all matters and leave it at that. I am not here to search for truth but honesty within whatever the truth may be, seen as all truth initially comes from the same source. You seem to be looking for truth and 100% truth. Am I right and you're wrong? No, because searching for 100% truth does exist, just not on a human level of consciousness and understanding as you seem to be aware of. Our paths might cross xxxxxxxx but our journey is different while at the same time our journeys are not apart. Human bias often sees a difference as a division, and often an opposing difference. In the absence of bias, all that one sees is a difference with an underlaying sameness, like the lost souls I experienced.

The perception of God gives us a sense of one source, the spark within all things no matter how much a consciousness desires to separate itself from, or how lost within it's own creation a consciousness becomes. The ego, as always, desires to be its own creator as clearly seen in today's human consciousness. I think the perception of God, one initial source of creation, is perfect, giving us a glimpse beyond the egos controlling bias ways. Of course this perception isn't for everyone's acceptance and understandably so.                    

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

The Search For 100% Truth

Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would share my response to a physicist who asked my opinion on a few matters. As of a physicist will do, search for a 100% truth in a mind that is known to be primarily influenced or conditioned to and by bias. If you want a 100% truth, go beyond the human mind.    

It is often perceived that a white man represents positive and a black man negative, even at times by black people. Another example, often yin is seen as negative to yang which is positive. This is how we psychologically perceive, or, are conditioned to perceive xxxxxxxx.

I am not conditioned to a black and white mentality xxxxxxxx, where one is right or positive over the other, within this, my bias or dishonesty is limited. I don't follow a particular ideology or ism for this reason as all human created ideologies and isms are only of part truths. So are the Vedas of 100% truth? Not in my mind for bias is always present within anything created or perceived through human thinking.

Is this pure state of awareness vibrational, a state of motionlessness?

Through vibrations (motion) we have creation, when everything in a motionless state already existed. I wrote a post years ago about vibrations alive, where everything in motion (vibrative) is alive, including a rock, so does this mean this motionless state of pure awareness is not alive? To us, yes, but to anyone who has glimpsed this state, no. Buddhism, in my mind, incorrectly refers to this state as nothingness, only because this state seems dead, as motionless, non-vibrative.

When you glimpse or experience this motionless state, you realise that not everything alive or of existence vibrates. A consciousness of the awareness of all will not vibrate, but a consciousness only aware in relation to its bias or its conditioning will vibrate.

Am I endorsing BD because you agree with me in relation to your own views/bias? If you know anything about the psychology of the human mind, you will realise how bias is a primary influence in all our lives, including my own. The difference is, I am aware of this in the absence of bias.

xxxxxxxx, if you are looking for 100% truth and honesty in the absence of bias, you will never find it through human perspectives and perceptions. I suppose our own bias and the way this bias makes us think is what makes us human!! When you go beyond the bias of the human mind, only then can you truly see this, otherwise your own bias will bias you from truly knowing this. In other words it's pointless searching for 100% truth, even from a written awareness beyond the human mind, for the human mind reading this truth will always express a bias. Try not to be so human, and the truth will fall into your hands as if by magic.    

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Avoiding Self-Deception

Written by Mathew Naismith

Within a reality obviously controlled by the ego, the order of the day is going to be self-deception, this is because the ego in control naturally creates self-deception through simply being itself, it's self only of what serves itself. Most often what doesn't serve the controlling ego is often deemed negative or toxic and most often ostracized, within this, self-deception of the existence of what doesn't serve our egos is ignored or destroyed, usually something deemed as negative by the ego.    

Yes, even an empath, a person who has the ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual, is expressive of pure ego when feeling bad or toxic vibrations. It might not be their own ego they are feeling but its still ego, an ego that separates one from the other. What ego wants to be a part of a toxic vibration? A consciousness less expressive of the ego doesn't have this problem of feeling toxic vibrations, for in this state no other vibration is of serving the ego.

I became aware of this years ego, that all I was doing is serving the ego when, on a continuous basis, I would intuitively experience unbecoming experiences from other people and their experiences. Don't get me wrong here; the ego has a part to play when we intuitively are made aware of certain circumstances, however, what a lot of us do is allow the ego to take control to serve itself through deception. The deception is to deem all that doesn't serve our own egos as negative and/or toxic, this is to separate our egos from anything that doesn't serve our egos desires. How many different and separate spiritual groups are formed today to simply separate the ego from what isn't serving the ego? The ego is simply feeding off itself to serve itself through other like minded people.

Now, what will be the immediate reaction of an ego of self-serving and self-deception be in regards to the truth here? People like me are simply deemed toxic only because we have told the truth, the last thing a self-serving ego desires is the truth in how it actually is. This is why a self-serving ego is self-deceptive; the ego denounces any truth that doesn't directly serve the ego!!

I have had people, who are supposed to be in the know, ask me why I become involved in things that are not of my own, basically, becoming involved in the environment around me that is not of my own vibrations. People like me are simply not controlled by the ego, in saying this, I have observed my own ego in action to the point of an ego in control, the difference is, being aware of this. It's all to do with being aware of when the ego is in control, which isn't easy, especially when the ego becomes self-deceptive to the point of becoming aware of only what serves itself.

People like me couldn't think of anything more destructive than to separate ourselves from what isn't of our own vibrations, to do so would be more of this ego controlled reality, not less. Yes, even a deemed toxic person like me are asked to join these groups in person. I simply make an appearance now and again.

Destruction can only exist within a reality that is separated by various vibrations, try being destructive in a reality where all is one, not of one kind of vibration but the embracement of all vibrations as simply vibrations period. What a lot of us seem to not understand or even comprehend, is it's the separation of vibrations that causes destruction and the creation of bad, negative or even toxic vibrations. It's within this separation of energy that causes one energy to become destructive to what another energy has created. You can't destroy energy itself, only of what energy creates. Energy in motion is ego so anything that energy creates is of the ego. Destruction simply relates to an ego in control, and yes, this includes energy sources like the sun.

More and more people are becoming more of an ego controlled reality, not less. The trick is, to be aware of the ego in control, of course this seems virtually impossible when the ego in control is self-deceptive to the bitter end. It's simply all about awareness; of course a true sense of awareness takes a lot of truth to be acknowledged, which is the last thing the ego desires. Simply being aware of this can help a great deal in overcoming our, the egos, created dilemmas. Yes, even in India self-deception is being embraced over and above the truth.

In deception while ignoring the negatives, of course the world is improving, this within itself is obvious in the ego self-serving itself. To be excessively positive is self-deceptive which goes right along with the present created reality!!

All that is needed is truth within our awareness, not deception within our awareness........

Friday, 20 July 2018

The Beauty of the Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is important not to simply look at the ego as being negative. Yes, the ego can be destructive and create a reality of chaos and misery, however, the ego can also be highly constructive and creative. Simply labelling the ego negative in anyway isn't the truth of the matter, in truth; the ego can be exceptionally beneficial to all of creation.

Western mind = ego

Eastern mind = egoless

Is the Western mind simply negative? No. Being that the Western mind represents ego in all cultures and its people, labelling the ego simply negative in any expression is only of half truths.

Considering that the Western mind dislikes being questioned about its own behaviour and takes any questing like this as an insult, truths, especially about itself, becomes unacceptable. Basically, half truths and lies become the order of the day, accepted over and above truths.

In truth, the Western mind, void of the balance of the Eastern mind, is a monster (destructive) unto itself and its environment. Considering that the Eastern mind doesn't take questioning about its own mind as an insult, you can see why, especially at present, why the Western mind needs the Eastern mind for balance. In truth, the Western mind needs the truth of the Eastern mind, especially in relation to itself. I have simply lost count how many Western minded people have taken what I say as an insult, while at the same time the Eastern mind seriously considers what is being said.

One simply wants to know of a desired truth; a truth that will enhance its stature, while the other considers all of what is said void of desire. Of course a mind of the balance of ego and egoless, the Western and Eastern mind, will also express desire but in a moderate way. In truth, the Eastern mind is of truth where's the Western mind, void of the balance of an Eastern in an ego reality, is of lies and deceit. It matters not if you are in an Eastern part of the world, if the main dominance is of a Western mind, lies and deceit will be present.

Western mind = lies and deceit + motion

Eastern mind = truth and honesty + motionless

Remember, the Western mind in all of us will naturally take offence to what is being said here, this is unless the Eastern mind in all of us is influential upon the Western mind. Within a reality of ego, the Eastern mind is needed to quell the desires of the Western mind. In actuality, it's the Eastern mind that should be predominant in an ego based reality, not the Western mind.

Having spoken to a number of Hindus from India, it would seem the teachings in relation to the ego are becoming less and less at a young age, in effect, the Western mind is becoming more dominant, even in India!!

You have to realise that the Western mind in all of us is all about separation, especially separating itself from the truths of the Eastern mind. Yes, the Western mind can take on the teachings and influence of the Eastern mind. Sadly, most often this is done under the complete dominance of the Western mind, turning the Eastern teachings into a Western ideology in Western cultures. I have lost count how often I have come across this.

Considering all this, it's difficult to realise that the ego, the Western mind, can be beautiful and highly constructive. In its glory and in balance with the Eastern mind in all of us, the Western mind is simply spectacular within an ego based reality, a reality of motion as all motion relates to a form of ego. The more motion expressed, the more the ego is present.

The question is now, should we all simply become of the Eastern mind within an ego reality, especially a reality dominated by the Western mind? No, to desire this is to be just as much of the ego, the Western mind. Also, to replace the Western mind with the Eastern mind represents separation therefore of the Western mind. As Hinduism clearly shows how a true Eastern mind works, the ego and egolessness, the Western and Eastern mind, is never separated from each other in an ego based existence, an existence of a high degree of motion. The Eastern mind is simply made aware of the Western minds traits, of course this can't occur if the Western mind is predominant over the Eastern mind within an ego based reality.

It's sad to realise this but as always, the Western mind will take offence of all this, it's wise to be aware of this within all of us. In truth, there is no separation between the Western and Eastern mind, the ego and egolessness, only a perceived separation. Yes, you can go into states of pure ego and egolessness, in truth, at no time are they truly separated.

We, as humans, are yet to learn how beautiful and constructive the ego can be when in balance with egolessnss. Such a mind has no boundaries to it; it's simply infinite in nature, meaning, a consciousness like this will not kill itself off, unlike the Western mind is doing today........

Is it easy for a Western mind in a Western culture to realise its own shortcomings? The answer is obviously no but it's certainly worth the effort, only if one prefers to live in truth instead of live in lies!! As of usual, the Western mind will not take kindly to all that is said here, in my mind, it's wise to be aware of this.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Philosophical Freedom

Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher 

Written by Mathew Naismith

Philosophies of Lies and deceit
A vacant space
In the absence of truth
A spaceless space
No direction within
Simply vacant of truth and honesty
In this lays vacancy
A vacancy of mind
For in this vacancy
Truth is unable to exist
There is simply no substance
For without substance
Where is truth and honesty to abide
For in this vacant space
Honesty needs substance
A substance of truth and honesty
This is within itself
Is its beginning

MG Naismith

What this poem of mine refers to, is that truth and honesty are unable to be recognised thus often misunderstood in a philosophy of lies and deceit. Often quite deceptively to protect and harvest what comes from philosophies of lies.

I wrote the following to the questioning, is courage needed to express intellectual honesty? I was interacting on a philosophy forum and received hostility against proven truths and honesty, to me, the reason this occurred was obvious.    

Thinking about this more; the courage to see the lies and deception within ones own philosophies, is courageous no matter what the ism or ideology one follows.

Take note of the people who slam, for example, religion and its philosophies, you will note that they are themselves most likely of the philosophies of lies and deception. Example: When did truths and honesty supported by evidence become abuse and disdainful? When did facts and figures become of abuse and disdainful?

The answer seems to be when of and the protection of known lies and deceit. Any truth, especially proven truths to be true and of fact, will always be disdainful to any philosophies based on lies and deceit. Example: An OP can be noticeably deceptive within its intent but still be supported!!

Are facts and figures disdainful to the people of philosophies based on truth and honesty? Unlikely to any great extent.   

I have noticed the more facts and figures you support the truths you speak of, the more hostile some people get. Also notice that not all the people become hostile, why? They simply don't live by philosophies based on lies and deceit. It is very possible they may not know this themselves, actually, most often this is the case it would seem.

There is a lot of courage needed to tell the truth in ways other people don't want to hear them. If your philosophies are based on truth and honesty, you will always get a hostile rebuttal from the opposing camp.

Should an intellectual honesty take courage to express? It shouldn't but it does in today's reality.

Never chase truth and honesty within anything, for truth will come without effort once the philosophies of lies and deceit are put to rest.....MG Naismith

I chased truth and honesty in philosophy, there was little obvious truth and self-honesty to be found but in a few. Most people of the philosophies of truth and honesty will stay hidden, for they know what would occur otherwise. The reason I chased the truth in this manner, was to observe and become aware of the truth within the truth that philosophical lies and deceit exist within every corner of man, no matter of the isms or ideology followed.

A bit of self-honesty and truth goes a long way, to freeing ourselves from the bondages and limitations of the philosophies of lies and deceit.......MG Naismith

Thursday, 18 January 2018

The Non-acceptance of Truth Today

Written by Mathew Naismith

Today, telling the truth will not make you few friends but many enemies, this makes perfect sense in the age of false prophets, people and news. I have a lot of true friends but even more enemies; it's of course worth having more enemies because of the trueness of my friends!! I should also point out that the following will be quite controversial to some people.    

So what is truth and whose definition of truth are we talking about?

Truth is defined as being void of bias, prejudice and deception while of observation. Observation being not of participation as participation can often give a false representation of truth. The more of the observer we condition ourselves to be, the more of the real truth we will become aware of, for example, the more involved in a specific ideology we become, the more bias we are likely to be. The amount of participation in anything defines how bias our perceptions will become; this is unless an ideology teaches one to observe as well void of bias, prejudice and deception.

The following is a reply I gave to a person recently I would claim as being wise. Its bible related by the way.   


My Reply
I've actually heard the bible read in a number of different ways, this is how it actually should be. Yes, read within a certain context but not just of a certain context.

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time."

You can read this as people using the actual name of Christ to deceive, this is what people are looking for, however, Christ represents the word of God, how many people today act as Gods to the people void of taking on the name of Jesus but the representation of a God?

By not taking on the name of Jesus but acting as God's is even more deceptive. False prophets simply mean the average person taking on the role of falsity, they act on behalf of the self-proclaimed Gods while making out they are pure, they are wolves in sheep's clothing. This is how deceptive our current reality is, many people don't even realise they are wolves in sheep's clothing!!

How many new age spiritual people are conditioned to ignore the so-called critically judged negatives in the world today? So if they saw a child was being raped, this is negative and must be ignored. We must put things into proper perspective, these people are deceived to ignore the negatives so the negatives can persist which are created and ruled by false Gods.

How many spiritually aware people today critically judge the present reality as being negative, point blank? The perception of negative in opposition to positive is based on fear, the fear of being in the presence of negatives. A people living in fear are easier to control by the false Gods. It's certainly the age of false prophets/people.


Let's be honest, most people prefer to be lied to, deceived, as studies have proven, most people in the world accept lying (deception) as an every day occurrence in their own lives.

To lie, one would have to not accept part or all of the truth, even if it's only part of the truth, it's deception for only the whole truth isn't deceptive. Human consciousness only knowing parts of the truth about itself is deception, this of course includes me, the difference is, people like me know we are living a lie, in a deceptive reality. Now, try telling some kind of truth in a reality based on deception, you are going to receive a quick and often hostile rebuttal and/or refusal.

To only be aware of what one desires is a lie, to live this lie as the truth is pure utter self-deception.

Do we really want to lie and deceive ourselves any longer? The question is direct; the answers however are as ambiguous and numerous as the isms we hold dear and true.    

Friday, 28 October 2016

Living by Truths

Written  by Mathew Naismith

In the last few days, I've been preoccupied with an ascension group, a group of people feeling the affects of their environment around them, be it the physical reality or the conscious reality that is around us all. For these people, the conscious reality is changing, they are literally feeling it, not just consciously but physically as well. This change or conscious ascension isn't easy to navigate or even comprehend at times, a lot of us are indeed faced with reconditioning ourselves to quite a different conditioning than what we were initially conditioned to.
This reconditioning of our consciousness is indeed filled with dilemmas. Being that this reconditioning is less judgmental and less about serving a controlling ego period, we often find ourselves being more judgemental and even more egotistical. This is because any kind of transition will entail a period of inverts (reverses). I think this reason for this lies within the controlling aspects of the ego itself, it just doesn't want to lose control, hay, what controlling aspect would? What controlling human conscious aspect is just going to sit there waiting to have it's control taken away from it? No human conscious controlling aspect is just going to do nothing, it's going to fight back and vigorously.

At times we will feel we are taking one step foreword and two steps back, at other times we will feel we are taking two steps foreword and one step back. Considering we are trying to recondition ourselves form a long term controlling human conscious aspect, we should expect, at times, taking two steps back, after all, it' apart of the reconditioning or ascension process.

In recent days within this ascension group, there has been a number of incidences of instability. A lot of people who are into labels, would just judge this as being negative or bad in some way, within this mentality or approach, these people would miss out on the benefits of such instabilities. For people like myself however,  it's a different  matter, I couldn't think of anything more ascending than to honestly come forth and tell it how it actually is, even be it from or through instability. In my mind, the instability within this group is a sure sign of ascension, as of any instability we learn from, we also come forth with open hearted truths, this is instead of covering up the truth, especially with various labels.

As of a few posts since the instability within this group, the following post surprised me, what a welcome addition, pure utter direct truth. I've participated on numerous discussion boards, some of them I was either kicked off or I left because of the difference in mentality. Very rarely do I actually witness open honesty, not just in regards to other people but oneself as well. I found the following refreshing to say the least. I think it's worthwhile reading the comments in regards to this post.                 

Part of me is really hesitant to say this. I fear I'll be shunned, and pple will... well ya know.. but I'm wanting others to be open and have the courage to speak up about this subject and simply share whatever it is they feel, so I better walk the talk. 

What was the catalyst for my rant here was reading about someone who is going through a rage full angry period, and actually being told that they needed to "get help"! That this was not a normal thing for ascension along with other suggested" fixes" for this awful condition! 

I'm so incredibly worn out with hearing about low vibration and the absolute certainty that there's something to be DONE about so called negative emotions. 

DO whatever it takes to get out of them or else! 

I mean absolutely no disrespect nor to offend anyone, however 
The shaming done in this entire community by SOME, surely not all, is the same as religion, just done in a more sugar coated way. 

I'm an incredibly loving overall positive person who is going through an irritable angry and frustrated time. Along with the anger and frustration is a lot of pain and tears. To some this means that I "need help" ðŸ™ˆ am in serious shape, and the list of "what to do's,' is endless! It reminds me of old time exorcisms! 
I personally do not one bit like being in this, especially for so long, but there's a reason for it and if more people would allow ALL feelings, have the courage to admit that they have them, and share this openly, there would be much less downward spiraling for some. Maybe If people felt more comfortable talking about it, the crap would probably pass much sooner.

I should say, what we need from these emotions would come quicker. 
Imagine that you are new to all of this. You're vulnerable and lost. 
You find yourself experiencing this rage etc. you come here or elsewhere only to read ALL of the numerous things to do, and do fast to get OUT of the baaad feelings, up to and including.. Seek Help!! Translation... There's something wrong with You!! 

Wow! I shudder to think how that could effect someone! And yes, our actions do effect others, even the most evolved, high vibrating of us has times when we are vulnerable to what others say and do. 
Now if I were spewing hateful hurtful things, by all means tell me to knock it off! I don't, haven't, wouldn't, and I'd bet big money that it's the same case for this person I'm referring to. 
Part of this process, if not THE most important part is to rid ourselves of judgment. Judgment of all kinds. Labeling anger as negative, and happy as positive IS judgment. Judging the emotion and the one feeling it. 
It may be childish of me but the quickest way to push me deeper into a space, feeling whatever, is to tell me I shouldn't be there! 

Many of the people who give suggestions and ideas for "healing" of course mean well, are doing out of the place of Love etc. and there's a need for that at times. There are also times when support, compassion, an "Oh me too" or just an etheric hug is all that's needed or ' asked for!' 
This person didn't say, please tell me what to do about this, or I need to hear all the things that I already know, AND said that I have done. They simply specified how they felt, and asked if anyone else was going through it. This is the case so often. 

I guess I just struggle with the fact that SO many, SO often feel the need to FIX! 

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

The Life and Times of Joe

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following isn't a fictional story, it's purely based on actual events that took place throughout a persons life that I will call Joe. The story is about a life of slow agonising torture 24/7 that Joe experienced throughout his life and the way Joe was treated by his family. Even after all that happened to Joe, Joe was still on the playing field. The playing field refers to a persons life of being knocked down and getting back up again. It's likened to a sports field, once on the field, you try your hardest to stay on the field, meaning, stay in the game.

As Joe found out latter in life, Joe wasn't brought up in what you would call a normal family life. So  many people were so amazed at the stories Joe told of his childhood and family life latter on in life, one being that Joe was left with a clinically diagnosed chronic injury starting at the age of 6 years old. To this date, at the age of 52 years of age, Joe is still having to deal with this and many other things that occurred to Joe in relation to his family. Yes, Joe has many scars and bruises but he's still on the playing field to one  extent or another.

I will start Joe's life story at the age of 6 years old when Joe's life took a sudden turn that primarily influenced Joe's life for the rest of his life. The following story will only show an outline of Joe's life.

Trauma: Joe, at the age of 6 years old,  incurred an injury that was latter diagnosed as a chronic injury in his adulthood, a fully dislocated elbow that wasn't put back into place. The radial head become fully dislocated from the rest of the elbow. Could you imagine a child going through the physical pain and subsequent mental trauma of such an injury left unattended throughout their childhood life. Even to Joe, in his adulthood, has no idea how he coped with such an injury, especially with this kind of injury while going through childhood.  Did this injury take Joe off the playing field? No, he kept playing on to the best of his ability.   

School and Work: Joe struggled through school, exams were a nightmare, so often did Joe lose control in his writing hand, the pen just kept dropping out of Joe's hands through lack of feeling, this made exams virtually impossible for Joe to finish. Joe's concentration levels were also all over the place due to the severe pain that Joe took no pain killers for. Joe however completed senior high school.

While still attending school, Joe often worked at a national park in the school holidays, he also assisted his mother to clean the house every Saturday. Joe helped his mother out more than any other sibling. Still with a fully dislocated radial head/elbow, Joe then completed an apprenticeship in Carpentry/Joinery. Joe then went on to perform in labouring work that able people didn't want to do because it was too hard of work. Joe latter on went back to work in his trade, working for builders and eventually himself.

This kind of heavy continuous work soon made working in this manner virtually impossible to do for a living. Joe, a few years on, worked with other disabled people tutoring them in woodworking, numeracy and literacy. At this stage Joe found out why he accomplished as much as he did while going through, at times, extreme trauma, he had to prove he was just as good as able bodied people. It's amazing how a disability can either bring you down , or, impel you to succeed to the best of your ability. Joe so often saw this in his students/clients that he now saw this within himself.

The Holiday: While visiting his mum, Joe saw that his mum wasn't well. Joe and his wife virtually saved Joe's mother from imminent death, Joe's mum didn't look well when staying with her husband and daughter so they took immediate action. While Joe's mother was in hospital, his mother gave Joe and his wife all the financial details, Joe's mother knew what would happen to her finances if she didn't do this. After butting in and saving mum's life and now being given the financial details from Joe's mother, all hell broke lose in the family in relation to Joe's sister and father.      

Joe and his wife latter on saved up for a long holiday, because Joe's mother was getting over from a bout of cancer, they asked Joe's mother to come on holiday with them knowing that Joe's mum could cause trouble on the holiday. Yes, even after saving his mother's life, Joe's mother could turn on Joe at an instant. Joe's mother sadly turned on him and his wife while on holiday. After an argument occurred, Joe's mum walked out and then returned to collect her belongings clearly stating that she was being taken care of and that she was booked on a coach for home. Joe and his wife the next morning, with no mother in sight, decided to go on with their holiday as Joe's mum was quite adamant that she was being taken care of and she was booked on a coach to come home.      

After coming back from their holiday, Joe found out that his mother completely lied about what occurred, Joe's mother stated to the rest of the family that Joe and his wife left her completely stranded. To this date, the whole of Joe's family use this against Joe and his wife. Joe's family continually bring this up in conversation while telling Joe to stop telling the truth of what went on in his life. Joe's mother recently passed without making amends sadly enough.

The Blog: Joe's family get upset about Joe telling his life story on his own blog, they also get upset when some other family member tell Joe the truth in what is being said to them by other family members. Joe just sits back and wonders how his family would deal with the trauma he has had to deal with all his life when they get so upset over trivial things.

Joe's blog is about his life, it tells the truth of what is and was. While knowing it would upset his mother while dying of cancer, Joe's sister told what Joe was writing on his blog knowing that it would traumatise her mother even more. Joe's older brother then told Joe off for basically writing the truth and upsetting his mother even though Joe wasn't the one who told his mother about the blog.

Family Embarrassment: It would seem that the whole of Joe's immediate family just don't want to know about the truth, they so often are more accepting of lies and deceit than the truth, especially when they can use it against Joe and his wife. Yes, being aware can be painful at times, the alternative just isn't a choice for people like Joe. Joe's whole immediate family have used lies an deceit to turn on Joe, they obviously needed an excuse to hide the truth so they used lies and deceit. Joe's family are unable to use any kind of truth on Joe for all this would do is prove that Joe isn't the person they are trying to make out.

Is Joe a total embarrassment to the family? Being left with a chronic injury since he was 6 years old and receiving very little comfort from his entire family, certainly seems his an embarrassment to the family. It's human nature to try to cover up an embarrassment and to shut people up who tell the truth in how it actually is in anyway they can.  

The Truth: Joe wants to evolve from the conditioning of lies and deceit but Joe's family doesn't, this will always cause people like Joe further trauma but is it worth it? Joe has gone through a life of continuous slow agonising torture day in day out in regard to his injury, on top of this he has a family with no remorse or feeling for what Joe has gone through, in fact they think his some kind of low life. I think the way Joe's family is behaving is there the victim, and no doubt always will, because this acting the victim will hopefully cover up the truth they don't want to acknowledge.

Joe is still on the playing field, yes, ever so beaten up but still in the play, no acting the victim, just get on with life and make the most of it. Yes, this will take pulling away from his family who often act the victim for only a victim is a victim to cover up the real truth.

Is the truth all worth it? Joe obviously thinks so, he's still on the field telling it how it actually is, not how he would like it to be. Is Joe a victim of circumstance, a victim of life's traumas? Not at all, he is still at play playing it how the game should be played, not how others want it to be played.

I'm speaking from actual experiences.......