Written by Mathew Naismith
Recently I came across a beautiful person who’s seems to
always quote beautiful philosophy about life from many people so I thought I
would gracefully share her with you today. “Within sharing
we have opened up new doors that where once closed through selfish designs”….Love
The good thing about philosophy is it doesn’t have to be of
fact & logic but just of logical thought for in each philosophical view
there is always logic. Faith believe it or not is also of logic to those who
believe that faith is binding in bringing us together as one, what could be
more logical than bringing us all together, “united
we stand, divided we fall”.
I thought I would share a recent discussion that I &
another person had with this lovely lady as follow:
Zen Message of the Week: "If you love life, don't waste time, for
time is what life is made up of." ~Bruce Lee Submit your own Zen Message
at: http://www.yingandyangliving.com/zen-message/
Sue Rumack • Is
there a difference between placing your energies on make work, time filling
activities as an avoidance technique AND quiet contemplation and reflection
without an attached activity? Both could be seen as wasting time.
Moon H. Cho •
None of those activities are wasting time if you are spiritually happy and
growing during the process.
Sue Rumack •
G'day Moon
So apt, time is indeed wasted without the love of life
however some like to waste others peoples time therefore life as we have seen
so often in human history. Grow strong grow wise!!
Moon H. Cho •
Mathew... This is a good point. Unfortunately, others wasting your time is part
and parcel of life, so I try to have it minimized and surrender to it when it
inevitably happens.
Mathew Naismith •
Yes, don't fight it, accept it for what it is & move on but some of us
haven't got the wisdom to do this sadly enough.
By not accepting this &/or ignoring it is non-accepting
which denotes conflict however if we have the wisdom to accept then move on we
are for no longer in conflict & fear of it's return.
Many people denounce the ego & have a fear of being of
the ego again but if you accept it first one never has a fear of such things
again & the ego within this process of acceptance will never come again as
it was, automatically, I believe.
I do love your philosophy Moon, it's beautiful.
Spiritual philosophical views pertain to life itself not to
any factual views usually but all philosophy pertains to logical thinking, we
tend to put logics in relation to fact only but that isn’t actually the case. “For
there to be wonder one must wonder about what there is to wonder about in the
first place for without this wonderment no logical explanation can be found to entice
one to wonder”….Love Mathew. We tend to pertain logics to fields like
science & law for instance but for one to wonder about being of faith one
would need to wonder in logical form for there to be such wonderment to entice
one towards such fields. “We need not separate
logic from faith for in this can there only be further separation”…..Love
Mathew. Spirituality & faith isn’t about separation but togetherness
& oneness, because we perceive logic as being of certain fields we separate
this from our beliefs & faiths as it presumably seems like an opposing
field of thought & action but in this thought alone are we practicing in separation
& division.
Logic will get you
from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
Albert Einstein