Showing posts with label feminine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feminine. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Mayan Connection

Written by Mathew Naismith

We are entering into an age of the feminine from the age of the masculine, was the age of the masculine of mortal expressions and is the feminine of  immortal expressions?

Mortal expressions are all to do with being unaware of our immortal self, you can’t successfully express mortal expressions to the full unless you are unaware of the feminine self. As is the universe, the human species has been expressive of change, nothing in a mortal existence stays the same as it’s influenced by active cycles. These cycles, as is the nature of the universe itself, can be quite destructive within these changes, this is a natural process. The suns for example will end their cycle, when they do, every living thing influenced by these suns will change, in other words die out.

The way humans have behaved is right in line with the universe itself, sometimes the sun reacts and causes harm, humans naturally do the same when in conflict while existing in a mortal existence.

We will however react quite differently in an immortal existence (the age of the feminine), this is because the famine also represents awareness where the masculine represents knowledge.

Age of the feminine = awareness + immortal expressions + passive cycles
Age of the masculine = knowledge + mortal expressions + active cycles

Any massive change like this will have teething problems, this change however is inevitable no matter how much we want to stay with the familiar.

I should say, linking the age of the masculine to knowledge, mortal expressions and active cycles and the age of the feminine to awareness, immortal expressions and passive cycles, is my own idea, it certainly has nothing to do with absolute truth.

Now we might think that knowledge is awareness as knowledge brings on awareness. I wrote a quote a few months ago and it goes like this, “For only in ignorance can we destroy”.  To me, no truly aware consciousness could be destructive especially when being aware that everything is connected, this is like cutting off a hand of ours, being aware of the hand being ours, we wouldn’t cut it off.  If on the other hand we weren’t aware that the hand was ours, we would cut it off as it’s a foreign matter that become attached to us.

Yes, knowledge brings on awareness, this is what this age of the feminine is all about I feel, however, at present we are still not aware enough to desist in being destructive,  it’s actually quite obvious that we have used this knowledge to become even more destructive. The age of the feminine I feel will teach us to use this knowledge more wisely and constructively but only when we also become aware of the immortal self, this will quite automatically happen in the age of the feminine I feel. 

Supplement: This post wasn’t well understood and also after the 2012 fizzer,  people don’t have trust in what the Mayan Calendars say. I hope the following will put more light on this post and make it more credible.

According to the Mayan calendars, we are entering into the age of the feminine, this is a huge conscious change for us because we will now think more passively instead of actively.  In other words we will become more naturally constructive.

The mortal is of the masculine because everything is influenced by cycles, cycles of course mean an eventual end (mortality).

Immortal existences works differently in that we are more about our immortal self rather than our mortal self. We become aware of our immortal self because the cycles within this feminine age are more passive.   

Indeed, 2012 was the start of our change of consciousness, consciousness doesn't change over night as a lot of people thought. The Mayan calendars tell of the start of the change in 2012, not the occurrence of an instant massive change over night.

I think misreading what the calendars actually said, comes from desire rather than awareness, a desire of an immediate more constructive existence.   

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Is the Human Race Worth Saving II?

Written by Mathew Naismith

I obviously need to elaborate on this more so I’ve inserted the poll in question in this post.  I also seem to need to elaborate on what I meant when I stated that the masculine represents awareness and the feminine is the expression of such awareness. First of all the poll in question.

The Masculine: What has the human species been doing over thousands of years? We could say it’s devastated the Earth and/or destroyed whatever it can dominate; it’s produced a very dominating destructive mentality.  There is no doubt it has done these things but what has the collective human race been doing while it’s been so influenced by such a destructive mentality and is there a purpose to such a destructive mentality?

Let’s look at this another way, how easy is it to become personally aware and how hard is it to understand and live with this awareness in such a world dominated by destructive mentalities? Becoming aware is not an easy path to follow, first of all we need to become detached from things we have attachments too and then we have to understand what we are becoming aware of. What happens when we become detached to our attachments? We are in sense destroying our links to these attachments, is this not the same for the collective? How many times has war changed the way we live and even think, for example it killed the horse era in the last century through necessity, we had to become detached from relying on horses which a lot of people didn’t want to do. Waging a modern war with horses isn’t going to work as Hitler and the Poles proved.  

What has been happening throughout human history is we have become more aware through detaching ourselves from old consciousness’s, it was the period of awareness even though at times through our history we took a few steps backwards, the religious Dark Ages is a good example of this.  Throughout history we have many times over had to become detached from various attachments to evolve. How many attachments do we have to become detached too to become personally aware? In a sense we have always had to destroy something to become further aware either that be a link to attachments or through necessity.  

To me the masculine has always been about awareness, it needed a lot of grunt and will power to overcome our attachments so we can become even further aware collectively, this to me is no different to ourselves becoming personally aware.  Where does this leave the feminie?

Feminine:  To me the feminine represents the expression of this awareness; the awareness brought about by the masculine, this I believe is what we are entering into, the feminine period of influence which will give us a more constructive mentality to exist by.

If you look at the human race you can see a distinct difference to what is expressive of the feminine and what is expressive of the masculine, one is still destructive within it’s mentality and the other constructive through it’s mentality, one is aware the other not so aware.  Could anyone of a true feminine expression destroy?  Some of us are still to become aware and are still expressive of the masculine but others are more expressive of the feminine. The feminine expression to me actually relates that this kind of mentality is aware enough to be able to be expressive of such awareness.  The problem is we are not all at the same time going to be expressive of such feminine expressions mainly because some people are not aware enough to do so. These people most probably still have to learn such awareness from the masculine; they have not stopped learning from the masculine.

We can quite easily perceive that the masculine is opposing of the feminine and visa-versa, this actually isn’t the case, one can’t exist without the other, how would one be expressive of awareness when they are not aware? The masculine represents awareness but the feminine is expressive of such awareness, it is pointless having one without the other so actually they are not opposing at all.

Do we just throw in the towel in and give up just as we are entering in the period of the feminine where we can now be expressive of such awareness. How many people are expressive of such awareness these days?  I know I wasn’t expressive of such awareness until about four years ago and I know of a lot more people who have done the same. This to me indicates that we have indeed entered the period of the feminine where we will be more expressive of this accumulated awareness from the masculine period.  

Awareness does not come easy, we have as a collective gone through the most gruelling times in becoming aware, I think we will find once we grasp where we are at, things will become easier for us. I know through my own personal awareness I have made life easier for me to traverse, this is no different to the collective I believe, things will improve; we just need to be patient, the rest of the collective will catch up eventually or cease to exist.    

Is the Human Race Worth Saving?

Written by Mathew Naismith

I came across an interesting question recently on the net, "Is the human race worth saving?" There was a poll attached to this question and most people by far said no for various reasons.

You could look at this response as being very negative but I saw it as a very positive sign, the reason for this is more people were showing how aware they are of our destructive ways, I did however myself vote yes; the human race is worth saving.

The reason for this is a lot more of us are indeed becoming more aware of our destructive ways and of our inner truer selves, I also believe you only need a certain amount of people in this world to make changes to our destructive ways.  I also believe the old destructive consciousness will be left behind with all it’s many attachments.

What a more aware person shouldn’t do  is not expect everyone to just drop this old consciousness and all it’s attachments just like that, this isn’t going to happen and the more we push this the more they are going to cling onto these attachments.  We need to be more subtle and patient which isn’t easy to do, this is because the more aware we become the more aware we are of who we truly are and what our existence should be like.  Becoming aware isn’t an easy thing to go through in such a destructive reality.

The following is another reason why I think we are worth saving, this was in reply to another questioned posed by someone on LinkedIn,” Is There Trauma In Embracing The Sacred Feminine?.

The Mayans prophesied that we are at present entering into the period of the feminine self which will help give peace, love and harmony onto ourselves giving rise to a more constructive mentality, does this mean the masculine was only destructive within it's intentions?

Yes and no, yes the masculine was more supportive of a destructive mentality but no because without the masculine the feminine wouldn't come into being, there is a purpose to the masculine as there is a purpose to the feminine.

So what is the purpose of a destructive mentality? I believe pure consciousness isn't aware of itself until it becomes expressive of this consciousness. To be aware of the feminine, a more constructive mentality, this pure consciousness needed to be expressed so this pure consciousness can become more aware itself. The masculine has made us more aware of the feminine within this pure consciousness, to me the masculine is very positive, it is helping us to become more aware of ourselves and of God's consciousness.

To me the masculine is about becoming aware and the feminine is of expressing this awareness, the feminine could not be expressed without the awareness of the masculine.

The problem is now, do we continue on a masculine way or do we evolve further and go to the next step of expressing this awareness that the masculine has given us. Yes we could stay ignorant and allow the masculine destroy us or we could choose to go on from the masculine and give the feminine a chance to prove itself before discarding the human race, what will be will be but we do indeed have a choice.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Beautiful Souls-A New Beginning

Written by Mathew Naismith

I recently attended one of my nieces weddings & directly seated opposite of me at the reception was a lesbian couple, one of the women was a teacher & the other a psychologist & of course we hit it off quite well because I once had a job tutoring people with all sorts of disabilities from anxiety/depression to total physical inabilities & I love psychiatry so we had a fair bit to talk about. Later on in the night their child awoke & they brought him over to meet me, well he flawed me, you could literally see the inner beauty immediately. This wasn’t a normal child because I’ve experienced this once before in my life with another person. So the question is, was he expressing this inner beauty because he was with a lesbian couple or was it because he could express he’s own feminine self? You would have to in this case answer yes to both these question however!!

Some years ago I was living in a caravan park & a straight couple arrived at the park, being a small park I met up with them quite quickly. I got 10ft of the bloke & immediately had to take a couple of steps back, he blew me away. I immediately recognised he’s soul as being very beautiful just like the child of the lesbian couple. Latter on I found out he was a male nurse. Don’t get me wrong these people aren’t particularly drop dead gorgeous but they had that feeling about them plus there expression oozed feminine, they were allowed to be expressive of their feminine self which a lot of males aren’t allowed to do.  The problem, which I also had to contend with at times, is if you expressed any form of femininity especially at a certain age you were accused of being gay in some way. The other problem is for the bloke expressing such feminine tendencies, they usually query themselves of being gay or not because they are so expressive of such feminine tendencies. The answer of course is not necessarily so & believe me this is a very hard time for blokes who want to be more expressive of their feminine selves in such a mescaline run world. We live in a society, especially when I was growing up, that blokes are blokes & should act accordingly & of course this stifles one’s own expressive will to express the feminine self by other who are more expressive of their mescaline selves. I should mention here that mescaline denotes dominance & aggression, feminine denotes love & nurturing.

According to the Mayans & a few other cultures & belief systems we are now entering into the feminine cycle of mankind & leaving the more dominant aggressive masculine cycle behind us, could you imagine being brought up in a loving nurturing society like this? That I believe is what is happening. We have more gay men being more expressive of their femininity because of this shift & eventually I predict we will actually see less gay men about in years to come because women won’t expect their men to be like macho mescaline men but expressive of their own free will.  We are conditioned from birth to be & act in a certain ways & anything that expresses anything away from this is labelled as something untoward or unsavoury in some way, that I believe is changing. Men will be able to freely express themselves without being labelled as a gay & inturn these men won’t label themselves as being gay either but just a feminine male person being expressive of their feminine self which we all have in us, what a world that will build.

As the dominant mescaline self of man becomes less & less dominant the famine self of mankind will………No not become dominant but loving & nurturing!! This might sound like it’ a play on wards, anything that dominates another thing has to be dominant but only because we are brought up to believe this to be so.  Mescaline is the opposite of feminine so the outcome of such influences would also have to be of the opposite; mescaline denotes dominance so therefore the opposite meaning of dominance is weakness & weakness means being meek, the meek shall inherit the Earth.

What seems like weakness in some isn’t in others like to be other than a mucho man is seen to some as a weakness but once you take or lesson these mucho mescaline aggressive human dominating tendencies what does meek then pertain to? Meek becomes but another human tendency that’s all, it’s neither no longer pertains to weakness. There is another way of looking at this, is it weak for a male person in particular to express their gay &/or feminine tendencies in an aggressive intolerant macho world? To express any part of oneself that is not tolerated in such an aggressive world isn’t weak to me but courageous not weak or meek at all  so when the bible says the meek shall inherit the world it didn’t mean it literally. We must remember here that the bible was written in the masculine human cycle of man so meekness is going to pertain to weakness however now we are entering into the feminine cycle of mankind weakness or meekness won’t have the same meanings because of the conscious change within this feminine cycle so this mean this little boy I first mentioned in this post will be able to express his feminine self how he freely wills. I wouldn’t doubt it one bit if the soul of this little boy didn’t purposely choose a lesbian couple so he can be as expressive of himself as he wants not what someone else wants unlike we have had in the last mescaline dominated cycle of mankind.