Written by Mathew Naismith
Imagine if somehow your positiveness was
taken away from you. Most people couldn't mentally, spiritually and physically
cope with this because they rely on being positive to live life. Now, what
would happen if a spiritual Guru had their positiveness taken away from them?
Absolutely nothing in their life would change, probably because a Guru doesn't
rely or have any kind of attachment to what is and isn't positive and negative
in their life. Imagine how harmonious this would be, were our lives are not
determined by any factor pertaining to attachments and desires.
I need to now insert the following exchange
I had with someone in relation to my last post, "A Touch of Guru.
What I notice. while not taking any
particular view to heart, is today's non spiritual person seems grounded in
post modernist thought, while dismissing a natural view of spiritual people
throughout history who were much more grounded with a natural reality...and all
the questions that entails.
For instance, Yeshua ben Yosef is not who is presented in today's belief. Furthermore, the Christian tradition itself was a natural movement, not a religious diatribe of dos and don'ts.
For instance, Yeshua ben Yosef is not who is presented in today's belief. Furthermore, the Christian tradition itself was a natural movement, not a religious diatribe of dos and don'ts.
My Reply
You seem to be so true to yourself it
is nearly unbelievable. To be true to yourself is to observe the world through
as little bias as possible, all else is an untrue depiction of yourself and the
world around you. A touch of Guru.....
As I am presently writing, take away
positiveness from most people, they would crumble. Take away positiveness from
a true Guru, nothing would change in there life. I have a funny feeling you
comprehend this, not many people would or would want to. Take away positiveness
from a false Guru or most western spiritually aware people, they would too
crumble, if not more so than non-spiritual people.
Sadly, when ideologies, isms, concepts
and beliefs become a fixation, something we have attached our psyche to for
security and support, we lose the true nature of these ideologies and isms,
I am often impressed by your psyche
because you explain yourself very well, especially on this topic. If you don't
mind, I would like to use your reply here in my next post. I won't make any
personal reference to you if this makes you feel more comfortable with this.
is amazing. Ever since I have been mentioning the difference between Eastern
and Western thinking, a certain cultural people have stopped interacting with
me on quite a huge scale. This is while other cultural people, even other
Western cultures, of the world have remained steady. Within their own actions,
they have unknowingly proven the points made about the Western mind being
easily offended. As it is said, the Western mind is easily offended, even to
the point that if you are not praising the western mind, you are attacking it.
This is like if you are not positive, you must be negative, the Eastern mind in
all of us doesn't think like this.
Those who make certain words offensive do
so because there is something to be gained. For many, to feel offended is to
feel important, validated.
is quite interesting that a predominantly Westernised mind doesn't see itself
also being of the Eastern mind. In the West, it is often thought if you are not
positive, you are negative, offensive. In the East, you have obvious depictions
of yin and yang or like in Hinduism, the importance of a harmonious interaction
between the male and female within everything. Of course harmony is
constructive while disharmony is destructive but even destruction has its
live in harmony in an earthquake area, you either learn to build better
buildings or you move away, thus you have learnt from a negative situation. We
often become more enlightened through the negatives than we do the positives,
the present state of the world is no different. Of course to learn from the
negatives, one must not ignore what the negatives have to teach us while in
favour of the positives!! In all honesty, what is the Western mind doing on a
huge scale at present? The state of the world simply shows that the Western
mind in all of us is simply not learning. The Western mind is even shrugging
off thousands of years of life experience; this is like killing off all the old
people because they no longer serve any purpose. No matter what the life
experience has been, we can learn from it.
is interesting. If you removed the Western or Eastern mind from the spiritual
Guru, you would see a huge difference. Yes, even taking the Western mind away
from a spiritual Guru would make a huge difference in their lives, for the Guru
is not of one or the other but of all of what is without bias and desire. What
makes a Guru a Guru is the harmonious integration of opposite polarities. Try
to remember, just because it is an opposite, doesn't mean it is always in
opposition. I have lost count how many Westernised minds/people see themselves
in opposition to me, it is quite insurmountable, especially from when I started
writing about the difference between the Western and Eastern mind. Could you
imagine the reaction from the Western mind/people if an Eastern mind/person wrote
about the difference between the Western and Eastern mind as I have done!! How
offended would have the Western mind/people become then?
found the following research by psychologist Steven Heine quite
Extract: UBC cultural psychologist Steven
Heine discovered profound differences between Western and Eastern minds. A
recipe for prejudice, or just the opposite?