Showing posts with label enlightenment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enlightenment. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 July 2019

To Seek or Not!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is said, "The process of seeking will not lead one to enlightenment/awareness, for to seek is of the ego, when enlightenment comes to one in the absence of the ego."

This is only partially true, for enlightenment is simply of a state of releasing one from ignorance which the ego creates. You can't become enlightened if you are still hanging onto any kind of ignorance, being that enlightenment is of becoming aware in the absence of bias and desire.

The seeking ego in an environment of deliberate ignorance will often become more aware, as the seeking ego goes beyond the boundaries of ignorance. Enlightenment comes when one no longer needs to seek, however, the process of seeking beyond set boundaries is needed to get to a stage of no longer needing to seek. In all honesty, you get to a stage when you no longer seek and become the observer. Of course for people like myself who desire not to be of any one state of being, one minute the seeker, the next the observer, my present ego is unlikely to experience enlightenment, or so it seems.

It is not of the process of seeking that stops us becoming enlightened, it is how we seek. If I was to seek to fulfil one's desires, as opposed to seeking in all honesty, going beyond the boundaries of ignorance is not going to occur. To seek only that which feels good thus feeds the ego desires, is still of ignorance, for to seek in this way one must become ignorant or of refusal of everything that doesn't make us feel good. However, to seek in all honesty often brings forth truth that doesn't feed the ego desires, this is why today honesty and the people expressing such honesty are so scorned and yes, deliberately ignored!! If you have to ignore anything to try to obtain an enlightened state, the odds of obtaining this state is exceptionally unlikely.

It is quite understandable that the ego at all cost avoids seeking in all honesty, for the ego to have any sense of control needs only that which gives it control, especially over it's present environment. Being that our present environment is of deliberate ignorance, the seeking ego will often seek that which defuses the present environment. In other words, the ego seeking to gain more control in such an environment, will unknowingly often become expressive of what the ego is trying to escape from. The ego seeking more control in such an environment will only produce more of what the environment represents, however, the ego seeking in the absence of desiring more control, will often find itself outside the boundaries of ignorance. This will often make the ego feel uncomfortable; this is why so many people revert back to trying to take control.

The last thing an ego seeking control desires, especially over its present environment, is honesty, for honesty doesn't feed the ego what it desires. Honesty simply produces what actually is, to what the ego desires what is!!

~For only the ego has a need or desire to seek~

Monday, 10 June 2019

Deterred from an Enlightened Environment

Written by Mathew Naismith  

In a dream last night I was walking along in a pleasant environment, when a difference within this environment caught my eye upon a small hill.

Upon this hill was an environment likened to an environment of enlightenment, an environment that was tranquil and untainted by the ego in control. My ego of course saw this environment as being very beautiful.

As I approached this environment, a man within this environment put his hand up to stop me entering this environment. I immediately understood that this environment of enlightenment was not of my human journey at present. My ego, thankfully, gracefully accepted this and that was the end of the dream.

We might think that once we see an enlightened environment, this is what we are to become. Not everything you see and experience, you are supposed to become. We all exist within a dog eat dog reality, where if you allow other people to deter you from your desired goals, your desires won't be met. This is also called a crab mentality, where people walk over other people to acquire a desired outcome. Yes, a lot of people become this reality we exist in at present, but a lot of people don't. Just because we see and even experience an environment/reality, we don't necessarily have to become of that environment/reality.

Could you imagine being of a dog eat dog mentality or a crab mentality and experiencing an enlightened moment, even in a dream? I have simply not become of what the reality I am experiencing at present, as my ego was not disappointed at not being able to enter into an enlightened environment.

The ego often thinks that being enlightened is a better more positive option than being otherwise. Is it not said that all changes must come from within? So if I am no longer within a dog eat dog environment, that I specifically abstain from becoming, how am I to influence change upon such an environment when I am no longer of that environment? Individually, we know that all changes must come from within our own environment personally, so why do we do otherwise in relation to the collective environment? 

Make no mistake, no matter what kind of environment you are within or experiencing, just being aware of an enlightened state is influential upon a collective consciousness without doing anything else. Of course being expressive of this state physically or through motion can be more influential but not necessarily. If the influence is based on a personal desired outcome, the outcome of the influence will not be in line with enlightenment, in all honesty, most likely quite the opposite.

Monday, 20 May 2019

For Only Our Ego's Suffer

Written by Mathew Naismith

What if I stated that if we were all enlightened beings, not one of us would think twice of experiencing this reality again no matter what our experiences were!! In all honesty, the ego in control would refute this to the bitter end, why? What doesn't serve the control the ego desires to obtain and retain over it's self and its environment, will be dismissed or deemed a negative one must stay away from to gain or retain control. Of course an ego that isn't about obtaining and retaining control is a different matter.

How many of us deem spiritual, physical and mental peek proficiency as an ultimate state of being? What if I stated that being spiritual doesn't mean one is enlightened!! Being spiritual is simply the acknowledgment of a non-material existence from the acknowledgment of a material existence. In truth, Buddha experienced his enlightenment while at he's lowest level of physical and mental proficiency as of many who have become enlightened. Through this enlightenment, one then realises that a balance between the non-material and the material world is a far wiser way to exist, however, to realise this one must first suffer.

In truth, the only part of us suffering is the ego, of course there is also a difference between suffering from the egos suffering and learning from the egos suffering. Enlightenment simply comes from learning from the egos suffering. Enlightenment is simply all about letting go of the ego, especially of the controlling ways of the ego. The more our egos suffer, the more our egos were in control. Yes, this means that everyone's ego will suffer differently, of course on top of this, some ego's will still suffer from it's own suffering through the unwillingness by the ego to let go of it's control. The ego in this case will suffer to the bitter end and quite expectantly in the views of the enlightened.

I should point out that the first line of my post, "What if I stated that if we were all enlightened beings, not one of us would think twice of experiencing this reality again no matter what our experiences were!!", is of my own recollection and awareness. What you become aware of in the absence of a controlling ego is quite amazing. Of course what you become aware of in the absence of an ego altogether would be totally amazing to say the least.

As I ponder about my aimless life wonderings with no intentions or expectations, I realise I am drifting upon a water so clear that my reflection depicts the environment I am adrift upon. In the absence negatives and positives, good and bad, right and wrong, the waters I am adrift upon are so clear.....Mathew G

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Complete Surrender, an Enlightened State

Written by Mathew Naismith

Is enlightenment sought in only desiring or even needing to be in a state of enlightenment? Given that desire or need is of the noise around us, this is instead of quietness, is desire or need to stay or even seek this state of quietness not still of the noise? I will explain.

I was often accused of being very quiet in my younger days, when I desired or needed to be within my own quietness. The noisier or chaotic my environment became, the more I desired and needed to stay within this quietness, this is until I surrendered myself to the noise.

It has been said to me and a lot more people think this, that I am not truly spiritually aware because of my surrendering to the noise. I was once in a group of people who were quite spiritually aware, other people interacting on the forum within this group not so aware. I was asked why I interact in the way I did with the people on the forum who were not as aware. I simply answered that these people are no less worthy to interact with on their own terms than interacting with you on your own terms. The more aware this group desired to stay within the quietness they have found, this is instead of not desiring nor needing to be in any state, is still of the noise. To surrender to the noise as well as the quietness is the surrendering to all of what is, not just to what we desire or need.  

I wrote the following to a couple of people recently.                 

Taoist wisdom helps keep me balanced with the rest of life.

“Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”

“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”

Yes, I speak a lot for those who speak the loudest, to help quell their thoughts. I often speak a lot in quelling our thoughts of opposing life, this is to surrender to life. Yes, there may come a time that I will surrender to
the opposing side of life. Within this moment all will be seen as I have surrendered to all that is. A state of neutrality.


I was a member of quite a number of Google communities on G+, many of the opposing views to the other.

My own group is obviously going to be different to other groups that are not so much about honesty, but about serving the ego or the group itself for example. We are still very expressive of the tribe mentality obviously, where one tribe is different to the other tribe and it's this difference we focus primarily on still. This is instead of observing a difference but the difference still makes no difference, for all the tribes belong to the one tribe in the end anyway.

When tribes only focus or see the differences between these tribes, dishonesty will abound primarily because of bias. Of course there are groups more focused on honesty than dishonesty and visa-versa but in the end it is still one tribe. The problem with the tribes of dishonesty is they don't and won't see it this way, that we are really all one tribe no matter what our differences are.

So many people have the idea of enlightenment is to desire or have a need to be and stay within the quietness. Once sought, one must do everything to stay within this state. If you are unable to spiritually, not necessarily physically or mentally, stay within this state of enlightenment (quietness) when of the noise, the chaos, you are not enlightened nor of a true sense of love and light. The reason for this is simple, needs and desires are of the noise, not of the quietness, so if you desire or need to be in this quietness, you are not truly of a state of quietness or enlightenment.

You simply surrender yourself while sacrificing your needs and desires. Yes, your body and mind needs sustenance to survive, surrendering also means to surrender to your needs and even desires, in other words surrender yourself to the noise, however, one must also be of the quietness. Sounds stupid doesn't it, how can one be of one thing and of another? Simple, you surrender to your body needs and even desires, the noise, while spiritually surrendering to the quietness, a state of no desires or needs. A complete state of surrender and yes, this means to surrender to emotions like hate, this doesn't mean you become hateful though, I will explain.

I have hate groups from atheism to New Age spirituality who hate and/or despise me with a passion, I am way too honest and open in the way a number of isms and ideologies are being used and abused. I am simply not fond of abuse period, to me there is no sense to it, especially considering our present circumstances in the world. I embrace their hate and/or disdain, not because hate groups show how different I am to them, it is because I surrender myself to their hate. If they feel they need to hate me or have disdain for me, I surrender to these emotions, to do otherwise would be of their hate, of their noise. You see, you don't have to be of what you surrender to, just accept what you have surrendered to exists, no more, no less.          

Monday, 19 November 2018

Avoiding Feeding the Egos Desires

Written by Mathew Naismith

Are people being offensive or is it that our egos are offended when our egos desires are not being fed by other people? I am aware myself when I am offended, that it's only my ego that is being offended, not me as a collective consciousness. If only people's egos were aware in how small the ego is to our whole self, of course to make the ego aware of this, the ego is often offended that it's not of the entire self. "How dare you offend me in this way, I am all that you are". Not too far off in how the ego in control actually thinks, not that the ego in control desires to become aware of this of course.

Yes, as you can become offended by other people's views and actions, your own ego can become offended by your own views and actions. The ratio between people stating I am offensive to them when not feeding their egos is nothing compared to my own ego in my life. Your own ego doesn't desire to be offended so it will only accept what feeds it, everything else will be judged in accordance to it's offensiveness to the ego in control. You could feed the ego everything in existence and it would still desire more, multinationals are a prime example of this. If you gave the multinationals the whole universe, would not their own controlling egos desire even more, as of any ego in control?

It's really strange for people like me; observing a reality primarily created to feed the desires of the controlling ego, where balance of the ego is shunned or denounced at all cost. A reality like this isn't strange within itself, for only a controlling ego can create such a reality as it's natural for a controlling ego to do. What is strange is observing this reality become self-destructive. You would think the ego would be self-preserving therefore embrace the balancing of itself to preserve it's existence but alas, the ego in control feeds on everything until there is nothing left for the ego to exist in or on.

I have simply lost count how many people I am supposed to have offended. As soon as people state or think this, I know they are not truly aware or aware of how defensive their own ego is to being offended. Yes, not feeding other people's controlling egos or even your own controlling ego is highly offensive to the ego in control. This is different compared to ego not in control, which simply means an ego that accepts being balanced in accordance to it's present environment. How often does an ego in control create its own environment in opposition to the present existing environment? How many spiritually aware people these days desire to do the exact same thing, to simply feed the pleasures of the egos? People like me don't feed people's egos, this is not what spirituality is supposed to be about but alas, once again the ego in control changes the present environment of spirituality to primarily serve the egos desires and pleasures!!

Think on this, do spiritual gurus or shamans deliberately go out to become enlightened? Did Jesus or Buddha purposely leave their current environment to become enlightened? No, what is purposely exercised is the detachments created by the ego, for example, desires and abuse. Enlightenment is simply a by-product of releasing yourself from the controlling ways of the ego; it can be at no time of the egos primary objective otherwise enlightenment simply won't occur. Yes, a thought of an enlightening experience is thought of but the main focus isn't on enlightenment but on releasing yourself from control altogether. Yes, to the ego releasing yourself from control seems like you are taking more control but in actuality your not, this is simply an egos perception, nothing more. The pleasure the ego feels from releasing yourself from control isn't to serve the ego, as the egos tries to make out, it's simply once again a by-product, in other words part of the process of detaching ourselves from control. This is exactly like unconditional love; unconditional love is simply a by-product of becoming aware and at no time should be abused and used as the primary objective or focus. This is exactly why the kind of unconditional love that comes from this isn't true unconditional love, it's simply becomes a desire of the controlling ego to feel more pleasure no matter what the cost is.

Sorry, if I am not going to feed my own ego desires, it is unlikely I will serve other people's egos desires, if the ego in control takes offence to this, so be it. I should also say, even when people are purposely being offensive and you are offended by this, it's simply your ego in control that is offended, not you as a whole or even your ego that is not in control. Try to become aware that your ego is a very small part of who you are as a whole; this alone should bring some balance to a controlling ego gone troppo if you are truly aware of this.

This is funny; the pic is of a cat looking in the mirror only seeing themselves as something grandiose as a lion. We are all of what is, not what our egos only desire to be of.                                                    

Saturday, 17 November 2018

What is the Higher Self?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Ask yourself, what is more egoistic, humbling yourself to the ego or desiring to be of a higher self? Being that all is of what the ego calls a higher self, including rocks and trees and so on, what would an egoless higher self be of? The act of only being of a higher self is egotistic when the higher self is egoless. Being that the higher self is egoless, it is understandable that this higher self would humble itself to the ego, being that the ego is perceived by the ego, not the so-called higher self, as being of a lower self or a lower vibration. I say so-called higher self for only the ego separates like this, one being higher or lower than the other. In actuality, to the higher self there is no higher or lower self, just the self.

In truth, there is no self either, only being for a perception of self still refers to an attachment. In saying this, because what the ego calls the higher self represents all of what is without exception or desire, what is perceived and created through the ego is also of the higher self. What I am trying to say here is that the so-called lower self is as worthy as the higher self, what other state can the higher self humble itself to if not to the ego, the lower self?

This is how the ego often sees it these days. The ego represents an illusion and lower vibrations which represents the lower self and separation to what the ego doesn't desire to be a part of.

The higher self observes the ego as simply the ego without separation, even to what is real and what is an illusion. There is no perception of separation or of a lower self, just an observation of a self unaware of it's whole self.

Unconditional love; is also referred to as being of the higher self when in actuality unconditional love is of the ego. Unconditional love still refers to attachments, usually attachments to the feelings a state of unconditional love creates. In actuality feelings period are not of the higher self but of the ego. Why in a deep meditative state can we experience a state that we no longer have attachments? Feelings play no further part for feeling totally rely on motion to exist. Motions, which include feelings, simply represent ego. In saying this, can you perceive or feel negative vibration while in a true state of unconditional love, even when empathic to vibrations? No, for there are no conditions as such in this state, only the feelings of love the ego creates from this state. 

A state of unconditional love can't be experienced without the ego, however, because unconditional love is a state of the absence of attachments and conditions, a state of unconditional love is also partly of the so-called higher self. If we don't hold too much attachments to the feelings that unconditional creates, a state of our higher being can be experienced from this state. As of anyone who has experienced a state of the higher being or self, unconditional love is simply part of the process of experiencing actual enlightenment. Enlightenment simply refers to a state of complete detachment from all feelings and associated desires. In saying this, often through the ego can unconditional love be expressed and experienced. This state is often experienced by the ego as being very beautiful and harmonious. To avoid abusing this energy, try not to become too attached to the feelings unconditional love creates via the ego. Any manipulation that serves the egos desires is abuse of energy that should be avoided if we want to experience peace and harmony.      

The soul; is also often mistakenly referred to as the higher self. The soul is simply an immortal part of a person which experiences all our lives as one life lived. My own soul doesn't see that I have experienced separate lives; my soul observes all my lives lived as simply many life experiences experienced, not as separate lives lived. In saying this, souls can perceive each life as being separate to the other as well; this depends on the soul experience being experienced. Like with our human form, once the soul experiences actual enlightenment in a life experience, this enlightenment is always remembered by the immortal soul but not always remembered when recreated in a mortal being.

Are souls different to each other as humans are? Yes. Remember, the soul is simply an immortal part of our mortal being and yes, it matter to the soul how we live our mortal lives. So does this mean some people are of a higher vibration or level than other people? No. To the ego yes but not to the higher being as the higher being represents all of what is, not just what we desire to be a part of. The ego doesn't desire to be apart of the lower self so it calls this lower state an illusion, negative and even toxic, etc, or, the ego goes the other way, there is only ego, all else other than the ego is an illusion. The ego says take your pick for they are one of the same thing thus create the same exact type of reality, a reality controlled by the ego!!                                
God State: To the ego in control this is all mumbo-jumbo, in other words nonsense and understandably so. I once had entities purposely fixated to ignorance approach me in this life experience, I instantly dispelled them through simply showing a glimpse of what they are also apart of. The glimpse was of the higher self which a lot of religious ideologies call God or as state of God. I have lost count how many people have acted in the same way as these entities when their own creation seemed threatened. No matter what experiences our souls have experienced, we are still all apart of the so-called higher self. No matter who you are, the door to the higher self is always open to you, at no point are you not apart of this higher self no matter what the controlling ego says.  

This God state or state of God is of everything, including lost souls lost within their own ignorance, their own creation. The ego then gets a perception that this state of God loves everyone unconditionally. This isn't wrong but from a God state of view unconditional love can only be experienced through the ego. The reason for this is that a state of unconditional love has the conditions of no conditions to be able to love in this way. This higher state of being has no conditions at all attached to it!!

Enlightenment: I have at no stage experienced actual enlightenment in this life experience, I simply have no desire to, but I have in other life experiences. You can't desire or have a need to experience enlightenment; enlightenment simply comes naturally when we release ourselves from our attachment and desires including our fixations to unconditional love. Actual enlightenment is simply a state the ego can experience when of the higher self or of a state of God. Enlightenment is simply of the process of the ego awakening to its higher self, enlightenment isn't even apart of the higher self, what is there to enlighten in this state which is of everything without question? This higher state is also known as a state of pure awareness.

So there we go. I should also say that some people have also replaced the perception of God with a Goddess in a way, in that unconditional love is the ultimate state of being. Unconditional love makes reference to the feminine so an idolisation to a Goddess occurs, especially when this state is seen as the ultimate state. Try to avoid the egos manipulation therefore abusing of energy like this, this is unless your soul wishes to experience more of the same.                         

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Experiencing the Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

Being in the zone, to me, refers to an enlightened state where your focus allows you to perform physical and mental tasks way beyond your normal boundaries. Simply, your awareness has focus in this state on a particular task, not on many tasks at the same time. Boundaries by the way are a creation of the controlling ego, a separation of energy into negatives and positive, good and bad, wrong and right. How often are these separation thought of when in the zone? There simply not for all energy within this state becomes neutral, as if you are one with all the energy around you without separation. Imagine being at one with all the energy of the universe or even all of creation as a whole, this is the zone.

Focus on your awareness has focus, meaning that your awareness has focus on one thing instead of being partially focused on many things. Too often our awareness, when controlled by a controlling ego, will only partially focus on one thing, or, focus all energy, for example, on materialism or of what we desire. How many people put all their focus on their income and their job to fulfil their desires? When people focus like this, this is not the zone for energy used in this way is simply being abused. Often this kind of focus will create a destructive reality, not a constructive reality. If you feel at one with the energy around you, this is the zone, a state where you work in unison with energy without abusing energy. The zone isn't about fulfilling a desire; it's simply about working in unison with energy.

Do the people who experience the zone focus at anytime on their desires while experiencing the zone? Your focus isn't on positives and negatives, rights and wrongs, bad and good; your focus is simply on energy as a whole, there is simply no perception of separation of energy within this state. Be aware though, the ego in control will most often use this state to serve its own desires. This is often the case when the zone is perceived to be of a positive or is only obtained through positive thinking. Let's be honest here, this is the same mentality in that white people are more of a positive entity than black people. Never perceive that the zone is of and only gained through positive thinking, all this is a sign of is the abuse of energy, usually created by ignorance than awareness!!      

Consider this, perceptions of negatives and positives, wrong and rights, bad and good, black and white, are simply perceptions where the zone is an actual state of consciousness and oneness. This is where energy is used harmoniously. You at no time have to be of a positive mind to experience this state; just don't be negative or even positive. Imagine not having to be positive because there were no perceived negatives!! Remember, positives and negatives are simply perceptions. How often is an occurrence perceived to be negative but then turns out to be a positive? Also, what is positive or negative to one person isn't to another.

I have had to do a lot of focusing in my life because of my predicament, at times outperforming people with no disabling abilities. I always remember a time when working at a National Park, barrowing wet gravel stone up a steep narrow hillside. A semi-professional footballer had a hard time keeping up with me. He never knew that I had a fully dislocated elbow and that my shoulder was weaker than my dislocated elbow.  Simply, my ego never took control of me because of my focus. Yes, pain can also teach us to focus but only if the ego in control is not in control of you.

There are a number of spiritual practices that condition us to focus better as well, meditation, singing hymns, chanting, praying and many other practices teach us to condition our mind to focus without abusing energy. Yes, playing a musical instrument or singing can also help us to focus in this way, often have performers gone into the zone. In actuality, anywhere where we are focusing, while working at one with energy around us, can lead us to experience this state called the zone. How many people have experienced enlightening experiences while going through some kind of trauma? What is no doubt perceived to be a negative experience by some people, can be one of our most enlightening experiences in our lives.                                                   

You will find the following actually refers to being in the zone to our alter ego, an alternate personality to your normal everyday self.  It would certainly seem that being in the zone can be used by the controlling ego to gain more control and self-satisfaction, even though while being in the zone itself isn't about a controlling ego. The zone is simply neutral and a natural state of existence. I don't actually concur with the findings of the following two inserted articles but some people might find them interesting.           

Even though I rely on psychology to give me some of the answers to life, in the case of the zone, psychology for me really doesn't have the answers or the answers that are true to me. I instead agree with the following.

Happiness (enlightenment) isn't something you seek. You instead allow happiness to seek you, however, the act of seeking happiness (enlightenment) creates motion that leads one to the light when of the perception of being of the dark. The ego, when detaching itself from the control of the ego, will need to seek to then find out it must no longer seek what the ego seeks. You are simply seeking not to seek happiness, a state where the zone (enlightenment) is common place......           

Monday, 19 February 2018

Buddha Nature!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Buddha nature actually refers to the truer self, primarily of the self void of the distractions and influences of the ego. The following question was presented to me on this matter.

Has a dog Buddha nature?

Actually P. RuèGer, a very good and wise question.

We could say that only domesticated pets can become this unconditionally loving, in this case the influence of Buddha nature is influenced by humans.

However, it is well documented that wild animals that have had their lives saved by human's show just as much unconditional love.

This then brings us to the point can animals, domesticated or not, be of Buddha nature.

Buddha Nature: "The terms refer to the notion that the luminous mind of the Buddha is inherently present in every sentient being, and will shine forth when it is cleansed of the defilements, c.q. when the nature of mind is recognised for what it is."

Are animal's sentient beings?

This is questionable: "In Buddhismsentient beings are beings with consciousnesssentience, or in some contexts lifeitself.[1] Sentient beings are composed of the five aggregates, or skandhas: matter, sensation, perception, mental formations and consciousness."

Can animals also attain enlightenment?

To refer to attainment is to also refer to an effort exerted to obtain Buddhahood. It is questionable if animals, unlike human's who have to deal with egotism, have to attain enlightenment to become truly unconditionally loving, actually, it's doubtful.

I myself agree with the following as everything is of consciousness.              

"In Mahayana Buddhism, it is to sentient beings that the Bodhisattva vow of compassion is pledged. Furthermore, and particularly in Tibetan Buddhism and Japanese Buddhismall beings (including plant life and even inanimate objects or entities considered "spiritual" or "metaphysical" by conventional Western thought) are or may be considered sentient beings."

Human's need to be enlightened to the facts beyond egotism, animals don't unless influenced to the extent of human egotism.


I also received the following query from another person, "But I can't help but believe that our essential nature will make itself known somehow, to remind us of who we really are." The following was my reply.


Carolyn Field I think it does this Carolyn but we are too much within the influences of the ego to notice them at times.

Are you not aware of your essential nature? This is all it is unless the ego inflates it into something more comprehensible so that the ego can understand what it comprehends in the first place. Basically, to be more than awareness is ego.

In saying this, our egos underestimate a state of pure awareness, a state void of the influences of ego. Such an underestimation decreases the influence a pure state of awareness can have upon us. Our capabilities beyond ego is infinite in nature, there are simply no limitations.

Just to be aware is enough in a universe, a reality, of egotism.

I should also state that wild animal saving the life of other wild animals show a sense of unconditional love, even towards another species of animal.

Having sacred animals like cows or monkeys might seem ludicrous to the western mind but consider this, a show of unconditional love and respect is shown to another species. Does the western mind respect and show unconditional love even to other human beings? The western mind often shows total disrespect to other people's cultures, it's simply not conditioned to respect and express unconditional love towards anything not of its own. This is unless it can materially gain from this of course.

This now brings us to materialism, a state that has no desire or need of ethical or spiritual matters, animals simply don't have this dilemma. Animals don't have the dilemma of material, ethical or spiritual matters, they are totally free of these matters. They are then of course going to be able to express unconditional love a lot easier than most human beings!!

The essential nature basically refers to the fundamental element within all things for example, energy and spirit. Energy is of everything as the spirit is within everything, the truer self or the truer elements of self void of contamination through separation, for only the ego separates everything to quench its desires!! Animals simply don't have these dilemmas to battle with; it's totally unconditional, not just to do with love but everything as a whole without separation. How many spiritually aware people separate unconditional love form unconditional acceptance, especially in regards to our present environment, animals simply don't have these ego created dilemmas!! 

So are animals of Buddha nature, even possibly more of Buddha nature, our essential nature, than most human beings?      

Monday, 4 January 2016

The Big Picture - A Reflection of Perfection

Written by Mathew Naismith

I believe this post is going to be a heavy post to read, it's going to  look into the small and big picture. Small pictures represent realities while the big picture represents these numerous realities as one whole picture. I will also explain why no one can experience a true enlightenment while predominantly experiencing a particular reality.

Also, this posts heading seems to contradict my last post stating that no true state of perfection exists within spirituality, this too will take a bit of explaining, I will however firstly explain what I mean about the small and big picture. 

Small picture = time + controlling ego + separate realities + no actual reflection of perfection, instead, a presumed judged perfection

Big picture = timelessness + ego + linked realities + a reflection of perfection through observing the whole of existence as one

Small Picture

Time: All realities have a sense of time, this however doesn't have to mean a reality is predominantly influenced by time like our own present experienced reality, it means a consciousness within such a reality, can be aware of time within another reality without actually predominately being influenced in a reality of time. In other words, a consciousness can exist within a timeless state and still be aware of realities of time. This is like some people, within this reality, are aware of a timelessness while in a reality predominantly influenced by time.

Controlling Ego: Stating that all realities are of a controlling ego is a big statement to make here, you must realise that not all realities of a controlling ego are like our present reality. You must also realise that not all controlling ego tendencies are destructive, to most spiritually aware people, this seems to be hard to perceive, this is because all we are aware of is the destructive attributes of a controlling ego within this present reality. There are realities of gold and glitter and pure light but for every conscious form to experience and enjoy, this is quite unlike our own reality. The other difference is that this gold and glitter and light didn't take the destruction of a planet and it's living form to produce, it's created from pure energy that had no form in the first place to destroy.

Separate Realities: As I have explained in a previous post, to get a better idea of separate realities, look at these separate realities like a peace of a jig saw that fits within other peaces of the jigsaw puzzle. Each separate part of the jigsaw puzzle represents a reality, they are separate until linked together within the puzzle.

Notice a said linked instead of joined, this is because joined refers to butting one point of reference against another, jigsaws don't work like this, each peace of the jigsaw is linked together, not butted!!

Yes, each and every reality is linked, take notice of where our own reality, our own peace of the jigsaw, is linked within. Our own reality is indeed linked within other realities, this is why we are able to perceive beyond the perceptions of the reality we are presently experiencing. Now imagine expanding out from this one jigsaw peace, in other words becoming aware of other realities, jigsaw peaces, beyond our own. As I often say, this is going beyond normal human perception.      

Jigsaw puzzles are one of the things that explain the existence of everything quite simply for us to understand, as of anything we create, each creation tells us a little more of our whole self. Jigsaw puzzles however, to me, tell us of our whole existence, not just a part of our existence. Jigsaw puzzles quite plainly explain how each reality is linked.  Each peace of the puzzle makes up a big picture that we can become aware of that we are observing. Yes, every form of  consciousness is observing the big picture, we are mostly unaware of this because we are experiencing realities as separate entities, not as one entity!!    

No Perfection: There is no perfection within a singular or multiple realities, only while being aware of observing the big picture can we observe perfection. As a good internet friend of mine stated in reference to my last post, existence itself as a whole is a reflection of perfection. I totally agreed with this even though it seemed to contradict my statement that no true state of perfection exists within spirituality.

One thing to consider here is paradoxes, general thinking and science ignore and disclaim anything to do with paradoxes, however, quantum physics actually incorporates paradoxes within it's evaluations. Quantum physics, to me, is like explaining about a jigsaw puzzles in a more complicated intricate way.

While a consciousness is only aware and accepting of singular or multiple realities, there is no perfection unless a controlling ego states otherwise, for example, my ideology or enlightenment/awakening is the be and end all. This changes when we realise we are also observing the big picture, each reality becomes worthy as they make up the big picture. Could you imagine not placing a peace of the jigsaw puzzle just because we didn't personally like it, in  doing this, you will never observe the big picture in it's whole state. OK, this reality is highly expressive of chaos and destruction but it still makes up the big picture!!

Big Picture

Timelessness and Ego: It is obvious, while observing time therefore realities, there is no true sense of time, only an observed sense of time. You are observing time when observing realities but you are not predominately influenced by time or these numerous realities.

To a number of people, time and these realities are an illusion, only a sense of timelessness exists totally void of ego. In this state you are not even an observer, there is no kind of awareness at all in this state. Look at it in this way, the observer of time and timeliness is the pinnacle, a state of being in time or timelessness is observed from this pinnacle. To me, being in a state of time OR timelessness is in ignorance of the whole state of existence for which we are, of course a controlling ego will state otherwise.        

No matter what awakening and enlightenment you experience in any reality, such experiences will be influenced by the reality or realities we are influenced by, again, only a controlling ego would state otherwise!! Any consciousness that is unaware of being an observer, is unable to experience true enlightenment, also, any true enlightenment will imminently take you out of your present reality, either it be physical or otherwise. Unless we want to be physically and mentally taken our of a reality, the only enlightenment experienced is an awakening, an awareness, to being an observer. To me, this is more of a precious gift than becoming truly enlightened.....

Linked Realities and Reflection of Perfection: As I have explained, linked realities are like a jigsaw puzzle, each reality in interconnected with other peaces of the jigsaw to make up the big picture. There is no sense of separation in this state, there is  but, in a human way, a sense of perfection represented by oneness, this oneness to us becomes a reflection of perfection. See how each reality influences our perceptions!!

Some people try to explain the whole of our existence through quantum physics, I instead use the humble jigsaw puzzle to explain how everything is interconnected and as one, I just hope I explained myself well enough for you to comprehend.     

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Liberating Ourselves from Inner Turmoil

Written by Mathew Naismith

The cause of turmoil: First of all we need to become aware of these turmoils before we can liberate ourselves form them, this isn’t easy mostly because of where our main focus is on most of the times. Focus is the key here, but to focus, one must know what they need to focus on in the first place, this seems so simple to do but it’s not, this is due to factors that are hidden from our main focus.

For an enlightened person to be in turmoil, this would take them to be unaware for only in ignorance can turmoil exist in one’s life, actually all our dilemmas and tumultuous experiences can only be experienced through being unaware, for example, would we still be warring if we were truly aware, would we be able to express destructive traits period?  No, this is due to, “for only in ignorance can we destroy”.  We now know what to focus on here, our unawareness which brings on the turmoil in one’s life, however,  we still don’t exactly know what kind of unawareness that is bringing on the turmoil in our lives, this indeed can be tricky.

Is man, as a whole, aware that all tumultuous expressions in the world are brought about by ignorance?  We are still warring and bickering which is brought about by our differences in our  ideologies and belief systems. You have to wonder how aware are these ideologies and belief systems, that we are still warring over, made us!!  The thing is, these ideologies and belief systems are only as aware as the people who are following them, any ideology or belief system that endorses (creates) turmoil in anyway, would have to be ignored by people who are more aware because these people are showing how unaware they are through creating turmoil of any kind. Anything that creates turmoil period is unaware, however , this doesn’t mean when one expresses an ideology that upsets others, that such an ideology is being expressed through ignorance, it could also be that the people who are upset by such expressions are unaware within there own ideological beliefs.

This might sound strange, but it matters not which ideological belief systems is causing the turmoil, it’s that the turmoil exists in the first place through being unaware. Could a person into oneness be expressive within there oneness to an atheist and not create some kind of turmoil, on the other hand, could an atheist express their ideological beliefs to a person into oneness without creating some kind of turmoil?  This is why it matters not to which ideological belief system is causing the turmoil, if any ideological belief system is expressed in ignorance, turmoil will always be created. Could a truly enlightened atheist create turmoil?  The answer of cause is no, no one who is this aware would be able to create turmoil, only in our unawareness can turmoil exist. It just shows you how unaware humans are, as a whole, today, we are still creating chaos in the world which creates a lot of turmoil for a lot of people.

The point is, you only have to be aware that turmoil can only exist through being unaware, if we were to point the finger at certain ideological belief systems, we would only create more turmoil in the process. A truly aware person wouldn’t point the finger at any one thing being at fault even though they are aware that certain ideological beliefs are creating the turmoil, if they were to do so, they would be adding to the turmoil.

We do the same within ourselves, I see this happening so often with people becoming spiritual aware, the ego is at fault or a certain ideology are at fault, yes, certain ways an ideology is being used can cause turmoil, however, all we are doing is adding to the turmoil that already exists if we lay fault, in other words judge, when it’s the ignorance within how any ideology is being used that creates such turmoil.
Turmoil, awareness building: Actually it’s a good thing to go through turmoil, only as long as we are aware that all turmoil can only be created through ignorance especially our own ignorance. Going through turmoil in this case is awareness building, you become aware of your own inner turmoil which makes you aware of your own unawareness,  it’s obviously constructive to be aware of our own unawareness.

This is the point, we miss this because we are usually fully focused on our own awareness, not on our unawareness, can we then say that we are truly aware if we are not also aware of our own unawareness?  Being aware of what causes turmoil in our lives is to me obviously worth being aware of.

It’s interesting what brought this post to bare, it’s an inner turmoil I have been battling with for most of my life, I love my human expressions ,but to become truly one,  I need to humanly become more aware, this however would change the way I express myself. The thing is, if  I don’t judged my human expressions as being less unworthy than being at one, why become more humanly aware? True oneness isn’t about being in one state of awareness above all else, it’s about accepting all expressions of conciseness as worthy, in other words all states of consciousness are seen as equal either it be of oneness or otherwise. Could you imagine stating that white people are more worthy than black people, this is what we would be saying if one state of consciousness is more worthy than another within  it’s expression in my mind.

True enlightenment; is a combination of awareness and a state of oneness, not one over and above the other. True, awareness brings forth one’s enlightenment but this doesn’t make awareness more worthy than a state of oneness, actually, the act of becoming aware tells us how unaware we are in the first place, this is because once you are in a oneness state, there is nothing more to become aware of, however, in an unaware state, you have a lot to become aware of. Sadly enough, this awareness becomes our main focus which takes away the oneness within awareness itself, in other words awareness just becomes knowledge, nothing more. 

Yes, to become aware one has to know what they are unaware of, so at this point we are focused on our unawareness , this is until we use this awareness as knowledge. Once this awareness is defined and used as knowledge, we are then mainly focused on what we know, not what we don't know. Enlightenment isn't about knowledge or the use of knowledge, it's about an understanding and acceptance that everything is one no matter how it's being expressed. Knowledge actually separates everything where's an enlightened awareness brings everything together.     

Think on this, why would consciousness itself, within it’s fully enlightened state, choose to become unenlightened, unaware of itself in it’s various forms if being unaware is unworthy?  Yes, being unaware creates turmoil and the less aware we are the more turmoil we create, human history shows this quite clearly however, once we can express all of what consciousness is, without any part of it being any less worthy to express than another, is a good indication of being in a true oneness state. Oneness is only brought on by awareness if we don’t think this awareness is just of knowledge , in other words use awareness just to gain knowledge. True awareness is also about being unaware as well through only this unawareness can all of consciousness be expressed and accepted as one.    

A true enlightened  state is like unconditional love, nothing is more or less worthy to love no matter how it’s expressed. The way humans perceive awareness to me seems way off the mark, this kind of perceptions has nothing to do with a true oneness state, with this perception, you can see why many white people today still see black people as being less worthy.

Become aware of what creates the inner turmoil but also become aware of the way we use and focus our awareness,  is it just for higher knowledge or is it for true oneness? There is a difference, one creates even more turmoil, the other less. Become aware but appreciate your unawareness with the same passion and worthiness. Becoming aware isn’t about using awareness to gain knowledge, it’s about being aware and accepting all of what is no matter how it’s expressed. This acceptance becomes easy once you get away from the human perception of black and white, oneness non-oneness, aware and unaware. The way humans perceive oneness is black and white, it’s not a true expression of oneness until we accept all expressions of consciousness itself.  

I thought I would add something to this post that I think important to be aware of, everything around us tells us exactly who we are. Consider how many nationalities there are and how many languages are spoken, this tells us how vast and varied consciousness is, if we can't accept each other, how are we going to accept ourselves as a whole, as this one consciousness, it's the same thing. Each culture represents an expression of consciousness itself , all the answers are right in front of our face but we can't see them or don't want to see them. If we think one part of an expression of consciousness is better than another, all we will see is what we have judged as being better. Its' worth being aware of this.                      

Friday, 19 September 2014

Yogis and the Soul

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yogis in this instance is also in reference to shamans, sages, soothsayers or anybody who is focused on our true essence self and not on human perceptions and desires.  These people have a gift to be able to go beyond human perceptions and desires and the longer they live like this, the more connected they become to our true essence self, our inner self or God’s consciousness.  

This might seem far fetch but many of us are yogis in the sense. I was recently reading the article in the below link and in one part of this article, it said this world/plain/reality was  full of yogi type people, in other words they were people who were well connected to the true essence of the self, where did these people go? Actually they didn’t go anywhere, they are still right here in this plain living in ignorance to one extent or another of themselves. Many people on Earth are reincarnated from these yogis and once a yogi always a yogi. So how come we are not all practicing yogis?  This is due to human perceptions and desires and a wanting, at the soul level, to become enlightened at the collective level.  

By the way, the following link is certainly worth following up.  

Once we become enlightened at the individual level, I feel we have chosen at the soul level to become enlightened at the collective level which is somewhat a lot more trickier. The main reason for this is it will take a lot longer and the longer it takes, the more of a chance we will entirely give in to human perceptions and desires like Buddha and Jesus could have.  To help us understand what we are doing at the soul level, we need to perceive Buddha and Jesus as being a collective, a reprehensive of the human collective. Now try to understand the trials and tribulation they had to go through to become enlightened, the traumas they needed to experience, now look at the human collective, is what this collective going through any different?  Actually it’s no different, we are at the collective level all seeking enlightenment through the same trials and tribulation that people like Buddha and Jesus experienced.

I’m probably going to be hung for this. There is a drawback to this, we can fail in becoming enlightened at the collective level just like Jesus and Buddha could have so why do this? Well in actual fact we don’t have to do this, if one person has become truly enlightened in this plain, this consciousness, we all have, we really don’t have to take such a risk at the human level and continue to suffer as we do. At the soul level, we have chosen to become enlightened as a collective which will take a huge effort to get through to an enlightened state, we actually don’t have to go through with this if there is a chance that we might not make it. Not making it to enlightenment at the human level will be devastating to the human species as it would have been to Buddha or Jesus but is it a risk we need to take? People like Buddha and Jesus have already done this for us; we don’t have to try to become enlightened at the collective level.  

So how come we are not all enlightened?  We all are it’s just we are unaware of this. The reason for this is again, we have chosen at the soul level to become enlightened as a collective species, to become enlightened at the collective level, we need to go back to being ignorant of our truer selves just like Buddha and Jesus were to start with, they had some idea of their entitlement at the soul level but not to the same extent at the human level.  What I am saying is the collective consciousness has become ignorant of itself to become enlightened as a collective physical species and that we don’t really have to become enlightened in this way. So what other way is there?

Focus on people like Buddha and Jesus (yogis) however don’t idolise them, focus on their mentality, on the way they focused on our truer essence selves without hindrance from human perceptions and desires.  To do this you don’t have to be actually with them or in direct contact with them in any way, just focus on what they focused on mentally and become focused on this. If it makes one feel better, focus on a living yogis but never idolise them. Like when I lived a life in ancient Egyptian time, we were in direct contact with what most Egyptian people thought of as God’s but we never idolised them as such and we became enlightened through our contact with them.  The reason we don’t idolise them is all we would be doing is idolising ourselves, this kind of action of course is egotistical and egotism only enhances our ignorance.  

Please don’t take this seriously, it’s just from a perception I have had recently but it’s certainly worth mentioning.  

Monday, 18 November 2013

Spirituality-Inquiry v Silence

Written by Mathew Naismith

Amended: I have inserted additional supplements to this post in bold letters to better describe the difference between inquiries for our desires & inquiring for our needs, I will also give a real life example of inquiring for our needs. Also at the end of the post I will add another additional supplement pertaining to our hidden ego tendances.  This is the problem of trying to keep the posts short which I won’t try to do in the future; I will just let it flow.

It’s funny how one kind of topic keeps coming up around the same time, it must have something to do with that synchronicity thing again!! The topic in question is inquiry, is or should spirituality be based on inquiry? Well I don’t think it should be but many spiritually aware people think otherwise including a science minded bloke on a Noetic site I’ve recently been conversing with  so are people like myself wrong especially if you think, if we are not inquiring we must be of blind faith & is it blind faith not to inquire? We must also think here there is no right or wrong in spirituality because spirituality isn’t about judgment so any form of life/ideology one chooses to live by is just another form of existence.
I had a bloke say to me about this subject that Jesus made inquiries, how else is one to know about oneself? Inquiries are by far not the only way to gain awareness & wisdom, sitting within one’s silence is another way.  It’s all to do with sitting within your own quietness, Jesus didn’t need to inquire about anything once he started sitting within his own quietness, everything he needed to know just came to him. Ask yourself, how often does this happen in our lives? It’s happened to me a number of times, I would have spiritual experiences out of the blue without inquiry but once I started asking question the experience desisted.  Once you fall within your own quietness there is no need to make any further inquiry, what is needed just comes to one within this quietness/silence however if we desire to know more we cease within our quietness. A need denotes silence but a desire denotes noise, spirituality in my mind isn’t about noise but silence.  Needs also usually denote control of the ego because we are only spiritually feeding our needs however desires are a different kettle of fish. To desire is to inquire to feed our controlling ego. Don’t get me wrong here, there is nothing wrong with feeding the ego through our desires it’s just another way to exist that’s all however it’s not really what I would call spiritually minded.  Yes we can become spiritually aware through this process but it’s the long road around in my mind because you’re not always expressing yourself spiritually, spirituality shouldn’t be about any sort of desires I believe.

Let’s look at this another way, what do spiritualist in India do to become enlightened? They sit within their own silence for hours, days & even years on end to attain this enlightenment/awareness, this sounds like they are inquiring but there not. At first they inquire but it’s only for a very short moment in their lives, once they have fallen within their own quietness only then are they able to know & understand to help them reach enlightenment. This also has a lot to do with suffering as well because within this suffering one will accept all that will come before thee for ever after.  Spirituality isn’t or shouldn’t be about desire but about the acceptance of all & only through the acceptance of all is one able to find true enlightenment; we are in fact talking about a need here not a desire.  “The need to suffer in silence to attain true enlightenment”. 

I would also like to enumerate here that one can also inquire for a need as opposed to inquiring for a desire however there is a fine line here. One must beware of the difference between a desire that is controlled by the controlling ego or a need which isn’t controlled by the ego. To give a better understanding of this I will use a real life example.

I was helping out a lass from Cambodia in various ways, I should mention here it was all above board, anyway she wanted to fit in over here in Australia so she tried to become a Christian. After a few months she came up to me baffled about the ideological concepts of Christianity, she wasn’t happy with it at all so I suggested she stick with what she was comfortable with which was Buddhism. I gave her a book about Buddhism so she could make further inquiries to what she wanted.

In this case it wasn’t an inquiry of desire but a need which wasn’t controlled by the controlling ego. Let’s look at the same scenario but in reverse which is driven by desire not a need. Having a desire to fit in, this lass would have kept making inquiries into Christianity until she herself psychologically accepted these ideological concepts that she was obviously not comfortable with in the first place. This is a desire to fit in which is controlled by the controlling ego. She is to this day quite happy with her choice in not egotistically fitting in.        

However all we are doing is talking about the individual self, what about the collective self, does it too have to suffer, not only suffer in silence but suffer the consequences of the controlling, very noisy, ego to attain enlightenment collectively?  What is above is also below; yes of course the collective has to suffer as the individual self does.  There is also another matter to consider here, why would a soul keep choosing to live within a harsh environment for no reason? We must remember here it’s never about the human vessel but the soul; we are living for the soul soles purpose in reality not our own individual selves. 

This brings us back to blind faith, if were not inquiring all of what we know through silence, our own quietness, is built up on blind faith obviously?  Anyone who has experienced what silence can bring knows it’s not of blind faith however it is understandable anyone who is not of their own silence would look at any awareness/knowing gained from silence being of blind faith.  Anything not detectable by any of the five senses is usually deemed as being of faith only but what are the five senses controlled by?  The controlling ego of course however one can control theses ego tendencies brought to us by the five senses by just taking control of the ego instead of the ego taking control of us. All we need to do is be aware of the controlling factors of the ego & yes it is that simple because all it takes is awareness & the ego will become dysfunctional in its controlling factors quite automatically.

If this or any one of my posts or in fact anyone’s post has upset you in some way you must look within you to why you are feeling this way not look at other people’s perceptions as being wrong in some way. In my case, concerning this post, some people might be offended by me relating the ego to desires, why are you offended by this? It wouldn’t be you don’t want to be seen expressing a lowly human trait like the ego in anyway is it or is it just by expressing anything deemed lowly or unacceptable makes one less spiritual.  If you think on this, what is controlling these thoughts of being a lesser person if we express a lesser valued human trait even when they do help us on our spiritual path?  Interesting isn’t it but don’t worry about not seeing how the hidden ego fools us because it took me years to realise this!!