Written by Mathew Naismith
The cause of turmoil:
First of all we need to become aware of these turmoils before we can liberate
ourselves form them, this isn’t easy mostly because of where our main focus is
on most of the times. Focus is the key here, but to focus, one must know what
they need to focus on in the first place, this seems so simple to do but it’s
not, this is due to factors that are hidden from our main focus.
For an enlightened person to be in turmoil, this would take
them to be unaware for only in ignorance can turmoil exist in one’s life,
actually all our dilemmas and tumultuous experiences can only be experienced
through being unaware, for example, would we still be warring if we were
truly aware, would we be able to express destructive traits period? No, this is due to, “for only in ignorance
can we destroy”. We now know what to
focus on here, our unawareness which brings on the turmoil in one’s life,
however, we still don’t exactly know
what kind of unawareness that is bringing on the turmoil in our lives, this
indeed can be tricky.
Is man, as a whole, aware that all tumultuous expressions in
the world are brought about by ignorance?
We are still warring and bickering which is brought about by our
differences in our ideologies and belief
systems. You have to wonder how aware are these ideologies and belief systems,
that we are still warring over, made us!!
The thing is, these ideologies and belief systems are only as aware as
the people who are following them, any ideology or belief system that endorses
(creates) turmoil in anyway, would have to be ignored by people who are more
aware because these people are showing how unaware they are through creating
turmoil of any kind. Anything that creates turmoil period is unaware, however ,
this doesn’t mean when one expresses an ideology that upsets others, that such
an ideology is being expressed through ignorance, it could also be that the
people who are upset by such expressions are unaware within there own
ideological beliefs.
This might sound strange, but it matters not which
ideological belief systems is causing the turmoil, it’s that the turmoil exists
in the first place through being unaware. Could a person into oneness be
expressive within there oneness to an atheist and not create some kind of
turmoil, on the other hand, could an atheist express their ideological beliefs
to a person into oneness without creating some kind of turmoil? This is why it matters not to which
ideological belief system is causing the turmoil, if any ideological belief
system is expressed in ignorance, turmoil will always be created. Could a truly
enlightened atheist create turmoil? The
answer of cause is no, no one who is this aware would be able to create turmoil,
only in our unawareness can turmoil exist. It just shows you how unaware humans
are, as a whole, today, we are still creating chaos in the world which creates
a lot of turmoil for a lot of people.
The point is, you only have to be aware that turmoil can
only exist through being unaware, if we were to point the finger at certain
ideological belief systems, we would only create more turmoil in the process. A
truly aware person wouldn’t point the finger at any one thing being at fault
even though they are aware that certain ideological beliefs are creating the
turmoil, if they were to do so, they would be adding to the turmoil.
We do the same within ourselves, I see this happening so
often with people becoming spiritual aware, the ego is at fault or a certain
ideology are at fault, yes, certain ways an ideology is being used can cause
turmoil, however, all we are doing is adding to the turmoil that already exists
if we lay fault, in other words judge, when it’s the ignorance within how any
ideology is being used that creates such turmoil.
Turmoil, awareness
building: Actually it’s a good thing to go through turmoil, only as long as
we are aware that all turmoil can only be created through ignorance especially
our own ignorance. Going through turmoil in this case is awareness building,
you become aware of your own inner turmoil which makes you aware of your own
unawareness, it’s obviously constructive
to be aware of our own unawareness.
This is the point, we miss this because we are usually fully
focused on our own awareness, not on our unawareness, can we then say that we
are truly aware if we are not also aware of our own unawareness? Being aware of what causes turmoil in our
lives is to me obviously worth being aware of.
It’s interesting what brought this post to bare, it’s an
inner turmoil I have been battling with for most of my life, I love my human
expressions ,but to become truly one, I
need to humanly become more aware, this however would change the way I express
myself. The thing is, if I don’t judged
my human expressions as being less unworthy than being at one, why become more
humanly aware? True oneness isn’t about being in one state of awareness above
all else, it’s about accepting all expressions of conciseness as worthy, in
other words all states of consciousness are seen as equal either it be of
oneness or otherwise. Could you imagine stating that white people are more
worthy than black people, this is what we would be saying if one state of
consciousness is more worthy than another within it’s expression in my mind.

True enlightenment;
is a combination of awareness and a state of oneness, not one over and above
the other. True, awareness brings forth one’s enlightenment but this doesn’t
make awareness more worthy than a state of oneness, actually, the act of
becoming aware tells us how unaware we are in the first place, this is because
once you are in a oneness state, there is nothing more to become aware of,
however, in an unaware state, you have a lot to become aware of. Sadly enough,
this awareness becomes our main focus which takes away the oneness within
awareness itself, in other words awareness just becomes knowledge, nothing
Yes, to become aware one has to know what they are unaware of, so at this point we are focused on our unawareness , this is until we use this awareness as knowledge. Once this awareness is defined and used as knowledge, we are then mainly focused on what we know, not what we don't know. Enlightenment isn't about knowledge or the use of knowledge, it's about an understanding and acceptance that everything is one no matter how it's being expressed. Knowledge actually separates everything where's an enlightened awareness brings everything together.
Think on this, why would consciousness itself, within it’s
fully enlightened state, choose to become unenlightened, unaware of itself in
it’s various forms if being unaware is unworthy? Yes, being unaware creates turmoil and the
less aware we are the more turmoil we create, human history shows this quite
clearly however, once we can express all of what consciousness is, without any part of it being any less worthy to express than another, is a good
indication of being in a true oneness state. Oneness is only brought on by awareness if we
don’t think this awareness is just of knowledge , in other words use awareness just
to gain knowledge. True awareness is also about being unaware as well through
only this unawareness can all of consciousness be expressed and accepted as
A true enlightened state is like unconditional love, nothing is
more or less worthy to love no matter how it’s expressed. The way humans
perceive awareness to me seems way off the mark, this kind of perceptions has
nothing to do with a true oneness state, with this perception, you can see why
many white people today still see black people as being less worthy.
Become aware of what creates the inner turmoil but also
become aware of the way we use and focus our awareness, is it just for higher knowledge or is it for
true oneness? There is a difference, one creates even more turmoil, the other
less. Become aware but appreciate your unawareness with the same passion and
worthiness. Becoming aware isn’t about using awareness to gain knowledge, it’s
about being aware and accepting all of what is no matter how it’s expressed.
This acceptance becomes easy once you get away from the human perception of
black and white, oneness non-oneness, aware and unaware. The way humans
perceive oneness is black and white, it’s not a true expression of oneness
until we accept all expressions of consciousness itself.
I thought I would add something
to this post that I think important to be aware of,
everything around us tells us exactly who we are. Consider how
many nationalities there are and how many languages are spoken, this tells
us how vast and varied consciousness is, if we can't accept each
other, how are we going to accept ourselves as a whole, as this
one consciousness, it's the same thing. Each culture represents an
expression of consciousness itself , all the answers are right in front of our
face but we can't see them or don't want to see them. If we think one part of
an expression of consciousness is better than another, all we
will see is what we have judged as being better. Its' worth
being aware of this.