Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Emmett Therapy Approach

Written by Mathew Naismith

A young girl was traumatised by a shocking event that occurred to a family, a trauma that sent this young girl into a state of mental isolation and withdrawal. The technique used to help bring this young person out of this state of mental trauma was interesting.

When Emmett approached the young girl, the young girl put her hands on her hips and yelled, "You can't help me." Emmett in return instantly put his hands on his hips and yelled back, "Do you know what a tripod hug is?" The girl then replied, "There is no such thing." Emmett then showed the young girl, of five years old at the time, that tripod hugs do exist from a book Emmett was given on hugs. If Emmett tried to hug this girl or physically treat this girl and not try to reason with this girl on her own level, often deemed too negative to a lot of new age spiritually aware people to go down to, this young girl wouldn't have opened up. In other words stopped suffering from her mental trauma.

Now, try to look at the collective human consciousness as one mind, as one consciousness in obvious severe trauma. If you don't approach this traumatised consciousness on its own level, be it deemed negative or of a lower level than of your own, how is one to truly help this consciousness through it's trauma? Yes, if we ignore all the negatives and lower levels of consciousness apart from our own so-called higher level of consciousness, we will of course deceptively think we are helping this consciousness when were not.

If at any time I approached my disabled clients, often in mental trauma, and tried to preach love and light and /or unconditional love, what do you think would have occurred? Emmett actually instructs his therapists to stay away from using the word love, why? Because the word love can be traumatising to a lot of people, making any therapeutic treatment virtually impossible to successfully implement. Now, how are people of actual hate going to react to love and light and/or unconditional love? In total retaliation. Like Emmett, who had no problem of talking to instead of down to the young girl, talking to a traumatised consciousness in any sense makes a lot more sense than talking down to a consciousness in trauma. Sadly, for a lot of people today trying to help the collective human consciousness in obvious trauma, they are doing a lot more harm than good as the present clearly shows. Yes, they are helping themselves and their own but not the collective consciousness in obvious trauma. Honestly, this approach is actually doing a lot more harm than good only because they obviously have no idea what they are doing.

It would seem, in accordance with my dreams, I have to move aside while the freight train moves by, in a real sense it would seem. In other words get out of the way of the mistreatment of a collective consciousness by another consciousness talking down to the consciousness they say they want to help. If at any time you are talking down to a traumatised consciousness, while perceiving you are of a higher level of consciousness and positive to all else not of your own in any sense, in all honesty, you are adding to the trauma, not helping it. But as my dreams are saying to me, let it all simply unfold, be it that a consciousness has to, at times, learn the hard way, of course this needn't have occurred.                                


Saturday, 6 April 2019

Love, God, Wisdom, Fairies, Etc

Written by Mathew Niasmith

What is the first thing the ego does here? Dissimilarly separates one consciousness from the other in relation to the ego's perception. All the above and more is of the same consciousness, it is just the ego only desires to see what the consciousness physically relates to rather than what the form actually represents consciously. In other words, instead of looking at the physical aspect of consciousness, look at the non-physical aspect of consciousness. How many people worship a physical idol while forgetting what the idle actually represents consciously? For example, how many atrocities have been acted out in the name of Jesus or the cross of Jesus?

Now, how many people today are dissimilarly separating love from wisdom and even love from God? As I wrote recently when I didn't relate love and wisdom, "Good point but with wisdom comes love ever so naturally as if by magic. Yes, multinationals have a very strong and passionate love of money and power but in the absence of wisdom, all this love creates is chaos and destruction. We have love but we don't have the wisdom in implementing this love constructively and peacefully. This is like we don't have the wisdom to use technology. Yes, we are intelligent but do we have the wisdom to know how to use this intelligence, like with love?
Love has always been present but the wisdom in how to use love, as of intelligence, hasn't."
Is love the key? Without wisdom of balance, meaning, wisdom naturally creates a balance as of love, love can become exceptionally destructive and chaotic. The key isn't love but wisdom of balance, the ability to constructively use love, not abusively use love. This is often in the absence of the ego or at least consciously taking away the control of the ego over our own consciousness. Mentioning a constructive peaceful love in the absence of wisdom of balance is pure ego, nothing more, which so often occurs these days. Take away the control of the ego, all you have left is pure wisdom that naturally creates, love, peace, balance and so much more.........      

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Love-Pure Spirit

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wrote the following in reply to the question, what is love?  

OK, is honesty binding and dishonesty unbinding in a relationship? Honesty creates room for love to flourish where dishonesty creates room for hate to flourish.
Is love of pure spirit that binds everything and hate of un-pure spirit that separates everything? The answer to me is obvious, you are perfectly correct Richard and PL which doesn't surprise me one bit.

In how many relationships does hate flourish in when dishonesty is present? Now, in how many relationships does love flourish in when honesty is present?
Make no mistake, our relationship with our entire environment works just like a personal relationship, where dishonesty creates hate and honesty creates love. Yes, while trying to be expressive of honesty within a predominant dishonest reality, you will be hated for being too honest but better this than being dishonest and only creating room for hate to exist in. On a personal level, how often is one partner's honesty rebuked/hated by the dishonest partner?
Expect to be hated while knowing that the love you are expressing is true, honest and sincere.      

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Making Room for Love to Flourish In

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it, making room for love to flourish in? Consider this, how much room has hate taken up? Is it reasonable to say that hate cannot flourish in a world where love flourishes, where there is no room for hate to expand in?

I wrote the following to another person in regards to a love that has no conditions.         

For love to flourish, instead of hate, honesty must prevail. How much hate does dishonesty create? I think the answer to this is too obvious. How much love does honesty create? Is the answer to this obvious to a lot of us, honestly?

Honesty must prevail to being first hated to be then embraced, once we accomplish this, love will have all the room it wants to flourish in.


Well stated PL. I have a love of this 3D reality as I have love of a 4th and 5th, etc, dimensional realities where others only show contempt towards this reality. Contempt simply shows a love that is based on conditions. Our present reality seems to be purely based on conditional love, but I still have no contempt for this kind of love/reality for my love has no conditions.
Do I have contempt for a corporate world destroying all within it's path that does not serve them? No, I only express it's shortcomings. I am simply honest within my expressions and that is what matters the most to me.
In all honesty, how much room are we giving love to flourish in when we are still showing so much contempt for one thing or another? In all honesty, were not. Any sign of contempt simply gives more room for hate to flourish in, for contempt is closely associated to hate, not to love, especially unconditional love.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Helping the Empathic

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you only relate being empathic to the spiritual or spiritually aware, bare with me as this is not the case. Psychology recognises the existence of being empathic for a very good reason but before we go into this, I think we need to define what being empathic is.  

Empathic; showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

It is important not confuse being empathic to being of empathy. "Empathy is the ability to comprehend or imagine what another might be feeling. Whereas, the Empath can literally feel what another person feeling." It is also wise not to only relate being empathic to being spiritual, in actuality being empathic has nothing to do with being spiritual or spiritually aware, you are either sensitive to other people's vibrations or your not. This is like my wife can't hear a mosquito in the room but I can, my ears are obviously more sensitive to the vibrations of the mosquito flying than my wife. At other times my wife can hear/feel vibrations I can't.

Look at it this way, how many people are more sensitive to what is going on in the world to other people, other people who are far less emotionally involved to what is occurring in the world. Yes, I am relating being empathic to our emotions therefore vibrations for everything that is of energy vibrates. A less emotional person is not going to feel what is going on in the world to the same degree as an empath. Yes, certain atheists, materialists and scientists, are more objective, a state of mind not influenced by emotions, than spiritually aware people. This does not mean that spirituality brings on feelings of an empath but it can certainly help. Spirituality simply works by teaching or conditioning a person's consciousness to be more subjective, a state of mind influenced by emotions.

Sadly, a lot of objectively minded people only see being empathic as a bias, a mind influenced by our emotions giving us bias evaluations of ourselves and our environment as a whole. You could put this another way, giving subjectively minded people a distorted sense of reality. Yes, this is what objective people think, which is also of a distorted reality based purely on objective thinking, one way of thinking and being. This is while none of us are truly unemotional or unbiased by the way we think, either it be objectively or subjectively of mind. Yes, objective minded people think they are not biased by the way they think, even when they primarily think objectively!!          
Everything is of energy therefore everything vibrates, so if my wife doesn't hear or feels the mosquito's vibrations in the room, the mosquito doesn't exist? The same is with ghosts, they don't exist because we are unable pick up on a ghosts vibrations. Yes, some people are more sensitive to certain vibrations than others, just because certain other people are insensitive to these vibrations, doesn't make them unreal. The question is now, is an objective mind, conditioned to certain vibrations only, less sensitive to other vibrations outside of objective thinking? To a person like me who subjectively and objectively thinks, the answer is too obvious.    

Now, how do we help a subjective mind cope better with being empathic? I should point out our objective part of our mind copes a lot better with being empathic. 

As the following will show, there is a psychological way of dealing with being empathic, however, if you prefer to do it another way, my suggestion is through a sense of unconditional love. This does not mean you have to force yourself to love everyone and every situation you find yourself in, this is highly impractical in a reality such as the present reality. All you have to do is have a sense of unconditional love, in other words a general conscious awareness of the existence of unconditional love. Of course if your mind is conditioned to being primarily objective, even a sense of unconditional love doesn't exist, very much like the mosquito in the room.

In a state of unconditional love, it is impossible to feel negative or toxic vibrations, for the love of being unconditional in your thoughts dispels, negates or neutralises the affects of negative/toxic vibrations. Think of it like neutralising the mosquito in the room, dispelling any vibration that is not in tune with your own vibrations. Yes, often I have heard negative /toxic vibrations being expressed while at the same time being expressive of the existence of a sense of unconditional love, which of course is impossible. Make no mistake, being aware of a sense of unconditional love doesn't dispel negative vibration but it does take the toxicity or the ill affects away from negative vibrations. The negative vibrations simply become nullified or neutralised, for one has no sense of conditions. Basically, a sense of unconditional love releases our mind from the numerous conditions we put upon ourselves and the rest of our environment.

I have simply lost count in how many conditions there are on being spiritually aware these days!!               

Extract: The trademark of an empath is feeling and absorbing other people’s emotions and/or physical symptoms because of their high sensitivities. These people filter the world through their intuition and have a difficult time intellectualizing their feelings.

Extract: It’s perhaps not the first accolade you would think of when think of the UAE, but it is an accolade none the less.
A study looking into the psychology of countries and their residents revealed that three countries in the Middle East – the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait – are three of the most empathetic countries in the world.

Friday, 14 December 2018

Creating a Sustainable Reality

Written by Mathew Naismith

Viruses often consume and breed to the extent of completely devouring their host until there is nothing left, this is unless balanced out with some kind of anti-virus, natural or not. What occurs when we don't get enough sun or too much sun? The same is with our diet, too much of one type of food is not healthy for us as it is of too little of another food. What about love, can you get too much love? Wouldn't excessive expressions of love create a far healthier environment than we have today?

If you ever heard a plant die you would realise that plants, as of animals, suffer, in actuality even more so as they take a lot longer to die. We often show love and concern of an animal being mistreated or killed to sustain our own healthy environment. Yes, your body and mind is an environment, an environment that needs a well balanced sustainable energy source to stay healthy. Now, imagine expressing love to all living things without exception. Just because most people are unable or unwilling to hear plants slowly die, doesn't mean plants don't suffer to sustain our own healthy environment.

What about over populating the planets environment, to the extent of excessively unbalancing the planets environment until the planets environment is totally unable to sustain this kind of energy abuse. Excessive expressions of love wouldn't just mean we wouldn't eat anything, it would also mean, at the same time, that we would keep on over populating the planets environment, very simular to a mindless unemotional virus. As of unconditional love, where we only express unconditional love to energy sources that are going to feed our type of unconditional love, to become aware of animals suffering and not plants, is of the same kind of abuse of energy. To sustain our energy, a healthy environment, we often overly abuse one energy source in favour of another energy source.

A balanced form of love isn't like this where one energy source is abused in favour of another, all is treated as one. In actuality all is treated as an energy source on equal terms to all sources of energy.  Within this, a true sense of balance is sustained which in-effect helps to sustain our own and the planets environment, without being self-deceptive or deliberately ignorant to one source of energy in favour of another source of energy.

The love expressed by tribe's people of the planets environment is a true expression of love, even while using other energy forms to sustain their own energy form. Their love was expressed through appreciation, that a balance between their own environment and the rest of the environment, which they are also apart of, is vital for the health of all energy sources. Remember, you can't destroy energy, you can only transform energy. Of course a healthy environment is all to do with how we transform energy. Abusing energy in an imbalanced way will only create an unhealthy environment for all energy sources. Self-deceptively ignoring the abuse of one energy source in favour of another energy source is simple abuse of energy. To be unaware is one thing, to be purposely ignorant in favour of another energy source is another thing, especially when this kind of abuse is used to sustain our own present energy level.

Yes, it's all to do with the way we transform energy, not that we should abuse one energy source in favour of another energy source. Where is the balance in this kind of abuse of energy? You simply transform energy, while at the same time being appreciative of the energy you are transforming. Everything is energy or if you like everything is of God. Imagine abusing a far more aware and wiser energy source like God, especially in favour of your own energy sustainability over all other energy sources sustainability. Mind boggling isn't it? It's like a mindless virus that is only interested in its own sustainability, sustaining its own healthy environment that is completely based on the abuse of other energy sources.

Yes, love but love in balance with the rest of the environment. In truth, an animal or plant doesn't spiritually mind being transformed, as long as it's not abused while being transformed. The same is with the planet. The planet doesn't mind being transformed, as long as we do it non-abusively as of any energy source or form doesn't. Let's be honest here, energy never stays the same, all energy forms will transform anyway, it is the way energy transforms that makes the difference. If used in a balanced non-abusive way, in other words loved and appreciated, energy as a whole will create a sustainable healthy environment, if not, you will only create a reality we are experiencing today.                                           

Friday, 7 December 2018

Love -The Universal Answer!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do get some insightful people asking insightful questions at times, is not love the universal answer?

Very good question Charlene, is love the universal answer? A question related to this is, is love the ultimate state? To refer to love being the universal answer is stating that love is the ultimate state to all other states. To perceive this takes the separation of energy, an ultimate state separate from all other states.

What part of us separates energy? Ego, for only through the ego can energy be separated into higher and lower forms of energy. The egoless self perceives no separation for there is no separation in this state therefore no universal answer or ultimate state, it is simply energy or if you like of God.  

Yes, to the ego that is aware there is a perceived universal answer therefore an ultimate state above all other states. This is how the ego in control works, there has to be an ultimate state of pleasure for the pleasure of the ego.

Also, everyone has a different perception of what love is, even unconditional love. How many multinationals have an absolute unconditional love of power and money, they will do anything to acquire this, even to the extent of destroying the planet. This is purely unconditional, where even the conditions of the planet are ignored. In truth, there is no difference between unconditional love of spiritually aware people and multinational, it is all to do with serving the ego in control, for it's all to do with what makes us feel good. Pleasing the ego above all else no matter what.

I know this is hard to perceive but all of what is, is the ultimate state, in a sense, to the egoless self. Yes, as our egos become aware, our ego will feel powerful feelings of love, what the ego does with this from then on will make a difference. The ego out of control will often only desire to see this state as being some ultimate state, above all other states. What occurs most often in this state? The separation of our egos from anything negative, negative to our egos feeling good, it is all about the pleasure of our controlling egos.

I can be in any environment and still feel blissful, as a lot of us are at present within this kind of chaotic reality. This isn't because of separating good from bad, positive from negative, like a lot of people are trying to do to sustain this state, it is to do with humbling myself to the negatives as of the positives without separation or desire. I don't have a desire to be only of positive or of an ultimate state; all I try to express is balance and a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. If the rest of my environment is not of my own or accepting of my environment, so be it, it is what it is.

Yes, without effort, the ego can find itself in a loving blissful environment, at no time in this environment is this state perceived as an ultimate state or universal answer, it is simply a state of the absence of the abuse of energy. Of course to the ego that is experiencing the abuse of energy, this state of the absence of the abuse of energy will seem like an ultimate state.

Sorry Charlene for such a long answer.

We do this so often, anything that makes the ego feel more powerful, secure and makes us feel good inside, is often given some kind of God status, an absolute state of desire. As money and power are given a God status by materialists, unconditional love is given a God status by various western spiritually aware people. What is with this God status in relation to unconditional love, especially considering unconditional love is a very small part of the process of becoming aware? They are still fumbling in the dark for they obviously know not what they do. Is this because our egos so often attaches itself to a God like status symbol? All other awareness to this God status symbol is negative and should be denounced in some way, even when the awareness comes from actual experiences and occurrences!! Actually, any awareness that goes beyond a God status symbol is often scorned the most, especially if supported with actual experiences, occurrences and supporting data.

This is like the perception of good battling it out with evil, this is clearly an ego perception of good against bad. Good in this case is given a God like status symbol by the ego. Evil cannot exist within the presence of good, a pure aware state or a state of God. Good in this case simply means awareness compared to ignorance. Evil, being bad, is simply a state of ignorance; imagine how a state of deliberate ignorance would react to a state of pure awareness. There is no battle for only the ego can battle itself out with itself, in other words go to war with itself. To the ego, there is a good and bad for only can the ego separate energy like this. What you have in this case is a partially aware consciousness battling it out with an ignorant conciseness. Of course only being particularly aware means we are still abusing energy, this of course, to the ego, means we are only partially good.

Look at this way, once you become aware, how hard is it to then become unaware? The only way to become unaware is to manipulate energy, in other words abuse energy to serve a desired state, or, to create a God like status symbol that keeps us unaware of anything more. I have experienced this myself, evil, in other words ignorance, cannot exist within the presence of a state of pure awareness, unless the state of pure awareness is manipulated. Of course being aware to this degree is the awareness of how energy is manipulated, as a lot of people today are obviously aware. Yes, conscious states of ignorance are at war with the good, but, a pure state of awareness is not at war with ignorance (evil). If the ego has to perceive a God like status symbol, like unconditional love, let it be a state of pure awareness instead, or if you like, a true state of God for ignorance has no status in this state.

Friday, 5 October 2018

Unconditional Consciousness

In you, as in each human being, there 
is a dimension of consciousness far 
deeper that thought. It is the very 
essence of who you are. We may call it 
presence, awareness, the 
unconditional consciousness. 
Eckhart Tolle

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had a hard time finding written material that didn't express some kind of conditions in regards to unconditional love. How many of us truly relate feeling unconditional love to being positive, right, good, etc? This is of course in opposition to being negative, wrong, bad, etc. If one was to even remotely experience a state of unconditional themselves, the absence of conditions related to being positive, right, good, etc, is evident. Once you truly experience this state, the perceptions of any conditions relating to unconditional love simply don't exist. Let's be honest, positive, right, good, etc, are but perceptions created by conditions however there is a reason why we relate conditions like, positive, right and good, to unconditional love.

To experience a state of unconditional love one must be of an unconditional consciousness, a consciousness of the absence of conditions like positive and negative, good and bad, right and wrong. How many people think you have to be positive, right, good, etc, to be able to experience a state of unconditional love? Of course to simply feel unconditional love, which is different from experiencing unconditional love, takes a huge amount of conditions as just mentioned. I have lost count of how many spiritual forums I have been active on. I can't think of one that remotely expressed any kind of unconditional love, in actually to stay on these forums, certain strict conditions have to be continually met.

What if I said that any truly discordant entity will avoid any state expressing a true sense of unconditional love. I experienced this state when I was younger. I got myself into a situation that could have been detrimental to me. What occurred without effort is I expressed unconditional love which is quite different to simply just feeling unconditional love. The detrimental situation I found myself in was instantly reversed. When you are of a true unconditional consciousness, you will at times find yourself in situations like this because you have no conditions within a reality of duality. You don't have the expectations or demand that you have to feel good or positive all the times or even most of the times, within this lack of conditions in this state, you will experience all kinds of conscious states, not just the conscious states you desire to experience or feel. How many people have the strict conditions to only feel positive or of love and light? The conditions attached to these feelings are insurmountable. You must of course avoid anything remotely judged negative; this is not a true depiction of an unconditional consciousness or love. 

No spiritual forum I participated on remotely resembled what I am speaking of here, quite the opposite actually. On one spiritual forum it was more accepted to call people toxic and to speak of toxic vibrations on a regular basis. I spoke out against these kinds of expressions and I was immediately removed from the forum, remember, anything remotely discordant and abusive of energy, will not like being in the presence of an unconditional consciousness!! Yes, I also stopped interacting on certain spiritual forums simply because I was on a different journey, of course being removed from so-called loving spiritual forums shows that the forum was also not of my journey. It's one thing to be unconditional within your consciousness, it's another thing to be on a different journey, and yes, you may also feel you are not on the same journey as the human collective consciousness. Don't' feel obligated or attached to a journey that is no longer your journey.

Please remember, feeling that you are not on the same collective human journey doesn't instantly make the human collective journey negative, bad or wrong, it's simply a different journey to your own. I have had to detach myself from certain people in my life, not because they where negative, wrong or bad, but because I found myself on a different journey to theirs. Yes, you will find yourself detached from anything discordant when going into and experiencing states of harmony; at no time should this mean what you are detaching yourself from is negative in any sense.

We might then think that being in states of harmony takes conditions, the conditions being to become detached to anything remotely discordant. Experiencing states of harmony isn't to do with detachments, it's actually to do with conditioning (training) your consciousness to being unconditional. This means while you are on a different journey to others, this doesn't instantly make your journey to be a more positive journey because it's more harmonious. So to be more harmonious one has to be positive!! Having to be positive to experience states of harmony is clearly a condition. Avoid this kind of perception at all cost. Think on this, how many people experience their most enlightening experiences while going through some kind of trauma? How many people are becoming more aware due to the collective human trauma? Yes, there are a lot of people who think they are unconditionally loving and of a true sense of love and light when their obviously not. This is simply a part of the process of the collective human consciousness becoming more aware. Be patient with it but at the same time try to assist this consciousness on its journey. As you would of your children, you try to make the human journey of becoming more aware of their environment less traumatising, of course as of children, learning the hard way is the only way to learn at times.

I actually found the bellow written material didn't relate unconditional love to conditions like positiveness. Within a state of unconditional love, you don't have any perceptions of positives or negatives because there are no conditions within this kind of consciousness. You simply don't look at yourself as being positive and everyone else compared to you as being negative. This kind of perception or expression simply does not exist within this state, it can't. The reason these kinds of conditions cannot exist within this state is because any kind of discordance is unable to exist with the presence of this state. Any kind of separation and division, such as conditions, is discordant because it is simply an abuse of energy. I experienced this first hand when I found myself in a situation that could have been detrimental to me. I simply expressed a oneness with them no matter how consciously separated they felt they were from me. How many people are able to express a oneness with what they would call toxic or demonic? I should point out that the oneness unconditional love state I found myself in simply occurred without effort. There were no expectations or desire of expressing this state as there were no conditions to this state to occur.

Imagine existing in a reality where there is no need of positiveness because there are no perceived negatives, hard to imagine for a collective consciousness conditioned to numerus conditions. When a consciousness speaks of unconditional love while not also relating numerous conditions to unconditional love, I know this is a true depiction of an unconditional consciousness of a kind.      

Extract: Unconditionality is the inchoate vitality before formed thought. It presents no judgment about life or anything in it. We surrender to the flow of it. Without expectations or judgments, we are immersed in being. Unpredictability, variability do not look disorderly or strange as life unfolds moment-to-moment. It just is. We just are. Everything is rich, fascinating, and materializing in the moment.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Unconditional Love Unveiled

Written by Mathew Naismith

Is unconditional love of a mother towards her child or a faithful pet is towards their owner?

In truth, no on both accounts even though a form of unconditional love is being expressed. As soon as unconditional love is expressed, love is no longer unconditional. The conditions are, the child has to be of the mother and the pet has to be owned by their owner. Does a mother love a stranger unconditionally as they do their child? It's simply a form of unconditional love, not a true sense of unconditional love. So what is unconditional love unveiled, shown for what it actually is?

Can we express unconditional love towards flees, ants, lice and weevils, etc? The conditions to be able to express unconditional love in relation to these creatures are what? Even what we perceive to be unconditional love has conditions, at times insurmountable conditions only because all expressions are not of a true form of unconditional love. 

How often do we show a form of unconditional love towards another human, but not what humans rely on for their existence? We could not have created the reality of today without the existence of rock and wood, how many of us even show an ounce of appreciation for rock and wood? How many of us have shown a kind of unconditional love towards rock and wood? There are insurmountable conditions to our expressed love.

Everything that exists within a reality of motion is a form of an expression of one kind or another, expressing a truer form of unconditional love within this kind of existence is futile. However, even while experiencing an existence in motion, one can be of unconditional love as opposed to expressive of unconditional love.

First of all, try to imagine unconditional love not being of motion but motionless, a state often known as zero point, nothingness, pure awareness, emptiness, etc. Believe it or not, these states refer to the same state however, for example, how can nothingness also be of pure awareness?

From a consciousness primarily conditioned to motion, any state of motionlessness is going to be perceived as being of nothingness, totally empty, this would also have to mean empty of awareness. Imagine the wind not blowing. Just because the wind is not blowing, doesn't mean the wind doesn't exist or isn't present, it simply means the wind is virtually motionless. For many of us, if the wind isn't blowing means the wind doesn't exist. As of anything within a reality of motion, there is movement no matter how subtle it might be.

Now, imagine how a consciousness, conditioned to motion, would perceive a state of motionlessness. It would be perceived to be completely void of anything and understandably so.

Imagine being in a state where there are no conditions. Yes, certain humans have reached this state by simply being of unconditional love instead of trying to be expressive of unconditional love. There are simply no conditions to what your love is of, as soon as we try to express this love, we then define what this love is going to be expressed to. Certainly not to rocks and trees or the entire universe we rely on for our very own existence. Within this motion we have created huge amounts of conditions. Within all motions there are conditions, this is why unconditional love is of motionlessness, states of perceived nothingness/emptiness.

States of motion = conditions + love + expressions + separation

States of motionlessness = no conditions + unconditional love + non-expressions + union  

When you come across someone who is like being of unconditional love, are they expressive of unconditional love or simply naturally without effort exude unconditional love, there is a difference? Imagine having as much love for rocks and wood or Earth period as you do your child. Don't get me wrong here, not everyone who is perceived to be unconditionally loving towards Earth/nature is expressing unconditional love. Often these people will show less love towards humans for there actions towards Mother Nature as a whole.

This motionlessness state seems to be the ultimate state. Not at all. All of what is, is the ultimate state without separation of states of motion and motionlessness. Of course, only in states of motion can separation occur, especially the separation from a state of pure awareness to states of unawareness. I find this interesting, the further we become unaware in this separation, the more expressive of hate and of unacceptance we become. It is then quite understandable that less motion we express, the more unconditionally loving we become. Really, another expression for a state of unconditional love is a state of pure awareness or oneness; of course to become purely aware or of oneness takes one to free oneself completely of conditions.

I think to truly comprehend and understand what I am saying here, takes one to have experienced certain states of awareness as opposed to unawareness. There are as many experiences that can be experienced that will make us less aware, than there are experiences that will make us more aware. This is where wisdom comes into it; no experience can make you less aware within a state of wisdom.

By not separating states of motionlessness from motion is more of a Hindu/Taoist concept than a Buddhist concept, all is worthy and a natural part of existence as a whole. Yes, the ultimate state to human consciousness is going to be a state of oneness/pure awareness, however, once in this state, all of existence is realised to be worthy and of the ultimate state void of separation. This is unconditional love unveiled.      

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Mystic Thoughts

Written by Mathew Naismith
Someone asked, “What is love?” I answered,
“You will know when you become ‘we.’”

Try to remember, the perception of God here represents one consciousness, a state of oneness, a singular consciousness instead of numerous separate consciousnesses.  

We, is in reference to no exceptions of negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right, theist and atheist, black and white, dark and light. An example, I am of the light; you being of the dark are not accepted as we.

Love and light is not in counteraction or opposition to hate and dark, only through a perception of hate and dark can this be perceived. Too many people today use love and light in counteraction or opposition, this is not we but I, a separation by the ego from a perceived opposing motion!!

Has love and/or light an opposite? For many people, love and/or light doesn't have an opposite, this is of hate and dark perceptions. Why? We first think an opposite refers to oppositions, when only in hate and dark perceptions can this be perceived.

The Western mind in all of us is about separation therefore creates opposition, hate.

The Eastern mind in all of us is about union therefore creates compatibility, love.

God represents a singular consciousness therefore love no matter of what motion, for example of motion, dark and light. This doesn't mean this singular consciousness is loving, it simply means it's of love. The Western mind perceives God is loving when this singular consciousness, represented by what we call God, is of love, there is a difference.

Humans, in their separate forms, are loving, be it through God or anti-God. This singular consciousness, God, void of separation is this love humans express. It is also wise to be aware that opposites are only in opposition when perceived separations occur!!      

Monday, 26 February 2018

Genuine Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

This video was presented by a person who I took under my wing to all her friends; I looked after them because they were having trouble assimilating into Australian culture, very much on their own accept for a child. They were trying to assimilate that much that they tried to assimilate into a religion they didn't understand.

Because this person was from Cambodia, I gave them a book on Buddhism. It's OK to assimilate into another culture but you don't have to personally give up the culture you are conditioned to, this also means not giving up an ideology and/or philosophy you are conditioned to. Of course if the ideology and/or philosophy are in conflict with the culture you are trying to assimilate into, often compromises have to be met.

I am so proud of this person presenting such a video on genuine love to all their friends, my guidance has proven itself to be true. So often do we guide people down our own path when they have their own path to follow. Yes, be expressive of your own path, which may or may not be helpful to other people's path, but avoid leading people down your own path.

What does a teacher do, do they guide their students down their own path or guide the students down the students own path? The teacher is simply being expressive of their own path that may or may not be helpful to the students own path. As they say," You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. "You can guide a student to your own waters but you can't make them of your own waters, this is unless the student's path is a part of your waters.

You could imagine how I feel that someone I have guided presented such a compelling video to all their friends. Genuine love isn't of attachments or desire, it's of the release of attachments and desires, Even attachments to ideological concepts that teach/preach love are not of genuine love. Attachments period are not of genuine love but of a desired love.

My own path is not to follow ideological concepts that I attach myself to but to use these ideological concepts simply as a guide, of course other people's path is to become attached to ideological concepts and use them as everyone's path. One is expressive of genuine love the other isn't.

It's not about what the teacher feels but of what the student feels. Genuine love is all about what the student inwardly and outwardly feels; this is the teacher's role. The student within us must also be guided in the same way without losing the teacher's guidance of genuine love.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Buddha Nature!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Buddha nature actually refers to the truer self, primarily of the self void of the distractions and influences of the ego. The following question was presented to me on this matter.

Has a dog Buddha nature?

Actually P. RuèGer, a very good and wise question.

We could say that only domesticated pets can become this unconditionally loving, in this case the influence of Buddha nature is influenced by humans.

However, it is well documented that wild animals that have had their lives saved by human's show just as much unconditional love.

This then brings us to the point can animals, domesticated or not, be of Buddha nature.

Buddha Nature: "The terms refer to the notion that the luminous mind of the Buddha is inherently present in every sentient being, and will shine forth when it is cleansed of the defilements, c.q. when the nature of mind is recognised for what it is."

Are animal's sentient beings?

This is questionable: "In Buddhismsentient beings are beings with consciousnesssentience, or in some contexts lifeitself.[1] Sentient beings are composed of the five aggregates, or skandhas: matter, sensation, perception, mental formations and consciousness."

Can animals also attain enlightenment?

To refer to attainment is to also refer to an effort exerted to obtain Buddhahood. It is questionable if animals, unlike human's who have to deal with egotism, have to attain enlightenment to become truly unconditionally loving, actually, it's doubtful.

I myself agree with the following as everything is of consciousness.              

"In Mahayana Buddhism, it is to sentient beings that the Bodhisattva vow of compassion is pledged. Furthermore, and particularly in Tibetan Buddhism and Japanese Buddhismall beings (including plant life and even inanimate objects or entities considered "spiritual" or "metaphysical" by conventional Western thought) are or may be considered sentient beings."

Human's need to be enlightened to the facts beyond egotism, animals don't unless influenced to the extent of human egotism.


I also received the following query from another person, "But I can't help but believe that our essential nature will make itself known somehow, to remind us of who we really are." The following was my reply.


Carolyn Field I think it does this Carolyn but we are too much within the influences of the ego to notice them at times.

Are you not aware of your essential nature? This is all it is unless the ego inflates it into something more comprehensible so that the ego can understand what it comprehends in the first place. Basically, to be more than awareness is ego.

In saying this, our egos underestimate a state of pure awareness, a state void of the influences of ego. Such an underestimation decreases the influence a pure state of awareness can have upon us. Our capabilities beyond ego is infinite in nature, there are simply no limitations.

Just to be aware is enough in a universe, a reality, of egotism.

I should also state that wild animal saving the life of other wild animals show a sense of unconditional love, even towards another species of animal.

Having sacred animals like cows or monkeys might seem ludicrous to the western mind but consider this, a show of unconditional love and respect is shown to another species. Does the western mind respect and show unconditional love even to other human beings? The western mind often shows total disrespect to other people's cultures, it's simply not conditioned to respect and express unconditional love towards anything not of its own. This is unless it can materially gain from this of course.

This now brings us to materialism, a state that has no desire or need of ethical or spiritual matters, animals simply don't have this dilemma. Animals don't have the dilemma of material, ethical or spiritual matters, they are totally free of these matters. They are then of course going to be able to express unconditional love a lot easier than most human beings!!

The essential nature basically refers to the fundamental element within all things for example, energy and spirit. Energy is of everything as the spirit is within everything, the truer self or the truer elements of self void of contamination through separation, for only the ego separates everything to quench its desires!! Animals simply don't have these dilemmas to battle with; it's totally unconditional, not just to do with love but everything as a whole without separation. How many spiritually aware people separate unconditional love form unconditional acceptance, especially in regards to our present environment, animals simply don't have these ego created dilemmas!! 

So are animals of Buddha nature, even possibly more of Buddha nature, our essential nature, than most human beings?      

Saturday, 17 February 2018

What Is a True Sense of Love?

Written by Mathew Naismith

We are certainly going to have a different perspective on this, giving that each of us are conditioned to a certain way of perceiving in our own way.

A true sense of love to me is a love with fewer conditions attached, not more. A good example of this is relationships, why do some relationships work and others don't?

It all comes down to the conditions we attach to the love within a relationship. In observation of a loving relationship, you will observe that fewer conditions are attached, for example, how many positives and negatives are expressed or even observed? Each perception of negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right, etc, add more conditions to the love, of course the love, the relationship, in the end will fail if too many conditions are attached.  

Through new age spirituality, how many negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right, etc, are expressed, even the word toxic has become a common phrase. These perceptions are putting more conditions on our love, not less, so how true is this kind of love really?

I was recently on the receiving end of this kind of love that had insurmountable amounts of conditions attached to their love. Just because we create our own reality, our own vibrations that we are comfortable with, doesn't make all other realities (vibrations) negative or positive but this is exactly what is occurring?

If you desire it or not, we are all a part of the collective consciousness, it's wise to moderate the conditions we put upon this relationship. Of course to desire to have to feel all warm and fluffy to express love is but another condition; this in turn creates anything but a true sense of love!! Did Mother Teresa and Florence Nightingale always feel warm and fluffy? Their love had nothing to do with the desire to feel all warm and fluffy......themselves.

Participate in love by all means, but observe your own participation to make sure you are not putting more conditions on your love.     

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Harmony - The Key to Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is indeed ironical. I awoke this morning to the understanding of me writing a post about peace and love, being that peace creates a sense of love, not the other way around. Love is simply a natural process of being harmonious. As we quieten the mind, we quieten the disharmony within our mind while at the same time creating a sense of love. Peace/harmony is the key to love.

I wrote the following in a discussion relating to the topic of; what is your core element that determines your way of thinking and being. I wrote faith, in that I have faith that human consciousness will go along with the natural evolution and evolve from it's present consciousness. A lot of people said love but one person simply said peace, I wrote the following in response to this.

1: Indeed peace because how would one truly be of love if disharmonious? Harmony naturally and automatically brings us a true sense of love, love simply isn't the be and end all as it is treated today.

In the sixties it was peace and love, peace brings love, basically, love is part of the natural process of peace, love is only apart of the process as love derives from peace, not the other way around.

This is like today's perception of light which denotes awareness, as of intelligence, what is awareness void of wisdom; the same is with what is love void of a true sense of peace?

We are today so focused on light and love when light and love are determined by base factors like wisdom and peace. How many people today are focused simply on wisdom and peace? I think the sixties had it more correct than we do today in western spirituality.      

Stating simply peace is perfect, a true sense of spiritual understanding in my mind.

2: Indeed, peace to one person isn't peace to another person. Is a multinational in financial dire-straights at peace? Is a peaceful person at war at peace?

Of course we could say here that a multinational at peace financially isn't very loving but he is, he loves his wealth as much as a spiritual person loves another person. Even a true sense of love is ambiguous it would seem.

We could say that peace is also ambiguous as the peace and love of a multinational and a spiritual person is different. As a multinational is not at peace with being poor, a spiritual person is not at peace in being materialistic or destructive.

Simply, peace, like love, is ambiguous until it becomes true......

3: Of course, peace simply says it all. I go deep so that others have an opportunity to comprehend and understand a true sense of peace and love. Behind love a true sense of peace/harmony resides.

I handle the environment we presently exist in differently, I don't perceive a negative or a positive, it is what it is, as in it just is, void of anything having to be of one thing or another.

My wife and I haven't watched TV for over 9 years now, I do miss the docs though, not the news. The news these days is only of what they want us to be aware of.

It is obvious I needn't have gone deep with you, sorry for that Paul.


As we become more aware, part of the process of becoming aware is disharmony. We are certainly not going to like or feel comfortable with everything we become aware of; this is until we reach the process of being truly harmonious, not just to the things we desire to be of but to everything.

Humans are more intelligent and aware of their environment than ever, how harmonious is the world today? You see part of the process of becoming more aware is being disharmonious, however, no true sense of love will reside within a reality that is disharmonious.

We then get to a point of process were we only become aware of the things that are harmonious, everything we are disharmonious with are discarded or ignored. You see, when we are harmonious love is able to reside; all we desire at this stage of the process is to be of this love. This is of course quite understandable in regards to our present disharmonious reality.

At this stage of the process we are still in disharmony of the things we have rejected or denounced to simply feel some kind of love. At this stage this is not a true sense of love for there is no true sense of harmony, however, we do feel more loving because we are more at harmony. 

The next part of the process entails us to become wiser with our awareness. As of knowledge or intelligence, awareness void of wisdom is only ever going to be half aware for awareness, as of knowledge and intelligence, needs the guidance of wisdom to know how to use and respond to knowledge, intelligence and awareness.

This part of the process then allows us to be in harmony with everything we become aware of, only in this state can a true sense of harmony therefore love reside. I think that harmony and wisdom are the true building blocks to become truly loving, for only in true harmony can a true sense of love reside. Look at it like building a home for love to reside, without a home to reside in, love can never truly be at peace.......