Showing posts with label control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label control. Show all posts

Monday, 12 August 2019

Letting Go of Control

Written by Mathew Naismith

This particular post could assist a lot of people who meditate or wish to meditate or anyone who just simply wants their mind to let go. You will learn to let go of control, including your own control over your mind, before meditating. The way mindfulness meditation is often taught in the west is to take control of the mind first and foremost. In the east, one firstly let's go of control to meditate as meditation is about releasing the mind of control, not controlling the mind to meditate mindfully.   

For me, learning to let go of control is far more beneficial than meditation, especially mindful meditation where you have to take control of your mind. So many people can't meditate and/or don't feel comfortable with meditating, so just letting go, especially of control, might be their thing. However, if you are a control freak, as the author of the bellow article admits to, letting go of control, which also means letting go of being controlling as well of your own mind, might be just as daunting as meditation. I loved this author's self-honesty by the way, very rare these days.   

Extract: "I’ve noticed that things go much more smoothly when I give up control—when I allow them to happen instead of making them happen. Unfortunately, I’m terrible at this."

"Surrender literally means to stop fighting. Stop fighting with yourself. Stop fighting the universe and the natural flow of things. Stop resisting and pushing against reality."

If you read the article above, you should have a better idea what letting go of control is all about, making for a more fruitful (beneficial) meditation and life period.

Letting go of being controlling can be as daunting as letting go of being controlled, in actuality, they are the same thing. We might think that by taking control, we are being controlled less. It matters not what is taking control, you or another force, it is still control that is in control. Usually, the only reason to take control is because we were being controlled. A fear of being controlled has fearfully made us take control. Fear has created a circumstance where we feel we need to take control instead of being controlled. This depicts that fear, an ego in control, is in control, nothing else.

Also, try not to think of it as them or me taking control, in other words try not to separate one energy from another taking control. It matters not what energy source that is controlling you, it is still control. We often separate them from ourselves, thus creating an environment of control of one over the other. "It is me, a positive, taking control, not them, a negative, taking control." I am also into oneness which gives me more of a one energy perception rather than numerous energies. Once you separate consciousness or energy period like this, one part of consciousness or energy will want to be more controlling. This is why I try to stay away from the perceptions of negatives and positives which is the dividing of energy, not a union of energy. One always desires to control and dominate the other.  

I actually have no need to meditate these days. I can at any moment get into a state where my mind isn't being controlled or controlling, a state where 99.9% of the time a just simply smile. Yes, I allow my mind to wonder but this wondering isn't to do with what is or isn't human, it is to do with everything as a whole. A pure state of awareness is known in Buddhism as nothingness, only because when all consciousness is observed as being in union and not separated, there is only energy, not energies. Once energy is observed like this, there is no motion to observe thus the ego has a perception of nothingness.

In the west, the separation of negatives and positives, the disunion of energy, has become predominantly popular, like taking control of our mind and life has. So many people are meditating on this bases, and any bases that makes the ego in control feel good. If any kind of control makes you feel good, what part of you do you think is making you feel good and in control? If we are honest with ourselves, we would see that it is the ego in control. What many seem to be doing is conditioning the ego to control, not conditioning or freeing the ego of and from control.

If you think control makes you feel powerful,
you have experienced a minuscule
of what exists to experience.

~Mathew G~

As the image above depicts:

To hold, you must
first open your hand.
Let go

~Lao Tzu~

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Awareness, Full Stop

Written by Mathew Naismith

 “The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” Lao Tzu.

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.” James Thurber

Here I was with a secondary lung infection trying to keep house still. I was physically impaired but still highly spiritually unimpaired/heightened. This is what you get when you don't base your positive attitude on the absence of negatives. I could have become totally physically undone through simply being unaware, nothing to do with positive or negative energies. People like yourself make people aware, which has nothing to do with the endless battle between negative and positive energies. People like you are more important to the people than they know, at present.

The above was in reply to the concerns of a good internet friend of mine in relation to my present physical health, Carolynne Melnyk.

Don't underestimate what awareness not in the absence of ignorance can create. Only a fool living within their own ignorance will state that awareness is of the absence of ignorance, for to state so is of ignorance!!

What is awareness in the absence of the ignorance of unawareness? What are you aware of, awareness or awareness and ignorance? If I was to say, "Only can I be aware of awareness for to be aware is in the absence of unawareness/ignorance, is this of awareness when in deliberate ignorance of unawareness?" As to be truly positive, being aware isn't of the ignorance of unawareness but an awareness of all without bias or desire.

How many souls at present are experiencing a lesser aware state?

It is often thought today, to change the world, we must lead by example, this means primarily focusing on oneself to change the world around us to the same manner as ourselves. The rest of the world will simply follow by our example. Of course to lead is to control.

The small pictorial view is, to improve on yourself, lead by example to what you desire everyone else's pictorial view to be like. The big pictorial view is, to influence those who want to be influenced, leaving all other people's own pictorial views alone. The big picture shows me that all is worthy, as our own souls obviously think being less aware is as worthy as being more aware. My own recent unawareness in relation to my own physical health gave me more awareness, for to learn from suffering is wiser than to still suffer from suffering.

How many centuries of control has the collective human consciousness endured, where a person or groups of people lead by example?  The continuing trend of consciousness is to lead by example, in the process influencing others to follow your own depiction in what you desire the world around you should be like. To do this of course is in deliberate ignorance to anyone else's pictorial view. It is as if all journeys are to be of the same, which to me takes a huge amount of control of other people's views and desires to do, very simular to what the multinationals are presently doing. It is the same old consciousness expressed in a slightly different way, as, being positive takes to be in deliberate ignorance to the negatives. How many multinationals are deliberately ignorant to what they are doing?

The people who want to lead by example simply want to control their environment; this is instead of simply experiencing their present environment.

Simply experiencing an environment doesn't mean you can't try to influence this environment. Often an environment will call out for change or act in a certain way that will lead to change on its own accord, often unaware of what the environment is leading to. If you are unable to influence the environment, let it go, for to control how other people's pictorial view should be like, is a continuation of a consciousness that refuses to evolve any further.

If you are simply aware, not just of a desired awareness, the present environment is calling for change, not by taking control but by its own accord within its own deliberate ignorance. As one cycle will naturally lead to another cycle, especially without being under control, so will human consciousness. At the end of each cycle, a little of what is of the next cycle becomes a part of ending cycle, thus influencing the present cycle to enter the new cycle.

As a baby comes closer to its next cycle of birth, how much is the unborn baby changing form is influenced by the next cycle? This is without controlling the unborn baby by leading the baby down a certain path, for example, the mother takes drugs, so does the baby!! Has the mother the right to influence the baby away from drugs by not taking drugs? The mother is simply taking away the influence of the control of drugs, not influencing the unborn baby to its own kind of intoxication. Why then influence other people to our own way of life by leading by example through control?  The drugs the mother takes is of control. Not taking drugs is releasing the baby from the control of drugs, thus allowing the baby to live within its own pictorial view, to live its own journey, not someone else's journey of control.

Simply, release yourself from taking control, especially of other people's lives through your own personal desires of what life should be like. In other words, in the absence of leading other people to your own desires of life, just simply be aware. Of course I am aware that the ego in control can't leave it at that.

For human consciousness to evolve into a completely different cycle, the adage that we should focus on ourselves above all else is completely of the present consciousness. If you are still unable to give up your most desired desires, for example, being of love and light, enlightenment or materialism, you are still preventing human consciousness from evolving any further.

This is funny. Anyone truly of love and light or enlightenment, would at any time give up their present euphoria's or state of being. How many souls have done this to start with, to experience human consciousness as it is, not how the soul desires it to be?  But to the human conscious, anything that gives us euphoric feelings isn't just embraced but often becomes one of our most cherished and lavishly indulged desires. In another words a fixation often expressed to a major extent.

To experience a pure sense of awareness in the absence of all our human desires is beyond words. Yes, beyond love and light and even enlightenment itself, for a true enlightened one doesn't seek enlightenment or the euphoria's of enlightenment.  An enlightened one simply extracts itself from all that is desired, in turn, only allowing a pure sense of awareness to influence them by.

Are my writings, as above, popular with the ego in control? They were never meant to be.......       

Friday, 7 June 2019

The Infinite Present Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

In the midst of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations, a wise and aware soul is able to make the most of the present; this is instead of trying the make the present something the ego simply desires. Of course what the ego desires often has nothing to do with the present. The ego in control will often separate itself from what it doesn't desire, thus only leaving what the ego in control desires, which is anything but of the present collective consciousness. Simply, an extraction of parts of the present desired consciousness from the undesired parts of a consciousness is implemented. To a lot of people, this extraction or division of a consciousness is living in the present, when in all honesty all this is, is living for the ego in control.

To a wise and aware soul, an enlightened consciousness, whatever the present is, is embraced no matter how of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations it is. Think of the worst life experience a soul can experience. To an enlightened consciousness, this finite experience is nothing compared to the infinite, a state often referred to as God's consciousness or a state of pure awareness and motionless. Why do people react differently to the same trauma experienced? Often, a person who has gone through far worse trauma, will experience less trauma in the present than a person who has gone through very little trauma in comparison.

Too often people will think the present is of trauma, or of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations collectively consciously. As an enlightened consciousness thinks no more of a life lived, no matter how good or bad it was, what occurs collectively over time in a finite reality, has no further bearing or relevance, for what a soul experiences is always of the finite. You don't actually experience the infinite like you do the finite, you simply are aware of what the finite represents. Only the ego in control makes any more of this, thus taking a consciousness back into a finite conscious state, in turn creating trauma, often through mayhem, demure and dauntless provocative experiences. As I have stated before, only the ego part of us can be in trauma or become hurt because the ego is only of the finite. The ego, either in control or not, cannot exist within an infinite reality or an infinite state of consciousness, for a consciousness to be aware of everything all at once, is in the absence of the ego in control. The infinite isn't of the absence of the ego, only the ego in control. Of course a consciousness of pure ego is only experienced in the absence of infinite wisdom and awareness.

To an enlightened consciousness, everything is of the present. Only the ego sees an extraction of the undesired for the desired as not being of their personal present, even though the collective present is often something quite different to what the ego in control desires.

So what do many of us do? Try to extract ourselves from the ego as much as possible, thus only being of the infinite. If in any sense you are trying to separate consciousness into parts to serve your ego's desires in this way, you are being more expressive of the finite, as the infinite is of the whole, not only parts of the whole a consciousness only desires to be of within the present. Only the ego in control desires or even needs to extricate itself from the ego. An enlightened consciousness simply desists in the extraction of consciousness, thus allowing one to simply become aware of everything in the absence of the ego's desires. 

Try to remember this. If your ego takes control at times, only the ego in control will make a big deal of this. While experiencing the ego, just be aware, especially aware that the ego in control is not about awareness but ignorance. 

Supplement: "Oh my God, my life has gone, it's all in the past to never be apart of me again!!"

This is of a finite consciousness, when in all honesty to an infinite consciousness, nothing is lost or gained, everything really does become of the present. Within this state, there are no perceptions of loss or gain, even while one is experiencing finite consciousness. Why do most people meet up with dead relatives after their own demise? Consciousness never dies or no longer exists. There is simply no sense of loss, or gain for that matter. To experience gain or loss is of finite consciousness, not of infinite consciousness. Not an easy view to condition an ego to, this is why certain people will always seem more enlightened than most other people.         

Monday, 20 May 2019

For Only Our Ego's Suffer

Written by Mathew Naismith

What if I stated that if we were all enlightened beings, not one of us would think twice of experiencing this reality again no matter what our experiences were!! In all honesty, the ego in control would refute this to the bitter end, why? What doesn't serve the control the ego desires to obtain and retain over it's self and its environment, will be dismissed or deemed a negative one must stay away from to gain or retain control. Of course an ego that isn't about obtaining and retaining control is a different matter.

How many of us deem spiritual, physical and mental peek proficiency as an ultimate state of being? What if I stated that being spiritual doesn't mean one is enlightened!! Being spiritual is simply the acknowledgment of a non-material existence from the acknowledgment of a material existence. In truth, Buddha experienced his enlightenment while at he's lowest level of physical and mental proficiency as of many who have become enlightened. Through this enlightenment, one then realises that a balance between the non-material and the material world is a far wiser way to exist, however, to realise this one must first suffer.

In truth, the only part of us suffering is the ego, of course there is also a difference between suffering from the egos suffering and learning from the egos suffering. Enlightenment simply comes from learning from the egos suffering. Enlightenment is simply all about letting go of the ego, especially of the controlling ways of the ego. The more our egos suffer, the more our egos were in control. Yes, this means that everyone's ego will suffer differently, of course on top of this, some ego's will still suffer from it's own suffering through the unwillingness by the ego to let go of it's control. The ego in this case will suffer to the bitter end and quite expectantly in the views of the enlightened.

I should point out that the first line of my post, "What if I stated that if we were all enlightened beings, not one of us would think twice of experiencing this reality again no matter what our experiences were!!", is of my own recollection and awareness. What you become aware of in the absence of a controlling ego is quite amazing. Of course what you become aware of in the absence of an ego altogether would be totally amazing to say the least.

As I ponder about my aimless life wonderings with no intentions or expectations, I realise I am drifting upon a water so clear that my reflection depicts the environment I am adrift upon. In the absence negatives and positives, good and bad, right and wrong, the waters I am adrift upon are so clear.....Mathew G

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Eastern Spiritual Mind

Written  Mathew Naismith

There were two people of different cultures discussing the starvation of people, one person was shocked and appalled by how people are allowed to starve like this, the other person not so shocked and appalled. 

To western thinking, allowing people to starve to death is unkind and certainly not of love or spirituality. To eastern thinking it is different because one existence is not separated from any other existence. So to the western mind it is appalling when humans starve to death but it’s not as appalling when animals, including insects, are starved to death!!

In very recent times, a western minded lady I know was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The eastern doctor sat on her bed, put his hand on her knee and said that she had terminal cancer, go home to die because we need the hospital bed.  The western minded lady was in shock, not just because of the diagnoses but of how she was treated, especially by an eastern minded doctor.

To the eastern spiritual mind, death doesn’t exist; in fact the perception of death is simply an indication of transition from one life to another. No matter what you experience in life, even if you have suffered from life experiences instead of learning from them, all kinds of life experience’s without exception are worthy to experience. One kind of life is not desired over another no matter what, so if your life experience is to starve to death like any living creation without exception, that is karma or simply the way life is or works. So what does the western mind desire to do, change the way existence is but in service to what? Self-gratification, ego.

You see the western mind took offence to the practicality of the eastern mind; your life’s journey is to starve to death, as your life’s path is to die at home from terminal cancer. Of course in the case of the person diagnosed with terminal cancer, the bed was needed for people that doctors can help, not for people who are beyond help!!

In all honesty, if I was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I would want to go home to allow another person the bed that can be helped, and no, I wouldn’t have been offended by the eastern doctor’s very caring practical honest approach. Yes, shock horror to the western mind, the eastern doctor couldn’t have been more caring, practical and honest if he tried. In saying this, the doctor obviously needed to be aware in how the western individualised self-cantered mind works. Of course to the western mind, ensuing known pointless medical treatment is more caring!! This is like feeding an already starving people to bread more so the chances of them starving in the future are higher!! True, this is how western kindness, love and compassion works, in other words how the western mind works. If it feels good, it has to be good even when it obviously isn’t.

So to the western mind, being spiritual has everything to do with feeling good and being good within the views of the western mind, in other words, being positive instead of negative. You know what? The eastern spiritual mind doesn’t separate everything like this between what is negative and what is positive. In truth to me and people like me, the eastern spiritual mind is all about the collective’s wellbeing, not the individual’s wellbeing of; if it feels good to the individual, it has to be good to the collective. In truth, which the western mind in all cultures is not about, this is simply not the case, not everything that feels good to the ego individually is good for the collective.  

In all honesty, the eastern spiritual mind is of the balance of western and eastern thinking. Never expect or even demand that the western spiritual mind thinks like this, this is unless influenced by eastern thinking as well.

I am not of an eastern mind or primarily of an eastern mind but I often balance out the western mind with eastern thinking, as eastern spiritually aware people often do.  

Note; when an eastern spiritual mind feeds a starving person, this is different to when a western spiritual mind feeds a person. It is like the love of an eastern spiritual mind is different to a western spiritual mind; there is no attachment to love of an eastern spiritual mind, when the western mind often becomes highly attached to love. Attachments are likened to control, as the western mind is of taking controlling rather than not being of control. The eastern spiritual mind is actually of releasing oneself of control, also meaning to release oneself from attachments even of love.  How many western spiritually minded people of love can detach themselves from the feelings of what love gives them? In all honesty, this is all about taking control of retaining fixated attachments the western mind will never give up, unless balanced out by the eastern mind of releasing oneself of control and attachments.  

The eastern spiritual mind doesn't have to deal with releasing oneself of control and related attachments because this kind of mind doesn't seek to control but to release oneself of control. There are no attachments even to what the feelings of love can give oneself.

In regards to starving people, there is no difference to starving animals, also, this is there life's journey that we should refrain from taking control of. This is the same with the terminally ill person; refrain from taking control of someone else's life's journey is as loving and caring as a spiritual person can get, but of course the western spiritual mind will understandably always think otherwise through attachments created by being controlling.                                     

Monday, 8 April 2019

In the Presence of Wisdom

Wisdom I know is social. She seeks
her fellows. But Beauty is jealous,
and illy bears the presence of a rival.
~Thomas Jefferson~

Written by Mathew Naismith

As it is said from a Jewish view point, "Wisdom is the perfection of knowledge of the righteous as a gift from God showing itself in action. In direct relation to God, Wisdom is with God from all eternity." Source:

So is this saying that in the absence of the perception of God, wisdom is also absent? The Jewish and Christian perspective on this would be to say yes, in the absence of God, wisdom is also absent!!

As it is said intellectually, wisdom is of an accumulated knowledge, erudition or enlightenment. Wisdom is also said to be of the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight. Also, an ability to apply knowledge, experience, understanding or common sense and insight.

The perception of wisdom comes in many forms, as the perception of God or whatever you want to call this wise and aware consciousness. Wisdom to me is simply in the absence of a controlling ego. Within this absence of the controlling ego, wisdom is present. Within the presence of a controlling ego, wisdom is absent. Can we also relate this to, in the absence of a controlling ego, God is present. In the presence of a controlling ego, God is absent in man's consciousness. To me, the perception of God relates to the presence of wisdom no matter how wisdom is exemplified or presented. Of course the ego in control will of course try to separate one from the other, if you are not of God, you are not of wisdom. I instead look at it this way, if you are in the presence of the controlling ego with all it's desires and lusts for control, material wealth, power and even the desires of  ethereal pleasures of love in any form, the perception of  wisdom therefore God is also absent. Love expressed through wisdom isn't of lust but of a purer expression of love in the absence of a controlling ego. 

A consciousness of God to me simply exemplifies wisdom and awareness no matter how you want to exemplify or call this kind of consciousness. Even in the absence of the perception of God as such, wisdom can still be present as long as the controlling ego is absent. Religious people will call this kind of consciousness God, other people will call it something else but it is still of the same consciousness no matter how we exemplify this consciousness. God simply means a consciousness of the absence of a controlling ego, thus allowing wisdom to not just be present eternally but flourish. Yes, even in a reality such as ours, wisdom can flourish but only in the absence of a controlling ego. The ego is of course still present but the ego is no longer in control where wisdom is allowed to flourish. However, being of man's reality, wisdom in this case is never meant to be eternally present, it is something man's consciousness has to always work at.     

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Releasing Ourselves from the Dramas of Life

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wrote the following to a Quote Carolynne Melnyk wrote in relation to accepting change therefore releasing ourselves from control.

"Indeed Carolynne, the universe itself is constantly in motion therefore changing. This motion doesn't have to be dramatic but often is, especially when this motion changes our chosen or preconceived path.

When we try to control where our path is going, especially in relation to our desires, this is us being controlling. When our path is influenced by other forces outside of our control, the drama of losing control takes control of us even more.

The trick is, not to try to take control in the first place, especially in relation to our desires. It is amazing what simply comes to us when we release ourselves from the control of control controlling us. Yes, expend effort but avoid expending too much effort in relation to our desires. It is amazing how many people are simply unaware of the link between our desires and the endless dramas in people's lives these days.

Take notice next time of the people entering into business for themselves. Why is the failure of a business less dramatic to some people than other people? There is a difference between supplying a need to others to being in business to fulfil your own desires!!"

Being positive to someone like me, is the ability to be in any situation or reality and still having the ability to be positive. My own positiveness doesn't totally rely on the avoidance of the negatives, in fact quite the opposite. How many people's love and/or light can prevail in a situation or a reality of an opposing force? This is why these people have to stay within or close to their own. Of course this also means our present reality is exceptionally negative/toxic when in all honesty it's not, thus creating further dramas that are linked to our desires.

Try to remember, you don't have to become what you experience. You can experience quite a brutal childhood but come out of this childhood in the absence of becoming what you have experienced. Within this, you are releasing yourself from control, the control of an experience you don't need to become. Of course you could also allow these experiences to influence you in becoming what you experienced. Within this, you are allowing your life experiences to control you simply because you desired a better childhood experience.

Monday, 19 November 2018

Avoiding Feeding the Egos Desires

Written by Mathew Naismith

Are people being offensive or is it that our egos are offended when our egos desires are not being fed by other people? I am aware myself when I am offended, that it's only my ego that is being offended, not me as a collective consciousness. If only people's egos were aware in how small the ego is to our whole self, of course to make the ego aware of this, the ego is often offended that it's not of the entire self. "How dare you offend me in this way, I am all that you are". Not too far off in how the ego in control actually thinks, not that the ego in control desires to become aware of this of course.

Yes, as you can become offended by other people's views and actions, your own ego can become offended by your own views and actions. The ratio between people stating I am offensive to them when not feeding their egos is nothing compared to my own ego in my life. Your own ego doesn't desire to be offended so it will only accept what feeds it, everything else will be judged in accordance to it's offensiveness to the ego in control. You could feed the ego everything in existence and it would still desire more, multinationals are a prime example of this. If you gave the multinationals the whole universe, would not their own controlling egos desire even more, as of any ego in control?

It's really strange for people like me; observing a reality primarily created to feed the desires of the controlling ego, where balance of the ego is shunned or denounced at all cost. A reality like this isn't strange within itself, for only a controlling ego can create such a reality as it's natural for a controlling ego to do. What is strange is observing this reality become self-destructive. You would think the ego would be self-preserving therefore embrace the balancing of itself to preserve it's existence but alas, the ego in control feeds on everything until there is nothing left for the ego to exist in or on.

I have simply lost count how many people I am supposed to have offended. As soon as people state or think this, I know they are not truly aware or aware of how defensive their own ego is to being offended. Yes, not feeding other people's controlling egos or even your own controlling ego is highly offensive to the ego in control. This is different compared to ego not in control, which simply means an ego that accepts being balanced in accordance to it's present environment. How often does an ego in control create its own environment in opposition to the present existing environment? How many spiritually aware people these days desire to do the exact same thing, to simply feed the pleasures of the egos? People like me don't feed people's egos, this is not what spirituality is supposed to be about but alas, once again the ego in control changes the present environment of spirituality to primarily serve the egos desires and pleasures!!

Think on this, do spiritual gurus or shamans deliberately go out to become enlightened? Did Jesus or Buddha purposely leave their current environment to become enlightened? No, what is purposely exercised is the detachments created by the ego, for example, desires and abuse. Enlightenment is simply a by-product of releasing yourself from the controlling ways of the ego; it can be at no time of the egos primary objective otherwise enlightenment simply won't occur. Yes, a thought of an enlightening experience is thought of but the main focus isn't on enlightenment but on releasing yourself from control altogether. Yes, to the ego releasing yourself from control seems like you are taking more control but in actuality your not, this is simply an egos perception, nothing more. The pleasure the ego feels from releasing yourself from control isn't to serve the ego, as the egos tries to make out, it's simply once again a by-product, in other words part of the process of detaching ourselves from control. This is exactly like unconditional love; unconditional love is simply a by-product of becoming aware and at no time should be abused and used as the primary objective or focus. This is exactly why the kind of unconditional love that comes from this isn't true unconditional love, it's simply becomes a desire of the controlling ego to feel more pleasure no matter what the cost is.

Sorry, if I am not going to feed my own ego desires, it is unlikely I will serve other people's egos desires, if the ego in control takes offence to this, so be it. I should also say, even when people are purposely being offensive and you are offended by this, it's simply your ego in control that is offended, not you as a whole or even your ego that is not in control. Try to become aware that your ego is a very small part of who you are as a whole; this alone should bring some balance to a controlling ego gone troppo if you are truly aware of this.

This is funny; the pic is of a cat looking in the mirror only seeing themselves as something grandiose as a lion. We are all of what is, not what our egos only desire to be of.                                                    

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Purity in Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

In every step I take towards awakening the ego to its controlling ways, the further away the ego in control gets from me. We will often come across this in our interactions with other people; it feels like one step forward to awaking while the ego in control takes two steps backward away from awakening. I would not bother trying to awaken the ego to its controlling way if the ego not in control didn't want to awaken. You must understand an ego in control, that it can't relate or comprehend awakening and only sees awakening as a threat to its desires therefore survival. This is different for the ego not in control as it simply sees a need for balance, a balance of the controlling ways of the ego, this is all, nothing spectacular or self-serving or self-satisfying.

I received a reply, as below, to one of my replies on the subject of our controlling ways. My reply will hopefully enlighten the ego to its controlling ways and what these ways are creating.            
Thanks for sharing. About the westerner's control desire, is it true? As I know, the divorce rate there is high. That means people don't want to be controlled by the marriage and family program. Some tramps choose this life style for freedom, don't they?

My Reply
Being controlled is different to being controlling. Marriage partners don't want to be controlled but be in control so they divorce. The reason the divorce rate is so high is because they want more control but can't have it in their present relationship. Divorce is one way to gain control, not loose control.

We are all controlled by one thing or another including nature 
(性质, Xìngzhì), the western mind in all of us has problem with 
this because it desires control, not to be controlled. The 
balance between being controlled and being controlling brings 
harmony in nature. It's the same with ourselves, the balance 
between our western and eastern mind brings harmony to our 
mind and our existence. 

I am at present trying to influence the Western mind in
Western countries to express less disdain for this human 
created reality. I wrote the following just recently.
"Indeed, to judge is to participate, all else is observation. All 
participation is of the ego where observation is egoless. 
All that can't forgive and can be hurt or offended is the ego in 
participation. Participation simply creates ignorance where 
observation creates awareness.

How can you express disdain for a consciousness lost within 
its own creation, lost within its own participation while of the 
absence of observation? We no longer truly observe as our 
forefathers did, we simply participate to primarily serve 
the ego. 

I am not happy in the way we are abusing energy in every 
sense, but how can I have disdain for a consciousness lost 
within its own creation? It would be futile to do so, also, I 
would be of what I have disdain for. Simply observe and 
become aware." 
It's not getting through because the western mind doesn't like 
being controlled but to be primarily in control, of course the 
only thing in control is the ego for only the ego desires to 
control. The tramp is still being controlled but no longer has 
desires to take control; a lot of spiritualists do this. 
As I also wrote recently," Try to observe your own participation 
rather than participating in what you observe. Man is no more 
and no less violent and destructive than the natural 
environment he lives in. However, as many have proven, 
man can be as passive and constructive as the natural 
environment, the choice is indeed ours. It is what it is at 
In some relationships an imbalance of being controlled is 
present. All that the ego wants to do is bring balance back into
their lives; this will at times take the ego not in control to 
separate from what is causing an imbalance in their lives. 
This is different for an ego in control as the ego in control 
wants more control so again separation occurs. 
In a reality primarily controlled and influenced by the western 
mind, the ego not in control observes that the ego in control 
needs balancing out. As a lot of people are doing in 
spirituality, separation has become the primary objective. 
Seen as the ego not in control only wants to separate itself 
from what is causing an imbalance, it's obvious the ego in 
control desires total separation, like in a divorce of married 
couples, to completely separate (divorce) itself from the 
present reality (marriage). The ego not in control doesn't 
want to separate itself like this, it simply wants to separate 
itself from the imbalances of being controlling or controlled. 
How do you obtain balance? One way is to think everything 
just is what it is at the time it is. The following might help in 
this if you are interested.                 

Extract: What I realized is that sometimes I put way too much emphasis on trying to figure out what is right and wrong.
What is the right path and what is the wrong path. What is good with the world and what is bad. What I like and what I don’t like. What someone thinks and what they don’t think.
With so much unpredictability in life and chaos at work these days in our uncertain world, what I have learned is that it really doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t matter if we label life as “good” or “bad.” It just is. It is the way it’s supposed to be.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Experiencing the Eternal Self

Written by Mathew Naismith

First of all, I humbly apologise to my readers who are unable to understand the English language as I am going to start this post off with a video that is in English. If you can understand the English language, please watch the video before reading on. If you can't understand the English language, I will explain, in my own words, what the video is about so you can translate the English language into you own language.     

The video is about experiencing no self, a state of consciousness that is not about the self separate from all other selves but about a state of the eternal self or divine self. The strange thing is, the eternal self isn't about the self at all as there is no self or even self awareness. The eternal self refers to the eternal being where all is as one and acts as one, even while experiencing a reality where everything has its own identity, its own self.

Yes, you can experience individuality while in a state of eternal being, make no mistake, we are all doing this right now, it's just most of us are unaware of this. We are unaware because our present consciousness is conditioned primarily to the self, individuality. How many people refer to the inner self or self awareness? Materialism or anything else that the ego in control feeds on is often of the self, of an individual identity, how else would the ego in control survive? I wrote a few years ago on a spiritual forum in how we don't even own our own personal thoughts, as usual this wasn't well received or accepted.

So why am I making reference to the eternal self? How else is the ego going to be able to comprehend anything if we don't refer to the self? The ego in control needs to relate to something to comprehend it and then understand it.

Any ego that is conditioned to the self or individuality in any sense, is a good indication that the ego is conditioned to individuality, a state of separate entities. I am self aware or I am of the inner self is still making reference to an individual entity, only because the ego in control can only comprehend this eternal state of being as self. The ego in control needs to start somewhere so it will naturally relate eternal being to the eternal self. It's important to allow the ego to go through this process. At no time have any kind of disdain for the ego in control, avoiding this will allow the process of enlightenment to happen naturally. Simply go with the flow and remember, the ego desires control and will try to control this process, try to avoid this by simply becoming aware of the egos controlling ways. Sadly, I have lost count in how many Western spiritually aware people make reference to taking control and empowerment.

I have at no time in my life have become spiritually aware, I have simply let go of the attachments of control. Yes, I have allowed myself to be controlled for to take control of being controlled is still control. What I have done is simply detached myself from control, even while being controlled myself. It's important to remember, it's our self that is being controlled, not our eternal being. The only way control can be implemented or exist is through the self as an individual entity. Yes, myself has become spiritually aware but not my eternal being for there is nothing to become aware of, only the self can experience a sense of becoming aware or enlightenment.

I, at one time, had a Reiki teacher say to me after my treatment with them, "You have experienced the lotus flower in this life." The lotus flower refers to detachments brought into being by the ego. I had to say no, not in what you would refer to in this life but what you would refer to in another life. The soul perspective is, it's all one life with different life experiences to be experienced. The ego refers to different life experiences to be experienced as lives lived separate to all other lives lived, however, the soul sees it as one life which is more eternal and limitless where the ego sees it as ephemeral and limited. In so-called past lives, I have had numerous experiences pertaining to the lotus flower. My soul simply sees life experiences as one life with no separation.

I know this is hard to truly comprehend but life as whole is not about the human self, it's about the eternal being which is often referred to as our truer being, or as the ego sees it, our truer self or inner self. Yes, it makes a difference once you start referring to the eternal self as the eternal being but remember, the ego has to start somewhere. Be patient   with the ego and try to go through the process of awareness without trying to take control of this process.

Yes, these are trying times to the self, they always have been throughout human history, but not to the eternal being. Your soul may want to stay unaware of the eternal being, I didn't even want to become aware of the things I am aware of as the self but my soul said otherwise, this is the way it is. If the soul says it wants to experience being controlling, that is the way it will be, accept this and move on for all is of the eternal being.    

One more thing, the eternal being isn't separate to the self; it's not a separate entity or state. The eternal being is everything in what it is and in how it is, this includes the perception of self and the self's ego and all the ego creates. Once you experience the eternal being, only then do you realise there is no ultimate state separate to all other states. All that is without exception is of the ultimate state, in actuality, consciousnesses, like experiencing human consciousness, can often be seen as an ultimate state for the eternal being. To be humble is to deny the ego control, especially while being controlled by the ego!! Not an easy phrase for the ego in control to understand, as I should know myself as I am what you are without question.   

The following might be a good read for some people, not that I have read it myself.            

Extract: Your Eternal Self ends by describing what our purpose seems to be in life, what true spirituality is, how people can grow spiritually to change themselves so they have love and bliss in their lives, how they can provide that loving legacy for their children's children, and what the research has shown about the world of the afterlife.