Showing posts with label other you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label other you. Show all posts

Thursday, 4 February 2016

The Other You - Our Environment

Written by Mathew Naismith

In my last post, I explained how we don't own our own thoughts and feelings as everything we think and feel comes from the environment we are aware of. Once any consciousness becomes aware, it is instantly influenced in everyway by this awareness. Let's consider this awareness, what is it? It's of course our environment, the very structure that influences us in everyway in how we think and feel.

Now what is this environment that influences us in everyway?

For such an environment to influence us in such a strong way, this environment must be more than just an environment we exist in, considering this environment creates everything we are in every sense. It's obvious that our environment determines our every thought and actions, basically, we become our environment, this why it's so important to be aware of what environment you are presently existing in.

Another thing to consider here is the environment you are aware of is another you, in actuality, the environment you are not aware of is still another, however, the environment you are not aware of is less influential upon you than the environment you are aware of. 

Look at it this way, can any person you are not aware of influence you? No, once a person is influential upon you, you are aware of them in some way, no person you are unaware of in anyway can influence you.

Another way to look at this is like living in an area were it rarely rains, you might have become aware of rain through various other means but you haven't yourself experienced rain. In this case, you are only partially aware of rain, this partiality determines the way you think and feel in relation to rain, this is until you actually yourself experience rain. Once rain is experienced, your perspectives change which determines how your going to perceive, this new perception has in fact changed the way you think and feel in relation to rain.

It's important not to underestimate the influential forces of your environment, to me, if this environment is so influential that it determines our every thought and feelings, there is a lot more to our environment than we know. Basically, our environment is a reflection of ourselves, it doesn't matter if you are aware of some part of this environment or not, it's still a part of you no matter how unaware of this environment you are. For example, rain is still a fundamental part of us even if you have never actually experienced rain yourself and so is everything else in existence.

In all, our environment is our building blocks for us to build upon what ever we want to build or create, if we want to create a reality on discord, we use the right blocks for the job. Basically, the building blocks that determine our every thought and feelings, represent our environment, the reality we exist in.

Now the best way, in my mind, to get a better handle on this is to actually see that everyone you see and meet is another you no matter how loving or detestable they might seem to you. If you wish to be influenced by their environment, you invite them in to your own environment to influence your own environment, this in turn will determine the way you will think and feel to one extent or another. This influence upon you is of course determined by the influence of the other person. Basically, look at everyone around you as being a part of the environment like an ocean view or a snow covered mountain, each and every part of this environment will determine in how you think and feel.

Lets look at this in another way to get a better feel in how our environment is a reflection of ourselves, thus in turn determining our every thought and feelings.

Perceive everything in creation being of a singular mind, in other words perceive everything as being of one consciousness, as of our own individual thought and feeling. This one mind, one consciousness, is created from many different parts of itself, some parts of this consciousness being more influence than other parts of this consciousness upon our existence. The more aware we become of different parts of our own consciousness, the more influential these parts of our consciousness  become. To me, our whole environment is also a reflection of this one mind, this one consciousness,  just on a more massive scale than our own mind, our own consciousness.

No matter what a controlling ego says, the whole environment is another you, you do however have a choice of how your own environment or reality is influenced by the environment around you. The controlling ego doesn't want you to know this because through this awareness, the controlling ego losses control. 

Indeed, everyone I meet, I certainly see as another me, the choice is, do we wish to be influenced by that part of ourselves, our environment,  that no longer serves a constructive purpose in our lives!!

Supplement:  I should point out here, there are human perceptions that are governed by certain fixated perceptions and there are our inner perceptions that go way beyond any fixated human perception. This means anything that your inner self is aware of, will influence you, even if you are unaware of them on a human level of awareness. However in this case such inner awareness will most likely be less influential until we become aware of our inner self, a perception that goes way beyond normal human perception of awareness.