Showing posts with label demigod. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demigod. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Being Truly Spiritual

Written by Mathew Naismith

Spiritual to me is a comprehension beyond normal 3rd dimensional aspects, aspects which are defined as being of material body, form or substance. Being spiritual is also the awareness and comprehension that consciousness isn't just of and created by the physical brain.

Is being spiritual extricating oneself from 3rd dimensional aspects thus creating a safe haven from human existence? What did the truly aware and wise do? What did Buddha, Jesus, Confucius, Rumi and so on do in their lives? Seen as I have a good friend who is a Hindu, the following is the Hindu equivalent to the above mentioned. Sama Darshanam (Equal Views) Samana Darshana (Aligned Views) Manava Shastra (Human Science).  

These very wise and aware consciousnesses went out of their safe havens even while and especially while enlightening themselves. What are we doing? Protecting our safe havens from all that can enlighten us!!

Buddha and Jesus sacrificed their human safe havens. If you are not willing to lose what you have gained, you really haven't gained anything. Any fixated attachments we are not willing to sacrifice for the good of all is what we really should be avoiding, not what could be enlightening us.

Look at Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Indian spiritualists for example; they sacrificed their haven to be truly spiritual, wise and aware, what are a lot of western spiritual people doing today? Sacrificing everything else to create and protect their haven, they are not willing, like the wise and aware, to come close to sacrificing their haven for other people. Anything remotely threatening their haven is usually deemed as negative/toxic!!

Being Human: Can we have a human experience without being human? This is like; can we have an experience of being a mother without being a mother of a child? It's the so-called lower qualities (vibrations) that make the higher qualities so high. Could the existence or perception of a God exist if it wasn't for the lower qualities?

On the other hand, experiencing being human doesn't mean we will be of humaneness as being a mother doesn't mean we will be a mother to our child.

To the true wise and aware, there are no lower qualities, just simply less aware consciousness, it's these less aware consciousnesses that create a perception of lower and higher qualities of being human. It really does take a perception of a lower quality to perceive a higher quality.

Consider this, what would a truly wise and aware consciousness desire or even need while in a state of complete contentment? This state is often referred to as a higher realm, vibration or ultimate state of reality by human consciousness. Desire or need within this state has no purpose, it simply doesn't exist. There is also no desire or need to be in this state so this kind of consciousness can find itself in any state at any given time. This kind of consciousness has no need or desire to be in this co-called ultimate state, desiring or even needing to be in this state is human. What makes human consciousness human? Its awareness, every state of consciousness is based on awareness and the wisdom to know how to use that awareness.

God's and Demigod's: We are simply still trying to be demi-gods, how many people in wealth and power today act as they are God's and Goddess's? The Rothschild's are worth over 500 trillion, the God like power and status this wealth has gives them is beyond words, they are able to do as they please as they can buy anyone and anything. Of course if they have no need or desire to buy certain people or countries, these people and countries are often dealt with.

An actual demigod is of divine nature, being that they are descendants of God's and Goddesses, basically, descendants from an aware and wise consciousness beyond most human comprehension. The people in power today are not God's or even true demigod's, they are simply human beings of a basic human consciousness, an awareness not much above other humans in certain areas but a consciousness way below other humans in other areas. The truly aware and wise have no need or desire for wealth, power and control, just to simply serve.

It's basically the age of false demigod's, an age of conditioned ignorance as opposed to an age of true awareness. How many of us are still trying to reach this ultimate state of reality, in other words a demigod status? To do this of course takes one to negate everything that isn't of themselves by judging everything not of their own vibrations as being negative or toxic, something to be avoided instead of assisted. What are the false demigod's in power over the world doing? It's all of a false demigod status.

Only a false demigod will desire or see a need of a higher status or higher quality of being. All I see is that people need to stop trying to be of a demigod status, or of a lower status, and be of what they truly are. Within this simple act, all will reveal itself to what you truly are which is everything without question or exception.

Do we desire to be everything without exception? We only desire to be of what we desire, no more, this is simply a false demigod status, a consciousness of false bearing (standing). We are much more than we could humanly perceive, of course to perceive this takes a consciousness beyond human conscious understanding. Simply don't limit yourself to a demigod status, especially a false one.

This is to me a true depiction of what being truly spiritual is......