Showing posts with label infinite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infinite. Show all posts

Monday, 5 August 2019

Far Less Separation of Energy

Written by Mathew Niasmith

I do apologise before hand, this is a lengthy post, sorry.

"You can't ask too many questions!!" 

You can Nesther however this may not seem the case for a consciousness conditioned to time. Time, the finite, separates consciousness into numerous parts, in the process creating many more questions than what is really necessary. Why does a consciousness conditioned to the infinite as well ask fewer questions? Because the infinite is far less of motion, like with people who experience deep meditative states, far less questions need to be asked. In certain cases, even before a question can be formulated, the answer materialises.

Motion naturally separates energy; now imagine a motionless state of consciousness? Not easy for most people to imagine or comprehend to start with.

Think of time, finite existences, separated by starting and ending points and everything else in between, for example, birth and death. How many more questions are created by separating energy like this? Now think of a state of the infinite not separated by starting and ending points and everything else between.

Once you learn to quieten your mind from the intrusions created by time, the fewer questions you ask, but also the more answers you receive. I don't even have to ask a question in relation to my dream state, my dreams just tell me without asking questions. In saying this, while our environment is predominately influenced by the finite, the separation of energy, certain questions still need to be asked at times.

I am quite aware, as soon as I am no longer asking questions, is when I have reached a state of infinite consciousness. Most of the times I ask questions on behalf of other people, as they often ask questions primarily related to the finite instead of a balance of finite and infinite consciousness. Balance is truly the key Nesther, in my mind anyway.


A very good response Viviane.

Can a master reshape form, the material reality, at will and with ease?

Can a mere multinational reshape the material reality at will and with ease?

Because the reality is conditioned to the finite, the material, it seems a lot easier for a multinational to reshape a material world. Often a master won't bother with reshaping a material world, for it is of other people's will to keep it as it is anyway.

I do believe that a true master can reshape any reality, however, only a material consciousness desires to do this, primarily for its own benefit. A true master sees no benefit in gaining or possessing anything from a material reality.

I have definitely had my own consciousness reshaped by consciousnesses of infinite consciousnesses. It is like teaching a student something that they are not ready to learn, or at a certain stage to learn. Only a consciousness ready to learn from infinite consciousness is able to learn from infinite consciousness. When a consciousness is ready, even if that be a human collective consciousness, the ease of reshaping consciousness becomes easier for the master; otherwise there is no point if a consciousness isn't at that stage of learning.

The question isn't if a master can reshape any reality, it is if the consciousness of a reality is ready to be reshaped!! 

Freewill is of the infinite, so yes, we often use freewill for inner growth in a reality of the finite. This often gives us balance, balancing out the finite reality with an infinite reality or consciousness. No wonder we feel more harmonious and at home in this state.


Finite realities/consciousness are of starting and ending points of creation, limiting consciousnesses and realities to certain variables.

Infinite realities/consciousness has no starting or ending points of creation, making for a limitless realities/consciousness. Also, the finite separates energy/consciousness where the infinite units energy/consciousness.

Infinite adjective - Having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude

Infinite noun - The unlimited expanse in which everything is located

Finite adjective - Bounded or limited in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent

Finite noun - Finiteness; The quality of being finite

There is no mistake why I often relate infiniteness to where everything derived from, including awareness/knowledge and wisdom. Simple conformation to what one has, to some extent, experienced. So often awareness/knowledge and wisdom is spoken from what one has only read and studied.


Viviane: True story as I knew the actual farmer.

A farmer told his farm worker to hold his ear to the tree while he raised an ax to a tree to strike it. The farm helper was amazed that he could here the tree suck in, like suck air in anticipation. To me, it is all to do with consciousness, even though trees may not be aware of their own existence like humans. The divine knowledge is the same.

This divine consciousness depends on our own consciousness in how this consciousness is received. It is very difficult for a consciousness of the finite to acknowledge and properly understand infinite consciousness as divine/infinite consciousness. Too many have become wholly conditioned to finite consciousness in my mind.

What makes divine consciousness so divine? It's infiniteness in my mind, a consciousness not limited to certain variables. What then makes human consciousness so human? It's finiteness, a consciousness limited to certain variables. We are not meant to be perfect, but we are supposed to hold true to our beginning or creator to some extent.       

Friday, 2 August 2019

Preordained Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Preordained in relation to consciousness simply means that the will of a consciousness is already written, planed out, however, like a house plan, for example, what a consciousness experiences can be changed. If changed in line with finite existence, existences determined by time, motion and space, the change implemented is often inline with the environment. This means the environment determines in how the plan is rewritten or drawn, however, if a consciousness is conditioned to an unlimited infinite consciousness, the plan can be changed in infinite ways thus creating freewill. To me, as it is important to have so-called negatives and positives in a finite reality, it is important to have a balanced consciousness of the finite and the infinite.

This post was actually prompted by a person of the name of Chris. This is not the same person I have recently been in interaction with. It would seem that Chris realises that the questions we often ask are only inline with a consciousness conditioned to the finite, a consciousness often limited by time, space and motion. Why are so many consciousnesses also of the infinite uncomfortable of people who are primarily expressive of a finite consciousness? Materials and atheist are an example of this, where an imbalance of the finite overshadows the infinite, often leading to the perception of the non-existence of the infinite (God). The following that I wrote in reply to Chris will hopefully lead to a better understanding of what I am stating here.                   

Chris, everything is preordained (written), this means that the answers often depicts the questions asked by a consciousness conditioned to the finite. By asking so many questions created by the finite, the answers that the infinite can give are either misconstrued, ignored, often deliberately ignored in accordance with desires/bias, or the answers are incoherent or non-existent to a consciousness conditioned to the finite only.

Often, if the answers are not inline with what is expected or desired, they are dismissed in some way and in anyway possible. Materialist scientists and often atheists make this fundamental mistake, not just by asking too many questions but questions primarily based on the finite and the desires/bias the finite existences create.

I get the same from new age spiritually aware people. These people often ignore the negatives to be positive, thus allowing the negatives plenty of space to flourish in. Their biases/desires determine what they only become aware of, very simular to materialists and atheists.

Has the collective consciousness become mentally disorientated or imbalanced? Excessive abuse of energy is a sure sign a consciousness is not mentally balanced. How abusive to energy are mentally ill people? Now, how abusive to energy is a consciousness going to be when asking numerous questions primarily based on the finite? You get what we have today, why? Because the balance of the infinite and the finite is by no questions imbalanced.

I was brought up as a hardline atheist, I have been aware from my teens, I am now in my fifties, that the perception of God, the infinite, helps give us that balance. How many people today desire to take this balance away? Now, how imbalanced has the collective human consciousness become?

Today, I will only tolerate obvious bias to a certain extent.

By the way, just because everything is preordained, doesn't mean we, as a infinite consciousness, don't have freewill. Infinite means no limitations, no limitations of not having freewill. To state categorically that we don't have freewill, is a limitation, a consciousness conditioned to the infinite (God) doesn't work like this.

I really hope this helps. Try to let go of the conditions of perceptions based on time, space, motion, therefore finite. The perception of an infinite consciousness such as God has helped a lot of people keep a balance between the finite and the infinite. There are of course other ways to do this as well, anything that gives you an awareness beyond the perceptions of the finite thus helping to balance out consciousness with the infinite.                                  

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Deep Within Our Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Reference is made to BD and RD in the following. According to my friend I am presently in interaction with, BD and RD is referred to as below.

RD = God is the creator of the universe, as used by Christians and Hindus.
BD = “God is the spirit” as mentioned in the Bible and Samkhya (Vedas).
What you need to do xxxxxxx is go to a yogi, shaman or alike and ask to experience a timeless state and then come back to me. I can guarantee that your stance on freewill and God would have changed, of course you have to have the will to do this to start with. If you have written that freewill doesn't exist, point blank, this is unlikely to occur and understandably so. 

If you can prove the existence of any kind of God form in and through time, it is not truly a God form, for a true representation of God doesn't exist within a finite existence, only a perception of. You say you have proof of a BD God exists and that an RD God doesn't exist, I am going to suggest this is false. This is like saying that I can prove that water exists in the same exact space as extreme heat, or that light is as present within the darkness as darkness is. How about proving that a mountain is a flat plane!! To me, anyone who has unequivocal proof that a God exists within time, a materiel state based on the finite, I have to dismiss as being a human perceived falsity. 

Everything is written, meaning, that all scenarios that can be experienced is preordained, this doesn't mean freewill doesn't exist. Through the perception of time and a consciousness predominantly conditioned to and by time, freewill seems to not exist. This is like God doesn't seem to exist for a lot of people and understandably so. However, once our consciousness is conditioned to timelessness, the infinite, God and freewill perceived to exist, even though God or freewill can't be proven to exist in time, the finite, but only perceived.        

"There are many videos that say our technology came from the UFO-ETs."

Videos based on a consciousness conditioned to time, the finite, not the infinite xxxxxxx. As you have said yourself, it is all already written, this means everything is preordained way before the creation of aliens or of any form based on time. Our intelligence, awareness, wisdom, knowledge, technology, etc, comes from a source way before any forms creation, as you stated yourself, it is already written.  This makes no sense, as you say, our technology comes from aliens, while everything is preordained thus giving us no freewill!! You are obviously still not going deep enough, beyond the conditioning of time, this is too obvious xxxxxxx.

As I have stated before, get back to me once you have conditioned your consciousness to the infinite, while at the same time desisting in predominantly focusing on time based consciousness and existence.  You have proven to me many times this is exactly what you are doing xxxxxxx

My patience with you xxxxxxx is unquestionable is it not?       

Friday, 7 June 2019

The Infinite Present Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

In the midst of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations, a wise and aware soul is able to make the most of the present; this is instead of trying the make the present something the ego simply desires. Of course what the ego desires often has nothing to do with the present. The ego in control will often separate itself from what it doesn't desire, thus only leaving what the ego in control desires, which is anything but of the present collective consciousness. Simply, an extraction of parts of the present desired consciousness from the undesired parts of a consciousness is implemented. To a lot of people, this extraction or division of a consciousness is living in the present, when in all honesty all this is, is living for the ego in control.

To a wise and aware soul, an enlightened consciousness, whatever the present is, is embraced no matter how of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations it is. Think of the worst life experience a soul can experience. To an enlightened consciousness, this finite experience is nothing compared to the infinite, a state often referred to as God's consciousness or a state of pure awareness and motionless. Why do people react differently to the same trauma experienced? Often, a person who has gone through far worse trauma, will experience less trauma in the present than a person who has gone through very little trauma in comparison.

Too often people will think the present is of trauma, or of mayhem, demure and dauntless provocations collectively consciously. As an enlightened consciousness thinks no more of a life lived, no matter how good or bad it was, what occurs collectively over time in a finite reality, has no further bearing or relevance, for what a soul experiences is always of the finite. You don't actually experience the infinite like you do the finite, you simply are aware of what the finite represents. Only the ego in control makes any more of this, thus taking a consciousness back into a finite conscious state, in turn creating trauma, often through mayhem, demure and dauntless provocative experiences. As I have stated before, only the ego part of us can be in trauma or become hurt because the ego is only of the finite. The ego, either in control or not, cannot exist within an infinite reality or an infinite state of consciousness, for a consciousness to be aware of everything all at once, is in the absence of the ego in control. The infinite isn't of the absence of the ego, only the ego in control. Of course a consciousness of pure ego is only experienced in the absence of infinite wisdom and awareness.

To an enlightened consciousness, everything is of the present. Only the ego sees an extraction of the undesired for the desired as not being of their personal present, even though the collective present is often something quite different to what the ego in control desires.

So what do many of us do? Try to extract ourselves from the ego as much as possible, thus only being of the infinite. If in any sense you are trying to separate consciousness into parts to serve your ego's desires in this way, you are being more expressive of the finite, as the infinite is of the whole, not only parts of the whole a consciousness only desires to be of within the present. Only the ego in control desires or even needs to extricate itself from the ego. An enlightened consciousness simply desists in the extraction of consciousness, thus allowing one to simply become aware of everything in the absence of the ego's desires. 

Try to remember this. If your ego takes control at times, only the ego in control will make a big deal of this. While experiencing the ego, just be aware, especially aware that the ego in control is not about awareness but ignorance. 

Supplement: "Oh my God, my life has gone, it's all in the past to never be apart of me again!!"

This is of a finite consciousness, when in all honesty to an infinite consciousness, nothing is lost or gained, everything really does become of the present. Within this state, there are no perceptions of loss or gain, even while one is experiencing finite consciousness. Why do most people meet up with dead relatives after their own demise? Consciousness never dies or no longer exists. There is simply no sense of loss, or gain for that matter. To experience gain or loss is of finite consciousness, not of infinite consciousness. Not an easy view to condition an ego to, this is why certain people will always seem more enlightened than most other people.         

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Finite and Infinite Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

It would seem, since the dawn of man as a human consciousness/race, we have made a connection to the infinite. The belief in a divine consciousness or the belief in eternal cycles of life is but two of these, so it would certainly seem that we have always made this connection to an infinite existence or being in one sense or another.

In modem times, the division between perceiving infinitely and finitely is apparent, even in modern day science this is apparent between different forms of science, for example, quantum physic concepts are not based on absolutes where in a lot of other sciences there are concepts of absolutes. We are human, this is a fact, so we don't look beyond the human concept. It's like Newtonians didn't accept that Newtonian concepts and principles were limited, the same with Einstein concepts and principles. Albert Einstein's concepts and principles/theories were taken as an absolute, within this perception, there was no room for evolving therefore these kinds of perceptions are limited to certain concepts and principles.

A lot of modern day consciousness is restricted to certain limitations or dogmatic concepts and principles, there are barriers that can't ever be crossed or even questioned. Of course the only reason barriers exist is because we have created them or they have been created in accordance to the perceptions used. If we perceive there are barriers therefore limitations to our conscious existence, we will ourselves create a reality based on these limitations. Of course to do this, a consciousness has to ignore the infinite in preference to the finite.

Finite consciousness is purely based on time, time being the creator of starting and ending points thus creating realities based on limitations rather than realities based on unlimited potentiality. Of course to balance out these kinds of perceptions, we kept our perceptions of the existence of the infinite, perceptions that are not limited but unlimited.

We might then think that time itself is finite in nature when in actuality time is infinite in nature, it's only what is created in time that is finite. Time itself is actually governed by infinite projections, for time has no limitations in how time is perceived or how long time will exist for. The simple reason for this is that time wasn't created, in that the creation of time has no starting or ending point, only of created perceived starting and ending points. For an example of this, there is an end to our nights and days on Earth, however, when you go out into space, there is only daylight, this of course is governed by how long a sun lasts. In saying this, the energy used to create the energy of the sun is endless because, like time, energy has no starting point within itself, only what energy creates.

To perceive this one must simply look at time as being energy, not what this energy creates. An energy that is not limited to certain concepts and principles, time is therefore based on the infinite, not on what the finite creates. We too often only look at what time creates, not on what time is really based on, in actuality, everything is based on the infinite for energy itself is infinite in nature.

Let's now look at how differently finite and infinite consciousness looks at reincarnation for example, the belief in past lives which has been scientifically proven to exist.

The finite consciousness looks at each life as a separate life to other lives lived, each life having a starting or ending point of it's own. The infinite consciousness doesn't look at it this way, it looks at reincarnation as being one life or existence separated by different scenarios. There is no starting or ending point, only an expression of different energies usually separated by our inability to remember our past lives. If we could remember our past lives and our lives between these lives, we would see ourselves as experiencing one life or existence that has no limitations or starting and ending points.

We are simply conditioned to perceive in starting and ending points therefore being of a conscious based on the finite, an existence of limitations therefore barriers, in turn, creating existences purely based on the finite rather than the infinite. Considering that everything in existence is based and created from the infinite, I find basing a reality purely on the finite peculiar, it's simply unnatural, in saying this, we must also remember being limited like this is also apart of being unlimited. Are we really unlimited being limited to the unlimited? Being limited is also apart of being unlimited, think on this, how unlimited are the expressions and motions of being limited? The expressions of being limited is infinite, there is no end to these limited expressions and motions.

We exist in a finite limited reality, how many possibilities can be expressed in such a reality? What if the Roman Empire never existed or Adolf Hitler never came to power, the possibilities of different realities being created within a limited reality are endless, all of existence is simply infinite in nature.

Infinite also pertains to oneness, being that everything is connected, where's finite simply pertains to separation or division of this oneness, of the infinite. The finite is simply a divided infinite, this is why the finite can only exist within time. Considering how time is divided into seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries and so on, it's quite understandable why finite can only exist within the perception of time. Take away how time divides the infinite into numerous and infinite divisions, like with measurements which are infinite, you take away the perception of the finite, all you are then left with is the infinite.

The finite is simply a perception because it can only represent part of the whole at any given time; the whole of course is represented by the infinite. To me, it's not a natural state if we exist within a finite reality while excluding the infinite. Giving that energy itself is infinite in nature, I find this most peculiar. We simply can't exist without the infinite, if we try to do this in my mind, we will simply destroy ourselves; destroy the form and creation of an infinite energy. We are simply going against the natural laws by excluding the infinite in our existence, not a very wise or intelligent thing to do in my mind.           

Monday, 4 September 2017

Infinite and Finite Ideologies /Philosophies

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before considering following an ideology and or philosophy consider this, which one's are limiting and which one aren't. A good example of this is the ego limiting or liberating  physically and through it's ideologies and /or philosophies. Is one set of ideologies and /or philosophies stifling/limiting to all other ideologies and /or philosophies within an ideology/philosophy?

Can an ideology/philosophy be infinite in nature if it has limits within it's ideologies and philosophies? The answer of course is no as all limitations are of the finite and not of the infinite, infinite simply refers to which that is limitless where's finite refers to which that is limited. Do we want to be governed by what is finite or infinite in nature? Considering that human consciousness is limited and that divine consciousness is limitless, we need to make a choice which one we want or even need to be governed by.

Is it wise to be governed entirely by an ideology/philosophy that is infinite in nature while existing in an existence that is governed by finite consciousness?

Infinite consciousness simply means there are no limitations within the expressions of this consciousness; this consciousness therefore is able to be expressed in a finite existence. However, finite consciousness is unable to be expressed within an infinite consciousness because of it's limitations. You simply can't limit yourself to human perspectives within divine consciousness because divine consciousness is divine because it's unlimited (infinite) nature.

I should say when I talk about a divine consciousness, I am talking about a consciousness that is unlimited and infinite in nature, in actuality, divine consciousness is able to create anything and everything because it's not limited.

The following are my replies to other people on a forum, life can be limiting or limitless, this is our choice.


I don't faze you do I I Spirit 3, I respect this; you simply just go with the flow within the present, in my mind quite commendable.

Yes, I suppose so, is love and light a creation from it's opposite making the opposite just as worthy as love and light or visa-versa.  I suppose motion works like this, action reaction, push and pull, cause and effect. I was speaking with a Malaysian bloke for some time on and off, he often mentioned the natural flow of the  push and pull effect of motion, my western mind had a hard time comprehending where he was coming from at times but in all it made sense to me.  He basically said all we need to do is get off the treadmill for all motion creates delusions to one extent or another. 

I simply concur, everything is of and comes from spirit/consciousness.

You know how I bag/acknowledge the ways of a black and white mentality, I too express this because how is the ego suppose to become aware if it's not put in a way that the ego can comprehend and understand?  Motion is often of black and white for instance, light and dark dominating each other, however, to get off the treadmill one has to learn the ways of the black and white mentality of the ego, the paradox is, the ego needs a black and white comprehension to do this, to start with, but know when to let go of this black and white mentality as well.

It's indeed all natural but I can see that it might not seem that way as well.


Do we need to plan therefore control?  I think the ego needs to plan where our divine self doesn't, what is there to plan when you are everything and are aware of everything?

In my mind, we need to be caring thoughtful of the ego without being controlling, I often think of the ego as my child that needs my loving attention to become aware and adult in it's motions, otherwise it's going to be and act in a self-cantered way like a spoilt brat. I think our present reality shows this.

You don't have to be controlling towards your child, just simply guiding the child through simple awareness. Guiding isn't controlling, it's leading by example, going with the flow of awareness rather than going against the flow of awareness. Control is set to certain specifics of awareness, it's only of the awareness of what can be controlled by the ego, all else is usually discarded or ignored.

The thing with love and light is it's apart of the process that was created by the process itself, the process of the ego being in control. Think of it as a treadmill, the control of the treadmill keeps us in motion but when we get off the treadmill; are we still controlled by the treadmill? We simply got off the process of control. Getting off from one life process creating another life process is the same as getting off from the control of the treadmill; we simply stopped the ego controlling us thus creating yet another process and on it goes.

I think treating the process of love and light as a be and end all is a huge mistake as it's still apart of the process of control. I have spoken to a number of Eastern minded people on this, they all say all we need to do is release ourselves from this control, from this process, to be our whole self. Let's be honest, love and light is still about taking control rather than releasing it. I think the Western mind has a huge problem in comprehending this; it's probably why so many Western minded people are upset with me in what I write, I'm simply seen as a threat to the process of control. 

My stepdaughter Karla has won three world titles in a row now; it's a world record in women's IPSC shooting. We guided Karla rather than controlled Karla.       

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Releasing Ourselves from Set Standards

Written by Mathew Naismith

I'm sorry for the syntax errors and non-legible grammar of recent; trying to assist the painter is causing a lot of physical and mental discomfort, especially at present. My grammatical coherency isn't fully coherent within it's structuring.

To a lot of people, the situation I am in would be judged as being highly negative, the inability to properly structurally form legible posts is debilitating to what I am writing. This of course can be debilitating to the reader by impairing their coherency in what I am writing, to a lot of people, this is negative but not to people like me.

When you start reading something that isn't altogether coherent, you decide at that point if to read on or not. If you decide not to read on because of the incoherency in what you are reading, you are simply not meant to read it, it's not for you.

I often read posts and threads that are not altogether structured properly, just because it's not structured properly doesn't mean it isn't insightful. We often judge in accordance inline with the kind of structured coherency expressed, if it's not up to our standards, it becomes non-legible, if it's up to our standards, it's of course legible.

The personal standards we judge everything in accordance with can be highly critical, just because something isn't up to our own personal standards doesn't mean it's negative or bad in someway, it simply means it's not up to our critical personal standards. When we express certain standards, we limit ourselves to these standards, all else other than our own personal standards become unrecognisable.

When we fixate ourselves to certain ideologies, most often all other ideologies become incoherent to us, they simply become an unrecognisable ideology we can't possibly relate to. Within this very action, we have limited ourselves to certain set perspectives and perceptions. I think by doing this we lose our connection with the infinite side of life, of course all we are left with is the finite, a consciousness of limited range and possibilities.

The reason why trauma isn't a big deal or negative for people like me is that trauma is finite in nature. If a consciousness predominantly focuses on the finite, the consciousness involved would naturally become limited within it's range and understanding, and yes, this quite naturally occurs. You will also find that a consciousness that focusing on the finite will judge more negatives within their environment than someone who focuses on the infinite.

Focusing on the infinite instead of the finite allows one to cohere and understand more of their present environment, this includes a reality that is in and creates it's own traumas. How often do we cohere and want to understand anything we have judged as negative when focused on the finite?

This is funny; by focusing on the finite we create standards, however, by focusing on the infinite there are no standards, standards simply don't and can't exist within the infinite. When a consciousness has no set standards, what naturally occurs? Awareness and quite naturally without effort, of course the opposite naturally occurs when we do have set standards. This is understandable because standards mean limitations and the more set our standards become, the more limited our consciousness naturally becomes.

Once our own vibrations are conditioned to certain set standards, we will of course naturally feel that any other vibrations that our own set standards are incoherent towards will feel negative. The reason for this lays in that our own set standards which make everything else not of these standards incoherent, it's this incoherency that gives us bad vibrations.

There are no bad vibrations, this is until our own standards create these vibrations, they simply don't exist until we create them which can only be created if we focus on the finite.

Try to relate the finite with ego, finite existence is ego where's infinite existence is egoless, of course to the ego, infinite existence is hard to comprehend because infinite existence is incoherent to the egos standards. This is due to the egos standards being set to everything relating to the ego, to finite existence, there is nothing beyond ego according to the ego. How many Western minded atheists believe consciousness couldn't exist beyond the physical limits of the brain? This is even after science is proving otherwise!!

To me, finite existence is ego and infinite existence is egoless, the reason for this is that there are no standards within an infinite state of existence. By simply releasing ourselves from our set standards, our limitations set by these standards, infinite existence automatically replaces finite existence.

Look at it this way. You have a clean body of water until the ego pollutes the water. By simply releasing the water from this pollution the water becomes clean again, the water is freed from the limitation that the pollution limited the water to. The water is limited because you can't drink it and nothing can live in it, it is therefore limited and subjected to certain set standards until these standards are lifted. Take away our own set standards, what are we naturally left with? A pure state of existence that isn't hindered by limitations, a state of infinite existence. The ego is naturally limiting and is only able to create finite existences, this is it's natural limitations brought about by it's own set standards.             

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

The Universe - An Abstract Expression

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before we get into this, it has been asked a number of times where I fit into the scheme of things, what human label do I fall under, my usual reply is that I am spiritually aware to some extent. It would seem I actually fall under the label mystic more than anything as I seem to fit this profile, I was also very heavily involved in mysticism in ancient Egypt in a past life, not long before hieroglyphs depicted light globes and helicopters on the walls of Hathor's temple.

Mysticism to me is like modern day science in that it's about becoming more aware, however, unlike modern day science, mysticism is void of any perceptions that are limiting, the following post is a prime example of this. I am also about the consciousness of mysticism, not the mechanics of mysticism, this basically means I avoid primarily using physical means to obtain an awareness. This is done for a very good reason, the five senses usually limits and hinders conscious awareness.

Now for the universe being but an abstract expression (representation). Firstly, what does this abstract universe represent?

Abstract Universe: This abstract universe represents a consciousness that everything else in existence has been created from, including other consciousness's. We often refer to this consciousness as the source of all creation or God for example, basically once again it's in reference to a consciousness that everything else has been created from, it's truly important to  comprehend this. To me, it's quite understandable why we relate this kind of consciousness to a God.

The abstract representation of this all creative consciousness, could be deemed as an illusion and often is by many, being that this all creative consciousness is real and where everything else has been abstractly copied from and only in part. To explain this better abstract art for instance is a reflection or an expression of parts of a something, this refers that the universe is but one of infinite expressions of this one consciousness.

Abstract art represents certain expressions while other expressions are ignored or not included within an expression (art). This exclusion of other parts changes the reflection of what is being expressed, you might even say this exclusion distorts what is real, however, as of consciousness, this distortion gives a different perspective to what is being expressed which produces a different perception that would otherwise be unknown.

What is real =  infinite + timelessness + reality

What is abstract = finite +time + illusion

Abstract expressions seems to distort reality, basically, giving a false representation of what is real, an illusion of what is real, however, in actually abstract expressions are not about giving a false representation of what is real, instead abstract expressions are about giving a different perspective of what is real while still representing, in part, what is real. What usually occurs is that a consciousness believes or wants to believe that this abstract universe is real in every sense, basically, we have fooled ourselves in believing in an abstract representation being a true representation of who we are as a whole. We have, within ourselves, created an illusion through our beliefs, basically, this abstract universe isn't giving us a false representation of this all creative consciousness, we are.

It's truly this simple, what is real is of the infinite, what isn't real is of the finite, all that time does is give this all creative consciousness a state of existence where the infinite consciousness can be expressed as a finite consciousness. Because the infinite is expressed in time, time can only express the infinite in parts, this automatically gives an abstract impression of the infinite. Time expresses certain expressions while other expressions are excluded, this is because time is of starting and ending points, within time, a consciousness is unable to express a starting and ending point at the same time, they need to be separated or expressed in parts giving a abstract appearance or perception.

It's good to be aware that this abstract universe and everything in it, is based on a real reflection distorted by time, this doesn't make everything in time an illusion unless a consciousness believes that this state is real. How many of us believe that obstruct art is a true depiction of that is real? Not many of us, there is however one thing to be aware of here, most often abstract art will portray a real expression that most people are unaware of or can perceive, could not the universe itself also be doing the same? In timelessness (infinite) we are one thing, in time (finite) we are something else however in stating this, it's wise to be aware that the universe is an abstract copied image of who we truly are as a whole.

Basically, we are talking about two sides of the coin here or yin and yang. the abstract (finite) being the other side of the coin compared to this all creative consciousness.

Yin = abstract + finite

Yang = reality/actual + infinite

Two Sides of the Coin: There are a number of similarities between the two sides of the coin to consider here, yin and yang, finite and infinite. On one hand we have the all creative consciousness that created everything, on the other hand we have consciousness's that emulate this creative consciousness by creating in it's own right, basically once again, creating but in an abstract way. We also have two sides of the coin, however, they are still of the same coin. We might also think one is real and the other isn't, what then depicts real when there is no unreal and visa-versa? Put in another way, what depicts yang without the yin?  

We might think we are thinking too much here, why can't one exist without the other being present?

To think this still takes a thought process to begin with. The point is, the infinite is of timelessness, this also means time has also always existed within this timeless state, in other words the other side of the coin, yin, has also always existed for there is no starting or ending point within timelessness (infinite consciousness). Yin and yang, finite and infinite, time and timelessness, two sides of the coin, have always existed, however, in an abstract universe/reality, one seems to exist without the other. It's like I said about abstract art, usually the emphasis is on certain expressions while ignoring other expressions, this often seems to give a distorted impression of what is real, in actuality what is occurring is that the abstract is an expression of the other side of the coin. Basically, abstract expressions represent an ignorance of one side of the coin to emphasise the other side of the coin more to become aware of the flaws or perfections of the coin as a whole, in other words consciousness as a whole.

Is it possible to experience both side of the coin, meaning, is it possible to be expressive of the finite and the infinite at the same time?

Absolutely, this however takes a consciousness to be aware of both sides of the coin without judging what is worthy and what isn't worthy, in other words a reflection and expression of pure balance.

Now to throw a spanner in the works, meaning, to desist in one conscious perception to become aware of another conscious perception. This all creative consciousness (God) is not just of the infinite, it's also of the finite (the abstract), as it's not just of timelessness, it's also of time, this is why I often call this all creative consciousness pure balance. We so often refer to this creative consciousness as being of one side of the coin and not the other, basically, of yin without the yang but consider this, this creative consciousness doesn't just represent one side of the coin because it is the coin itself. This however doesn't mean that infinite consciousness (God) isn't of infinite consciousness, often when a consciousness is becoming aware of the other side of the coin, it will see this other side of the coin as being some kind of God, this is inevitable. The reason for this is simple, when a consciousness becomes aware of an awareness beyond it's comprehension, it either ignores this awareness or depicts it as a higher consciousness than of itself.

The abstract universe has fragmented consciousness to depict certain expressions of itself while ignoring other expressions, however within this process, consciousness can become highly destructive mainly because it's unaware or deliberately stays ignorant to the other side of the coin thus giving such a consciousness an imbalance way of existing. We can indeed correct this, not just by becoming of one side of the coin, finite or infinite consciousness, but by becoming the coin itself, consciousness as a whole......      

Monday, 4 July 2016

Love - A Possession Deterrent

Written by Mathew Naismith

A true sense of love is a deterrent against any kind of possession, even demonic possession, in actuality, a true sense of love distracts from any conditioning that is brought about by predominantly living by the five senses. It's true that a true sense of love detracts any kind of influence a controlling ego has upon us, love is indeed a very handy shield to acquire in such a chaotic world.

Possession: Predominantly living by the five senses, leaves us open to all sorts of external forces, even demonic. Now demonic isn't just in reference to demon looking creatures either, demonic actually means, 'Extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell". We didn't have a true sense of love for a God or deity for no reason, also, God's and deities gave us an awareness and a connectedness to a more aware and wise consciousness than man's consciousness. We actually protect ourselves against these destructive influences less than we ever have throughout human history. The more predominantly we live by the five sense alone, the more destruction and depravity we will witness.

When the churches become more about opulence and the power of the church than the love of a God or deity, what occurred? The religious Dark Ages come to mind for starters. Today we have CEO's like Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe literally taking water from African mouths and all they can say is, Water required for drinking and basic hygiene is a human right; that's 1.5% of global water withdrawal. I am not of the opinion that the other 98.5% is a human right." Where the water is taken from in Africa by Nestles, the people of that region no longer have a clean source of water!!

T. Boone Pickens, a water speculator and billionaire, stated, "There are people who will buy the water when they need it. And the people who have the water want to sell it. That's the blood and guts of the thing." It would seem it doesn't matter where the water is taken from and who dies from the lack of water so that certain people can become and stay billionaires. If you haven't got a clean reliable water source, you are living in a hellish environment. We are only talking about water here, this is but the tip of the iceberg from these obvious cold-hearted cruel people. This isn't judgment, this is clear cut observation, an awareness.

Now the question is, why are these people bringing hell upon the Earth and all it's inhabitants? For pure profit and control no matter what the cost. What actually entices them to do such a demonic thing? Possession, the offshoot of being possessed by profit and control is but the effect of the cause of the effect, they are, to me, possessed by external forces (cause) because they predominantly live by the five senses. There seems to be no love but the love of money and control (power), this of course isn't a true sense of love but a desire (lust) which brings us to the next topic of this post.

Lust (Desire): I certainly believe that by living predominantly by the five senses, in other word a controlling ego, that this can indeed leave us open to be possessed by external sources. Now what I mean by external sources is just that, we have the inner self  and the outer, the outer self is external to our true being. The outer self is also the only part of ourselves that is able to be possessed as inner self always stays pure from external influences, this is because it's shielded by a true sense of love where the outer self can be left un-shielded against external influences. The inner self being the spirit within all things.

External self = external source + finite + controlling ego + is able to be influenced

Internal self =  internal source + infinite + an ego not in control + is unable to be influenced

Once a consciousness becomes predominantly of the five senses, it automatically becomes of lust and desire thus negating any influence this inner love will have upon a consciousness.   

A consciousness has to create lust and desire for lust and desire to exist, it's not of our truer self (inner self), it has to be created where's our inner self has always existed without being created, even by some God or deity. A true sense of love is of the infinite where's the lust and desire are of the finite, this is why lust and desire are unable to exist within the inner self, ever, only the infinite can exist within the inner self. Yes, it's true, there is good within all things, put in a more precise way, there is the infinite within all things, the spirit.......!!

In all, it would seem a lot of us have stopped shielding ourselves against external influences that will quite automatically influence us to become demonic/cruel and very uncaring about anything but the lust of things. Once our external selves let down the shield protecting us against these external sources of influence, we become the influence itself thus forgetting who we really are. We have forgotten we are of the infinite and have forgotten that the finite is but an external creation as all creations are. The finite is known by many to be just an illusion, I don't myself totally concur with this!!       

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Finite Existence, A Motion Picture

Written by Mathew Naismith

It would seem I've always perceived life, finite existence, likened to a panoramic view with no separation, meaning that there are no segments or separate lives lived, it's one life. As I have written in posts a few years ago now, I don't perceive, for example, reincarnation as depicting separate lives lived, it's more likened to one life lived separated by intermissions or separate scenes like in a lengthy motion picture. I look at all my finite existence as a motion picture, each frame and scene make up this motion picture we call life, we can either perceive this motion picture as a picture in motion separated by scenes, or, observe this motion picture as a motionless panoramic photo/picture.

Finite = motion picture + separatism + motion + participator + time

Infinite = panoramic photo + collective + motionless + observer + timelessness  

Finite existence can give the view or perception of separate lives, you could say this is an illusion as finite existence can delude us to perceive in a separatist way. The question is, is finite existence truly and really about separatism? It's a paradox because the answer is yes and no. Yes, when we perceive through infinite perceptions and no, not when we are perceiving through a finite perception.

Finite existence; refers to an existence of a participator rather than an observer, of course to participate, we need motion or a means to create motion, this is of course is where time comes into it as time is all about motion. To create motion however, you need to first separate this picture into segments or frames, like a movie motion picture, to give it motion, time does this very well.   

Infinite existence; refers to an existence of an observer, the observer observing the whole of life as one frame or as a motionless panoramic photo. It's quite understandable why the observer is more aware and wiser than a participator.              

However, as many people like me have done, you can exist by a finite and infinite existence, this allows one to experience finite existence while at times observing these experiences. What I don't do is separate finite existence from infinite existence, any kind of separation denotes predominant finite perceptions within the act of separating one from the other. This means no matter how traumatising an experience is within finite existences, it's just as accepted, and most importantly, appreciated as an infinite existence experience. You of course can only be appreciative of life traumas when being the observer through an infinite existence, perceiving predominately through finite perceptions will only enhance traumas. 

How does one appreciate traumatising times in one's life?

You don't at the time of the trauma, this act in being unappreciative is also appreciated but only when you observe the whole life, not one segment of frame of life and this is the point. The more we separate life into individual segments, the more dramatic our lives become, how dramatic is a movie motion picture compared to a panoramic photo? Even if the panoramic photo was of a traumatising time, once you put this still picture into motion, it makes the scene a lot more dramatic, our lives in a finite reality are very much like this.

Take a look at the difference between the perceptions of ISIS and consumerist materialism or one religion to another for example, each difference within these group of people denote a different frame or scene within a motion picture. Now observe these differences as one whole picture as if you are watching all of a motion picture all at once as one motionless picture, what you are observing becomes automatically less dramatic.

Do people like myself allow drama and trauma to be a part of their lives?

Absolutely, for to do otherwise would to be predominantly of finite existence through the simple expression of separating one from the other.

Does this mean we should just accept the dramas and traumas in our lives?

It's really up to the individual, however, if you no longer want to be a participator within a finite reality, become the observer by not separating life, as a whole, into different segments. This means stop separating one part of life, no matter how traumatising it is, from other parts of your life, observe your whole existence as one life lived.

As of always, balance is the key, don't try to push something away by pulling something in and expect a more balanced peaceful existence, this just isn't going to occur as human history quite plainly shows us. Any retaliation will create an opposing retaliation, pulling something in to push something out denotes a participator, instead, also become an observer which depicts an infinite existence that will balance out the finite existence. Yes. at times it's a fine balance, at times balancing one extreme with another but note, every extreme will create more drama. Balancing out life with one extreme with another extreme denotes a predominant finite existence. The less of the extreme we express, the more of the infinite we become.

Finite or infinite existence on it's own isn't balance, finite existence is all about drama and trauma where's infinite existence is all about a passive existence, one being seemingly separate to the other. I do find it strange that people who are trying to be of infinite existence, will at times totally separate themselves from finite existence, this action is of course primarily of finite existence, any separation denotes a finite existence.              

A true infinite existence takes one to balance out finite and infinite existences, it's not about separating one from the other. We are so used to perceiving in a motion picture way, we can only perceive by separating one from the other. Each scene is separate to us in finite existences where in infinite existences they are one of the same with no separation from fame to frame, scene to scene as in a motion picture. A true infinite existence is liked to a motionless panoramic picture showing all of what is in one go, this might sound daunting but it's quite the opposite, it's very reassuring and comforting. In effect, finite existence is only this motionless panoramic picture of the infinite put into motion like a motion picture.....  

Thursday, 19 May 2016

The Vastness of Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

If man's consciousness existed for a billion years, it would be like a grain of sand upon a beach compared to consciousness as a whole. This is how vast consciousness is and how small man's consciousness is no matter how long he's consciousness existed for......

Man's consciousness could exist for a trillion years and still be but a grain of sand on a beach compared to infinite consciousness. Put it this way, if we fell asleep for five seconds and awaken from this sleep, how significant would this five seconds be to an average persons life? It wouldn't be, this is a real depiction of man's consciousness as a whole, it's minute compared to our whole being, infinite consciousness itself.     

I will now share a couple of conversations I had with Eddie Lau and Meda Raveendra Reddy Foundation to hopefully get a better depiction of the vastness of consciousness itself.  

Delusions from our greed(pulling) and hatred(aversion/pushing) movement at once is the cause of our separations of inner and outer. They are actually one whole truth without boundary when we really see. Whatever we perceive from the outside are the reflections of ourselves when there is no movement at all. The separation/fragmentation begins the moment we moved mentally/physically. We are limitless when we are not.

My Reply:
Utterly so in my mind, boundaries are created when we exist by the finite as opposed to the infinite.

We might perceive that the infinite is more of motion than the finite but this isn't so, the infinite is motionless as it has no purpose to go from one point to another for all points are within the same such.

We often look at the infinite as being more of motion because it's seemingly infinite therefore always of motion, however, there is no actual space within the infinite for motion to exist I feel for there is no need of space and time within the infinite.

The strange thing is, the infinite is only infinite while consciousnesses is being expressed as motion in the finite, it's actually the finite that gives the infinite it's endless boundaries.

As you said, they are one whole truth without boundaries, boundaries are actually an illusion, however, without these boundaries, there is no infinite for the finite and the infinite are one of the same thing.

Boundaries and limitations define the infinite unless we are too caught up in the illusion. Strangely enough, illusions are necessary for us, that's why they exist but we need to be aware of this otherwise the infinite won't exist for us, this is often highly destructive.

An example of this is in the way we use energy, we use energy as a finite source which can be highly destructive. Using energy as a infinite source actually works in the opposite, it's highly constructive. We see energy as being created and destroyed in a reality of the finite, a starting and ending point or origin. An infinite reality sees energy as being always there, this means consciousness within such an infinite reality will only use an energy source that has no starting or ending point of origin, within this, there is no destruction.

Science know you can't destroy energy as energy itself is infinite, however, what energy creates isn't infinite, it's finite, of motion. All motion is of the finite where's all motionlessness is of the infinite.

Return Reply:
We are indeed the energy now transforming from a form to another ceaselessly. 

Our outer environment and its consciousness exists every where. But what we can perceive is only what is possible for our consciousness. What is un-consciousness? some thing we are not conscious of it. When we are aware of it, then it becomes part of our consciousness. So, it is our consciousness which I think you are referring to inner conciseness keep on expanding. to say it is infinite, I am not sure if it is the right word to use. May be it is expandable but always have its limits.

My Reply:
Meda Raveendra Reddy Foundation As I will explain in my next post, consciousness refers to motion, all motion is of this expansion, the finite, but is also of the infinite as in forever expanding.

Expansion actually infers finite and infinite for any consciousness to expand, it also needs limitations, boundaries. 

Is therefore motionlessness (timelessness) this un-conscious? 

I think this un-consciousness doesn't exist for it's not of any kind of energy, it can only exist within a consciousness which makes it a creation of consciousness to start with. So yes you are right, this ever expandable (infinite) consciousness has it's limitations. 

The yin can't exist without the yang, does this mean consciousness can't exist without the un-conscious as well? The yin can't exist without the yang for without the yin the yang has nothing to compare it's existence with. Consciously speaking, the un-conscious has to exist to prove that consciousnesses also exists!! A paradox as always but quite comprehensible.

Finite = time + consciousness + space + motion + limitations + energy

Infinite = timelessness + non-consciousness + no space + motionlessness + unlimited + energy

Time and space: It's understandable that time and space are of the finite, what's interesting is that there are numerous, and yes, infinite starting and ending points within time itself, therefore in reality, time is an expression of the infinite as well as the finite.

Non-consciousness: Now the question of an existence of a non-consciousness is questionable, for a non-consciousness to exist, this non-consciousness needs a consciousness to realise this non-consciousness exists in the first place, basically, the yin needs the yang to exist and visa-versa.

Is there a nothingness of non-consciousness? I believe so but it can't be put into words or explained in any sense for it's non-consciousness, to put it into words would be of consciousness, once you do this, you are no longer speaking of a non-consciousness. This non-consciousness is more of a feeling than anything, it's certainly not a knowing for to know denotes a consciousness.

Motion/Motionlessness: Motion is of time and space therefore is of the finite for motion depicts a starting and ending point. Motionlessness however is of no time or space therefore is of the infinite as there is no starting or ending point of existence, no life or death.

Limitation/Unlimited: Because there are starting and ending points in time, these starting and ending points limit a consciousness to the finite. An unlimited consciousness however  is infinite because there are no limitations to a consciousness that has no boundaries unlike a consciousness within time. A state of timelessness allows a consciousness to express itself beyond the boundaries of time void of starting an ending points.                     

Energy; refers to both the infinite and the finite for all expressions in time are due to the infinite. Look at it like this, a motion picture has various frames that make up a motion picture, basically each separate frame of the picture film make up a motion picture by putting each frame into motion in realities of the finite. The infinite doesn't work like this, it sees all of the motion picture film as one frame, a collective picture or one picture, not many. This one picture frame, even though it's motionless, is still a depiction of an energy source otherwise the frame of the picture film wouldn't and couldn't exist.

Finite = separate frames put into motion as one picture film in motion, this can only occur in time based realities.

Infinite = all the separate frames are in one frame which is motionless, there is no motion in the infinite so no motion occurs. This means timelessness is a depiction of one still picture frame while showing the whole collective picture film simultaneously. You can see why an infinite consciousness is so aware, it is aware of the whole picture all of the times.      

Now I've put non-consciousness with energy while stating that this non-consciousness isn't an energy source. The reason for this is to do with the only way to become aware of this non-consciousness, is through the infinite, a state of timelessness, this is the only state that you will become aware of this non-consciousness. The infinite still denotes a consciousness but only through this timeless, motionless consciousness. The infinite and non-consciousness are certainly closely interlinked.

Consciousness as a whole is certainly vast and quite incomprehensible at times because of it's massiveness, the strange thing is, this whole collective consciousness is actually quite minute/tiny for only in motion is anything massive and sizeable, this is because motion expands on this motionless consciousness through it's expressions. Anything of this motionless consciousness expressed, automatically becomes larger but only in time.     

I'm sorry if I haven't explained myself very well here, it's a very difficult topic to comprehend at the best of times.