Written by Mathew Naismith
Reedited: I had
to put a further supplement in at the end of the post to explain myself a
little clearer as a number of people didn’t quite get the gist of what I’m
trying to say here.
I thought I would share with you a conversation between me & another bloke on various subjects to do with spirituality; Robbiesan is quite an accomplished spiritually aware person in my mind.
Hi Mathew. You
know, the other night I had to LOL. I imagined a ping pong match with you and
I. Serve: "Absolute truth!" return "No Absolute truth".
But, at this point we were just having fun. Eventually laughed and threw the
paddles in the air, and sat down for a beer.
Yeah, that's it. There is so much that is possible. I too
learned "mind bad" and "ego bad", which would eventually
conflict with other sources of information that say to include all Self and do
your best to understand and live it. There are simply too many stories of
selves who do the impossible, simply meaning—defying conventional beliefs. That
is why I am so adamant about weeding my own garden, and looking at each believe
to see if it allows more of me to be, or becomes limiting. After spending many
years unlearning (thanks Yoda!!)...you know what I mean.
From my own inner journey, I had such struggle because while
I was trying to love and accept myself, I still held subconscious beliefs that
were reverse polarity. Once I changed that, meaning "ego, you are not a
bad thing at all.." well, that changed. Feeling much better. That is why
it's so important to walk our own paths, and choose what really resonates with
us, but yet, look deeper, to be sure of which aspects of us are considering
something a truth.
I picked up a great book, which is exactly about all of
A Seth Book: The Nature of Personal Reality. <-- You
really gotta read this. Right up your alley Mat.
I just picked up recently, like last week. It goes into so
much more detail, but confirms what I have come to understand. Nothing is
actually real. What we call real is but an illusion. We are creating with each
thought and feeling, each choice. Conscious is one thing, shadow (ego) is
another, spirit yet another, however all part of the same package. Great book.
I really do recommend reading this to everyone, especially you Mathew to assist
you upon your path.
And, hey it's all good brother. My approach is simply
checking things out, experimenting, confirming. If any beliefs need to change,
then I do so accordingly. I really am a "if it makes sense and resonates
to the core of my being, I will pursue it." Just that. Once upon a time I
was more of a stubborn little sod, but now prefer to hold beliefs that I can
experience and confirm, and also of course, what is allowing to be all of me.
Keeping it simple, which sometimes does not lend itself to all out intellectual
PS I talk to the Universe every day. I ask for stuff. I
state stuff. I give thanks. In the case of the ego, I say "Universe, I
release my old beliefs about ego being bad. I fully embrace my ego and allow it
to be configured as my true self. We are at One. (meaning aspects at One,
rather than divided, stuggling)" Stuff like that: what I do choose to
experience. Try it. The Universe is awareness as well, and can work with you
directly once properly open to it. Here's another example I was experimenting
with. I say "I look no older that a very healthy 30yrs." Recently met
some people who I hadn't seen for over 10years (I am turning 45 shortly) and
they were amazed, literally saying "OMG, you don't look like you aged a
day!! What's your secret." I kinda joked a bit, but truth is I simply
choose to believe it.
G'day Robbiesan
Haha...love it & yes the beer as well.[wink]
Unlearning takes a lot of reprogramming & defragging
& many hours work. I was told numerous times in my early teens not to read or
study too much in any one ideology, I now know why & it still took many
hours of hard work to unlearn. I think some people need a lot of help in unlearning
from what they have learnt over the years.
Someone else told me about the Seth book a while ago. Yes I’m
allowed to read now because I have my own mind set not someone else’s, no
defragging needed.
I’m not into saying what we are experiencing is an illusion,
every time I think illusions a big fat no comes into my head. The illusion is thinking
this is all we are, what we are experiencing is only a small part of ourselves,
we are not physical being but on the other hand we are. Everything is of pure consciousness &
because this pure consciousness isn’t of time everything has always existed including
what we are experiencing in physical life however it’s only always existed in
pure conscious form not in physical form. We are now experiencing pure consciousness
in physical form & to do this we needed time. Time has always existed as well but as pure consciousness
like everything else.
The illusion is we are not just this physical form, we are
pure consciousness however the experiences we are getting in physical form have
always existed as pure consciousness, they have always existed because pure
consciousness isn’t of time & if it’s not of time everything we could
imagine has always existed but only in pure conscious form until now. It
would seem by experiencing this pure consciousness in physical form has given
us the idea these physical experiences are delusional but it’s not.
This sounds lame but I keep getting a big fat no all the
time when the question of illusions enters my thoughts.
Yes I change my views & beliefs, my blogs a good example
of this. Life of knowledge is like stepping stones, you start from point (A)
& go from there not missing any steps along the way otherwise you will become
unbalanced & possibly fall. One bit of knowledge always leads to another
& to another & so on it goes making each stone you have passed over null
& void towards your journey but if you miss a stone all hell break loose.
Being truly connected peacefully can keep one looking &
feeling young, I’m fifty yrs old & most people don’t think I am fifty, well
most of the times anyway. At times I feel a hundred & fifty only because I’m
playing the game which I don’t mind doing believe it or not.
Ps I’m amazed at how many blokes these days hug each other,
even some of the oldies are doing this out in public, things are a-changing.
The reply form Robbiesan is going to be interesting to say
the least.
The issue of illusions
is complex. IMHO there are no illusions, only things that are not what we think
they are at first. For example, the
proposition that time is an illusion is very widespread. In terms of this post,
one could argue that time is an illusion, but it is a real illusion. The
illusion really exists. A better way to
put it would be to say, Time is not what we think iut is.
Precisely cosmic rapture,
it’s a bit of a paradox, time exists but time is also an illusion because it’s
not all we are so the illusion exists but only in time. Time indeed is not what
we think it is just because we think this is all there is, we tend to look at
time as just a measurement but it’s much more, to what it is I’m not sure but
what I understand is nothing can be created without time.
Someone else had
trouble understanding this so I put it another way: Everything is pure
consciousness & because this pure consciousness isn't of time everything
has always existed however not in a physical way just in pure consciousness.
This is like our own
consciousness, we can think something but it doesn't become physical until we
put it into action.
This is what we are
doing in physical realities like this one, we are putting the pure
consciousness's thought into physical form instead of just thinking about it
but it doesn't make it an illusion in my mind.
To pure consciousness
time is the creator like our physical bodies create our thoughts, it’s not they
actually create our thoughts but our thoughts become created by our physicality
just like time creates the pure consciousness’s thoughts. The thing is just
because pure consciousness is being created in physical form doesn’t make it
all it is, that is the illusion!!
Not many people
actually understood this post but you got it spot on.