Written by Mathew Naismith
It's obvious to me that being aware gives
me a more accepting disposition, this in turn gives me a more placid existence,
this state however is only acquired if one is aware beyond certain conditionings
set down in the following.
I have observed that many people are
struggling with what is going on in the world at present, I have also observed
that others who ignore and /or separate themselves from these adversities, seem
content and placid, this is until they are themselves directly influenced by
these adversities adversely.
The following is but a guide to a more
aware and accepting placid existence.
~ Condition yourself to all of
what is going on in human consciousness, even to the adversities, this
will allow you to cope better with these adversities when they influence you.
Staying ignorant or separate to these adversities actually makes you a lot more
vulnerable than other people who are conditioned to these adversities. This however
doesn't mean you allow these adversities to condition you to become these
adversities, it means to only become aware of these adversities. You can be
within these adversities without being of these adversities.
~ Now this is a big one, try
not to judge what is wrong or right, good or bad, negative or positive, black
or white, this also means not to judge what is judged to be positive because
one will always create the other to the same extent. To also judge what is
positive, means there has to be a negative to compare a positive to, wouldn't
it be better if we didn't have a judged negative to begin with?
~ Observe instead of judging. A true observation will only observe a
difference without the separation of judgment, for example, one will observe what
is and isn't destructive without judging a positive or negative within this
observation. Observation means to become aware of your environment where judgment
means to stay ignorant to our environment. Observation also means to become
aware of all perceptions without bias, however, judgment means to stay ignorant
to any other perception but your own.
~ Now we come to love. Love naturally detracts from destructive
tendencies, this is because once a consciousness truly loves, it is quite
unable to destroy anything. A true sense of love is also of awareness, this is
the main reason why this kind of love is unable to be destructive for only in
ignorance can a consciousness destroy, a truly aware consciousness is unable to
express destructive tendencies, however......
~ It's wise to be also aware that human consciousness is conditioned
to abuse and misuse any trait that will seem to benefit it, religion,
spirituality, politics, materialism, are good examples of this abuse and misuse,
this abuse and misuse in turn will of course create extremes. Human
consciousness is but one journey with infinite paths to follow, however to make
things interesting, we also have a choice to evolve further from this human
consciousness or not.
~ Become aware that human consciousness is but one journey we are all
on no matter what path we are following, however, be also aware that another
consciousness that is evolving from human consciousness is developing. This
means that some of us will evolve and some of us won't and one consciousness
will become more constructive, the other more destructive and some people will
be comfortable with what is going on in the world at present, some people
won't, there are no wrong or rights with this.
~ Some of us are indeed splitting away from human consciousness, it's
likened to human consciousness forking of into a different journey to human
consciousness, however, don't get the idea that human consciousness isn't
ascending, human consciousness is ascending but it's not evolving into another
more aware consciousness. Human consciousness is ascending into a more
destructive consciousness, it's wise not to judge this as not being an
ascension because it's unbecoming in some way to us. Ascension isn't governed
by how a consciousness thinks and expresses itself, an ascending consciousness
only has to improve on itself, in anyway.
~ Indeed, the consciousness
that is evolving from human
consciousness, will once again entail infinite paths while this evolved
consciousness is but once again one journey, one consciousness. These paths
within this consciousness will be nothing like the paths that are followed in
human consciousness's journey, they will be quite different because the journey
(consciousness) will be different. One consciousness = journey, individual
consciousness's = paths, one journey being taken by many consciousness's on
different paths.
~ This new evolved consciousness will be very different to human
consciousness, try to let go of this human consciousness, this human
consciousness is ascending through technology and corruption but it's still a
consciousness that will never be truly aware and passive, it's purely unable to
for any length of time.
~ We don't just have a choice of paths to
experience, we now have a different journey to choose to experience our paths
through, it's indeed a lively time to exist as a 3rd dimensional consciousness.
~ One more thing, try not to judge each other, the journey you have
chosen to follow, either it be spiritual or materialistic, is but a journey,
one is not wrong or right over the other even though either side might have
disdain for the other!! There are of course people who have not judged one
journey being more worthy than the other, however, these people have observed
that one is more destructive than the other, in the end, you must go with what
you feel is the right journey for you to take.